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Touhou Gameplay Thread

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Thread replies: 397
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HSiFS is out!
Shamelessly using my own clear as OP pic.
Previous thread >>17413062
Come on, anon.
At least it was on lunatic, so good for you I suppose.

So what's the general consensus on HSiFS? I think it's ok, but I'm not a fan of the overcentralizing gimmick which results in the game being very bomb heavy. It feels like I'm playing MoF but not as bad.
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What character did you play first for the new game (or the demo if you haven't gotten a hold of the game)?
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Same as every game.
How do I git gud?
Is the Winter final attack way easier than the rest? Captured that one on the 2nd try, came close to the Autumn one only once, the hitboxes on the arrow bullets are much bigger
I had a pretty good handle of everything in the first three stages from playing the demo a while back, I had even moved on to practicing on hard difficulty in it even though I'm a pretty bad player. But playing the full version, I started panicking hard when stage 4 rolled around and had used up all of my continues before even seeing the stage 5 boss(es). What the hell was up with the first nonspell for stage 4 boss? I was running around unfocused like a crazy headless chicken.
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Please don't bully, it was my second time seeing the card.
I captured it in spell practice later if that counts.

Winter is much easier than Autumn in my opinion. Makes Reimu Winter even more of an obvious choice for LNNN play, unless Spring is easier or something. Haven't seen Spring or Summer yet myself so I can't say for sure though.
Reimu forever
I asked this in a different thread, but is there any way to set gamepad inputs as movement in games past IN? I tried keyboard mappings in DS4Windows, but they don't work with Touhou for some reason. Joy2key does, but it feels laggier.

Reimu. I was interested in using Cirno when the game was first announced, but I didn't like how she played in the demo.
What're the exact differences between the season barriers?
Spring creates a sudden "flash" that wipes out bullets in a circle, the radius depends on how much season you've collected, and costs your entire meter.
Summer creates a small circle that destroys bullets and lasts a few seconds, only costs one bar.
Fall creates a circle around your character that destroys bullets, duration depends on how much season you've collected, costs your entire meter.
Winter creates a persistent circle who's duration and size depends on how much season you've collected, costs your entire meter.
Winter also boosts your shooting power if you stay within the circle, I think.
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I just noticed that in TD you randomly get more fairies with resources spirits. Or in stage 6 the big fairies sometimes drops bomb spirits and sometimes not. What the hell?
More waves spawn if you kill previous waves quickly enough.
It's always a thing in Touhou games, but it's more noticeable in TD.
Cirno shot type is so fucking shit.
OK but that stage 6 though.
Everything is so pretty in the new game
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Full credit where credit is due, this game is harder than what I expected from the demo. I almost fucking died there, but still managed to snatch that 1cc on my shitty first try.

Also Narumi is the cutest newhu, yes?
doesn't fall also make you go fast?

speaking of seasons, it might be that I didn't play much between the demo and full released of HSiFS, but I remember instantly deleting Eternity during nonspells with either Fall or Winter release. I can't seem to do that anymore. Anyone else notice something like that?
Just 1cc at the third run testing winter cirno, well the game was not that hard. the music is very good, need to hear all the tracks more times
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Satono just disappears after you kill her in spell practice and nothing happens.
Gotta play on lowest resolution to avoid my pc slowing down frames. Not the kind of throwback to the old games that i wanted.
I play on a potato laptop and I was pleasantly surprised in this regard, the demo slowed down on numerous occasions, like the boss spawning animation and certain busier spell cards, but I didn't really notice anything of the sort in the full version.
It usually happens to me when unique to the game flashy stuff happens and also when i die, maybe ill try with 720p but right now im onto a run.
Translation when?
why is the extra so easy, I had six lives left on my first go
Large amount of lives plus abusable bombs.
at least he tried by making the fifth season so weak
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My man
Don't expect to get any lives by stage 6 anon.
Aya. She's my favorite of the four protagonists in this game. I was so happy when she was announced to be playable!
Same but i felt like her shot was too much of a copy paste from reisen's in LoLK. Also sorry if i ruined it for ya
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Remove boolets coming from the bottom of the screen.

Remove blue star boolet which looks too much like a winter element.
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>blue star boolet which looks too much like a winter element
Fuck amulets.
Fuck Spring/Summer final spells, especially summer. Even PDH is easier to read than this shit, plus Junko has the courtesy to not fucking move everywhere.
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this should work
That's terrible.
Just make one square for the extra like in the LoLK chart.
Lol I just saw a video of someone using Aya Autumn releases and that shit is too easy to abuse. No wonder people are getting Lunatic 1cc's like it's free candy

I'm glad it's a walk in the park though, I'm not a fan of the game
Reimu. Probably going to do Cirno next.
press c to win is the future of 2hu
even it cant avoid becoming cinematic trash
Why are there fuckers saying Extra is easy

Okina's first spell is liquid bullshit and being shot from behind wasn't fun at all when Seija did it either
Of like the 7 videos I see on youtube only like 2 are autumn option. Besides, no bomb no release is the real way to play, and it's actually a pretty hard one.
Is there a life cap in HSiFS? If so, how many points is it at?
Extra is always easier than Lunatic.
LoLK was just a few years ago, may i remind you. One game that played out like HSiFS won't mean all the following ones will be like that.
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The black balls don't hit you.

1 billion is the last score 1up iirc and it's right after 500mil.
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This game has 16 shot types combinations, it had to be expected that at least one of them would be broken.
I tried to play her first, too, but I felt she had some sort of damage problem.
>tfw managed to get through HSiFS on my first go.
>tfw final spellcard chewed through two continues.

I can't decide if this game is easier than PCB and DDC or harder.
yeah and lolk/ddc were press x to win
different button same shit
Man, the fourth stage is kicking my ass so hard.
Huh. I could have sworn I got hit by them multiple times. Thanks for clearing that up, and thanks for the webm, the way you're dodging seems more efficient than the dumb shit I was doing.
For DDC it's a fair point but LoLK, nope. Bombs have always been big helpers and that's why no bomb runs are considered a pretty big notch harder than clearing the same difficulty levels but with bombs. Now stop being the fake prophet Jew of the situation and just limit yourself to talking about what the saga has currently to offer.
Its super lenient with resources.
it does look better

i still dont know if the line is the best way to show the different shottype

It's not the fairies that drop bomb spirits. Each big fairy leads a 'train' of wisps, and the last wisp of the train has a bomb/life piece, but if you kill the big fairy the whole train dies without giving you any pieces.
more than that, either I'm a lot better now or the final boss's spellcards aren't that difficult. Other than the absolute final cards, I've been able to capture each one at least twice with only a couple attempts. I still can't beat some of Shinmyoumaru's cards.

The actual stages themselves are the hard parts for me.
This game kicks ass, for example: mine.
I don't know anon, I might keep it the other way. Also even the LoLK chart might look better like that
Cirno Winter.

I feel like it balances out pretty well for stages and bosses.
/r/ing a practice tool for HSiFS. Anything. Timer freeze, start at x part of the stage, invincibility etc. I'm looking to practice nonspells because they're much harder than the spells for the most part.
How the fuck do you capture the 3 finals that aren't Winter? Are they even meant to be doable?
Also the stage 5 penultimate feels like pure bullshit to me, especially those stars. On Lunatic I mean
Fall's very doable. Whenever she moves down, dodge away from the direction she came down first from, i.e. if she moves down+right, dodge towards the left (but stay around the center).
Spring and summer are bullshit though I agree. The latter moreso.
>Implying Cirno bomb + release combo isn't broken either
Besides anything Autumn is easy to abuse not just Aya
>is the real way to play
Just because you choose not to use the tools the game gives you doesn't mean those who do aren't playing legitly. Yes not releasing or bombing increases the difficulty but all things considered Lunatic HSiFS is easy. Besides those who have a shit release/bomb make it up with a great shot type.
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Someone please help me this is a Stage 3 spellcard on Normal difficulty and I just cannot consistently get it without releasing. I have a Hard 1cc and this card is bringing me to my knees. I'm doing better against it than I was in the demo (did Summer and/or Cirno get buffed? I'm finding myself clearing cards that I always timed out in the demo so far) but 43% is nowhere near acceptable for a card on this stage on this difficulty)
Whats the best season for not releasing
*I have a hard 1cc on a different game
It's only her first non-spell and Clownpiece is already sapping my will to live. I thought I could complete this babby pointdevice run before HSiFS got here.
>Clownpiece is already sapping my will to live
I thought Marisa was the only one who had motivation draining lasers.
Winter or Spring.
Special mention to Summer which lets you release while keeping your upgraded shot.
Its a bitch to get without timing it out if you aren't going to use a release.
Going to have to try harder than that if you wanna stand up to the strength of USA USA USA
Shou also has them
So, what's the secret to the lasers?

Are you supposed to get a feel for their trajectory and move slightly to the concave side of it, or am I missing something?
How to score with Marisa in HSiFS?
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See, people really don't understand the difference between non-punishing versus non-difficult.

LoLK is an example of the former, but nowhere near an example of the latter. Also you're nowhere nearly done. Junko's non-cards are going to tear your anus a new one.

Alternatively you can just swallow your pride and start using those saved up bombs. You must've already used a few by this point considering they're not maxed.
Yeah, you could say that about practically every Touhou game past PCB.
And PCB had that border system, so you could say it was "do nothing to win"
Is there an OST out yet?
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I'm so so mad right now
I cant get past this bitch's not-spellcard thing.
the one she uses mid stage 5, how I'm supposed to graze that pattern? what the fuck

normal pleb here
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I just bomb through it, honestly. I have no idea how the fuck I'm supposed to dodge that shit. I have an easier time with Impossible Spell Card fights than that shit.
ZUN must have been drinking the good shit when he added the season release mechanics.

This is the only game in the series where Lunatic and Normal are roughly the same difficulty.
PCB was the easiest game in the series, going by Lunatic difficulty. HSiFS possibly aside, since you don't really need to dodge ANYTHING with Fall release.
I made the original expanded version of this, and I'm shocked by how good it looks now. Good job to everyone who's worked on it.
Stage 4 is fucking me up really bad. I can't figure out how to go through the stage without bombing or dying 4-5 times as Aya. I get swamped from the sides multiple times in the stage. It's the one thing stopping me from a relatively easy 1CC.
Like Aya but less bomb spam.

LLS might be a little easier, but yeah PCB is a pretty easy Lunatic relative to the rest of the games.
I feel like HSiFS might be easier, but most of the exploits you can do require at least decent reactions and some level of input, while PCB just gives you advantage for playing the game.
I really need a CRT at some point.

Abuse the release more, that's all I can really tell you.
If you're still having trouble, I'd suggest switching to the Summer subshot. You're losing massive damage and abuse potential, but gaining consistency thanks to not losing all of your meter every time you release. And it's still abusable.
>Extra Season
I don't know how to abuse this and it's really weird to use
You're basically Marisa B in SA except you can only use the Earth formation.
Also your release, while still being somewhat exploitable, is far less exploitable thanks to how it moves.

The shot is really just there to give you the ability to kill things behind you, which the stage is built around.
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Demn, the 4st boss is so anoying.

How do you dodge Stage 5 boss second and third non-spells? I can't really get over two overlapping bullet waves of different patterns. It's so hard.
Also, I can't really clear Okina's last spell without bomb spam to clear the bullets. At first the spell is not that hard. But later, it's extremely difficult to keep up with Okina's flying speed, especially when her falling bullets block you from going under her (to shoot) her all the fucking time.
Rainbow Danmaku is really annoying. The card itself isn't too hard for being Kaguya's last spellcard, but it's just so fucking long.
The release barely matters though since I use it once and then get swarmed from all sides. I determined the way to do it is you need to kill as many fairies as you can before they wall you in but you just can't. It seems impossible since you can't just dodge the waves of bullets, they'll eventually kill you diagonally.
Just how much of my damage comes from my season, anyway? Do I screw myself if I release early on in a boss fight?
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I haven't even gotten to Stage 4 yet because I'm too busy trying to figure out good release routing for Stage 3. I keep playing too aggressive and dying too much trying to boost my point score because of how GOD DAMN HIGH the point requirements for extra lives are. I feel like the resources were balanced around Fall users and I want to stick with Summer until I get my first clear.
Not much.
Honestly, the easiest way to win in this game is to just release in a boss's face, get back your resources because ZUN thought spam was hilarious, and do it again.
Well some westerner got ExNNN, some jap got ExNNN on motherfucking CirnoSummer, and there's people low miss NRNBing it left and right. Is this the easiest extra in the entire series?
I've been trying to do most of them legitly, and it didn't seem like i could get more than a bar or two from any given release. Lets me skip a few spellcards entirely, though, so that's nice.
Extras being scaled to around normal clears mean the vast majority are relatively easy throughout with usually one or two stand-out difficult parts.

Flandre for example is relatively easy, but QED being the final hurdle makes her stage perfect relatively harder on average.

Though haven't most extras been perfected in only the first day or two? It's not something I've been keeping track of and I don't think any extra has been particularly famous for being much harder to perfect compared to others considering people still argue about extra stage difficulty rankings.
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This extra stage was pretty fun
I wish ZUN made Seija a playable character in the next game with this reverse shottype gimmick
>I don't think any extra has been particularly famous for being much harder to perfect compared to others
Hecatia's moons say hi. I don't think Japs took too long but us lowly westerners took forever. Pretty sure it's the same guy that got west's first (and only?) LoLK LNN too and that sparked a shitstorm in the last two threads so it's probably best we drop this.
ost rip
collett got 6 billion 1cc already. Post your scores /jp/
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Is this about right?
Does the last spell count as a final stage variation
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Fuck me I just can't. I cannot get even a PASSABLE score even when I go full suicidal against the patterns for graze and release vantage. I don't think I can even hit the 500M life, let alone the billion life.
You can cross off the crash tile, I've found an in-game crash that's easy to replicate.
Which cards have the safe spots?
OH I see it now! Thank you.
Is this with summer? You must be doing something wrong, summer should be able to get well over 250m by the end of 3.
I guess that's up for interpretation. Even if it counts though there's still no bingo unfortunately.

Those high as fuck score 1ups are only realistically reachable from score runs on lunatic. Don't beat yourself up over it. Even a lunatic 1cc only floats between 300m to 600m from what I've seen.

Extra midboss's first spell can be destroyed by Reimu just standing on either one's face. Second spell too but takes a bit of luck. Okina's 2nd and 3rd (though could be intentional) both can be done like that too with very little movement.
I'm admittedly not bombing.
Is there any difference between Summer and Winter release, other than Summer not consuming the entire bar? And is Spring release essentially a bomb?
Winter jacks your damage up.
>get to final spell with 3 lives
>use all bombs and die anyway right as she's about to die

Fuck Aya and fuck her abysmal bomb. It's the reason stage 4 is bullshit.
>Second spell too
just release and she dies
Final spell is immune during bombs, dude.
>her abysmal bomb
her bomb is actually the best, it just doesn't give you free skips
I'm playing NBNR.
No shit, Aya's bomb does absolutely nothing to save you, in fact it basically means you die right after it wears off since she fucks off away from it every time.

This game basically comes down to this one extremely bullshit spellcard, just like MoF, only it's way worse since you have to weave in and out of random bullet bullshit to chase down the boss rather than practice a pattern. It's way harder than any of the other ones.

It's a slightly better Reimu A from UFO bomb but does nothing to save you at the part where the game says "pick summer or bomb" or during the last spell card.
It's easily the best bomb in the game, you scrub.
Try actually shotgunning next time you do it.
Beating this EX is tricky but I just gotta remember that if I could do Hecatia I can do this
Also what are the point amounts for lives?
I'm guessing
10 mil
20 mil
40 mil
60 mil
I actually seriously feel I need help but I can't get a fucking replay that doesn't have me fucking up in a way I already know. I can't even get Stage 1 perfect (from my knowledge of the game) because I'm so fucking angry at myself.
I have 238 recorded runs so far because of this opening fucking screen. I can kill all the fairies and collect everything and I ALWAYS have a different amount of fucking release, it can be as low as the top screenshot or as high or higher than the bottom screenshot. It's driving me goddamn MAD.
Someone on /v/ is posting webms of the cards, if you want to look at those.
They look a lot trickier than they actually are.
When you kill enemies very quickly you get more season items. Using a bomb in the opening section of stage 1 gives over 2 season gauge by itself (assuming you place it at the top of the screen).
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Why does it feel like the only fucking way to get a reasonable amount of score is to bomb like mad and then kill yourself so you can get more bombs
Why did ZUN design this game this way I just want to see Stage 4 but I can't accept a subpar run because if the later stages are as hard as people say I'm going to need every life I can get
Grazing generates season items. If you happened to graze more you'll get more gauge, that's it.
Sounds like you should take a break really.

2 more at 80m and 100m and that's it. If you need webms of spells I can post some.

A 1cc is easy as long as you're not dying with resources in stock. When people say HSiFS is hard they mean no bomb no release tier shit, or high level scoring. You really don't need that many lives just to clear.
Shouldn't you just beat the game first before worrying about your score? Depriving yourself of experience on later stages will only make it harder to score highly on them when you finally do get to them.
Score=Lives in this game
I get that, but having more lives won't help as much as knowing how to not die in later stages. Just fucking go for it, dude.
how do you score in the EX Stage? Most I've gotten is like 45m (haven't won yet)
Shot is Reimu
How long did it take you to do UFO.
The same way you do in the regular game. Release on a bunch of bullets to raise PIV and then collect items. Capturing spellcards also help a lot. My 3miss NBNR ended on ~120m but I only hit the 100m 1up with the clear bonus.
I admit I have played for three hours today. I don't want to take a break though because I go back to university in one week assuming I don't get completely fucked over by the people in charge of housing, I applied on time but still don't ahve a room and somehow they're at capacity and all the apartments are somehow more expensive than the university's room and board as if they jacked up their prices in response to the housing shortage and it doesn't make any fucking sense but that's all off-topic and just part of the reason for my stress and I don't want Touhou to cut too much into my study time like it did last year. I also feel bad that I'm playing on Normal instead of Hard because I know I can beat Normal so I want to have a not-completely-pitiful score when I 1cc, I guess. PCB Hard has just been driving me insane and I haven't even gotten to Stage 5 without continues in that game on that difficulty so trying Hard on any other game seems like a bad idea but at the same time I know I'm not improving any by playing on Normal and only doing survival. I don't fucking know, everything just sucks right now for me when I play Touhou.
In the interest of trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, I managed to get a near-perfect Stage 1 run. I died at the end of the first spellcard trying to graze but if there's anything I'm doing wrong I beg that someone in this thread point it out and explain how I should fix it because I really want to git gud at this game. My new year's resolution this year was to beat every game in the series that isn't LoLK on Hard, and I only have one Hard 1cc under my belt in August. I really need to break past my barriers otherwise I'll never be a Lunatic player.
>as if they jacked up their prices in response to the housing shortage
They do. It's why I have to go to colleges within driving distance of my parents' house.

You should slow down and just beat it on normal and not care too much about the score or anything like that. You can always do score runs later. Just hit the normal 1cc and then move on to hard on this game.
The way you become a lunatic player is to just jump straight in and brute force it with continues and without bombing. After managing a game clear or two that way, you figure out what spots were the hardest for you and plan out bombs for them.

There are literally lunatic 1ccs which involve nearly no dodging of bullets and simply utilize proper bomb timing to clear the whole game. Also worrying about perfecting stage 1 before moving onto practicing stage 2 is a terrible practice strategy.

1ccs are more about endurance rather than resource hoarding. Resource hoarding helps, but you still need the mind to continue past significant losses or bomb waste without getting stressed.

Alternatively scorerunning StB/DS, doing no item ISC, or brute forcing pointdevice lunatic LoLK. Those help teach a lot of basics of learning spells and stages as well as necessitating inhuman dodging skill.
First off, take it the fuck easy. It's just a game. It's not like you NEED to be a lunatic player. The vast majority of people don't play lunatic. If you're not enjoying the ride take a break for a while.
As for your run, you're not really doing anything "wrong", but CirnoSummer is probably the weakest combo in the game and those risky plays you're doing for graze can be done way easier with Autumn. If there's no reason for you to stick to it swap a character/shot type.
Also for the most part you really don't need to go that hard with the grazing. Ignore the guy that said you should have 250m by stage 3 end on normal, that's stupid as fuck. Get through the whole game. Use continues. Find what you think you can't handle and make a mental note to bomb/release the fuck out of it to stay alive. Like some anon mentioned earlier, learning how to not lose lives is by far the best way to keep lives. Spend more effort on not losing lives (like you did trying to graze the first spell) instead of trying to hoard more.
Fucking great after playing for 5 hours I still can't 1CC because I either die in stages 1-3 and reset or die to the final spell because I choked earlier in the final boss fight. Fucking kill me.

>dying twice to the first spell card instead of bombing
>continuously dying to Aunn in dumb ways
>dying trying to release because it comes out later than bomb instead of just bombing
I had something like that as a dilemma in Mountain of faith. What I did was do Stages 5 and 6 in practice mode until I got an idea of how many lives I would need then set out to meet that quota.
>Get through the whole game. Use continues.

Echoing this. Even if you only do it once having an idea of what's to come will make things easier in the long run. Perfecting each stage as they come will lead to feeling good after finally getting through one level, then immediately back to stress as the next level wrecks you
I think playing for an hour or two, taking a break and then playing some more tends to be more productive over playing five or six hours unhappy about how awful you are, and how bullshit the game is. Positive. Mental. Attitude.
Any specific tips for scoring in EX?
I also can't do every spell but I can get like the first two of the sisters/dancers/whatever their relationship is
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I apologize for being so daft and for going about things the wrong way. It just hurts me whenever I hit a wall because I can't get past a stage with proper resource retainment. I feel like it's been the cause of everything I gave up on, like trying to beat DDC with Sakuya-B (I couldn't get a single run for Stage 5 or 6 where I lost 5 lives or left without bombing due to Sakuya-B's horrible DPS) or trying to beat Mamizou (I could get to the last spellcard but by that point I lost so much power that Youmu couldn't even touch Mamizou with her sword slash meaning I had to try the whole thing unfocused with horrible DPS), and though I haven't given up on PCB I'm having DPS trouble there as well because of my insistence on using Reimu. It really hurts me inside whenever I decide to give up on something and I feel giving up on those multiple things mentioned above have made me quicker to lose willpower, so I've been trying to make up for it by just practicing a ton past the point of frustration. I felt I was progressing really well in 2016, managed to get two 1ccs with two different shottypes on every game but DDC and LoLK, and since then I've had basically no progress. I got a couple Extra clears and one Hard clear but they all took me much longer than I felt was reasonable, and I don't think I'm ever going to become actually good at the rate I'm going. And I WANT to be skilled at Touhou, I don't want to be the kind of scrub who only plays for survival that talentposters shitpost about. I always feel like I'm wasting my time by not doing anything productive, and while playing video games isn't "productive" on a grand scale if I'm getting better than I feel like I'm at least using my entertainment time for something better than shitposting on an Indonesian opera message board. Lately I haven't even been doing that. I'll try doing just one or two practice runs at a time per day but it doesn't feel like pacing things out like that has helped me either. I'm just stuck, and I'm starting to feel like the talentposters are right and I'll never have a LNB or break two billion points in UFO or any other "tough achievement" in the series.
Hey, if anyone is struggling with Reimu on the Extra stage midboss, I've found that you can position Reimu by the boss's side in such a way that all of her regular bullets, homing bullets, and backwards firing bullets whill hit the boss. This is by far the easiest way to cap their first spell card, assuming you don't want to waste any gauge on releasing.
Everyone can technically pull it off, but Marisa is better off just attacks as normal, and Aya/Cirno can get more damage from shotgunning.
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You should play Touhou the way you enjoy it

For example I don't go out of my way to do something with multiple shottypes just to say I did. I use other shottypes if I feel like replaying the game in a new way.

Don't stress yourself out over self-imposed runs either. honestly, and literally, just take it easy! is the best advice you can get.

Got a pic of the position? That sounds like a nice way to get a high scoring Spell Capture.
I don't see how that's a good example considering LoLK's extra is far harder than any other extra in the series. It's the exception, not the norm.
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Are you looking to actually score or are you just looking to get lives? I can tell you that just not losing should get you to 60m and it's such an easy extra that you don't need all the lives. I don't have specific scoring tips because I'm playing NBNR but I imagine the circular waves before the midboss, the circular waves before the boss, and all the boss's nonspells should all be decent to drop releases at.

Not him, but webm related. Standing on top of her is much easier than standing on her side. This almost works for the second spell too but you gotta kill some yingyangs to be 100% safe.

The anon said "any extra that has been particularly famous for being much harder to perfect than others", and lolk fits that bill. Of course it's the exception, that's why it's "particularly famous".
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Well I guess I don't need to make a webm of it then.
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>It really hurts me inside whenever I decide to give up on something
I understand that, anon. I haven't even gotten any 1cc, and have a history of just giving up on things in my life. The only thing really keeping me running into the wall with this series is that it feels so good when i finally get to a certain landmark without using up a continue. I usually only do one or two runs a day, though.

It's good to push yourself in life, but you shouldn't let yourself feel awful because of it. If you get to a spell card or a stage or even just a non-spell that you couldn't get to before, then you're improving, and that's a small enough reason to keep going.
Looking to get lives. It's about security really. It isn't a hard extra, especially compared to Hecatia, but still tricky. I'd probably say Heca>Koishi>Mami>Flan>This one in terms of difficulty

Do I throw my releases right at the boss during non-spells or anytime during non-spells? I hate how ass this release is.
Right on her as she fires. Try to overlap it with her sprite to cancel everything she fires. I don't know too much about the scoring aspect though so take my advice with a grain of salt. They just kinda look like okay places to drop releases at.
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>I use other shottypes if I feel like replaying the game in a new way.
This is a perfect way to explain it!
That's why games with so many shottypes tend to be so great
Does releasing on Okinas "survival" spell actually just unlock easy mode and make her vulnerable?
This is kind of convincing me to do a no release run just to actually experience the spell cards instead of "bombing" my way through everything.
How do you feel about this particular Extra? I feel like it dethroned LoLK as the hardest Extra to perfect, which fucking pisses me off because it's a shitty stage that all it does is recycle main story elements and I loved LoLK's extra.
>to perfect
Explain? Like NMNB? LoLK is still far and away the hardest Extra to beat.
NMNBNR. LoLK is harder to NMNB yes but without releases HSiFS's becomes significantly harder.
Aiming for a simple clear this one is much easier than LoLK, granted.
is this even possible? That one card with the green bullets all in lines is built around releasing
The one that circles you? That is one of the easiest ones, just stay right below her sprite and move to the sides. Go to the side of her sprite only if the yellow bullets demand you to. The spell card fools you into thinking you need to go up and down but you don't, just stay below her. Or above if it pleases you, depends on which shot is the strongest for you.
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Sakuya drives me insane with those knifes. She has as much as 4 attacks that i constantly die to.

The first one is her first midboss stage 5 attack. I don't see any way to dodge this shit besides trying to get through the red daggers. And i always die trying.
2 and 3 are her time-stop-green-knife-throwing attacks. I always panic when i see it. It's always a lottery whether i can do it or i'll die.
The forth one is her 6 stage midboss blue-ball spam.

She, among with the Patchy laser bullshit is the only reason i haven't 1cc normal EOSD. Even Remilia looks easy compared to that bullshit
The stage 6 music is so good. I also like the background. Too bad the enemies in it suck.
Damn, 天空璋's hard mode is tough as hell. I 1CC'ed Normal mode in one shot with Winter Marisa but Hard mode is huge step above and I always lose all of my resources starting stage 4.
Oh nice. Is there a replay somewhere?
Yeah, it's on royalflare.
I really like HSiFS, aside from the 'Subterranean Animism' problem where all the difficulty is concentrated in stage 5. Okina's fight is cool, and considering that I had to burn basically all of my resources just to get there, I was fine with the danmaku being more showy and flavorful than actually difficult. And unlike LoLK, playing this one doesn't make me feel dead inside.
I never understood how ZUN went about SA. Does he think gimmick difficulty like the okuu fight is that much harder than raw difficulty like in Orin?
If you're going for a "no-item" clear of ISC, does it matter what sub-item you're equipped with, or do you just have to refrain from using your main item?
Seems like most people just use sub items freely, but if you want extra street cred on touhou conventions you could go for no item no sub all clear
Sub-items shouldn't affect no-item clear
Stage 4 is also quite the dealbreaker though. Hard mode shoves a thousand bullets in your ass, and there's THAT spellcard.
What I truly hate about stage 4 is that one midboss nonspell. The pattern is awfully close to that of Mononobe no Futo and yet it is incredibly unnatural you can't dodge unless you have good instincts. Anyone care to show me a Hard mode webm of this nonspell?
Did a blind attempt at HSiFS but failed at stage 6, game looks easy though so i might give it a better shot later
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oh god
I have gotten a bit tired of trying to simply 1cc the games, is there something else I can do to practice? Should I try doing a no-bomb run?
why winter so shit, is not even fun playing with this shot
Winter got nerfed? And on that topic, were there any changes to the other seasons between the trial and the full version? I've only played with Spring so far, and it works the exact same as before as far as I can tell.
I mean stage 5's wacky boss mechanics is that you have to fight two, don't know if that counts.
explain scoring
Which card was harder than PDH of Junko?
Anyway, this game was designed with seasonal subshot in mind, so comparing it with other mainline games are like comparing 12.8 with these games.

The fairy trio has the most insane spells of all.
Shoot shit, bomb shit, release shit, evade shit.
Yeah, that sums it up.
I'd rate both summer and spring final attacks as on par if not harder than PDH to cap. These were not designed with subshots in mind since it disables them anyway.
be jap
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i'm done
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>no new mechanics for stage 5
>no different stage 4 spells per shot type
Really sad about that.
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Hakurei Danmaku Field.webm
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I'm learning to make WEBMS, what should I settings/bitrate should I use to maintain the most quality but keep filesize low?
I can't do misdirection, but I can clear the Sakuya midboss non-spellcard pattern and try to make a webm if you want.
There is no ideal setting. Just tweak it until you get exactly under 3MB.
This but also obviously remember to prioritise the framerate
>The first one is her first midboss stage 5 attack. I don't see any way to dodge this shit besides trying to get through the red daggers.
I was dumbfounded by this at first, too. The trick a lot of the time is to simply wait while moving along with the 'boxes' the knife & kunai lines make, they should eventually make an opening at the corners that you can squeeze through. Just don't panic and watch carefully.

Can't really help with the bossfight spells, they're blocking my normal 1cc as well. I hate that they essentially spawn midscreen and leave you with less time to react and dodge than most other patterns in the game. The stage 6 midboss is just about staying at the middle of the bottom of the screen and doing very small dodges back and forth if you see a blue ball coming straight at you. It's thankfully a very short-duration spell.

Also, Patchy's lasers require fairly specific movements to dodge consistently that take a while to get down. As you've probably noticed, it's not enough to just dodge out of the way of the lasers; you also need to be mindful of misdirecting the aimed bullets at the same time. Try to make slightly exaggerated movements to see how the bullets' direction and position in relation to the sweeping laser changes.
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Sakuya midboss nonspell.webm
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hows this? The framerate seems to drop a bit a few seconds in but other than that it seems fine.
My strategy for the nonspell card is to slide horizontally between the sets of red knives. I try not to stay at the bottom since there you would get boxed in and have to move between the individual knives which is extremely risky.
I don't think Sakuya has ever been a real problem to me. Patchouly though. Fuck that bitch.
Oh yeah, it's indeed worth noting that you should avoid the bottom of the screen for that nonspell. Nice webm of the usual strat.
Patchy can be a bitch if you're playing anything but ReimuA.
God i didn't think the marisa b glitch could cheese suwako so hard, i just beat the MoF extra on my first attempt.
>When you get totally shit on by her big ball of fuck you
Never lost so many lives on one spellcard
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just cheese it.webm
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I really REALLY enjoy the balance tweaks ZUN did compared to the demo. Cirno is no longer weak as fuck, Aya no longer steamrolls everything with her penetration, Marisa is a powerhouse, and Reimu's homing shots have lessened in power.
Also, Spring actually IS useful due to not busting the spellcard bonus anymore and Fall's passive is not that good because it only fires on the sides, often missing the target if it is in front of you.
The once remaining problem is Fall's release but you couldn't tweak such a mechanic efficiently since it's basically made to break entire spellcards. To balance this shit, you'd have to make another gimmick instead.
The duration of the fall release could be drastically reduced, just keep the insane speed boost and make the duration very short.
I really love how much of this Extra is balanced in relation to how you have a backshot no matter who you pick.
That's it. I fucking deleted the game. I can't get past stage 3 without dying. I've played these games forever and I lost all my reflexes. I'm fucking sick and tired of being such a worthless piece of shit.
Attain points by playing the game.
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I finally got to play the game! I've been left with no internet for two days because of a stupid storm, atleast I got the 1cc on my first try, my first impressions: non spells harder than spellcards, stage 5 boss was harder than final boss. Now it's time to try the other shot types.
I kinda get ya. Extra is bullshit and I don't want to see that shit ever again. Luckily I find the main game to still be fun.
After ~20 5CCs I still can't get past Stage 5 boss

This is going to take a few months, I reckon
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Don't worry, you will probably get it done soon, you can farm a lot of bombs and lives from Stage 1 to 3, then use them all at Stage 5.
This wouldn't be so bad, but I've been playing the games since 2010, and I've only beaten normal on LLS and MS so far.
like half the windows games are easier than MS
I dunno, I didn't play 2hu for a long time and still got extra cleared in a 3rd attempt. Release is too OP.
i can't even get past midboss on the extra stages I've tried, and I could get to the midpoint on this Extra on my third attempt. Is it really that hard?
Meh, I cooled off and reinstalled, and somehow 1cc'd with max lives on stage 6. My problem is I'm always trying to do a no bomb run subconsciously and wind up dying over and over. Final boss is one of the easiest in the series up until her final spell, which IMO is by far the worst in the series. The final phase is just unfair, makes VoWG look like Icicle Fall.
How do you farm effectively? I know about grazes, but I thought those only give score at the end of the game?
>I'm always trying to do a no bomb run subconsciously
I get that, the only game where I don't end up forgetting to use all my bombs is DDC, and that's only because I did so many fucking runs of it.
I finally got a hard clear without releasing (using Reimu Winter), and I have to say that ignoring the release system makes survival play really fun. What shottype should I try next if I'm still gonna ignore releases?
Not really sure on how it works in this game right now to be honest, but you can safely do a no miss run till Stage 4 while only using releases.
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Should I play more HSiFS or go back to LoLK? Apart from yesterday I haven't played since 2015.
If you can beat MS then you should be able to do the first 3 Windows games no problem, I'd suggest trying PCB because it's the easiest. Also, don't forget to take breaks if you're feeling burned out.
That's a nice looking chart anon, I think you should get back to the games, you can fill the remaining slots on some games, while having fun with HSiFS.
Guys I think I fucked up my settings.
If you played LoLK you can put up with this.
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Sometimes with the enemies on Stage 1 that fire the yellow clumps of bullets after the midboss (pic related, I know I had bad release positioning in this pic but I was trying to play and take a screenshot simultaneously) I sometimes get 1500 point value for getting all the bullets spawned, and sometimes 2000 point value for getting them all. There are a lot of instances like this where point values vary for seemingly no reason but this one specifically is always exactly 1500 or 2000 when I'm positioned right. Is there something beyond cancelling bullets that gives you extra point value when you release?
Also I apologize for blogging last night, I made a point not to reply to the posts made in response for the sake of not perpetuating said blogging.
Anyone want a chart in this style (FMW) with a specific character?
Marisa knew she shouldn't challenge the space fairy fleet, yet she did so anyways.
Go back to LoLK, it's infinitely better.
Play more HSiFS, it's infinitely better.
PIV from bullet cancel is based on release level. (5 -lv1, 10 -lv2, 20 -lv3, 30 -lv4, 40 lv5, 50 -lv6)
So spamming releases is less optimal than spacing them out so you never get low on level? That's actually reassuring, I was worried I wasn't spamming enough but if it's best to pace yourself and get a near-full bar then I'm not as concerned.
Extra's throwing me the fuck off because I'm not used to shooting bosses with my ass
Autumn is what you pick if you want to spam lv1 releases, Spring/Winter you just release on certain boss attacks and get a million PIV from that
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Does anyone else thinks that the extra in HSiFS is pretty easy?
I feel like LoLK left a big wound within me.
Is it possible to have it with okina?
Got a good picture with a transparent background?
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>Take a break from TH16 EX
>Beat her the first time I make it to her when picking up the game again
Knew that was what I needed!
Thanks to the guy who posted the exploit for the midbosses, they helped me get score which helped me get lives which allowed me to make a few clumsy mistakes

everything is easy compared to Hecatia besides Lunatic Junko anyways
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Feels good to fill in a square again.
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>the extra in HSiFS is pretty easy
Fuck you, it's destroying me
thanks doc
>having this much shit taste
Jesus fuck. Replay?
I dunno. The extra is not Suwako levels of easy but the spellcards feel really straightforward compared with Hecatia.
The only part that causes me a lot of problems is the mid boss fight with the pole dancers.
that's funny because Hecatia's Spells were the most straightforward part of her fight. It's her non-spells that make her bullshit
I can dodge, but unique patterns throw me off
I'm really digging this game, even if it's "easy" (I still can't clear Hard mode though, even if I have already made it several time to the final boss). Heck, I just made it pretty far in Extra right now despite not being used to Extra modes.
It's just an overall fun game.
>It's her non-spells that make her bullshit
I dunno. For me 60% of the difficulty comes from Lunatic impact the other 40% is a combination between her blue patterns and Junko's nonspell.
So it doesn't happen to me only. Was practicing Spell #51 yeah easy modo and got the same bug.

Furthermore in Spell Practice there are more bugs related to the dancers.
Weird things happen if you timeout #55.
And in #63, if I kill Mai first everything goes well, while if I kill Satono the spellcard doesn't end there (don't know if it's intended, the boss indicator is only below Mai, meaning she's the master of the spell?), 2 out of 3 danmaku patterns go away and when I kill Mai the game crashes.
Same happens with #67. Come on, ZUN!
I do think it's the easiest Extra to date. I remember spending entire afternoons working on previous extra stages and this one took me ~3 hours. I think a large part of it was Reimu's bomb clears enough of the screen that it gives you a good amount of time to safely to a bunch of damage
The game is definitely one of the easier ones, 1cced normal on the fifth try (And I still can't 1cc SA) and beat extra within a couple hours.
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FUCK YEAH. Fuck you and your shit Okina. I still don't have a cap of spring yet but I'll get it some day mark my fucking words fuck.
Is there an English patch out for the full HSiFS yet?
9 hundo
I wish people put more emphasis on whether the patterns are actually fun to dodge when comparing them. I personally love random dodging and I found Okina's final spellcard variations to be the best patterns in the entire game. My dream game would be nothing but patterns like those.
Please post replay for science.
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You've inspired me to get a bit more creative with my 1cc chart, hope you don't mind.

That's an impressive blackout on PoFV, by the way.
Where can I get the 1cc template?

Thanks, anon.
I did it /jp/ my first foray into lunatic and it only took me twelve hundred attempts.
All in one sitting?
Can you deathrelease in this game? I've been able to deathbomb consistently, but haven't been able to nullify a death with a release yet.
No I don't think I have the patience for that. I did it over three days. I thought I could make it through on Friday before 16 was released but then I wasn't very good so that didn't happen.
It's only 4 1ccs, one with each character,
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modification test.webm
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Not a tool, but I went ahead and messed around with the game a bit. Make a copy of the game's executable, open it in a hex editor, and make these modifications:
At 0x043139, change 48 to 90.
At 0x01C8E7, change 518D8EBC020000E89D8CFEFF to 3EC744240400000000909090.
This will lock boss timers to their initial value and make it so that dying doesn't decrement your lives.

I've tried it myself and I don't think it's possible.
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I don't think ZUN has bothered testing his game.
>tfw normal shitter
>can still capture spellcards in lunatic
I don't know about you guys, but I'm having fun pretending I'm not a gigantic shitter.
I didn't think about making the squares grey, good idea anon, I might edit my chart too.
I particularly like the way you arranged the games, mine is a mess now.
There is nothing wrong with that, also try circling the boss, it's more fun that way
you know where can I find it?
https://www.thpatch.net/wiki/Touhou_Patch_Center you should already have this in your other touhou game files. It's a lot easier than it looks if you check the tutorials.
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Why would I use a botnet?
>figuring out how to do the 4th EX spell

I'm pretty sure this can't be intentional, am I supposed to just move clockwise around the boss?
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I'm so fucking mad at myself.

Do you mean the one in >>17462654's webm or Okina's fourth?
None of those are gimmicky though, and Orin is the gimmicky one if anything with her zombie fairies.

You get to bomb at least once every chapter as long as you remember to graze a little during the bomb. I like LoLK, but if you want the game to be free you don't have to try very hard.
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Okina's fourth, you can just do a clockwise rotation as Reimu and never get hit save for two stray bullets right as she's about to die.
That's her fifth. But yes, you're supposed to spin. If you have 4 power and 6 gauge on an actual run you won't have problems with the stray bullets.
On notReimu I believe you're supposed to turn around at some point and spin counterclockwise but homing is broken so abuse it.
This feels more like StB/DS than an actual boss. Her second in particular I swear is an exact card from one of those games, where you stream bullets to cross at the center then snap right as they're about to hit you, drop down and do it again. Not sure how you're meant to do it without a release though.
Pretty much.
Apologies for the offsite link, I wasn't able to make the webm under 3 MB.
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I was just practicing the later stages, decided to see how broken the game was if I just spammed release, and it exceeded my expectations by a huge margin.
I didn't even know until this attempt that you could damage the boss with summer release without failing the spellcard. That is so OP and now I understand what I was doing wrong with Summer Cirno.
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Extra Card 2.webm
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It's just streaming with some smart destruction. It's certainly one of her harder cards, though.
Probably easiest with Marisa, I'd imagine that Reimu's homing would be a nightmare here thanks to the additional targets.
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Reimu has a real easy time on a lot of stuff in extra. Abuse that homing.
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I stand corrected.
How do you deal with Narumi's spellcard where that orb is chasing you?
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That's not the image I wanted.

Also, it's "Bullet Golem", apparently.
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Either this extra is too easy or all the pain i had in LoLK finally paid off.
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It seems that people already did it, but I've updated the 1CC chart.
Other than already-done HSiFS Extra changes, it features improved legend. Specifically, I've managed to add bomb counter. Bug abuse flag had to be made non-combinable, but it's not a big loss. I don't think people abuse bugs and do no-vertical no-focus pacifist runs at the same time.
Ellen and Kotohime were renamed from E and K to EL and KH to avoid confusion with Komachi and Eiki.
Also, derpy.me is down and I've found touhou-themed URL shortener, so I've changed font download link, too.
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Actually, this version had a bug: HSiFS Extra was located two pixels above the rule, when it should be only one pixel above. Fixed.
The internet
I don't think so. I've died a lot to releases not going off.
Where do snapshots actually end up?
Only Okina knows
This game's such a breath of fresh air after LOLK. I never even 1cc'd that one on normal (and I've done so with every other previous entry). Though, to be fair, I didn't really give it much of a chence. I already Reimu+Reimu (Spring) 1cc'd, but the extra stage has me confused.

Do those backdoor options deal more damage than your normal shot? Am I supposed to C at everything?

Also, are there any other threads on 4chan to discuss touhou gameplay? I used to visit Doujinstyle but I don't think they talk about Touhou anymore.
Okina is actually really fun if you try to beat her without release
The final attacks are bullshit though. Though I'm sure they're just unnecessarily hard thanks to all the gay items floating around you with the same color as the bullets
I'm using winter as my season and find myself not using the release at all. I think the increased shot dmg from the laser is too good. Are there any obvious spellcards that I should release on?
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>Do those backdoor options deal more damage than your normal shot?
I'm pretty sure they don't. They add nicely to Reimu's homing bullets damage if you can position yourself right, though.
Are there any PoFV players here willing to play online?
I just wanted to point out that two seperate webms of the same card were posted 23 seconds apart, and nobody acknowledged this.
Maybe later tonight, depending on how tired I am.
What are Cirno and Aya even good for?
Just putting them in the game directory was too hard?
Aya is probably the best shot in the game, between her long lasting and screen clearing bomb, her fantastic shotgun damage, and her speed tying it all together.
Cirno is ok at shotgunning, I guess? Honestly feels like a worse UFO Marisa B.
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I did it! I failed to get the 500M life like I feared I was, but breaking 500M can be a goal for the future. I probably should've gone full abuse like I did in this run a lot earlier. I should go back to PCB Hard now, maybe I'll try Extra first.
Cirno's bomb lets her graze a TON during nonspells and get tons of release. When you combine it with Summer you can basically trade one bomb in for three minibombs if you use it in the right spot.
I can't do ANY of the spell cards in Extra without using at least one bomb
I'm a fucking failure
everyone else feels empty about new game?
What other extras have you cleared?
The difficulty of this extra feels between MoF and TD.
To me Aya feels like a better Marisa
where can i get english patch?
I've been playing Touhou games for 8 years and I'm STILL unbelievably bad
Well, Which games have you 1cc'd? If you can clear SA or DDC you probably can clear MoF extra.
These kind of stages require concentration so is natural for a begginer to feel presured.
Just don't fret and keep trying, make use of that spell practice.
It's basically more potential and utility vs. more consistent damage, they're both good options.
I'm ready whenever you are.
We were all busy playing the game
where`s the link of touhou 16
Can PoFV be played online over win10?
Yeah, the fact that there's basically no Extra (it's just a glorified stage 6), makes it feel like it's missing something. And then the main game is incomplete as all hell. If anything Extra is good for booting up for some patterns, other than that it's pretty much boring.
Damn, left the game for some time to read the official works, now I can't even beat Ringo without dying or use fall release without slamming the boss in her face. At least now I know more about the Lunarians...
Also Aya's shot feels both strong and weak, it's really weird.
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DDC > HSiFS >>> LoLK
>fall release
>Aya's shot
What game are you talking about?
Hidden Legacy in the Lunatic Seasons, obviously
Cool. Respond again when you're ready for me to host.

No idea.
New thread? Also, Who are the easiest characters to 1cc with? Also, Okina is a hot blond hag
This isn't /vg/. At least wait until page 10.
Reimu and Marisa are probably the easiest to clear with.
is it better to play a bunch of 2hus at once or only focus on one at a time? I can get to Patchy somewhat easily on Normal in EoSD but she fucks me over massively. MoF Stages 3-4 are a pain and Aya rapes me every time. Other than those 2 I'm pretty mediocre at the rest fucking Chen always either kills me or makes me waste 2-3 bombs and I hate her
Try Marisa B on MoF. With 3 lasers she's broken. If you have more than 3 lasers, just use a bomb and aim the middle laser at enemies.
Then why play the game?
It is fun to cheese MoF every now and again. I can beat it legit but sometimes I like choosing MarisaB and wonder "How did ZUN not catch this"
I understand that but I'd rather complete MoF legitimately since it's the first touhou game I ever played and probably my favorite. Any tips for Ayayayaya?
Alright, post your IP and port and tell me if you're using adonise or adonis2.

It works for me on Windows 8.1 when I have the game set to compatibility mode.
Take this
Post results
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Look, anon, I'll be straight with you. I've played with people from Europe who have had far better connections, and I'm in the US. That match was, for all intents and purposes, unplayable.
Please refrain from ever playing PoFV online again, at least until you can get an internet connection that's slightly faster than chilled molasses.
What an asshole. This is why nobody wants to deal with PoFV or the IRC faggots it spawned.
Anon, the game would randomly freeze at points, there's no polite way to say this but you really don't have a good enough connection to play something like this.
Of course, I'm sure you were well aware of that when you tried to play initially.
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Sorry, I haven't played online for a while and I've been leeching internet off of someone. Wouldn't have played if I'd known it'd go this badly.
Does this general have a pastebin? There's this bug that I have where the right key is stuck (I made sure it wasn't my keyboard) whenever the game drags on for too long. PCB is my first game and I keep getting easy-killed at stage 4 because that's usually when the bug triggers.
It kind of bothers me that this game is designed around using release to shotgun the boss, but then you don't actually have invulnerability while releasing so the boss can just sort of ram into you.
I really need a crt, as well, as I keep dying before I can release and I'm pretty sure my reactions are fine.
This is not a general
I got my normal 1cc with marisa/summer yesterday; fast movement speed, strong straight shot, being able to spam release to trivialize so many sections.

really enjoyed the game, I think I'll go for other combinations a bit later
>Does this general...
I'm really sorry please forgive my transgression. But if we pursue this further we'll have to argue about what makes a general a general. I jut want to know if anyone has encountered this problem before and what they did to fix it. I turned on direct input as was suggested to me when I looked up on the internet, but it didn't work.
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This is not a general, just a very very recurrent thread. I thought about making a pastebin at some point but I realized that those are useless, no one ever reads them on the OP, they would disturb the perfectly clean OP we always get and figured no one here would like one anyways.
About your issue, I would say ghosting but if you believe that your kb isn't the problem then I have no idea, never heard of this before.
>Go from HSiFS to a game that is not HSiFS
>Press C instead of X
I dunno what I expected
Too stupid to be real. Even if it's a joke.
I had this too when I played a bit of MoF again, I kept hesitating between C and X for a split second which usually meant I was too late already
If you had gone to TD, maybe you would've lived.
Anon! I need to know who drew this! Before the thread dies!
The majority of my deaths in HSiFS come from ramming myself into the boss when I'm trying to just hit them with the release. That seems to be the most difficult part of the game to me
Which spellcard of Mamizou do you love/hate the most ?
For me, I hate Monster's School the most because I just can't figure the rhythm out and love Wild Deserted Island the most because of how damn hard I trained on it in spellcard practice.
For the new game or in general? Bullet Golem for HSiFS, it seems pretty simple but it's the one that I just can't get down. In general, definitely "You Grow Bigger"

Fuck that spell.
haven't played the four season yet but for double dealing character, you grow bigger seems like such a pain
also I was talking about futatsuiwa mamizou, the tanuki extra boss in ten desires
Aaah yaa, I cleared the extra. HYPE. This one is easier than LoLk. Pretty good, lots of fun spells. This has to be the easiest extra I ever clear, 2nd is Yukari. Hecatia and Mokou are the most difficult for me, and I never was able to clear em.
interesting to know that extra mokou is considered hard when 8 is supposed to be an easy game
I have to say I haven't finished 8 in normal yet and did not clear the extra stage for TD either
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My ping is the same as that anon. Was I right to never get into PoFV? I feel like 12 ping is pretty good, what should the "standard" be?
Lots of people told me IN was easy but personally it's not easy to me
His ping is fine, it's the upload and download speeds that are the issue as far as I can tell.
We can test it out if you don't mind waiting about, say, 6 hours or so.
I myself find IN the easiest both on easy and normal mode but then again no game is a straight easier or harder version of another so it can change for everyone.
yeah, I wondered about that too, from a no-bomb-wise standpoint and equivalent difficulties, it feels like EoSD is easier than IN (for me anyways) although EoSD is frequently considered as a normal game
A game's "difficulty" depends on what actual difficulty you're playing on. More people need to understand that. I hate it when people make blanket statements like IN is super easy and SA is super hard which are really only true when you're playing normal or below.
I almost threw away one of my best runs (Until that point, anyway) because of that
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I mean I'm like 100% sure you're not faking it but just post the replay dude I want to learn some score strats too.
Really? Mokou was my first EX Clear, even though I heard Ran and Suwako were easier
what's the easiest to hardest on Lunatic?
What order have you guys cleared the extra stages in?

IN -> MoF -> EoSD -> PoFV -> UFO -> PCB -> HSiFS
EoSD - PCB - MoF
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I don't think I'm ok
lol k
Eosd > IN > MoF > PCB > SA
So anyone here has a download link for HSiFS?
Why is my stage 5 spell practice missing #51 to #58
Will you share it in this thread please?
Thank you very much.
IN - PCB (Ran) - EoSD - MoF - PCB (Yukari) - UFO - PoFV - TD - MS - GFW
I think
All those numbers are fine on paper. Based on what the other anon said, it must have been an unstable connection, with huge ping spikes or lots of dropped packets.
I don't feel like double checking, but I believe it was
MoF -> IN -> UFO -> EoSD -> PCB -> TD -> SA -> DDC (as it had just come out at the time) -> MS -> SoEW -> LLS -> LoLK -> HSiFS
If you want to test your connection, just respond to me again.
I appreciate it but I've looked at my connection myself (using the "ping google repeatedly" method) and I'm having a pretty unstable connection right now, dropping like every tenth ping. It's not always like this but my boonies Internet does end up unstable like that from time to time.
If my connection wasn't acting up I'd definitely want to try some PoFV, since I've played Soku online but never PoFV.
Well, the only advice I can think of right now is to purchase an ethernet cord, if you're doing wireless. It typically helps to stabilize the connection.
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I know that it's on normal, and that it's also Ten Desires, but this is the first No Miss clear I've ever gotten. I wasn't even attempting it, I just wanted to clear with Marisa since I haven't done that until now. I'm pretty happy.
Does Cirno have any niche in this game? She just seems really subpar in comparison to the rest of the cast.
She's tanned
I gather she clears fairies like nothing else and has good close range damage?
Her subshot is probably the most consistent of the 4 for runs, allows for easy release spam, her shot is good for shotgunning and her bomb is really good for resource collection.
She's probably the weakest of the 4 shots, though.
I was playing HSiFS just now, when that thing where your character becomes stuck moving in a direction happened to me. I paused, right as the death animation started to play, fixed the issue, and immediately pressed bomb, which shockingly resulted in a death bomb.
I'm not sure if I should be proud of myself for pulling that off, or if that's cheating.
It's not cheating. Border of death is a thing
Final Boss having a final card that's immune to bombs is a thing again.
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
There's a final card not immune to bombs?
PDH and I think Sukuna's.
Okuu's final only gets damage resistance during bombs.
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