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Kantai Collection -KanColle-

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Thread replies: 716
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Previous thread: >>17520465

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KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

-The Summer 2017 event is underway. It is a large scale 7-map "what if" operation taking place in the west. The event name is Break Through to the West Once More! European Relief Operation. The main operation is four maps, while the extra operation is three maps. The new ships are Hatakaze(E-2 reward), Richelieu(E-4 reward), Sagiri(E-1/E-2 drop), Amagiri(E-3/E-4), Matsuwa (E-5 drop), Luigi Torelli (E-6 Drop) & Ark Royal (E-7 reward).
-A Kai Ni for Saratoga is on stand-by and is set to be the next Kai Ni released. At least one BB and one CL will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
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"Draw me like one of your French ships."
I hope Kaga kai2 soon
It's never going to happen.
Handsome Nowacchi
>enter yasen
>Euro Hime always picks on my clutch/winning ship and never targets the one who has megami

This is just too cruel.
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Obey your parents.
It could be worse. Like one of her escort ships decide to attack your Taiha girl, forcing the goddess activation, even though her turn has already passed.
I actually haven't experienced that yet, but she sank my Yukikaze with megami only to choke right after. Simply amazing RNG.
>using goddess in a piss easy event like this one
>tfw your statement also applies to Enterprise ever showing up...
Except it doesn't because the nips want Big E too.
why do we have to transport stuff across the mediterranean in drums instead of just moving it overland? a couple events ago there was a transport mission from one side of japan to the other.
How else would we meet the snoozefest boring as fuck transport map quota every event if we moved supplies across land?
Is there any use for a dupe Lebe? I'm not sure why she drops (even on an A rank) when she's guaranteed from a quest.
Well I'm getting tired of fucking waiting, sorry but I want my warrior princess god damnit. I long to see a 1stcardiv domination doujin with the inevitable "your already sunk" womb cumshot dialogue...
>I'm not sure why she drops (even on an A rank) when she's guaranteed from a quest.
Same reason she drops in a normal map, because people scrapped her.
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What a huge Shigure.
>using Shitmato to represent Japan instead of Nagato
Disgusting, someone fire the marketing head.
Cute Shiggy and Kongou.
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Finally someone got it right.
>Nagato survived 2 atomic bombs
>Yamato couldn't handle a couple of normal bombs
Yamato a shit
It's fucking nothing.
Is DMM down?
clear cache and cookies
It was for like 3 hours for me but I just got back in.
Just as I open this tweet it starts working again.
Atomic bombs were found to be terribly inefficient at sinking ships. Killing everything anywhere remotely close and ruining a huge amount of land/sea/whatever outside of that area however is where they excel.
Am I fine using my cranes in E5 or would they be better in E6?
Akagi and Sara are good enough for E5.
>using Akagi instead of Graf
>using Graf
Both maps are straight forward enough that you can be flexible. You can even go with one carrier for E5.
Unryuus are good enough for E6

I don't have Graf, unfortunately. The CVs I have to spare right now are Taihou, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Akagi and Sara. There's also Unryuu and Amagi but.. we don't talk about those.
>not using Biscuit, Italia, Graf, and Sara in E-5
Do you at least have 3 Euros in your E-5 fleet?
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Oboro has two (2) plates.

My planned fleet for E5 was Italia, Roma, CV, CV, Libeccio, Akizuki
Do I need support to farm E7 Easy, or just use FCF for unlucky crits?
I don't think you can afford to FCF stuff in E7. At least not on hard.
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75 years ago yesterday, she killed Ryujo.

What should we do with her?
Marriage, I guess.
Sloppy sex.
Holy fuck I can't beat E7 and now I can't even beat 4-5

Did nakata turn up the rng?
He probably reduced shipgirl's damage and accuracy for the event.
Inexplicably I find myself unable to even get past node K on E6 without getting someone (Someone being you, Italia, what are you doing) getting chuuha'd every damn run.

Maybe I should just go to bed. Hope my luck's better tomorrow
I kinda like the idea. Let my girls fight to death and I will marry the winner.
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Does Prinz only drop on easy? What the fuck is this shit?
Fubuki is cute.
They also cause radiation poisoning to the crew. Which makes your ship effectively useless.
I don't even know what this thing is, but Shitgure spoiled it. Just like she spoiled most of the missions where she was involved during the war.
32 barrels used. Countless megami for 100 bucks. I did it. I finally fucking did it. Fuck you, Tanaka.
Almost nobody is bothering to farm on hard so it only has like 100 confirmed S-rank drops.
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RJ a slut.
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Goddamn I was about to quit this game, and this faggot face laughs at my futile attempt.
he's so fucking ugly
I am in this boat too. About to buy more megamis after spending 50 bucks, down to 8 barrels left of the 28 I had before. Unfortunately I can't spam attempts because I'm also out of fuel.

Good event, cool times for all.
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>waifu fleet
"i am in this boat too"
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Why is Tanaka so ugly?
Why can't he be more like ZUN?
Heh... Got 'em...
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Hate being reminded that my cute girls are designed by ugly gooks.
Hey, only 22 runs.
Fuck farming in this game so much. I'm just going to clear, if I don't get every ship then whatever
You will be happier for it, unless you really, really want a particular ship.
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Tanaka-ko is cute.
My wife is so handsome.
>marrying Nowacchi
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Her marriage line is very cute.
Also please refrain from calling her Nowacchi only I can do that.
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Tempting, isn't it.
Though I would prefer Shiranui.
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if you used FCF you'll lose LOS and off route you. thats why tanaka is the real Enemy.
Well too bad, nips love Kaga-san too
Desire sensor is a real thing. I didn't care about any of the new girls and happened to get them all while clearing. Now i'm stuck in E7 LD hell because I want my fucking memedal.
I want to fuck this two for ruining my summer event.
Hoppou didn't show up anywhere though.
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I thought you guys said shitbafu art is bad
That doesn't look too great desu
well shitters will always be shitters, but I think most people in /jp/ think Shibafus art is cute.
You just look at her hands.
>hey TTK someone came on my shirt; was that you?
>those tan lines
will shibafu make an official CG art were I-401 ain't tanned?
What's supposed to be so good about this?
You aren't "most people" in /jp/.
What does the debuff for e5 even do
It debuffs.
Trying out E7 Hard:

>First run, S rank
>Second run, 8HP left on the boss
>Third run, taiha on the way
>Fourth run, taiha on the way
>Fifth run, taiha on the way
>Sixth run, taiha on the way
>Seventh run, taiha on the way

What does this mean?
That's a lot of sperm
That means "taiha on the way" will keep happening not only after you swap to kuso, but also untill you buy punchholes and megamis.
It means easy modo for you.
I've done 30 LD runs and I've never even seriously gotten close.
Doesn't feel like it debuffs.
butt just one shot my flagship Nagato from full health.
You have a brain damage or retard. Probably both.
I fail to see how.
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>swap to kuso

>easy modo

You got it in the bag. 50k is enough.
I started with 230k give or take and my fuel is down to 140k after I'm done with that piece of shit.
They sell curries now?
>Hiei curry
All the memes.
Well, look like /jp/ still got some magic in it, because the first run after complaining resulted in another 620HP off the gauge.

LD still scares me a bit and I'm not even there yet.
I've spent $40 on holepunching and megami.

Defend this fucking event.
How about this /jp/
Oy vey goyim we have to keep the lights on and develop new fun events somehow!
It's free to play.
Please bless me with some of your luck.
Since when did Asashio grow up?
I need more Fujinami.
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They have been giving those out for free since forever.
Didn't buy any megamis or akashi expansion slot and only used what they gave for free. I still ended up with tons of leftover megamis, boost juice and akashi. Maybe you shouldn't waste them in easy events previously?
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Who is this?
This chicken slut
Agano is cute.
What's that cylinder thing in the bottom row.
Never used any and i have only 5 holes (1 from this event) and 2 megamis (1 from this event).
She was thicker before. Now she is DD sized.
Canned Mackerel
Question, how do I set-up my LBAS to farm Luigi?
>Not being here for the fishing event
>Hiei Curry
I doubt some one would buy that.
Reward her with lots of cuddles
How can a Suzuya in day battle in head-on (80% damage) do a 60+70 DA on Abyssal Riche though she has 225 (medium yes hate on me more)? Is this the power of scratch damage?
>this stupid argument again
If Tanaka actually listened to the fans, we'd have the entire USN by now.
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From chink forum
Did he at least clear?

We wouldn't, cause it would take at least a few decades to introduce their navy alone going by Tanakas pace. And he wouldn't introduce only USN ships thoughout that time either way, so it would be even longer.
Of course Tanaka listens to the fans, that's why we aren't getting the most hotly anticipated ships yet. Do you really think Tanaka just hates Enterprise and is refusing to add her? Better to strategically space out the big names than blow it all right away.
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Remind me again who got turned into a spaceship?
Remind me again who achieved literally NOTHING in a war?
Soviet BBs did more.
1 sextuple and 2 quint gone
Not, much of value was lost. Inb4 muh sex.
>big names
Iowa and... that's it. In two years or something.
Warspite and Sara may have a good history, but they aren't all that "big".
Gang is pretty much a "who" considering the whole state of USSR navy.
Riche being the "most famous French BB" isn't a case of "big" as well. More like, the only thing they could brag about.
Ark is... ugh. At least she sounds cool. The Brits have better.
We haven't gotten anything grand in a long time now, with only Riche being a ship that people wanted for a long while now. But again, it's the quads that drew more attention than the ship itself.
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And what did Nagamon achieve?
The peoples' battleship help with some emergency reliefe somewhere. That's a big achievenmt for a ship that had the Final Kantai Kessen as its' sole construction purpose.
Wow it's fucking nothing.
>achieved literally NOTHING in a war
So nothing. Which is why even many nips don't know about her.
Warspite is quite a big name for batttleshipfags.
Are you "bating" people to call you retarded American? Because that's shitposting, Anon.
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>Ark is... ugh.
There there, Bismarck. At least you have Graf to defend you now.
How much harder is E7Hard on LD compared to chipping?
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why arent you done farming yet?
Do you consider all the large ships we got over the year to be "big" names? And i'm not american.
And i'd seriously appreciate if you made a better arguement if they really were that famed.

Neither German. Having the disabling of a ship from a country that was shit at shipbuilding as the only achievemt is really low for a country that was known thorugh history as a seafaring nation.
And again, the Brits had better carriers than Ark, performance and/or fame wise.
I am tho lol
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warspite is a big enough of a name you dumshit
everyone that cares about a little bit of naval history during ww2 knows her, if she isnt ""big"" i dont know who else is.
Any idea for 2-2 baux farming compo?
Not sure which is better between fodder and subs compo.
>everyone that cares about a little bit of naval history during ww2 knows her,
So 0.001% of the general population?
are you saying the general population actually knows and care about warships during ww2? let me guess, yamato, iowa(barely, even Missouri is more famous to the general population) the big E,and thats about it. so which ship were you referring when you said we haven't gotten anything grand
What about Bismarck? Most people know about her thanks to the History Channel.
How feasible is Luigi farming with a transport fleet?
With this, you yourself just said that after Iowa we haven't gotten anything "grand".
And by comparison, Enterprise is "bigger" than Warspite. She even got the space treatement.
How is do you consider Iowa "bigger" than Warspite? Only think I can think of is being the oldest of the museum-class, but that doesn't mean much outside of US.
iunno people care enough to watch history channel, but yea bismarck can be up there with the big guys
I never said that.
so who the fuck do you consider "big" and "grand" that can even surpass Warspite except big E? give me a ship that's not on the game yet but everyone knows it by name? HMS Hood? a fucking joke
I thought you were >>17531578
pls do you have moar
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From now on it's LD, right?
Welcome to hell.
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Cute hotel.
Look forward to it.
I have very little naval history knowledge to begin with (makes me an example of outsider view to "being known" ships a bit) and i heard of Queen Elizabeth class, particularly Prince of Wales, before i even knew the ship was from that class. Possibly might have to do with 3 ships having the same name.
And indeed, Hood. She and PoW were some of the very few ships i came across at random without any "interest in naval History".
But maybe it's a bit to arbitrary to justify ship popularity. Just like how the fucking Seafire is the plane that gives +armor and not Hellcat.
Sorry for fucking around here.
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I sank her half the time I got there, so there's a chance... Right?
You either Lucky TCI or fail the event. Easy as is.
Fucking forget it.
Only this U from the same artist and few Lo
>Queen Elizabeth class, particularly Prince of Wales
Built for anal.
May all these Maruyus I fed my girls not go to waste, amen.
Yo is it possible for me to run 3BBs 2CVLs and a CA in E4's second part?
Fuck. You see what happens when you name the ship the same name multiple times. So i came across the QE class and PoW from the KGV class.
Sorry for not being well versed.
I just want to hug my wife.
>How are you doing, young whippersnappers?
And I just want to end my life. We rhyme.
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same anon, same
You'll need to put the BB in escort or risk goint the extra mi"L"e.
is warspite arrogant?
I can't decide on what to use as handles: her radar or her hair.
My wife.
Scratch that, I didn't know you could farm baux at E1.
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Sarakaku sounds better.
>having an old hag for a wife
Fuck okay then thanks.
It's always the same weird and fumbled filename
younger than a certain slav :^)
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Kagatoga a cute
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Why did you have to remind me of how retarded their russian sounds, god dammit.
Blame the "Kantai Kessen" concept.
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Now it just needs twintails.
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I want to hug Naganami.
Who is on the top bed? Makigumo?
>That Brit ship accent and design.

Bloody hell I was wrong to complain about Ark Royal.
Naganami is for fugs, not hugs.
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I want to gently stroke her hair.
CLT DA wont do shit to E4 boss right?
I finished the event CA Hime was introduced in with a DA from Ooi, I think.
Maybe if it's KTKM, otherwise you're better off relying on TCI.
You can penetrate on a good armour roll, and do quite a bit of damage on a crit.

I finished that with a Jintsuu DA, its all about rolling crits with these high armour fuckers.
In LD, the crit factor gets cut really hard due to her armor but you still can get a good roll to get surprised. Expect something between 20 and 150.

Like, i'm on LD medium (thow shit at me), get her to 300 hp before yasen. Expect Yukikaze to clutch, cause the extra 15 armor the boss gets in LD seriously cut my dmg in half. But before i know it, my Lebe does a DA for 100 dmg killing her off and leaving my Beaver with a fat nose.
Cleared in 7 runs (1 failed LD). My blood is pumping and i feel sick, but E-4 cleared so i feel a bit relieved. Time to prepare for the next level bs that are the next maps.

>tl;dr good luck anon
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Just started event because I was too busy. What the fuck is E1? Taiha every node. I even give Isuzu red guns and plane. Am I suppose to use Echelon on pre-boss node or something?
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It's worse than Kitanda LD. Much worse. I would actually put it on par, or even more difficult than Fall 2013.
Fuck the hime-sub node in particular for LD, i am tempted to just run the DDs as OASW so i can make it past more than half the time.
Just bring node support.
This E-1 is surprisingly harder than the previous ones. I've been taking damage on easy more often than in Spring on hard. Or maybe just got shit on by lick.
Yes I feel it too.

Do I seriously need node support for fucking E1?
This guy... Is a fucking hack. I watched most the video. He goes on with all the "Abyssals are americans because Gaijin = Alien and US only used Inches" Then halfway through he just goes. "Nah" He even mentions FUCKING IOWA in video then he drivels on Victory Belles. This is the most clickbait bullshit I've ever seen
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Please do not lewd the Kaibokans.
Probably not Isuzu Kai Ni
All shipgirls are for lewding.
They're 5x more useless than filler DDs (Most Kagerou, Yuugumo class entirely, Most shiratsuyu class, Most Ayanami class except nameship, RaiDen and Most Fubuki class.) So if you prefer for them to be rusting in your base then OK.
(Man Kantai makes me Fucking hate Destroyers)
Nobody noticed that her barrels are missing?
The route is pure bullshit but the boss itself is easier with the LBAS nukes and combined vs combined rules.

Fuck I just noticed the zero on the plane. This map is way harder than any E1 I've been through.
They tend to be very exaggerated anyway.
Its better than the combined fleet E1.
What does this face convey?

I fucking don't care about resources. I just want to reach boss node. Isuzu just got taiha'd first node. Fucking unreal.
Prostate massage.
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A desire for heterosexual intercourse in the missionary position
Putting a 300+ HP sub boss at the second fucking node is Advanced Bullshit, I agree.

Hell, I've holed and megami'd half my fleet and still have to get to boss again.

Probably sticking with the 2 OASW DDs and praying to God for a lucky TCI is the better way to do it.
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My daughters are so cute.
For a little girl the blonde one has huge tits
What the fuck are you on about? Only difference is the new boss having more HP.
Thanks guys
I will try one more day hard mode

I was not getting taiha left and right last E1. For fuck sake I've not seen the boss after 7 hours. This is not normal.
post your fleet
It's the estrogen-producing chemicals in their "food".

Murica y'all.
Nothing about this event is normal. Its like they assumed everyone has 300k max resources, dupe ringed ships and +10 of every top tier equipment.
>Baguette hime at 400 hp yasen
>starshells are activating, double attack ships are damaging it to 200
>it will be it
>out of 3 ships none triggers TCI
Is it the one which makes the frogs gay?
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And no, Fumizuki and Satsuki are not the problem. They are not the only one getting taiha'd. I used Satsuki on previous event's E1 too.
Lookouts, better luck ships, you can still get a TCI for less than 100 dmg cause fuck you.
For being a total faggot, should i use Kakus for E-5 and Akaga+Sara on E-6 or the other way around?
It literally doesn't matter. They're both easy maps.
The point is I used skilled lookouts, starshells and night recon. And yeah, fuck head on.
Where the fuck is your CVL?

I was using the recommended comp in wikia.
>TCI slaves sparkled
>hime knocks out yukikaze
>shigure miss their TCI

every. fucking. time
Who are you quoting?
thanks now I'm getting arrested
no one
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Even wikia says CVL. You probably can't read and used the comp for farming Sagiri.
At least I reach node 2.
But I don't see any loli or shota there.
Yes I did.
Be sure to keep us updated with every step of your event.
It's easier to farm Sagiri with a CVL/AV though (on easy that is) as you don't need to go an extra node and Greens and MGs will be enough.
I am glad you subscribed. I will.
Are you running support?
>Using support for E1
The shame of doing so would surely dull his ships performance.
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I actually did.
Delete this
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Just started. So how hard is E7?
It's not hard, just annoying as hell.
Do you enjoy sparkling ships, torpedo bombers and LBAS 24/7? If so, E-7 hard is for you.
So which map is the hardest?
It's the hardest event map I've done so far (6 memedals).
Should mention I'm stuck at LD.
Chipping is hard but doable (45k for debuff+chip here).

That said, I've got no fucking clue about last dance since preboss is always Triple Ass Wall (how balanced) and the loli sub princess is a pain.

When does the event end again?
Two more weeks plus possible extension.
I have 11 medals now, but E7H was the hardest map ever by significant margin.
So should I just skip swordfish and get Ark Royal?
You can still get double ass wall. Just pray.
Depends. Are you willing to use damecons and barrels? Those'd make a huge difference, though I personally didn't use any.
That node still doesn't guarantee a free pass.
Barrels are occupying my equipment slots anyway. Damecons are useless unless I punch holes on all the girls. I think I will see if I can clear the previous map in time for me to do hard or not.
Summer 15 is much harder. This event took me a week to clear entirely. THAT event was pure bullshit and took at least 2 weeks to close and one more week to farm. I even consider E4 of summer 15 being one of the hardest MO maps ever. I dunno about maps before AL/MI, but this map gave me severe trauma.
>estrogen-producing chemicals in their "food"
But Japan is the country that puts raw soy in everything
It was a lot easier for me. If I had known in the first place that 2CVL 1CV was a requirement, I'd have cleared it sooner, instead I went for 4CV. And I would have cleared it by using suijou I knew that you can bring two barrels for Hayasui. In the end, ABKM saved my ass that day. This E-7 is different than the last time, the Sub and BB Hime mode are cancer to the core, taiha everywhere, and you have to pray your hardest for a safe trip to the boss. Fuck this event. AL/MI was too easy even with 2 BB Hime.
Interesting. I pretty much walked through that entire event, E7 included. The only thing I felt was really bad about that map was the silly random routing at the very beginning.
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It's because you had a lot less information to go at compared to now. If you knew all the map routing and debuff aspects it wouldn't be as hard, if not easier.
The irony is lost in that weeb.
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Hagikaze says it's good to be healthy.
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Useless piece of shit.
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E-4 or E-5.
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>Hagikaze is a scatfag.
As expected of worse Kagerou.
You can't even tell what they are selling here. Cause it's wraped up.
Please teach me the secret to reaching the boss on last dance without megami.
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My wife.
Bring more bombers
Cute wife.
She's a midget.
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You, sir, have great taste.
Is ten not enough?
(And how would more bombers help with the loli sub node, anyway?)
Let's play, Onii-chan~
Die, monster.
Fucking bitch, you're a fucking disgusting abyssal like Hoppou.
Person who made this stopped playing the game
how can I actually preload every game asset?
i'm tired to see blank get screen
Did you guys settle for AP in node F E-5 or brought less bombers?
AS won't help you survive there.
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It's that bad even with AACI?
>large-scale event
>ships are trash
Sounds about right, Fall should be medium and super easy so we'll be getting some really good ships.
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>Fall should be medium and super easy so we'll be getting some really good ships.
Fall 14 was medium-scale, super easy, and had Akiduki and Pudding.
Fall 15 was medium-scale, super easy, and had Hagi, Graf, and Arashi.
Fall 16 was medium-scale, super easy, and had Sara and Asakaze.
Fall 17 will be medium-scale, super easy, and have some good ships whether in art or stats department.
I bet we will get some auxiliary as the last reward and a dozen more trashy DD/DEs.
It will be easier though.
Unless it's a surprise big one with more retarded ass routes and 5000k tp gauge with Ass walls everywhere and other stupid shit and everyone wants Tanaka dead again tomorrow another day, as we get Po-2 as the last map hard reward.
You haven't been paying attention to this year's rewards, have you?
Winter had good ships, Spring had some good ships like DEs and Kamoi, Summer is large-scale so it was bound to have shit ships unless it was super easy like Spring 15.
>good ships like DEs
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>good ships
You now never have to lock DDs in E-1. What could be better than that?

Please do not use my wife to shitpost.
How much did you spend to finish E7 Hard LD?
50 bucks so far. 8 barrels left and like 4 megamis, so I'll probably be cracking that wallet again pretty soon.
No it didn't.
He could easily add dedicated asw DD (or give them special rules like Taiyou) instead of totally handicapped DEs. Kamoi isn't good gamewise. Gangut is okay but not in the "good" category.
Summer gives us slighlty better ships for drastically increased pain in the ass maps.
I meant resources, not shekels, but thanks for your input.
Meant 10k yen
Prepare the head for headpatting.
Oh. In that case, like 350k fuel, 270k ammo, 100k baux and 200k steel.
Will it be hardcore headpats?
350k on E7 alone? And I thought my 220k for Negazuki was bad.
Oh, I thought I read the event overall. Sorry.

Abouuuut 180k by now, I think.
Soft but constant headpats.
Is the fact that E-5 boss is 4.5 (3 full, 2 AA, 1 sub) nodes away mostly disregarded with the help of 4 bombers sent to the boss? Cause that feels like a huge supply handicap in a single vs combi fleet battle.
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Cute but lewd.
>Unless it's a surprise big one with more retarded ass routes and 5000k tp gauge with Ass walls everywhere and other stupid shit and everyone wants Tanaka dead again tomorrow another day, as we get Po-2 as the last map hard reward.
You just predicted the future.
>Implying abyssals would let you fuck
I want to save her although using the power of the D will feel wrong since she's more of the daughter type.
Time for another repair ship.
The abyssals want the dick really badly, this id a well-known fact.
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Yes please.
>implying consent matters
Why would you want a LBAS DB version of a Swordfish mk.I (mk.II at best)?
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Of course they would.
Use the headpats then.
If Tanaka can make this good, then he could make the Po-2 good too.
Whatever makes you sleep at night
Yeah it's not like they have temptresses and shit among them.
Battleship Hime and Seaplane Tender Hime sound quite horny so yeah, I will sleep happily since its pretty canon.
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>Battleship Hime and Seaplane Tender Hime sound quite horny
Inb4 its inconsistent with how useful it is.
Get some ears and listen to how they talk, they sound like they want sex.
>has huge AA guns on top
>AA stat still shit
>fp or acc are over the top for the guns' design
Ugh, yeah, he can. Or make it a plane you will never use, like all the carrier based planes this event except for Mk.III and Seafire, which don't exactly come in comparison to some stuff we get withing the first year of the game (whenever +4 contact activates or whatever).
He can't. Those guns at least have the excuse of being one of the better 12 inch guns of the time and then getting modernized. The best you can say about the Po is that it won't cost much bauxite.
>Wehrmacht troops nicknamed it Nähmaschine (sewing machine) for its rattling sound and Finnish troops called it Hermosaha (Nerve saw)[citation needed] as the Soviets flew nocturnal missions at low altitudes: the engine had a very peculiar sound, which was described as nerve-wracking, therefore the name. Luftwaffe pilots were soon given special instructions for engaging these aircraft. The material effects of these missions may be regarded as minor, but the psychological effect on German troops was noticeable. They typically attacked by surprise in the middle of the night, denying German troops sleep and keeping them on their guard, contributing to the already high stress of combat on the Eastern front. The usual tactic involved flying only a few meters above the ground, rising for the final approach, throttling back the engine and making a gliding bombing run, leaving the targeted troops with only the eerie whistling of the wind in the wings' bracing-wires as an indication of the impending attack.[7] Luftwaffe fighters found it extremely hard to shoot down the Kukuruznik because of two main factors: the pilots flew at treetop level where they were hard to see or engage and the stall speed of both the Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 was similar to the U-2s maximum speed, making it difficult for the fighters to keep a Po-2 in weapons range for an adequate period of time.[8] The success of the Soviet night harassment units inspired the Luftwaffe to set up similar Störkampfstaffel "harassment combat squadrons" on the Eastern Front using their own obsolete 1930s-era, open cockpit biplanes (most often the Gotha Go 145 and Arado Ar 66 biplanes) and parasol monoplane aircraft, eventually building up to larger Nachtschlachtgruppe (night attack group) units of a few squadrons each.
So you think you're just entitled to sex now?
fuck time for node P
>expecting him to know what a horny woman sounds like
Got to E7 with no new ships whatsoever aside of rewards.
If I don't get Graf, I swear I'll go bomb Tanaka's home.
Just give Kamo her Kai 2.
But if Tanaka dies, Kadokawa will probably replace him with someone even worse.
Because Naval missions and ground harassment are the same thing, right? Adding to that Po-2 had poor range.
>Because Naval missions and ground harassment are the same thing, right?
It'll make the Abyssals miss more.
It won't be Tanaka, that's good enough.
The abyssals have neither morale nor supplies to "drain" with this, nor do they have any carrying capacity to speak of.
You could end up on death row-"I killed this guy because his RNG simulator game pissed me off" isn't a good legal defense.
Japan doesn't have capital punishment.
Now that i think about it again, it would be the perfect plane for aircraft carrying land Abyssals (almost like the Piece of shit Hawk).
Just imagine it swooping in taking away 1-2 ticks of your ships' supplies, 10-20 morale and 1-2% of your total resources cause your ships start to wreck your stockpile for some reason.
Tanaka doesn't count as a human.
He could say he played russian roulette with Tanaka, the same way his game works, so it would be fair.
Yes it does.
E5H Boss is an utter joke with land bases and support even with a DD dedicated to OASW and the other being a duck.

Winter had very strong subs, 23 armor and 3 slots is very strong and allows them to still TCI while bringing floatplanes for LOS.
Spring had Taiyou, who is the outright best CVL for ASW duties and the only one usable with transport fleet. The DEs may appear useless but they are cheap and low level OASW, which is a major hurdle for newer admirals.
I bet they would be happy if they happen to play the game.
Sounds like they got lucky they didn't have to face a monoplane with abnormally low stall speeds like Ki-43 and the Zero. Heck even the F4F-3 and FM-2 had lower than normal stall speeds which would have made them dangerous to Po-2
We need some more event maps for subs.

Remember how fun it was to torp down CA hime in Winter 2017?
I remember LBAS doing all the hard work.
It wasn't all that fun desu.
Saiun transport was annoying.
You were still forced into yasen with subs against CA hime. It was pretty much like E-4 now, except without yasen gear and shit TCI chances and damage.
I did it without debuff.
>boss has 116 hp left
>KTKM only needs to cut in
>all night battle equipment activated

God damn it, it's been over a week. PLEASE let me complete this map.
Clearly your KTKM is an Abyssal mole.
You either make extremely few sorties per day, or should have dropped difficulty a day or two ago.
100% out of fuel. I wait until I get back up to 10k, then do a few sorties.
This is the second time, btw.
her face looks rather off
>believing in Torres
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wrap her hair around the handles
what if he is already doing on kuso mode?
>Shitspitfag being this much of a newfag
Not surprised.
I'm on hard mode, don't worry. I tried again and the boss now has 615 HP before going into yasen. Wish me luck haha!
It's the "sample" plus she looks youger than normaly.

Then tough luck, i guess. There is very little you can do in large events if you are unprepared.
Oh, and two escorts alive.
the left side of her face looks kind of chiseled
2 TCI for 300 plus minor DA hits for the win
Or maybe not.
I'm using barrels and megamis too, and I've copied fleets that others have cleared it with. I don't know what the fuck is going on at this point. I'm on like 40 attempts of LD.
It's your typical game design based on luck. You just keep at it, should work out in some time (unless the event ends before that particular time).
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>yasen TCI
>30 damage
do you have moar sir
3 escorts this time.
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Do people still care about her?
I hate this slut
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Do you not do 4-5 or something?
She has the best hands to hug you with.
I wish it were p2w, because at least I'd have w by now. This is disgusting.
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How did you guys farmed this cutie? Kidou, Suijou or transport? Which ships? 1 LBAS to the BB node?

Please respond.
I didn't, she dropped while I was clearing.
Suijou, 1 LBAS to BB node. As for ships, go plan with the branching rules in mind.
Getting nothing but Maruyus everywhere. Might as well start the luckmodding.
Who should get them first? Kitakami, Ayanami, someone else?
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You weren't kidding with E-5 node F. Those slots on the Hime are made for totally retarded damage.
Abukuma, Ayanami, Kitakami, Myoukou/Eugen
Not particularly in order
Why not poi?
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Out of barrels, two megami left. Need to resparkle everything. Haven't resupplied or repaired anyone. I am going to punch something so hard my hand breaks.
1. base luck 20 vs 40
2. if you give them ring, poi's hp becomes 4n
ok guys I want to get a lot of type 32 surface radar

how can I stockpile 200k each resource to win at this RNG festival?
No fucking way. If these other retards can finish this, then I should be able to as well.
Why is the Manta german when it's "Abyssal fish launched from the sword" of Zombie Ark?
Trading Roma for Luigi.
best way is to not play

50k is enough, Anon.
Same reason the artist did other aircraft with other navies' decals.
Ok. Node F is BS. 3 times in a row it just sends me home without any alternatives. What the fuck?
Hey I just got out of E4 Hell and will be starting E5 Hard tomorrow so is it okay for me to run Zara in the place of a FBB? Or do I need one? No I don't have Roma. :<
node p is cancer with tcf, the hell
Tanaka tried his best to make the event as little farmable as possible.
will matsuwa only drop from s ranks?
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I wanna make that granny feel young again.
I just wait till Tanaka has us fucking them or them outright asking for sex. Then I can be sure
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You'll get your Revenge-class battleship and you'll like it.
I still can't believe Tanaka thought making a tanky DD that can oneshot BBs was a good idea of a "hard" enemy.
I don't see the problem, she's a Princess she's supposed to be strong. The one that's a disappointment is DD Hime.
Tell that to the escort ships she taihas 8/10 times.
Just wait until he makes a tanky TP bote that can one shot battleships without resorting to torpedoes.
When did Kamoi dye her hair?
Will the swordfish mk III be a sign of an elite admiral now?
No, a stupid admiral.
Only if you have Ooi at #1 and Shinden Kai.
It will be the sign of someone who paid a lot of money to win at a shitty, shitty, shitty game.
>Being this mad
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Of course I'm mad. If this event is any indication of the direction this game is going, I might as well quit right fucking now. This is so bad.
Luck is also a skill. Git gud.
>Luck is also a skill.
How can something you have no control over be a skill?
This is a silly question but where's the best place to farm level 1. Souryuu for her type 21 plane? I need it for upgrades.
How much of a newfag are you? This isn't even that close to 2015's difficulty.
oh, you mean fate/go. yeah does suck
Epic joke, my man. I mean Cancer Collection.
Something else was worse, therefore this isn't bad? What kind of retard logic is that?
Not knowing isn't a factor in difficulty.
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Of course.
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I wanna eat some turkey thigh.
Haha, Tanaka you win, I'm buying megami, you fat fuck
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How much of a slut Kashima is?
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She's not a slut.
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Three book shelves worth, most of any shipgirl.
Reading on the wiki that people prefer Maxed T21S to Maxed T52S. Their reasoning is that the range and +1 accuracy is better than the + 1 AA. Could someone please share their opinion?
Search the archive. It has been discussed at length many, many times.
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I don't use carrier planes on LBAS anymore.
It was definitely harder to kill her in 2015.
They also reset the debuff at midnight everyday piling up even more time limiting stress. Right now you get kill her at your own leisure with no stress for 4weeks.
Easiest farm ever
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I wish the drop rate wasn't cancerous, I've been doing this for the past 6 hours.
I want Luigi to sit on my face
>6 hours
Already 2 days farming this piece of shit E-6 and still no Aquila.
I want to fuck Aquila
I give up /jp/, E7H is literally impossible. I'm below softcap on fuel and baux now. Easy it is for me now.
Use megami idiot
Thanks doc
That's what I had been saying when I felt helpless, but with a splash of insane luck, I managed to sink that bitch.
I miss using Kaga in events. Kaga k2 please come soon.
Cool, another Bongou
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you put all your level up points into it, obviously
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Your plain light carrier wife replacement for Houshou has arrived!
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How do I unlock the Sagiri node on E1?
>No flaming eye like Wo, Ri, Ru Kai Flagship.
Because it doesn't have eyes.
Sorry I already married Houshou
You could literally have the flame come out the left side of it.
No thanks.
Do you recommend farming S instead of H? Presumably the boss retains the debuff post-clear.
Only retards would unironically marry potatoes.
Up to you if you wanna waste resources doing transport runs at a lower drop rate. It is only an extra sub node which doesn't consume ammo.
Your choice.
I don't think he married her yet.
not him
then why he keep spamming all the time?
because he's a faggot?
Because he never get banned.
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Roy is our boy!
Roy is our boy!
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Yahagi a shit.
Kashima ain't a slut.
Its just a meme like how Shoukaku became the NTR Queen.
Shitspit a shit.
>not a slut
Bitch doesn't even wear a bra.
lmao I just got Pola on Node P.
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She's so damn sexy. That perfect balance of cool, sexy, and cute. 10/10 character design.
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>thread has been up less than 24 hours
>already on page 9
Who else comfy hurricane farming?
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Hey admiral, you like dorks?
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/jp/ is there a good map to level dupe dragons + warspite, and preferably drop Mutsu?
Did something happen to make /jp/ super fast suddenly?
Nobody gives a fuck about this event.
Do you do the entire map or just the first node?
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So how many girls would you turn down if you had to choose between them and her?
Only good for bait
If you want Mutsu drops then the entire map.
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Come on admiral, Sakawa could be your girlfriend for tonight.
Since when is her hair that long?
Where can I get Mikuma /jp/

No events tho
Max level affection.
Entire map if all the carriers are Kai, only first node if more than one carrier has not yet been remodelled.
That's not how it works. We're long past bump limit. A lot more threads than usual must have been going up to push us so far down so quickly.
How many quints are recommended to have /jp/?
Is it okay to marry Ooi?
Has your knowledge on ships ever helped you outside of KanColle?
>Kaga lowest level
Kagafag BTFO again
Also if you do the entire map, you'll have to make Shitspit fast because the good route needs a fast fleet. At least this way you can keep her from stealing MVP from one of the dragons.
Softest CL. Best CL.
She's only interested in being lesbians with Akagi after all.
It's okay as long as you're completely willing to fuck the day out of her.
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Something strange is going on with Hatsuzuki.
What's Richelieu good for?
Glow-in-the-dark boy
Post-war comfort girl for faceless American boats
An excuse to make this post for the umpteenth time.
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Don't crush her dream of being her admiral's princess.
Arrogant frogs are for mouth fucking, not anal
Pastas are for anal
This is going to sound a little gay, but where I can I find pictures of hot TTK like this?
Why not both?
Asking for a friend, right?
You already asked this, fag.
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Because frenchies have very hairy butt-holes and it's kinda gross
Proton princess

But don't worry, I'm sure Sara and pudding will cheer her up if it turns out the Admiral isn't into radioactive boys.
LSC or 5-2
There's something off putting about Warspite's english but I can't put my finger on it
It's the fact that English sounds like shit when spoke together with Japanese. You need Engrish for it to feel natural when switching between them.
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>4 Kazagumo
>6 Okinami
>4 Fujinami
>4 Harusame
>1 Sakawa
>2 Maruyu
>0 Aquila

Kill me.
Aquila is shit anyways.
At least somebody here has a brain.
I hope you've married Abukuma since she's been your event MVP for two years
This should help you feel better.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
I haven't used her in 2 years.
Maybe if she had a different voice.
My wife and child
Speak for yourself.
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>The two who burn the Seaport Summer Hime again and again during transport phase.
Edgy art
It's shit.
Sounds like the VA is trying to speak very clearly for a crappy voice-to-text program to pick it up or something. Makes it sound unnatural.
They must be portrayed like the hoes they are in every illustration.
A woman's jealousy is an ugly thing
i now understand ptsd imps
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Consider for a moment that that cat proved to be tougher than both of those boats
Because nobody shot the cat, smartass.
I cleared E1 using node support. I feel guilty but there is no retreat once I got my composition right.
I've been sitting here for a day to farm Luigi, and I got absolutely nothing. The drop rate is so awful.
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When will she stop being the MVP of the event?
Nothing guilty about using support in any map. You gotta do whatever it takes to clear the map at the shortest time possible especially for the earlier maps because the latter maps are going to take a while to finish.
Should i use Abukuma on E4?
If you are really having trouble, go ahead.
The cat is probably a myth.
i did
Save her for E-6. You don't want to mess that 4BB node.
Can I do E6 with just one CLT?
I still have ABKM.
Just fucking kill me.
Just saw E2 map. How is this shit possible with single fleet without LBA?
By not being a retard.
>having trouble with E2
Are you kidding me ?
You can use carriers and a shortcut, that should do it.
It's actually not that bad besides maybe pre-boss.
The boss is pretty easy, its not even a hime/oni, you could oneshot it in yasen without torp cutin. The problem is the pure cancer nu flagship kai that always crits you on the preboss.
Get the shortcut, it's worth it especially last dance. Use route and boss support.

I haven't started yet. So it is not as hard as it looks? Granny is there for the last dance though.
What's the strongest E-5 fleet setup I can use on kuso? wiki lists fbbx2/cvx2/ddx2 or replacing one cv with a fbb, but I'm struggling to actually kill the boss.

I can't reach the boss with my LBAS of carrier planes and crafting refuses to give me a LBAS plane. I'm in the progress of going for quest ones but at very best that'll just be one Type 96 and one Type 1/22A.
Put in a Saiun in the base, Jesus, learn to extend your range.
>Granny is there for the last dance though.
At least she's in the escort. I'd be more worried on the map where she's part of the main fleet.
>So it is not as hard as it looks?
Its actually annoying as fuck because of the preboss node.
>Granny is there for the last dance though.
In escort fleet, so not that much of a problem.
Getting to the boss is the hardest part of the map and it will be slightly more cancerous on last dance. The boss is actually a pushover before last dance however, granny will be a huge pain as it could potentially torp two of your ships to chuuha or worse, so getting to the boss near tip-top condition will be good.
From what I've read a saiun only extends ranges of 6+ by 1, and only one counts. I have no bombers with a base range of 7, which I'd need to reach the 8 required. Am I misunderstanding?

I am woefully underequipped and underleveled for this event but I'm trying to get everything I can possibly get out of it.

Thanks. Imma start soon.
You're not. Saiun adds 1 to your lowest range if it's 6 or 7
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Forget my image. Use taitei-chan if you have it.
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Who Eleven here?
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As usual.
Well played.
DA is better than TCI?
>main fleet is pretty much intact
You should just scrap your entire fleet, what a shitshow.
Unfortunately, I don't. I only have the normal carrier planes. Saiun is the best I have available which is why I asked what the strongest fleet I could bring is. I have to pretty much brute force it.
It's rather situational. Either DA or TCI can be fine but it all boils down to the dice roll.

Cut-in for 3? I've seen that in my own fleet before and guess what? That was from Yukikaze too.
I have not reached E5 so take my advise with a pinch of salt. Send your LBAS to the air node to lower the AS requirement, and stuff as much blue as your resultant AS allows. The key thing is to maximise your boss support and air phase.
>Boss misses both her attacks
>BB hime fails her cut-in
>Kitakami does 500+ damage with DA
>Yukikaze cut-in does 3 damage to a DD

What is this shitshow?
Soon my Kagafriend
Doesn't matter if it is DA or torpedo, you need to score a crit to actually deal substantial damage. The crit bonus in this event is insane. TCI has a huge advantage if you are in chuuha though.
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KTKM truly is amazing. As for that beaver I'd probably scrap her.
God I wish that were me.
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I just failed LoS check with 46.7. What the actual fuck?
It would be my first boss encounter bringing a fleet oiler. Fuck this game.
is E6H HP phase worth bringing any support until LD
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PvP is scary. This morning all planes had >>.
what a beautiful britboi
You can't force this meme
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Do I actually need Sucky for E7 Hard LD?
Yes, she is the MVP of this event after all.
You need sucky, 30+ drums and 30 megamis.
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Got this while chipping, not sure if I should keep her.
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However, sucky hugely increases your main fleet damage.

Too bad she's useless. Get her CGs then feed her to your nearest potato.
Seems like a waste of a slot since I can't get to the boss anyway.

I have pic related, will have to be enough.

Your screenshot gives me hope.
>using planes in pvp
Do you have a grudge against your bauxite?
How do you even deal with loli sub hime with this fleet?
He ignored her and bet it all on getting through.
That sub node is retarded, just like all the sub nodes.
So just megami everything and power through?

Because I've seen her miss only once in a gorillion sorties.

Other subs can be oneshot with ASW.
>Summer gives us slighlty better ships for drastically increased pain in the ass maps.
Using lepu mules makes me spend like what? 400 baux per day in a WORST CASE scenario. And usually it is closer to 50-100.
It's nothing.
Just pray they target Hayasui.
>sparkled all the fleet/expedition support for E7 LD
>still get heavy dmg before boss node and force to retreat
>lost all the sparkles
is the sparkle a meme or god just hates me
Sparkling worth it for expeditions only, welcome to real life.
Goddamn why doesn't that Kraut whore come already?

Do you ever bring ASW equipment just to deal with pre-boss node?
Yes, I used Honor Student and Sharkgumo with OASW setup. Bad idea?
Come you dumb Graf Zeppelin.
How do you guys not get distracted while playing? I've on the same sortie that I started this morning (6 hours ago)
watching the gameplay is so fucking sloooooooooooooow
Hey you little bitch. I better have not wasted my luck getting you.
I don't have ADHD.
You are now regretting your decision by converting this instead of upgrading it.
How many sorties have you done? Post your captain stats
Not really since I maxed it long ago.
The So-Elites need a sonar or depth charge on the DD to disable them.

having a high damage DD like Yuudachi at 140+ so she can TCI and do OASW with 1 sonar is absurdly valuable for this.

Escort is probably worth sparkling, they are the ones that take the majority of the attacks on the route.
It cost the same.
No not really.
Graf Come right now!
How do I go to node J on E-7?
Joke's on you.
>D->G shortcut forbades you to use CV
What the flying fuck?
Why would I regret?
I have superior planes.
Because you are supposed to use CVLs or Akitsumaru+AVs.
The only fighter that's superior to Iwamoto is Shinden Kai.
So E2 boss is actually easy no joke. I got lucked out at pre-boss where my girls disable both Nu-kai before they can do anything.
It doesn't forbid you at all.
I'm already using 2 CVLs, so 1 CVL only?
Did you swap your CTF for STF?
Exactly. I have 10stars M53.
Not sure why anyone would keep an inferior plane?
I think he means converting it before upgrading it but since he's a retard he can't word his sentences properly. Unless he confused it for Iwai.
Cause with the retarded AP requirements that some nodes have you'd need both?
Pretty sure it's STF. I have 3 BBs so I would not be able to select CTF in the first place. Could it be slow ship bullying?
You can't have both Iwamoto 52 and Iwamoto 53 at the same time.
That guy is an idiot and probably mixed up Iwamoto and Iwai.

Cost to upgrade is same before and after. conversion.
I have ADHD and I have no problems completing sorties.

I just play in the background while reading VNs. Kancolle really should have a fast forward function.
I know, which is why I put
>Unless he confused it for Iwai.
at the end.
No more than 4 BB+CVL in main fleet.

Ok i'm lost. Why would anyone regret converting before upgrading since they cost the same to upgrade?
Guess it's the Iwai.
Tell how you're supposed to have both Iwamoto 52A and Iwamoto 53.
By confusing with how the first poster meant Iwai instead of Iwamoto for it all to add up.
>No more than 4 BB+CVL in main fleet.
According to wikwiki, that's the constraint if you're using kidou however, I could have missed something in their report at the bottom so I will try it out anyway, thanks.
The Iwai is only a so-so plane.
Seafire/F6F-5/2005 all gives better placebo stats which are more important. Just look at this event E7. Due how ridiculous the air power is to achieve AS for node Q, it is better to just go mostly bombers and use planes with better stats to achieve parity.
In that case there's nothing to regret. Iwai 62 is a fine plane.
Yep he used an image of Iwamoto 52A. How do you even confuse the two like this retard >>17535570? Iwai fairy has a side tail while Iwamoto fairy has ponytails. And even then, it's in the fucking filename.
You can't get ~600 AS with 4 CVs? You must really shit planes.
I only needed to bring 4green planes on my carriers smallest slots and filled the rest with big bombers. Why would you give up opening airstrike for the easiest node in E7?
That's Iwamoto.
Kikka fairy has glasses, that's why its so shitty.
Did anyone get dupe a Aquila? Because her drop rate seems to be lower on hard which sounds like bullshit unless you can't get more than one.
It's not that it's lower, it's that no one bothers to farm her on hard so there's less reports in general.
Don't be surprised if more than half of the rare drops have "no more than 1 per player" bs attached to them like Warspite.
You would assume that the people farming for Luigi would get dupe of her if she is dropping for people already with Aquila.
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