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Non Lethal/Less Lethal Discussion

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How do I get my hands on a pyrotechnically initiated rubber projectile firing weapon in the US of A?
> not listing genitals as an option.
> what it can't reach it will spit at
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The real question is why you don't own a Guardian Pro V2 yet?


LOL that fucking flashing light
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This shit is fucking hilarious.
The only non-lethal device I would ever carry is shit-on-a-stick
The combination rape whistle, pocket sand, and baby-monitor all in one!
> You did good, son. I know you have never shot a supersoaker filled with jizz at someone before, but there's a first time for everything.

> You can be sure that the old weeoooweeooo-jizz-in-the-eye trick will make sure that the perp stands perfectly still, faces you at 5-10 feet, and immediately falls down with no resistance for the five seconds it takes for the squad car and your boss to arrive on-scene simultaneously.

> Thank god for the Guardian-Pro, protecting us from unarmed, middle-aged out of shape white guys, the major criminal demographic and scourge of society.
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The best part is that includes an integrated camera to record the exact moment that the guy would realisticly be ripping he shitty nerf gat out of the mall-cops hands and shoving it up his ass. In high-def, no less.

So if I don't choose my hands does that mean I don't have them to carry around for the rest of my life?
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>free colonoscopy
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the time has cum
This shit is comedy gold
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And so have I.

> Keks saved

Security guards everywhere rejoice.
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>Britbong/Cankek/Ausfailian self defence
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Pro V2.png
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You've made my day
Shoot COPS with peppersauce.
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This is the best new meme.


Here I fixed for you.
A gun with a siren? Seriously?
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wweeoo weeoo weeoooo

fuggin saved
this is fucking hilarious
Buy shotgun load with rubber buckshot
illegal in my home state
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>yfw pepper spray is super-illegal in Australia



Anyway, to actually answer the thread... I'd go with a Taser C2.
Fuck I wish these were legal.
But anon, the would be rapist might get injured instead of you finding out that yes, the flagpole can go into your rectum.
What the hell is it shooting?
Chicken Broth?
What isn't illegal in Australia, a polite letter?
Nah, that'd be illegal under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975.
As retarded as this is, it does raise a valid question.

Why don't we mount cameras on more guns?
It should be easy to make one the size of a flashlight that you can mount onto a picatinny rail.
It'd definitely help you in court.
Best non-lethal rubber you can get is a pack of condoms, maybe those can help you.
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>tasers are illegal under the Racial Discrimination Act
The fuck are you on about?


make your own.
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you never asked for this?
Syrup here. HD wise, we can just use a gun. And unless you live in a real shitty area, out and about you can just illegally CC or OC/CC your blade of choice.
>Come on, man, I know it's fun to make fun of us, but we're not Aussie tier.
You can also use a gun for HD in Australia, and you can also CC or OC a knife (if you're in Vic this is provided you have a "legitimate reason" e.g. opening boxes)
Salt pistol is civilian pepperball gun
bear hands
>"he wanted to fight but as soon as i went level 2 he bolted"
>"Are cops caring that thing around?"

nobody on /k/ is old enough to remember Begane


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Check out their new prototype model, it's set to come out some time in the next few years.

It produces an array of blinding flashing lights and ear splitting sounds to stun targets without harming them.


Damn, son where'd you find this?
Just how many children have to die to make those arms?
all of them
Mace hurts like a motherfucker, but its over rated. I've had to do the OC course 3 times, if somebody REALLY wants to kick your ass its just going to piss them off and make them more violent.
>a crazed dindu on PCP artificial adrenalin, meth, and bullshark testosterone bursts into my house
>luckily I have my guardian pro 8 pistol
>WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO and strobing lights burst into his face startling him
>he halts uncertainly, THE POLICE HAVE BEEN CALLED
>i pull the trigger...
>it dispenses a soothing cup of chamomile tea with cream and sugar
>im sorry for startling you friend, lets sit down and talk about our differences
>he accepts the cup of tea gratefully
>the police arive to find a large black man and a skinny white man both hugging and crying
>the dindu, having rethought his life decisions completes med school and goes on to open a socialized, safe zoned, glueten free, red meat free, free abortions childrens clinic.

Tbh Salt pistol makes me think assault pistol senpai.
Does this thing work through thick clothing?
Like a denim/leather jacket with a hoodie or someshit underneath?
Most taser products have 2 to 3 inches arc-through effect on clothing.

Will that work the same way?
Yeah, that clip looks dumb as hell. Here's a better video representing the product, man.

What is real life? Paintball?
>oh, you sprayed me as I was about to bash this security professional! Please allow me to drop my weapon and lay on the floor, sir!
Yeah, we tested it when i took the course, total nueral/muscular disruption. Guy was wearing 3 sweaters, 2 cammie blouses, his desert jacket, his goretex jacket, and his MOP suit top.
Most pain ive ever been in.
Its like time stops, your entire body clenches at once as hard as it physically can, you feel the voltage flickering through you, it hurts more than anything ever. You cant scream, you cant even thrash around. You cant even think of getting away, much less attempt to. For 5 seconds all conscious thought and motor control is obliterated and replaced with 100% pure terror and pain in a 50/50 mix.
Then after a century goes by your 5 seconds are up and all you can think of is doing whatever the fuck you have to in order to never expierience that ever again.
it's pepper spray man, it hurts like fuck.
I've never understood this either, British Police wear body cams and in some cases head cams and helmet cams.

Theres been quite a few cases where some tree hugging wine sipping bisexual communist has screamed "BRUTALITY" only to be presented with a POV shot of them spitting in a Police Officers face
(Spitting in someone's face is considered assault here and you may react in the appropriate way ie stoving their head in)

Probably because youd just get the same footage that a body cam would. Remember its evidence, not a holly wood production. Doesnt have to be HD and it doesnt have to be a "weapons eye view."

But yeah, I used to wear one. Really saved me a lot of trouble actually. Some shit head kid would throw down, I'd wrap him up and call his folks (juvenile case, gotta call the parents(
Hed all be "I dinnit do nuffin mama, them mean ol cops was opressin and abusin me, they settin me up" and they threaten a lawsuit because we brutalized thier little (17 year old 6 foot 2 200 pound) baby.
Kids sniffling and looking pathetic and victimized in court, jury is sympathising with him. Que video of him catching an officer with a haymaker and us detaining him, pulling a knife and a bag of drugs out of his pocket, the gun out of his waist band, and a bottle of vodka out of his backpack. And then store video of him shoplifting the vodka. And then police station footage of him punching the jailer.

All sympathy gone, parents are acting shocked like they had no idea they failed at raising children, hes looking scared shitless. And he gets off with community service and counseling cuz hes a minor, atleast until he commits another offence after he turns 18 and we can try him as an adult. And he'll still get off because his records got expunged on his birthday so its technically his first offence.
But eventually he'll get caught enough for us to put him away. Or kill/maim/cripple somebody.
It sucks but hey, I still have a job and theres no lawsuit.
>guy was wearing
>most pain I've ever been in

You got found out, son!
Other guy was wearin a bunch of stuff.
My personal expierience was from my go round. Probably should have specified.
I just had an excellent idea for a less lethal weapon, /k/.
You know those electronic airsoft guns with the insane rates of fire? Well, they also make 6mm bb's that fit in them that are paint balls. Why not have ones filled with capsaicin? that's a shit ton of dakka.
Not enough to stop the momentum of an attack. Stopping power, yo


2 airsoft OC paintball guns full auto akimbo

Rape me now dad
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