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Weapon news from Italy

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In this thread I will post my (hasty) translation of a recent article by a (notorious) newspaper:
Please don't eat me alive. The article is biased as fuck. But it is also interesting because many people on /k/ ask what's the shooting scene in Italy.

I am not knowledgeable of gun laws, but things are pretty straightforward: aside from taking a course, paying for a licence, and getting a background check, if I remember correctly you can pretty much purchase what you want.

There is a distinction between owning a weapon (at home or in the wereabouts), carrying it (e.g. if you go hunting) and bearing it (e.g. if you are a security guard).

If you have questions, I can help you with some translations, but please understand I have little knowledge of the law so I will limit myself to Google, Wikipedia and some websites.

After posting the translation of the article I will post my comment on what's interesting and what's wrong about it.

Every contribution is welcome.

>The list is 8 pages long: in it you find the retired man, the unemployed one, the architect and the Regional public servant, the fishermen, the geologist, the chemist, and even the Councilman. All of them are lined up to shoot. Or, rather, to learn how to, get themselves a licence and rush to shop for the best weapon. Above all: handguns. Usually 9 Cal. That's now an everyday thing in Treviso. No shame but, actually, plenty of pride. "The State is absent -- tells us the Secretary of the Shooting Range -- it is also useless to call for the Gendramerie: when they show up, it is already too late". This is not a critique in itself, but the acknowledgment of powerlessness [on behalf of the authorities]. "Downtown there are only up to 4 Panthers [= Gendarmerie's cars], do you think it's enough?" He leaves with a sigh.


>So here's why the list grows day by day. Almost 2,000 enrollments at the via Fonderi Range, with a 30% subscription spike in the past months. Among the newcomers, up to 249 retirees, but also 8 pastry-makers and nine bakers. Many young people. Look at the "student" category: the disturbing number is 691; among them, 47 female students. Indeed, women. "Females are a category that is exponentially growing -- explains Lucio Zorzo, the president of one of the most ancient Italian shooting ranges --: in the past months many housewives enrolled, and even some mothers. They say they want to protect their kids and feel discriminated against". The explanation is always the same: security [safety?]. Not just shopkeepers, but also notable Venetian entrepreneurs and politicians. "These people -- explains Zorzo -- come over, but with discretion". After all, it is better not to be seen. "Quite often we open the range just for them. Two days ago we had a Regional public servant". At the shooting range, that's what they say: if the politics has been armed for years, it is civil society that has recently opted for self defense. "Almost nobody -- the secretary explains -- will ever use these weapons [for self defense]. But it is the ability to keep one at home that conveys a sense of safety". Many of these are retired men. "They tell us: we spend a lot of time alone, at home". 30% more in few months. "Among those who subscribe to our courses, the 90% later purchases a weapon".


>At the shooting range Cal 22 is used, the smallest one. Later on, however, anybody is free to buy the weapon they like. The price of a license is just 155 Euros. This scenario makes sellers rejoice. The Visentin shop in via dei Da Prata has opened just 3 months ago. "We sell a lot -- tells us Giorgio -- we've had at least a hundred requests". Best-selling weapons? "Handguns above all" and that's okay. Top2 is "the shotgun" because "it is very precise". Nobody doubts it, of course. The reason for such a purchase is always the same: security. What worries is that, by looking at the list of subscribers, there aren't just the types of citizens that are mostly at risk [e.g. because of their job], but basically everyone. Let's make an example: interior designer and painters, 42 teachers, 3 musicians and 3 psychologists. This would suffice to understand that here in Treviso, between Preganziol and Frescada, where once Fekuce Maniero and the Brenta gang ruled, people -- either correctly or not -- feel beseiged. [Brenta gang was the local "mafia", dismantled by the police about 20 years ago] Either with the Lega or without the Lega [Lega = notorious xenophobist federalist party]. In the whereabouts, the memories of the former 'cow-boy' mayor Giancarlo Gentilini are still vivid. Was he better [than the current one]? Well, nobody here in via Fonderia responds, but they all smile. Instead, the current mayor, Giovanni Manildo, explains: "The 30% spike is certainly alarming, but self-defense is not a solution; it is necessary for security to have citizen participation, but under the form of cooperating with public service. After all, Treviso is considered top4 safest city in Italy".


>However, daily news do not help [to make the picture clear]. Few weeks ago there was a shooting among the famrhouses of Faè, which is a suburb of Oderzo, few kilometres away from Treviso. It was the 5th of March when some burglars were scared away by gunshots. The shooter was a notable local entrepreneur, who responded to (his neighbour's) screams: "Sandro, rush here!, the thieves are at Maria's" -- so he went downstairs. "We rehearsed the Wild West, but at least these people understood what kind of welcome they should expect in case they want to come back". Before the events of Faè there occurred the case of Graziano Stacchio, the service station worker who, some weeks ago, shot two highwaymen, injurying one. He's been put under investigation for unintentional excess of self defence. This topic is becoming increasingly important. In fact, according to the recentmost CENSIS report, every 2 minutes in Italy a dwelling is burglared. The data, albeit surprising, do not take into account the consequences: in Treviso, fear is growing. "Gypsyes and Rom are around -- explains the President of the Shooting Range -- but there is also unemployment". Hence, the rush for weapons. The list increases. Everyone shoots: the dressmaker girl, the religious man, the shopkeeper, and even the agronomist.

Now, my first comment is about the style of the article.

Sometimes translation is hard because the Italian style of writing is something I would rather call: "doubletalk".

The problem with this style is that it is regarded as fashionable and easy to read if the writer alternates reports and summaries and does so by maintaining the same tone throughout the text.

The problem is we end up with interviews in which direct speech is interpolated with comments. Now, it is very hard to tell if the sentences out of inverted commas are comments by the journalists or summaries of further ideas by the interviewed person.

So, for example:
>Best-selling weapons? "Handguns above all" and that's okay.
Even as a native Italian speaker, my concern is: who the fuck says "and that's okay". Is the Journalist trying to make a witty remark or is he just reporting further speech?

This is why basically most Italian press sucks at telling stories. The "tale" is very interesting, but here you see a list of:
>reported speech
>journalist comments that cannot be distinguished from reported speech
>unclear intentions
>attempts to make moral remarks, but later attempts at objectivity

So, basically, all things considered this article is a fucking mess. After reading and translating it I am unable to tell what the goal of the article is (among the many):
>inform us of an increase in shooting range subscription
>raising awareness about the people's fear for their safety
>comparing the authorities' claim the town is secure with the people's rushing to weapon shops
>moral judgements about the fact self-defense is wrong and the spike in subscription is disturbing
>an underlying fairy-tale about how many rednecks there are in Treviso (man, the press loves this kind of stereotypical shit)
>trying to make the reader think: "OMG even housewives are armed!"
>some kind of gossiping or voyeuristic journalism

Now let's discuss the gun culture aspects of the province of Treviso.

First of all, we need some historical background (Italians love to provide historical background to everything and I am no exception to this).

>Treviso is a province of Veneto
>Veneto is the mainland of Venice
>Venice has been an independent Republic for almost 1,000 years up until Napoleon "exported democracy" to Italy, seized Venice and sold it to the "undemocratic" Austrian Empire, which kept Veneto until well after the creation of the Kingdom of Italy.
>Even when Veneto became fully part of Italy (1866), it remained a border region, together with Trentino and Friuli.
>It was invaded again by the Austrians in 1917, during WW1 when the Italian Army fucked up at Caporetto and let the invaders swarm into the Venetian plains.
>As such, Veneto became the theatre of war (see Hemingway for further English recounts) and fighting line
>Even during Fascism, Veneto's development lagged behind
>After WW2, North-West Italy experienced economic boom (1960s-70s), but Veneto's boom came later, that is, in 1970s-80s.
>Industrialized Veneto benefitted most from little industrial hubs, all of them gathering in the same areas.
>The Province of Treviso was full of these "craftmanship hubs". E.g. you had an area of shomakers (brands: Geox, Asolo), an area of dressmakers (brands: Sisley, Benetton), an area of white goods producers (DeLonghi, etc.), etc.
>But Veneto, and Treviso in particular, remained mainly agricultural, Midwest-style. So you have all those delicacies such as Prosecco, White Asparagus, Red Treviso Radish, etc.
>Consequently, the redneck meme ensued
>Regardless of its economic development, the best political produce of Veneto has been very recent and born out of dissatisfaction with Italian governments, usually dominated by Southerners and Westerners.
>Even in the 70s, Veneto was an abode of: independence movements, neo-fascists, federalists.
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All of this historical background is the reason why the Italian meme goes like this:
>Veneto is the Texas of Italy
Same population, smaller territory, similar history of independence, rednecks and weapons, relatively wealthy.
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But when you go to Treviso, you find the former mayor Giancarlo Gentilini was pic related.

So that's why the press goes to Treviso and obsessively investigates the habits of the province's weapon owners.
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Other pic of the same guy.
I agree he has bad trigger control.
These people don't hide their (relative) power level very well and give a bad name to the shooters' community of their land.
This greatly interests me. I may eventually study in Italy (to become a priest/Canon lawyer).
Can't un-/k/
Deo gratias
Where does all the icecream come from?
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But, in conclusion, the article is kinda correct:

>People in Treviso are already safe. One of the safest town.
>However, there is mistrust towards the public servants (police and gendarmerie)
>Treviso in general has a DIY culture even in matters of self-defence
>Burglaries are more common in Italy than assaults, and they are increasing
>People feel less safe in general, also thanks to the Right-wing Press that always blames migrants, and advertises threats to the public even when there is none, just to boost their political agenda
>Even so, Left-wingers in Italy have a morbid interest in limiting the ownership of weapon even if the murder rate of Italy is Australia-tier (and Italy has widespread mafia, for fucks sake... so this mean Italy is doing pretty well for a crime-ridden country)

All things considered, I like the idea people are flooding to gun courses to learn how to.
They are being taught safety matters as well as shooting basics. So people that purchase a firearm are guaranteed to have tried one few times before getting their own.

In my opinion, and as a conclusion to this local tirade I am offering /k/, I think the gun community in Treviso does not suck and is pretty active.
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Sicily, I guess.

You're welcome mate.
I hope you will find the nightlife interesting.
People are sometimes too concerned about pleasing you and look good... so you are likely to be pampered by your hosts, to the point of annoyance.
But they mean well.

Well, nobody will oust you if you want to keep up your hobby etc. I don't wanna say priests rule the country, but it's basically the biggest lobby in the whole nation. So they will make you feel at home and, actually, you might have access to things other people don't have access to.
Just don't touch our kids or we'll nip ya.
> Sicily

Excuse me for thinking it was the dolomites
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Lel... of course there's ice there.

Anyway, Granita is sicilian.
Gelato is surely southern stuff. So hot down there they had to come up with something.

They also made sorbetto, apparently.

Treviso invented spritz, btw.
Thanks for doing this OP

I wonder, how does the rise in gun ownership in this province compare to the rest of Italy
Cheers for the translation, really interesting.
Thanks. Let me have some coffee and I will try to get back to you with data from the National Bureau of Statistics. If I manage to find what you're asking.

Thank you. I like to share. :)

I'm writing a paper on the theology of violence. Hint: I'm not a pacifist. When it's done I'll post my arguemnts if ya'll want.
Man, this topic seems to me to be extremely interesting.
>9 Cal
so ~ 22mm...

>Almost nobody -- the secretary explains -- will ever use these weapons [for self defense]
Do you not have the right to self defense?

>but self-defense is not a solution;
Kill this man

>He's been put under investigation for unintentional excess of self defence.
Kill the state.

Fucking eruojews...

>>moral judgements about the fact self-defense is wrong and the spike in subscription is disturbing
Overthrow mussolini already, god damn.

I like this man. You italians may live another day.

This isn't 1790 pops, get with the times and learn how to shoot an autoloader.
I worry about you, paisanon... Are you taking your meds regularly, or are we having another one of your pills lapses?
Cool. I'll format it as a little seminar for /k/, so that they can learn about how to kill sand-niggers for Jesus, use violence in a protest, and other practical shit.
>22 mm
Unless the journalist is ignorant and means:

>self defense
Pretty much. But in my opinion is weak.
>Art. 17 of the Constitution says we have the right to freely gather in public, but without weapons. It doesn't say we cannot have weapons; it's just not a right.
>Art. 117 of the Constitution says that weapon and ammunition laws are exclusively managed by the State.
>However, Art. 2 says the Republic acknowledges and guarantees the inviolable rights of the man [human being], both as an individual and qua social forms through which (s)he expresses his/her personality.
>Art. 13 says personal freedom is inviolable
Weapons and arms are regulated by the Criminal code, which states:
>Art. 52 says you cannot be punished if you reacted for self-defense with means that are proportional to the threat.
They added an amendment, to specify that
>Shooting at burglars is not considered "excess of self-defence"
Threat is defined as:
>Threat to persons or to their properties

>Kill this man
He is just trying to stay afloat between pro-gunz and no-gunz. He, of course, thinks that defence should be guaranteed by the public service.

>Kill the state
Investigation resulted in no charges.
If the system works, fair enough: he got investigated and later no charges. That's cool. But there is a duty to investigate the matter, isn't there?

>Fucking eurojews

I don't see how that's related.

>I like this man.
But we have to hid our power level.
I'll tell you more about Giancarlo Gentilini:
>He proposed removal of benches so that tramps (usually foreigners) couldn't sleep on them
>He proposed to paint skulls on the roads to flag dangerous turns
>He proposed to deport every brown person around

>This isn't 1790
For fucks sake, that's just a pic.
There are many competitions so I don't feel like I have to defend this. My uncles go hunting, for example.
Make sure you print screen all of it, so there can be reposts.
>What you don't know
Do you know that in Italy there is a law that allows trespassing if you are a licenced hunter?

Farmers are greatly pissed of.
Farmers who are also hunters love it.

This law created a fucking conundrum between trespassing and actual hunting.

Problem is hunting reserves are small, and in serious parks you cannot hunt.
The rest of land is farmland, and we don't have "the wilderness" in Italy. Everything is owned by somebody... but people don't usually put fences.
the "goal" of the article is the same as the "goal" of all media articles...

...to sucker you in to thinking that the reporter is trying to be objective while subtly manipulating you into their narrative
>...to sucker you in to thinking that the reporter is trying to be objective while subtly manipulating you into their narrative
I agree.

Nevertheless, the goal of this Tripfag is the same as the goal of all Tripfags...

...to sucker you in to thinking the Tripfag is trying to make a relevant contribution to the thread, while subtly manipulating you into commenting and foster their ego.
I freely admit im shitposting

but if i want my ego stroked Ill post pics of my guns
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It's a bit late, but here's some data.

>187,000 Italians own firearms for the sole purpose of sporting activity

>397,384 Italians own firearms for the sole purpose of sporting activity

>Unclear how many long-guns and handguns are legally owned by Italians.

>There are official figures (given there is an official registry), but it is not publicly available.

>EURISPES, in 2008, estimated 10,000,000 weapons owned by about 4,000,000 families.

>There are 3 types of weapon licences: hunting, target shooting, self-defence.

>According to Viminale [i.e. Ministry of Interior] the number of people with licence to bear arms [not just own] has remained unchanged in the past 4-5 years; possibly with a slight decrease: about 1,100,000 people in 2014.

>In order to get a licence to bear arms, you need to undergo criminal checks and psychological checks, but the policies are not uniform and there are no standards for testing. There is a 2010 act, but it has not been fully implemented.

>In Italy, the market of non-military weapons is worth 800 millions Euros
>According to Anpam (National Association of Producers of Civilian and Sport Weaponry), all the satellite activities involve up to 8 billion Euros (in terms of cash flow)

>The most purchased firearms are semi-automatic 7.65 handguns and double-barrel over/under shotguns, but the demand is mainly driven by exports.

Sauce: http://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2015/04/13/news/strage_in_tribunale_quelle_pistole_raddoppiate_in_7_anni_cosi_l_italia_si_arma_con_il_trucco-111824978/
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>10,000,000 privately owned firearms
We are far from being in the top20 of gun ownership. But it is still 1 gun for every 6 people.
>la PRAVDA del movimento 5 stelle
Idiot detected because it is clear that my thread is critical of it, but you didn't bother to read.

>Didn't bother to read
You picked both.

No need to tell you're shitposting.
No wonder you are a virgin.
>anyone who disagrees with my worldview is a pathetic X

This is why you win no arguments and all your friends are dopey cunts.
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