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>#SAA for the first time in the world used #Russian military robots & seized strat.height 754 Tower Siriatel #Latakia pic.twitter.com/Jt1ke4gNy3

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>Platform-M - remote controlled robotic unit on a crawler, armed with grenade launchers and Kalashnikov

This thing is fully autonomous too.

I wonder how it does Friend or Foe determination... maybe small radio transmitters? Or maybe it uses patterns?

This is the scariest thing so far from this war. It's scarier than even if they had used nukes on IS.

This is how Terminators will start.
So where's the pictures of the lifeless village where it massacred the locals? Where's the meticulous attention to detail on the massive corpse sculpture built to intimidate the survivors?

>One unit

It'll take an RPG 30m into it's first deathcrawl, the russians will blow up the rest of it with an airstrike to deny it to the US and China and that'll be the last we hear of it.
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>Jeep-size amphibious vehicle Argo armed with PK 7.62 machinegun, RPG-26 Aglen, RShG-2 thermobaric warhead

human rights groups will go nuts.
>This thing is fully autonomous too.

I doubt that
Why would anyone give a fuck
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Is that a tail gunner?
>fully autonomous

prove it
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>This thing is fully autonomous too.
>human rights groups will go nuts.
And Russia will care exactly how much about this?
Or even acknowledge the possibility of collateral damage occurring for that matter, remember there haven't been ANY civilian casualties in the last couple months of bombing Syria according to them.
Sure some people will bleat about it being SO INHUMANE someone might get shot by remote control the same as it's SO INHUMANE if someone uses improvised bombs to blow people up instead of shinily manufactured ones, and still nobody else will give any fucks.
I expect 'fully autonomous' means if contact is lost with the controller the thing automatically reverses itself (into a ditch) to try and get back in signal range, or something equally unimpressive and generally counter productive.
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Absolutely unproofed bullshit. Platform-M is battle platform for marines and coastal defense.
Ah yes the James's Yeager AI. I've heard about that.
Yes, it is. 30mm Gast gun. It is actually pretty clever, fires a mix of proximity shells and chaff rounds. It is kinda like a point defense ECM station.
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March to La Manche.webm
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Not really.
ok I admit, I did chortle at that
It's been 4 days since this tweet and I've yet to see any video or confirmation from credible source. The image itself dates back to a year old article from a military related tabloid


I believe it may be this gun instead.
>fully autonomous

you clearly do not know what that word means, so I'll help you out:

autonomous means it needs absolutely no outside input whatsoever. you turn it on and let it go, and it does everything all on its own.

that is not what that robot does.
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>'fully autonomous' means if contact is lost with the controller the thing automatically reverses itself

No, that's not even remotely what that phrase means.
>I expect "fully autonomous" means
He's saying he doesn't believe the slavs about it being fully autonomous, you goofs.
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>This thing is fully autonomous too.

Probably gonna be, shoot everything with heat signature until back in controllers range.
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>Russia was the first country in history to field robots on the battlefield

Who would've thought?

Forgive my ignorance, but the reason it can raise up like that has something to do with being airdropped, right?
How many shots of x54r can that camera take?
A lot--it's digital, so it won't run out of film.
>He's saying he doesn't believe the slavs

How did you get that from this post?:

>This thing is fully autonomous too.
I should've just quoted >>28305914 quoting >>28305705, who was expressing doubt.

Your goof status is rescinded.
>blow up the rest of it with an airstrike to deny it to the US and China
Because Russian robot technology is so cutting edge, the US and China would care to even look at it.
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so it wouldn't fuck up suspension on landing(bonus info, if needed can be dropped with crew inside) and has bonus of able hide behind obstacles etc.
The anamatrix
>Your goof status is rescinded.

Thank you good sir.
the soviets were the first to send robotic rovers to the moon so it seems kinda natural
But this is not true.
so... in which wars were armed combat robots used before?

drones are still controlled by people.
>Platform-M - remote controlled robotic unit o
So is this thing.
>drones are still controlled by people.
So is this.
>drones are still controlled by people.

So are these robots.

"Robot" literally means "remote controlled".
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>first country in history to field robots on the battlefield

But that was the Nazis.
>"Robot" literally means "remote controlled".
> actually "Robot" literally means "worker"
Russians, always trying to steal the achievements of the Nazis.
What language are we speaking?
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the soviet beat them to it as they used remote controlled tanks during the winter war
the word is derived from czech, so i guess slavic languages where rabota means 'to work' or a variation of that verb
Hey now, slavs are people too. You can't just assume all tanks driven by a slav is "remote controlled" by a real human.
kek'd fucking hard.

Difference is that human is not a part of the kill chain. Sure, humans will tell it to kill people but humans won't be pulling the trigger.
Um no. this thing is controlled by a person .
Why don't you just stop saying stupid things?
Man, the leap in technology that's been achieved by nation in just a decade. And the post WW2 period as well - just look how americans got stuck in nowhere with bogus revelations like lasers and railguns ever since the Operation Paperclip had ran its course.
>[the current year]
>repeating this meme

just stop, it wasn't true a hundred years ago and it isn't true now.
>Difference is that human is not a part of the kill chain.

But this is false.

Well, it was just a radio controlled tracked mine, so nothing too advanced.
Looks cool.
>radio controlled tracked mine

It was a wire-guided mobile satchel charge.
>First ever Robot on the battlefield

>First ever autonomous robot on the battlefield

>First ever robot to make kill decision by itself.

What will vatnik pull out of his ass next. Taking bets now.
epic :^)
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>This thing is fully autonomous too.
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everybody was doing it in ww2:


>The glider bomb, or "Glomb", would be towed by an ordinary carrier-based aircraft to the area of its target; guidance following release of the glider from its towing aircraft was intended to be provided by a TV camera located in the nose of the glider, which would transmit its signal to a piloted aircraft, an operator aboard the control aircraft using radio control to steer the Glomb to its target.[2] Following the Navy's initial evalulation, the Glomb comcept was deemed to be worth developing further, and the project was given official status by the Bureau of Aeronautics in April 1941.[1]
tfw Russian mod did commercials directer at gamers especially at WOT and AW
>that operator may be your average suka kurwa blet teammate from wot.

The Animatrix. Its quite good a watch.
that's a monitoring and manual-mode control station.

problem is that it has a fully autonomous mode and can shoot people without any intervention by a human operator.
So in that case it'll shoot its allies in the back and drive into a lake. Yet again the world is safe from the clutches of the Russians.

>Being this arrogant
hahahahhahahahhah damn son dont forget blaming matchmaking
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>Russian drones needs confirmation from the operator in order to attack targets
>Drunk slav uses pic related
>Skynet is born
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Judgment Day when?
that tailgunner
mildly kek
>expensive high tech weapons
>in a high intensity third world war
I hope this tech demonstration goes well because those toys are gonna be taken out by a home made anti material rifle.

God I love it when Russia does tech demonstration in Syria. The cruise missiles were kind of a waste considering they probably hit targets that have already been targeted multiple times by the West and by Russia itself.
You guys seen videos about Scorpion?



File: Bob Semple Tank.webm (3MB, 500x377px) Image search: [Google]
Bob Semple Tank.webm
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Did russia just remake the Bob Semple tank?
>the bob semple tank was a robot

That plane has a tail gunner. What year is this?
damn! that thing looks like a death trap... a coffin on tracks.
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