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Self Defense thread

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>just shot someone in self defense

What is the proper way to deal with this situation starting at the moment the threat is neutralized. Starting at the exact moment the last bullet leaves the gun to when you leave the police station. Where do you put your gun after you have shot the threat? what do you say to police? etc. etc.

Any good videos on the subject?
contact the police immediately telling them what happened. make sure you give your description. put the gun down and move away from it. when the police arrive do not move and keep your hands visible as dispatch may have only told us that some one has been shot. tell the IO exactly what happened (the whole truth) and chances are you will not even have to see the inside of a police station.
Make sure you tip your officers.

oh, wait not that last one i guess.
Make sure you kill them dead.
Everything this anon said except don't talk to the police. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc

Assuming you had your phone with an open connection to 911 at the time, you already have shown the police all they need to know.

You talk to your lawyer, your lawyer will tell the police what they need to know: nothing but the evidence which has been provided.



Your lawyer knows how to deal with the police and is not as vulnerable to emotion as you are.

anon here, so what if you don't have time to get to a phone? just tell them to look around and see what they can find? I should at least tell them the bare facts while being very careful about the way I talk to them? It would seem me that I would be wise to not sign anything but at least tell them I killed in self defense and not to get specific in the facts. Stay quiet in the station (completely silent) and wait till my lawyer comes to represent me

If you do not have time to get to a phone and provide an impartial recording through the 911 service, you should tell them that you are consulting with legal counsel before talking to the police, as is your right, and do not wish to answer any questions at this time.

Anything you say to the police can and will be used against you in a court of law, whether you did everything by the book or not.

To add to this: we often assume from police/detective shows that invoking your right to remain silent is a sign of guilt, but the police can get you to say things that are not objectively true and are not beneficial to you if you let them interrogate you.

People underestimate the police but do not underestimate the advantage of having time to interrogate someone who, themselves, does not have time to rest.

Invoke your right to remain silent every time. Invoke it repeatedly. Do not talk after invoking it other than to invoke it again.

Another note: you can and will be quoted out of context to damage your reputation in the court room.

One outburst in the interrogation room can undermine your credibility, but the jury doesn't see that you were in the interrogation room for hours and the police were resting and powwowing about how to fuck you.

Always invoke. Don't talk to people in the jail about your incarceration.

You're in for nothing. You're an innocent man just like one of the other thousands of people saying they're innocent. You're a square john. Square Johns go home if they didn't do anything. Chatterboxes go to prison whether they did anything or not.
I would not put the gun down and walk away from it that is fucking dumb. That is literally your only means of defense until police are there with you. You shoot Jamal because he pulled a gun in the 711 your in. And you call the cops and walk away from your gun. Now Jamal s getaway driver Tyrone told his friends who live 3 seconds away who decide to do a drive by on the 711. And your gun is on the floor over there while you stand there like a lemon.
Just reload your gun if you have spare mags and need to and reholster. If the police are only told someone was shot and they arrive they won't know you have a gun because it is properly concealed in your holster and then you can talk to them and let them know the gist of what happened and you are armed. I think the whole idea of set the gun on the ground is so that it is not in your hands while police arrive and they don't shoot you but reholstering makes way more sense because it leaves you armed should there be more issues.

>I just survived this event because I had my gun
>better set it on the ground so someone else can pick it up and shoot me
>better set this on the ground for when Jamals accomplices enter the store because they heard gunshots I can say no I didn't do nuffin look my gun is on the floor over there how could I have been the one that shot him
Call police and say you feared for your life. Then say nothing else.
If you're on the phone with 911 as it goes down
>stop! Stop! Help!!

If you're calling them after the fact
>I've been involved in a self defense shooting. My name is ___ and I am at [location] and I am wearing _____.

Make sure no one steps onto the crime scene. Don't let anyone touch anything. Tyrones nig buddies could snatch up his hi point when you aren't watching.

I'd keep the gun on me until the police arrive, then I'd try to drop the mag, lock the slide and kick it away

That's what I have always thought / been told
>irrelevant trip
>not having the gun on the ground when the police arrive
after shot don't touch it, you don't want to freak them out, it will make shit worse.

Your hands should be in the air. You should be on 911 (preferably on speaker), stay on 911/with the dispatcher.

You want the cops coming to know what you look like, where your hands are, and if anyone starts attacking you in the mean time while you're making yourself not look like a threat at all, you'll at least win that lawsuit/court case.
>do not talk to cops
>take a ton of pictures
>after the case is over post them on /k/
>also masturbate to judy hopps
This is how you do this.
>someone tries to shoot you
>shoot him first
>then call other people who might shoot you

Isnt it sad that gun owners are so terrified of defending themselves because they might be shot or imprisoned after if they havent bent over and buttered their asshole properly

Reminds me of a story.

A coworker at the liquor store i worked at (an older gentleman) wanted a revolver because it wouldn't drop the casings on the ground and would leave less evidence.

I advised him about the legal responsibility to report the shooting, but he just chuckled and reminded me that he was like sixty.

So I tipped my hat to him and advised him on a few good brands of sixguns.
>tossing evidence on the ground before it's absolutely necessary.

Yeah, no. I'd rather leave it holstered with my hands sky high than leave it there

Throwing a gun's a terrible idea. If you're going to set your weapon aside, you should unload it, lock the chamber open, and keep the ammunition apart from the weapon.

If you're permitted to carry a weapon, the police will tolerate you having the ammunition on you if the weapon is holstered separate from it or on the ground next to you.

was going to post this.

especially true if you're in a self defense situation where you used lethal force. your fucking door could be kicked in, the guy's semen in your wife/gf, and you have a knife wound from a knife with his prints and this video would be right.
I figured if it's not in the ground, mags out slide open in the holster is good. That way when they get close they can see it's obvious it's not loaded and you have no issues
I'll be watching over my bro's house as he's off on his homeymoon in a couple of week. They don't exactly live in a safest part of town so he's pretty stocked up. 2 SKSs, a Nugget, 2 AR-15s, 2 9mm Glocks, and a good ol' fashion 12 Gauge shot gun with large game shot in it.

Which would be best for taking out an intruder, and if possible without killing him? I'm an avid believer in self-defense, but I would like to avoid killing him unless absolutely necessary.
>If you're permitted to carry a weapon
so, like the right guaranteed in the second amendment?

The shotgun with bird shot would probably be your best bet to minimize damage to the intruder and the property.

I would advise just barricading the doors and windows as best you can if you don't want to kill an intruder.

Not all states permit carry unless you have a permit.

The Second Amendment (sadly) is not a permit to carry outside of your home.
While personally I never want to kill anyone even someone with ill intentions. I know that I'm better off killing in self defense than shooting to wound in self defense. Seriously man please don't shoot to wound. Shoot to stop which usually means the shot will be fatal either immediately or soon after. If you shoot them with non lethal bean bag rounds it is still extremely serious and you can get into serious legal troubles both in criminal and civil court when D'Andre sues you. Look up a few cases where the defensive shooter shoots to wound or just where the BG survives and the shooter gets in trouble
My bro already has his backdoor barricaded and I plan on doing the same for the front. The windows will be a problem though as his place sits on an incline. the front windows are 15ft off the ground and the back windows are pretty high up as well.
What's a good revolver to carry

I like .357 because of my below average phallus

Secured doors and windows are king in home defense.

Most people give up once the door doesn't give.
Call 911. Inform them what happened. Re holster your weapon. Don't talk to the police.
The Judge.
Fuck the judge and go for the governor.
>shoots .410ga, 45 long colt, AND 45acp with moon clips.
AR 15 and glock is what I'd say.

Shotguns are room for short stroking and the sks and nagant aren't exactly fast to reload / operate
Also, it's great to not want to kill someone, but if you're using a gun, it's to kill.

If you're truly against killing an intruder (for whatever personal reason) then a bat is your option and I'd honestly never go the route of non lethal.

Good luck m80
I don't even live near him
Well get to walking. That shot shell ain't gonna suck it's self.
My home defense:

>springfield 1911
>rem 870
>AR-15 (though I doubt I would ever use it. unless in an fantasy time siege by the BLM)

between the 1911 or 870 is pretty much room i would be in if a home invasion occurred would be which one I used. but to continue on with my fantasy land BLM home invasion, I use the 1911 or 870 to get to the AR15 and its 30rd mags.

concealed carry defense:

> springfield XDS .45

Feel free to rate my collection
Do you even acknowledge that you shot your gun and hit the attacker? This part confuses me. What exactly do you say to the police and 911 dispatcher?
"I was in a self defense shooting and need help.

My name is ___ I am at _____ and I am wearing ____. Please hurry. I am afraid"
Well as I said i'm not against killing him if it comes down to either me or him, but If I can settle it without having to kill him so much the better. No one wants the feeling of having ended a human life carried around with them for the rest of their life.
Oh I totally agree. I don't want to kill anyone either and most people don't.

I'm just saying, be shooting to kill, not wound
If you shoot him WITH ANYTHING, you can be charged with wrongful use of deadly force and pay through the nose for Tyrone's medical bills and pain/suffering along with losing your 2nd amendment rights and a whole host of other misfortunes. I agree, I wouldn't want to kill another man unless he was trying to kill me, but in a self defense situation I'm going to kill the attacker 100% of the time unless he gets me first. There's just too much at stake if I don't.
Plus that leaves my melatonin enriched friend to come back with his buddies for Revenge of Tyrone: The blackening. I'd rather not see that sequel.
Melanin enriched friend**
I live in a shitty country, crime is pretty common.

There's no kids in the house. I have a Mossberg 500 under my side of the bed. Only other person in the house is my girlfriend, she's not a huge gun fan or anything but she knows that it's always loaded and not a fucking toy. If a couple with kids visits, we ALWAYS lock the bedroom door.

Now, assuming I hear something in my front yard at night;

>Grab gun
>Girlfriend goes to an inner room with no windows (bathroom) and will lock it if she hears anything
>Stand a couple feet to the side of a windows
>Loudly ask "Who's there?"
>If I get no response for a long while, I peek quickly before popping back behind the wall
>If I see someone within the fence sorrounding our property, it's go time
>Rack the Mossberg and make sure they hear it
>Yell this time "I'M ARMED, GET OUT OR I SHOOT"
>House has only one feasible entry point, the front door (all houses in this country have extremely secure decorative metal bars over the windows)

I know the whole "rack the shotgun" thing is usually terrible and dangerous, but I absolutely have to rely on trying to scare them off. Self defense laws here are ridiculous; it's not self defense if you shoot a person in a room that's not your bedroom, even if the intruder threatens you and is armed. People HAVE been charged with murder for shooting a violent armed nigger, because it happened in the living room.

I absolutely WILL shoot if they don't flee, but I'd go to jail for it almost certainly.

That's fucking absurd. I can't fathom a more cucked system of laws. I don't really have a yard to defend, but in Indiana if your home is breached, you're allowed to do what you need to do defend yourself and yours.

I still would treat a police "interview" with this precaution >>29412282. But here as long as you don't say something stupid or in the heat of emotion to the police, our laws will be on the defender's side.
Assume that there is always one more threat.
You guys forgot an important part:

File a criminal complaint against the attacker, even if he's no longer breathing
Lock all your exterior doors. If you have a live intruder, you make that fucker get down on the ground with legs crossed and hands on his head. Don't take your sights off him. If you try patting him down he might try to overpower you, just keep him on the ground at a distance and DO NOT take your sights off him. Do not let him go. If you let him go, he'll come back a couple of days later, and he'll be looking for blood instead of valuables.

Contact the police. Tell them that you've been involved in a self-defense shooting, your location, name, what you're wearing. Tell them that the doors are locked and to please announce themselves. If you're holding onto a live nigger while the cops are coming, tell them that one of the intruders is still in your house but has surrendered.

If somebody's with you, use a phone or camera or anything, and take a shitload of pictures of EVERYTHING. Go ham, the more the better. This can be valuable evidence in your favor later on.

When you hear the cops pull up, unlock your front door. In case of live nigger, this is when you prop your gun against the wall right next to you, quickly make sure it is indeed a cop car that just pulled up, and then eyes on the nigger again. When they knock, open the door, step aside, put your hands in the air; in case of live nigger, immediately step away from the weapon and inform the officers of it's existence in case they didn't see it.

You're done. Call your lawyer, don't talk to cops. Not a word.

1. Call the police, explain to them what happened, where you are, that you are armed, what you look like, and what you're wearing

2. Immediately call your attorney, or google very quickly for an attorney with experience in firearms, at a minimum violent crime defense in your area if you don't have an attorney.

3. When the police arrive give them your ID, carry permit if you have one, surrender your weapon if asked to and repeat "My life was in danger. I do not wish to make a statement at this time. I do not wish to answer questions at this time. I would like to wait for/speak to my/an attorney." every time the police try to ask you anything past who you are and where your gun is.

I don't care how much smoke you want to blow about your state being self defense friendly. If you fucking shoot someone and one of your immediate instincts is not to retain counsel you're a fucking idiot.
>the Christian community was upset she exercised the 5th amendment
why? I'm a pretty devout Christian and I don't see why this would be an issue.

Blah blah blah, you who have nothing to hide hide nothing, God would protect anyone who told the truth, etc.
Anon, we all know you're a felon.
Report the shooting to the Police immediately. Do not say anything to them other than I feared for my life.

If it goes further, you will need an Attorney to speak for you.
It is in my state buddy, open carry is guaranteed under state and federal law.
It's because the 5th Amendment is often taught to people as "It means you're guilty, but the court can't treat it as a confession."
>without killing him
SKS with M43 ball
These are two of the very best videos about when and how to use lethal force in self defense:



Everyone should watch them. Ayoob's also got some great books too, that are a must read for people who are serious about self-defense shooting, and especially carrying a concealed weapon.

Take this with a grain of salt. If you shoot someone and don't explain why you killed them, you're going to be arrested and likely charged. The only person that benefits from that are the lawyers trying to convince you to do it. What you should learn from this is that when you're being investigated, police are not your friends. At the same time, the more the system gets its claws in you, the better for the lawyers.

In a good shoot you give the police a very generalized story (he broke in, I felt that he was going to kill me, I defended myself), point out any evidence that supports your claim, and then tell them you'll give a complete statement after talking to your lawyer.
What is so appealing about Judy?

The rabbit is not for sexual.
Using a full powered rifle or shotgun in home defense scenario seems like a good way to say goodbye to your hearing forever.
So if suppressors are not a possibility (due to laws/availability), what would be a suitable caliber/load for an HD pistol to still allow for some situational awareness? Obviously a light mount is a must.
Look at this faggot, thinking everyone knows what state he's from. Go be a peter puffer somewhere else.

>not for sexual
Even Francine was for sexual.
I don't think that a possible murder charge is a good time to a pull a "AM I BEING DETAINED" for no fucking reason
Don't talk to pigs. They aren't interested in what happened, only in clearing the case. Tell them you'll answer their questions with your lawyer present.

If the immensely, overwhelmingly, statistically unlikely occurrence arises where you are the victim of an at-home burglary where the intruders don't retreat the second they figure out someone is home, have actual intent to harm, and which results in a violent firearm involved confrontation what load you're using and your hearing protection is going to be the last thing you're worried about.

Check your fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and CO monitors. You do have those right? Or are you more worried about being made fun of by the other tactical kids when something never happens?
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Jesus freaks think their imaginary friend will protect them, regardless of what they say.
Protip: he won't.
.45 Auto is subsonic.

It'll still be loud, but at least no sonic boom two feet from your face. That said, get a good pair of electronic muffs and you'll be fine.
>That said, get a good pair of electronic muffs and you'll be fine.

This has gotten in my craw in the past few days as I gave home defense a thought. If you were to wear electronic muffs if you knew someone had invaded your house, could that not reflect poorly on you in the investigation? It could give the appearance that you began the scenario with the INTENT to shoot someone.

The main defenses to this, should that occur, would be that electronic muffs can actually enhance your hearing, and you were using that enhancement to better pinpoint where the invader was in the house so you would not be surprised.

Alternatively, just take them off after the fact and don't say a fucking word about having used them.
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