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What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support? There

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What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support? There are clearly a number of factors that play into gun deaths. Many crime guns are stolen, and many people that commit suicide with a firearm buy shortly before killing themselves, while displaying signs of intent. Many if not most murders are gang related, and perpetrated by a small number of individuals.

With these things in mind, I present

> 1. Provide funding for implementation of so called "ceasefire" programs nationwide, which identify individuals at-risk for being perpetrators and victims of crime and reach out to them using an alliance between police agencies and community leaders. These were responsible for the "Boston Miracle" - a 63% reduction in youth gun violence in Boston.

> 2. Provide government subsidies for safes that require both a key and biometric lock. This prevents criminals from getting their hands on guns and reduces the possibility that a firearm will be used in violence against a family member.

> 3. Require FFLs and gun ranges to include information about suicide prevention and awareness with firearm sales and renting, provide guidelines for identifying individuals that exhibit signs that they're at risk for suicide. Remind employees that they can legally decline to sell guns to these individuals

>>28088339 (You) (OP)
> 4. Open the NICS to private citizens so that they an be sure the person they're selling to is not a felon or restricted from obtaining a firearm.

> 5. Enforce laws against straw-purchasing, prosecute individuals that attempt to do so, and follow up on all reports of this activity.

> 6. Ask states really nicely to offer courses on firearm safety, hunting, and self defense law year round, and provide subsidies to help implement these programs.

> 7. Remove suppressors from the NFA registry, revoke the Hughes amendment.

There you go. Implementation of these laws and programs should reduce crime and increase gun liberties. Thoughts?
simply tell gun dealers to stop selling to niggers and dunecoons
>he'd vote against legislation that removes $200 stamp from suppressors and opens the machine gun registry
Wow you're an idiot.
>identify individuals at-risk for being perpetrators and victims of crime and reach out to them using an alliance between police agencies and community leaders
What makes an individual "at-risk"? What information will the agencies have to conclude that someone is a risk?
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?

>he would support anything that restricts firearms
The programs would be performed through the local police department, the federal government wouldn't be involved in it beyond providing the manual. If you live in a major city, there's a good chance there is already a Ceasefire program in place. They're often severely underfunded. This would merely allocate money for cities to enact these programs locally.


What in either post restricts firearms?
Be honest, anon, did you even read them?
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It's not 'liberty' if the government is your fucking yard duty teacher.

Ask yourself if you would welcome similar 'liberties' on any of your other Constitutional birthrights -- like, say, free speech with regards to Internet access.
no restrictions at all
fuck that
nihilism fuck yeah
>If you live in a major city, there's a good chance there is already a Ceasefire program in place
I'm not American. It just seems that letting agencies determine who is "at-risk" is ambiguous and asking for privacy invasion. Besides it's not like every murderer has a prior criminal record, how would you determine someone is a school shooting risk?
>1. Do you own a trenchcoat?
>2. Do you have any friends?
>3. What are your opinions on Shadow the Hedgehog and Sephiroth?
Is it edgy to think that human beings should have the right to end their lives, and that attempts to create barriers to suicide rob individuals of their agency and liberty? I'm sorry for their friends and family of course, and I realize that many suicidal people later change their minds, but I believe suicide is perfectly acceptable and is no justification to restrict gun access.
Why is it a problem if someone wants to kill themself? Isn't it their right? Who owns their life if not them?

>mfw I live in NJ and a man killing himself at a range near me because his cheating wife was taking the kids and a ton of alimony was reported as a "shooting" and tons of people near me freaked out and said we need stricter gun laws.
Let's look at the real issue here. Gangs. How do we stop them?
1:make a jobs based incentive program. If a nig actually works and they lack cash they need for needs and liesure (to an extent), the government will give them money. The only people who can collect workless benefits are those who are unable to work due to a disability.
2:very seriously punish firearm based offenses (felons with guns, 30 round mags where they're banned, other assault features in places like New York, loopholes excluded of course) (this could possibly heart people with illegal parts who are otherwise law abiding, but do the crime and do the time.)
3:disallow media promoting gang culture. Hanging out with similarly minded people is fine, the problem is with people rapping about using their .40 problem solver, sawed of 12 gauge, or classic duece duece, and making it seem cool.

Bam. Rip it out by the roots and realize how little mass shootings actually happen.
Ban scary assault ideas with shoulder thingies that go up

I'm not OP but

>I own a duster
>I have lots of friends
>I loathe Sonic and have no idea what the fuck a Sephiroth is.

How am I doing?
Just don't wear the duster to class and you'll be fine.

I live in North Texas and graduated already. I do work on my grandpa's ranch as a favor and it gets cold and sleety as fuck here. Half the people I know wear dusters.
Better solution would be just to give free abortions and $300 to anyone getting an abortion.

Gang problem solved
>Phil speaking out in defense of liberties
Shut up Phil, we know you pick and choose which liberties you like as much as any gun-grabber.

In this case, it's enforcing laws already on the books, reducing crime through community involvement.

Not at all, I actually agree that people that wish to end their life should be able to do so. I also believe that it should be a well-considered decision, not one that is spur of the moment. Many people that don't kill themselves in that moment won't at all. If they have their mind set on it, and have considered it fully, I think there is no issue with it.

It should be noted that this doesn't further restrict buying guns. All of these practices are legal today, it just educates FFLs on their laws. Like an anti-smoking campaign, it dissuades suicide.

I will not accept restrictions on my freedom of speech. If the government wants to put out propaganda against your so called "gang culture", more power to them. Banning media is unacceptable.

Generally, increased punishment doesn't equate to reduced crime. If they thought about the consequences, they wouldn't be criminals.

The other stuff is out of the scope of this discussion

Also this, subsidize family planning options and increase abortion availability. Regardless of your thoughts on these issues, they reduce crime and poverty significantly.
What a world we live in, where that might actually work.
I support zero regulations on firearms and explosives, the imprisonment or deportation of niggers, mudslimes, and Mexicans, and self sufficient/net profitable prisons.

I guarantee this would vastly improve the quality of life in America, and eliminate many of the societal issues we are facing.
except for giving money for abortions
Don't do that. Not having a child is already enough of a financial incentive
So let me get this straight:
> Throw more money at anyone who can come up with an excuse to be "disabled" (Take a look at how fucked up the disability system is already)
> Reinforce a bunch of illegal laws
> Fuck the 1st amendment.

This, the entirety of crime in the US is because of genetically immature racial groups being allowed to operate without competent human supervision.
Forced deportation of citizens without regard for their rights and slave labor in the prison system would both be major societal issues. Stormfag.
I like this in principle, but people would abuse it by getting knocked up constantly for those sweet abortion bucks. Make it $3000 and a free sterilization procedure.
>implying didus look at it that way
>implying they won't just get abortions till their wombs run dry if they can get $300
I disagree.

Softer eugenic measures need to be taken, particularly pronatal policies to improve the birth rates of the upper class.

Also, eliminate the birthright provision of the 14th Amendment for people whose parents knowingly violated US immigration laws.
Push gun law ordinance down to the local county/city level. Shitholes like New York can outlaw guns entirely, anywhere outside of those major cities will probably remove most restrictions to gun ownership.

This actually isn't too great of idea, because unless those major cities implement checkpoints into and out of their cities and build walls around themselves, there's no way to stop more free places from bringing guns in. But at least they can have their anti-gun laws and pretend it does them some good.
In my perfect world it would be federal shall-issue licensing, one license good for any number of any firearm, with continued mandatory education and training (not just safety training but also shooting practice because well-regulated militia) built in and MAYBE very limited and explicit criteria for denial of said license for prohibited persons deemed to be a danger to themselves and others by a court of law (but then why are they allowed in public?).

I'm sick of all the fudds and ghetto morons clogging up public ranges and giving us a bad name, and honestly just having a few non-punitive hoops to jump through is too much hassle for your average lowlife and/or psycho. If it's shall-issue there's zero power for LEOs or politicians to arbitrarily deny people the way they're gonna try to.

Of course in the real world it's
>shall not be infringed
because there are simply too many people who are allowed to vote who think that banning civilian guns will actually disinvent violence.
>The only people who can collect workless benefits are those who are unable to work due to a disability.
Aside from entirely eliminating unemployment I pretty much agree with your post.

On the subject of unemployment, it's not always easy to find work immediately after being laid off, or wrongly fired. And like welfare, when used properly it's a temporary measure to help keep people on their feet, so they can get back to their lives.

Also not entirely sure about 3, it'd be unconstitutional to ban violent rap lyrics, but it would help curb the problem, though honestly I think only a little. So many wiggers listen to that stuff that it doesn't seem to be a major contributor to the violence. Not to mention the much more vague things that could be mistaken as part of gang culture, like bandana.
#4 would be huge
Mexicans aren't citizens

I suppose you favor graft and corruption of prison contractors over having prisoners genuinely repay their debt to society?

Also I don't post on Stormfront any more, the place is full of circlejerking and retarded conspiracy theories
Seems well thought out OP.

I agree with the other anons in thread, community outreach, family planning resources are key. All of it needs to be done taking into consideration what people actually need, so each city will have to hold public forums or go out and talk with the citizens.

A reformation of our justice system to reduce recidivism and increase rehabilitation would help reduce crime a lot as well, both violent and nonviolent. A lot of people get out of prison and try as they might, get sucked back into gangs and crime just because there's nowhere else for them to go.
When I say disabled, I mean like downs, or being horrifically injured to the point of being paralyzed. Even if you can only type, you can work
>1st amendment
I understand that it sucks, but the biggest fucking gang war (east vs west) was started and inflamed by rap. And rapping is cool, just not about " shoot other gangs, and get cash for drugs"
>illegal laws
Yeah, they suck too, but it's that they almost carry no additional penalty. I think people who break those laws should get huge amounts of additional shit considering its in all likelihood possible they're illegal arms dealers. While it could get some law abiding people jailed, you can't pick which ones to follow or not.

Im saying it sucks, but you have to sacrifice ease of welfare, shitty rap, and unenforced gun laws (so nothing of value was lost) and get back declining gun crime.
>What level of regulation over food would /k/ support?

With these things in mind, I present

>1. Provide funding for implementation of so called "diet and fitness" programs nationwide, which identify individuals at-risk for being overweights and victims of fatness and reach out to them using an alliance between gyms and personal trainers. These were responsible for the "no homo miracle" - a 63% reduction in body fat percentage.

>2. Provide government subsidies for refrigerators that require both a key and biometric ID. This prevents fatties from getting their hands on food and reduces the possibility that a fatty will eat the food of a family member.

>3. Require restaurants and McDonalds to include information about fat prevention and awareness with food sales and renting, provide guidelines for identifying individuals that exhibit signs that they're at risk of obesity. Remind employees that they can legally decline to sell food to these fatties.

>4. Ban baggy clothes to private citizens so that they can be sure the person they're selling food to is not a fatty or restricted from obtaining food.

>5. Enforce laws against straw-purchasing, prosecute individuals that attempt to do so, and follow up on all reports of this activity.

>6. Ask gyms really nicely to offer courses on aerobics, powerlifting, and weight lifting tips year round, and provide subsidies to help implement these programs.

>7. Remove McDonalds and revoke fast food licenses.
A large percentage of mexicans in the US are citizens. Deporting illegal immigrants is a different matter.

The legal code needs to be reformed in order to focus on results. The point of the law is to prevent harm to society. The US has the largest prison population / 100,000 in the world. This isn't due to a moral failing of the American people, but poorly thought out laws that over-criminalize many things.

I'm not stating that punishment should be removed from the justice system, far from it. There should be experimentation in order to determine what is most effective for reducing recidivism and producing functioning members of society.

Prison contractors do what they can with what they have, and are massively underfunded in general. Providing a safe environment for prisoners, education programs, and career training should be priorities. They're a symptom of the larger issues with the justice system.
Let me tell you something.

If I want to impulsively kill myself. Why don't I have the freedom to do it? Are you saying I don't have the freedom to make impulsive decisions?
Or How about
>no regulation on guns themselves
>just teach firearms and explosives safety in schools
>maybe a background check system for military grade explosives n' shit
That's about it. Anything else is both unconstitutional and doesn't do shit. If you want to fix shit like mass shootings due to the mentally ill, then obviously you need to improve mental illness. If your concern is about terrorism then stop right fucking there you statist piece of shit and realize that you're punishing thought crime by restricting guns. Here is an idea, stop importing people who have our country, culture, history, and way of life. Other firearms related homicides, well those deaths would happen anyway... however we can ensure that people can defend themselves from those criminals and thugs... we also need to bring back low-skill jobs and reassess our criminal justice system a bit. People with only drug possession charges for example shouldn't be put in prison for years, come out a felon, and then get fucked because they can't find work. Similarly people who commit murder shouldn't be able to get out after ten years on parole just to kill in cold blood again. Stop just looking at "gun violence" as a separate issue from other kinds of violence, the gun is just a tool and at that only one of many. So I guess in short

I think these would be great policies in conjunction with the quoted ones, but restrictive measures are needed for more fertile third worlders, particularly given today's limited market for unskilled labor
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You do have the freedom to do it. And other people have the freedom to not assist you in it. Wal-mart can decide not to sell you a rope if you say you're going to hang yourself.

I agree with most of the points you made, with the exception of "Other firearms related homicides, well those deaths would happen anyway". You've thrown up your hands and said "well, there's nothing we can do". There are effective ways of reducing the homicide rate. There are effective ways of reducing the number of guns in the hands of felons. None of these that I have proposed restrict gun rights in any way; in fact, they only assist gun owners in being safe. Nobody is forced to do any of these things.
>Disband the ATF: transfer alcohol and tobacco regulation to the FDA, and firearms and explosives enforcement to the FBI
>repeal the NFA
>restrict full auto purchases to individuals who can pass the former NFA background check process (but no tax), and re-open the registry
>SBRs, SBSs unregulated
>Suppressors unregulated and encouraged to preserve hearing and reduce noise pollution
>Carry, either open or concealed, with handguns or long guns is legal with a shall-issue permit contingent on a background check, quality training course and no mental health problems related to violent or suicidal behavior (unless with a note from a licensed psychiatrist attesting that the issues have been resolved). Applicants who are denied may petition for re-consideration before a judicial panel.
>permits are renewed every 5 years (simply submit to another background check with no fee), and revoked if a person is convicted of a violent felony
>an emergency permit may be issued if there is a reasonable and immediate threat which lasts 30 days
>police who confiscate firearms must allow the defendant and his/her attorney to photograph and verify their condition. Police must return firearms to their rightful owners within 5 days of acquittal or dismissal, and compensate the owner for any damages
>all FFL transactions require NICS check, and the NICS is opened to citizens through a mobile app that returns either a pass or fail (and no other information) and does not collect information on the transaction beyond the requested data. Citizens who sell a firearm to a prohibited person who commits a crime can be charged with negligence, provided the seller failed to take reasonable and practical steps to verify the buyers was legal (i.e. use the app).
>legalize possession of firearms for users of cannabis
>Provide tax incentives for states to offer training courses on firearms safety and hunting to the general public, and funding for schools to establish trap/skeet/.22 target clubs
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Development is the best contraceptive.

Even shithole countries like India and Brazil have seen dramatic fertility drops from family planning programs and social changes.

My goal would be to keep lower classes, in this country, and around the world, in the lowest point on this curve, and the upper classes further to the right.

The best solution to Mexicans is to limit access to the things they came here for. If we can successfully isolate them, and any children they may have, from education, health care, welfare, and jobs, there'd be no need for an expensive and disruptive deportation program.
>one of many people shouting SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>when noone is suggesting anything that would infringe on anyone
And this is why the "SHALL NOT, etc., etc." people are fucking retards.

Why God, why must the gun owning community be its own worst enemy!?
Shall not be infringed.
>Social darwinism and deporting mexicans
Of course, what could possibly go wrong!
I think a lot of these are good suggestions. Many are, unfortunately, politically impossible. Also, just make recreational marijuana legal at the federal level. It's not like the law is doing anything productive.
>the law explicitly states something
>god, why do you keep bringing up the law

Seriously though, and you don't even have public opinion to blame for this shit any more. How about you stop being a little bitch and stand up for the rights that your countrymen died for?

Shut the fuckup phil-libuster we all know you're selective in who gets liberties
It's a meme you idiot.
Did you even read my post?

I'm opposed to deportation, because the infrastructure to make it happen would be destructive to civil rights, and because it's an inefficient use of resources.

The best government policy towards undocumented immigrants is resource denial. If employing illegals can cost you your business license, you're significantly less likely to do it. If you can't find a job in the US, you're significantly less likely to stay there.

I think I'll start by saying what things I want to avoid.

1. Registering what guns you have.
2. Limiting what types of guns you can have in a way that is inconvenient.
3. Preventing lawful carry.

So now I'll think of the most restrictive laws I would be ok with.

1. Restrict carry for non sporting purposes to people who have a clean record who have done basic training in a state guard program similar to Switzerland except that it's voluntary.

2. Make it illegal to posses a firearm if you are a felon with an appeal process to get your rights back.

3. Allow cities to prevent shooting for fun outdoors.

4. Restrict shooting for fun in state and federal parks.
>I agree with most of the points you made, with the exception of "Other firearms related homicides, well those deaths would happen anyway". You've thrown up your hands and said "well, there's nothing we can do". There are effective ways of reducing the homicide rate. There are effective ways of reducing the number of guns in the hands of felons. None of these that I have proposed restrict gun rights in any way; in fact, they only assist gun owners in being safe. Nobody is forced to do any of these things.
I'm not saying to just give up, but stop blaming guns and lawful gun owners. If you want to reduce homicide, give back these poor communities jobs. Deport illegals and bring back low-skill jobs and manual labor. Manual labor not Manuel Laboring is the solution to reducing homicides. Also making sure that murderers don't just walk out of prison on Parole.
Any laws that require background checks, licenses, or any bureaucracy are an infringement on our rights.
If you weren't retarded, you'd have read
>>when noone is suggesting anything that would infringe on anyone
And perhaps maybe even read the OP, and noticed that this would be a step in the right direction

>merely pretending
What a time to be alive
>If you weren't retarded
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statist scum
Agreed on the first 3 points.
As for the other 4:
I think that's far too restrictive, many people that need to use a firearm defensively may not be physically able to do such training, and likely will not have the time.

>2, 3, 4
That's already the law.

I agree about jobs. Improving the economic conditions of the working class and returning to the 40 hour work week would likely greatly reduce crime, though they'd be out of the scope of this bill.
>Many are, unfortunately, politically impossible
Oh believe me, I know. But OP didn't ask what's possible.
>Also, just make recreational marijuana legal at the federal level
I support legalizing just about everything short of meth and crack, but didn't think it was relevent (and I ran out of post length)
Burn Title 21

Regulate the sale of Cocaine,THC and Heroin

Put drug dealers out of business

Once drug crime related murders drop and organized crime begins to collapse get rid of the NFA,waiting periods and any other dumb gun laws
>Any laws that require background checks, licenses, or any bureaucracy are an infringement on our rights.
>not sure if serious or just another SHALL NOT BE idiot
I mean... there's like a million things that require background checks, licenses, or government bureaucracy that aren't related to guns at all.
>I agree about jobs. Improving the economic conditions of the working class and returning to the 40 hour work week would likely greatly reduce crime, though they'd be out of the scope of this bill.
Well again that's gun legislation doesn't work, it treats guns like the problem when poverty, substance abuse, and a thug culture are the problems.
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Just add removing the restriction on SBRs, as it would be even easier to sell than than revoking the Hughes amendment or restrictions on suppressors.
>Any laws that require background checks, licenses, or any bureaucracy are an infringement on our rights.
An acceptable one if it prevents idiots from hurting other people. I don't mind if retards fuck themselves over (in fact it's hilarious) but I don't want some dumbass who doesn't know the muzzle from his own sphincter hunting in the same woods as me.

It's OK to discriminated based on retardation: if you're too fucking dumb to learn to handle guns properly, well then tough shit on you.
Those things also aren't a constitutional right. I mean to get a job you often get a background check run... well that's fine because it's they're a business or similar and have a right to do that. You're not entitled to work for another person, you're not entitled to a job.
>An acceptable one if it prevents idiots from hurting other people. I don't mind if retards fuck themselves over (in fact it's hilarious) but I don't want some dumbass who doesn't know the muzzle from his own sphincter hunting in the same woods as me.
>It's OK to discriminated based on retardation: if you're too fucking dumb to learn to handle guns properly, well then tough shit on you.
>m-muh hunting
Fuck off fudd, you'd still keep hunting licenses which usually go over basic gun safety. Those aren't gun laws though, rather laws pertaining to hunting...
>how would you determine someone is a school shooting risk?
The program deals with gang violence, which is a much larger problem than school shootings.
The opposite, but OK.

Hunting is just an example, I wouldn't want some peabrain who thinks his jeans are enough holster carrying around me either.

Ultimately, if you can't deal with a really very minor inconvenience without sperging out and asking if you're being detained, you're clearly not responsible enough to own firearms safely.
I would be okay with the wording of the typical 'assault weapon' ban laws pushed forward lately. Even NY state style retarded. I only own an AR-15 because they and their ammo is so cheap anymore. I cannot think of a single plausible situation where I would need my AR-15 and the dozen magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammunition I have for it. My pump 12ga and 30-06 and .38 special are all I 'need'.

That said, I know gun control is utterly ineffective. I know my AR-15 is fun as fuck to shoot. I also know the liberals will never stop pushing further gun control, not until everything is banned and even possession of a single spent shell casing is a felony. For those reasons I vehemently oppose ANY gun control measure in purely a political stance. I don't really give a fuck about keeping my AR-15, unless I pissed off the drug Cartels or we're invaded by space aliens.

I'm aware of the 'slippery slope fallacy' but it's fact. Liberals are never content. They will always push and rebel against anything they see as possessing strength, individualism or risk and guns will always all under those categories.
Educate, don't legislate. Hence my original suggestion of firearms education in highschools.
I agree with at some level on nfa restrictions, not sbrs or suppressor. Buy I do believe that machine should be regulated but not expensive and destructive devices like handgranades should be regulated as hell.and at some a waiting period for first time owners only to help prevent suacide,I don't know how to not do it without a record involved.maybe the dealer makes a copy of the form 4473 and you show it to any dealer to skip the wait.

being this new
Why do studies always list "gun violence" instead of homicide rate? A person without access to a gun that stabs someone is still a murder.
Ban woman from owning fire arms.

>They get banned from owning evil child killing assault clips
>MEN HAVING FUN BY THEMSELVES mentallity makes the women upset
>they want to join the men only shooting leagues
>women can own guns just as good as men
>demand gun rights
>demand to open carry guns without negatigve attention like public breast feeding

The harpys will want to own guns just to spite the men.
I agree with that too.

Best to prevent problems before they start, but just because you change your oil regularly doesn't mean you don't need the oil gauge.
anon that only works on stuff they want already
on stuff they don't want, they ban it
like all those porn bans in england
You. You have good ideas, I'm voting for you next election season
Because most studies are either very specific, and taken out of context, or performed by anti-gun think-tanks and skewed ridiculously to fit the agenda.
More like
>They get banned from owning evil child killing assault clips
>MEN HAVING FUN BY THEMSELVES mentallity makes the women upset
>they want to join the men only shooting leagues
>they try it out
>blame men
>femi-sits campaign to completely ban guns
>"g-guns are part of a toxic masculine culture"
Nice going jackass
wait what porn bans in england the fake rape stuff? triggering type of stuff? Or bong ISP reporting your surfing history to Queen Mum?
well thats only in the worst timeline. I'm pretty positive it wont go that bad.
You give them an inch they will take a mile.personaly I wouldn't need anything more than my 1911 or later on a glock with a standerd mag.unless drug cartel is after me even if local gang a pistol would do.even in Mexico a old farmer was able to hold off and kill 2 to 3 drug cartel assassin raiding his ranch with automatic rifles hand grenades and 40mm luachers with nothing more than his collection of bolt action hunting rifles.but I am a military collector and later on competition shooter I am no hunter.so that's why I don't want those guns ban they are my favorite weapon I like them more than pistols
naw man you got that wrong he was holding them off until they broke out the grenade launchers then he got fucked.
Feminism has already done that with everything else
Well they had them with them and didn't use them till.they knew it was not going to be an easy fight.
I like that comic where the women have banned most things and the men start having fun with rocks and she gets vag pained over men over in the corner having fun with rocks.
They also banned spanking, "female ejaculation", facesitting, fisting, physical/verbal abuse, and penetration by any object associated with violence.
sensible regulation?
1) mandatory registration of firearms
2) you need a license to own firearms based on medical exam and psych eval much like a drivers license only you need to renew it more often
3) full-auto weapons may only be used for sporting and recreational purposes and can only be owned by law enforcement military or the ranges
weird they banned the female ejaculation one since thats women oriented with them getting off.
So is facesitting. Supposedly they were banned because they promoted acts that could lead to fatalities.

Also I'm not convinced female ejaculation is a real thing, pretty sure bitches just can't hold their piss.
From studying my animus isn't female ejaculation just the "wetting" reaction going ham?

>promoted actions that could lead to fatalites

should have banned diversity interracial (which is only blacks/white women accordin to hollywood)

From what, dehydration? I guess face sitting could be fatal if it's some fattie with a death warrant with your name on it, but why would you eat them out anyways? They don't taste like what they eat, and fatties tend to not into hygiene, so that's a double no.
If go with your way,we must get something in return even sweeden you are allowed to get a full auto sweedish k do 50 bucks if you prove you are in sweedish smg sport.
> 2. Provide government subsidies for safes that require both a key and biometric lock
Could probably go without the biometric lock part as safes without biometric locks are less expensive, which would result in a higher ownership rate and criminals generally get into gun safes by prying them open anyways.
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Fuck Off.
regulation worked great for drugs and alcohol it will surely work great for firearms
Maybe such a thing exists, but in porn it means piss. I've been with only one girl who actually "squirted" when she came, and it was clearly just piss. It wasn't viscous (though it didn't smell) and it tasted sharp (from eating her out afterwards .. would not recommend).

The biometric lock is specifically for preventing family members from stealing guns. Perhaps there could be increased subsidies for safes with biometric locks. It would prevent people from stealing guns, even if they had the key.
The Brits banned 'piss porn' that's where 'female ejaculation' came from.

The filmmakers said 'oh, it's a spray of weird, magical liquid stuff from a special gland in their pussy, it's not piss, honest, you just never made a girl come hard enough to see it!' and that's how they bypassed the 'piss porn laws'.

In a perfect world, I would say no guns for anybody. In real life, where the responsibility for protecting your life falls on the individual, not the state, you require a weapon as necessity for survival. If the common threat to your life is a man with a knife in your home, you should have a shotgun. If the threat to your life is an invading army of foreigners here to genocide you, you need more than a shotgun.
This. Prohibition doesn't work.
Does anyone have a figure on how many people have been killed in "mass shootings" this year? I can't find an accurate number through all the liberal bullshit and flatout lies
i have no troubles with full auto, but you have to make the soldier boys feel speshul and operationul.
frankly i don't see much advantage to full-auto aside from supressive fire it would even be a tad dangerous in a street shootout. at the range? hell yeah have fun with it!
i'm hungarian if i could own a fucking revolver i would be happy with that.
i go to the range and practice and have fun but i can never take them home.
>In a perfect world, I would say no guns for anybody.
That doesn't sound like a perfect world to me.
Full-auto is useful in combat. Machineguns are amazing weapons, a barely trained person can easily kill a target out to 900 meters with a burst from an old machinegun where otherwise only a skilled person with a excellent rifle could accurately engage. Machine guns are like ultra-long range shotguns, their reason to exist is sending a scattered burst out at killing velocity.

Oh, maybe I should say in a perfect world there would be no 'need' for firearms. If mass violence was some unthinkable act, you'd never understand the appeal of a firearm designed for combat. If you wanted to plink projecticles at something for fun you'd be an archer or something.

Consider that a main battle tank is a machine designed to, and only good at, killing other people. It's absolute shit at any other thing! It's only reason is to murder people who are trying to murder you and are trying not to get murdered! It's a bizzare, stupid fucking concept when you really think about it.

A world with killing machines is better than one without, but it's a useless point to make, because violence is always the answer when a struggle between people cannot be otherwise resolved. So here we are with our tanks, missiles and lightweight, automatic rifles. World isn't perfect.
Aw your Hitler's master race wouldn't he be proud.as hey faggot Whites are not the master race,they can behave just as bad if not worae than nigger
>be me
>have pure white class mate
>was 19 years old still in high school,didn't have jovlb brother will steal cars to buy meth or just steal it
>older sister married nigger
>dumb as pile of brick you tell hitler this is the master race
>also blacks and Muslim fought for Hitler.

We should have a system where only working Mexicans who contributed to society should stay.my work place is half white half Mexicans and some natives no blacks work their.I cants stand anchor baby gang banging trash one of those fuckers pulled a revolver on me.the part that gets me most angry is this fucker has no fear of anything more than a jail sentence at least the good illegals the deportation keeps them in line and live quite productive lives and go to church reguarly.but we must deport anchor baby trash,we don't want them here the illegal don't want them here because they terrorist our community.
1st gen mostly hard working,though a little disrespectful to the USA
>2nd gen lazy LA raza degenerates or even worse gang banging trash.sometimes good but mostly not.
>3rd gen is where u find most of the gangbanging trash.



I want full auto only for collecting perpous I don't want a knock off semi auto version with a extra long barrel.I wouldn't mind if I had to the new Zealand thing where I could get a license to buy a full auto machine gun if I prove I have an interest in collecting historical military weapona becuase I will have 0 problem doing that.but I want to shoot them once in a while unlike new Zealand.but their are even military guns that have been restrictive to semi auto becuase its more useful
the ak and m16 are design to go into semi auto after taken off safety to keep soldiers from wasting ammo
>Machine guns are like ultra-long range shotguns, their reason to exist is sending a scattered burst out at killing velocity.
This, there's a reason the US military put a fuck ton of research into flechettes and other ideas to reduce recoil to the point where fully automatic fire would be practical while standing unsupported.

This would be nice, hell, I'd just be okay with open bolt semi autos being legal and getting rid of the "once an X always an X" restriction on guns. Bring on the surplus subguns that just have something welded in place to block the selector from going to full auto like they supposedly have in some European countries.
We should have a system where only literate posters who contribute to the board can stay. My home board is half illiterate and half incompetent; we have some college dropouts, but no high school dropouts. I can't stand their inability to grasp the English language despite having studied it for at least 12 years of their life. One of those retards failed to capitalize the first letter of their sentences and include a space after each period. The part that frustrates me most is that this retard had nothing to fear but a temporary ban; at least underage posters attempt to post quality content. The fear of a multiple year ban keeps them in line, and the quality of their posts are generally indistinguishable from adult posters. Because of this, we must ban the illiterate trash. We don't want them posting here, they lower the level of dialogue and /pol/iticize our community.

>Illiterate posters are either uneducated or worse, /pol/acks. They are sometimes salvageable, but more often not.
>/pol/ is where you find most of the shitposting trash.
Fuck off. Not even going to read this shit, there are too many gun regs as it is. Requesting the picture of the cake analogy of the government taking all of our cake and then getting pissy when we won't give more

If this ware in place ppsh 41 will be the nuggets of submachine guns.licensed buyer will be able to get them from 100 to no more than 200 depending on condition.
PPS-43 parts kits were about $40 a few years back.
This thread has made it clear that /k/ is lazy as fuck and not worth attempting to converse with in a civilized manner.

TL;DR because you're lazy
>fund programs to reduce urban violence without passing new restrictions on guns
>Help gun owners buy safes with government money
>Tell people not to kill themself, don't let people who indicate that they're going to commit suicide buy guns
>Let people do background checks without going through a FFL
>Enforce laws on the books
>More firearms safety & self-defense courses available
>suppressors not NFA, allow new machine guns

Seriously anon, it was less than 2000 characters.
Federal shall issue

Full auto as well. Let's be honest, there's too many fucking retards out there that I wouldn't trust with with a bolt action .22.
>fund programs to reduce urban violence without passing new restrictions on guns

>Help gun owners buy safes with government money

>Tell people not to kill themself, don't let people who indicate that they're going to commit suicide buy guns

>Let people do background checks without going through a FFL

>Enforce laws on the books

>More firearms safety & self-defense courses available

>suppressors not NFA, allow new machine guns
>fund programs to reduce urban violence without passing new restrictions on guns
Because throwing money at the problem magically stop them right?
>Help gun owners buy safes with government money
How about no. Not the governments place to fund that shit.
>Tell people not to kill *themselves, don't let people who indicate that they're going to commit suicide buy guns
We already do that. If someone is deemed a threat to themselves or others to the extent that they get involuntarily institutionalized and can't legally purchase a firearm
>Let people do background checks without going through a FFL
I'd agree with this if it was voluntary
>Enforce laws on the books
Care to elaborate? That's an extremely broad statement that has literally no meaning
>More firearms safety & self-defense courses available
What more government money poured into shit? How about fuck you.
>suppressors not NFA, allow new machine guns
I'd abolish the NFA all together. It was literally created with the intent of disarming working class Americans. That $200 tax stamp in 1934 would be equivalent of about $3500 today, also consider the much lower wages of the American public at the time and that could easily eat up a third or even half of an individuals annual income.
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That's nice, good luck convincing the rest of the voting public to support that in your lifetime. The OP suggested that shit because it would reduce the amount of crimes committed with guns, satisfying many of the anti gunners, and because one could actually sell it to the American public and get them to support it and that's what matters, not idealist bullshit that you'll never live to see.
If you'd read the OP you'd see answers to most of your questions. It's hard to believe that you're so lazy you won't read 323 words, but you will take the time to respond to each summary line by line.

The purpose of the post and the proposal was to present a public-health solution to gun violence. The government spends a lot of money, most of it on worthless things. I think spending a bit of money to ensure the safety of US citizens and protecting the second amendment is worthwhile.
Does the American government have any restrictions in place of what they can and can't own?
>That's nice, good luck convincing the rest of the voting public to support that in your lifetime.
We're a Republic, not a democracy. If the majority of the population shits on the natural rights they they all have but only a few express, then it is the duty of the government to protect those rights despite a majority.
>The OP suggested that shit because it would reduce the amount of crimes committed with guns
But it wouldn't
>satisfying many of the anti gunners
Which has worked so great in all those states and even countries with strict gun laws right? We've compromised time and time again and they just want to keep taking more and more.
>because one could actually sell it to the American public and get them to support it and that's what matters, not idealist bullshit that you'll never live to see.
You can't have a society without ideals. Also it's not "idealist" bullshit. The ideal way of doing thing would be no regulation at all and just teaching basic gun safety in schools... That won't happen though. Any "compromise" for gun owners is anything but. We get nothing out of it.
>The purpose of the post and the proposal was to present a public-health solution to gun violence. The government spends a lot of money, most of it on worthless things. I think spending a bit of money to ensure the safety of US citizens and protecting the second amendment is worthwhile.
What you really mean is
>I don't trust my fellow countrymen enough and I want big daddy government to come in and give the bad boys a good spanking
How about you fuck off?
Yeah, they already do, in case you haven't been paying attention the last (2015-1934) years

This is meant to be a bill to address many issues currently effecting the US in a way that is palatable to both parties and sides of the political spectrum. It also lifts some of the restrictions on firearms (suppressors and machine guns). It's a step in the right direction, not "wish fulfillment gun paradise".

>a good spanking
If you'd actually ready anything that you're responding to, you'd notice that there are no new restrictions on firearms. No firearms are banned, no new punishments are devised, and gun rights are expanded. I honestly can't tell if you're "merely pretending" to be retarded or are the genuine article.
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?

Absolutely none.
>I don't trust my fellow countrymen enough
Not him, but damn right I fucking don't.

Do you have ANY idea just how stupid the average American is? Fortunately, there's an app for showing you exactly how stupid your countrymen are. It's called Twitter.

>fuck you
>fuck off
>fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck

I mean, I like the good old' fuckin' F-word as much as the next motherfucker, but you sound a wee bit rectally ravaged there.
The only stupid American is the one that wants to shit on the rights of their fellow Americans.
Who exactly tells the American government what they can and can't own?
>I'd abolish the NFA all together
And I'd like anime to be real. I'll give you a hint as to which of these things is more likely to happen in our lifetimes, it isn't the NFA being abolished.
The American people, who elect representatives to congress, who have the ability to pass laws and constitutional amendments (though this also requires the state governments).
fuck you
You sound like an autistic 15-year-old Libertarian who watched like two Ron Paul speeches and read Atlas Shrugged in English class once. Grow the fuck up: we allow certain things that supposedly infringe on peoples' rights all the time, because the harm is inconsequential and the net benefit outweighs the baaawwwing of hardliners.

Getting a pistol permit isn't hard, and it doesn't hurt you no matter how much you bitch and moan like a baby about it.

Also, contain your anal unsettlement before it becomes a colonic catastrophe.
why murricans are so frightened from severely under-powered guns with stocks?
>long guns with real punch A-OK
>short guns with compromised penetration HARAM
So you're telling the army for example, what they can and can't use? I mean it's bound to the Constitution and all.

Why exactly should there be some sort of restriction on anything weapons related, if it is not stated in the Constitution?
Be honest, /k/, did you read the OP fully?
why is the rest of the world so interested in kekoldry?
Someone paid to clean that mess. I guess they're creating jobs
>that picture
Kek, I think you're getting a little to enthusiastic anon.
If you don't need to show ID or get a permit to vote, you shouldn't need one to get a pistol.
Whether there should be or not is not what's up for debate here, and the measures listed in the OP are mostly independent from gun restrictions. The only gun control measure this serves to reinforce is criminal background checks. Even here, it only provides citizens the ability to perform background checks - it does not require them.
you can conceal a SBR whilst walking into a church full of orphan puppies with leukemia
>If you don't need to show ID or get a permit to vote

you need to register to vote, anon. and iirc I had to show a photo ID.
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?
None. We already have too much and the only reasons gun owners don't get fucked time and again is because pro-gun senators have fucked over the ATF thankfully.

What we need is to solve the underlying issues with gun violence: poverty, education, and culture, you know the hard stuff.
>He does't think the NFA will be abolished eventually.

top cu ck.
Might b cool

Cat's already out of the bag with the proliferation of stolen and otherwise illegal firearms

Citizens should be able to choose the time and manner of their deaths, provided they don't try to take it out on a bunch of innocents first

Mite b cool

This hurts legal straw purchases, since it is often legal for someone under 21 to possess a pistol but illegal for him to purchase

I like this quite a bit

Sure, but keep in mind that the Hughes Amendment is also why we can order ammo online or through the mail
Well, I do have to prove I'm a citizen to vote. Even in Minnesota, where we've got fairly loose voting laws, I still have to prove I'm who I say I am.
Did you not read the OP anon-kun?
Go fap to some shota hentai, Phil, you fucking hypocrite
I believe it depends largely on the state. The whole "photo ID to vote" thing was pretty controversial. If they just issued a "voter's registration" with a photo on it, there wouldn't be any problems. Then again, that wouldn't restrict poor/urban people from voting which would make the law pointless.

If you had read the proposal, you'd note that it specifically attempts to address education (better and cheaper firearm education) and culture (through operation Ceasefire). Fixing the American education system and increasing the availability of good jobs for working class people are critical, but not in the scope of this bill.
That's a deflection from the issue at hand: gun laws.
Compulsory gun safety training in all public schools and life sentences for anyone using a firearm in a crime.
>Cat's already out of the bag with the proliferation of stolen and otherwise illegal firearms
Um, do you honestly think that firearms that are owned illegally never get confiscated or thrown into lakes/destroyed in other ways after people use them in crimes? The black market for guns isn't exactly self sustaining.

>This hurts legal straw purchases
Straw purchases are by definition a crime and not legal.
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you can conceal anything
i think i could walk into a church full of orphan puppies with leukemia concealing an m2 browning with a bit of creativity
The entire controversy was because states were free to only offer Id issuing services at insane hours and made every effort to exclude voters the current governments knew would vote against them.

voter fraud doesn't happen at the level of people making repeated votes at multiple polling stations. It happens at the level of voting machines being actually rigged.

I wish this board had flags.
>life sentences for anyone using a firearm in a crime
fuck, I traveled with a loaded mag in the car without a CCL (for NHites)
>life in prison
Fuck, my hacksaw mistake made my barrel 15.9"
>life in prison
Fuck, I was drunk driving and had my CCW in the car
>life in prison
fuck, I had a ND
>life in prison
fuck, I cheaped out and kept the FA trigger group in my M16A1 build instead of getting a semi-only selector and somebody noticed
>life in prison
Fuck, I carried into a post office because I forgot to take my gun off
>life in prison
Fuck, that self-defense shooting I was engaged in wasn't completely legal
>life in prison
fuck, i flashed my gat at those thugs that keep frontin and the po po noticed
>life in prison

I don't think you've fully thought this out. If this were the law, 95% of /k/ would be in prison
>implying 95% of /k/ owns guns

it's negress, and negress is not the preferred nomenclature.
What, you think I'm a Bong or some other kind of Yuropoor?

Thankfully, I'm an American just like you, though unlike you, I'm not a retarded extremist preaching an ideology just as brain-meltingly stupid as Communism (and for the same exact reason).
>What, you think I'm a Bong or some other kind of Yuropoor?

There is no fucking doubt that you are, you gun-grabbing shitlicker.

>it's negress, and negress is not the preferred nomenclature.

It's whatever I say it is.
What part of my simple two part system said anything about keeping the shitty gun laws we currently have? You teach people how to respect guns and use them safely while punishing those who misuse them so harshly that everyone intent on committing a crime knows that if they use a gun, they're done. That's it. Throw all the current shit out the window because it's not working anyways.

>fuck, I traveled with a loaded mag in the car without a CCL (for NHites)
You no longer need a permission slip from the government to protect yourself wherever you go.
>Fuck, my hacksaw mistake made my barrel 15.9"
Who gives a shit how long the barrel is? All those restrictions on spooky features are gone.
>Fuck, I was drunk driving and had my CCW in the car
Unless you were using the gun to drive the car, it's irrelevant to the crime.
>fuck, I had a ND
Accidents are not a crime.
>fuck, I cheaped out and kept the FA trigger group in my M16A1 build instead of getting a semi-only selector and somebody noticed
See the second point above.
>Fuck, I carried into a post office because I forgot to take my gun off
See the first point above.
>Fuck, that self-defense shooting I was engaged in wasn't completely legal
How so? See first point above.
>fuck, i flashed my gat at those thugs that keep frontin and the po po noticed
See first point above.

You sound like you're already way too conditioned for life in a nanny state to understand why this is a better system.
All gun laws and regulations should be repealed.
>gun-grabbing shitlicker.
Christ, nigga, contain the calamity that is your mammorys.

Also nice strawman, dumbass. I'm not a gun grabber, but I've seen plenty in this country just as bad as the yurokeks. You're clearly just an angry faggot with no idea what he's talking about.
How do you propose that the federal government removes state and town level laws regarding these things? That's not really possible.
Firearms are much more restricted at the state level than the federal level.

That is not incompatible with any points except 3 and 6. Also, not realistic in any sense of the word.
>no idea what he's talking about

Lad, I've forgotten more than you've ever learned.
>How do you propose that the federal government removes state and town level laws regarding these things? That's not really possible.
>Firearms are much more restricted at the state level than the federal level.
Unanimous sweeping change from the bottom to the top, friend. We're not talking about the logistics of how the changes happen, just what changes we'd support.
Go to an AA meeting anon, you can heal.
but srs this, been sober for ~5 weeks
But I didn't go to AA, I just stopped drinking
Well, I can tell this is going to be an exercise in brick-wall head-bashing. Enjoy your delusional ideology that will never be anything but a tiny minority.
Pretty much how retarded OP sounds.

But lowkey I fucking hate obese people.
< 0

>The only correct answer.
I think your on to something anon.

Fuck gun control, we need fatty control!
Clearly, when posting the OP I shouldn't have made that the first sentence. ~60% of people in this thread didn't read beyond that. This thread wasn't supposed to be about "what guns should people be allowed to own", it was "how can you reduce gun violence while retaining individual liberties".

and tbqh a number of these would probably be useful, but restoring a 40 hour work week (allowing people to spend more time preparing food), requiring a class covering fact-based nutrition and cooking in school , and subsidizing business providing healthy foods to low-income communities (which are often in "food deserts") would go a long way towards combating obesity.
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If a person is adult, sane, law-abiding and trained to use it properly, he/she/xir should be able to purchase any weapon on the planet short of nuclear weapons.

A few qualifiers apply to the above. Being a member of an extremist religion (ie. Muslim) disqualifies you from "sane". "Law-abiding" status is lost from any felony, and is lost for a lifetime with no chance of regaining it. Proper use can be ascertained with a simple handling test.

I'm fine with registering and tracking all purchases, for the purpose of enforcing the above.

Eurofag here BTW.
>fuck, i flashed my gat at those thugs that keep frontin and the po po noticed
So wait, you're there with some thugs and a cop nearby, you're armed, and you feel a little threatened, so you brandish your weapon? Someone needs to go back to the first day of gun safety class. If you feel like your life is threatened then you unholster and fire. You don't "flash your gat" just because you don't like them colored folk looking your direction. Even if you did though being a pussy isn't a crime, they're still the aggressors in your scenario.
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?
How about a regulation that allows blowing away anyone that muzzle sweeps

fucking inconsiderate shits
Anon, all of those were crimes that would have been easily avoided with proper education. That was the point. If you prefer, read it as
>those kids keep coming around my property and throwing toilet paper all over my trees, so I came out of my house with a shotgun one day while telling them to scram and johnny law noticed
>"how can you reduce gun violence while retaining individual liberties"
Explain how my simple two part system wouldn't do both. The gun safety classes get people comfortable with guns, so more people can carry if they want. The life sentence for criminals using guns is the ultimate preventative measure.

How hard is it to not use a fucking gun to scare the kids off your lawn? What the fuck kind of safety training do you have where they say "yeah, that's totally the right move here, they're littering and they're on your property so you should definitely threaten deadly force"?
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Play the numbers.....No sales to African Americans. Maybe they get their shit together we can reconsider it down the road
It doesn't respect an individual's 8th amendment rights, I'm pretty sure any court would declare life in prison for many of these offenses unconstitutional.

“For every problem there is a solution which is simple, clean and wrong.”
There isn't going to be a 2 point solution for all gun violence in the country.
>he wants to make machine guns equipped to silencers to allow undetected mass shootings legal

Fucking GOP.
No regulation

Fuck the constitution. We're discussing what SHOULD be done here, not what CAN be done.
>1. Provide funding for implementation of so called "ceasefire" programs nationwide, which identify individuals at-risk for being perpetrators and victims of crime and reach out to them using an alliance between police agencies and community leaders. These were responsible for the "Boston Miracle" - a 63% reduction in youth gun violence in Boston.

That is all you need.
Anon, if it wasn't for the constitution, the government would likely have banned civilian gun ownership of semi-automatic weapons and all handguns in 1934, followed by australia-tier laws in the 90s. The constitution is the basis of the whole government. If you're ignoring it, you're completely ignoring reality.
>fuck the constitution
Spotted the limey
You left out 2 and 5 taking a big chunk out of the black market which would reduce the rate even further with no negatives for gun owners, 3 probably having a slight effect on the suicide rate which antigunners like to include as gun violence making it harder for them to pursue their goals, 6 making the overall firearms community better, and most importantly fucking 7.

In a perfect world, I wouldn't mind a licensing system that wouldn't be abused by a corrupt government, costs nothing to the licensee, and has no restrictions on the types of firearms one can buy or import.

But if the world was that perfect, we wouldn't have crime or corrupt governments anyways, so there wouldn't be a point to have any regulations in the first place.
Kill all niggers.

Gangs would be gone.
>It doesn't respect an individual's 8th amendment rights, I'm pretty sure any court would declare life in prison for many of these offenses unconstitutional.
The 8th amendment does not give individuals the right to commit crimes with firearms. If my simple two part system were in effect, everyone would know up front the exact consequences of such action, and following through means the decision was theirs. Committing a crime with a firearm means they've accepted the risk that they could be throwing their life away. As it should be.
Not the other guy, but don't you think that restricting the first amendment for any reason, however justified, just opens the door for further restriction on any speech congress deems "dangerous"?
No, but life imprisonment for a minor offense may be considered "cruel" punishment.

i only support control of government guns
Committing any crime with a firearm should not be considered a minor offense. You're wielding the force to take anyone's life away. It you do that, while committing a crime, your own life should be equally forfeit.
Alright, with that in mind, it should be reworded. Commit a violent crime and you go to jail. But, say, using a gun to break a lock or something obviously isn't wielding deadly intent so it wouldn't apply there. And by that rational, knives and bludgeoning weapons shouldn't get a pass just for not being guns either. We're no strangers to the "it's not a gun problem, it's a crime problem" debate. So commit a violent crime, boom, jailed for life. Don't want to end up in jail for life? Don't be a fucking criminal.

> Many crime guns are stolen, and many people that commit suicide with a firearm buy shortly before killing themselves

The answer is obvious. We should make crime illegal, and ban suicide. Problem solved.
Ban the government having weapons, make all drugs legal, and watch crime plummet overnight.
Funny thing is, we tried that! But gosh darn it, people just won't cooperate. Now if we stepped up the punishment so it wasn't such a joke then we might have a system that worked. Or at least worked better.
The extent that the constitution and second amendment allow (as intended by the founders, obviously).

I cant help but think all these virgin socially awkward mass shooters wouldnt have done it if they had legal access to prostitutes.
Subsidies for safes aren't a bad idea, so long as they aren't mandated.

The rest sound pretty reasonable.
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support

None. Fuck off cunt.
You know who's never shot up a school? The gays. Obviously the answer is requiring all high school males to renounce their heterosexuality. That takes care of those incidents without legalizing commercial statutory rape.

Nothing is a crime when nothing is illegal
>how do we stop gangs?

Ban non whites. Problem fucking solved.
In my perfect world we'd have federal licensing of free speech and faggots like you would be denied.
What I described to you is an example of a legal straw purchase

I'm not opposed to the ownership of such safes, but I'm not comfortable with making such a purchase mandatory, even subsidized. While it is going down a slipper slope, but such a move reminds me of onerous stipulations that exist in, for example, Canada, about gun storage

Sorry anon I think Bloomberg already tried this.
How about train people to use guns first before selling them? Works like a charm
I believe requiring ownership of safes was already determined to be contrary to the second amendment because it imposes a large financial barrier to gun ownership. Inspections of firearm storage without due process would violate the fourth amendment (then again, 4473 already violates the 5th amendment by requiring you to bear witness against yourself.
holy shit my sides, I know this is pretty tame but you got me somehow.
>Manual labor not Manuel Laboring is the solution to reducing homicides.
what happened why am i laughing so hard
We should also require that anybody engaged in journalism (that is, publishing information about recent events in a public manner, for profit or otherwise) be licensed in order to prevent irresponsible use of such media.

>What I described to you is an example of a legal straw purchase
Yeah, last time I checked that wasn't legal. Although if you have a source saying otherwise that would be great.
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>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?

>Background checks on sales from brick and mortar FFLs and online retailers
>private sales only need background checks for pistols and magazine loaded rifles
>family private sales/transfers never require paperwork unless one member is a felon or otherwise prohibited...in which case they would obviously be illegal.
>checks ensure you aren't a felon, are a US citizen, haven't been reported/convicted for domestic abuse, and are not a ward of a mental institution.
>prohibitively expensive tax stamps for full-autos are probably a good idea and should stay.
>SBR tax stamps are silly and should go
>ramp up mandatory sentencing (pref death penalty) for murder, drug dealing, or armed robbery if it involves a firearm

I think this is reasonable, and gets to the real root of most firearm violence, which is committed by people who already have lengthy criminal histories and use disposable, illegally purchased handguns. Even most liberals would agree with the meat of this.

Of course, such an approach will never happen, because it isn't politically flashy and instead tackles the reality of inner city crime, drug dealing, and domestic abuse, rather than the junk-food-news of MUH 30 DEATHS A YEAR BY MASS SHOOTERS.
Old-timey gangsters who could get away with wearing overcoats and fedoras without being called out on it because that's what everyone wore at the time, and who had SBRs stuffed underneath said overcoats.
Trips of truth confirmed anon is right
I gotta say, You've always struck me as a reasonable tripfag, and this post is no exception. However in this case I have to disagree in strong terms.

Here's the way I see it:
One of the reasons the first amendment is there, is to assure the people's right to speak out against any force or organization, foreign or domestic, that is infringing on their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One of the reasons the second amendment is there, is to make sure the infringing party pays attention to those who are speaking against them.
Those who wrote these amendments weren't stupid or short-sighted. They knew that weapons in the wrong hands would result in deaths and tragedies, and they knew that ideas can be dangerous. Yet, they chose to keep them. Not due to lack of foresight, but because they believed that the ability to keep America's hard-earned freedom (by resisting those infringing on it in word and deed) was more important than the comparatively small amount of security gained from completely restraining access to weapons or hindering free speech.

Thus, like so many other things in life, this is a trade-off. In a nutshell, I think we, as a society, will have to put up with the consequences of an armed, freely speaking populace if we are serious about maintaining freedom in this great country. Yes, this means that there will be gun violence, and people divulging ideas that we disagree on the strongest terms with, and ideas that could even dangerous to society, like communism, fascism, or that the gays are causing hurricanes. I don't mean to be callous to those who have suffered greatly in these situations, but compare this with the death toll in dictatorial societies - it seems to me that this situation is worse.


Perhaps this "gun control" argument, which has become a Pavlovian response for so many, can be turned on its head by drawing an analogy to free speech in the following manner:
I don't think it is a stretch to say that the level of attention the media pays to mass shootings encourages similarly deranged individuals to do the same. "The world will know me", they may say. How about we censor media reports on it then? Frankly, I think the vast majority of the population does not derive any benefit from learning about the latest mass shooting. I wonder how many gun-control advocates would (correctly) object to this course of action, and point out that it is a violation of a basic human right. "Well then", I might say, "how about we get rid of those high-capacity reports and limit them by law to 10-minute stories?" I think you can see where my argument goes from here...
My point with all this is that if one is willing to accept the fact that media attention to mass shooting encourages further shooting sprees, yet unwilling to compromise the first amendment because of it, it is illogical to treat the second amendment on a different basis.

Now, I must finalize this by saying that this in no way implies that I'm ok with having mass murders, or that we must accept them as a "fact of life". On the contrary, I fully support taking action against these threats, just not in a way that compromises the rights of everyone. A full solution may be hard to find, or inexistent, but then again, this is a complicated, troubled world.
Thanks for the well written and insightful posts, I agree with you fully.
All me.

>4. Ban baggy clothes to private citizens so that they can be sure the person they're selling food to is not a fatty or restricted from obtaining food.
Nothing's being banned. It'd be more like allowing private citizens to request that people step on a scale before providing food.

>7. Remove McDonalds and revoke fast food licenses.
Can you even read? This is literally the opposite of what OP has described: removing suppressors FROM THE NFA REGISTRY, and revoking THE HUGHES AMENDMENT.
>quality training course
Federal firearm permit system with requirements/process similar to shall-issue CCW states. This allows one to obtain anything including MGs, suppressors, hicaps, DDs etc. It also allows for legal carry anywhere in the country. Preemption of all local laws.
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t. Canadian
Too late.
Even before you were born.
>We should also require that anybody engaged in journalism (that is, publishing information about recent events in a public manner, for profit or otherwise) be licensed in order to prevent irresponsible use of such media.
Goodbye Fox News
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?
>Good bye all news
>I knew two white dumbasses in my stupid trailer trash town
>this invalidates all the data showing blacks to be the biggest criminal element in the US

you're a fucking idiot son.
Registering will eventually lead to confiscation.
Number 4 is actually a good idea.
I reject your premise that there is a problem in the first place.
I could live with that
>community leaders
>community leaders
Nigger. Read OP's post.

IF we had to have regulation then most of his stuff is actually effective instead of an all out ban. Give citizens more power and fund the programs that actually work. The safe is a great detterant since the black market is made up of things that belonged to legal citizens.

I'm pretty OK with the cease-fire intervention, actually. It's not like the cops come round to these guys' houses and black-bag them, and gun control as such is essentially not involved. See https://www.propublica.org/article/how-the-gun-control-debate-ignores-black-lives
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The only thing I would ever support from the government regarding guns is a subsidized mandatory firearm safety course for first time buyers. I hang out at my LGS a lot shooting the shit with the guys down there and the shear amount of stupidity I have seen walk through that door to buy a gun is staggering.

Of course we wouldn't need the safety courses if they would just teach basic firearm safety in schools.
>implying they buy them legally
>implying they don't steal at least 50% of what they own just in general
Doesn't hurt you, and would increase bipartisan support.

Only reason not to support it is if you're a retarded extremist.
only in a nigger country
Anything in .22 would be totally unregulated and could be bought like groceries. For anything else the individual has to undergo a short class to prove their competence and acquire an inexpensive license that would entitle you to buy whatever you want without it having to be registered to you. You could lose your license just like you can lose your driving license for being incompetent.
I'd cut it off at long range indirect fire artillery, so Mortars are gtg.
Same with rocket arty - you can own a TOS-1, but not a MLRS.
As for aerial ordnance, we really don't need BVR AA missiles and PGM, so you get direct fire FFAR's, high drag bombs, and line of sight PGM's like maverick, and AIM-9L's.
Kinda against MANPAD's, but you should be able to own AA guns, CIWS/C-RAM.

Considering our government so so keen to give islamists TOW missiles, then we should be able to have ATGM's and explosives too
Anything considered "small arms" or "light weapons (including crew served platforms)" would be g2g
>niggers and Dune coons
>implying it not autistic white edge lords carrying out every mass shooting.
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1. Educate children about guns in schools
I think this guy has some decent ideas:
What did he do?

Having a child is a financial incentive for women... That child support and anything else they can get from the man/family, and mo welfares

no you were probably just auto-matically registered to vote when you got your driver's license

Phil is just an all around idiot and bullshitter
>linking to kekbattles

How about no
Internet tough guy par excellence
Louisiana law at the very least, family
I don't genuflect before the altars of faggot marriage or free dope. I disagree. I maintain that families are about men and women partnering up and creating and raising kids, and that pot is not necessarily a fucking health food.

That makes faggots and stoners flip their shit, because no dissent can be tolerated by SJW's -- not even ones who count firearms among their fetishes.
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There's actually a fair amount of pro-gun folks, although they're fighting against a see of Euro/Asia-poors and no-guns people.

That guy is one of the ones on our side.

if criminals can't sell drugs you will see a big spike in armed robberies
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?

None. The Second Amendment sums it up.
As someone who used the site for half a decade before discovering 4chan, I have nothing but contempt for it.
>the 10th Amendment applies when I want it to

The best solution is to seriously hunt down and heavily fine the businesses and individuals that exploit mexican labor. Including upper-middle class liberal women who want cheap servants.

Its always funny when an anti-guns goes for the well-regulated militia angle... When the 2nd amendment was written a well-regulated militia was offereing free beer as an incentive to get the village men together and train/shoot guns while getting piss drunk on someone else's dime

What about redmex? Redneck as fuck mexicans? They are everywhere around here in TX. Culturally identical
>What level of regulation over firearms would /k/ support?
I would support enforcement if the existing Gun Control Act, and repeal of the NFA regulations.
1.Shall not be infringed.

To reduce gun deaths:

Implement aggressive policies to reduce significant concentrations of wealth and remove avenues for ultra wealthy asset hiding and tax evasion.

Universal health care coverage including mental health.

Guaranteed minimum income.
>Daily reminder the ONLY reason we have any gun laws in the US is because the federal government outlawed alcohol
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agreed, we should allow sex offenders with restraining orders access to firearms :^)
It's pretty easy...the government should not be involved in ANYTHING except for things that it MUST be involved in. All other matters should be solved by private individuals. Example:

1.) Phil shoots Jim in the face. Murder is an activity that demonstrably affects its victims negatively, ergo, the government should fuck Phil's day up for doing that.

2.) Phil owns a gun and smokes weed every night. Phil's actions have literally zero impact on other human beings in the country. Ergo, attempting to regulate either of these activities is not only unconstitutional, it's morally wrong as well.

If an action does not have an immediate, tangible and OBVIOUS negative effect on another person, it should not be the purview of the government to get involved. Their role is strictly to restrain men from injuring each other.
>That makes faggots and stoners flip their shit, because no dissent can be tolerated by SJW
Um, what? People get mad at you because you advocate keeping them from having equal protection under the law when it comes to marriage or from smoking pot and not hurting anyone and you're surprised by that? Are you going to tell me that someone wanting to ban guns wouldn't change your opinion of them?
The people who determine what counts as a quality training course are what concerns me. That just seems like one effective pathway to restricting firearms CCW access, without "technically" restricting it.
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