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What function does the forward assist serve?

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File: forward assist.jpg (127KB, 1280x512px) Image search: [Google]
forward assist.jpg
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What function does the forward assist serve?
basically, if you ride the charging handle all the way forward, the bolt carrier may not go all the way forward. The forward assist lets you pop the carrier the rest of the way forward in case that happens.
To turn failures to go into battery into stuck cases or cause case separation.
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Is this proper usage of the forward assist?
yessir you know it is
If you place positive pressure on the forward assist while feathering the trigger you get automatic fire
Basically the equivalent of slapping the bolt handle forward on an AK to get it to lock properly. But since the AR has a non-reciprocating charging handle, you need another way to do that.
>Day 53 the Americans still don't realize that I'm an AK

What is this from anyway?
No clue.
What in the fuck, I never noticed this lol.

What in the fuckin fuck
Mag dump switch, if you've ever played Perfect Dark and used the cyclone's secondary fire it's the same concept.
Turbo button, you push it and it doubles the muzzle velocity of the gun.
>the meme that never dies
To push the bolt into battery in the event that for whatever reason it doesn't do it on its own after you hit the bolt release. This could be caused by simple dirt/fowling, a lack of lube, rougher ammunition like Tulammo, or an iffy mag.
Oh my christ
To add to this. If you're rappelling down a helicopter, you can get your charging handle caught up on something, pulling your bolt back slightly and potentially causing a malfunction. The FA easily fixes this.

You can also silently load a round into the chamber with it for whatever reason you may need to or fix your gun if you do a brass check with it.
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>mfw all the trolls in this thread

Since all these assclowns want to troll your ass...

It engages a cleaning of the gas system. You can't hurt the rifle by doing this so there is no "best time" or anything. You can do this anytime you like. This was intended as a sort of "battle cleaning" - quickly dislodge problematic carbon amidst a fire right (when you don't really have time to be oiling/punching/scrubbing).

Get a live round in the chamber. While pushing this button in with one of your thumbs, fire the round. Make sure it's pointed down range because the round does fire. It'll also take alittle force because the springs are usually stiff (alot of people don't use this cleaning method) - stupid civvys.

You're welcome.
To assist you in forwarding.
Pushes the bolt into battery if you ride the charging handle forward. Eugene Stoner did not see fit to include one with his original design, and expected you to use your finger.

Google "Stoner testimony congress forward assist" for more info.
No idea. Every time I have a failure to go into battery (rarely, but always after a mag change) the notches on the bolt do not line up with the forward assist, so it never fucking works.

Stupid design.
>having an AR this out of spec
>80% upper
>"ghost gun"
>doesn't fucking work
>"machined" with a drill press

Stoner got a lot of shit for stuff that other people did with his designs.
it's a pre-Remington Bushmaster

>implying having a shitty 80% lower has any effect on the upper receiver
>having a kindergarten reading level
What the fuck.
Yes you do, yaaay! Cmon buddy, it's nap time.
Yes, if press the forward assist while firing it gives you additional projectile velocity.
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>mfw only saw thumbnail on phone at first

Hory shit fucking kek
I am surprised how many people dont notice this.
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АК-74 vs М4 ice test.webm
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Supposedly it assists forward.
Looks like a bullshit test to me
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Man, the Russian media is such an insecure propaganda machine.

They are almost going back to soviet Russia levels of pulling shit out of their asses like the North Koreans and other 3rd world impotent dictators.

This is the nogunz identification device. It is there to assist you in identifying people who may be a danger to you or others, and those whose only knowledge of guns comes from video games. If they pull this, make a mental note not to allow them to shoot any of your funs until extensively re-educated.
A russian cop flick. They can't get a hold of AR prop guns (or they couldn't in the early 90's, at least ), so they ran with what they had and modified it as necessary.
Because its true, if a round doesnt chamber under the buffer spring pressure jamming it in there is going to do no good
I'm pretty sure you have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm ashamed I didn't notice this. Well done sir!
You're really bad at Interneting
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Hold the fuck up, that is an AK. Who made that monstrosity?
Every time you push it Eugene Stoner make one full revolution in his grave. He's hooked up to a generator and the power generated by idiots doing SPORTS currently powers the entire east coast. It's an energy independence scheme backdoored through the military industrial complex.
props department
It primes the gas system, you push it 3 times before you pull the charging handle.
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arsenal AK AR.jpg
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bulgarian propmasters with an abundance of AK's and a shortage of AR's.
What would happen if you held down your thumb on a forward assist when you fired it? Is the angle of the little ratcheting piece steep enough to sheer off? or would it just act like a short stroke piston and spook your thumb
If you're like most americans who experience the jamming piece of shit that is the AR-15. You actually have to hit this a lot.
Good thing I sold mine for a battle rifle. With a good consistent round that is always going to throw the right amount of powder back in the best caliber of all time.
This is its intended purpose. That's why cheaper m&p 15s and dpms rifles don't have this feature for cost cutting.
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>mfw I want to try this but I don't know if I can trust 4chan
It's a ruse, don't.
its for jamming dirty ammo into your bore, you naughty person, you
Fucking Wikipedia has your answer, don't trust all the trolls in this thread
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>How to break your rifle or your thumb
9/10 made me giggle while on the shitter at target
I wonder if there are Russian ameriboos who flooded the comment section going
>lol monkey model
>Probably just a shitty kit gun
>Let me know when you get one made by Colt in America, fags
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