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Your own armed forces

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Thread replies: 62
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If you had your own country, what kinds of weapons would it's armed forces have at their disposal? What about vehicles and aircraft? For example, a list of firearms used by Astrachian Armed Forces:

>Beretta 92FS (Army and Navy)
>Colt 1911 (Marine Corps)
>Sig P226 (Air force, experimental)
>H&K USP (.45 for Special Forces, .40 S&W for Federal Guard)

Assault/Battle rifles
>M16 (A1 for Air Force, A3 for Army, A4 for Marine Corps and Navy) Carbine variants are also used
>FN SCAR (-H with Army, -L in small numbers with Marine Corps)
>MK14 (Battle rifle/DMR multi-role, all branches)
>SA80 (L85 and L86 variants for Air Force, special purpose weapon)

>MP5 (A2 & K variants, all branches)
>H&K UMP (.45 ACP in limited service in Marine Corps, 9mm in experimental use in Army)
>PP-2000 (experimental use in Air Force, to be issued for fighter pilots)

Machine Guns
>M60 (Base model in the army, E4 in infantry use Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force, occasionally mounted on the side of helicopters)
>FN Minimi (Experimental squad-level use in the Marine Corps)
>FN MAG (Limited infantry use in the Army, mounted coaxially on vehicles)
>M2 Browning (mounted on top of vehicles)
>M134 Minigun (Mounted on the sides of helicopters)

DMR/Sniper rifles
>SR25 (Medium-range DMR, used by the Army and the Navy)
>SVD (Long-range DMR, select use by Marine Corps)
>Remington 700 (Standard in all branches)
>Barrett M82 (Used by Navy)
>Barrett M98B (Limited use by Marine Corps)

>Remington 870 MCS (Standard issue)
>Benelli M4 (Limited used by Marine Corps)

Explosive ordnance/other equipment
>M203 (Standard issue, planned to be replaced by M320 in the future)
>RPG-7V2 (Standard issue)
>SA-18 (Used by the Army)
>DH-5 fragmentation grenade (Local variation of the M67)

Why would you have multiple different weapons all serving the same purpose? Standardisation not even once.
He got the wrong kind of autism.
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My county would be an island and focus almost one hundred percent of its war effort on navel/air power.
What do you mean with "same purpose"?
My country would also be U.S. puppet for free weapons/technology and to be on the winning side of wars.
Have fun with your Africa-tier economy
Why? my country would be close allies with the U.S. and would do a lot of trade with them. It would also be mostly whites.
Fuck off autism Fin.
And my county would produce anime as well so it would be relevant and have a lot of tourism especially since controlled prostitution and marijuana would be legal.
These reasons automatically makes it the coolest island nation on planet earth. Not to meantion there would be tons of gold and oil in my island and it would also abide by the U.S. Constitution.
That of course goes along with all the rights guns included.
Pistol : something chambered in a armor piercing cartridge replacing 9mm
PDW : something in that same caliber
Assault rifle : something chambered in a 6.5 caliber cartridge replacing both .223 and .308
DMR : same thing with same caliber, only longer barrel match barrel and better trigger, with a good optic
LMG : something chambered in the same caliber
GPMG and HMG : something chambered in .338lm
Sniper rifle : some bolt action chambered in .338lm
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Everything would be in .45-70, God's own cartridge
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Since I've done this before

Side Arm:
Inglis Hi Power

MP5 Variants!

Standard Issue Rifle:
FN Rifles in real FN NATO

Squad Level Support Weapon
FN HBAR (pic related)

Platoon Level Support Weapon:
The M60 as well as the M2 Browning on a tripod for mechanized forces.

Man Portable AT Weapons:
M72 LAW (one per 8 man squad)
Carl Gustav Reccoilless Rifles as a heavier AT weapon.
We shall also have stingers to shoot down attack helicopters like the good old days.

Tanks would be M60 Patton Tanks.
APC's would be M113's with M2's
Jeeps would be G-Wagons

And our troops would wear OD uniforms. Also like the good old days.
Desert Eagle w/ Muzzle brake, .50 AE

P90, .45ACP

Standard Issue Rifle:
IMI Galil ARM, .50 BMG

Squad Level Support Weapon:
PKM, .500 Nitro Express

Platoon Level Support Weapon:
Phalanx CIWS in a large backpack that shoots 40mm grenades

Man Portable AT Weapons:
Rocket launchers that shoot chainsaws
Javelins that shoot microwaves

Tanks, APCs, and Jeeps:
AT-AT's, those big things in Star wars that the Jawas drive, and Lincoln Navigator limousines

Troops would wear attire similar to period-correct re-enactment of the original Miami Vice
then we can call ourselves a developing country and get millions in relief and put it towards manufacturing shoes for adidas, like any other third-world company.
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Sig Sauer, Sig Sauer everywhere.
woops, i forgot to mention vehicles.
flintstone cars.
me being the great leader, i am gifted with flight from the sun god (debatable by heretics).
Stop giving this retard responses.
U mad?
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You have made this thread before and like the first time, I will say again.
How bad is your autism? Because you don't even standardize a SIDEARM. You just throw in a fuckload of guns into the mix. What happens when your soldiers need ammo and your dumbass gets so confused caliber wise that you end up sending 7.62x39 to someone who needs x51?

Worst kind of autism.
Harder to get confused, when you're properly organized. And if with the 7.62x39 you refer to the SVD, it's used in very small numbers by the Marines on very specific type of a mission, so if a paratrooper unit requested 7.62's, it's unlikely they carried any SVD's, except maybe if one was taken on the field. Also, it's planned new SVD's brought into service would be chambered in x51. And of the sidearms, the Beretta is used by the majority of troops, and its workings are taught in basic training (which here is done before entering service in a specific branch) along with the M16A3. the 1911 is only used by Marines, for one reason because they've had it easier to resupply with .45's with their home base being closer to a factory that manufactures them (this also boosts local economy), and the fact all 1911's other branches stopped using in the 90's would have been a waste to simply dispose of.And 226 is in experimental phase, not sure who they plan to equip them with, possibly fighter pilots.
>he's legitimately autistic
>like, medically diagnosed autistic
Listen dude, nobody fucking likes you
Just leave
Just wondering, do you even know what autism is?
Republic of Sidemagistan

Sig P220
Pistolized Sterling

FG-42 in .270 Brit
FG-42 carbine in .270 Brit

Issue some extended magazines for the FG, enabling anyone to use it as a SAW
PK style MG in .338 Norma Magnum

Rape Whistle
Sterling SMG

Hotter loaded .270 Brit on a scoped FG-42
Some mauser-like rifle in .338 Norma Magnum or so
M107 because you just kinda have to have that

who cares

M320 type grenade launcher, issued on a carbine FG-42.
Some other shit like hand grenades, recoilless rifles and manpads you know the drill
>everybody's sidearm
Glock 17
>everybody's rifle
>everybody's DMR
FN M16A3 with a S&B Short Dot and freefloat handguard plus bipod
>everybody's precision rifle
Cheyenne Tactical M300 CF
>everybody's LMG
FN Minimi
>everybody's GPMG
FN M240L
>everybody's HMG

SOF will be given unilateral discretion to buy what they feel works the best and will have dedicated support units, so if they decide they really need 6.5CBJ/.338whisper/.14 Squirrel they can get it delivered to them

There. Simple and effective.
>hey we need a precision rifle
>different branches have 5 different rifles shooting 5 different calibers and none of them have a single fucking part interchangeable between them
5 different rifles firing 5 different calibers fulfilling the same role
Each of the precision rifle was adopted to fit certain needs
>Remington 700 is the only one adopted with no special task other than long-range sniping in mind (chambered in 7.62x51mm)
>SR-25 was adopted as a DMR to eventually replace the MK14, which in turn is still in use because we have spare parts for it, so it would be wasteful to dispose of them
>SVD is used by Marine snipers that go on operations (possibly) alone for longer periods of time, considering the Kalashnikov models being somewhat easier to maintain than ARs
>M82 was adopted for naval usage, implied by "(Used by Navy)", to provide precision fire at smaller targets in situations where a cruise missile or 100mm shells would be too much
>M98B was adopted by Marines in small numbers for long-range sniping, with the .338 Lapua Magnum rounds
So not the exact same role, but I see where you were going with that
>his standard issue LMG is not a Johnson
You dun goofed.
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>Kalashnikov model
Well, based on the same model, at least.
Technically all beltfeds feed from the side, so the PK qualifies!
Besides, the FG-42 already has open bolt full auto.
Now I know for sure this is bait.
No, just no.
>workings are taught in basic training (which here is done before entering service
You realize your country isn't real, right? Like, wherever you are right now, it isn't ass-trachea.
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War economy best economy
Aren't the SVD's based on the Kalashnikov? Did I miss something?

Yes, I know. Like I've said many times, this is just a hobby.
I see, I thought that all of them were supposed to be fed by a side magazine, not just from the side.
I clone .338 lapua and make that standard issue for everyone with cloned/rebored FN rifles/machineguns

Clone a CZ and make a STEN/Grease Gun style cheap shit SMG for whoever the fuck feels like they need them/Is too pussy for an obrez'd .338 FAL, both chambered in 10mm Auto

I make a fortune selling .338 Lapua and 10mm Auto onto the US market fresh from third world shithole's nationalized munitions factories, made by third world children FOR third world children
Checked Wikipedia, I stand corrected
>this is just a hobby.

You poor bastard, if I had a son like you I would drown it.
So having a hobby is bad?
Sidearm: Glock 17
AR: Rk 62 (Finnish AK-47)
GPMG: UKM-2000 (Polish PK)

APC: Patria AMV

MBT: ??? Are surplus M-60's available for refurbishment and modernization?

Air Superiority Fighter: Mirage 2000. Assuming the current round of Rafale sales go through, one can assume a good number of M2000's will be leaving service over the next decade. Our fledgling nation would acquire these M2000's and hand them over to Isreal for refurbishment and modernization. AESA, AMRAAM and Python 5 should get the job done.

Multi-role fighter: KAI FA-50. Cheap, effective and available. Low support costs and capable of carrying all manner of Western munitions. The only significant known issue with the FA-50 would be its lack of SEAD capability, but that could likely be retrofitted by a 3rd party.
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Hobbies are a great thing to have, imagining yourself the leader of a nation then autistically micromanaging it is Chris-Chan tier. Once or twice is forgivable but this thread appears all the time and is now just plain sad, you refuse to accept that your shit military is a logistical nightmare.
Officers are not to be trusted with firearms


M1919 (7.62)


Done and done.

>small arms
Federation of South Africa (A state that seceded from the Republic of South Africa [basically the 50% of the country that actually functions])

>Vektor SP1 (Licensed production Beretta 92FS derivatives)
>H&K USP tactical for Special Forces

Assault rifles
>C7NLD as service rifle
>C8SFW Carbines for Special Forces


Machine Guns
>Vektor Mini-SS as LMG
>Vektor SS-77 as GPMG
>M2 Browning as HMG

DMR/Sniper rifles
>R1/R2 modernized and accurized rifles
>Accuracy International AWM as standard sniper rifle
>NTW-20 as anti-materiel rifle

>Remington 870

Explosive ordnance/other equipment
>Milkor 40mm UBGL
>Milkor Y2 MGL
>Milkor Y3 AGL
>HG85 fragmentation grenade
>Carl Gustav M3/4 for section/platoon level anti-armour use
>Denel ZT3A2 IPLS ATGM for anti-tank use
>Starstreak HVM for MANPAD use
Well, to be fair, this isn't my only hobby. And I just think all countries logistics work differently, considering how many nations have many different calibers and individual firearms, I guess I just don't consider some of these rants (entirely) valid
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I hope you kill yourself soon.
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Here's another reason I don't take the rants seriously. When I justify my actions, I get some kind of edgy response.
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>having a muhreen corps
[tips cover]
every fucking week
every fucking week this asshole posts the same shit
every fucking week this asshole posts the same shit and expects something different
every fucking week this asshole posts the same shit and expects something different and he gets the same responses
Every fucking week this asshole posts the same shit and expects something different and he gets the same responses and doesn't fucking change
Every fucking week this asshole posts the same shit and expects something different and he gets the same responses and doesn't fucking change not once

so fuck you
fuck your shoes
fuck your shirt
fuck the pants you're wearing
fuck your mother
fuck your father
fuck any of your pets
fuck your haircut
fuck your autism spectrum disorder suffering brain
fuck your house
fuck your siblings
fuck your grandparents
and finally

Fuck you
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The Royal Niggastan Army

>Standard Sidearm
Nambu Type A

>Standard Rifle

Maxim on wheels like the Russians had in WW2

>Marksman Rifle
Dreyse Needle Gun with a reflex sight

>Explosive Ordnance
Glock 17
Molotov Cocktails

Toyota Hilux (Motorized)
Toyota Hilux with an armed nig in the bed (Armed motorized)
Universal Carrier (APC)
Renault FT (MBT)

Flying is strictly prohibited by the Dindunoffings, the main tribe in Niggastan

Pic related, the royal cheeto camoflauge
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Standard rifle AK in 5.56x45 Stanag compatible. In a pinch any stanag rifle.

Designated hitter
G3 in .308

Saw. 5.56

MG3 .308

M2 .50 bmg
>Designated hitter
Interesting way to differentiate roles
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Any reason why you want to invade belly button, anon?
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