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/meg/ Military Enlistment General

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/meg/-Military Enlistment General

/Pol/acks fuck off edition

>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.


For Ranger info, obviously.

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

OP template

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?

Ask questions, get advice from retards on how to lie on the poly, bitch about recruiters, accuse each other of stolen valor, just keep it in this general.
Use the IRC pussies
tell me about 14T, will i get to crash planes with no survivors?
48G, are you familiar at all with the process of applying to USMA as an active duty enlisted soldier? I'm trying to get some information on this but there's not a whole lot on the internet other than their website, which avoids specifics.
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Hey guys, need some help here. I'm part of an alt-right group, due to some friends and there is guy claiming to be an ex-marine, and his story just rubs me the wrong way. He can't name a specific MOS number when I ask him about it (He just says truck driver), and he claims his service for for just 3 years. I feel like I'm being a little paranoid, but when I asked him what his unit was he responded that he wasn't really allowed to talk about that. Am I just being paranoid or something up here? Image unrelated.
How and why would that make you paranoid?
I just really don't know the inner-workings of the military, and stuff like this, and I don't want to open wounds with this group (They're all pretty chill except for this guy).
Well he's either telling the truth and is just dumb, or he has mental issues like every case of stolen valor ever.
Either way I don't see it being a major concern, just avoid the guy.
Or call him out and record it and make some youtube bux$
thanks senpai. Yea I'll try avoiding him.
If I fill out the paperwork to enlist, are they gonna go all NSA on me and find out that I dislike big government and fap to furry shota scat porn?

Absolutely inexcusable.
Nah, but really, it's mostly just horse dicks and the occasional futa.
agreed, kill yourself
no, seriously
Okay, that's much better.

To be honest senpai I've got some pretty inexcusable stuff on the track record too. No gross fetishes just increasing depraved and a little depressing.

Come on man lighten up
I don't think they give a shit
Did the Rangers use tanks in Vietnam?
My grandpa's brother was a Ranger, and I've heard he was a door gunner in a Huey for a while, and then was the top gunner in a M60. Does this seem possible?

In addition to the normal application process, it used to be that once a year units could recommend Soldiers directly via a board process. I'm not sure if that went away or not. I'm looking through ALARACTs to try and find it. The most recent one is from 2012:


In 3ID, we never had enough people apply for any of these programs, and nearly everyone who met the qualifications would get it. I've heard similar from other units.
Active Duty USMC here

I'm like eight months to my EAS and I'm panicking trying to figure out what to do with my life. Looking through the Army's MOS manual it looks like a bunch of gay POG bullshit.

Is enlisting as an 11B more or less the same shit as being a 0311? What about as an E-5? Will I be insulated from a lot of the retardation as an NCO?
Use the G.I Bill and get yourself a fucking education and move on with life.
If you go army you'll become E4 again but if you deployed and know your shit you'll probably go to the board very soon.

Unless you're already infantry you'll get tons of shit.

As an 11b I love working with marines. I've learned 2 recon knots and some good tips from marine infantry.
can't, the only things in life that interest me are shooting, night vision, suppressors and machine guns, there's no point in being a civilian I won't have any more free toys to play with

>become an E-4 again
Why? Just curious, common myth is that they promote you.
I was looking at the Army's website and it lists jobs that "may have up to $40,000 in bonuses". How true is this? The Air Force website doesn't show jobs with bonuses and I'm torn between which of those two branches to join.
>Why? Just curious, common myth is that they promote you.

Check with a recruiter, but you should keep your existing grade and date of rank so long as you're e-5 and below.
Join the Army if you want to split your time between doing nothing and getting shot at, join the Air Force if you want to split your time between doing desk work and watching other people do super cool shit.
do enlisted have to salute officers of different branches?
i got a 40k bonus for 14T
>what are POGs
Why not try some SOF? MARSOC, Rangers maybe?
>wanting to be a pogue
>not getting technical skills and a degree, getting swole and then doing doorkicker shit if you feel like it when you reenlist
Of course you do, retard.
How much of it was taxed though
too hard I don't care that much I just want to keep shooting ans sopping up my welfare
around 4k will be taken out, but recruiters said most of that i'll get back, but who knows if that's accurate. either way i think i'll like my job and that's still a good fucking bonus imo
Aye that's pretty damn decent.
Good luck anon
thanks senpai, i'll try to drop packets for coolguy schools and if i'm felling itchy for something more than chilling inna missle launcher i might reenlist as a meme combat arms MOS and do RASP. a lot of the bonus depends on your asvab score tho, i had like a 95 or 96
I find that really hard to believe, an enlistment bonus of 40k?
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here you go, ye of little faith
Anyone here have any insider info on 12y? Interested because GIS seems useful and is actually applicable to real life. I know its a feeder MOS for a warrant MOS too.

Amy stories/advice/comments would be cool

Also should I try for ranger? Would it help my chances at making warrant?
dad, why must you insult me all the time, even on the internet?
because that's what dad's are supposed to do so you fuck up less
Damn so is that like actual cash bonus or some sort of combined set of bonuses/benefits? I got 12,000 cash for the navy so I'm just curious.
cash, split up over my enlistment. i get 10k my first year i believe. it's to keep people from blowing it all at once and so they dont take the money and try to get out somehow i guess.
i go to meps monday night, i'll be watching them to make sure everything's in order in regards to my contract too.
Yeah same here. How do you qualify for the bonus? You already have special training or a degree or something?
nope, 19 year old NEET high school graduate. 95 ASVAB made me an "alpha" (don't know what that means desu) and they need people to do that apparently. i think the six years is actually 4 active 2 reserves, but who knows
How hard was the ASVAB? Did you study a lot?
i relearned how to do long division and multiplication the day before, the rest was just knowledge of circuits and engines and common sense. i'm really fucking smart thjough so if you're an average joe study a bit more beforehand
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An ASVAB study guide is about the same as a GED study guide. I studied for about a month, took the tests then had the opportunity at MEPS to choose anything I wanted.

I chose infantry, airborne and ranger. I graduated my military courses plus earned an EIB before I turned 18.

I turned 18 in Central America during a long range surveillance patrol.
Bump for answer
It was pretty typical back when they really needed people. Big enlistment bonuses are rare nowadays though.
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>/Pol/acks fuck off edition
i post where i want you fucking redditor
"Alpha" = Has a HS diploma and is not functionally retarded. Most recruits are in this category, don't get a big head.
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>I turned 18 in Central America during a long range surveillance patrol.
i figured, sounded like recruiter speak, it's why i said i didn't know what it meant because i didn't lol.
No. You will be a driver and that's it. Tangos are just unskilled labor. In the ADA realm, the radar operators are the ones with the fun job. 14G or 14H. Actually stay away from Patriot period. It's a dying MOS.

Now that the US has shilled most of it's backlog of Patriots to unassuming foreign nations, we're going to start pushing THAAD which is supposedly infinitely superior to the admittedly shitty Patriot systems. All the Patriot guys are trying to get trained up on THAAD. If you want to be a air defender, go 14G and then switch your MOS to THAAD down the line when they open up the MOS for it.
He's probably a government agent trying to infiltrate your group. Not even joking.
well fuck, do you think i should call my recruiter and reset my projection? he won't be happy, but it might be worth it

14T get the bonus cause it's a really shitty MOS that everyone bolts from like a rat from a sinking ship when they can. The bonus and the way it is doled out incrementally precludes one from jumping ship 2 years in to another MOS. Most Tangoes will anyways cause its just that bad. Sorry son, your going to hate your vehicle, your life, the Army and fucking Fort Sill. Fuck your recruiter for whatever shitty fucking lies he told you. I'm sorry.
did you already sign that contract?
fuck it, i'll just call him and say i'm switching to 35 series, i haven't gone to MEPS yet
nope, and i ain't
Yes. Then kick him in the fucking balls for what he tried to do to you. Fuck that guy, he's trying to fuck your life but good. Fucking lying ass faggot recruiters.

Good rule of thumb: bonuses mean one of two things, they are short smart people who could do better than that job or the job is so shitty that they need to bait clueless retards into jumping at the money.
aside from 35 series any other good mos's?
That's a tricky one. It's seriously up to the individual. Rule of thumb is that anything with a security clearance or driving a desk is a god job. Some people want action and cant stand doing paperwork tho. Some people just have a weird calling and or are drawn to something in particular. What's 'good' or not is highly subjective.

Even if you have a job you enjoy, your first line supervisor, your chain of command, your unit, the other guys on your team, the post you live on are all HUGE factors that will determine quality of life.

My best advice is always do your fucking homework and know exactly what your getting into. If you want to be a 35F but hate being stuck behind a desk, don't want to join the Intel community as a civilian after your contract ends, get tongue tied speaking in public and loathe Fort Huachuca then those are things you might want to consider too. Just spend as much time and effort as you can doing research into things before you sign the dotted line. That's pretty much all I can say. TALK to people and ask questions if you can, and I know how hard that can be as a civilian if you aren't a military brat. Sorry.
thanks for the advice, sadly most of the people helping me are former marines, so they dunno about army MOS's
>army's a buncha gay pog bullshit
Fucking Manlet immediately talking shit about a branch he admittedly knows nothing about. You sound like a fucking soup sandwhich and slacker, why not just stay in the corps and fuck phillipino trannies who don't laugh at your small height?
What job in what branch offers the best benefits and opportunities upon release?

Preferably one that's not miserable like nuke?
Try the GFY

What's that?
Best way to get a fighter position in AF?
Well when I had to do paperwork (SF86) for my TS/SCI they asked if I had any sexual deviancy, and when someone asked the MSgt what that meant, she said something that a normal person would find in bad taste.
I am not lying to you about that.

The answer varies depending on what you enjoy and/or are good at. Fields like cyberwarfare are where the money/jobs are right now, but that doesn't mean shit if you hate computers or suck at them.

Step 1: Be born generally free of genetic defects, to a middle or upper-middle class home that can provide you with good nutrition and education while also keeping you out of trouble with the law/drugs.

Step 2: Have a successful and well-adjusted High School experience where you get excellent grades, stay away from drugs, participate in sports, and learn social/academic/physical skills. Then, apply to the Air Force academy and do very well there.

Basically, if you're asking here how to become a fighter pilot, you've already failed.
I'm pretty sure alpha refers to the asvab score.
Smells like bullshit
what do you mean? i was dumb and fell for a meme but asked you guys before i signed anything.

There's a few factors required to make someone an "alpha" recruit. One of them is an ASVAB score, but it's literally "don't be retarded". I think the cutoff is 50.
when i said that earlier i was just trying to provide more info, not to boast btw. i'm super glad i asked y'all. saved me some years of trouble

Meh, you could do worse than 14-series. Yes, you probably won't ever do your job. Wanna know a secret? A large portion of the military doesn't do their jobs either. At least 14-series dudes get deployed to odd locations all over the world.
you have a better shot with the navy if youre not in the academy
garrulously friendly yeoman

Pretty much this from what I've gathered.
Fighter pilots are generally the cream of the crop, and they have to be. At least from my understanding.

If this isn't you, and you really want to try and be a pilot, get your pilot's license, fly commercial or private for a few years to get some experience under your belt, start getting into peak physical condition, get a few college semesters under your belt, and maybe consider going into the reserves. It may take a few years of hard work and experience.
Alternatively, you can be a helicopter pilot in the Army instead. An Apache may not be quite as cool as an F-35, but at least as an Apache pilot you can get some actual fight time.
I want to be an Armor Officer. Is it as competitive as infantry to branch into?
well, more specifically 14 tango seems like a waste of time
>Apache not as cool
Get outta faggot. F35s are fucking garbage.
Any job is a waste of time if you don't use your time productively. Most people don't do their on-paper jobs, the ones who make the best of it to travel, get educated, and build life experience are the ones who get the most out of their service.
Any advice to not get honeypotted and v&'d?
There is no sarcasm on the internet
>Did the Rangers use tanks in Vietnam?
"Rangers" in Vietnam were 75th Infantry (Ranger), which were light infantry conducting LRRP missions. Before this every Infantry brigade or division had a LRRP platoon. Then in 1970 all LRRP/LRP units were folded under 75th Infantry (Ranger).

So it's possible that before your great uncle was in 75th Infantry (Ranger) he was in another infantry unit that supported or was supported by a Cav and/or air Cav unit.
>What's 'good' or not is highly subjective.


Before I actually did it (35F) I wanted to do cool guy shit because I was 18, young, dumb, and full of cum (n-no homo), but then I realized it's an important mission, I was good at it, and it's so important that if one is "good" at it they are obligated to do it.

So I got out, am going to college involved with an IC program trying to get back in as a civilian.

Former Marine, ANG 17d here - yep, you keep your same grade up to e5 when you go green to gold, or whatever the fuck they're calling it now.
So I have two suicide attempts on my record and one 5150
What are the chances I can just say I do not recall the events and basically like my way through the recruitment process?

My family is pushing me towards the service
not happening.
Even if you do get in, you will get a shit job like personnel or services, and even then maybe not.
If I acquired a prescription for keppra but never used it, would that prevent me from enlisting?
Yeah. That's exactly what I thought.

Would they just not be able to look at my medical records?

Is the 5150 filed under criminal records?
Alright that makes sense. Thanks m8
Is Nuke really as bad as some people say it is? I can't help but feel a lot of the negativity comes from people who didn't know what they were getting into, like people who thought they were gonna be some sort of nuclear engineer.
>Is Nuke really as bad as some people say it is?

No. Not at all. It's a meme perpetuated here by people who just repeat memes without knowledge.

>Are nuclear-qualified ratings easy jobs?
They are not particularly more or less difficult than their non-nuclear-qualified equivalents.

>The training is super-hard, though?
Power School and Prototype are hard. There is a lot of science to learn and a lot of memorization. The hours are long and the failure rate is high, by the standard of "normal" A-schools. (Compared to something like BUD/S, though, you could say everyone breezes through Power School.)

The thing is: it's not meant to be impossible. You don't need to be a nuclear engineer or a physicist to pass. You just need to be reasonably smart and (and this part is most important) HAVE GOOD STUDY HABITS.

The guys who fail out don't fail because "it's sooo stressful and sooo hard and you have to be some kind of autistic to pass". They fail because they don't do their fucking homework.

Find a good study group, don't slack off, you'll be fine. If the Navy let you into the pipeline to begin with, it was because they knew you were capable of passing.

Source: Machinists Mate (Nuclear) 1998-2004
It's mostly a counterbalance to how hard recruiters sell it. Lots of military jobs can be shitty, but none get sold as hard as Nuke jobs.
Thanks for the reply, I signed nuke a couple weeks ago and am waiting for the clearance. I had just seen a lot of negative opinions of it on /k/ and was wondering why.
Yeah I've heard some make a lot of extravagant promises. My recruiter was pretty upfront about everything and even brought in 2 current nukes to talk and let me ask questions
>waiting for a clearance

If its TS/SCI, have fun waiting. I was told it has been taking at least 6 months when I had my interview 4 weeks ago, during my 6th WOT. I just got a call from my mom that they are finally going around and talking to my family, like one person a week, to make sure I didnt lie on the SF86. Its a slow and tedious process, dont expect a TS clearance anytime soon.
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I asked this question last night but nobody helped me out.
I want to join the British or Irish Army or French Foreign Legion but I cant see with my OCD.
I'm a 19 year old Irish guy who is doing his leaving cert this year and I am not good at anything else in my life and military is all I know.
I have been receiving treatment for OCD but it looks like it is here to stay,I have been coping well for a number of months now too.
Can someone please help me out? Should I lie when I sign up or will they look at my medical history?
From what I've heard it's only a Secret for Nukes unless you get assigned to a submarine that's going to do spoopy stuff.
People keep saying not to join infantry right now due to peacetime. But will I probably at least get in ONE firefight? I don't care if it isn't constant action. I just want to have to fire my gun at least once. Will I still be doing armed patrols?
I already enlisted in the Corps as an 0331.

What am I in for, exactly?
There were infantrymen during the height of the wars who never got into a real firefight. In the last 5~ years it has gotten pretty rare.

We don't know when the next conflict will begin, but until it does it's entirely possible you go your first enlistment without ever being deployed to a combat zone.
It's just secret for nuke, they said anywhere from one month to 3 months but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes longer
Will there still be armed patrols? At this point I'll be happy just knowing I'm being paid to carry a rifle.i know that sounds childish but I'll take whatever I can get
Armed patrols without being deployed? Not with live ammo.
If you want combat, SOF is the only option that will reliably provide gunfights.
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hahaha, have fun at Sill anon. don't fuck up and lose your bonus.
>I already enlisted in the Corps as an 0331.

Did you enlist in the reserves as a 0331 or did you enlist with an infantry contract and you WANT to be a 0331?

Either way, unless you're a LAV crewman, every 03 job is basically the same. You'll have specializations that you'll never get the opportunity to use or your CO will forget you have.

You'll be shit on a ton and all the time. Your solace will come in the form of knowing that, in a perverse way, everyone who is getting shit on less than you, wants to be shit on as much as you are getting shit on.
real talk anon, what do, either the very likely possibility of being miserable at being a 14T or be a 68w with ranger contract
*with a high probability of washing out

I'd take 68W. 14T is just... it's where the fuck-up officers go. You won't enjoy being enlisted in that MOS.

And by don't fuck up I mean: Sill is fucking hard. It's where mortar men do their training, and discipline is better than you'd get in jackson or leonard wood.

Don't let off a negligent discharge. Art15, bonus revoked.

Don't critically fail locker inspection. Art15, bonus revoked.

Don't give a DS reason to love you more than any other pirate. Don't tell anyone about this potential bonus you might have coming, because you *will* lose it.
What exactly is the investigative process for a secret security clearance? Do they actually NEED to speak to all the people you listed?

Investigation conducted by gov't contractor. It's expensive, and worth something when you get out depending on what level of clearance.

Yes, they do. Especially if you have any kind of unfavorable record. Excessive debt, crimes, etc.
I'm enlisting into the Air force. Going to MEP's on Wednesday. Anything I should know about the process or being in the air force in general.
They will for sure talk to the 3 main sources that you have known for 7 years +. I asked the investigator about this; they are going to go around to quite a few people. They already started talking to my family, my mom told me what they asked her and such. Basically repeating the SF86 and asking how trustworthy you are and asking if they can give an example of a time where you kept a secret.
What else, oh yeah, if you have a friend who isnt a citizen, that will add to the time because they have to investigate him, in my case my best friend is from israel and isnt a citizen and so they have to basically screen him to make sure he isnt a spy.
They also asked me for neighbors who knew me and teachers from both high school and college who would remember me and vouch for me. This isnt even including the jobs youve had and they will call your old managers and ask about you.
Well tech school is great, but BMT sucks, as does MEPS.
Are you going for testing or the physical?
Also, if you have specific questions, ill answer for about the next 20 minutes. Have to head to the main Bx here on Lackland to meet someone for a while.

Thank you for attempting to serve. Don't fuck up. In AF training, do exactly what you are told. Without fail, without question. It's simple shit designed to trip you up.

Attention to detail on creases, as stupid as it sounds, is important. If you can do simple things, maybe you can do more complicated things. If you can't get a crease right or don't care enough to, you're wasting the instructor's time.

If you are allowed to carry water and you are permitted, drink water to stay awake during briefings.

AF will be changing its NCO rating system soon, so the gravy train is over but hopefully you'll get better support that way.
I'm going for my physical. My friend who was in the army told me about the shady questions they'll ask you. Just say no to everything etc.. I already took my ASVAB, scored in 82 (I don't know if that's impressive or something) Though for the airforce there is three other tests you might have to take depending on what jobs you're interested in right? I guess specifically what jobs should I avoid under any circumstance.
avoid open anything if you can; what I mean by that is dont sign a contract for open Mechanical, Admin, General, or Electrical because then you dont find out what job you are going to be doing for the next 4-6 years until your sixth week of training. Make the air force work for you and get the job YOU want to do, just like I did. Do what I did and secure a job beforehand. Do your research on jobs. I cant stress that enough

Avoid the following: personnel, admin, security forces, services.

Check this out if you havent already. https://www.airforce.com/careers/browse-careers

Also, try taking the DLAB, its hard but if you do well like I did you get a kickass job, or just take it and say you did.
Shit man, my background is totally clean but I'm still stressing the clearance thinking there will somehow be something that fucks me.
For a secret clearance, it seemed to be basically just a normal background check, totally not in depth. I had a secret clearance before I shipped out to BMT.
Anyone have any insight into the Air Force officer selection board timeline for making decisions?

I have been waiting for three months now. It is really annoying.
Can someone please help me with this?
Well thanks for answering man I'm a little more reassured
im only enlisted but we haev asked about it before and basically its really really REALLY picky right now. Basically if you dont have an engineering/math degree, get to the back of the line.
I think the thing that most interested me off the bat is Operations Intelligence, or Cyber Surety, or Cryptologic Language Analyst.Though for one do you need to know a language already or just score high enough on the DLAB for them to teach you one. Also what exactly is the DLAB like?

>MS computer science and undergrad IT management
>nine years of civilian work experience
>prior enlisted Marine - CAR, multiple gwots, NAMs, etc
>80+ on all components of afoqt

I would think I am an ideal officer candidate. I just wish there was a website that updated the status of my package or some shit.
I enlisted specifically. I've heard that during wartime they attract more fire and it's heavier shit (240s, 249s), but I'm fine with that.
I just found out I'm getting stationed at ft Stewart, how fucked am I? (11b)

For jobs requiring a language, the military will teach it to you. The DLAB is an exam that tests your ability to learn languages.
Check your contract. The Marines allow joining the reserves with a specific MOS, but that is not the case with active duty Marines.

Active duty Marines sign a contract that dictates which one of a group of MOS's they will be assigned to, or they sign an open contract.

If you're going active you cannot pick your specific MOS. Perhaps your recruiter promised you that you'll be a machine gunner, but that is no guarantee. (In practice, it's not hard to get into 0331.)

Could be worse. Savannah is close and pretty nice, Georgia has lots to do outdoors and low cost of living.

>Active duty Marines sign a contract that dictates which one of a group of MOS's they will be assigned to, or they sign an open contract.

Please denote that you guys are talking about 03s when you mention this, you always have kids who don't know better repeating this shit about the Marine Corps as a whole on /k/ when you don't.

It is a meme that I would really like to stamp out.
If I want to get into the chairforce 1b4 what job should I pick? When is the earliest i can crossrate into it and how likely am I to get in?
You're 11b, going to Stewart and not even attempting to become a ranger in 1st batt. Do pushups.
I don't know if many people here have experience with those forces. Though I kinda doubt theyll have access to those records
Is it possible for Europeans to join the militaries of other European nations?
Only the Foreign Legion

If they won't give you 1B4, just go Army 17C or Navy CTN. Don't fuck around with getting a job you don't want and hoping to transfer later.

I was at mcas beaufort and it wasn't bad at all. The only thing that sucks about the south is the sand fleas, and since you're not in basic you can just drench yourself in skin so soft.

Savannah is cool. There is always something interesting happening on bourbon.
I want to be infantry HOWEVER,

I'm not an "alpha male," whenever shit gets real my body picks flight over fight. It's either that or this wierd mode where I'm not scared/angry but my hearts pumping and I shake a lot. Will the army retrain my brain or will I just end up getting myself or others killed? Very few times has my body picked "fight."

I'm physically fit though and I'm not a whiny bitch, if that counts for anything.

The whole point of training is to get your body conditioned into the right reactions for a given situation.

Or you could just not go infantry if you're worried about it.
I think you've been watching too many movies and have confused an infantryman with Rambo or something.

Infantry is not all typical alpha males. There are a whole lot of them, make no mistake, but even in the relatively tiny Marine Corps you will find plenty of kindred souls within the infantry. The jocks will go off and do steroids together, the nerds will compare notes on waifus, the shitbags will go off and get high.

The kind of stuff you think will cause you to panic will very likely not happen at all.
except that works pretty similarly across the board. i know guys who are arty and their contracts just said 08xx until they got their orders at boot camp, same with sigint, you sign a contract for 26xx and get it assigned later at either bootcamp or when you get to dli for crypto. so no your contract will never have all 4 digits until you're done with bootcamp at the earliest
I served 10 years in the Infantry. You're the last person I would want covering my ass. No. Join up for some other job.
So getting shot at is not likely to happen in the infantry in times of conflict?
I thought that's what the infantry does. Get shot at and shoot at things

I'd sue the dod or some shit then. I have never heard of anyone signing for a field and getting swapped to something completely different. Sounds like you just knew some people who let themselves be fucked someone.

I signed for 5942 and was assigned to that school. Everyone I knew at mcces to signed for a specific mos got it.
So the only people who should join infantry are people who are already hard wired to get pissed off and fight back when conflict/confrontation occurs?
I liked Stewart. There's better posts, sure, but way worse as well. It's somewhere in the middle.

Have you learned the song yet?
Hey I remember this post
>in times of conflict

Which we aren't in right now, and haven't been for a few years. There's no guarantee we enter another major conflict during your contract.
I wasn't hard wired anything. I was just normal. Abnormal would be knowing you're a coward before even entering osut.
Question for those who have served: if I'm in AIT, exactly how much trouble will I get in for fighting/hurting another SIT? How can I minimize the exposure, so nobody knows about it? Exactly how far can I take it before it's too far?

I know the obvious answer, "talk to your chain of command," "work it out," "it's not worth it," etc. But what's the ACTUAL answer?
Yep I'm memorizing it rn
Actual answer: It depends on the AIT and your leadership.

Start that fuckery in one of the academic AITs that is basically college? You're probably getting your clearance pulled and your pay taken. Then forcibly reclassed needs-of-the-Army since you can't do your job without a clearance.

The ACTUAL answer is that the consequences are never worth the satisfaction, and five minutes of revenge can cost you a 5+ year career.

Don't be a shit bag and start shit.
If you expect to be fucked with, talk to your chain of command. I don't know the actual repercussions, but I believe in some circumstances it's grounds for an Art. 15

Good God, you're a hyperedgelord, aren't you?

I think you'll fit in just fine.



Best case would be office hours, 2nd best is njp... but if you're a fuckup or just a mediocre soldier you may just get a court martial, a bcd, and be fucked for the rest of your life.

If you have no self-control then you definitely shouldn't join as there are going to be people who will like to push your buttons.
I guess I wasn't clear, I'm actually in AIT at fort Lee, 91b. If I make it through the weekend without getting in a fight with the individual then I'll just tell my psg that I fucking WILL get in a fight if he doesn't do something about it.

From what I can tell the worst case is I or my company will lose weekend privileges, lose a gay fucking streamer and I'll get a counseling but desu it'd be worth it just to take out my frustration. I mean he IS fucking with me, he WANTS to fight, why not?

From the point of view of someone who has been a nco and snco and is about to be commissioned, you should at least go to your command after exhausting all avenues as they should be the final stop of getting your problem solved.

How you think you sound: "I'm a tough guy and I'm gonna hurt this guy if he keeps messing with me so someone better get him away from me."

How you sound to your leadership: "I'm a manchild with no interpersonal skills and I need you to act like my 6th grade teacher and separate me from my bully."

I know it sucks, but nobody wants to hear your silly bullshit; and you definitely don't want to get the reputation that you need your hand held. I say approach the other kid like a man and ask him what his fucking problem with you is, if you guys can't talk it out then your run it up the chain.

Hopefully, you confronting him will be enough since any rational man would be embarrassed about acting like a child.
I'm like 24 dude, this kid is 18. I've asked him what his problem is and he's literally just a shitbag, there is NOBODY in our class, or platoon, that has befriended him. His answer to my question was "you just think you know everything/you aren't as cool as you think you are." Maybe I'm honestly disconnected from teenagers, but I have no fucking clue how to interpret that, and I know even less about calming his ass down beyond blackening his eye.

I know full well I sound like a fucking bitch going to my platoon sergeant and saying "sergeant this private is really bothering me, I've talked to him already, please fucking do something with him," but ffs what options exist beyond: get a bad rep for fighting, or, get a bad rep for asking for help?

The guys is our class tell me it was pretty routine for this kid to get his ass kicked in basic, so maybe if I do something, he won't say anything. But still. I'm just going fucking stir crazy with absolutely no outlets, we're not allowed past the troop store on the corner. Ever.
>I have no fucking clue how to interpret that, and I know even less about calming his ass down beyond blackening his eye.

Best fuckin' learn if you want to ever make it past SPC. Dealing with asshole subordinates without just resorting to beating the shit out of them is a pretty big part of being an NCO.

Take it as a leadership challenge.
Do you have any guidance to offer?

Part of the problem is just the insanely close quarters we have to deal with. I suddenly have 40 new brothers that I eat sleep and shit with, but it's different from basic. Basic was somehow so much easier than AIT.

What I implied was if you have already tried to handle it then go ahead and report it. I wouldn't want to deal with little kid shit anyway.

He probably just finds you condescending or something; that is usually the case when kids have issues with older people, that isn't your problem though.
its whenever the board meets
they navy programs meet and pick at once dunno if its the same with airforce
i'd think theres a website for OTS like one for ocs
baseops might have some info dunno where else
yeah some let you
i think belgium

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Ohhh shit you're 24 and he's 18? That totally changes things. I'll get 1SG to make a special exception just for you so you don't have to work with someone you don't like.

Be a fucking man and control your anger. Be the soldier your civilian friends wish they could be.

Or follow through on your tough guy act and get a dishonorable or a reclass. Despite what you've heard, the Army doesn't need you, and you sound like just as much a liability as the knucklehead you're wanting to drill on.
What's the army looking for right now? As in what series? Private news network told me 25 series, I'm thinking of saying fuck it to the rest of my guard contract and going ad.

Google "prior service business rules". If you aren't airborne, your options are usually limited to linguist/special forces. Getting into active duty as prior service can be difficult.
Idk bro it's a balancing act. Every day me and my buddies do "the right thing" while the shitbag soldiers fuck off and skip formations, smoke in the barracks, sneak out at night, sneak away to steal food from the dfac, sleep in class, etc, but we're all treated the same. We even get in trouble all together. So it makes me think what's the point, you know? Why be good? The army doesn't give a fuck as long as you keep up the high speed facade and cover all your tracks.
>but we're all treated the same. We even get in trouble all together

jee i wonder why that is
Anyone know what this thing is?

I mean fuck I know, we're a "team," but it's fucking galling that the good ones are carrying the bad ones, then suffering for the bad ones.

What fucking sense does it make to put the barracks on lockdown because two privates out of 200 fuck up bad enough? Just fucking kick them out if the army REALLY doesn't need "that kind of soldier."
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Trust me, if you don't get used to unequal treatment now, you're going to have a bad time.

Do your best. At your first unit, your leaders will know who's 'bout it and who's a spotlight ranger. Once the stress mode of TRADOC is gone, the shitbags will reveal themselves.

Do you. Go to the gym. Don't drink (too much). Eat clean. Don't lie to your NCO, and don't threaten your fucking Army brothers and sisters with violence unless you want to be chaptered.

Don't worry about what other privates are doing because I fucking guarantee you it's some stupid shit.
How hard is it to cross train to 17c in the army? I start as e3 and the minimum required is e4 so can I cross train when I get promoted?

Also CTN was my first choice but I couldn't get in cos I couldn't qualify for TS as a first time enlistee. Also apparently it's very hard to cross train into CTN.

Mass punishment is a tool used in TRADOC to make you knuckleheads into a team. It's supposed to build the instinct in you to watch out for your fellow soldier and stop him before he's doing dumb shit. Square each other away. If you're fucking your buddy over instead, you've missed the point of the lesson. Do pushups.
I get the idea, I'm just happy to have someone to actually talk to. I hate saying that this sucks, because it's the army, but it sucks, I'd rather be back on the 5 day ftx we did at basic.

I can keep my cool, my life would just be easier without a shitbird constantly chattering in my ear with complete immunity to physical retaliation or nco involvement (because let's be real, absolutely no nco will give a single fuck if I say "hey, this shit is getting to a boiling point, pls help").

Thank you for your input, I feel a little bit better, and for what it matters I do have a good many buddies who all look out for each other, some of the class is just hard to stomach for more than 15 minutes at a time.
is there an equivalent of an op40 for the marine corps? Always been planning on going 11b with an op40 in the army; but as of late, i've really been considering marines and trying out for some type of MARSOC position. However, if i won't even get a chance to try out; i'll just stick with the plan.

Also, what is the difference between raiders and force recon? what does MARSOC consist of?

It should be pretty easy to go 35Q->17C in the Army, they share the same training pipeline right now anyways.

35Q is the Army equivalent to CTN, 17C is more like 1B4.
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>no nco will give a single fuck

I'm an NCO, and I took the time to help you.

You're welcome anon. That'll be 100 crunches.
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Your opportunities in the Army are vast an unlimited. Promotions are crazy fast (I made E5 in 2.5 years). All you need to do is get on jump status. Go through airborne school. Those wings are the key to entering all SOF jobs. Without wings, you are relegated to mediocrity for life.

In my 10 years in the infantry, I have met dozens of former marines who wanted to get schools and rank so they came over to the army.
So 35q requires TS. Let's say I reserve the job at MEPS. What happens if I don't get the clearance?
Ah i see. more opportunities if i go Army.

I just recently have seen some videos of what Force Recon gets to do. A lot of cool stuff on ships and near the ocean. I love the ocean and grew up in it. I guess im just curious what the right fit would be.

What kind of mindset should i have going in?
>cos I couldn't qualify for TS as a first time enlistee


Did your recruiter tell you this bullshit?

I have never heard of this, and I had a TS/SCI as an IET in the Army, and have friends who did the same in other branches.
>Don't fuck around with getting a job you don't want and hoping to transfer later.


Unless the MOS you want to go to is in real need of bodies, you're probably not going to get a chance to do so.

And even if it is there might be other obstacles in your way.

You aren't going to be allowed anywhere near a building doing real cyber work without a TS, anon, regardless of service.

If they don't think you can get the clearance, they won't even allow you to sign for the job.
Roger, but you know what I mean, sergeant.

I'm probably definitely going to my psg to get him aware and if he's able to, just defuse the situation because now that I'm calmer I'd rather just train and do my job and be friendly, I don't want to fight anyone. But I really don't expect much beyond "look here troop, if I get any word of fights in the barracks there's gonna be trouble, tracking?" So I dunno, sergeant.
All marine sof have gone through us army airborne school. Again, you need wings and wings are much simpler to get when you're army. In the marine corps, you'd have to compete with a hundred other candidates to get one slot to airborne school. In the army, they have difficulty giving away slots.

Also, what attitude should you have? I shouldn't have to advise you on that. You should always - everyone should always enter the military prepared to give every ounce of their being to doing the greatest job they possibly can. Always strive to do better than 100%.
what is the most in demand mos for Rangers?
>what is the most in demand mos for Rangers?
Got it. I know what i need to do. thanks

Navy guys in meps said no for CTN when I went since mom was Korean.

Fuck me I don't know what the fuck to do. Everything is shitty and I feel like every fucker in the Navy wanted me to do nuke and lied to me in order to make it happen.

Going to airforce and all the jobs seem shit. Apparently nobody really does anything there either.
have you tried a different navy recruiter?
Go to a different branch.

Your mother being Korean should not preclude you from a TS/SCI.

If your mom was a member of the Korean government, possibly, maybe.

But just having family from another country doesn't preclude a clearance. The SF86 and investigation process is to determine if those foreign links are an issue or not, not some faggot counselor at MEPS.

Don't call me sergeant, you. I did know what you meant.

If you DID get that kind of response from your PSG, he'd be leaving the responsibility of being civil up to you. You'd have been given the benefit of the doubt to not be a stabby fucktard. It's a position of trust, believe it or not.

The alternative is being on your cadre's radar as needing their constant attention. They will make it to their convenience, not yours, because they don't have your kind of time. Report to CQ every two hours? Change of barracks... every day? Failure to adapt? A squeaky soldier will get the grease, and in a training environment they're still weeding out the weaker soldiers.

FWIW, I hope you learn from this experience and go on to enjoy your time in the Army.
>Don't call me sergeant, you.

>Muuhhhhrrreeeeen gets butthurt.

Just make sure that you explain how you tried to talk it out with him before you bothered the leadership.

To be completely honest, I would never bring it up to the leadership. I would figured out some way to handle it. I dealt with crazy people when I was in, everybody does; sometimes the crazy asshole will be your boss fucking up your procons or fitreps (USMC) and he is cozy with command so there will be nobody to report him to... unless you want to request mast over their heads and put a target on your back.

Your situation just seems silly to me. If he talks shit to you then talk shit back, make sure their are witnesses so you can claim self defense if he attacks you. Get the leadership involved at your peril because once paperwork starts flying then shit is going to get real. People get pissed off once their money starts getting fucked with.
I mean I understand, I do, if he wants to play just pay back. But I don't want to come to work and deal with a shit heel who wasn't hugged enough as a kid. I hate saying "I don't want to," but it's the truth. I also don't want my job to be half [job] and half witty fucking banter.

It's fucking hard because before I enlisted I'd been the manager at my place of work and I've fired two people in two years who just didn't want to be cool with my employees, I'm used to hitting the delete button. Fuck it, I'll just pick back at him harder. When I do though, my battles are usually disappointed in me but it's whatever.
not the guy youre talking to, but how long do you have to deal with this guy? If you're still in AIT wont he be out of your hair in a couple months? or just make him your friend or something. go out for drinks with him
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Nice try anon. Army NCO. Raised and worked with all branches.
It'll just be 9 more weeks. We've been here for 6 counting processing and everyone is on edge I suppose. I mean, me and the guys I hang out with are all pretty chill, kinda tired of being here but all good, but for some reason there are just people that crave fights and thrive on conflict it seems like. I can't even begin to imagine how that kind of mind works, bro.

And fuck no, we can't drink or leave post, even if I could, fuck that kid. I can't wait for him to get to his duty station and just get his ass kicked, I fucking know he sleeps in class.

I get it. I'm 31 now and a professional, if this happened to me I'd go straight to hr and tell them to deal with it. I couldn't imagine being lower enlisted at this point in my life and playing the teenager games, I'm getting commissioned in the ANG and I'm getting a little anxious thinking about dealing with 21 year olds who all have something to prove in OTS.

The enlisted military isn't the real world. You have to play all these games with your bosses and colleagues or else you'll get fucked. Read over the advice you were given then think long and hard about what would be best for your situation before you act. Counselings, page 11s and njps are forever, so be careful.
But I don't always get scared tho, I'm just not an aggressive swinging dick Chad
Hesitation never even entered my mind. I've never considered both sides because there was only one side - going forward in spite of everything. You are an ill fit for infantry. I am not insulting you. Most people are not fit for infantry life - even people who are serving in other combat roles. Choose another job. The nation will be just as grateful.
Intel is where the fun shit is.
I got airborne linguist and I feel like the job will be pretty cool. Not only do I get to spend 1.3 years in Monterey, I also get a flight suit and I get to deploy 3 months at a time on and off for ~4 years.
TS/SCI clearances can also land you great civilian jobs after the AF.
Another benefit of signing 6 year intel (or any 6 year contract) is that you get E3 at 20 weeks of tech school or whenever you graduate tech school, whichever occurs first.
The DLAB is apparently one of the hardest tests you can take for a job requirement, though I didnt find it too hard. I got a 136/162 and I have only ever met one person out of a few dozen who beat me and she got a 137.
Sorry for replying 4 hours after, had to run to the main bx and walking from the 344th to the main bx takes over half an hour.
None insult taken, but I'm curious. When I say hesitation, I mean like knowing you have to confront someone/hit someone, but hesitating and not doing it. But isn't that something that army training would change?
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Why do military people hate their lives and want to get out as soon as their contract enlistment is up?

Are you guys just that jaded, or did you not get what you expected from the military?

I usually see this from Marines though, any other branch like this?
I can understand that the pay is shit, but what else?
somethings wrong with that t-38

where da second seat at
What's the living quarters like for US army active duty enlisted living on base? Do you have to live on base, or can you get a house off base?
Here's the thing - all of us, 100% of us are scared to death at the idea of charging a machine gun nest. The difference is, we would do it without hesitation if that was what needed to be done. Why or how does that work out mentally? Because getting mowed down by enemy fire is way better than not doing your job - a job that will support your cohorts and possibly save them. I would never want to let anyone down in my unit. That is the scariest thing. It is scarier than facing a flame thrower. Those men count on you with their lives.
I'll be getting my commercial pilots license this fall

Tell me about AF flying. I'd love to fly an A-10.

If you're single and junior enlisted you'll be in barracks, usually with a roommate. Married soldiers and NCOs (E5+ or E6+ depending on post) can either get a house on post or draw BAH to get off-post lodging.
Is it true that they don't let you keep your personal firearms if you're living on base? What the fuck am I supposed to do with my guns? What if I want to go to a range day or a competition?
I'm enlisting next year, if you're wondering why I'm asking.

In my experience most kids join the Marine Corps without knowing anything about how it works. They don't realize that your promotion depends on your physical fitness, rifle and how well you suck your boss' dick.

The professional training sucks, so most smart people by their third or even second year already have a plan for what they're going to do as a civilian, but you're still stuck for another two or three years. As a tech you're getting like 20 elective units from your mos school while your Air Force counterparts are able to sit for international cert exams at the end of theirs.

Being a Marine is overall a horrible idea. The fact that it takes a year or two to realized that you dun goofed and being able to call yourself a Marine and wear the uniform aren't really worth wasting the first couple years of your adult life.

Of course, there are those people who were driving a truck for a living before the corps and they'll go back to doing that afterwards, so being a Marine for them may be the greatest thing they will ever know.

In the Marine Corps you register them and keep them in the base armory, I'd imagine the Army does the same but I'll wait for the other anon to post.

You can be a retard and hide them in your barracks room or in your base housing home like some anons might claim, but being able to save an hour or so when you want to go shooting isn't worth getting busted down to e1 and getting your butthole pounded for a couple years in Leavenworth in my opinion.
How much of a hassle is it to check them in/out everytime I want to go shooting? Also, I guess this means it's not really practical to CC when I go around town...
Could I keep them locked in my car?
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I knew this was it.

Still, what makes people stay in the military?

I would call PMO and they'd send the most junior guy over to meet me at the armory, it'd go faster if there was some unit doing something that day and the armory was already open.

At most it would take 45 minutes.

Most people join the military in order to get the benefits and then return to civilian life and achieve their goals, they never intended to be careerists. If you're not going for a career, often the best time to get out is right after your first contract. Until the new system comes out, there's no retirement benefits until you actually make it to the end of your career, and even a 3 year contract will get you your full GI Bill.

People stay in because the pay/benefits are pretty good. People in the military are better compensated on average than most Americans, particularly in the less technical fields. Plus the very tempting prospect of being able to retire iin your 30s if you joined young.

Who knows? I would think poor planning and fear, mostly.

At my last command there was this MSgt education snco who would always gives these talks every quarter about getting your shit together, he ended them by saying "Don't screw around and make it so you have no choice but to reenlist."

I knew people in retard jobs who got some girl pregnant and married her, they had to reenlist. I knew people who got out, had a shitty plan about starting a business with someone flaky, then came back in after that fell through within the year. I also knew people who were obviously just too scared to get out and get a real job where you have to actually perform or you get fired.

A good amount of smart junior enlisted people you may have met likely just didn't know what they wanted to do by their senior year of high school, so they figured it would be fun to run around in a uniform for a couple years and get a feel for the world. Of course you get ridiculous benefits like ~$20/mo full medical/dental/ocular and the gi bill, so that helps the decision along.

This is a great way to get absolutely reamed when you're stopped for a vehicle inspection on post.

Keep them in the armory or at a friend's house if you live in the barracks.
If you have an enormous collection, I would strongly suggest that you narrow it down to something manageable before you enlist.

Depending on size and type, you may be able to keep weapons in a safe deposit box of a bank off post. Otherwise, you're going to need to keep them in the unit arms room.
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You can't have firearms on post, no. Plenty of people do, but they are wrong. Live off post if you really want to be free. If you're in the barracks, you're fucked. Maybe you can get them into your arms room, but it depends on your armorer, the unit and the post. I lived in the barracks six of the past seven years. It has its ghetto charm, but really drives home the point that you are government property. Just something someone has to keep accountability of.

I kept my shotgun at a friend's house. You could rent storage space.


I reenlisted because I mostly enjoyed my first tour, suck and all, and I wanted to give the Army another chance. Serving gave me a lot of experience I couldn't have gotten otherwise, but I'm getting older and lost my patience for it. The pay was decent, but not enough to match the aggravation. The higher you go, the stupider it gets. I didn't re-up this last time because 3-4 more years of being treated like shit on a daily basis would have literally killed me. My coworkers were all higher ranking and: functionally illiterate, cheating on their spouses, scamming the NCOER system, or lost in the fucking sauce with half a brain. I punished myself with alcohol to deal with the literally blinding rage and 16 hour days.

I've watched someone shoot himself in the head. I've had soldiers that abused pain meds. Barracks rats who think its a good idea to drink a bottle of JD and slit their wrists.

You know why you wear US Army tape over your heart? Because you love this bitch. It's a sacred trust, taking care of a soldier that is someone's child and any problem they may come to you with. One of mine's brothers committed suicide. He came to CQ to "hang out," then told us. Homeboy was taken care of immediately.

If you have any doubts about yourself being an ethical person, stay the fuck out.

All that said, I wouldn't recommend the Army to anyone.
>Of course, there are those people who were driving a truck for a living before the corps and they'll go back to doing that afterwards, so being a Marine for them may be the greatest thing they will ever know.

I truly don't understand the people who don't use the G.I. Bill to get themselves a real education and a future.

It is really sad. Last time I looked it up the stat was that only 40% of people use the gi bill, and of that 40% only about 30% who use it to attend higher education actually graduate.
Can anyone recommend me a weightlifting, bodyweight, and running routine for Army 11B?
I'm 92f at fort Lee. You will get an article 15
Are military women a big burden everyone makes them out to be?
>only 40% of people use the gi bill, and of that 40% only about 30% who use it to attend higher education actually graduate.

Does the military fuck you up that bad you just don't give a shit about your future anymore?
People in general are like that
more so.
I did almost zero study and didn't find it difficult. this is coming from someone who was lazy as fuck in HS
That's a shame. How so? Should I be worried about joining the military? Do they get any special treatment?

Nah, they're just people who never would have gone to college regardless of the situation - people who barely graduated from high school and just aren't cut out for anything more advanced than basic algebra.


Depends on the unit in my experience.

I joined at the beginning of the war and there were shitloads of asvab waiver people being put wherever. We had a chick in our radar shop who shouldn't have been there, but she was a solid civilian 7/10 so everybody worshiped her. She didn't know her job but she was a decent runner so she got put on the meritorious board and won. So then we had a female corporal who didn't know the job, didn't have the aptitude to learn, and was supposed to be our boss.

Needless to say she lost all her orbiters save for a few outside of our section. It was kind of sad, she got fapped all the time after then finally went MSG, probably because she couldn't take being the black sheep anymore.

I don't know, females are 50/50 just like guys. People in the military tend to hate females even if they're decent because they're mad that they aren't fucking them... being lower enlisted in the military is pretty much like high school, it is lame as fuck.
you basically have 2 options keep them in the company arms room (pain in the ass) or keep them at someone's house you trust
Closet sized u-stor-it are like $40/mo.
I don't know why, but this was the funniest thing I ever read.
>People in the military tend to hate females even if they're decent because they're mad that they aren't fucking them.

This. Being deprived of women is bad enough, but when you're given one and are then told she's completely off-limits, you get so angry you're liable to grow a brain tumor
The few females I work with are among the most proficient here, I don't know if they've got something to prove or what. My job, like most jobs in the Army, is pretty much entirely non-physical though.
>Are military women a big burden everyone makes them out to be?

That depends on who "everyone" is. Everyone here, 99% of whom didn't and will never serve, insist that they are the thing that will the US armed forces finally fall from its perch and descend to a South American-tier military.

In any military, there are people who do their jobs and people who are shitbags. Males and females both, some do their jobs and some are shitbags. I knew females who were extremely competent and ones who were wastes of oxygen. More often than not, they took their jobs seriously and were good to very good at their jobs.

A lot of the hate is sexually-derived. Young people in a physical environment want to have sex. That's healthy. If someone is getting some and you're not, you're going to feel bitter and resentful. You can either resent the guy that got the girl, or you can resent the girl for not picking you, but most of the time, you resent the girl for even existing because if she weren't there, no one would be having what you want and everyone would be miserable together.
>Implying junior enlisted have $40 left over at the end of the month.

Check your officer privilege.
wtf, how do you spend that much when you have food and housing paid for? car payments?
Beer, car payments, and also not taking advantage of "free food" because of the shitty quality and how inconvenient it is.
lel do they just let you buy beer if you're 18-19

I'd say most underage enlisted do drink on the downlow, it's still illegal and will still get you absolutely destroyed if they find out though.
makes sense, it's not really a big deal for me, but it would be hilarious if they just ignored federal law

Federally, you're allowed to purchase alcohol at 18 if you're stationed OCONUS. Local policy usually prevents it though.
Going to take the ASVAB/MEPS tomorrow/Tuesday. Wish me luck brehs.

nice blog :^)
not even him, but fuck off
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no you fuck off I was gonna give tips if the banter was good
>tipping people in 2016
How the fuck do I gain weight?
I'm enlisted - 6'2" 145 lbs and don't want want to go to basic as a skele
peanut butter and whole milk, and eat 3 meals a day. simple & easy
I'll report back in 3 weeks
cool, i was 130 at 5'11 and went up to 150 using this method. pretty lean at both. should work
I'm 27 right now with a degree and thinking of joining as an officer, but I was curious about something just in case I decide I like it and stay in.

Barring how likely it is I would advance past a certain point at all, (Yes, I know I almost definitely won't become a general or admiral no matter what) will there be a 'wall' if I advance past a certain point where I won't ever be qualified/have the required time in service thanks to my lack of experience and joining later than most? Mostly just curiosity since I know it almost definitely won't be an issue either way.

It isn't really the fact that you joined later in life that will hold you up, it is the fact that you didn't join by attending a service academy. When promotions get political, having a social network you've been building for decades is key.

However, there's no reason you can't make it to O5-O6 and retire comfortably after 20+ years.
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>no Canadian info right off the bat.

Anyone know if I go into the CAF recruiting office, and stress that I want to be a RCAF Transport / Maritime Patrol pilot, nothing else or I walk.. would they be all good?

-No criminal record
-No drug / alcohol abuse
-Passed Grade 12 with above average grades
-2 years of Trade School
-Farm boy, has his Ultralight permit, father has an Ultralight aircraft, been airborne since 5yo.
-Sick of waiting for the oilfield to pickup again.
-has glasses
Maybe if you didn't buy a car at 20% interest you'd have some money left.
>will there be a 'wall'

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Thanks a lot. Like I said, I know it probably won't matter one way or the other, but it's the kind of thing I like knowing before committing.
>Army NCO.

You're a fucking lying retard. An Army NCO wouldn't call the Sit Up the Crunch, and wouldn't give a single fuck if some shit dick junior enlisted called him Sergeant unless he was a fucking MSG, 1SG, or CSM.

Not the dude you're responding to, but any Army NCO should know that sit-ups are shit for your back and should not be used for corrective training.

Also dude was clearly saying "don't call me sergeant" because using honorifics on an anonymous moose breeding forum is cringey as fuck.
theyre called curl ups
>mistyped the captcha 5 times
fuck off

>he doesn't use the same jargon i do!
>he is a faker!!

Children, pls go.
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I have nothing to prove to you.

Nailed it.

I didn't call a situp a crunch. I called for crunches. They are easier on your spine, but still work your abdominals.

I would prefer a new soldier didn't call me sergeant when he doesn't have to. I admire and respect his respectfulness, but it is unnecessary here.


No. You will not suffer from coming in later. The wall you're thinking of will come at the rank of Major, and everyone hits it. It will be up to you to break through.

Your first few promotions will be pretty much automatic if you've got a pulse and follow through on your initial training. I don't envy officers their rank. They have to know what their boss wants before it is asked for. They have to be johnny on the spot with the answers, always. Anything less is failure. Give 200% effort at becoming physically fit beyond what you think possible. LTCOL is a big fucking deal, and puts you on track for full-bird, which is the track for a star. Don't even worry about this 'til you've already served 12-15 years. Make it past the Lieutenant ranks, then decide whether you want to stay in.
>make post 5 hours ago
>come back
>no (you)'s
>Sad Batfleck.png
its a general dude give it time
some cancucks pop up
you sound like a really good candidate anyway whats your vision though?
I'd have to dig up my last exam paper to say.

Pretty sure I'm eligible for laser surgery though.
will having a relevant degree in certain MOS prior to enlistment allow me to bypass the ASVAB or AIT in the Army?
you just jump to e-4 you still gotta take the asvab
its super easy though and since you got a degree im sure itll be a breeze just review super basic math. unless your degree is in like communications then youll struggle
you still gotta go through everything like everyone else
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Can I gay marry someone in the military to get more benefits?
The degree is in Cyber security, and it teaches you the exact same things you'd learn in AIT, as the MOS trains to the same standard as the Civ sector. While it does seem pretty ass backward to be doing it like that, I'm purely a victim of circumstance and couldn't have enlisted sooner.
Actually gay & want the marriage?

Sure, go ahead.

Just want to do that just to scam benefits?

No fuck you, your causing us all to have bad names!
nope gotta go through the same process as everyone else
have you considered ocs
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hey /k/ommandos, depressedfag here. tfw no gf has really started to get me down, to the point where I'm about ready to an hero. Been thinking about joining the army(11B) because LolNothingToLose.jpeg

>23 y/o
>virgin(not kissless though)
>I'm pretty /fit/
>have an AA degree, kek, Liberals Arts because parents forced me into school
>currently a wagecuck but job is boring as fuck and pay isn't great
>no medical conditions that I'm aware of
>no history of mental illness, just self diagnosed autism
>familiar with funs, so shooting shouldn't be an issue
Would enlisting be a good idea or is it just going to fuck up my life even more than it already is? Also would they even take someone like me, I appear normal on the outside but inside not so much; I'm sure if they wanted to dig, something about my crippling depression would eventually surface? Thanks in advance based militaryfags
make it your life goal to kill as many haji's as possible and join either the FFL or rangers, possibly 18x. if you fail, then so what? you were gonna an hero anyways
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will people care if Im gay?

I dont have a lisp (I think) and Im worried people will find out :(

You can actually bypass some stuff in AIT via the ACASP program, or get additional rank for having experience without a degree, but it is pretty rare.
>The degree is in Cyber security, and it teaches you the exact same things you'd learn in AIT

As someone who has been through various cyber courses in the military, it probably doesn't. The military approach to cyber is different from the civilian approach. Just because you got the same fundamentals does not mean the applications are going to be the same.

That aside, why the fuck would you want to skip a few months of paid training, even if it is just a foundational refresher. If you really do know the material then it should be a vacation.
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I'm interested in becoming a pathfinder. Like, the actual billet, not just going to pathfinder school. Is there any way to guarantee I get assigned to a pathfinder unit or is it some kind of luck of the draw thing?
Is it just me or does the F-35 almost look semi-organic from this angle?
it's the curves, mr. bond
>implying the F-35 isn't a living organism
Is it possible to glitter bomb a friend in basic? Would he know I sent it? If so, would he ever speak to me again?
faggots git out!

>what is contraban
>Is it possible to glitter bomb a friend in basic?

If he has DSs like I did they'll make him open it in front of the entire platoon.

>Would he know I sent it? If so, would he ever speak to me again?

He'd be really fucking good at cleaning and mountain climbers.

One dude got a package from his girlfriend that was a tub of vaseline with a raw potato stuck in it.

Another guy got two "Dear John" letters from two different girls while I was in basic. It was pretty fucked up.

>Be redheaded step child temp training company because surge and huge amount of bodies enlisting
>Mail is delayed by a month.
>His girlfriend mailed him a letter saying they broke up
>Postmarked for second day of basic after reception
>Didn't get more than one three second phone call to family to let them know we made it there alive, so no chance to talk to girl in the first month
>Get phone time, he starts talking to female "best friend"
>They're "dating" now, writing letters etc.
>Week before leaving for AIT, gets a "Dear John" letter from "best friend" he's dating
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Pathfinders get out REEEEEEEEEE
The only AIT that I know of that you can bypass is for truck drivers.
If you're already depressed, the military will make it worse.
How does requesting leave work, can you take it whenever you want like vacation days, I know you get 2.5 days per month, can you just request it and youll get it? Or do you gotta make up some bullshit excuse?
As long as there's nothing going on that you'll miss, you just put in a request. Most units have a standard for how long in advance you have to put it in.

Honestly, sometimes it's difficult to take all the leave you get, especially when you already get so many holidays.
Ah okay, thank you
How bad will my lemon head hurt during/after the DLAB?
whats a lemon head
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Buddy was going through OSUT, two weeks away from graduating, and he went to get his Secret clearance.

They found out he had knee surgery a year before enlisting and chaptered him out. So now he's here but he says that he can go back in 6 months after the time-after-surgery is good to go.

I'm fucking nervous for this, in my MOS I'm required to have a TS. I lied about having asthma on my contract. Will they find that shit out? I don't wanna get kicked out of the Army familia
>OSUT with a secret clearance
I'm guessing your buddy was an MP? When I was in MP training, my bunkmate had a history of drug trafficking. We didn't think he'd make it, because of that among other reasons, but there he was earning his crossed pistols on graduation day.

How old are you, and when were you diagnosed with athsma?
Can someone with braces or a retainer allowed to join the military?
No, I actually don't wanna say his specific MOS, I just wanna be careful. If I'm being dumb and overcautious let me know

20 now, I was diagnosed at 8 or 9. But I haven't used an inhaler in 4 years and I have never had an attack. Some wheezing after I run a lot but it doesn't impede me at all.
>If I'm being dumb and overcautious let me know

You are. No one is going to swoop down on you in black helicopters because you said some cock suck who no one here knows MOS.
I was diagnosed with ADD around 10ish, enlisted at 17. Your favorite answer at MEPS is "No." I'm still in, so you'll more likely than not be clear.

Still, if it could be a serious medical issue, use your judgement wisely. I had a buddy die while we were at training. He had a heart attack during PT in Red Phase. We and CID were pretty sure that he had a heart condition, but still, if it's come up as a serious problem in the past, keep that in mind.

Again, you're probably being overly careful. The feds aren't gonna swoop in because you mentioned an MOS.
Oh well, he was a Cav Scout. Or was about to be one, rather. It just scared me how they found out about his shit after he enlisted and everything.
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Gotcha. It was never a major thing, the only inhaler I was ever prescribed was a proactive one to reduce my wheezing.

But thanks for the info though. As I'm training up, I'll be sure to monitor my breathing and I'll visit my doctor friend(Off the record) to see what his counsel is too.
Have you been hospitalized in the past for an asthma attack? If so, when was the last time?
And what's your MOS?

>inb4 ATF or DoD trying to get info on people
If it wasn't major, you'll be good. Especially if you weren't hospitalized for it. MEPS will try to scare you, but they're really just full of shit
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Yeah never hospitalized. But fingers crossed everything goes good
Night retainers are okay I don't remember their policy on braces I think they need to be off.
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