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Someone legit thought this could protect you from bullets If

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Someone legit thought this could protect you from bullets

If you're so concerned about school shootings promise every parent a small portable bulletproof vest for the children occupying the classroom
I don't find it hard to believe that it can stop a bullet, but it can't stop the shooter just walking over and shooting the person beneath it around the sides.
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>what are NIJ levels?
This piece of shit would just increase casualties. Instead of running, it would just be instructing them to linger patiently, as the shooters picks off those without one, then those holding it wrong, then those too tall or fat to make ideal use of it, and then the rest.

This is for earth quakes and fires not fucking shooters.
>tfw in school
>tfw school already made translucent backpacks mandatory, and now they've considered having kids buy bulletproof backpacks
>tfw none of this has done anything to curb violence, fighting, gangs, and drugs in schools
Make a Testudo formation with them. Problem solved.
>Someone legit thought this could protect you from bullets

No they didn't.

They were trying to make a quick cash grab off of hysterical suburbanite soccer moms.
>nogunz /k/ newfags have no idea that any rifle or shotgun would tear right through this shit like butter
>level IIIA, only capible of stopping handgun rounds

Also, the whole "shelter in place" horseshit is what allowed Lanza to get a high score. 19 of his victims were all huddled in a coat closet. If the teacher had thrown a chair through the window and told the kids to run he probably would have got only a few kills.
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>bullet blanket
Sounds comfy.
This should be standard /k/it.

I have an idea, ammo mail.
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>Not teaching kids how to do a testudo formation
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body armor levels.jpg
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>calling others noguns while claiming shotgun shot will make it through any level of kevlar
Nice image contradicting yourself
I think one of the big things people are forgetting is the energy transfer when the bullet hits that shield.
That energy transfer could seriously hurt a kid, and then leave them vulnerable to followup shots from the shooter.
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>a good defense is a good offense
>I specified shot
>image shows buckshot being stop by an NIJ IIA vest
Really, anon?

>muh energy transfer
00 buck pellets it about has hard as .32 ACP, past 10 feet the energy will be spread out over a larger enough area (~3.3" diameter with a full choke) that there wouldn't be much of an effect.
>This is for earth quakes and fires not fucking shooters.
Sorry anon, you are wrong.

how the hell can a translucent backpack be good, wouldnt it be made of some sort of shitty plastic that would split open at the slightest provocation?
They are. But they make you buy the clear ones so you can't "sneak in a gun"
I am guessing it is the same reasoning behind forcing us to use transparent pencil cases in examinations to prevent cheating.
couldn't you just "bring your own lunch" and put it in the lunchbox?
I mean, most lunchboxes are so big you could fit a 92F and some extra mags in there.
For that matter, why hide it at all? The cops are probably aren't there anyway.
That is bad, metal detectors and quick bag searches would be a better solution if they are that worried about people sneaking in guns. I would go through 6 backpacks a week if i had to use a shitty clear plastic one. Back in School I used to carry tons of stuff that would tear the shit out of the material they make those clear bags of.
Sure, and they'll just hollow out the pages of that algebra textbook.
They better start making transparent books, too.
If only they could make the school board less obtuse.
probably so other kids/teachers could see it and catch you with it, but if you're gonna shoot up your school, I doubt you give a fuck.
When I was in high school, there was this charter school where the fuckups went where they required translucent backpacks so students couldn't sneak in anything.
Pretty sure they had metal detectors too.
Indeed. What has nearly every shooter done? They come in a bit late so that everyone is already trapped in their rooms, and they have their weapons ready just before they enter the building.

Hell, at this point any kid bringing in a weapon discreetly is probably doing so to protect themselves.
Why can't you just walk over and peel the blanket off the kid? Its not fucking glued to them.
or just roll them over and shoot them
besides, it looks to be thin kevlar, I doubt it'll be all that great for protecting from point-blank shots
I didn't know it was THAT easy to make money of the school shooting scare
good job CNN, you actually created jobs for once
This is a good idea, but just posting a couple armed guards? INCONCEIVABLE!
Or just, you know, stash it in your waistband?
what if
>cover your back
My school had 5 cops 24/7
2 in patrol cars
3 on bike
Have you ever wrapped a blanket around your neck and ran around while your "cape" flapped in the wind? This is just gonna be a heavier version of that.
Wasn't this shit for tornadoes? Even then, it's flexible and looks thin as fuck. That shit isn't going to stop a handgun round. You'd have to build a fort "fort kickass" out of plates to protect anyone.
that is immediately what i thought when i read the previous comment.
How about the teachers just carry guns? Or have a cop patrol the buildings?
Most of the schools i went to had a guard.
>Instead of running, it would just be instructing them to linger
They already do that, though. Active shooter? Lockdown, hide under desk. Suspicious person? Lockdown, hide under desk. Tornado? Lockdown, hide under desk. Fire? Lockdown, hide under desk.

For bombs, we evacuated to the gymnasium, where no one would think to put a bomb. At least now we have blankets, though.
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