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/akg/ AK General

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Thread replies: 302
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AK General /akg/
Child Soldier Edition

Old thread here >>27732201
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Where do you all buy your AKs online at? Atlantic seems well liked but their prices are way higher than everyone else I've seen.
It's because they have decent customer service and shit. Also they get shilled a lot because reasons.

I don't think any amount of CS is worth an extra $100-150 per rifle.

They also won't check for canted parts on most Arsenal rifles anymore than an quick check for "mil-spec" compliance.

Don't they have several rifles offered as "QC inspected" where they do check for shit like canted sights?
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>there's a reason its been in service longer than 7.62x39

Apparently you don't realize that the good ol' 7.62x39 is STILL in active service with the Russians and former USSR countries.

We'll use the larger and more wealthy Russia as an example. They didn't give it up. They didn't forget it. They didn't replace it. They maintain it as a specialized weapon within their military. I've seen many modern era photos where one to three soldiers have an AKM instead of an AK74. Marco Vorobiev has also written about similar usage within the Red Army during the Afghan War.

Yeah, it sucks at range. Yeah, it tumbles a lot. But god damn if it's not the best fucking sub-200yd cartridge on the planet, I don't know what is.
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Gold looks pretty cool...
I get mine from Atlantic mostly because they give a fuck. I have done business with them on multipe occasions and would honestly recomend them over anyone.
man this tapco muzzle brake looks gay as hell
Yeah, but it works...
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Anyone run pick related with an AK? First piece of gear that I've purchased.
ivan is making a fucking killing right now and he didn't even change the prices of those chest rigs.

They do but it's not what you would think. As long as the rifle can be sighted in, no matter how far off it is, and if the rifle functions, they deem it acceptable.

so basically the same shit that leaves the factory. go figure

what rifles have you ordered from them? how bad was the fit finish of the rifles? canting?
I was wondering that too, some of the things "on sale" are not any cheaper.
well they were out of stock yesterday. basically all of the battle jackets and chest rigs are sold out within a day of him posting it to the sight. i missed out on it the last two times so i god a good condition 30 round chest rig and a tshirt.
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Woot back on /k/ after being trapped in Cali for a few days
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Ran across a new bizon pic.

(I save every bizon picture I can find, good thing they're relatively uncommon)
Have you tried your lgs? Mine has much of the same for a few dollars more, but you dont have to pay no transfer fee and no shipping wait time in most cases
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Rate my AK guys, I just got done with the conversion.
AK Buyer's Guide:

Ok, so let's say I have 5 nice steel surplus mags

Is it really bad to buy a few tapco mags for $6 each, just so I have more mags at the ready?

and has anyone actually did any scientific testing of cheap plastic US ak mags? Are they really as bad as people make them out to be?
the wing is strong
Getting a few to play around with won't hurt. The newer smooth side ones work pretty good. Lack of metal reinforcements suck but if you manage to break one at the range it won't kill your wallet.
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All my local stores ever carry are wasrs. I'm looking at an ak-74.
Recontoured the stock on muh N-PAP and refinished the furniture. WAY more comfortable to shoot and I think it looks better too.

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what .223 rifles are good? do saiga's need bullet guides? do they come threaded for western muzzle devices?
Only 7.62 AK's you will see are AKMS (in regular line units) as well as AK103/4 used by special units in much the same role that 9x39 is used with the SR3M or AS VAL. The only reason those AKMS are even still in the armory is so for issuing PBS-1 silencers and the subsonic ammo when the mission calls for it.

5.45 for a line or SF troop will do everything 7.62 will with less recoil and weight. It's the same thing as .45 vs 9mm (except the 9mm is even better at being suppressed). "Muh stoppin powah" or "muh penetration" is mentioned but the larger caliber and bullet weight does not inherently do either any better than 5.45 does. 5.45 can be considered even better for close range since you can essentially mag dump at 100 yards and mildly trained shooters could expect most of the rounds to hit the target.

Chink .223s are good, yes, most of them not threaded.
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Beryls are pretty good.
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In the market for a nice brake or flash hider. I would also like to leave the option open for a suppressor in the future, now that MN can have them.

I realize that AK's are not the best for suppressing but fuck it anyway.

Anyone know good 7.62 muzzle devices like this?
>TFW I just realized there's an underfolder lug on the receiver despite it having a fixed stock
That face when you are so young you can practice TD by putting your finger behind the trigger



I hope you kill yourself with your converted abomination
>sports fan

Samefag. Plus, you were on reddit too if you came across that.
>inb4 google image search
bullshit. /k/ has got some danko memes but we're not /r9k/ so please refrain from being this autistic on a blue board.
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>doing some snooping for shops
>inquire as to when this retailer is going to get more Arsenal rifles in
>receive response

Oh dear.
Who is it?
arsenalfags btfo

Arsenal has been taking a beating on QC issues of late. They had better unfuck themselves soon. Nobody wants to pay $1k for a shoddy rifle.
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Huh. Funny. Mine's perfectly fine. A shame, oh well.

Hello, noguns.
that is airshit in what looks like texas
My SLR107 was perfect. Bought it earlier this year from Atlantic.
Reverse image search suggests otherwise.

And as far as >>27761584
I bought my 104fr early this summer and it was perfect. I've heard they're having problems, but I've never actually known anyone who has personally had an issue with them. Maybe that guy got fucked by Arsenal and now he's butthurt.

As a retailer hes probably tired of dealing with shoddy rifles to sell and getting bad rifles returned. Arsenal is a large AK brand to just up and dump. My guess is there are some serious issues.

Atlantic and a few others like RRC are about the only ones I'd buy from.
Would it be a mistake to buy an rpk as my first ak?

keep in mind it'd be a range toy.

also, that's a lot of money for a first AK.

You have some brain problems there son?
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molot vepr mini, .223 "rpk"
>aes 10b
>700 ish
>a lot of money

>range toy

>century garbage rpk

That kitty is sneaking in to a firing position, be careful.
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fug : ^)
They're 32 bucks... Why are people bitching about this I do not understand.
Bought mine from a site based in florida, it was the same price.

You guys are seriously bitching about a rugged chest rig that will last forever that's fucking 30 bucks? Most people would gladly pay 200 for a chest rig with half the function of the SADF pattern 83...

Just got mine a month ago it's fucking great. Shut your mouths.

On topic, has anyone ever bought that dinzag arms bolt on handguard retainer? Thinking of finishing off my saiga conversion; all I have left to do is the handguard.
philly here. fuck the steelers, fuck you
Thanks man, have you done any modifications to it?

How bad is it? Like WASR-tier bad?
No nothing yet anon, I don't really see the need to either. It's a very solid rig even with plastic clasps; enough room for a nice bottle of water and navigation equipment. I would argue a pack of cigarettes and a first aid kit too.
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I don't think he knows, he's just some noguns shitposter, though if multiple sources report bad QC, I'd believe it. Just get a saiga and convert it if you're looking for a high-quality AK for now.
>They're 32 bucks... Why are people bitching about this I do not understand.

No shit, the fuckin paintball vest I use cost $75
>I don't think he knows,

So all three people I responded to are noguns dickhead shitposters.
I remember you saying you made that front grip from a real one you bought....

can you provide some measurements so I can attempt to make one? or some pics of the original with the handle off and what the mating surfaces look like?
I am >>27762585
Who the fuck buys paintball ~vests~. You mean a pod pack? I've got like 6 and they were all 35-85 bucks. I never got it when people wanted to settle on cheap shit only to have it break under less than normal stress. Depressing.
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Just the one motherfucker who says 'lol arsenalfags btfo'.

I just bought link related and found it was shit, took the grip off, drilled a hole in my existing lower handguard and presto.

Sorry that I cannot provide measurements as of now, as it's currently 900 miles away. Militaryfag.
in response to >>27756959
Normally, the term "a shit" doesn't imply you are actually calling something "shit".

when replying to someone and calling their waifu, raifu, personal favorite [insert shit here], calling it "a shit" followed by your own personal favorite [insert shit here] is usually done just to show your own personal preference.
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I bought an SLR104 last year and the front post came slightly canted. Really it doesn't bother me because it still can be zeroed on the "hash" mark and the sight picture looks is fine to me. Of course in a perfect world and for the money paid I would want it zeroed smack in the middle, but it's whatever. Everything else on the rifle is spot on. Shit pic but it's all I got right now.
that's not a cant you fucking retard.
Holy shit, man.
Post more.
Awesome, thanks again. Just planning on adding some pull tabs on the pouch flaps.

I'm sure no Arsenal owner wants to hear this but it looks just like my WASR's front sight post.
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Here have another shitty cell phone pic, first pic angle is deceiving. Trust me it's canted

It actually looks pretty bad to me when actively trying to look for the canting, but when I'm looking down the sights it's not bad at all (for me at least).

I also have 2 other SLR's with straight sights and when letting people shoot all of them one after another, no one has complained about the sight picture on the 104.
>900 miles away
shame. Perhaps when you return? Ill be around.

anyone have a link to make your own rivet crusher? preferably the type that uses a Grade8 bolt?

and anyone with a dimpled FSB or GB and a dial caliper, can you measure how wide and how deep the dimples are? I cant find shit about how to actually MAKE your own dimples online, only bullshit about how to take them off a saiga.
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please see >>27762634
That is not a canted sight. Pic from google related.
after 5 years of wrecking scrubs with the AK47 in CoD:MW2, that sight picture would bother the everliving fuck outta me.
this is proof that most people don't know what a canted front sight is

You all are retarded

It's no wonder people are all like "HURR GUIES MY FRONT SIGHT IS CANTED" when it's fucking not.

your front sight POST is PUSHED to the side. There's no cant in your sights.

a cant is when your front sight BLOCK or rear sight BLOCK is installed at an angle. Your front sight POST can be easily pushed with a $5 sight pusher. Most AK rifles will need them pushed left or right for a correct zero.

When the full block is canted, the front sight post can't be moved to the correct position for a correct zero, as the block itself is canted to the right or the left.

You don't have a canted sight

you have a post that's just moved over a little bit..

That is perfectly normal and 100% acceptable.
>There's no cant in your sights.
are you dumb? the FSB is installed offcenter in his pic. granted, its only about 2-3deg off-center, and Russian CIP states that is acceptable as long as the rifle zeros, but none the less it is still OFF-Center. Go look up what the word 'cant' means.

the pic you posted is a guy who broke a lug off his rear sight, or didnt support the barrel trunnion, and probably was dumb enough to leave the rear sight on while pressing in his barrel pin.
You realize that they normally correct the sight picture for canted sights by pushing the front sight over like that, right?
>>27762755 here, anon I was almost crying in disappointment. But then >>27762760 showed up and made me believe again.
jesus christ. Are you guys stupid?..
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he thinks gravity pulls bullets to the right. dont enable the autistic retards, just post a pic of a hot chick and they will fuck off to go beat it.
>retards detected
>I was merely pretending to be retarded.
>front sight POST is PUSHED to the side

Wow, so fucking shocking. It's like an AK owner can't do this himself at home
No anon. You guys don't understand that just because your sights arent immaculately straight means they're canted. Look at literally any rifle sights.
>I don't know the difference between the front sight post and the front sight block
Just because it's in spec doesn't mean there's not a slight cant. It's visually obvious in this case. It won't cause any problems but it sets off some people's autism.
I'm seeing maybe 5 degrees. That is not a cant'.
the post is pushed to the side to counter the block being canted

you guys are really something else
People with true autism would understand it's the correct, in spec thing for a combloc military firearm to have, and will embrace it as "authentic".
My ak's sights are dead lined up exactly. There's really no good reason for them to be off.
What is the exact amount of degrees necessary to be considered canted?
A cant is a total failure. You would not be able to adjust the sight to be effective.
Second that /k/omrade
now we're getting into semantics, i guess something can't be "slightly canted" as stated in the first post.
Jesus christ dude, listen to yourself.
>people arguing that canting on a $1k rifle is acceptable

Jesus just take me now.
well who the fuck told you it was acceptable to pay 1k for a god damn kalashnikov...

because that's what the market is willing to pay, nigger.
You're right. I just want you to understand that the quality should not be expected to be better than something that in reality costs half the price.
Just because you paid someone 600 extra dollars to convert it for you doesn't make it 'better'.

also keep in mind that Arsenal rifles tend to have features that others don't, like side folding stocks, good chf barrels, and AK100 series front end that drives the cost up.

I agree, that a wasr or DDI would get the job done exactly the same as an Arsenal, it's just that you pay a premium for good features and they skip out on everything else, because fuck you, we're Arsenal.
You can purchase rifles with those features for far less than an arsenal. Just because saiga and wasr are the most common names in the kalashnikov market doesn't make them the only.

point out a true side folder ak from the factory (or shop) with scope rail and AK100 front end and furniture for less than $1k.

don't worry, I'll wait.
If by scope rail you mean the side mount, and if by 'ak100 front end' and 'furnature' you mean literally anything aesthetically pleasing and durable, then I don't think I need to prove anything.
If you really wanted the threaded ak100 block they're 100 dollars.
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I put an East German stock set on my PSA
>East German stock set

It seems way too late for me to bother, but I wish I had gotten myself some DDR furniture. Mix part of my heritage with my slavaboo tendencies.
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Finally finished my saiga conversion. I still have some drilling and staining on the stock before I put it on. Think it looks bretty good. Trying to decide if I want to get a folder stock and maybe a muzzle break
I picked the stock set up for 30 bucks about a month ago, went online to see how much they go for, I got a fucking deal

so you can't.

ok thanks for playing.

wood looks good.
Thanks. Got it from ironwood, the craftsmanship was pretty superb on their end. I think I could have done a bit better in finishing and treating it, but I got too excited when the package got here and did a rush job.. Still not bad though
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>wants furniture specially made by arsenal when you can buy actual sets for 150 dollars or cheaper
>wants ak100 front block when they're 80 dollars
>is willing to pay 500 dollars extra for those
Anon you are so dense.
I think he was more referring to the side folding aspect of it.
Sure you can collect the parts and have them sent off, but it'll end up costing just as much and taking much longer to get. Most people would rather have instant gratification over saving a couple hundred.

But seriously, if you can find the same thing (ak100 series side folder) for less, by all means post it.
>side folder ak for 400-600 dollars
>add ak100 gas block for 20 minutes worth of work
>convert saiga, have it cut for a folder for another 50 bucks, so 500 total
>add ak100 block

I dont understand why paying double the price makes people think it deserves the msrp..
I just like the feeling of satisfaction of doing all the work myself and thinking, yeah I did that. Feels good mang.
Show me a side folding AK with a 4.5mm or 5.5mm rear trunnion for 400-600 dollars.
What? You would probably want just a normal receiver, and have it modded for 5.5.
If it's already side folding why would it matter what the rear trunnion was? lol
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Nice try friendo
What's wrong? Did someone with an arsenal steal your girlfriend at a gun range or something?

The cost of a sidefolding trunnion and AK100 parts with an uncoverted saiga would be more than the cost of an Arsenal.
Where the hell are you finding a fully converted Saiga and a machine shop cutting/ riveting a trunnion as well as a trunnion and all the furniture for $500?

>Saiga- $600
>Trunnion/ furniture- $300
You're already up to $900 and you haven't even sent the shit off yet.

Yet again, find a manufacturer who offers what Arsenal does at a lower price point. If they aren't the only ones in the market who offers rifles with these features at this price point, then tell us who does.
Have you ever used a side folder? You don't need to have it cut, they sell attachable ones now for 50 bucks.
I bought my saiga in new york in 2014 for 350 dollars. If you don't overpay for it you'll be fine.
Also you can buy receivers with barrels for like what, 270 now?
>they sell attachable ones now for 50 bucks
>not AK100 series
>we're all referring to AK100 series folders

>I bought my saiga in new york in 2014 for 350 dollars
Congrats, you're the exception, not the rule
> you can buy receivers with barrels for like what, 270 now?

Everybody keeps making claims of quality stuff for cheap yet nobody is posting any links of proof.
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>they sell attachable ones now for 50 bucks.
>I bought my saiga in new york in 2014 for 350 dollars
I'll be sure to hop in my time machine to go and get one.

There still hasn't been one link to an AK100 series clone for less than what an Arsenal costs. I'm not even an Arsenal fag. If I can get something better for less, I absolutely will, but nobody has posted anything other than speculation and anecdotal bullshit that has nothing to do with today's market.
that's not how it works anon. You should know that stores get them in and go out of stock in almost the same hour.
>we're talking about the ak100 series
it's just a saiga with modifications anon. Do you even own a dremel? How about a screwdriver.
>congratulations you're the exception
You know before they were banned they were cheap as hell. I guess I'm just getting old since I can remember the price of firearms from two years ago..

I never said I would use it myself. Standard configuration is more than fine enough for me.

>everyones asking me for links when they're all going to be out of stock
>You know before they were banned they were cheap as hell.
>everyones asking me for links when they're all going to be out of stock

It's almost like people aren't asking where they could get these things a few years ago.
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Show me an out of stock link then.

Here's one (currently sold out) with the price of $1,249.00.
>Surplus Bulgarian parts kit

So not only does it cost MORE than an Arsenal, you aren't even getting all brand new manufactured parts.
>another arsenal -esque company is more expensive! that's why you're wrong!
At what point did you not see everything I've been talking about pointing to doing it your fucking self....
So I guess I will have to type it out-
Do it yourself. Do not pay for something that costs double just because it comes from a company. Holy shit.
Did you even read the 'specs' in your link? They're listing off basic features that come stock, spun to sound like they're doing you a favor.

>I have to dig a foot deep hole.
>better pay someone and their work crew to show up in a month, spend two weeks digging the hole, and learn nothing in the process
>we're talking about the ak100 series
>it's just a saiga with modifications anon. Do you even own a dremel? How about a screwdriver.

Try Drill press, Rivet jigs, 12+ ton press, dremel, screwdriver. I'm not sure you even understand that AK-74M/100 series use a different trunnion for sidefolding stocks.
Besides the press, are those not completely common things?... And you can find a press to use in under a day. Anon I can't believe we're still talking about this.
And it will still cost more than if you buy an arsenal or two. I still can't believe you're still shilling against arsenal when they actually have a reasonable price point.
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cromelined DDI ak74 with poly furniture going to be delivered in the next two days.
scared shitless it will be from the shitty waffenworks batches and i will have to wait a month or two for ddi to fix
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Mine was really good anon. Had a live wasp inside the receiver though, so watch out for that.
Well you don't really need to be scared cause they're all from waffenworks.
DDI may or may not be able to fix it.
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Fuck Ivan and NE. Fucking Jewbags
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doesnt sound like the bugs are too hard to work out.

got some cheap mags in yesterday.
apparently i got the lower quality bulgarian commercial (non surpluss) mags which are missing most of the steel inserts. and a 40rnd promag.
any experience with these? spam can of 7n6 on the way too.
FYI it should be unbanned and much cheaper by dec 10
from what i understand, WW went under, and DDI bought them out. they got a bunch of rifles already made and a shit ton of parts kits.
the earlier rifles were shipped out the door only to have the same QC issues.
I think i should be alright because the chrome lined barrels were from the more recent runs and were a classicfirarms special.

thats just what ive heard from youtubers n such
That's kinda right. There were a bunch of barreled receivers left over from when WW went under. DDI, finished them with bulgy parts kits and sold them through classic. These are the only new AK74s from WW/DDI. I got mine in >>27764241 during the original run earlier this year. Most of these were fine but there still were some occasional issues. When did they ever sell nonchrome lined ones?
theory, Arsenel AKs come with a small amount of cant within spec and this guy doesn't know that said small cant is within spec
after looking at the other postings, it seems i mistook the century arms ones for WW/ddi ones
guess theyre all chromed as you say

>unbanned and much cheaper

uh huh tell me more
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please die
budget bill has an amendment that will defend ATF from stopping 7n6's importation

budget bill was supposed to be passed in oct but a stopgap bill pushed the deadline back to dec 10 in order to stop a planned parenthood retarded debate from shutting the gov. down.

this is why the price has been steadily crashing since june (when the amendment was added to HR2578). I made a post about this back in early october...

I had this bookmarked, how can you tell this bill is still alive? It's hard to tell where it stands at the moment since it passed the house months ago. I cannot into politics
>Apparently you don't realize that the good ol' 7.62x39 is STILL in active service with the Russians and former USSR countries.
Apparently you don't realize that the good ol' 7.62x54mmR is STILL in active service with the Russians and former USSR countries.
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>Apparently you don't


Hell even the fairly recent SV98 is available in 54r chambering.
herro agin >>27749266
Bills will go weeks to months without activity. Mr Smith didn't go to Washington.
if the bill dont pass the gov shuts down. thats how you get stuff passed now days.
desu Im not that good at understanding this process either, other than that because it provides funding for federal agencies, that means it has to pass eventually.
This is why riders on super important bills are the only way to get things done nowdays
planning to buy AK-103 (parts kit) from deep web, to install some parts on my saiga
life suffering being europoop...
it seems to be easier than buying from legal sites outside US, since you faggots cant comprehend other countries exist.
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What's your favorite brand of AK food so far, /akg/?

Someone might remember me from early June. I had just gotten muh WASR and discovered that its feed ramp into the chamber did not seem to be large enough and was causing Wolf ammo to jam up against the chamber wall.

Well even after my uncle's expert dremel work, my WASR still fucking hates Wolf, but eats Red Army Standard like candy.

I also got ahold of a box of Fiocchi brass-case shit that it didn't seem to like either.

I've enjoyed a good relationship with Brown Bear 54r, so I would like to give that shit a try in the AK too.
I've fed 1500 rounds of GT, 80 tula, and 160 MFS soft point.

>mfw my only two issues have been with GT failing to fire.
>mfw I have no face
I used to buy tulammo until walmart stopped ever having it in stock. Now I buy WPA when it's on sale at dunhams for like 75 cents more per 20.
I still don´t get why US dags like that shitty plastic stock set

we over here in europe can get them dirt cheap for like what, 15 bucks?
It's called ITAR eurofag. Some stuff can't be exported.
yeah, for example, anything electronic just a basic magazines
I've had one light primer strike with gt which concerns me
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Dem Beryls.
>GT failing to fire.

My thoughts exactly. Both were in the same 1000 rd case I bought. The primer had been successfully struck but didn't go. The primers had a puffy and swollen look to them.

the yugo corrosive stuff is my fav followed by GT.

I get the best accuracy out of those two and consistent performance.

What kind of accuracy and what kind of rifle?
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Uhhhhh no? I found the reddit link with a reverse image search fag.

I'm aloud to sperg out about normie reddit fags so fuck off.
golden tiger hell yeah
stop buying your ammo from walmart. its cheaper online and harder to trace if you buy with cashcards
Bruh, that was 13 hours ago, chill
Who did you buy it from? is it on of the classic 74s? than yes DDI will warranty it, they said so on akfiles. I would have just waited till they started making the new ones here in the next month.
Wait, a live wasp? Tell me more? What color was it?
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This was it. It stung me when I took the recoil spring out.
Sorry, I took some painkillers and benadryl and passed out for awhile.
lmao, I went to the old WW place when they were bought out by DDI(Heard that they were gonna warranty the broke ones and I lived in TN) and when I dropped it off in the back there were a shit ton of those Tennessee orange wasps.
Could I buy a Yugoslavian gas block with the gas shutoff thing and put it on a WASR?

I want to be able to shoot grenades... Cause the grenade adapters are like $10 I have an urge
I don't think so, Tim.
Why not?

Would the gas tube also have to be a Yugo then?
Does anyone have a 5.56 AK in here? Was planning on recahmbering my 74 but I want to see how the reliability is. Planning on buying this barrel: http://www.k-var.com/shop/AK-102BL.html
you are better off buying a AK105.
I love mine. I bet people are fucking tired of hearing about it though.
This way is far cheaper, and it has some nice plum furniture on it that I wont be getting rid of until I can afford some gucci AK parts.

I give 0 shits if other people are sick of it, post some noods of that sexy rifle
Well from what I hear the Yugo barrels are a lot thicker so that they can support being used as grenade launchers so the diameter is different. I could easily be wrong though.
so Im assuming you already own a 12 ton press, a drill press, all the assorted extra tools and bits and endmills you need, and a no-go gauge? and are extremely mechanically inclined?

if so, yea it might be cheaper. but good luck.
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Only had one FTF out of about 500 rounds. I blame the magazine for that one though because I was using the shitty promag at the time. My polish mag and my bulgy mag have had zero issues. It's probably my favorite out of my AKs.
If I can sell my rifle, I'll get around to buying a 106 , if I can't I'll just have to do it the hard way. luckily this time the parts are already pressed on, I may need to do some pressing here or there but it shouldn't be as bad as the first time.
OH SHIT, do those polish v-project mags work with 556? or is that a 545 gun?
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The magazine is a beryl 5.56 magazine. While 5.45 mags will fit, they won't really work.
do any other 5.56 mags work on a 5.45 mag well? Like the M85 mags or galil mags?
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It is a 5.56 gun but the 5.45 magwell seems to be relatively the same. Those two are special snowflake mags and won't fit without modification though.
so, its $40 mags for me.
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It hurts, I know.
that is a nice rifle though, not my cup of tea, but still nice.
>luckily this time the parts are already pressed on, I may need to do some pressing here or there but it shouldn't be as bad as the first time.
so basically you have no idea what youre talking about or what youre doing, and lack the necessary tools....

just save up and buy a AK105, and then after you realize its a FTFing piece of crap, you can sell it for the same price you got it for and then go get a proper 20" 556 AR-type rifle.

or better yet, just buy 6 spamcans of 5.45.
Hey guys, what's a good ak to buy. This is my first but I want one that's more above average. I heard wasrs are good but there's a possibility of canted sights. The same with arsenal. I want to replace the furniture and get it Cerakoted so bad finish and wood is no problem. My price range would be about $800, + or - $100.
WASR is good choice. Read: >>27758027
save money and buy an arsenal
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This guy from earlier. Finally got it all put together
That kid needs to drop his fucking shoulder
between a new DDI AK 74 for Classic and buying a 5.45 Saiga and converting it, which would you people pick and why
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Are these things good to go? I know milled is old fashioned but is there any reason to not get this?
that furniture should be the reason alone
have the ras47 which is the stamped version, same furniture. the furniture is god tier.
I see only two reasons why not get a milled AK: weight and accessories.

Milled AK's are 0.5kg (1 pound) heavier than stamped AK's. On the range it isn't such a problem, but when you do manipulation training for some times your arms and shoulders get tired faster (requires lifting).

There are simply less available accessories due to the receiver's shape. MOE, Zenitco hand guards won't fit. Most stock adapters don't fit.
The C39V2 accepts standard AKM furniture.
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New DDI rifles shit y/n?
In that case only weight would be the issue.
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weee posting inforgraph because everybody seems to not know how to lurk and asks the same questions on every thread
i just ordered one
I bought my SLR-107FR for 850 NIB about a year ago.
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Help me out /k/. I need an optic for my Vepr .308 and am getting lots of mixed choices. What do you recommend?
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I did it even cheaper.
>buy AWB remnant WASR for 350
>unfuck welded muzzle nut - $10
>unfuck magazine well - free + $15 fir a new magazine
>buy sidefolding stock - $80

Total cost: 455 before gay ak100 sight block.

what sort of optic do you want/how are you going to mount it?

default answer: us optics.
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I have a Midwest industries side mount. Most likely 300 and less is my range.Nikon Prostaff 5 3.5-14x40 was recommended to me but I'm not sure about it.
That folding stock is uncomfortable as fuck.
I don't know a lot about AKs but my gunfu is probably Galil-chan with her wild shiksa that has me under her Semitic, or Khazar, spell. Are there any people that make imitation Galils of decent quality? At the very least, do people sell the component parts of them? My dream rifle would probably be a steel Galil carbine with the carrying handle.
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Get a Century Golani, but bear in mind it's going to be like a WASR or any Century gun where you really ought to inspect it in person before you buy it.

It's my understanding that there was a batch that was total shit due to out of spec parts but everything after that was pretty good.
I'll read up, thank you

It's funny. It seems that recently (the last few months) WASRs have been having straight sights by SLRs have been badly canted.

I don't care what anyone says but if you have to drift the front sight post all the way to one side just to shoot straight, that is not acceptable. That should be for windage / zero adjustment on a rifle ALREADY shooting straight.
For starters, sell the mi industry rail and get an rs one

what an extremely ambiguous question btw

Worst issue that mine has is some surplus magazines don't fit, but it's an earlier production. They took it back and fixed it for free then mailed it directly back to me.
yeah, Mostly looking for opinions.
So I'm thinking about tacticooling a wasr. And by that I mean changing the irons (anyone recommend a set up for me?) and getting a railed handgaurd to add an AFG. Also, I'm thinking about changing the stock, anyone have a recommendation?

>tl:dr wanna change sights and stock, what do?

Arsenal has just thrown QC to the wind and is riding on their former reputation. They are shitting out so many rifles for contracts and civilian sales they just don't give a damn.

I'd chock Arsenal up with WASRs now, in that you better have that baby inspected properly by someone else or purchase it in person.
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Time stamp, I'm aware that this just might be an old picture, but if you're gonna call someone noguns, prove you have some yourself fuckboi
>me waiting
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>Tfw your new Arsenal SLR 104 that you've always wanted will be available for pickup tomorrow and now everyone says Arsenal quality is shit

Pls kill me. I finally got a non-pleb job and wanted to buy this gun that I've wanted for so long and now I'm scared it'll be a piece of shat. I just want a 5.45 rifle I can shoot that's not a piece of shit like my Tantal.
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I wouldn't read to far into it, it's the internet after all.
it will be fine anon, just check the front sight block/gas block/rear sight block and see if they line up straight. those fags who complain about muh qc never mention problems about the function
And as an owner of an original barrel bulgy kit gun, I can tell you that some slight cant isn't out of the question on their military rifles.
Arsenals are fine. You cannot please everyone, and the internet gives a voice to the eternally unpleased
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Everyone will jump on the arsenal hate bandwagon like bitches in heat the moment someone mentions an imperfection on one of their guns.

Shit's exaggerated as fuck. Just thorougly inspect it just like any other ak when at the lgs


>mfw I get 200+ replies by making a thread bitching about the cant on my sgl31 when I merely adjusted my front sight all the way to the left
Christ, watching that barrel bend makes me cringe
It's great that you know absolutely dick about firearms or just basic science in general.
It'd be pretty awesome to get a non-lemon Arsenal after they have to drop their prices though.
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Shut the fuck up and quit bitching about it.

If i had acted like that, I wouldn't have my WASR love-machine.

Fuck I love this rifle. I don't give a fuck what anyone says.
nice blanket you cumbubble
Go ahead, enlighten me, scientist.
I'm not spoonfeeding you, retard.

Dont fucking worry about anyone else.

Enjoy the fuck out of that thing, then come on here and tell everyone how fucking awesome it is.

Excited for you bro. Have fun. Have a 10 foot boner when you pick that thing up tomorrow.
If it makes you feel better, I got my 104 this summer and it's quickly become my favorite rifle to shoot. I'm sure you'll love yours too.
'as what I thought, punk

It's a BDU jacket, not a blanket.
even worse
>even worse

Yup. God forbid I have 4-color grayscale camo in a state that knows what snow is.
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so not only did you get an Arsenal you went and got one in 5.45?

where did you get it from? report back tomorrow when you get it with some pictures of the rifle too.
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Yea fag I have a WASR love machine too, you twatpocket. Its great and all, but I wanted a side-folding 5.45 AK. My Tantrictal was a total flop I got back in 08 and its only been good at getting me close to the 5.45 experience, but never let me have the full monty. Keyholes and shoots like shit, generally. I only wanted one I could rely on, plus something as a neat collector piece.

On the other hand, thanks for the positive words guys! I'll be rock hard all day at work tomorrow waiting to go pick this thing up and when I get it home I'll post some pics with its other family members. I already got some Silver Bear lined up for the weekend when I sight it in. Probably won't go scoped for this one, but I am thinking of getting a 4x PSO scope for my 7.62x39 Saiga conversion. Which, by the way- is there enough of a difference between PSO and POSP scopes to warrant one over the other? I've heard stuff about civilian models and other shit contributing to the POSP being weaker.

>Pic unrelated

Fucking hell, everyone is goddamn testy tonight.

I am saying to shut up and smile,. Everything will be fine, damn it.
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Im about to pull the trigger on buying an SLR104fr, what kind of optic should I get that i could use on both my vepr 54r and my soon to be slr?
>m about to pull the trigger

Not funny.
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fuckin love it
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canned response
Can someone do me a solid? can someone get me [as close as you can] an accurate measurement of the length of exposed barrel between the front of the handguard/bayo lug and the back of the gasblock? Prefferably on a standard layout AK-47/74.

Does anyone know of issues with the Midwest Industries aksm mount and micro dots (specifically the bushnell trs25)?

I'm mainly concerned that it might not be low enough to zero comfortably (saw other forum posts where certain rails/mounts were too high to zero the trs 25).
just inspect the shit out of it when you get it, if the sights look canted send it back before you sign the transfer because once you do it becomes a used gun and its officially yours regardless of how fucked it is

if it makes you feel any better i had a canted front sight on a daniel defense m4v2 so shit happens regardless of brand or design

are you trying to imply that 5.45mm isnt best mm?

i guess a side mount flavor of your choosing would best for interchangeability but you'd have to rezero the optic every time you swapped
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why the fuck are you not getting an rs mount?
>midwest ind
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Isn't she cute, that little Romanian whore? :3
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here more
uhm so what do you want, 47 or 74? provide a sketch from some random image and i will measure it for you
That's actually really fucking neat.
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Since I have no money for a Galil/Golani, I have a question.

>Take 84s
>Replace bolt carrier with Galil bolt carrier
>Fit Galil handguard furniture on the rifle with extreme fuckery
>Come out with a Chinese Galil
Would it work y/n?
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What the fuck are you even saying?
>milled receiver based on the EbinFinnAK
>"proprietary" mags, dust cover, dimensions, piston, bolt and lugs, carrier, rails for the bolt barrel, gas system and barrel
>type 84s
>an akm (with the fucky chinky droopy-47ish furniture)
The closest thing to a galil you could possibly do is giving the bolt carrier a galil style charging handle, and MAYBE fitting some handguard and an aftermarket galil-ish stock
>tl;dr No.
>The closest thing to a galil you could possibly do is giving the bolt carrier a galil style charging handle, and MAYBE fitting some handguard and an aftermarket galil-ish stock
Was sorta the idea.
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But why runining a type 84s? Ok if you're Italian/swiss/germam/french/finn and similar shit, where they run for less than 400€, but the if you're American... Just no
Fuck off mate, my gat. I planned to buy new furniture and do no permanent modifications, not like I planned to sell it or anything.
is this Detroit?
Convert a norinco hunter
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I think you need a barrel press to change the front sights
You can unscrew the front sight post and replace it with a variety of ones.

Though personally I think upgrading AK irons is kind of a waste. If you're tacticooling, may as well just get an optic.
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Mmmk the part that is indicated. That section of exposed barrel.

Both? If there is a difference between 47 / 74 then sure. metric/SAE doesn't matter, I'm just trying to get a somewhat rough idea.
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Aimpoint PRO would be my choice. I have a T1 micro but expensive optics on an AK is just a waste.

so you got the rifle yet or what?

is it canted shit like you fear?
I just picked it up. Had to work late. It's a fucking masterpiece of a gun. Very slight cant, but nothing unusual on an ak and nothing that will really affecty sight picture when adjusted for. I'll get around to picks as soon as I have time.

>Looks like all the BTFO fags were wrong, Arsenal is churning out pristine rifles...
Reminder that the majority of people on /k/ are poorfags
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Dat feel when you get a late WW AK inspected by DDI guys and with no cant and is in absolute perfect condition with a finish comparable and more durable than an Arsenal for only $600

Wish I bought another
also why the fuck did I quote that shit reddit trash
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I know that same feeling.

Sometimes when you ctrl+c shit it will automatically get put in your post.
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>AK thread

Marginally related. I just borrowed pic related from a friend and started reading today...
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Can one deer hunt with 5.45 in wisconsin?
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Seems so, page 16 is what you are looking for, 7.62 x 39 would do better IMO, but as long as you know what you're aiming for its not to important.
Troof: Da Post

Any suggestions on how to set up a current Russian military sling on this puppy?

I'm assuming it's for your wasr?
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suggestions? there's only one way

When you highlight something in a post and hit reply, you automatically greentext it in the reply

Turtledove writes really awkward sex. other than that it's a fun book.
Is there any test for trigger slap short of shooting?

Is it normal to feel a small bit of movement on the trigger when pulling the charging handle back and releasing?

still canted.

>paying $1k for canted rifles

Arsenal is literally shit.
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every ak does have slight canting you fucking tard, even izmash made ones.

You don't know fucking anything and your opinion is shit.

pretty much.

unless you like stock triggers most people slap in a tapco or ALG anymore and that takes care of most of the trigger issues.

>justifying shitty workmanship

it's 2015, canted anything on a higher end AK is unacceptable when mom and pop shops can do it right all day long.
any word on when DDI is going to put out a 5.45 rifle again?
Mine is similarly fine anon, you missed the sweeeeeeeet deal some months ago on them though.
Wrong sling. I ordered one from Russian surplus and its not like that. Many more dudads and leather straps and shit. I'm gonna keep googling, but thanks for the reply.

late this month or December. Keep in mind that it is going to be a Classic only distribution. There has also been talk that it is going to be using Classic supplied parts assembled by DDI.

probably worth getting over either an unconverted or a RWC rear conversion Saiga?

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