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Alternative Idols #90: Soft Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 441
Thread images: 175

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Any and all idol groups are welcome in this thread. If you have any new and unknown and weird idol groups to share, this is the place to do it.

Yurumerumo will release a mini album in June.

Guso Drop 『Painfully violent』 https://youtu.be/I-pZmNt6MoE
Ladybaby 『Lady Baby Blue』 https://youtu.be/TwcK4ZHrG_o
Neu-chan 『Oyasumi Luna Moth』 https://youtu.be/x7Fr2167mWo
PassCode 『bite the bullet』 https://youtu.be/VhtrMRoBZ2s
Pikarin 『Babababaumkuchen』 Geboku GEBO GEBO !!』 https://youtu.be/2UPTtbVy7bk
Maison book girl 『sin morning』 https://youtu.be/EQKZF3QtU_Q

Bandojanaimon! 『Kimi wa Hero』 https://youtu.be/NzvitGt4nm4
CY8ER 『Tetote』 https://youtu.be/4grZteJFFQI
Minna no Kodomo-chan 『I wish I were dead when I wake up』 https://youtu.be/UPcPzMvw7lM
sora tob sakana 『ribbon』 https://youtu.be/fHBrIzHFff4
Yanakoto Sotto Mute 『Lily』 https://youtu.be/zlzqgeNy_Ag
You'll Melt More! 『Furuete Yomigaere』 https://youtu.be/ed-LsUht8iE

·········: https://youtu.be/xpWeQnDKHuk
Avandoned: https://youtu.be/tKEzYSYl31k
Migma Shelter: https://youtu.be/4oKfI0vaw1U
Oyasumi Hologram: https://youtu.be/D1mznbJSwnk
Runaten: https://youtu.be/ZdxhLIZ4xPk
SAKA-SAMA: https://youtu.be/9ftaAbvcMcY

Previous thread: >>16916884
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we're here!
Hello friends. Take it easy, listen to some music and look at qts.
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I want to lick Runa's thicc legs!
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Chanmomo here!
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Who loves Yuzu? Who loves Matcha Latte?
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i just wanted ONE THREAD!

and you stupid degenerate /alt/ refuse to my humble request and post them without remorse

It is but for the betterment of the quality and refinement of our thread

you better not post them or talk about (((them)))

instead take my idea
post fragrant idols that smell good and look good
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As much as I like smelly idols, I will do my part to grant your request. This one time.
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I love Yuzu!
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get a whiff of... THIS!
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Speaking of fragrant idols, time to post our girl.
more like mashiroboobies amirite haha
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Ha ha, that was a good post! The pun was enjoyable and gave me a nice smile, thank you for replying in a delightfully silly manor friend!
>delightfully silly manor
i will now imagine all posters browse from inside of a crazy ridiculous estate home
what a slut
In Japan of course. Only land owners need apply.
You seem to have made a mistake, anon. You accidentally quoted >>16932783, but you meant to quote >>16932705. An easy mistake to make. Just wanted to let you know, so you can fix it next time.
Please do not tarnish the name of Pochi. She is a nice girl!
oooo sexy
whats the name of this anime?
A Honoka OP? I could get used to this.
Please refrain from being mean to CY8ER members and each other ! Thank you in advance.
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who's the retard
He even has that pepe as a picture. How embarrassing.
i was 90% sure that would be an indonesian/malaysian, and i was right. those shithole countries need to be exterminated at once.
there was a clueless thai guy commenting in english during the second-to-last YLMLM livestream and it was hilarious i spoonfed him info about chino
I gotta wonder whats up with those folks and why do they always manage to be so goddamn irritating. I just want to take it easy, but those buttheads always make me feel mildly irritated. They are so shameless.
you guys think ramenshuriken hanging in idol streams is more acceptable?
between Indonesians and blogfags its hard to take it easy friend
its fine as long as you don't act like a retard

I have no idea how he acts in livestream though so I couldn't say
the only thing acceptable is for him to hang himself
on facebook live
weren't homicidol & co posting watanabe memes on the TTTs first live stream?
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what is this device? its not a phone or a camera it seems
it a bean
look at how she's sitting and tell me she isn't a slut
She's merely tired after having performed a strenuous live and is unaware of the sexual connotation such a pose might contain!
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fragrant idols not stinky.png
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I love to take it easy
fuckathon me
Why do you degenerates fantasize about these idols smelling bad? What the fuck is wrong with you all?

They probably smell like soap or perfume or just nothing.
please leave, you innocent soul, while you still can
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I don't really fantasize about that. I just feel that some of them must stink real bad. Especially those who have fallen from grace. Like everyone's favorite #1 madwoman Fukase.
Most who perform in those smaller venues must have some leftover stinks on them. I know that some groups have performed in the same places as gusya ningen, an unrelated band that I follow closely, but I remember them mentioning that some of those venues start to stink up real fucking bad and that it takes ages to wash it off especially if you crawl on the floors while performing.

But yes, most idols should smell very nice. Perfume and girly soaps. Rest assured.
here I'll help you out

kinda starting to like guso drop now desu

the blue haired girl is pretty cute and I liked the new video
They have some really good songs. I like the amount energy that's in all of their songs. The girls are really cute too. Definitely a group worth following.
Alrite shills, Back to FB
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What the HECK? Don't make me stink up this place.
I dont have fb
take it easy

I used to think guso drop was for normies too but I've had a change of heart

mainly because I want to fuckathon them
so /alt/ who's turn it is too wipe her bottom?
she is already providing the tissue
youre taking this too far now
you almost got me. should've dropped the fuckathon part to be real convincing
Its all because of this

Thanks whoever that guy was. Why can't we just take it easy!
but that was (You)
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Before painfully violent i really thought they were copying babymetal or passcode or both mixed together. Too mainstream, too normies. It was on painfully violent where guso drop's presence became more apparent.
I woulnt call Guso Drop a group for normie given how batshit their wotas can be in term of violence.
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Anyone here like Magical Punchline?
it's uninformed white guys anyway, not my cup of tea
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Oh my god I want to do her in a missionary position under the covers and with the lights turned off, once a week saturday night
wtf someone finally posts yuffie for the first time in like 10 threads, and THIS is what we get?
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is oten better off solo
she's better off dead
is this just me or she looks like goto mariko
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Poor Pochi is so thin because she can't afford to buy enough good food. Hamu probably holds a part of her pay every time and Pochi doesn't even notice it...

Any girl with that hairstyle and outfit would be reminiscent of Mariko so it's nothing special but Oten is a cute!

They're nothing like both of the groups you mentioned because their music base is hardcore and punk. A shame that a lot of songs have garbage electronics all over them, otherwise they'd be really good. At least their wota actually do contact mosh like the other anon said which is cool as fuck for an idol group.
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i bet she smells great
A great example at 1:30
it's a weiner
i think it might be a portable wifi hotspot
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two stinky girls for Thread #90!
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I bet Omochi smells like bubblegum!
>slam dancing at an idol show

id fucking wreck these geeks
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Does a better hairstyle exist? I think not!
It's like that at every "harder" "underground" idol show.

And believe me, they're not that aggressive at "real" gigs either.
Most of their onemans are way more aggressive, and they are just getting crazier. Their show on the 24th was fucking insane with people getting swung around by their feet and let go onto the concrete.
Those boys are wild. I was once to a speedcore/gabber show in some crummy old basement and everyone was super chill. I guess you really need cute girls around you to go all apeshit. I gotta admit, that looks kind of fun.
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lets stink it up!

the stinky girls are assembling!
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What did she mean by this?
As much as I would like to tell you to not stink it up. I am madly in love with Fukase and all the other madwomen like her. I can't help myself.
still nothing compared to real punk gigs in the states were dudes actually go at it with reckless abandon. Japanese people are way to nice (and also imitate what they see from the states) to do that

Nice shill tho
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i can respect that, anon. but please keep in mind, i declared my love quest for Fukase many moons ago, and i vow to see it through
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please be patient with her, she's still learning how humans eat!
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Ew, did she actually swallow that plastic leaf? Tell me she didn't!
I won't get in your way senpai.
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here's another one of this tyrannical stinky duo!
That is a very wholesome activity. She would most certainly oblige.
japanese performance brutality ended with the hanatarash bulldozer incident
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anon, since you seem to have amassed a collection of Chino pics, do you have more from this shoot? she looks especially sniffable in this outfit
no way ten loves runa and its not as fun solo. one of the best parts about Runaten is the way they interact with each other.
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only this one from the same OTOTOY feature, but that's all unfortunately. pretty sure that's all that's out there. i'll see if i can find anything similar!
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gothic Chino! she doesn't look quite as cute though.
Guso Drop is not even close to mainstream, what an idiot
Right? They draw smaller crowds than half the shit regularly posted here.
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saki looking RUFF
you cant make this shit up
is hamu managing them now?
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>liking anything about greedy jew culture
Nigga are you really trying to compare an actual punk band (from US at that) and a chika idol outfit? The point was that their fans are wild as fuck compared to your usual wota and the gigs are fun because of it. It's as close as it gets to an actual hardcore/punk live.
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where is ayuni D to eradicate this
They have NO songs that are actual hardcore punk. Literally the closest their music comes to actual punk rock is the pop punk pop and poppier post-punk side of it and those even being "punk" is debatable due to those terms being normie/outsider naming conventions anyway.
I know right?

Thank you for revealing how new you are, anon. But don't fret, go and educate yourself on such an important figure in alt idol as Watanabe and then come back!
You men the guy who took a huge loss in personal funds securing Yokohama arena for a group of ungrateful girls, and the guy who currently keeps releasing nu Bis song for free on SoundCloud?

Watanabe did NOTHING wrong
>They have NO songs that are actual hardcore punk
That's true and I never said they do. Some of their songs have typical hardcore riffs and breakdowns though which is musically far from Babymetal, Passcode and similar garbage. But since that anon I was replying to probably isn't versed in different genres of heavy music, it all sounded the same to him.
>guy who consistantly overcharged fans for tickets
>mentally abuses employees
>has no common business sense and completely relies on others for direction
>a jew
babymetal post was bait retard

any post mentioning passcode or babymetal is bait are you new
r u??
who are you quoting?
Please check out NEXT少女事件 if you enjoy early 2000's metalcore and nu-metal!
Mental abuse: citation needed
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one hundred and twentieth for are sue

why she isnt she uploading more pics
i talk with uika and it true
Can't trust a squid, kid
A few dumbfucks here unironically like them, fuck off.
So you base your claim on the handful gigs you went to during your trip to japan?
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big gig tomorrow, needs to focus on actual work
Was probably two max
I'm a youtube wota my guy. I don't know what the fuck you're trying to prove but feel free to point out another idol group whose lives are at least on the same level.
Sounds like you're basing yours without ever having been at an actual show in japan desu so I'd say he has the advantage
Yeah. Well, I'm a landowner and trust me, I've seen a fair share of my crazy gigs, including Oyaholo and Zenkimi
wuss poppin natawabe
Stop arguing about whether or not guso drop or whatever have hardcore or punk crowds and having dick measuring contests about how many shows you've been to you autists
Please brush up on your /alt/ basics. There's a good article on the /alt/ wiki about them.
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which alt pic turns you on the most? this one gets me rock hard
Banmon has the best hardcore crowd
someone is going to have their bone broken at this rate
Oyahoro is my favorite idol group but I've never seen people doing contact mosh at their gigs (and why would they when the music basically doesn't allow it). Zenkimi is literal trash though.
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I don't really get so why anyone cares if people are pushing each other at an idol show. If you want that shit go to a punk show. It's about the girls

Lifting or whatever is cool though
Oyaholo crowds hardly do ANYTHING anymore, you get like 2 crazy guys per show on average now.
I agree. Maybe some people are drawn by the rough crowds and the cute girls, but I'm fucking twink, I'll get snapped like a twig in punk crowds so I only care about the girls.
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this is far from the lewdest Nagi pic but she feels the most naked in it, and is my go to one to look at as i nut!
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triggered kanra.jpg
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He didn't ask to post the best picture in the history of mankind, anon, he asked for a pic which makes you horny!
Don't sexualize Yonra Kaneko!
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I'll tug as I please dude
white pig commit seppuku
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Stupid Ham!
get this moneyhungry low selfesteem ho out of here
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Behead those who insult The Ham.
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green dragon is dead

you're a kid you're a squid now
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Fukase converted to islam!
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is Himawari a fan of Rinahamu?
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Don't you know? If you're a Hamu fan, you should pay her your taxes or else she'll sue you!
do us all a favor and kill yourself
Nooo noooooo!
Green doragon is immortal!
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Two of the coolest idols.
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When will Eko appear on E Ticket Rap Show: 2nd Mix
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She's eating her cotton candy looking sweater again! Silly Gloomy might end up naked and catch a cold...
yo is this bitch retarded?
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She is hungry.
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Coolest Idol Rankings in detail when?
that's it
1. Yui
2. null
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She is going to steal those, I know it!
i really want to hang out with Kanamiru
ok kill urself
>white guy
>implying any significant proportion of wota are white, if you except the few landowner and based tourist (I insist on the based )

Was speaking about their local wota who often looks like they are almost on the verge of punching each other. Remind me the good old glory day of the Kanamiru wotas.
Yui, Kana and short haired best Dot-chan with deep voice, no one else comes to mind. I'd say Kanra too but she's more crazy than cool.
Please come back, Dot-chan!
i wish you would punch yourself in the face
Well, BRGH erea Ayano "we are stepping at each other while lifting during her solos" fans were also something, even if thge style is different
That's true anon, judging a fanbase by taking as a reference if homicidol & co that are shilling for a group is pretty biased.
Old Grandma
lol so randumb xD
Of course it's random for you since you don't know japanese, retard.
what happened to dot-chan?

how do they even handle graduations
If you gouge your eyes out and shove sticks into your ears you can find out
That's what I'm trying to find out myself. Last time I saw her was in a video (not a live) uploaded on April 15th. As I understand they might have different live formations and it looks like they went to Okinawa without her, that's why we haven't seen her in a long time. I tried to skim through their twitter and there wasn't any info on her graduating so I hope for the best. I really got into their music lately despite following them for a while and it'd suck if best Dot-chan (who drew me to the group) left. Daily reminder of how cool and talented she is: https://twitter.com/dotstokyo/status/840939989680586757
so what your saying is they kill each other off like some type of game?

thats alt
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Chino (343).jpg
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>this thread
OK leave then
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I've noticed some smelly girls around here lately, and I don't like it, not one bit! They sully the Idol name with their degeneracy and weak genetics! So, which self-respecting Idols are gonna join me?! IKUZO!
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please don't do this!!!
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Even Ano is on board!!
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But Ano is a stinky idol too!
she can try and play along but i gave her a very vivid description of what her odor would be in the stinky ranking list, she will fool no one
Younapi rehabilitated her! She's a perfect example of how stinky idols can change when they comply with Younapi's wishes!
Fukase! Chino! Comply or lethal force will be used!
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you might get Chino on account of her being embarrassed of her smell and being an acquaintance of Younapi, but Fukase's stink is her essence!
Thread just went down the shitter
Agreed, Fukase will be tough to crack, but Younapi just might have a few tricks up her sleeve!
Just how old is Rinahamu
beautiful ymms
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Emi a cute
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you got the wrong guy friend
What does Younapi smell like?
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This thread is starting to stink up! Why not post some nice and clean idols?
vanilla, strawberry and purity.
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Napi & Cinnamon.jpg
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Cinnamon and Springtime.
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Mr. Cinnamon observing his wife Mrs. Cinnamon in the kitchen.
Anna has a strong voice!
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when i'm not busy thinking about Fukases foul stinking genital region, i am thinking about cute Honkie, who smells very nice and sweet!
Why does that song sound so familiar. I could swear I have it somewhere. Some semi-chill rock band or something. But yeah, she has a pretty STRONG voice
I come to idol threads just for girls with that hairstyle!
Kinoko teikoku - Haru to Shura
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Mashiro makes me so joyful ! Have a wonderful time everyone !
Asuka has quit Kit Cat and Jose will be going solo and singing with a backing band now
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Where do you have this information from? I can't find anything on Twitter.
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And Evey Baby is with some other girl!
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How do you feel looking at this picture?
Stressed at how much the exterminator bill is gonna be for one that big.
The shadows make her leg look weird, makes me go "hmmm?"
How does she have such a flat tummy? Does she starve herself?
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sexy wada.jpg
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too close! uncomfy!
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Eve and her new girlfriend.
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rude yet still very soft honoka
>>16937332 hnnngg
this is when you wake up in the middle of the night and turn over in your bed to find a scared Honkie, because she had a bad dream! please keep her safe and comfy and warm!
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Josee and her new girlfriend.
So the doragon transformed into her bride!
Jose is cute, I hope she stays single forever
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New Maison Book girl live! With good footage of the dances! I love their choreography.
that window sill looks dirty, she shouldn't put her chin there!
she wants to eat it
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Look at this mark.
That was a fun dance!
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Who the HECK is she pointing fingers at!?
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Did they?
HECK yes they did!
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Yurichei gets all the idols.
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Duchess of /alt/
Nijicon going to France www.japan-expo-paris.com/en/invites/nijicon-niji-no-conquistador_779.htm
you ever go to an idol show and get the feeling these groups can't possibly be turning a profit and you're participating in some kind of money laundering scheme?
Some groups work on a pay-to-play scheme, the girls pay "lesson fees" for having the instruction and ability to perform
>you ever go to an idol show
any yuros going to this? when do we find out who wins tokyo candoll?
finals may 4th
Just looked at the candoll finals info and the winner is decided by a jury. Cy8er so not winning this.
Do not underestimate the master Jew Hamu.
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Yuzu, Karin and Emi became 2D?!
I hope the french capitulate and block the jewry from entering. Hamu gets taken to the camp in Calais while the germans "annex" Anna
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What the HECK, suddenly an indian woman. GET OUTTA THERE!
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Safe and dry cutie!
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she really is a follow of (((the ham)))
soft tummy
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their newer outfits don't show off her cute belly but it still shows off her legs.
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>when you see the Ham
Who are you quoting?
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even the titans are trying to get a good whiff of her!
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In the video you can briefly see the Bucho as well

I love Bucho?!
Do you love Bucho more than the girls?
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That's a tough choice to make!

Here's a video of Karin crying, for some reason, enjoy!

>Karin crying
I enjoyed this!
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Ano is cute!
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She is even cuter with Thai prostitutes in the background!
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I want to die! Karin must be protected!
i hope her eyes were being promptly covered so she didn't see anything indecent!

pure bliss...
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She looks confused and sad in this photo. I fear she has learned things about this world, an innocent child should not know.
>>16932948 not sure why it wouldn't be, whats with the obsession with my name recently?
well that's just unpleasant LOL
don't be a cunt all your life.
Wrong info on that one, but what ever you need to believe to fuel your hate I guess.
This just in: our girl Pochi is now the leader of CY8ER! All members and even the ikemen manager think she's the best. The Ham has fallen, praise be to Pochi!


She's going to make CY8ER great again! Hail Pochi!

This is the most autistic shit I've ever heard in my fucking life. You should be embarrassed.
The best posts in this thread are among those.
stink posting is an essential pillar of /alt/, eject yourself immediately
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Who is your favorite Aqbirec girl, Anon?
I'm a faggot and I like cocks
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Yammy aknowleged the new leader too!

On another note with Zenkimi incident and now this no one can't deny how much of an influence /alt/ holds over chika idol world. We stood up against Hams tyranny and aknowleged Pochi as the best CY8ER girl and now our judgment has been brought into reality. Long live the round puppy Pochi!
But are you the real one?
I do think it's really freaky how this all came about to be honest
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Karin poses.jpg
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Okay, who's the sadistic monster that filmed 4 minutes of Karin crying? She is the sweetest most innocent girl on the planet. Someone needs to die over this.
I've no idea.

Maybe, hopefully, it's all just a big fake meme like when Death Rabbits "ended", and when their youtube channel was "deleted".

Here's Karin skipping rope at night to change things up

Please help me find a BiS figure so I can turn it into an amiibo
We need more Fukase in here.
Share the spiciest news and rumors right here ITT!
I believe its time to stink things up before the thread ends.
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here is the latest Fukase news: not content with just her base odor, i now also want her to fart in my face too!
Fuck off. This stink meme is 2nd worst in the thread and it never had any basis. On top of that Fukase is a literal embodiment of a generic attention whore. If some western slut did the same things you'd hate her guts and you know it. Just fyi I don't mind her at all but this retarded fukase posting is getting too obnoxious.
what's the worst
wondering what Fukase and Chino's arses smell like is a very good and valid basis to me!
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I have a confession to make. I love stinky idols but I'm actually not aroused by unpleasant body odour. I would put Fukase into the bathtub and scrub the stench off her before I fucked her!

Please don't hate me.
>If some western slut
Maybe but she is an eastern /alt/ idol, so it doesn't matter. Give in to the stench.
Please don't talk of such lewd things! But hey, I would like to scrub her clean too so she can roll around in her stinky home again and take pictures of food with worms in it.
Understandable, have a great day
i feel conflicted about this, but it is reasonable. please, at least tell me you'd let her puke on you!!
not him, but I would let her puke on me. 100% no jokes. If she would find it entertaining, I'd take it with a smile and even eat it. Its a romantic thought, no lewds.
I'm perfectly fine with that as long as she doesn't puke in my face.
just admit you want to hot glue one
This is the vibe I was getting. This guy is no good.
No I want to make amiibo!
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Shiorin singing a cute hawa song:

i'll sell you my nozomi one!
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No one wants Nozomi!
Ringo is my 2nd favorite mon. Her autism is pretty cute.
Imagine her singing you to sleep every night
What a slut, you can see her booty -_-
no one wants that one lmao
You're too obvious, Nonchan!
MY favorite mon is Megumon!
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Tell me, why do you call Oten a witch? She is a good girl, witches on the other hand are allies of Luzifer and should burn on a pyre.
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And NO, she is NOT called Yoneko!!
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Whenever all the girls I follow on twitter don't post for an hour or so. I start to feel anxious.
Thanks for reading my blog.
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Whenever someone calls Yoneko "Kanra" she yells out "Kanra ja nai!".
That's just a false stigma. She is a witch as she holds the power to manifest a powerful whirlwind in my inner being. A constant source of delight and grief. The witch of my heart.
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As cute as that is Yoneko still sucks.
Too many sylablles.
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I forgot my image
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Have a rare Miyuu
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That's a lewd Yonra!
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Kanra and Komachi! Although other girls are pretty cool too, especially Amari who I first found the most plain in terms of appearence but turns out she has amazing vocal skills!
Also forgot to add a reminder to not sexualize Kaneko!
Where can I obtain a non-lewd weird blow up doll like that? Seems like fun
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Truth be told I like to look at this image and imagine my dick instead of the glass.
That's not her only blow up doll.

Why is she so goshdarn PERFECT!?
saki should wear daisy dukes
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i wish she'd climb on me and attack me like that. i would like to playfight with her...
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This is the face of one who performs the osculum infame weekly.
If we're SJWs to you, good, get the fuck out. Idol is an industry lead by women. If you're not down with feminism, you're not welcome here.
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Chino (242).jpg
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>not getting turned on at the though of smelling an idols sweaty bum and armpits after a performance.
i don't know what to say, i'm just disappointed.
Why do people say Chino smells? Where is this coming from?
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>Where is this coming from?
The smell is coming from her stink hole.
dont forget their rank vag.
women are nothing more than tools for delivering a male's artistry and tricking other males into spending their hard earned money
That's what I was talking about, this shit has no basis at all. Some anon just started posting Chino saying she smells and a few retards picked that up. Compare it to some of the other retarded memes like ICP posting or korean Nicamoq etc. Even though they're dumb as fuck you can at least find some connections.
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out of curiosity, what is the basis for the Runaten ICP meme?
No basis but at least there's a connection since both groups consist of 2 people. That's #1 trash meme in /alt/ imo right before the stink shit.
why does it upset you so much? is everything okay at home?
Every stink post is basically the same and lately they started to take up like 1/4 of a thread, you can fuck right off with it.
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we should, Stinky General #01 when?
>stinkiest idol
>smell like broccoli
Both are meme groups with one fat member, and one skinny member. They appeal to retards because they rely on stupid gimmicks.
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What does this fatty smell like?
chicken grease
marshmallow, as its what shes made out of!
>Every stink post is basically the same
This is an indication that the meme has reached it's peak, therefore we can expect a decrease of stinky posts for the upcoming threads.
At this point I think it's just 2 guys samefagging. The meme has no basis whatsoever.
we need to take the stinky meme to the next level.
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Pure marshmallow fat.
what basis is required for wanting to smell an idols arse!

we need to evolve into discussing idols shitting
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I just got into puking because of Fukase, I don't need another wicked fetish!
The worst part about this fukase stinky shit is that Fukase ain't even an idol, don't give me that busuid shit
Busu ID aren't an idol group for you?
she appeared with them like two times and then quit
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She performed with them at least seven times and is still listed as member. She had to skip two or three performances because she was hospitalized. The group hasn't had any shows since then.
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Vanilla pudding
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sweets and sunshine
So what's this Kamiya Saki mental abuse i hear about?
the greatest trick fukase ever pulled was convicing /alt/ into thinking she was an idol
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Which one is fluffier?
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when your supervisor is a bully
post stinky fukase vids
/alt/ is starting to convince me
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Somebody save Runa!
She had a couple of nudes leak yesterday
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Nicamoq's mom looks pretty young
the ritual

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Hoshina fumimi live

I wish for you on a fallin' star,wonderin'
where you are,do I ever cross your mind,In
the warm sunshine,she's from the city of angels,like
Girls from BIS, Ayuni D,and Tentenko,never know
what she means to me.I fell for the girl that's on /alt/-V.
go back
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Met her at a counter affair,she wore a green dress,and
everybody was there,felt out of place till she looked into my eyes.
Shook your hand around 9 P.M. about
never gonna be the same again.
Never had to be on a movie screen to be the leading lady in all my dreams...
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C-kPxFGV0AAEXXd.jpg large.jpg
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Shooby-doo-wop,and scooby snacks,met a fly girl and i can't relax,
the only problem is she's an idol star,
Oh,my (((friends))),they won't believe me,if
they could only see me,at the risk of sounding
I think i fell for the girl on /alt/.
One step two step three step four
I want to fuck a squid girl on the floor
Summer Summer Summer First can't you see
I want to kneel and have you piss on me
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Thoughts on this performance?
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I came here to post this
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i hope she gets alcohol poisoning and dies
shes really stupid as a person desu
fuck off
I dont know what's more retarded this or Runaten shit
Kanamir is so cool
i really want to hang out with her
Really boring and generic desu
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name your top 3 idol groups
avandoned is anything but generic you absolute retard
head back to homicidols and make a post good friend!

Rate this performance.
you have your own thread, fuck off sperglord
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Who /dempa/ here?
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Is that You Will Melt More I hear about?
group of BBAs
yet /alt/ likes BBAs like Mashiro?
you sound like a hypocrite
tbf 1 is still acceptable but 6 is simply too many
tbf 1 is still acceptable but 6 is simply too many
ok ramen
>2 is still acceptable
ftfy, you forgot MIssID2016
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Omochi's got a nice pair of legs!
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No! Stop! That could be dangerous!
Why would you ever be scared of that? What the HECK.
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that's an Okazaemon figure, isn't it?
Fuck off and kys.

Refer to the upper reply, autistic fuck.
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lewd knees
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ahhh~ !
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