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Combat videos general

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What carbines are they using in this video? The rear sight reminds me of an ar18
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Is the guy at 0:14 wearing a VDV patch on his chest?
Shit, that looks kinda like a K2 carbine, but I can't be sure. Also what unit are these guys? They seem rather well equipped. Also,
>That one guy just casually smoking when he's interrupted by the RPG
I'm not sure, it looks very similar but I think they're PMCs
The title from leddit said:
>PMU convoy attacks ISIS positions at Makhoul mountains in Northern Iraq (November 19, 2015)

Ah, I didn't think of that. I was thinking that or an ACE, or maybe an AR18 with an M468 handguard and shorter bbl
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I don't think its an ACE, more likely an AR-18 then I guess.
Well if we're going with general combat videos, here's one of a reporter that gets embedded with Colombian troops fighting the FARC. They get surrounded and shit gets pretty intense towards the end.
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bumping with SAA and Hez in Zabadani.
Shit forgot video
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>Ahmed gets a Daewoo and I don't

How the fuck did that get out there? It's not like the Koreans are fighting or supplying arms anywhere near there.
they are PMCs. They can fly anywhere in the world on the gun manufacturers paycheck and exhibit any rifle they want. It's really good press to have PMC contracts.
Fuck that journalist.
>"take his gun point it over there"
>"I'm not here for that no guns"

You're getting fucking SHOT AT grow a sack and defend yourself. Fucking bitch
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Holy goddamn everloving shit

>"I'm not here for that no guns"
>"I crawl into the hole over here and hide the footage"
>The other guy was captured and held for a little over a month before release
>Thank God I made it!
>In memory of....

Wow. Just, wow.

Interesting footage, makes me rethink some things, but fuck that journalist. He shouldn't have necessarily died with those men, but for fuck's sake, he was shot. Not fired upon, not threatened, LITERALLY injured and still refused to take up arms. What are we to do with idiots like that? Good fuck.

We need to legalize and regulate drugs, and stop fucking South America for our moral crusades which are largely ignored. I'd rather protect soldiers and innocents than addicts, good fuck.
>people wounded and dead
>reporter doesn't take the gun and help after being asked as a last resort
>i"m not here for that"
Fucking scum. This rustled my jimmies so fucking hard.
Somebody actually saved and reposted my picture. Yaay.

also, contributing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hQLrbfxeiQ
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>mfw time to change the battle diaper
Why do they always shoot like they do at 7:00?

It doesn't take training to realize it's best to firmly shoulder the weapon, do they all have sore shoulders or something? I see this all of the time. The kebabs finally firgured out shouldering the weapon yet they still half ass it.
Journalists are supposed to be impartial. In terms of journalistic ethics he did the right thing. It wasn't his fight. He was neither on the side of the Colombians or the FARC. His job was to observe.
Imagine if he did comply with that order, he would have been killed for shooting at the rebels. He was surrounded, there was no way for him to get out other than surrender.
I'm not so sure they are PMCs, they look and sound like locals, though maybe a tad bit better trained. Unless they were local PMCs.
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Good post there. And you better believe it's getting spread around, it's a good damn picture. If you posted more I think I saved more from the same thread, too.

That's fair enough, and he did survive, so by fight or flight and survival I think he made out well enough. There's just ideals of cowardice and self-respect where I don't know if his reaction was all that good. It did not sound like a move of impartiality, or intelligence. His words and tone smacked of some kind of liberal high ground, so above violence and guns despite having been fucking shot, rather than a position of journalistic integrity. I expect I'm projecting more than a little, but I am certainly not the first person to read it that way.

I doubt it, being the guy he replied to. Regardless of PMC status, I don't see a domestic Korean arms manufacturer making the exclusive rifle of their armed forces handing that out to anyone else, regardless of a PMC status. I'm pretty sure they don't even make a civilian or export version. I am very curious what it's doing there.
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Odd weapons can end up in random warzones, its not too uncommon.
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Neat, here's a slight alternate version picture.
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That makes perfect sense, and that's true, but it is still befuddling. It's just an exceedingly random pop-up, has to have a story to it. Was it stolen? Was it bought? If it was bought, how the hell did they convince Daewoo to do that? Did they buy a batch of them, are a couple floating around out there? The people demand to know.

Thanks, man, that's damned beautiful.
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Thank my shitty camera for the artistic flares on most of the pictures. Where are they ending up? I haven't seen them on /k/?

Also adding a vid to stay on topic, here's a tremendous dumbfuck:

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You should invest in photography, its a good(fucking expensive) hobby. Also according to the K2 wiki
Apparently Iraq bought some for their SOF. Guess that answers that.
>shamelessly bumping with a photo I took of a Skyhawk with its landing gear down.
Those dudes Czech? What were they like?
Awesome dudes, can't say enough good about them. They were all multi-tour vets and very experienced, but also very chill in the downtime.

Also I got to shot a full auto Vz 58, so that's like a wet dream for a bunch /k/ fanboys/
Terrible Squad Suppression Tactics: The Video

Absolutely terrible, as if you gave a civilian an automatic firearm and their own training was watching Rambo ala 8:56
>Shot a full auto VZ
Noice. Also what you said echoes what a lot of people said about the Czechs, very professional and down to earth guys.
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I bet crime, one way or another. There is an illiscet arms market out there, you know besides the one the ATF perpetrates
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Part 2 used to be on Youtube and it's even worse. More spray and pray with PKMs, blindfire over walls with AKs, and more of friendly troops shoting at eachother.

I posted it because its my favorite shitshow video set ever.
Yeah I've seen it, basically call in the French in to do the job. Watching OP's vid and those Malian's doesn't make me feel afraid of fighting an insurgency. I'd be curious to hear what former members of the military and how they feel facing these types opponents.
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Mostly /k/, and by "mostly" I mean "exclusively minus a private facebook chat, maybe." I just post random images from appropriate folders and I put them there, particularly like the ones out the back of (What I'm guessing is) a chopper. And the others, depending what you posted, but yeah.

Oh, trust me, I'm trying. I'm doing it in bits and pieces, and actually plan to get into filmmaking. Haven't had much opportunity with anything specifically /k/ related, but I hope those opportunities come soon.

And that pretty much explains the whole thing, actually, good bit of research there. Should have checked Wikipedia. Clearly just that they bought some, and the armory got raided and propagated across the battlefield. Still interesting that they decided to go buy a Korean gun, of all things.

Motosada Mori is a saint
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You can't group all insurgents in a neat box, even insurgents within the same movement. You've got "professionals" with experience or who are considered valuable enough to spend money on, and you've got people who aren't supported with training, but instead handed guns and a little bit of cash payment or ideals.

In general though, insurgents change up their tactics based on who they are fighting against. They are much more brazen when they go up against third world militaries compared to when they are against a 1st world military. They know that they simply can't overcome a western force in a firefight 99% of the time, so they are smart enough not to get in extended firefights. They can't go up against our body armor, solid communications, and almost assured mortar or air support with accuracy. Against local militaries though, they are on a much more level footing. Malians or Afghans or whoever else don't have the equipment the west does, and in situations like that insurgents may well have better training and motivation to fight than average 3rd world footsoldiers.

Insurgents aren't, on the whole, stupid. Against the west, they prefer IEDs and munitions fired from distance where they quickly run away. They change up their IED tactics intelligently and reactively and I can tell you get quite inventive in construction and how they set them.

The smarter groups understand a big part of insurgency is PR. Sometimes, they don't need to win a fight, they just need a fight to happen so that civilians nearby feel unsafe.
Route Irish ambush.

"I'm hit, I'm hit"

hezbollah are the only actual operator tier sandnigs there are imo
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hey OP idea not sure but they look like t91's out of Taiwan (ROC) if not I would guess k2 carbines as well with rail mods, like somebody above suggested
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I think some of them are remnants of ISOF. They have the same 5.11 caps that were spotted on ISOF guys a little while ago. ISOF also has some K2Cs in inventory

Remnants? I thought ISOF was still operating.
Some have broken off to form "PMUs". The situation is a mess.

I imagine along with the better pay it's a massive perk to not have to deal with the pansies among the iraqi military ranks.
Just in case you guys don't know, it's James "Coward" Yaeger in the video who moves the car and leaves his crew for dead
>bottom right guy
>trying that hard to "murrica finger"
Islam is a religion of peace
gorgeous /k/omrade
Might be Kurdish pashmerga, definitely not kebabs from the fact that they have a) decent discipline and b) aren't spray and pray snackbaring
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