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Milsurp vs Modern Bolt Gun: Why Milsurp Loses Big Time

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Why do people still buy milsurp shit when even a $200 modern budget bolt action is way better in every single way?



Milsurpfags BTFO
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here's your reply
I don't have 40 fucking minutes to dedicate myself to one video. Did he only compare the Mosin to modern bolt guns?
>Can't muster any counter argument to protect his shitty 100 year old piece of shit
I got to some part about him crying about rim lock and hit X
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-apply yourself
This is trolling on a child tier level but I'd just like to point out to /k/ that stuff like Swedish Mausers and K31s put many cheap as possible and economy of production rifles, like modern 700s, to shame.
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History? Maybe people just buy what they want to. It's your money I don't give a shit what you do with it, you could blow it all one whores and booze. Maybe some people like the idea that possibly their rifle was held by someone in the past in some godforsaken battle who knows. But more importantly, who gives a shit?
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I mean he's got a point. There just aren't any mil-surp guns in rimless calibers
So as a practical choice, if you don't want to work on the gun yourself, a new production budget rifle is better out of the box. Who knew.
Milsurp is interesting because of its historical usage. Fun guns don't need to be the most effective option available; trying to force a mosin into a service role is stupid. Enjoy your guns for what they are, if you don't try to bubba it you won't have any issues.
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>Muh K31
I don't even have one though. I've fired a few and they were great but I like Enfields and just stick with those.

Doesn't invalidate what I said. They were well made as fuck and just tight all round.
Because I dare you to find a modern bolt-action that's $200 in my country.
Are you absolutely sure there Anon? I've got a few cartridges here that'd disagree with you on that one.
>Why do people still buy milsurp shit when even a $200 modern budget bolt action is way better in every single way?

Why do people buy old cars when a cheap Toyota Corolla is better in every single way?
He was being facetious you tard. The gun he posted is in 8mm Mauser, a rimless cartridge.
Just finished watching this whole fucking video
to sum up
>Local retard finally understands that adding a bunch of stupid shit to a mosin is counterproductive

I'm a big fan of milsurp rifles but yes most modern bolt guns will shoot better than surplus. A good surplus gun will still shoot 1-2 MOA though so it's not as if they're pieces of shit either.

More importantly, where the fuck can you get a modern bolt gun for $200?
Put your trip back and on dra8co. Then go fuck yourself, you fat as shit Mexican.
I think savage makes some for around that price, maybe like 300

>no irons
>no optics included
>45 minute video

This could have been done in 10 minutes.


You can get a cheapass scope.
>that pic

Why do some people feel the need to point out a joke to the point where it's the polar opposite of funny?
>modern $200 bolt action

WHERE? Who makes this? I've been saving up for such thing, was going for a mosin but who makes a affordable bolt action?
For that I can get a rifle that can shoot out the box>>28323283
What man, didn't you see this post?
>mail in rebate
Why should it be funny?
USSR didn't have a ton of mechanization even with lend lease and infantry are vital support for a tank
Don't you ever lie to me ever again. I live in this soon-to-be Mad Max hell hole commifornia and I will not put up with lies on things I want. Not you or immortan fiendsten
Is there a company that makes military style wood stocks for new production bolt actions?

Sporter bolt guns look gay as fuck is probably 1/2 the reason only fudds like them.
Who/what is the hi-point of bolt action rifles?

mosin nagant

>be me
>butthurt history hater
>buy savage
>buy "cheap ass scope"
>now I have a rifle with no character, nothing nice to look at
>go to range
>sight in scope
>10 rounds later I'm off zero because my scope is a piece of shit
>mosinfag is down range laughing at me because he's shooting 2 MOA on irons
>get assblasted buy better scope
>spend at least the price of my rifle on a halfway decent scope
>realize all I have now is a fudd gun that's not so affordable anymore
>go home
>get on 4chin
>go to bed
>cry myself to sleep
>You can get a cheapass scope.
Have fun with that scope breaking with any mild abuse and easily losing zero. You don't buy cheap scopes. Never spend less than $100 on a scope and hell even at $100 you're pushing it a bit.
I like milsurp because they make my dick harder.
>a ancient piece of slavshit is worse than anything made within the past 40 years in the western world


The only reason anyone picks up a nugget is because they're poorfags
>thinking your arsenal refurb mosin has "character"
Mosinfags are as bad as K31fags
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>you can get a cheapass scope

So it's either

>buy $150 nugget
>buy spam can, shoot 20 CPR ammo


>buy $250 axis
>buy $100 glass
>spend $50 on ammo only to find out your chinkshit glass won't hold zero
>spend another $300 on a glass and rings that are not complete garbage
>shoot 50 CPR ammo marginally more accurately than with the nugget

Pic related.
The last optic I bought was $1 k, the last rifle was $2.5 k, and I still enjoy my nugget because it's fun and both buying it and shooting it was pretty much free for me compared to my other guns.
No. A few have Mannlicher style full stocks but those go upwards of $1k.
why does this faggot always spend 40 minutes on a video that could be done in 10

Any milsurp has more character and aesthetics than a shitty fudd gun
I know dr8c0 IRL and he doesn't shit on my milsurp, this is someone else. There used to be a remington shill with a hate-boner for the K31, this might be him.
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>buy spam can, shoot 20 CPR ammo
S-should someone tell him? A-anon, the cheap spam cans are gone. The cheapest 7.62x54r is now Wolf steel cased shit that costs a bit over $.40 a round, Wolf steel cased .308 costs about $.35 a round.

Well, sucks for you, I have six unopened cans and some loose ammo so I don't think it's gonna bother me anytime soon.
>implying I don't
It still sucks for other though.
First time postan on /k/.
Any opinion on finnish m39s?
I'm an idiot and over spent on one but I'm not going to put a scope on it or make any other retarded mods like this guy
>muh character

Evidently, Mosins are fedora guns.
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This is true. I would love a 5 pound steyr scout rifle.
Are they not cheap anymore or is it the scare pricing.
is OP nutnfancy or is there seriously a guy riding his dick this hard?

Cries about rimlock,Cries about sticky bolt and ergonomics. calls pins screws. This video is for women.
They've dried up.
No more? Fuck there goes my plan.

I just wanted a raifu for fun and cheap ammo.

Now what...
There are Hipoint carbines that start at about $245 online with shipping (just make sure you're 21 or older to avoid problems purchasing ammunition), but I've heard of problems with them such as factory magazines needing messing with to get them to feed reliably sometimes (don't even bother with the promag ones) and also bent/broken firing pins, there's also the problem of them being a pain in the ass to clean so you might want to save up a bit more. Pretty sure SKSes are still available in the $300 range and you still get the ~$.20 a round ammunition except it's not corrosive and if you save up $500 you can build an AR. Also, shotguns are cheap (good used pump ones from quality manufactures available under $200) and so are #8 target loads depending on what kind of cheap fun you're looking at.
I won't watch it because I'm not gonna listen to that DSL autist talk about sticky bolt and rim lock like it can't be resolved with half a second worth reloading correctly.

Also who the fuck cares shutup nutnfancy you big faggot

That one Swiss guy that always posts that photo of his K31 with an expensive diopter sight is annoying as fuck.

Every thread.
Not in Cali sks are not that cheap anymore.
They seem to be available on line for $350 with shipping, how much are FFL fees there?
I have no idea.

I wish some made affordable 7.62x39 bolt action rifle.
Find me a Enfield, in .303, with an ambidextrous receiver. Then we can talk.

It's like 500 max
I seen it at around $650

Be nice if it was half that price.
>Posts 40 minutes Nutnfnacy video

Are you even trying?

depends on where you go but usually about $150 not including any state fees or tax. so in the case of a 350 dollar rifle, you will spend 150 for FFL, 30 for dros, about 30 for tax and probably at least 30 for shipping. so basically almost double the price of the gun with CA bullshit.
The fuck? FFL fees where I live are about $30. Also, it's an on line purchase so why is it taxed? Shipping was already included in the $350 price, the gun was $330 without shipping. If you can't buy guns online without getting raped by FFL fees then any gun you get is going to be overpriced and you should give up on the idea of getting a good rifle for under $300.

in california you pay for tax on the gun no matter where it comes from.
He bluntly praises Mauser's in this.
>buy $150 nugget
What year do you think it is?
>still using bolt action
>not building an AR10
nutnfancy is a fucking faggot. He played the whole "BUY A NUGGET" thing when the craze built up, now he's being a contrarian.

Also he has an annoying fucking voice...
>no irons
Yah no. I wasted hours of my time trying to find an affordable .223 rifle with no intention of using a scope because sighting it in all the time would be a bitch since I would only use it for varmits. I don't want to mess with a scope it adds more weight and more upkeep to the gun.
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Maybe I just like the look and history of Milsurp
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