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Monster Girl Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1891
Thread images: 235

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When you say "deep sea", how deep are we talking?

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com
Girls with French accents are superior to all others.
I think you know what maids are at this point.
it smells like fish in this thread
Balls deep.
I played card against humanity the other night with my cousins and I got a card that was "fish pussy that smells a bit like human" and I laughed a lot harder then I should have.

Thanks a lot guys
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Is there a way to search and sort through all of the pastebins for certain monsters?

Sometimes I'm in the mood for a certain type of woman, and I don't want to open up a tab for each artist, then another tab for each story, and Ctrl + F "X monstergirl" nearly a hundred times.
I've done it before, don't get me wrong, but that just seems so inefficient. Is there no better way?
Are there no tags?

( Some authors place tags or other important messages at the very top of the log and I greatly appreciate that. Thank you so much. )
My furnace broke and my house is currently around 40 degrees. I've never wanted a hellhound as much as I do now.

Is your waifu warm, /mgt/? Or do you have to warm her?
Why the fuck would you be using a furnace if your house it at 40 fucking degrees?
The house is 40 degrees because the furnace broke. I don't really get your question.
You'll have to hover over links to separate the pastes from the unreadables, but it's the best system I can think of atm.
It's 25 degrees Fahrenheit outside right now where I'm at and I have the window open, I don't understand why you would want to be even hotter then you are now at your house.
Are you literally Satan? Why would you be trying to warm up a 40 degree house?
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I mean, that's not really that bad. I would be putting on some warmer clothes, but it's not like "Freeze to death" kind of cold. Granted, I also live in Canada.

That said, if our heating ever breaks down, at least my waifu is a Hellhound.
Get some more freedom in your life, pardner.
You get that I'm talking about fahrenheit, right?
I love winter because it means I can turn the graphics settings up on my vidya without roasting myself out of my tiny apartment.
Wow, this is really helpful and exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you!
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I'd a fish.
>having family you still speak with

Norman Roooo
I-I would that fish.
>overclocking to heat your home

My nigga
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>tfw no roo family to speak with

Epic blog dude
>dyke fish
no thank you
Hey, not my fault the conversation shifted to the wrong thing. This was supposed to be about warm waifus.
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>not fucking her straight

Can't beat the dick, m8.

>Captcha: Select all pictures of sushi
Hey anon, how was your holidays bud?
I wish I had a Glacies to cuddle.
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If you peeked through your waifu's wardrobe, would you find any embarrassing outfits or costumes? Or maybe something she's saving for a special night? Is there anything you like her or would like her to wear?
She used to spend most of her time naked, but I've taught her the appeal of cute clothing. She wears a lot of thigh-high stockings with heels to provoke me.
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>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
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Miia is extremely fashionable, her wardrobe would be full of all kinds of outfits.
she would look great in all kinds of outfits.

I really like how she looks in a shrine maiden outfit though, it's that same kind of thing where people dress girls up as Nuns, but I was raised heavily catholic so I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy that.
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>it's that same kind of thing where people dress girls up as Nuns, but I was raised heavily catholic so I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy that.

You probably wouldn't enjoy it regardless, unless ovipositors are your thing.
>1 hour after thread creation
Too fast, Slowbro
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>literally no Holstaurus fics

Why is this allowed
They're rather vanilla as far as girls go and they only have the milk gimmick.
Are you fucking for real right now?
I admit I'm a newfag and I've only been reading out of the pastebin for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't found any.

An odd amount of in-story Baneposting, though. Is that a mandatory thing around here?
>Is that a mandatory thing around here?
Absolutely not, just some authors being dumb.
>check out some Kikimora images
>find a Kikimora with no legs

What's up with that?
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Terrible, tragic things.
What happened? I demand to know. Atleast she looks like she's being loved and taken care of.
Old greentext I think about a masochistic Kiki who tried to make herself human for master.
Wonder how much money KC makes from MGE.
He's so rich even Otohimes are jealous
I'm gonna need that greentext.
I can't believe I missed that. Thanks, my man.
Shit man. I'm crying.
You are a big guy
Do monster girls keep track of the date?
I doubt most of them even know what year it is
Anything below 700 meters.
This girl... she has the taste of a meme!
Just did some calculating on the amount of people supporting him on Enty

25 people paying 100 yen a month
87 people paying 500
27 paying at least 1000
This is 73000 yen a month

So do a rough estimate of nobody missing payments he makes about 624 USD a month on Enty.
The have a lunar calendar because full moons make them horny.
Who does baneposting in their stories?
So instead of having your tongue stuck, it'd be your whole body?
This guy licks lampposts in the winter.
Not all species are affected by the moon though
I suppose some are fat enough to have their own gravity well, like Apophis.
I wish.
Wow that is ultra rude. I need to comfort a sad purple snake right now.
That came out of nowhere, not even Pharaohs are that bitter towards Apophises
Tell us where the purple snake touched you
If she acknowledges you as her husband she'd feel warm if you hug her. Same as the Ice Queen.
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>a purple Lamia will never explain to you how snake pussy works, apropos of nothing
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Looks like you took a wrong turn.
The one hanging from the tree looks the smuggest, gimme.
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Would you ever do this to a maid?
>all these Graped people
It's treason, then.
What, call the Shoggots-r-us hotline while she's present?
Yes. I think she might be lonely when I'm not around the house.
I was at six flags today, and they had videos playing on monitors around the park. One of the things were interviews with guests, and one of the guests interviewed was a fat chick wearing a Monster Musume shirt.

Really made me think.
Thinking about what? How even when the monster is on the outside, it can still be on the inside too?
Looks like I took the right one.
I would allow myself to be graped if that made her happy. Apophis are just too cute.
No, why a fat chcick would like monster girls/monster musume enough to buy a shirt, then to actually wear that shirt in public.
What pastebin? I think it's ded and doesn't get updated
But yeah, the stories are all over the place - pastebins, this thread, old pastebin, mgu, mgr, tft, monster. So it's pretty fucking difficult to find something
Because she too is a monster girl. Just like that comic about the chick with the hairy legs.
i want to nuzzle and cuddle one.
i'm pretty sure that pic came out when we we're talking about MGs mutilating their monster parts look like human
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Someone save that poor man.
Why? Dragons are harmless.
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That's what they want you to think.
I'll prove you wrong. I'm going to surrender myself completely to a dragon and tell her to do whatever she wishes with me.
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Ok. So me and my colleagues are having an argument. On the feasibility for correlation between fucking Monster Girls, and fucking Amputee's. I know it sounds weird. But we think we are onto something. I hypothesize so far. That it is a thing genetically. A way to move forward. We are also arguing about whether Snake girls are better to fuck, than Scorpion girls.
The argument was actually about why people like monstergirls. Also the answer to your question is no.
So no. Scorpion girls are shit? Ok.
You were asking if snakegirls were better to fuck than scorpiongirls, which the answer to was no.
Snakes can give a good dick suck.
They have fangs, filled with venom that would coagulate the blood inside your dick, which would probably be incredibly painful along with the other side effects.
Or make you jizz more.
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sneks would be one of the best fucks around.
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*horny snake noises*
Would not dick, but would take care of her affectionately. Good work my nigga.
Would both dick and take care of her affectionately as my tiny waifu in our lewd, desert paradise.
Shoo, you silly snake.
Get out dirty snake!
I want to be a butler to a Haughty dominant Vampire Mistress!
It's called "grape" snek.
Great work. Would let her coil around me in bed/10.
Not usually a fan of loli, but I might make an exception for this.
Your grounded.
School fight with pic related when
wtf i love grape snake now!
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We need a loli griffon too so she can fight the little dragon.
We need Kikimora and Shoggoth having cleaning competitions in the classroom to please the teacher.
We need a Kiki cleaning a room with a Shogg broom while the Shogg dusts the furniture with Kiki's feathers.
It's always nice seeing maids working together and being friends rather at each other's throats.
It's cute as fuck.
I want to see a Kiki protect a Shogg that's being bullied because she is an abomination. Then the two of them become best friends and decide to find a mastah together.
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Was 2016 a good year for you, dude?
no just like every other year
Yeah I guess.
It was okay I guess.
ma waifu didn't become real, so no
It was the year of Kek
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I could go pretty deep.

Wonder if there are Amazonian Underwater Areas.
It really really was
I hereby dedicate my first post of 2017 to the many lovely spiders of the world and in particular to my spider wife whenever the portal opens!
My first post of 2017 will be the image I made for the Dragons and especially my wife.
I laughed my ass off when Trump won so yes it was good.
She looks nice and friendly.
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They don't look very friendly. Maybe they just want some tea and a chat.
I want to discuss my favorite rifles with them
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I want to chat with that one on the right.

She looks pretty happy after all.
Going to take those guns and weapons away from those foxes and turn them into pure innocent foxes!
>band aids
Fuck, my weakness.
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Big muscled girls are cute. CUTE!
Yes, yes they are
Big muscle sweeties are a cute!
>less than 20mins till 2017 in my shithole
can i assume the rain here is the power of a ryu leaking out?
How is Perth anyway?
It rained for a few seconds here too.

And now that I think about it, I bullied Ryus too much. Hopefully they won't come after me.
too far away
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How can you turn down a cutie like this?
I'm posting from next current year
It's happening
Portals everywhere
less that 10mins here
I don't, she's adorable.
I have someone else already. Sorry little horse.
Do you mean "Run to them"? because that's what I'm going to doing.
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Can't say I haven't

t. Losenis
Sorry. But I prefer ears on the side of the head.
How does she put those socks on?
Oh cool! It's actually happening. I'm on my way tinny Kiki!
To my*
Is your Lilim a big guy?
Do they have flying cars in the future?
Horses are actually pretty flexible.
A friend of hers is
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How does one get out of this situation?
They really are
You don't.

>A tanuki that acts like Larry
Wonder why I'm being held captive by a Kikimora-Ryu. Then enjoys myself wrapped in her body while licking the saliva from inside her mouth.
Then why would I want her? Is getting caught part of her plan?
Please be pretending.
Rest in peace gaze snake.

Here is a lactating pregnant Jubjub, an Humpty Egg and that one classy harpy from the EMG game
Pray for a Miracle. Not much you can do about a Basilisk without her mask.
Jesus christ those shoulders are YUUUUUGE
>Pull off her mask
>She didn't die
Oh shit yeah! I didn't realise it was a Basilisk.
>the first one to blink loses
She's a Big Snake
You don't.
Or perhaps she's wondering why someone would stab a lilim, before pulling her country into a war
Band-Aids instead of the adhesive nipple tassles? Excellent choice Nav.
For Liquid
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She's a big girl
Is it just me. Or do we have (You)s back? It's a New Years miracle.
It is, anon.
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Pointed-ear Kikis are the best.

Good in regards to the election but in need of improvement in others.
I always had (You) on 4chanx
Not when they have broad shoulders.
>double check Kiki profile
>Wolf Family

Wait what. I swear on my life it always said "Harpy family". Then how does she have the feathers? And bird legs?
Kikis are dog birds. That's why they chirp when happy and growl when angry.
>I swear on my life it always said "Harpy family".
Can attest that it's always been wolf family.
You sound gay
Paundo should redraw that with his current skills.

But does this mean Kiki count as wolfus?
They are both
>And so, this time's update is "Kikimora".

>In the original text, she had a wolf's head with a bird's beak and more, so it's pretty much a hybrid beast monster.
Kikis are their own thing. They are just kikis.
Kiki a Kiki!
The bigger question is. What does a Kikimora's hair and feathers feel like?
Kikis are the best kikis out there. Nothing else can compete.
...Like hair and feathers?
OP is a faggot

Great snake, would give a lot of dick.
Odd Couple Chapter 5, a bit of goofing off and heart-to-hearts. Should only be a chapter or two after this.


Happy New Year's for some, happy New Year's Eve for others. Got a couple of one-shots brainstormed, so I'll be working on those after this is over.
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As soft as JubJub feathers.
Come on anon. Maids have a special perk to them. That is purity. And this must effect the feel of her hair. Well it must improve the feel.
No way, they must have some rigidity to them
Where did that Kiki get such a lewd outfit?
Demon Realm shops are wonderful things.
She bought is for master in that one special maid store.
They bark in bed too, apparently
Can I buy maid accessories there?
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KC said some stuff
>happy New Year! Thank you very much for your patronage to the demons and daughters who went to bride everyone last year for the past year! I would like to thank you for this year's demon daughter picture book with Kurobanega.

Milk the snake
Well it would be kinda weird, but you can find all kinds of maid stuff in there.
Well it's 2017 in some places now, and the happening will never happen
For some reason I can't really grasp, I've never really been fond of this guys work.

But jesus fuck. Thighs worthy of Colonel Saunders himself
Oh god, Ryus are too lewd.
I've been telling you fucks for a year that it happens 2018, not 2017
Ryu Cow?
uncensored please

I pledge it now as my sole purpose in life to go find Kurobanega and teach him a lesson. This blasphemy against the Ryu will not be tolerated.
T. Ryu
Please stop shitposting and make it rain/shine wherever you are, the people probably need it.
>the people probably need it
>35ºc over here and it's only gonna get worse

Hello there my fellow burning friend. It's actually raining a bit here, but it's still pretty hot.

Oh please. You'll say it'll happen in 2019 when we're nearly done with 2018
There's an entire year left. Why do people think it has to happen the first day.
Do you nood see that disgusting image?! Do you not see the heresy? It must be banned from the internet imminently.
No way man, I saw the coming in a vision. 2018 soon.
Sounds like a Ryu.
Ryus are for tying up tightly, and milking like a cow.
Do not dare compare me! A mere mortal! To the beauty and holiness of a Ryu!

And you are for locking away in a lonely cell for your dirty toxic words!
Big, old, lonely Ryus are for teasing for weeks, slowly flirting with her until she goes insane with lust and begs to be dicked.
don't snake-types only have front pussy? How's he screwing her?
>with lust and begs to be dicked.
I would rather a Ryu take me after that amount of teasing. She deserves to get a little revenge after that faggotry.
Her holiness isn't lonely when she has her worshippers!
Some sneks are drawn with plump human butts (See: MGE, MGQ, and EMG sneks)
>But jesus fuck. Thighs worthy of Colonel Saunders himself
He needs to draw more desu
>How's he screwing her?
What makes you think he is in the first place? He's just milking her as far as we can see.
How bout the cum dripping down from behind her ass?
Maybe he's hotdogging her.
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Any new year goals to accomplish with your MG waif?
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How do Phantoms vary in appearance from one another?

Man you really like Forte.
This year we're going to catalog beast type monsters, and maybe magical material types also.

Not looking forward to it because most beast girls are dominate and super strong, but she puts up with the submissive monsters so I'll suck it up.
I think they must.
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I'm going to cook nice things, I need to expand beyond just pasta and rice. How could I cook a nice meal for her if she was to appear one day if I'm limited to the basics?
>Man you really like Forte.
Who doesn't like dorafs? They're nice and compact.
Eat healthy. She can help me with that.
Be healthy. She can force me to do that.
Cooking her favorite meal is so easy, you can do it with just your hands!
Not him, but I think forte is one of the best, if not THE best. I really like her.
Give as much rain to the people of the world!
But my waifu is a Hellhound, I want to make all kinds of hot meat dishes for her.
What. Like steak, steak and more steak?
Can ghosts/phantoms change their appearance on a whim?
I don't think they're able to morph their appearances like the Doppelganger.
Beef curry, some indian lamb meals, hot bbq chicken, home made spicy sausages etc.

And steak of course.
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How does it feel to know that your monstergirls will never be as perfect as 2D human girls?
Guess whats not happening anons?

2017 and your waifu!
Damn. I love hell hounds so much. Just wish they were more delicate.
Jokes on you, I'm killing myself.
Feels pretty good knowing that human girls will never be able to suck blood and have big meaty paws/claws.
Depending on how you do it, that last little dose of drugs your brain gives you might make it so you actually see her. Lucky fuck.
Aren't we all?
I wouldn't really call NTRbait perfection, you know. Maybe that's just me, though, and you would.
Just kidding, that would make her extremely sad.
You speak lies! LIES!
It's weird. Every girl he posts looks like shes straight out of an NTR doujin.

Really makes you think.
>good art and design is NTRbait
Isn't that the point, though? They're monsters, not humans. Part of the whole fetish is being forced to copulate with something you dislike or find strange.

Unless this post was trying to make me defensive of monstergirls, thus strengthening my desire to copulate with one and continue their species via reverse psychology.

I see through your lies, /hbg/.
>looks haughty in nature

I guess we're just so used to pure monster girls that human girls come off as cheating trash.
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Liches would look cool in armor.
You're just corrupted by all those doujins and memes
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Get calendar printed.

Get daki printed.

Get more waifu art.

Hopefully 2017 will be just as good as 2016 was, pretty great year. I mean, I got a whole waifu doujin. Hard to top that.
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I love paladin monster girls!
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Why is barbariank so based sometimes?
So far he's done my top 3 monstergirls.
sold his soul
Still. Human girls are trash! Trash! Monster girls are direct upgrades! They can appeal to every fetish! Make new ones! Please their husbands in a way no human girl ever could! And would never cheat on you!
Has Barb ever done a Holstaur? I can't remember and it'd be a crime if he hadn't with how delicious he makes all girls look.
I love his dragons!
>Lich in heavy armor
Oh yes, that sounds godly.

That's somewhat true. I can't see an older woman and not assume, just because of the overabundance of stupid shit.
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Okay, I managed to scan the sketches from last week. Sorry I couldn't do more of them.

Happy new year, /mgt/!
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Salamander Fireplace.png
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Oh cool. Happy new year to you too!
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That is one hell of a look on her face.

That "come hither" finger, too. Oh man.
Thanks for my shoggoth.

She's all I've ever wanted.

All I want for Christmas is a shoggoth. And I never got one, but thanks anon.
Shogs are wonderful.
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Goddammit I don't want to like shoggoths.
but they are all so damn cute.
Going to roast marmshellows on a Salamander's tail!

Going to lick that bugs belly!
Heart melting cute!!

How do they make pyramids so well?
Dear God that is absolutely precious! I hope she has a hat she can wear, don't want to see her ears get cold!
Otohime a cute.Truly our haughty, dancing dragon goddess.
>holst's huge breasts
>combined with barb's bottom-heavy girls
I cannot handle this
>I missed monorus
it happens every time! Damn it!
All those drawings are fucking awesome, have a great year man. and all of you too.
Mathematically no man could handle a girl like that.
>tfw I wasn't up in time to request something
Still, excellent work as always.
that Shog looks delicious. I want to eat a big bowl of her.
I can only think of one occasion where Barb has drawn legit huge titties, which is a shame because his style is perfect for them.
How would a Shog from the fluffy bits of a sexy santa outfit from her own mass?
From imouto to onee-san in a flash.
Don't question a Shoggoths dedication to her master.
Hold on anon! It's not a very good idea to have shog inside you.
How come big girls are so much better than little ones?
Its best not to ask questions. It's like asking how can Shogs form heels on their feet to please their mastah's fetish?
more to squeeze and bigger assets
You know if Kiki's had cat behavior or extra cat features then you could compare them to another recent prominent hybrid beast.
Humans are for corrupting.
>implying human girls aren't already corrupt
Lots of stuff to grope and squeeze.
Human girls are for marriage and loving
She can form fluff or cotton-like clothing, at least it sure seems that way in the profile pic.
But anon, there are few easier ways to become one with a Shog. Having a few nibbles here and there is fine, I think.
i want to put everything i have inside the wock belly
But why.
Because they're the best

I'm obviously talking about the 2D ones
>I think

That's where she gets you. Then all you'll think about is her after putting her into your body. She'll hijack your brain.
Even 2D human girls are inferior the monstergirls.
Not at all.
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Continue Growing my Miia shrine now that I'm in a place where I can again
Name one 2d girl that would be worse off as a monstergirl.
Jesus christ. Also why aren't you cuddling all those dakis at once?
All of them
That's not a good answer.
The 7 meter one is in my bed and it used up every pillow I own.

I'm slowly getting more, but I don't want to start using them until I have enough to have all of them at once
Which monsters have the most "sexy babysitter" appeal?
God I wish that were me.
It is. Changing them in any way would destroy their perfection.
Kikimora. Maybe shoggoth.
is that like "girl next door" appeal? Slime Carrier.
Monstergirls are Human Girls+. They get better.
Dark Mage, Kitsune, Jabberwock
Since they are not MGs, they cannot be perfect.
All the lewd ones. Kitsune, Apophis, Succubi, Demon, etc.
Nice, thank you very much and have a happy new year
Worse you mean
What monstergirls are safe to babysit your son?

Apart from kikis and titanias.
Aren't kikimora only drawn to the kind of men that need them? More of a step mom kind of appeal.
>They especially prefer diligent workers
Werecats and Werewolves.
All of them, I want to make sure he finds someone nice and caring early
How would a monster step mom treat her step son?
>All of them
Sure, let a shirohebi or a dark priest take care of him. What could go wrong?
Ryus and things like automatons and golems.
What about a dhampir? they are the closest thing to a normal person
The nice dog-girl neighbor who looks like she's on fire.
whadja mean "safe"?
When you come back home you'll find the werewolf marking your son with her pussy on his face
Well, she'll certainly keep him in line.
>whaddya mean I can't just keep him in a cage while you're out?
Monsters that won't husbando him on sight.
Wont rape him or trick him into having sex or claim him or corrupt him.
Any married non-radical faction MG.
Actually, a Shirohebi would be relatively safe. I'm betting the father would be at more risk. Unless the snehk decided to think of it as an extended period of getting to know her future husband in his young, innocent days, playing the doting onee-sama until he ripened into a passionate youth for her to go Yan over.
Yetis wouldn't try anything funny
>I started drinking when I was 12, he can handle ONE beer
>Which monsters have the most "sexy babysitter" appeal?
What about the other way around?
I'm imagining a trailer trash hellhound and am starting to get aroused.
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We need more four-armed monstergirls. Four arms are better than two.
>messy hair
>daisy dukes
>poorly done pleasure runes on her lower back
>tongue ring
Why boner
a four armed girl can squeeze her butt and breasts all at once.
>Whaddya mean indecent? Ya aint gotta wear a bra inside. Stop whinin and come cuddle big sis.
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Literally >>16341384 as well as http://pastebin.com/skRU5f45. As for the Baneposting, yes.
I mean, we've even had Gondolas show up before.
>Exguse me where are the benis :DDDDDDDD

Sounds like that would be funny as fuck.
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You're thinking of Spurdo.
Loving but extremely protective.
Yeti's, trolls, holsts, Griffon if you get them to see your kid as their treasure, Valk, Ryu, Shoggy. There are probably more.
I'm late, but Peny Baneposted in his Oni story.
>Griffon if you get them to see your kid as their treasure
I don't know if it works like that though. They don't obtain treasure like Dragons go, they were ordered to guard artifacts and whatnot by their gods.
And if you do succeed in convincing them your kid is of divine interest, you now have the issue of getting them to leave, unless you're fine with your new live-in bodyguard.
Well, if I might be misremembering, but I thought they start to think of their husbands as treasure after a little bit, so it might not be only god-given treasures. A Gryfon is definitely worth the trouble to have as a bodyguard for your son, too.
Which monster girl would enjoy fireworks the most?

Also 1h 30 mins till 2017 here. Happy New Year /mgt/
5h 30 mins here. Gotta get my waifu's image ready.
How does this sound:

An esper is created when a human female with an affinity for astral projection experiences great stress while in the presence of demonic energy. The spirit and body split into two partially independent entities, each becoming like a monster. Their physical appearance remains much the same as a human, but their attitude becomes "cold" as a result of having a dissociated spirit. Despite this, most espers are able to hold up the facade of being human after transforming, usually being viewed by their peers as "traumatized girls who miraculously survived a demonic attack".

Espers can remotely perceive and influence the world and the minds of others. They still possess the personality of their human self, so what they choose to do with these abilities is not consistent between espers. However, all espers approach a man they like in the same way: by invading his dreams. Inside dreams is when most of an esper's former humanity returns, so they will spend a great deal of time visiting a man in his sleep before they move onto the next step; unless the girl was particularly lewd even as a human.

After claiming the heart of the man they love, an esper will begin working on subverting the society they live in order to make it a better place for herself and her lover. They will wear away at anti-monster sentiments by joining monsters from outside with men inside through the dream world, eventually leading to an invasion that ends as soon as it begins.
Again, in juxtaposition to dragons, Griffons don't so much think of their husbands as part of the treasure to be guarded.
Instead, they start caring about their husband ??????? of the treasure. They can sense desire, and having desire directed at them instead of their treasure causes them to stop looking down at humans.
>"When it was directed towards the treasure I was supposed to protect, I only felt disdain or even hatred towards the desire possessed by humans; I had no idea that it could be something so lovely and pleasant if directed towards myself."
>Leave kid with a Shogg
>He keeps screaming with a scared fce and when you try to touch him he wobbles like a jelly

The only way to heal him is using a flayer.
Ah. That makes sense. I probably misremembered, then. Well, I guess that's one less.

Hey, fuck you. I would trust my faithful Shoggoth maid to watch my kid. Besides, what's the worst that can happen? They fall in love, and we have a new member of our family?
Has potential.
Titania, Kiki, Troll, Succubus Witch, Baphomet, Human Girl, Doppelganger, Nightmare, Unicorn, White Horn.
Which monsters like to disguise themselves as human girls and do normal human girl things?
>Succuslut, Baphomet, human
And I got shit for my Shoggy pick.
Pharaoh, Anubis, Ryu, Unicorn, Yuki-Onna, Sea Bishop, Otohime, Valkyrie, and Dhampir.
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Succubi are good girls.
Whoah, whoah, whoah, Succubus Witch is a good girl. Now REGULAR succubi, those are the bad ones.

Baphomet has no interest in imoutos and would probably play legit games with him.

I'll admit to trolling with the human girl pick.
>Good girls
>Posting a delinquent gang picture

I dunno Anon
SuccuWitch sounds cute.
I think Baphomet would start off alright, because you're right, but Baphomet are smart as fuck, and they wont miss a single chance to indoctrinate a potential lover into the Sabbath.
Are you saying you wouldn't a blushing delinquent Musclebus?
Her smug and bushy browed Succubutt friend also look cute.
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>Baphomet playing the ultra long con
>15 years later your son joins the Sabbath

I'm not sure if that's crazy talk or potentially something they might do.

She is cute anon.

Super cute.
>>16344869dar too mindbreak for me
They look cute but they'll rape you if you get close

Bushy eyebrows are the best and we need more of them
A sabbath girl babysitter is guaranteed to take baths with your son.
Is something wrong with that?
They're the same age, they can bath together all they want
That is definitely something a Baphomet would do. They value the Sabbath above all else, minus their husband, and have the intellect to do just that. They aren't JUST the Saturday morning cartoon villains that paladins make them out to be.
>15 years later
>implying it'll be that long
They'll have him signed up for the Sabbath Scouts before you know it.
Tomboy witches are the most effective for handling shotas.
Because little boys let their guard down around tomboys.
They want the older brothers anon. I mean shit I don't know how old the son was, I just spit balled 15, it could be 10-15 I don't actually know?

I'm certain at least one abbynormal Baphomet exists in MGE who wants the shota dick though.

Probably that white furred one.

Best be careful around that one.
I can't speak for why he said it in the first place, but he might be right. I had a tomboy friend growing up, and I would have stuck with her for as long as I could if I didn't move out of state. It would probably work.
They won't use mindbreak unless they were already yandere before.
mindbreaking the woman
Stay a while and listen.
For what?

You've got quite a treasure there in that horadric cube!
For a moment there I thought you said Mancubus.
I have no idea how you'd even approach making an MG version of those fat bastards.
>the baphomet never actually does anything lewd with him
>just does barely suggestive stuff, lets him "accidentally" see her naked or in her underwear in compromising poses, etc.
>when the boy grows up he remembers how he never got to smash that and joins Sabbath
What a master plan, sasuga.
>feminist monstergirls

pls no
But they barely change when they become monsters.
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>/v/ has a MG thread
>Almost 2017

What the fuck is going on here?
Probably just pudgy cyclopses.
inb4 it gets relocated here by mods and we get a heaping helping of New Year's Drama
My waifu is calling for me.
I'd like a thiccubus to be honest
nigga, /v/ always has off topic threads. MGs occur there often.
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Only MGQ monstergirls though.
well for a while MGQ was the big monstergirl thing, effectly the first english translated monstergirl game that most people saw up to that point,
a lot of monstergirl threads started discussion with mgq back then.
thank goodness that we don't speak of it anymore
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How would pure raijus celebrate new years?
By gathering up and discharging, releasing a huge spark.
Hey mgq is alright. Still the best nip VN ive ever played. Just wish paradox got translated faster.
Does not compute.
>vore, murder, cruelty
No. It's shit.
Being parents

There are a lot but the best is Dorome
Get good sempai
I'm not sure I would trust a Dorome. I feel like anything with simple in the description might just forget what they were doing. If you want gentle, you're better off with a Yeti.
it begins
Well, if 2017 is just a meme, then I hope to get more art of her. If 2017 is not a meme, then we're going to make a daughteru!
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>mfw C91 doujins surge
I forgot there was a comiket at the NY eve's. Japs always bring the best presents
>Vore, Murder, Cruelty, Rampant racism
>A deity that has a fucking army of bio-mechanical H.R. Giger bots that'd make Slaanesh blush
Yeah, no. MGQ is shit.
>Rampant racism
>A problem
>>A deity that has a fucking army of bio-mechanical H.R. Giger bots that'd make Slaanesh blush
well she's the antagonist though
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>She's the antagonist
>MGQ is literally a game about a pantheon-sized toddler's tantrum at your mother saying "No"
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This. Raceplay is one of the most Patrician fetishes.

>you'll never finger your monstergirl meido roughly while belittling her
>she'll never get wetter and wetter as you tell her that she's a filthy subhuman that's only good for cleaning and fucking
after playing paradox it seems there was a it more to it than what it initially seemed on the surface and she may have been justified in doing what she did for other reasons.
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What's the right age and "body age" for a monster girl?
You gotta have both lovey dovey monster girls who just want to carry your children and dangerous monster girls who might kill you if you cum too fast

It's fine to think one or the other is shit is though
Older for both, if she isn't taller and older its not for me.
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I wish Ilias had more stories. I know ELH wrote one a while ago that was lovey-dovey as sin but I'd fucking kill for a reverse Pygmalion sort of story with her, or a goddess based on her.
Fat bottomed loli.
What a slut!
That's my fetish tho.
Eh, whatever. As long as they are loving, it doesn't really matter. Young and old are both good, as well as a mixture of both.
It's been so long since I saw anything related to MGQ's story. Why was Ilias trying to kill the monsters?
Only if she's a monoeye that only does oral and anal because her pussy is so beneath you.
They were Alice I's 'children', in a manner of speaking. Due to her being the incarnation of the Darkness of the universe, Ilias, the Light, could never intermingle with her or them. So, similar to cats and dogs, Angels and Monsters have hated each other since time immemorial, usually instigated by the Heavenly Host to begin with because Ilias is so, so lonely.
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Top Taste. Monoeyes were made for bullying.
Actual age and mentally? No younger than 16. All other factors are irrelevant. I don't care if her body's fully developed when she's 12 or did some mind-swapping bullshit. She could have the most fuckable body on the planet, but if she can't understand what consent and sex actually entail on a mental level, not just the physical fucking, then no dice.
9 and 9
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What Monster Girls best fulfill the "old hag preying on young boys" personality role? What Monster Girls are perverted and old enough?
Wasn't there also something about humanity actually starting to like the monsters in it, too? Or am I mis-remembering that?
>so, so lonely
Maybe if Ilias didn't associate with a mad scientist and create those abominations, more people would like her.
Top 3: Kitsune, Kraken, Demons.
Otohimes and Takus are pretty high on that list I would say.
wretched old foxes
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Dragons and foxes are the ones that come to mind first, since they live long enough but still actually age. Certain demons and undead may qualify, too. Foxes are definitely the winners, though.
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happy new year
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>wretched old foxes
GILF Fox did nothing wrong. That nice young man who visits the temple was just showing her a fun night at the festival.
What clothes should you dress zombies in?
Ugly thing is going to get facefucked with a vibrator up her ass.
You know I rarely see elderly dragon girls. They almost always get portrayed as young hotheads.
Goth dresses.
80's-style red leather jackets.
>maid waifu
>live in a reletively small house with 3 other flat mates

Not until <7 hours from now ET it is.

> elderly fox who can absolutely rock your world
> knows every possible position, studies them constantly
> secretly into tender loving and hand holding
Be still my raging penis
A yeti would be good as well.
Not sure which one would give the best hugs though.
>Three dragons land on the path in front of you
>The first, an older dragon, floats slowly down and doesn't bend when her feet meet the ground.
>The second, a teenage dragon, hits the ground with force and bends her knees to absorb the shock.
>The third, a little dragon, smashes into the ground, leaving a small hole that she hurriedly scrambles out of so she can get to her feet.
>"Which one of us will be your opponent?"
I'll take on that CC dragon, thank you very much.
>Wight running an orphanage for zombie lolis.
>Tries to teach them to dance like classy ladies
>Half the time, they break out into the thriller dance mid-lesson
Second. Especially if she's fiery, has black scales and gradient orange hair.
I can take you all at once!
Kitsunes and Onee san types MGs.
I also want a wild Dragon cosplaying as Cynthia.
>ruining my garden
That's a paddling, for all of them.
Those damn CC ara~ ara~ foxes!
Oneesans shouldn't prey on younger boys. They're supposed to be respectable women and role models for the little brothers.
All this talk of CCs, how old is your waifu anon? What's the age difference and how often does she use it against you during sex?
The second one for sex.
The first one is for hugs and the third one is for bullying!
I'd probably say my age. So 25.
>how often does she use it against you during sex?
>tfw you're far to old to /ss/ ever again

Thanks for the reminder. At least I was planning to get blackout drunk tonight anyway.
My neck hurt.
She is 1 month younger but she behaves as if she's older. If I tease her about it she does something really bad.
The second one. The first would beat my ass, and the third one is a joke character, meaning she would especially kick my ass.
Nothing younger than CC age since I'm past that age already rip
It doesn't need to be /ss/! She might just say she's too old for a young stud such as yourself!
I'm 20, she's 30. Absolutely, especially if she found out I was into it.
I don't know how anyone could go into such specifics with an imaginary woman.

Maybe that's because I'm an unimaginative fuckwit.
>implying 1 wouldn't throw just so she can get a man
She acts mid-twenties, so my age.

Not sure how Slimes age though.
You know feels really weird? Having a dragon my age. It feels really really weird.
What's so bad about that?
Its only weird if you're a 60 to 80 year old man.
Engaging in /ss/ with a monstergirl sounds awesome.
And after that she lolifies herself and you get to have your way with her.
It's 2017
Happy New Year
Told you it wouldn't happen.
It's new year in about an hour for me. So is it true? Are the portals opening? I have the rope on standby if they aren't.
It's not bad, I actually really love it. It's just that most people talk about really old dragons, like 100 or 200 years old.
I'd rather my waifu not loli herself, I prefer her being 7'6.
At least 800, probably significantly older.
Age really isn't anything but a number for girls like her.
You expected it to happen on day 1? There's nothing wrong with patience.
I wonder if my waifu is going to attack me on my birthday.
We've still got time, it still isn't 2017 in the only country that matters. God bless America
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>Old shrine fox unashmedly hits on you
>Always gets you flustered by mentioning some perverted trick she's learned
>And it's always a new one
>Eventually can't stop thinking about her
>Shrine festival comes around
>She's done herself up and is wearing her sexiest kimono
>Finally admit that you want her
>'Ufufufu. I knew you couldn't resist forever.'
>She takes you to a private room in the shrine
>Candles ring the room, a large futon rolled out in the center
>With a wave of her hand, her robe disappears in a flash of fox fire
>Time has been kind to her, her body still keeping those full curves pretty taut
>'So, darling, have you decided what you would like to do first?
>She presses her soft body against you, whispering into your ear
>'I'm all yours. Tonight, we can do anything. You . Want.~'
>You whisper your wish into her ear
>She recoils in surprise for a moment, then just gives you that inscrutable fox smile
>'Really? You want that? Ara, ara~, what a sweet young man you are.'
>It's a long night of slow, passionate love-making
>Centuries of perverted knowledge and fox magic, and you are content with intimate sex with lots of kissing and eye contact
>And yet, she doesn't object
>She seems to appreciate you giving her body so much loving attention
>The night goes on, and the candles slowly burn out
>The festival has long since ended, but you and the fox have not stopped
>Her hips rock in your lap, gently milking you inside her
>You pull her thick hips in close one last time, pouring your last shot out into her
>Your body finally gives out, and you fall back in exhaustion
>The old fox lies on top of you, basking in the afterglow, her womb filled with warm seed
>' Ara, you certainly are a lively one. I can't remember the last time someone could go so long.'
>She lays a gentle kiss on your cheek as her tails wrap around you both
>'Thank you for showing this old fox such a wonderful evening, sweetie. Now get some rest. I dare say that you've earned it.'
>she lets out one last, gentle laugh before snuggling her head into your chest
It's never going to happen.

Well, at least Brexit and Trump happened.
But little boys all want to have sex with their onee sans!

I would say around my age (21) or 10 years older than me.
She would tease me by saying Ara Ara in every sentences
A little under a year older.
B-But I was promised. You can't just promised someone something and then lie!

I need her! I don't want want her. I NEED HER!
How many ara aras do you get per day?
Thanks same to you and let's hope we got all our waifus.

Would it be your best birthday?
Thank you for this
Well to be honest, I've never had a birthday party, so spending my first with her would really bring me joy.
Age is naught but a number to someone with their soul trapped away already. She would definitely tease me about my own, though, compared to her potential millennia.
My waifu would probably call me "old man"
Not even onii-chan? Damn.

Are you papa Anon?
He better not be, Papa Anon told me he was taking a nap
B-But you shouldn't lewd the Onee san! Even if she's on top of you!
Ain't him, Just a guy with a bratty waifu.
You're welcome, anon. It's fun to do short-ish greentext stuff like this when an interesting idea pops up.
Wake him up and tell him I said happy new year. Tell that to your waifu too.
My waifu will never be real, but I'll tell him happy new year for you anon.
How's your celebration with your waifu? Are you popping out the alcohol? Hugging in front of a fire while the countdown goes? Anything else?
Just thinking of her, wondering how her new years would be going.
Is she staring in the mirror, frowning at her scar and thinking it makes her ugly?
Is she out at a bar, doing shots to make the loneliness go away?
Is she just laying in bed burying her face in her pillow and crying because the portals failed?
She's berating me for not knowing what backlog story to work on first as the turning of a new leaf begins.
Just more git guds for me anon. I have to get my figure drawing up to snuff for when the portals open up after all o7
I've got a 30rack of Miller. The gameplan is that I'll blackout and have a Snek wrapped around me when I come to. Wish me luck.
I have some pills and a knife, if the pills dont work the knife will.

Shes not real.
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I never count but I can tell you it's a lot.

I wonder what type of gifts would a MG give to her husband.

But that's what the onee sans want and you should always listen to them or else they would be sad!
That's a shame.
Eating some meat and desserts. We'll have some drinks and then I'll watch her lighting up some fireworks so we can watch together.
After that I'll cuddle her for a bit and whisper sweet nothings in her ear before falling in bed and making really slow and mushy baby making love.
Monoeyes are for loving. /drunkposting
But that doesn't get me my waifu.
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Would you breed the last dragon or let her race go extinct?
condoms are a thing so I could do both.
About 900 years I would recon, not that it matters for undeads anyhow. And she doesn't use it against me.
Breed even if she wasn't the last.
You can't do both anon.
Poor thing's arms and legs seem to have degenerated from inbreeding or other genetic illnesses. It may be it is too late to save her race...
Popping out the champagne.
It is my duty to be the genki one around her.
Nobody will get their waifu.
>that image
Non paywalled versions have been leaked onto certain boorus.
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In the wake of Christmas and New Year's, remember that the greatest gift you can give a monster girl is always yourself.

Why just look at this brave man who offered himself as sacrifice to a apophis that was threatening his pharaoh-led nation. He knew what she really wanted was just a man/semen-dispenser of her very own. All was well when the couple emerged from the sex dungeon a a week later.

Nothing will make a monster happier than you proclaiming "do it! Drain me until I am a broken mess! Make me all yours until I can't even masturbate without you!"
But is there anything we can do?
Waifus jaded and just wants all this mirth and celebration to end already.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you're having a great time with your waifus at the moment!
What now then?
What if i willingly want to love the grape snek and breed her?

after i whisper her how much i love her and will give her so many little snakes of coruse
build her, with your own hands.
>tfw literally the last time zone on earth

We will soon.
Shut up it wont be tomorrow for 6 more hours.
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hat's the point of all those chains?
>"do it! Drain me until I am a broken mess! Make me all yours until I can't even masturbate without you!"
It would be kinda funny if a MG went on a trip so her husband got bored and tried to masturbate but couldn't no matter how hard he tried. And when the wife comes home to find him as a mess just before she drains him and saying that she is sorry for having left him.

I would give myself up for a apophis willingly even if she did that to me.
It is here in bongland! I'm with my waifu! Its glorious! It brings tears to my eyes.
2 more hours for me, Anon. I'm sure you can do it.
Apophisfags are truly the philistines of snake waifufags. Especially if they're an apothecary by profession.
I want an Apophis with short hair.
That doesn't actually make me sad. If anything, it's irritating. Dumbass "goddess".
That's a great apophis. Thanks, anon
>I was an unlikable dumbass, but I was a unlikable dumbass because [tragic backstory excuse]
Thanks a lot anon

Thanks I will look at this
It's 2017?

Where's my Big titted Cheshire nee-san?
Its the look on her face that really makes the picture great, just such sheer ecstatic happiness without looking silly/goofy. You know she proceeded to fuck him senseless.
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No tittymonster Ojou Cheshire Onee-san for you, there's only this fatty fatty 2x4 Cheshire Onee-san.
Aw but I wanted an Ojou.

Would she at least consider putting her hair in drills.
I'll still take it.
I wish I was an apothecary by profession. But no, couldn't get in the university.
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I'm starting to fall in love with dwarves. What's happening to me?
Dwarf flu. It passes. Just like dragon flu.
can I ask why?
Mate, dragon flu hasn't gone away for 3 years. My dragon says it's terminal.
mabey he played too much mine craft
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>old years eve
>preparing for a night of partying
>put on a nice but cheap suit
>i knew it wouldn't survive the night
>have fun at party
>new year arrives
>confetti canons are launched
> go outside
>see portal in the sky slowly open
>some normie screams like a woman
>takes a firework arrow and launches it at the portal
>a flash of colors come out of the portal
>it starts to shrink and disapears
>everybody goes to congratulate the normie
>i stand crieing alone
i knew something would go wrong but i was still disapointed
No, only tiny toddler Dwarves are acceptable.
Dorfs need to have shortstack proportions.
She's eight years younger and teases me about it calling me a pervert.
that looks gross
I hope you beat that normie's ass.
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That's a fugly Western shortstack.
>that face
Ugly. When will western artists learn.
no, he's biggerthen me and had more allies
That's probably the same anon that posted hose ugly western Dark Elves in a previous thread. and complained about "posting standards" when anons called him out on it.
So... Bollocks?

Hard to say. Just that the more I think about dwarves, the more I like them.

I think about their adorable appearances.
I think about having one for a wife, and always giving her a morning kiss by having to bend down to reach her.
I think about going on walks with her, and hearing the cute pitter patter of her tiny feet.
I think about how they're so proud of their looks despite being so small, and how they're willing to flaunt their little butts at me with full confidence of how pretty they are.
I think about bathing together, and cuddling together under the gentle warm water.
I think about picking up her tiny body in my arms, enjoying the wonderful feeling of her smooth, soft, squishy skin against me.
I think about ravishing her at night, listening to her adorable moans as I pound into her, knowing that she can take it.
I think about hugging her tightly after we're spent, knowing that we'll do it all over again the next day.

I have a problem.
Nope. Bollocks never used the Posting Standards excuse when posting ugly artwork unlike that other anon.
Now that's a good quality shortstack.
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you called?
Is this bait?
Fuck. I don't want to move from loli to this now. I feel bad enough, as is. Take your dwarf posting elsewhere, friend.
>Drow in the daylight
>Wearing clothes from Hot Topic
There are several things wrong with this image, friend. Most notable being /tg/ tier sluts.
You forgot the best part.
Then you need to see a doctor. So they can get you and ever infected anon their dragon waifu
Drow can take Light Sensitivity instead of Light Blindness if they are raised above ground.

And the one on the left ain't bad.
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Rape Gambling.gif
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Happening...sometime in 2017.
Any specific date? Because I need my waifu now.
But I already got my dragon waifu. She is the one that says it's terminal.
I really like this flu though.
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How did you guys spend your final day of 2016? How would your waifu like to spend New Years Eve?

I spent most of my time inside since I'm not crazy about New Years celebrations, but I just finished a nice, comfy dinner with the waifu.
Crying abit. I always get sad at New Years for some reason.

She'd probably like to spend it off the job for the day and kiss cuddling with me.

Also you're waifu is beautiful anon. Good for you. Hope you're both having a happy time together
Agreed, Anon. I've never seen why the dawn of a new year is a celebration, its always been bittersweet for me. And thank you very much as well, she is absolutely beautiful, and I'm so lucky to have her.
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Not Elves, that's for sure.
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>You will never have an busty Automaton that's like a kuudere Harry Ord in terms of personality
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I work graveyard shift full time, and will be working new years tonight. I'm gonna get to deal with so many drunk idiots and people on drugs.
The fuck is that even from.
The context behind it lies here http://pastebin.com/kNWUtssR
Elves are actually pretty good with that.

It's dark elves the ones you shouldn't let your son with.
Did anyone screencap those greentexts that inspired that image?
They were binned: >>16346188
I thought he died.
Are there clear profile pics of the new girls that haven't been released yet?

I think I saw one a couple of years ago.
>a couple of years ago.
Reminder not to enable (You) junkies.
This is because they brought the (you)s back, isn't it?
Though I'm sure withdrawal must have been very painful for him, it's best to just let him suffer.
>tfw I get 2 (You)s because I still have the Custom CSS
I may have a problem...
Yeah, the Dragon Zombie one was posted a little bit back, and then someone gave me a list of the upcoming translations from the book. I haven't seen any actual profile art of them, aside from the dragon, though.
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Be sure to talk to your daughteru about the negative affects of too much (You).
I just cant get over how much I love that picture. I'm not even that big of a Hellhound fan, but that picture warms my heart.
Alp is the best writer in the thread, and Losenis is whiter than a snowflake, despite being an Argie.

N-no I'm fine, totally fine.

Daddy's fine...
It's sweet, yeah. Heckpups need more art. The hellhound, though, looks a little off up top. Maybe it's the expression, though, since everything else looks alright.
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Aren't you going to use your Christmas gift she got you?
Yeah, her eyes seem a bit too close together, but the silly look is kind of endearing, isn't it?
Of course I will. I love everything my waifu gives me.
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Obviously. Although I have no idea what she'd get me.
I hate getting gifts, especially when the person is right there. It's so much easier getting them in the mail, or being left for me.
I told her I didn't need anymore warm, fluffy clothes. I can handle a bit of cold weather.

but I'll wear them happily, because I know she put love into them
I've developed a new fetish. And I need to see a flayer about it. Only problem is that the fetish is the idea of a flayer boring her tentacles into my skull and then fucking with my mind. Specifically the tentacles boring into my head part.

What should I do?
>those eyes

My heart
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>blushing delinquent Musclebus
As the guy whose fantasies got that image made, allow me to fill you in on the details.
>Anon gets gangraped, as in 100% against his will raped, by delinquent Succubi and made into their cumpump.
>Over time they start getting affectionate with him when he starts talking to them because he's given in.
>They fall for anon for real.
>Anon lives out a happy life with a harem of delinquent succubi who would kill to protect his smile.
>The gang's Anego is a seven foot tall delicious brown musclebus who gets the most embarrassed out of all of them at affectionate things.
What fetish? I might be able to help you.
What would you call that? Skull raping?
Oh, I didn't see that that was your fetish.
I guess it's skull fucking but with tentacles instead and you are the one being penetrated.
Just imagining the sounds and feeling of it gives me a strange erection.
>seven foot tall delicious brown musclebus who gets the most embarrassed out of all of them at affectionate things.
Fucking stop
No. never.
I remember there being a follow up picture to that showing Tio actually fucking the guy, but I can't find it anywhere? Anyone got it?
Blood play is not a degenerate fetish in the slightest.
I now know it is for cultured and sophisticated men of fine taste. You have a lot of blood anyway, wouldn't hurt to donate some.
Well, just let her pin you down and force her tentacles deep into your head, breaking all of your resistances and making you her mere tentacle slut.
Since it's new year, I might as well post this thing too, just because.

2017 boys. Let's go.
>ywn be turned into a mindless little cumpup by a mindflayer who's bored into your head and made you a slut for her tentacles.
>ywn be her little toy she can mentally play and mess with
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>and Losenis is whiter than a snowflake, despite being an Argie.
>Twitch memes

You're begging for a fisting, boy.
Here you go.
Well I can't very much use the Lenny Face on you here you cunt. Finish Chapter 9 already and stop bitching or you'll get the hose again.
I'm kinda sad Tio will never do that to me though.
It hasn't even been a fucking week since chapter 8 you greedy twat
Git gud.
Say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
You guys excited to wake up tomorrow and realize nothing has changed?
I don't sleep on the first day.
Why did you stop?
It's already five hours into "tomorrow" for me, more excited for just falling asleep
What, you want me to talk about one of the chubby ones sitting on your lap and pretending she doesn't notice your boner?
Or the twins sneaking up behind you to dish out a double handjob?
Or maybe the shortstack taking advantage of her height to give you a standing titfuck and blowjob?
Or even the leader blushing after you call her cute before pulling you up to her room, grabbing you by the head and forcing you to eat her out while holding your head down so you can't look up to see her flushed face?
Silly anon, you can't expect these things to happen instantaneously. If not tomorrow, than one of the other 364 days.
If 2016 has taught us anything it's that things can and will go wrong (right?) throughout the entire goddamn year. Maybe there won't even be a happening, just a series of smaller happening that add up to an MG waifu lying next to you one day near the end.
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So, this is what it's like to see everything you could possibly want and know that you'll never, EVER, have it.

I'll just keep drinking, I guess.
About the leader holding me in her big, strong arms, making me feel safe as I fall asleep in her affectionate embrace.
>blushing after you call her cute before pulling you up to her room, grabbing you by the head and forcing you to eat her out while holding your head down so you can't look up to see her flushed face
This is good too.
its 2017
so wheres my spatsune waifu?
I'd imagine that's what one of their rooms would look like.
And you'd have the honor of being given to whoever wins the lottery for that night to do whatever they want for the night.
It always leads to bareback sex and cuddling in the afterglow, but what happens before depends on the girl.
Rome wasn't built in a day and portals take longer than an hour to open.
You can live in a world with monstergirls, but they all have to be from the same family (ie. all dragons, all lamias, all canids, etc).

Which one do you go for.
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>Or maybe the shortstack taking advantage of her height to give you a standing titfuck and blowjob?
God damn do I want this.
I want to fuck that spatsune.
So my choices are:
>live in a world full of lusty, lovely sneks
>go back to work on Monday

Really, nigga?
Dragon plants, dragon cows, dragon harpies.
Succubs. They may be vanilla as hell (with the exception of alp and alice) but for that reason it's hard to go wrong with anything. It'd probably choose undead as a secondary.
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Undead girls.
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Everybody knows Anubutts in spats is better!
Well if you like only lamias it's easy for you. Normally people like different monstergirls from different groups.
Beastman types.
That gives me the most variety.
Undead, without a second thought.

Well, that's a lie. I definitely have second thoughts, since I wont be getting any Yeti love, but... still. Undead.
>Beastman types
I thought about that since it's basically a no-lose situation so long as your horizons are wide, but the man asked you to choose a FAMILY not a type. No cheating.
Also her letting me suck on her large breasts while what I wrote in the previous post happens.[/spoiler[
Am I allowed to petition Eros to choose for me? She'll know where my waifu is.
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Happy New Year Atlantic Standard Time
Alright then, Succubus family for the most variety.
For the record, that's
>Dark Elf
>Dark Priest
>Leanan Sidhe
>Lesser Succubus
>and Vampire
So cutting off the Alice, Alp and Dwarf that's a pretty sizable harem to make.
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any minute now
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>No shortstack delinquent devil to pump your semen out of you with her titfuck while grinning like pic related.
>You'll never stain her plump blueberry tits white.
Damn it.
I don't think there will ever be enough art of that one.
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>Check clock
>Already 2017
>Look around
>No lilim
>Look around again just in case
>No lilim
>364 days to go

So it begins, the wait. As ever.
Best girl
Nah, they are waiting until the entire world has changed to 2017. Don't worry.
My plan is to make them work for it.
Fireworks were extra pretty this year. I wish my waifu and lilim were here.
I want to see that bodytype on more species.
>You'll never have your home be intruded on by a trio of Gyaru monstergirls who proceed to rape you.
>They'll never proceed to make themselves your girlfriends.
Damn it.
>Cutting off the alp
Rude! Send them my way then, I need more bros to prank me while I play vidya.
I'd much rather bro it up with a Lilim and a Vampire so go ahead and take the Alps.
Princess types would be nice to introduce video games to. Especially lewd princess types who are likely to dry to distract you with a blowjob.
>Cutting off dwarf and alice
Hey now, that's not nice. An Alice would be amazing to have around and spoil with love and treats. Dwarfs are adorable, too. Also, you cut those out, but kept the fairies? You what?
Alice is Lolicon, and Dwarf is Toddlercon.
Fairies are just small and stretchy. Nothing keeping them from having breasts.
Why would he not want a living onahole in his harem? And even the alps would fuck a titania, what kind of double faggot wouldn't want one?
I meant the small fairies. Probably should have specified. Whoops. Titania is something special, really.
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Slime world represent. Hoping this means Shogs too.

If not I'll settle for maid world.
fill dragons with semen FOR TWELVE HOURS
So is that over the course of twelve hours or is it one long magically assisted cumshot?
Because both of those sound appealing.
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cows need more love in general
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I want to drink a fairy.
whats the difference?

why bot both?
One of them's riding a twelve hour orgasm with her that will leave you both weak in the knees.
The other is potentially dozens of orgasms that'll still leave you weak in the knees, but not as intense.
I wasn't talking about the pic anon.
Actually, I don't think trap fuckers would alp in mge either. They don't really have any lust for the dick as far as im aware
>You'll never be gently titfucked by a 9 foot tall dire holst with tits bigger than watermelons.
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thats a minotaur, and I want her to ride me cowgirl, but I share your pain
>dire holst
Touch The Cow...
They don't even need to have any lust for the dick as far as they're aware either, subconscious "true desires" also count so that's really a road we shouldn't go down.

Does brushing your back like that have any actual health effects?
But what if you want an actual dire holst? Minotaur are all fine and good, but a nice, big loving holst is better.
Eh, both are good.
Big tall cows with fat tits are A+.
Especially if they're gentle doms.

You know how Holsts get really pushy and more likely to rape if you blueovary them long enough? I think Dire Holsts would reach that state much quicker.
>he doesn't wash his back
It cleans the dirt off your back.
>You know how Holsts get really pushy and more likely to rape if you blueovary them long enough?

No, tell me more.
all cows are good
are you me?
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>That horrible 360 looking D-Pad on a DS4
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That series has the best semen demon I've ever seen

Plus she's a mayadere and technically a monster girl
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>but a nice, big loving holst is better.

There are non-big holsts?
>Continue to ignore them for too long and eventually they won't be able to take it any more. If this happens, these docile monsters will turn ferocious and assault their husband, forcibly having intercourse with him, and they won't become docile again until all their pent-up sexual desire has been satisfied.
Have sex with your Holstaur waifu often unless you're into that kind of thing.

Really anon? Everything in front of you and you focus in on the controller?
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May the new Current Year be blessed with hopefully more MGE Automaton, and non-profile clone MGE girl art .
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Canid, easily.
Holsts start off small, but get bigger as they grow up. I'm talking about a bigger than average holst, though.

You got a problem with profile art clones? The Lich is amazing, and you have shit taste!
second option sounds better,she is gonna end filled with eggs either way
He has his priorities. MGs are gonna have a tough time in this world.
>You got a problem with profile art clones? The Lich is amazing, and you have shit taste!
Damn straight I do. You twits have no imagination.
I sent them all home though
Fuck you, then! Also,
>You twits have no imagination.
Real talk, I've been writing a story, and coming up with a ton of characters, appearances and personalities is hard, man. I can understand how someone might want to just stick to profile art.
>and coming up with a ton of characters, appearances and personalities is hard

If you're a scrub
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I want to bum a Glacies!
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gazer tesomu twitter.jpg
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Happy new year everybody! Hope you all have a good 2017.
A wife commission finished just on time to celebrate.
Well, I can't really deny that, I guess. I've always struggled with characters, though. Dialogue is easy compared to characters for me.

That doesn't sound very nICE.
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>and coming up with a ton of characters, appearances and personalities is hard, man
Just don't complicate things by making too many characters.
Slutty gazer is too lewd.
Thicc multi-monoeye
Nothing slutty going on anon.
What's buming someone mean?
>"Hey, hey anon~ I'm so wet right now~ Let's fuck anon~!"
>Not right now, I'm in the middle of something.
>"Eh? Really? You'd rather fiddle around with that little piece of plastic instead of fucking me until you pass out? You sure you're not an alp in the making?"
>I just sat down to play this, I'm not gonna stop now.
>"Yeah, yeah. What's that thing called anyway? Final Fantasy 7? How good can that be?"
Hours pass
>Okay, I think it's time I went to be-
>"No! Keep playing! I need to know what happens next!"
>It's 11 at night, don't you thin-
I'm really into monstergirls getting into our media.
I think the more violent stuff would make them sad
Monstergirls would be even more slutty than human girls.
Not all monster girls are fucking fragile ninnies.
I would normally be following that already, but it's a school setting. I think I've dug my own grave with this one, so I might as well just keep on digging to the other side, huh? It's still really enjoyable, even if it's hard.
I think what would get her would be Aeris' death.
>"N-no way. That didn't just happen did it? That can't have just happened, did it?"
>I'm sorry, it just did.
>"A-anon. I want that long haired fuck to die."
Succubi are scary when they're angry!
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something's getting eaten.jpg
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>mge zombies watching our zombie movies
>they get really spooked and cry when a guy gets cornered and eaten
Women who only know how to love are going to have a hard time adjusting to the fact that we not only kill each other over the most minor of slights, but we also reenact those large scale acts of murder as a form of entertainment.
What seems to be the problem officer?
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>I'm really into monstergirls getting into our media.
>MG realizes you're a writefag and reads a bit out of curiosity
>Next thing you know every single day she asks you to keep writing, even if you're tired or have no idea how to continue
>Even when you're trying to sleep
>Especially when you're trying to sleep
The sabbath wouldn't have any problems.
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Isn't that the point?
Maybe you should try watching something more adult than a Disney movie.
>Gremlins watch the original Transformers movie
You're on 4chan. I'm in this shithole only for this thread.
>it's another 'treating grown women like children' episode
Aw man I fucking love it when studios do this. Are we getting another headpat OVA too?
And that's how you got a bunch of Gremlins imitating the Junkions revving around your house with scrapped together bikes.
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I see that the mods are on-point in deleting off-topic posts unilaterally, so I'll delete my own and ask you glorious faggots to post Drunk Onis in celebration of the New Current Year.
Tfw Your waifu looks and sounds like Eric Idle in drag....
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I want to spend this cold winter night in the full body embrace of my snek wife.
Nah brah, I have this idea. Let's take everything great about monstergirls and subvert it until it's exactly like what we're trying to get away from.

Oh God, could they even handle watching Day of the Dead? Most of the modern zombie flicks ain't got shit on it when it comes to deaths.

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Things MGs would do part 1.jpg
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>Sluttier than even human girls

One shudders to imagine what indecent thoughts lie behind those heart pupils...

What dreams of chronic and sustained depravity?
I wonder how my waifu would feel being a character in one of my stories, especially since her personality is super overblown
i couldn't
i bet their favourite zombie flick would be Warm Bodies
Whatever you say, Pepe.
I agree with what you're saying. On the other hand, it's pretty much guaranteed that it will end up that way. MGs are too pure for our species.
>Playing monster hunter
>Give Dragon waifu and her Wyvern friend a smug ass grin everytime I do a frame perfect dodge roll
I'm more imagining their reactions to a planet-eating planet that transforms. That, and the casual murder of a whole planet.
I think their reactions to that would be somewhere in the ballpark of "Holy shit that's fucking awesome" followed by "that doesn't actually exist does it?"
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>tfw no hellhound gf in 2017
At least my good friend Jack Daniels is here to keep me company. And he brought his cousin Jim Beam and his pet Wild Turkey.
Oh god I need help.
Well no monster girls are busting down my door.

Guess I'll chalk up 2017 as a bad year.
>dragon waifu lunges at you and starts pounding your pelvis, yelling "What happened to those perfect dodge rolls, Anon?!"
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>Wild Turkey

That and Evan Williams are my own good friends, Anon. Just keep drinking until you wake up in her arms.
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Maybe we can meme monstergirls into reality this year. Also, Happy New Years from Midwest US.
>instant boner from this sentence

I've got Wild Turkey and Laphroaig. Eventually my waifu will join me right?
Its 2017, and like i said, our waifus will never be real.

Well time to commit suicide.
Suicide is for cowards anon. Don't be a fucking coward.
Calm the fuck down. We still have two hours to go on the best coast USA.
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>California and Cascadia
>the states that would start drooling at the prospect of being able to watch an Order Paladin pound their waifus
If that's what makes them happy, more power to them.
Again, go back to /tg/ to post that shit.
Calm down nigger you can't go around getting triggered at every picture.
I remember some cg of a guy being milked with an onahole with a condom or some other container at the end that the girls drank out of with straws.
my dick, dude. my dick.
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>be living with a kiki for a few months now
>she's very professional and having her around deters the more aggressive girls
>it's odd, though. you heard that kikis only served men they liked, but she hasn't shown any interest in you
>one night, after she tucks you in (you still can't get used to that, but she insists), you remember that you wanted to ask her to buy you more underwear when she goes shopping tomorrow
>seems she misplaced some of yours last time she did the laundry
>you get up, go over to her room and stick your head in the door just to tell her, but freeze at the sight before you
>she's sitting at her computer, which has several pictures of you on the screen, with a pair of your underwear on her head pulled down over her nose
>she's giggling maniacally between deep breaths while mumbling "Master's smell. His thick, manly, musky smell."
>...maybe you should just buy the underwear yourself
He's right though. Stop you fag.
sounds like grounds for termination
Sounds like grounds for impregnation on her ovulation day.
Provided Kikis or any other MGE girl even needs to have ovulation days.
Wasn't that the one by butcha u with a fucking paragraph as its title.
Find the kikis calender and look for the days she marks with hearts.

Poor man, he needs a real monster, one who will actually rape him.
The new(ish) chapter of All's Fair has to be my favorite so far. Very well done.
I want to believe.
Just remember: You can't spell 'believe' without 'lie'.

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You also can't spell slaughter without laughter. The time to rise up is almost upon us.
I'm honestly more disappointed that it's taking this long for Gay Year's Eve 2016 to get uploaded to Youtube.
How much cash DO you have gazernon?

Seriously, you must be loaded.
>Gay Year's Eve

You're a vile person for doing this.
stop playing with my heart
What the fuck is he doing aside from typing like a total faggot?
>Watch the New Years count down with my family
>Come up stairs
>Still no monster waifu
I feel deceived.
Pretending that he's a monstergirl.
Oh jesus fuck.
It's 2017 anon. Surprised you're so slow.
I'm glad 2017 didn't happen. I'm at friends right now, getting raped by an Amazon would make things awkward.
2017 doesn't need to derail into RP bullshit.
>inb4 Posting Standards excuse
That anon wasn't RP'ing. Can't you even tell?
>getting raped by an Amazon would make things awkward.

If it makes a difference, you're friend would be getting raped too. It's just a little brorape, bro
which monmusu would best play the part of a mafia don?
Tanuki, Vampire or Dragon.
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>No Gandharva to send you a bad selfie because she has trouble handling her phone with her claws

Monster girls who try to do human things are cute
>Monstergirl sends you a bad selfie
>It's still A+ fap fuel
I'd be on board.
>tfw your Wurm waifu breaks three tvs before she realizes she can't grab the food from the television
Mr. Wonka, paging Mr. Wonka.
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I want to bully a Gazer!
>start picking on the new Gazer in class
>you're a good two heads taller than her so it's easy to do stuff like play keep away with her books and intimidate her into buying lunch for you
>today, you're about to push her into a broom closet when she tries to stand up for herself
>"That's it, Anon. Let's see how domineering you are when you're lovesick for monoeyes. Gazer Vision!"
>her eye glows with hypnotic energy for a few moments, then fades
>you blink a couple times and then go back to forcing her into the closet
>"W-Wait a sec. Why didn't it work? You're supposed to be in love with Gazers."
>you lean down to her ear and whisper "I already do."
>you step inside the closet and close the door behind both of you
has KC ever confirmed if will o wisp was a reference to tomoko?
>Several hours later you walk out of the closet as she hovers around in a daze.
>All of her eyes are heartpupiling.
I'd give up hentais entirely if a monster girl was sending me selfies and nudes

Can you imagine one of the higher species sending you an awkward picture of her? I'd cum just from seeing it

This is why Wurms should have their own protected habitat, they'd cause way too much damage in a regular house
HQ scans of the redrawn MGE girls when?
>Can you imagine one of the higher species sending you an awkward picture of her?
I would just text her back a "lol" to mess with her
I banepost in alot of my stories.
>dragon girl sends you a picture of herself
>doesn't realize you can see her reverse scale in it
>get a message a few minutes later saying "delete that pic now!"
Happy New Year, /mgt/

I hope I'll be able to post enough shitty stories to keep people from thinking I died again.
I haven't noticed any in Ghoulmas thus far.
Make that shit as subtle as you can for its next update.
Now that's just mean, the poor girl is going to take it literally and that will destroy her self-confidence

Good. Time to blackmail her into dating you
Seriously Peny, I haven't seen a single Masketta Man reference yet
Ah, I don't think I did it in Ghoulmas. There was in Siren though.
I want to poke the valedictorian Ryu's reverse scale at school and how long she holds up.
I'm not much of a dragonfag. What's a reverse scale?
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Normally Ryu's are all dignified and proper, but they have one scale that grows in revers on their rump. If you touch it, they go into a near-unstoppable three day-long rape frenzy. It's their ultimate rain dance.
I had no idea this was a thing.
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Finally my turn, Happy new years /mgt/

I colored a picture of Miia to celebrate. I hope you all have a good year, even if the MGE portal doesn't open up
>No Lamia girlfriend for full body cuddles.
>I'll never see her blissful face due to my warmth and the warmth of the blankets.
It's been a couple hours and no Kobold waifu yet. Still plenty of hours to go in 2017 though, it could still happen at any time!
Stay the course, m8. I've been waiting on my Snek gf for almoswt 4 and a half hours now. I'm presently 17 beers in, and i hope that when I wake up I'll be wrapped in Lamia.
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Spoilered because it came from the other guys.
Is it wrong to want to do domestic cute shit with your waifu more than sexual shit?
Not at all anon, that's just as nice! If you did sexual stuff all the time then it would get boring.
I kind of want a smug genki Cheshire to pin me down and kiss me all over without ever escalating to sex.
That sounds super comfy anon!
>the tiki head starts playing a recording of one of the wife's loud, sustained orgasms as a dog gate leading up the stairs slides open

Official First Kek of 2017, holy fuck, thanks Anon
It gets even comfier when her Hellhound sister joins in.
It ends in nuzzling and cuddles.
Oh my, that must be quite overwhelming.
We need to find the Anons that keep knocking up all these echidnas and thank them.
Now that you mention it, I hear a lot of people talk about having lots of sisters from an Echidna mother, but nobody seems to desire the Echidnas themselves. Either that or those that do keep a silent duty.
>but nobody seems to desire the Echidnas themselves
Says you faggot.
Nobody talks about them except when talking about the children.
You'd think they'd stop after seeing how flustered it gets me, but it only makes them do it more!
Saved. Miia is such a qt.
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I got distracted by things... but happy new year! I hope everyone finds happiness this year.
It's only natural to want to come home from work to your waifu welcoming you back with a kiss and telling you that she made your favorite for dinner tonight. No, it's not just her naked on the table, it's BBQ ribs with green beans and a baked potato.
>not wanting her, in the bath, for dinner
Love me some ribs, though.
I do on occasion. When I'm talking snek it's always either medusa or MILF snake.
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A-are you sure? there are dozens of young ladies that could wrap themselves around you and drive you wild right now...
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Happy new year! Crack the champagne... wait, this isn't...
Yes, but how many could momdom me that well? How many would take that much pleasure from being cummed inside? How many, I ask you. Impregnation is a hell of a fetish.
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>implying a beer elemental isn't a top-tier waifu
not him, but Vamp Mosquito sounds like your kind of girl.
I agree! Sometimes when my Dark Slime waifu needs to be bullied, I pour liquor into her until she's a belligerent airhead.
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I'm not a fan of buzzing or that kind of marking, but otherwise she's not bad.
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>literally what I'm drinking right now

Waifu 4 Laifu
Thats her day job. When she's off, her core goes back to normal.
>fall in love with a Beer Slime
>turns out she just does it for the paycheck and doesn't really drink at all

Mosquito a shit. A SHIT
>drunk party girl at work
>stone sober kuudere at home
She sounds like a keeper.
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Good night guys, maybe one day our waifus will come.
Makes me realize that we need more monster girls cosplaying as pharaoh and Pharaoh cosplaying as other monsters.
I want to see Ice Queen dressed as Pharaoh and vice versa.
Let's hope that we can celebrate the next new year's eve with our waifus

I slept through this one and dreamed of my waifu so there is that

Agreed, the graped Pharaoh looks great, we need one dressed like a Wight
This >>16347895 too
I want to fucking die. I knew 2017 wouldn't happen but I'm still disappointed. I didn't really know I had any hope left to lose. There was literally only couples at the new years party I went to. I literally just sat in a corner with some fucking cake and watched everyone kiss. Fuck it hurts guys, it hurts so bad. Why can't she be real?
One, there's still an entire 2017 ahead of you.
Two, good lord anon how's it feel to have become a living meme?
>Why can't she be real?

You didn't believe enough. You only have yourself to blame.
it hurts.
Obviously not in this dimension/plane.
Daily reminder that our fantasies are none of your business you nofun douche.
Define exist
Mine does faggot. I have her here now.
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It was awful idea in the first place. If they came to our world they would become 3DPD, get massacred or start a new war
The only real choice is to meet your waifu in her world.
You know what it takes
Do it.
dubs demand it
Remember to always reward your maids with kisses on the cheek!
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>you will never be an MG's blood bank
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I recall the same, but they are a hybrid in the end.
But. Why become a maid?
Why not? It's an easy way to get close to those they care for and it fits with their mythological background.
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They in particular are attracted to those work very hard, or have the talent/ambition to become something great. They however also can fall for the true slobs and failures and seek to turn them into succes and daughterus.

So the average person probably won't have a Kikimora fall for him, but somoene who has great ambition to perform or simply works very hard will have Kiki's falling for him in droves. Meanwhile Kiki's see those failing at life as a project of some kind.
Just looked up what a mythological Kikimora looks like. I'm glad MGE makes everything beautiful.
>So the average person probably won't have a Kikimora fall for him, but somoene who has great ambition to perform or simply works very hard

Well shit.
You should never put any part of your body that is engorged with blood anywhere near a vampire's mouth.
It's okay, Kikis can't ignore lazy people who need a good kick up the ass either.

Just expect your Kiki to be a bit more forceful and rapey than the usual ones until you start being more proactive.
Of course you should. The idea of her gorging on my blood and sucking me dry is exciting.
>Just expect your Kiki to be a bit more forceful and rapey

I ain't complaining.
>will have Kiki's falling for him in droves.

Even in 2D land. Alphas get more Kikis than Kiki-fags.
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Happy 2017! Hopefully this year will be just as good as last year. Here is to another year of Monster Girls and Monster Girl content! I slept with a Jabberwock picture on my computer full screened to help out in summoning her but nothing has happened yet.

Just give it a little more time and you'll have your wock waifu. For sure.
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We know the profile pictures only represent an individual of the species yet we still refer to them as their species name, they must have actual names right?

What is your favorite species representative's name?

Otohime's is Shigeko
>tfw no maid with a predatory grin who tells me that I need to get to bed early
It's hard but I would go Succubi
Someone being a hard worker or ambitious does not relate in any way to being alpha though.

You might be an extremely passionate plumber and you would be attractive to a Kikimora. It's the average person that does a simple 9/5 job, goes home and watches tv for two hours before going to bed that Kiki's don't care about.

If you have a hobby you are interrested in or have a lifegoal you want to work towards to you can already attract a Kikimora's attention. Remember, Kiki's have the ability to recognize people who can reach for the stars given the right push.

What i'm trying to say is: That hobby you've been interrested in trying? I suggest you give it another shot. Whether its drawing, electronics or laying floor tiles isnt relevant.
>It's the average person that does a simple 9/5 job, goes home and watches tv for two hours before going to bed that Kiki's don't care about.

This isn't helping

>What i'm trying to say is: That hobby you've been interrested in trying? I suggest you give it another shot. Whether its drawing, electronics or laying floor tiles isnt relevant.

I don't have a hobby
This year I hope to learn to draw a bit on top of promising to focus on only writing three, that's right, THREE stories.
Of course individuals have names, anon.
Ins't the Dragon queen named Bahamut or something? Anyway, there are a lot of names for dragon out there but I like that one just fine.
Another reason Kikimora's are inferior to Shoggoths.
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Started the year by hitting the gym. Let's see some rewards for that, eh? Where's my personal trainer beast?
>they must have actual names right?
Of course why wouldn't they have one?
We have the former human heroes and the dragons from Dragonia for example anon.
Exactly what I needed for my hangover. Kek/5.
Well time to pick up a hobby. Go grab a piece of paper and a pencil and spend 30 minutes a day learning to draw.

Alternatively start living as a complete slob. That can work too.
>always loves you
>can tend to your every need
>well never leave you

Unlike a Kiki that would leave you if she thinks your a pathetic loser like said here >>16348117 but is this in the profile? Is it canon?
Bahamut was teased as a future species

Ok, they have names but what are they?
>but what are they?
I wouldn't know, I don't have access to their census records.
I'll do it for her.
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Happy new years! Here's to another 360 some odd days of goodness, dude!
I wonder who will have the honor of putting out the first story of the year?
Hopefully Alp.
You can't rush art.
Getting the shit out of the way?
478 words done
>Be taking a walk on January first
>Waiting for the green light at a cross walk
>An Ushi-Oni walks next to me
>She's talking on the phone
"So, Sara what are your new year's resolutions? Mine is to rape a boy everyday until I find one that likes me."
>She turns to me and licks her lips

Be wary of monster girls and their crazy resolution
I don't think there was anyone on the other end of that phone. In fact, I don't think she even has a phone in her hand. She's just trying to build courage. Be nice to her.
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heheh, hickok45 here

i see we found ourselves an ooshi-ony, lets try and reach out and touch the gong huh
PHATTY FOXES!>>16348288
That's why you keep Ushi-Ono repellant on at all times.

Personally I'd like to have my purity stripped from me by a Manticore.
I shall

>Once upon a time there was a lovely little Kiki named Patty
>And she lived happily ever after
>The End
With who?
I already love it
>no substance
>she lived happily ever after
Is Patty a pilot?
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>tfw woke up and didn't have to accept the love of hoof pussy invasion

Hopefully this year will end up even better than the last one.

Season one of 2016 was pretty shit but that fucking 2nd season really brought the memes to bear.
You need a little mystery in your stories Anon.
She was a strong independent maid. She didn't need a man.
Away! Away plague ridden rat!
Please do not bully the Ratgirls.
We need a new years' lilim.
Do Lilims celebrate New Years' by creating a new pocket dimension and blowing up the old one in a glorious mess of metaphysical debris and confused inter-dimensional Wurms?
The more festive ones do while some just sits on their rooms being sad that they weren't able to make 2017 happen.
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Don't we all wanna wake up to this?
>waking up to sweaty crevices
I'd start licking without opening my eyes.
Thats lewd! Don't lick Jabberwock sweat
Do not bully Clan Pestilens, they know not what they do.
The only reptile I want to wake up to is a Lamia
It probably tastes really good.
All those wock pheromones, man.
Stop it! Think of how a sweaty wock would react if you started licking her sweat!
Realistically how long would it take for maids to realise they don't need a mastah to live? Would there need to be a mass flayer reset on their brains or leave them be?
Frameworking something far too /tg/ or /d/ to be posted here since it Involves an Ara Ara~ daughter fond of gardening of a certain Chaos God who, through no fault of her own, decides to devise plagues for the Demon Lord which are sadistically aphrodisiac in nature.
Gently hugged and pressed up against a Wocks soft chest? Yes. Yes we all do.
I would ask her first of course. Though I would be very interested in tasting her since not only she is a strong dragon but she is also from wonderland.
I would smell and taste my waifu, even if she would be embarrassed of her sweaty body.

Especially if she is embarrassed of her sweaty body
>You will never hunt soda bottles with hickok45
I will continue to lick the thicc.
I'll warn you anon. Legends say once you've got a taste, you're addicted.
Does she taste sweet or salty?

It's a healthy addiction just like being addicted to monster pussy
Waifu licking my sweaty abs!
>not accepting the love of horsepussy invasion
It's like you don't want to throat sing from the back of your waifu while sniping Cait Siths to death.

>Don't we all wanna wake up to this?
No. The sizes and position should be the other way around, with a bottom-heavy loli jabberwock instead.
If, Heaven forbid, a Japanese truck ran over your daughter, would you take her to the Pet Sematary to make an undead out of her?

No. Never. Stop.
Are large rats different from large mouses?
You need help.
Have you ever seen a Giant Rat inside the house? No. That's because it's a Giant Mouse on the inside, fool.
Or just reading Stephen King.
She specifically told me that she doesn't want to be buried in a pet semetary; she doesn't want to live her life again.
Or I'm just reading Stephen King*
I hope a japanese truck hits your waifu while she has japanese cold.
Why is it that people like Undead girls but seem to have a problem with where they come from?
Depends, how do you feel about rats the size of Ogres? They're awfully unusual in size, to be honest.
Well what are their personalities like?
Rodents of unusual size?
Exceptionally conniving and backstab happy. Obsessive-dominant of an inordinate degree against the husband of the warren.

Will put Dormouse syrup in that poor coffeehouse girl's drink just so they can have their husband fuck her senseless after she's a mouse to induct her into the warren.
Not only I dislike undead girls, but daughteru death is a horrible thing that should never be mentioned.
If it's a Yeti pressing me against her snuggle lumps and rubbing my back, yes
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I'm back in time for the New Year with another Ryu detective story. You don't have to have read the first entry in the series, but I think you'll enjoy it if you do!

And the award for the first story of the year goes to ELH.
Why isn't the golden ryuu story on your pastebin you blue-balling corset wearing tart. Need it. Bad.
You might be right, who would possibly want to have a young wonderland dragon for a sleepover. A sleepover that's mostly spent with your hands gripping her hips.
Ryus are great.
>Ryu drinking whiskey
A hard-boiled Water Wurm?
Jabber wocks are for onee-san only. Not loli.
They truly are! They give us all this rain! And they're beautiful!
2017 is the year of the Rooster
Rooster monster girl?
Cockatrices are real now, but they are running away from us.
Chicken Chaser? Do you chase chickens?
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Aw, thanks. What part did you like? Because if it was the narration shift when Indrick got stabbed, that's a new thing I tried out.

I'd give a Ryu a pat in the back. They deserve it.
Look at this greedy faggot.
Fine. You can have your inferior loli wock. I'll stick with my thicc, slightly pudgy, tall, warm onee-san Jabberwock.
Wocks are shit
Your taste is shit.
I don't give three fucks who your waifu is, nerd.
Both fat and loli wocks are shit.
Average wock with nice and casual assets are the best.
You want to take this outside? You'll get a smack if you keep acting up.
My elf wife woke up with this expression on the first day of new years while leglocking me

did i do something wrong?
I agree anon. But adding thicc just gives it that extra bit of enjoyment.

Anyway, it matters what's on the inside!
Come on brothers, there's no need to fight. Loli, Pudgy, Young or Old, Tall or Short, or somewhere in the middle, we can all recognize that a Jabberwock is a creature of pure love meant to be loved and lewded.

Except this monster.
Yes. You tickled her cunny but didn't pound it.
She's one dick rub away from heart pupils. There is no turning back now. Impregnate the elf.
She's trying to do it the good way and let you realize what's happening. If she were a dark one you would have been blindfolded, tied up and ball gagged while sleeping, so be happy.
Don't call me a monster Satan, I'm just saying the truth.
Look at this fag! He probably likes human girls. What a nerd!
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Since Yeti paws are too big to masturbate with, they either need a daki pillow to leglock and rub their fluff tunnel against or a willing participant to be their daki for the evening
That's correct >>16344245
>TFW the elemntal girls are criminally underrated and will never get stories

Reverse psychology never works.
Techicaly Beast did that one with a undine in it.
>Part of the whole fetish is being forced to copulate with something you dislike or find strange.

This guy gets it. Weird boners are best boners.
Confirmed shit taste
But that image is ugly, it looks like someone tried to trace a 3dpd hag and half anime-fy it.
Get your eyes checked
>he thinks he can escape a pack of lamias
>he doesn't know Lamias have pit vision
>he doesn't know that they're going to seek him out with the smell of his virginity and the heat of his dick
>he thinks he won't inevitably get Snek'd
Magic chastity belt, my dude. They can assault me, but they can't take it all from me. I need to make it to the Mist Continent for chuffs and cuddles
True, but the undine wasn't the focus, a deeper look into her powers or how her and Alex met would have been better.

Speaking of the talk show. I hope we see more of that Coffee hating anubis,
You can't deny it looks closer to 3dpd than it does anime. Even that ugly /co/ shit that gets posted here from time to time looks further from 3d than that does.
I can escape lamias just like that one lizard escaped the dangerous snakes.
>he thinks magic chastity belts are real

Silly anon. That Tanuki scammed you.
I'll just have to believe that it works. I'll believe if the belt that believes in me. I solemnly swear that I won't be getting husbando'd until I find a big muscular jinko that holds me tight with her powerful arms
I honestly don't see where the problem. It looks way better than the /co/ shit poste and doesn't look 3D to me, just detailed.

The artist is also japanese in case you want to say is western art.
He's just pretending. Don't give him another response.
Keep telling yourself that while you get swarmed by lamias and made part of the snake pit.
You ever tried constricting an oiled-up manslut before? They don't call him greased lightning for nothing.
Anon will beat the lamia pit for his jinko waifu.
>doesn't look 3D to me, just detailed
Blatantly obvious the artist prefers the "real woman" look to anime girls. I mean just look at the huge nose, facial proportions and shading.

Doesn't help that he has shit taste and draws gangbang/tentacle stuff either.
>any opinion I don't like doesn't exist
Stop acting like an ostrich.
The fuck are you doing
fuck off shoggocks
Alright. I can see you're not pretending now, you're just legitimately retarded. Happy?
Not even /d/ has this shit for a reason, stop.
There's a reason it got deleted.
How big is the wonderland?
We don't even know how big is the MGE world as a whole
Exploring that world must be fun as fuck. I want my spade explorer and guide for wonderland.
>Willingly going to wonderland
He's mad.
I would explore everything. If the scholar can do it then so can I.
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The scholar's probably married or something.

But yeah, if you're married to a monstergirl it would be pretty fun to explore the world with her.
It was actually going to be strictly platonic petplay.
>Anon screaming for help in a lamia pit
>Passing jinko hears his cries and investigates
>Sees lamia coiling around anon, who looks a combination of sad and determined
>Normally jinko wouldn't interfere, but something about him...
>"It's not going to end like this!"
>Anon continues to struggle, but is already exhausted from the chase
>Until anon sees the jinko looking at them
>With guile and strength, anon rubs the sensitive lamia ears, which causes her to blush and let up her grip slightly, just enough for anon to squeeze out
>With his last bit of energy, he bolts for the jinko, but the lamia has recovered and trips him with her tail, sending to land at the jinko's feet
>Please help, he says, not even able to pick his head up
>The jinko makes a decision she'll think about for the rest of her life
>The lamia is closing in
>The jinko bares her fangs presents the claws on her huge paws, her ears flatten on top of her head and she sends up a terrible roar
>The lamia quickly realizes that the cost-benefit analysis of raping anon has changed dramatically and slinks away
>After a minute of standing guard over anon, he lifts his head slightly and says thank you
>I knew you would help
>She picks him up and sets him on his feet, and he falls to his knees, still too exhausted to walk
>She thinks to herself, not every man can escape a lamia's grip like that
>She picks him up and carries him back to her home and he falls fast asleep in her arms
Would make fags think it's welcomed here, and before you realise we have porn about it evert thread.

Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile. It's better this way.
Parking lot in 10 minutes, sucker.
Which is why I deleted it in good conscience, realizing that it'd happen.
Indeed, and my waifu would love it too since she can collect a bunch of treasure and souvenirs. We could even show them to our daughteru once we settle down.
Fuck that sounds nice and conmfy.
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How bountiful was your drinking last night?
>Not wearing a heat-isolating suit
>Not acquiring a Lich formula reverse-engineered by humans that can make you fast and strong as shit
>Not being 2fast 2B husbando'd so you can save yourself for the monstergirl you like
At least you understand, and I'm sure people are grateful for it.
>Ruining your liver
I drank some Torres 10 Spanish Brandy, some Ranger Creek .36 caliber Texas Straight Bourbon, and a very special New year's Beer, called Hole Lang Syne, from a nearby brewery called Rabbit Hole. All of their beers have names and packaging design related to Alice in Wonderland, like Rapture Ale, 10/6 English Pale Ale, etc
I don't drink
>The scholar's probably married or something
He is not married since his profile says that he takes considerable personable risk from both the order and the MGs and that the only reason he has not been kidnapped or raped, is because of his Leanan Sidhe friend.

Though I guess that Leanan Sidhe would probably his wife in the future.
I thought the fairy was already his wife
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>ProtoKikimora Milkmaid never
Just do what I'm doing when you want something to be made.

Write it down.
Yes indeed. She is his really close friend.
Actually not much drinking compared to a lot of people.
>1 pina colada
>1 double of rum
>1 champagne as the clock hit 12
>a few beers
As shameful as it is, that got me considerably tipsy. A Hakutaku wouldn't take advantage of my low tolerance right?
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>because of his Leanan Sidhe friend
I drank just a can. I mostly drink on social events with friends, but if there are any other options then I go for it.
Well my Kikimora waifu has a nice bust.
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Leanan Sidhe are pure and good friends!
I am a man of many fetishes, Anon. But bestiality, NTR, scat, and futa are pretty much 'not even a human fucking being' tier of shit taste. That and knowing my luck, people would start thinking either full-fledged bestiality was okay or that the Siths were perfectly fine even though they're 100% furbait tier.

Happy New Year, you filthy animal. Now strip naked and dance the dance of your waifu's people.
That's just an artsy Succubus that KC drew eons ago.
If I had a son I would be really happy if he married a kiki.
But they're lewd and respect lewd men, they're perfect for it.
Flat wocks should be gently maledommed and practice breeded late into the night, until they show their true heart-pupiled cock worshipper nature.
happy new years!
drinking with my ryu and all the shrine's servants!
I want to like kikis but I'm not into the master-servant relationship
You can just befriend one.
Would you an Elven Assassin?
Does she like the smell of leather?
Look at that dragon fucking about in the water with not a care in the world. Life sure is easy when you're a fuckin' god, ain't it? Why should you get a job, right? Just build a shrine and sit in there all day being worshipped and given money by believers.

Sure, I would completely destroy her ears.
Would I what? Be assassinated by one? For what? I didn't even do anything.
I want to save a ryu from bankrupcy and homelessness and give her a job as a maid!
Maid Ryu are cute and exotic!
I'd let her assassinate my dick with those tits of hers.
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>New art of a Spade Trumpart
>She's shown as a loli with an axe
A big axe for a little girl.
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bully with my benis
Well hullo!
She's going to ASSassinate you.
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Is there such thing as a pure or motherly dark elf?
For a given value of pure.
Well, I'm pretty sure that doesn't absolve home invasion.
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>a girl that small and cute is a deviant that puts /d/ to shame
>Now strip naked and dance the dance of your waifu's people
You want me to do a belly dance?
Spades aren't the deviant types.
Really? She looks too short for being a Succubus.
She looks more like an Imp or somethig. Though Fairies are succubi as well so I wouldn't be surprised if that's still one.
Goodness she looks lovely.

And lonely.
Fairies are fairies. If you go that way all monstergirls are succubi.
She does have a spade-tail
You take that back.
>Be son of a wealthy magistrate
>He allowed the Kikimora you've known since you could remember to accompany you to the city, in your tiny little apartment
>He gave you some financial aid, to be sure, but he also wants you to make it on your own instead of relying on him for your life
>"Be careful of her, she's far more devious a woman than she appears."
>You took his words to heart, until one day after coming home from the local moneylender with whom you're apprenticing at
"Welcome home, Master."
>She's standing there in the doorway, her face completely impassive, tail swishing behind her gently
>Her bust is completely exposed, her corset keeping her overly plump breasts in place, topped with small pink nipples
>Ask her if she's trying to seduce you
"It would be improper for me to do such an immoral thing, Master. Rather, I believe that a form of relief is in order."
>Laugh to yourself, hanging your hat and scarf on the rack and moving past her, freezing in your tracks at her next words
"Your mother never breastfed you, Master. Did she. I believe I should elucidate for you, sir."
>Turn to face her again, she's still calm and standing there, her arms framing her breasts
"I apologize for the curtness, Master. But the Missus never breastfed you, nor your younger sister."
>There's a small dribble of milk coming from her left nipple now, the faintest of a flush in her face
"Rather, I was chosen to suckle both yourself and the little miss, Master. But, as we are now alone..."
>She looks down and away, something out of character for her
"I offer myself to you, no longer allowing myself to be taken away from you, Sir."
>Wake up on the floor of the apartment, yours and her clothes spread all over the place haphazardly
>She's nestled in your arms, laying at your side, her areolae showing faint teeth marks on them
>You can vaguely remember flashes of what happened to put you in this predicament
>Tearing at her dress, throwing her onto the wall... playfully nipping at her breasts to draw her mother's milk
>Then you threw her onto her knees and...
>Your adam's apple bobs, there's a small trickle of blood on your flaccid penis
>Realization dawns when you shift to see her vulva lips, engorged and pink from her hymen having teared
"Don't blame yourself, Master."
>She's drowsily looking at you, rubbing her eyes as she rises to her elbow
"It was my covetous sin that led to this road. Surely you must hate me."
>Hold her head to your chest, letting her hear the soft pump-a-rum of your heart
>Her feathered tail starts making swishing noises as her ears twitch, held in your embrace on that hard wooden floor
>The soft sound of suppressed happy sobs as she realized you accepted her long-buried and hidden love
Spades are genki fighters. Diamons are the dangerous one.
What if I don't, huh?

What is she gonna do? Summon a drizzle?
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So she was his wetnurse once upon a time and fell in love with him? Hot.
A bit over half a liter of irish cream liqueur. Considered finishing it, but I wanted to save the rest for later this week.
Actually, I believe it is we who do not exist.
Is CC cake effect temporary, permanent, or instant?
Where is that image from?
Shell give you a telling off and put you in the naughty corner of the temple. Everyone else gets to worship apart from you. It's your loss.
I don't think instant disqualifies either of the other two.
>put you in the naughty corner of the temple
This is bullshit. You can't ground a non-believer!

I want my lawyer.
That's open to interpretation.
>tfw you don't exist but you think you do
Everything makes sense right now
Why aren't you with your waifu, Anon. Stop not existing.
But if we kill ourselves, we'll stop existing²
She can ground whoever she damn pleases! She is a god and you are in HER temple speaking slander of her, distributing worship.
[Mouse clicking intensifies]
Sure, not like I've got anything better to do.
Oh boy my favorite time of day.
Fine. I'll slander her from somewhere else. That lazy NEET dragon can keep her believers.
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you should probably read that text more carefully
I assume the male sign in this context means she's an elf alp.
Go away
What time is that? Tea time?
It does say female, why would words lie?
>Says female
>Shows male symbol
I'm a little suspicious. I hope that's a mistake.
Assuming it is, then I would definitely say yes.
>It does say female,
you know what fine, go for it
>American education
No because of the male sign.
Fuck off shoggocks
>Posting monsterboys
You can fuck off now.
No. But I would with Pucelle.
Keep your hands off of Alpie's daughter until you've asked his permission.
He already said it was fine.
>this much bait-biting
How long until school starts again?
How did that go? Did you have to complete three daunting tasks?
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He said he didn't even know who Pucelle was

Good quality anime semen demons are hard to come by. I must know who this is/what anime its from. Help me anons! You're my only hope!
oh man thats one hot ghost
He said that he didn't know her, so I took that as he saying that I could fuck her silly and impregnate the cutie.
Now I'm confused, why are people saying it's his kid if he didn't even know about her?
Because who else would have a dragon alp daughter?
There's an option to called google search. Try using it.
Faggots don't necessarily produce more faggots though.
Does it make me a faggot for wanting to pound Pucelle from behind while pulling her tail and spanking that drag-alp butt? If so I guess I must be a faggot.
in mge they do
Wait so it was a guy elf?
I've repeatedly seen this technique referenced but never explained as the only google search I know relies on knowing a name to search with. I inspected the image in every way I know how but there is nothing I can see to search with, no name, only the number which leads to the image itself.
Its from JoJo
How new are you? Not to this thread, but to 4chan itself.
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That was probably a joke on the two pictures on the right looking unfinished but that still hit me in the feels

100% biologically female when transformed, go nuts
? ? ?
so what happens if it transforms in the middle of sex?
explodes into red paste?
Not new so much as naive and rarely ever tried to search for images. Never realized that google image search had those other options or that it was so easy (given how often other people ask for sources).
It's Enigma, a character from Musaigen no Phantom world.
Same rules as with Ranma
I don't think about that and neither should you
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"I don't think about these things, and neither should you" -Rumiko Takahashi
Go to the post with the image, click the arrow next to the post number, profit.
Then there's this fag.
Better tell him rather than letting him asking him all the time and about how google search work
Figured it out a bit before, again never thought it could be so simple and thus never tried, but thanks regardless.

A bit disappointed though in what I found out about her, she's just a temporary antagonist it seems. Be nice to have more seductive, mature females in anime that actually get to have some romance.
>100% biologically female when transformed, go nuts
I'd go nuts anyway with a body like that. Just look at her >>16349356
Rooster girl when? Yes roosters are usually male but it wouldn't be the first time KC's taken something 100% male and made a cute girl out of it.
We already have cockatrices.
I want to ruin the chubby red dragon's resolution to get fit!
Take this cosplay tier rooster.
Different things. It's like comparing a werewolf to a kobold.
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Cock goes in cock.
Would she lose her memory after three humps?
I couldn't agree more. She is for bully and she may forget anything you do to her.
She loses her short term memory after three orgasms.
She's basically like an Alice in that respect. Molest her, rape her senseless and do all kinds of depraved things.

Only downside is that she'll retain the feeling of resentment but not know why.
That, and wonder why cum is dripping down through her uniform.
No specific part, but the narration shift worked really well. It was just a powerful chapter.
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She would forget about her night with you though.
wasnt that a movie with adam sandler?
>but it wouldn't be the first time KC's taken something 100% male and made a cute girl out of it.
No, that's called Alps
50 First Dates, yes.
You're welcome.
And yes we need more of them
>50 First rapes
I'm on the fence if this is harem protagonist dense anon or reverse trolling anon.
>and or

Onis and Tengu were entirely male until the demonlord took over.
>Main girl of the movie is an Ushi-Oni
>No dragon wife who takes on the male role in the relationship
>no dragon to dominate you in bed then give you no cuddles after
man that would really suck for their husbands if someone slayed the demonlord and they all turned back to normal.
>no cuddles after
Everything else sounds good but that's a deal breaker honestly
>Demon Lord gets slain
>Anons freak out worldwide thinking they're going to wake up to big bara daddy Oni with dicks as thick as phone poles in their bed with them
>Everything stays the same
>Druella or one of her sisters ascended the throne and maintained the status quo
>It was the Queen of Hearts
>Everything is now Wonderland
>no cuddles after

That goes against every rule in the S&M book Anon.
>>No dragon wife who takes on the male role in the relationship
Alright now you're just being a faggot.
Ok scrap that. I'm just a slut for being used.
It would suck not only for them, but for everyone because all the MGs would turn back into a monster and eat/kill their husbands and other humans again.

I think Lilims are stong enough to stop this though.
>>Everything is now Wonderland
Everything would have to die then.
And you're looking for replies
>Everything is now Wonderland
I wonder what a Wonderland Oni would look like, or act like for that matter.
Don't reply to bait.
She'd be sober.
Full role reversal is retarded and deserves to be made fun of.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with having a wife be the dominant one in bed.
>Wife grows tentacles and gets more lusty
Eh, I'm fine with it.
would probably resemble the mad hatter,
monocle tophat, tea, the whole deal.
You're retarded and deserve to be made fun of.
>then give you no cuddles after
No. Those dragons can go suck a dick.

Well, that would actually make sense. The Queen of hearts is special, even for a Lilim, so she is probably the next in line. Gods help us all.
He's >>16349605 right.
Constantly acts crazy lewd and drunk, gets drunk on water.
Giving her regular alcohol would either make her super docile or else super innocent and against anything lewd, can't decide.
meant for>>16349586
I'd rather dick a chick than cock a cock
Stop having bad taste.
Stop having shit taste
Maybe I did go too far with then no cuddles. I guess a dragon has to make sure her little gem is still loved.
>Full role reversal is retarded and deserves to be made fun of.
Fuck off, that's the reason a lot of people get into monster girls to start with.
What would Wonderland Kobolds even be like?
Im tempted to make a joke about shitty deviantart oc's with rainbow fur and all that
So? It's still shit.

Wanting to be sexually dominated by a strong monster girl is completely fine, but when you want to be the woman in the relationship that's when you should be made fun of.
bigger and more disobidient
Stop biting.
>wanting to cook is wrong
>wanting to stay home and look after the daughteru is wrong
>finding a sense of satisfaction in finishing household chores to perfection is wrong
It entirely depends on the person.
Anon, anon. He doesn't understand. He'll never understand that kind of pleasure.
"Being the woman" does not applies to relationships with non human females, because that's just a human development created by biological and cultural circumstances irl.
Why are you wasting your time complaining about faggots and their shit fetishes? It's not like they're gonna stop.

Just judge them silently, like I do.
Says the fag.
>very aggressive yeti
If you want a (You), you can just ask for one.
Gender roles exist for a reason.

But it's not even a shit fetish, it's just too far into the extreme.
No more than you do.
What are you talking about? It's a sweet deal.
>Everyone treats you better for being the protected sex.
>The girls come to you and you can chose who you want
>You can make money of being a slut, either by selling videos online or on the streets.
It's a big one.
>He'll never understand that kind of pleasure.
he'll also never experience that kind of pleasure
none of us will
Have any monster girl dreams lately, anons?
I had a dream last night that an arachne raped me because I was bullying some non-monster jumping spiders on a bush. That kind of seems like rewarding bad behavior, but I'm not going to complain.
It's only natural that a monster girl protects her weak human husband so right off the bat the gender roles are kinda thrown off

As for things like house chores, working, taking care of the children, etc... It's up to what makes you as a couple the happiest

The only things you can't take away from traditional roles is that the man has to give to the woman, that's just our natural way of showing love
No anon, I shall take until Eros frees me from the monster girl curse.
I wish. I haven't had a MG dream in well over a year. They don't even want to visit me in my dreams. Feels bad.
>The only things you can't take away from traditional roles is that the man has to give to the woman
I never have monster girl dreams. I'm also living eternal pain.
I now want to see a mge well out "i'll hug your mom" in a threatening manner.
>weak human
>He doesn't lift
It's too lewd to say on a blue board.
I wanna see a protest about no more hugging with without consent in paranthesis on one of the signs.
If you mean the human being the dom in bed, you're pretty wrong.
Well. Let's be realistic. A Ushi-Oni comes up to you smacks your ass and tells you that you belong to her. Given the sheer strength of a Ushi-ONI, you wouldn't be able to do anything. Yes you can lift and get stronk but you'll never be as stronk as a ushi-oni. So this is where a strong waifu comes in to save you. She protect her fragile little husband. Be it a Jinko, Dragon or any other strong MG. When your waifu is a little on the weaker side, then you start pumping serious iron so you can protect HER.

So basically. Girls who protect you are great.
Of course. I'd never imply a silly thing like that.
>the monster girl curse.
Is that when you can't love anyone but a monster girl? If so then I'm cursed too

When you think of how you'd show love to a woman, don't you think about what you'd give her to make her happy?
We're going to need a bigger boat.
>There are people here who want to be the girl in the relationship
Jesus Christ what the fuck happened here.
Remember the birds and the bees anon?
>If so then I'm cursed too
Anon, I just want to live a quiet life.
How new are you
Sluts happened.
>Have strong waifu
>Also getting strong so I can protect her while she protects me
>We divide house chores

What the fuck is my relationship with my waifu?
So do I
Spending all day dreaming about life with a nice monster girl waifu is pretty quiet if you ask me
2/10 bait. Have a (you).
Nothing happened. It's literally always been like this. MGE is all about rape happy monsters, of course its going to attract the crowd who wants the girl taking the lead.
Sounds pretty good, if you ask me.
How the fuck is it bait

Am I being baited too?
Very strong.
Sure, but actually having one? How very troublesome.
Yes, stop biting.
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2017 going to be great....
If you post on anonymous image boards online, then I'm sorry son, you've already taken the bait.
If everybody is bait, no one is.
He barely got the rod in the water and they're already hooked
>Yeti aggressively yells that she is going to hug your mom
>"No! My mom is already monsterized! And insect is bad!"
>"Then I'm going to hug you at the same time! It's going to be a nice group hug!"
>"But she still married to dad!"

Thank god for the no NTR rule in MGE.
Anon no, your lust for (You)s is consuming you!
Recently I had a dream that I was lost in a forest and a Wurm tried to rape me.
When I get out and I thought it was over, I was just in front of the demon army with a Succubutt general and that Wurm telling me
>You lost. It's game over now

Then I was gang raped.
Well since its wonderland they be pretty knotty.
Depends on her species
You can have a very quiet life with a Holst, Weresheep, etc...
Not at all. I'd say there are a lot of monstergirls who would love a quiet life. Which are your favorite girls.
Nothing happened, it's literally been like this since /a/.

Playing the female role doesn't mean dressing up in frilly clothes, wearing make up and giggling like a school girl. It should be no surprise that some people who like dominant monster girls want the girl to be dominant in all aspects.
I suppose I could handle something like a dormouse, seeing as she's a sleepyhead most the time.

Don't have a favorite, really. I don't care much for the aggresive ones though.
>Girls who protect you are great.
I thought of Dormouse too but her rape aura is a problem plus she's from Wonderland and that place is everything but quiet
>You can't get strong in KC's JRPG setting
I love this meme.
I guess that's a good point. More research is needed, it seems.
Are you implying that Ushi-Onis can't be good waifus?
Of course you can get strong. But how strong we talking? Because like I said, slot of MGs out there are stronger than you.
Of course not.
>A Ushi-Oni comes up to you smacks your ass and tells you that you belong to her.
I tell her to fuck off because I already have a waifu.
Strong enough to fight lilims.

>inb4 you need hero plot bullshit
It helps, but you can just grind.
strong enough to put the demonlord in a headlock and give her noogies.
KC's setting being all JRPG is entirely true.
>slot of MGs out there are stronger than you.
Only if you stay a level 1 scrub.
is not*
>be wizard
>cast levitate on Ushi-oni
>she can't do anything but cuirse at me
Come at me, sluts.
There's a limit. Powerful monster girls are like bosses while the vast majority of humans have the strength of an npc villager.

The world is like an rpg in some aspects but not to the degree that literally everyone can be strong if they want to, there's very few heroes going around and you likely wouldn't be one of them.
>doesn't mean dressing up in frilly clothes
I swear to god if my dragon ever wants me to dress up as a princess I'm going to get a nice set of armor and sLay her.
If you can't princess carry your waifu, then you don't deserve her.
kek no
what if I use my modern knowledge to invent firearms?
Sure, but the part about being able to get stronger is. I'll grant you that it isn't a 100% JRP-settiing though.
She likes a fighter. Maybe you should call your waifu to rescu you.
Pack your bags everyone, we're done, he said no.
Doesn't work because monster girls are stronger than anything in existence.
How am I supposed to princess carry a Dragon?!

And don't say that anon! That's very mean and can hurt feelings.
>but not to the degree that literally everyone can be strong
Wrong. You seem to forget that it's also a wish-fufilment setting. So yes, everyone can, if they so desire.

Through training, blessings, magic etc you can be middle-high tier.

To be high tier you need to be born with those powers, who are the heroes. You can always say you are one of those, but what you can't say is that you can get there starting at "level 1"
>e monster girls are stronger than anything in existence.
not stronger than saitama
Saitama is just fucking Power Man.
>In most cases, Baphomets will accept a man as their husband if they have enough power to defeat them.
If they are humans who are strong enough to defeat Baphomets, I guess it's possible for a normal human to be very powerful. It's probably hard though.
>but what you can't say is that you can get there starting at "level 1"
I'd fight you on that, but then we'd be here till the heat death of the universe.
>Hug Wolf

But Kobolds are obedient and as smart as a normal dog. You want the opposite of that.

You wouldn't be anything special, they already exist in the setting and are mostly redundant due to magic being the superior option.
People really make KC's setting out to be more hugboxy than it is. I guarantee you if you asked him if you could grind enough to beat a Lilim he would probably reply to you with "you could give it a try but you would probably be raped www".
Actually while some humans may be born with superior abilities, others get granted Hero status through divine blessings (though presumably they need to be pretty strong to begin with). There are various methods to gain "hero" level power, some more restricted than others.

That said, all the strength talk ignores that combat power is overall of secondary importance in KC's settings. That is monsters defeat humans who are more powerful than them all the time thanks to their sexual abilities and the sheer horniness of KC's version of humanity.
Time to start grinding.
Either she broke into my house or I went somewhere without my waifu that a ushi would also go to, so nah not gonna happen
Alraune, Crow Tengu, Cyclops, Elf, Holstaur, Weresheep, Kitsune, Kikimora, Kobold, Troll are the ones I remember right now that could give you a quiet life.
Strength doesn't always mean beating her up.

They could mean strength of will

Or the power of the cock
>if you asked him
If I wanted a non-answer that makes sure not to step on anyone's foot, I'd ask my mother.
God help a monster girl that comes across a man that can control himself and fight her off.
No shoggoth?
what if I had a training montage?
I agree but you've got to really want it and be dedicated to achieving that goal

I mean I'd like to be as strong as a hero, who wouldn't? But I don't want to spend the time training and grinding so I'll end up a npc who gets raped by a monster girl like 99% of the people
what if I asked him if I could grind enough to get strong enough to princess carry my oni waifu?
It's the Japanese "no."
>If they are humans who are strong enough to defeat Baphomets
We call them heroes

Doesn't matter, the number of humans who get the hero status is probably also minimal since they're supposed to be ultra rare humans just like dragons/lilims/etc

My point is that not all humans can get hero tier, most won't even get middle tier. If you want to be one of the few, fine, but not everyone can.
I guess I'd choose between a kiki, kobold or troll.

Still, having someone else in my home, wanting me to do stuff? I dunno man.
See that he would probably like.

Onis aren't that heavy and it's cute.
If going mad also counts as quiet, sure.
Makes you wonder how many of us here would aim for the stars.

I certanly would do my best.
Seeing as I'd like to go out and adventure, I don't feel investing the time would be a problem.
then use a heavier example
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>Onis aren't that heavy
i wont to finish on that rock hard tummy
>you can do everything you want, except when I say no
Yeah, that sounds about right.
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KC's Onis aren't that tall and muscular compared to some.
Oh man. Just imagine sitting on that hard stomach of hers, while going at it with those big breasts of hers. She would be giving you that same smile, too, the whole time. My dick.
Why are muscly girls so best
Now I have a funny idea for a story about a Baphomet who gets beaten by some level 1 anon by pure luck
Then you'd be an adventurer with a decent level and some good skills probably enough to go a high level dungeon like a pyramid and leave with your virginity intact but nowhere near enough to defeat the Pharaoh boss
I think she did a bit too much Squats and Deadlifts and not enough Overhand Presses.
In worst cases, you can just make a contract with an Elemental. You will be as strong or even stronger than some magic users. Though you would probably turn into an Incubus later on.

I would try as well
Except he never says you can do anything you want.

That's a terrible misconception on the part of these threads.
so whats really heavy? cause the idea of a guy grinding and training to be able to princess carry his wife is something I can work with.
Says you.
A sandworm is pretty big.
>too much squats and deadlifts
no such thing
I'm ok with her not having Bane delts
In that case, I'd request that MGE lose it's hugbox status. I'd also advise MGE to apply for grimdark status instead, with all the brainwashing and stuff.
Didn't her art get and update?

Doesn't matter anyway, in MGE and EMG they're not as muscular but they're equally strong.
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>so whats really heavy?

Well, any lamia would likely outweigh you, same for centaurs (any girl with a larger than human lower body really). Then of course there are giants like sandworms.

Doromes and gnomes could make themselves a pretty heavy body if they wanted as well.
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It's cosplay night at the MGC Bar, couples dressed up get free drinks. Who/what does your waifu dress up as? Bonus if you wear a perfect matching costume.
MGE was never a 100% hugbox, just like it always had a grimdark part.

It's just a mix of bad translations and threadcanon that leaded us to what people believe now.
He may not say you can do "anything" you want, but it is true that he says you can do a lot of what you want.

The main things disallowed are simply things that could ruin the hugbox-like nature of the setting.
>Except he never says you can do anything you want.
Half-true, he says something closer to "you can do/have anything you want if you ABSOLUTELY want it and can't do without it" and even then when he gives this kind of answers it's just to avoid saying outright no
Ogre looks more beefy than onis.
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I would read that. That lucky level 1 anon would get a ton of exp.

Yep with some others. She seems a bit more muscular imo.
>going to a bar
>going to a bar when you're already married
I guess that's what happens to all religions.
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Miia seems to have a bunch of Snake and Big Boss outfits.

I could go as several things, pic related, or Otacon
>"It's, its t-the Thousand Dragon! Queen Ghidorah!"

That's what I would say while I am dressed as the human civilian protagonist that nobody cares about in kaiju movies.
Ok, so how would [Anon LV: 9999] ruin his hugbox?
I want to molest that Oni.
There's a world of difference between hugbox and grimdark, it was never either of them to begin with.

Bad things do indeed happen in the setting, it's just that there's always hope and potential way to come back from despair. Potential being a keyword. What KC doesn't like however is people using it as an excuse for murder porn and bragging over the superiority of humans like some kinds of people do.
Are there any full scans of the books yet?
The bible also says having imagination and creating stories with magic of any sort is forbidden, but here we are.
Kill the Mamono Lord, return the settings to what the Chief God wants, go about torturing and slaughtering monster girls without any redemption or comeuppance, that kind of thing.
If that Anon so desired, yes. But my guess would be that most anons would like monster girls to continue being a thing.
"Flawed setting" it is then.
Did you add the term "monstergirl" and the like to your MS Word dictionary?
yeah but I would make the monstergirls start acting more like normal people.
What's the problem?
Gonna need a source on that. Forbidding sorcery does not equal forbidding technology.
That weird zinngapu wife slime.
Now you're just going mad with power.
Not much of a people person, really. And I'm not all that keen on being "fixed" by mamono mana either.
Oh, I've added plenty monstergirl related words to mine.

On a slightly unrelated note, I really wish writing about my waifu and daughteru didn't make them feel less real.
That's what bright green mamono realms are for.

Unless you're suggesting monster girls would be better if they were no more dominated by instincts than normal humans.
Point is: Max level Anon - Destroyer of Worlds seems to only be a problem if he does "evil". It doesn't seem to break any KC "Please understand"-rules otherwise.
Green demon realms are the best.
I legitimately fantasize about being a weak level 1 dude who gets sent into quests that are way above my head only to get captured, molested, and raped by a variety of monsters. Some of them would smugly make me cum over and over while i moan and beg for more, others would deny me until I beg them to let me finish, and others would milk me while whispering in my ear about how much better it would be to just give up and stay with her rather than being an adventurer.
I think im in too deep
>"Please understand"
not sure what this meme is but I read this in cwc's vocie for some reason
All demon realms are bad.
As long as it made you smile, it fufilled it's purpose.
For the localized MGE1, I don't think so but you can find the updated arts for the red oni, lamia, harpy, black harpy, gargoyle and devil bug.
If I am not wrong, I think there was someone who showed that lolis and young girls terms were replaced by "short girls" or something in the Baphomet's profile and probably some others.

For MGE2, you can find it in some websites like hitomi, etc...

You can just find a non-leathal weapon made with Demon Realm silver and grind this way so like that no one dies.

Iwata apologizing for the pokebank's delay
you mean good
You sound like a high level slut. I bet at some point they would send you just to appease a mad monster.
You've played a lot MGQ, haven't you?
Dusky, Halloween demon realms are the best.
Are you me? I recently had a dream about being a mercenary who was captured by Amazons and made into a communal husband.
No, bad.
Me too.

I like the idea of being an amateur adventurer for a small village with no real soldiers. So I'm sent off with an old sword I don't really know how to use, up into the mountains to take care of the Manticore that has been terrorizing the place.

I love imagining her shooting a spine into my leg and effortlessly knocking the sword out of my hands. Teasing me for my lack of experience and milking me for hours on end with her tail back in her cave.

I need help.
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Is this Christmas cake really the strongest dragon?

imagine how much pent up sexual frustration she must have
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>Not liking Demon Realms
They are lewd paradises and monsters love them, please reconsider
I want to light the fire of love in her heart.
>under 500lbs
how does she keep her figure?
and ill just keep denying hert advances until she takes me by force, just the way I like it.
Demon Realms are bad and so are the monster girls that live in them.
You're not the only one.

At least it seems he can escape unlike most rapes in MGQ. There is no vore as well.
Cow is best, I want her to ride me cowgirl!
>I need help
Why? You're normal
>I need help.

We all do anon. We all do.
I prefer them to green realms any day.
They look beautiful
>All those sluts wanting to be raped by a high level monster or being raped by a bunch of low level ones

It's no wonder high level people are rare.
KC would probably also be against an anon making a character that breaks the "mamono lord is the most powerful monster and her husband is the most powerful human" aspect of the setting too.
green realms are still demon realms
Trust me anon, I don't mind grinding, but if I can somehow meet a pack of werewolf sisters who are in heat my dick will take charge of my body and I'll be the happy father to 38 daughterus.
I played it once actually. I liked it but some of those monsters were to out there for my taste.
What if I grind so that I can rape my high level waifu?
Would powerful monsters like that? Being defeated by a powerful man and then having them "rape" them?
Yes but in most ways they still look like normal lands (albeit at night the sky sparkles with mana that looks like fireflies), so if one prefers the aesthetic of the dark mamono realms then they may not be for them.
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Tell me Mr. Anon, what did you do to deserve being suplexed by your Kiki?
I'll believe that in a second. Jesus, some of the stuff they put in there...
Depends on the monster. Hellhounds certainly wouldn't like it if it went beyond short-term role reversal.
look up raging mushroom
It's not rape if that was their plan all along.
Green realms kinda grew on me. Thinking about farms full of country succubus, insect lolis playing around, farm animal girls seeling their wares.
It all looks so nice and peaceful andthat's how my OC lilim was born. I find her kinda cute.
I power bombed a sphinx loli that bothered me with a stupid riddle on the way to work.
I've seen so many doujins like it that I can't stand it anymore.

It depends on her species.
I told her to stop watching those stupid wrestling programs.
She learned that I was purposefully leaving out porn to try and trick her younger sisters.

One was seeing me 'accidentally' leave out fatty porn and the other was seeing me 'accidentally' having overly muscled porn of women on my computer when she came in.
I want to be high level just so I can look at my waifu in the eyes. I don't want her to protect me all the time, I want to pretect her too, to depend on me and leave hard things for me to do.
I want to use a raging mushoom on a Wight.

Something about fucking a refined looking girl like that from behind like a beast and completely ravishing her is hot as hell.
I also kind of feel like its easy to say things when sitting back typing at a computer, but in reality if a succubus, a literal lust demon hotter than any human, came up to any given anon and told him to get his dick out none but the deranged are going to say 'no im too faithful to this imaginary character'
Her husband is no longer a human though.
He's an incubus now.
So as long as you are not killing monsters or evil, it should be fine.

Yeah especially most of the chimeras and the weird bugs and plants.
Incubi are human
>going mad

I'll have you know that lovers of the Shoggoth are perfectly sane.
Though granberry footjob is still best scene in the whole game to my mind
also sara might be part of the reason I like mge brand corruption so much
Anon I think you're drooling. Oh no wait, that's actually part of your wife coming out.
They would all like it in their hearts but the most prideful ones would always deny it.

Technically there are not humans anymore even if they look like one.
That's why he was called the strongest of humanity and is a former human, it's because he is not a human anymore.
I go as an Egyptian king and she goes as an Egyptian queen.

I know, it's unoriginal.
She would if she had meatier claws.
A room a advert came on and I told her it wouldn't hurt to had another helping hand with the cleaning.
See. Any sane human being would let a chaos girl inside them.

This is making me hard
What the fuck

Why are you getting hard knowing that the saliva of your Shog is alive and enjoying an eternal kiss inside of your mouth?
>Her husband is no longer a human though.
>He's an incubus now.

I guess you could say your character is "strongest non-incubus human." KC has edged away from saying incubi are truly human, but they still are at least "evolved/altered" humans.

The point though is that beyond gods there are no known beings who rival the Mamono Lord and her husband in power in KC's setting.
Doesn't that get you hard? Guess you're the mad one.
Mouths need cleaning too.
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Not going to lie, I have my preferred monster girl types but if a 10/10 succubus appeared out of a magic circle in my room and started whispering in my ear about wanting sex, damn right I'd go along with it.

I'm a shameless slut.
>shoggoth will never directly clean up all your saliva while kissing you
>ywn hear this as your Kikimora is coming down the hallway

anyone got that pic of a mantis eating her husband?
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I closed my eyes and imagined a demon walking towards me in a seductive manner while listening to that.

Ashamed to admit, that alone was enough to give me a boner.
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>Get to final boss Lich
>After a long and hard battle you defeat her
>She lies sprawled on on the floor, all of her powers expended.
>You realize, just like most of her race, that she is completely nude except for her cloak.
>Decide fuck it. You already won, you can have some fun with her.
>Flip her over, Move the cloak to the side and fuck her doggy style.
>Despite her being technically dead, it feels amazing. The best fuck you have ever had by a long margin.
>"Fool! I planed for this, the insides of my pussy is coated with a mixture that will make you addicted to me."
>... Oh.
>"You will serve me for the rest of your days. You got some powerful essence, I will make sure to put it to good use."
>Sure, We'll see about that.
>Pick her up, spreading her legs and keep fucking her while you carry her away.
>Cary her to her phylactery. She's to weak right now to do anything.
>Before she realizes what you are about to do you make the phylactery slam into the ground, making her soul return to her body.
>The full force of the pleasure hits her. She screams and moans while you fuck her.
>Her mixture works fast and you start to tunnel vision on her,
>You might wait a few days before repairing her phylactery.
It's alright anon, you're not alone.
She's going to strike a deal with you.
>chaos girl inside them.
It's hot

Yeah pretty much especially that even some of the strongest heroes transform into an Incubus/MG once they enter the Royal Makai.
>and draws gangbang/tentacle
Seriously why all the best artists have shit fetishes. I cant stand it.
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>be playing games in your room
>for whatever reason, your sisters are there two, and they're at it again
>your devil imouto is pouting and swishing her tail back and forth
>"Onii-chan thinks I'm the cutest and he loves spending time playing with me more. He lets me sit in his lap when he plays games. Plus, he said I could marry him once I get older."
>That last part is a lie
>demon onee-san is looking smug, but slightly annoyed
>"You could spend the next thousand years preparing to be his bride and still not reach my level. Only I can spoil my adorable little brother to his heart's content. And you maybe cute, but Anon likes mature women like me. Here are his porn mags."
>She pulls out some magazines that you've never seen before
>they are both staring daggers at each other when your lilim mom throws open the door
>"Both of you stop all this silly arguing."
>she walks over and plops down in your lap, throwing her arms around your neck
>"Anon is clearly a mama's boy," she say, running a finger under your chin
>you love this family, but dear Chief God, they need to give it a rest.
You had me at Lich.
At least I'm not the only heel slut.
What kind of deal?
Oh fuck. A Lich with those thighs. It's not fair.
Disgusting. I would brush all of them off with a nice girl from school. I hope they enjoy hearing us have sex.
>entire family of monster girls after the d
As selfish as it is, this is my dream scenario.
but i wanted to date the troll that just moved here
>What kind of deal?

A mutually sexually fulfilling one of course.
She'll teleport you to her own dimension which is just a whole bed, as far as the eye can see. There she'll give you sense numbing, mind blowing sex. This happens every week. But, for the rest of your life, every time you hear the sound of high heels you cream yourself.
>entire family of evil girls who all want the dick

I can dig it.
>"Fool! I planed for this, the insides of my pussy is coated with a mixture that will make you addicted to me."
Unf. This has potential.
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What color do you prefer on your Onis?
The mom ruined it.

Mothers are not for fucking!
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Onee titty witches or mayadere titty witches?
That purple
>Background plot turns simple story into a needlessly long and detailed project
>Devil Imouto, Demon Onee-san and Lilim mom all arguing over who gets the dick
>I'm just trying to have a good time playing Xcom
>Their arguing makes me forget that the enemy has soldiers on overwatch.
>My best soldier fucking bites it.
How many reloads would those three cause me I wonder?
Also the Lilim's probably an adoptive mother considering.
Not even CC ara~ ara~ Lilim momsters?

Of course you're adopted anon.
Worth it, I'm a neet anyway so rarely hear heels.

Guess I have to find a way to work from home.
That's blue

Mayadere onee-san titty witches.
Why not both?

The correct answer here is fuck all three.
Onee titty witches. Every time.
Tall, protective titty witches. Like the one from WCW. I should really catch up with that one day.
I swear that's purple.
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I hope MGE Oni come in the shade that Shuten-Douji does.
Dammit, dark mage can't come soon enough... did translator anon ever summarize her?
I think the summary was that they're basically Yandere Mayaderes.
I remember some sort of summary. She's canon mayadere and very lewd.
It's dark blue, which is close to purple. Or maybe I'm just color-insensitive, and can't tell the difference.
Yes. They fuck your village up and then fuck you.
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They came come in any color, I can even imagine some rare ones with human color skin, since now the only males are human.
can come*

It's blue!
I would actually feel sympathy/offer something constructive if people didn't bitch all the time about writing or how hard it is and just fucking did it.
I am doing it, though. Just getting the feeling it's becoming a bit too convoluted.
But what are they? Do they monsterize from specific monsters like witches do? Do they have any relation to witches?
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A harem of human skin, red skin and blue skin.
What is it about the hat that makes titty wtches/mages so sexy? I mean she'd be just another sexy lady without it but add the hat and bam! Super sexy.
I want red to raid my village and enslave me!
>The correct answer here is fuck all three.
But in what order? This is important.
I hope they're gentle.
They are evil humans filled with mamono mana.
That's all there is to it.
Anyone got any Wurm stories?
Do you really want a broken pelvis that bad
Git gud.
lonely nerdy titty dragons

do they have annual meetings discussing new ways to get husbands?
Is village a code name for your pants?
They're just a bunch of fun loving goofballs.


I wish the artist done more with them.
They draw straws.
Or just the Lilim goes first because she's the strongest.
Which ever one will sexually tease me and shove her feet in my face with the excuse of just showing off her new pedicure
>Is village a code name for your pants?
nope, i want her to forcefully drag me to her home, chain me to the floor and force me to clean her mess of a home, cook for her, and anything else she demands
The first two paragraphs I'm pretty sure. Out of three or maybe four, haven't checked.
Seductive mayaderes who corrupt your entire village via magic but gently seduce you, not wanting to use force on the one they love.
So you want an esper?
We're going as operators together. She'll insist on looking like FSB units.

I thought my waifu stood tall at 7'6
>That smug grin
>That height
>Those abs
>Those tits
Good lord, she could probably milk me dry with sheer muscle control.
Just the beginning of the profile

They're humans who were corrupted into incredibly selfish and wicked witches by a desire for power. Now they live in swamps and will turn entire villages into obedient Demon Realms to get closer to the man they like
But they're not evil
Tried to incorporate a bridge into our private repertoire.
Why would you want an evil waifu?
Evil is cool and arousing.
Why WOULDN'T you want one?
mayadere (tsundere) is perfect in every way.
>Not wanting an evil waifu
It gives off that tomboy sexy waifu vibe

can you impregnate a oni?
You can impregnate anything if you try hard enough, buddy.
It's hot.
Because redemption stories are heartwarming.
Redeeming a Mayadere (Yandere) is S+ Tier.
>He doesn't want his waifu to corrupt him
Who else here would be scared shitless of monster girls?
Evil as in chuuni evil or?
Chuuni is shit. Real evil.
Only the aquatic ones and maybe harpies.
I don't like snakes, so I would probably be afraid of those types. Maybe some others. In general, though, not really.

I want a chuni Lich.
What's the point in an evil girl if she's no longer evil?
Healing and purification.
Because then she can become "reformed but not tamed." Still dangerous with all the sexy aspects of evil but no longer having to deal with the negatives of being evil.
I love my shoggoth waifu with all my heart. But if I genuinely saw her for the first time unexpectantly, I'd run for the hills. Maybe even cry with how scary she is.

See anons. This is why you can't make empty promises about portals opening on New Years. Because if I wake up to about 14 glowing eyes in the dark I'd start screaming. You gotta be exact with this stuff. No surprises.
Why those? Harpies and aquatic girls aren't that aggressive.
There's no real negatives that come with being married to an evil girl in kc's setting.
Aside from the fact that evil girls are fucking shit tier in KC setting. Get yourself a nice humanity-positive girl.
The few ones I would be "scared" to meet would be the Matango because of the spores and the furries and maybe some Sabbath girls because I wouldn't want to fuck them.

Not sure about Druella and the mindflayers.
I don't find the others scary.
Im scared of creepy crawlies, any insect girl would have me scream like a little girl.
>Aside from the fact that evil girls are fucking shit tier in KC setting

Oh, I thought you meant evil as in "torture and murder for fun" evil or "filled with rage and vengeance" evil. Remember that in KC's world corruption is mostly depicted as a good thing, not an evil thing, monster girl society as a superior mix of human and monster societies, etc.
Me, but only because any one of them could snatch me up before I get the chance to meet my waifu and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
That'll only make Arachnes want you more.
I would be really wary around harpies, what if they grab me and fly up? I fear heights so it won't be very pleasant.
Mermaids are another. What if they drag me to under the sea? I would die of shock probably even though they can make me breathe.

I much prefer a land monster or at least my dragon who can hug me while she flies.
You fight anon. You fight. Or introduce your friend to them as a substitute while you go find your waifu.
>"If your pelvis doesnt break first"

fixed it
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Initially, but not after a night with her.
That's because she flayer'd you.

>fellow tentacle slut

Pristine taste my friend
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>scared shitless
That's part of the appeal when they get all lovey-dovey and assertive.
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I've always wondered what'd happen if the "monster" got put back into monstergirls
>leech girls
>their bite releases an anti clotting agent so blood just keep flowing
>as they feed on blood they swell up (if you like temporary thicc and or pudge)
>they can still lick up blood as it just leaks from the wound that keeps bleeding

I'm both very uncomfortable and aroused.
Cici has best thighs and ass
I want to give a jiang shi a massage every morning to combat rigor mortis
>>be playing games in your room
its been too long since ive seen that
Well that's actually a really terrifying thought. Always remember to lock your doors.
I want to impregnate a jiangshi
I'm not exactly the best fighter anon, even if I have the undying love of my waifu as motivation.

I've recently come to the conclusion that the only feasible way we'd meet each other is if I suddenly appear in her bed or in her house or in front of her on the street or something, I don't think it'd ever work out if monstergirls came here.
You have to be like the anon that escaped the lamias. Have faith in yourself and your love, Anon.
Why do you think it wouldn't work if they were here?
What happens next
You can't be doubting it like that. You know damn well you'll see your waifu. It's the power of the Universe that will guide you to her and her to you. You are forever entangled.

Only weak men give up.
Would a baby Jiangshi's first steps be actual steps or just hops?
Who is your waifu anon?
The door lock is no barrier to a lust drunk monster. Although they might feel a twinge of guilt on the way out.
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Oni shortstack
You just made me remember a dream that I had where I was claimed by my waifu and made sure that she was the only monster girl for me.

It's nice when this happens. Shows that my waifu really, really loves me a lot.
I want to put her on my shoulders and carry her were ever she wants to go.
>No shortstack Oni to knock you out and drag you back to her home for Paizuri and rough cowgirl.
>You'll never see her bright red skin stained white.
>Her equally stacked blue sister will never join in.
God fucking damn it.
>You have to be like the anon that escaped the lamias

She's still an Oni, she could carry you easily too.
thick eyebrows are my fetish.
Hah, sure. What some tanned catgirl gonna do? Break the door down?
Yep, that's the video I was talking about earlier. >>16348793
That's beside the point I want to carry her and spoil the shit out of her
I want to try and escape a group of Lamia-type monstergirls only to get caught at the end by a sneaky Apophis and dragged into the waiting arms of the mating ball.
I don't think it's a good idea to spoil her.
>A snake's eyes aren't very good
>Lamias who need glasses
Why not spoil the shit into her?
Asanagi's a pretty cool guy when it comes to his pixiv, shame his doujins are garbage.
My room isn't exactly neat but at least it isn't an embarrassment like that...
As I said before, all the good artists have shit fetishes.
It's impossible! No man has ever been able to escape the lamia pit!
A cute snek!

So if snakes can see movement, does that mean if you stay still while a group of lamias are chasing you, they can't see you?
I thought snakes have some level of thermal vision, too. You would have to go full tremors at that point, and cover yourself in cold.
They can smell you.

So can dragons.
>full tremors at that point, and cover yourself in cold.
Here comes the bullying.
You deserve it.
>anon turns into arnold schwarzenegger
>has to cover himself in mud to mask his scent and his thermal vision
>all to escape the cock hungry lamias
The Iguana looks like he still got bit, so I don't know if he's actually going to live for very long.
But dragons aren't really that keen on hunting down human boys like lamias are. They're more prideful than that, they like a good, fair and exciting hunt.
Bully the roach and spray candy on her clothes
Oh, right, predator did that, too. I never really cared for that series, compared to some other alien flicks. That mental image is hilarious, though.
No! That roach is for head pats and crawling in her cozy coat for cuddles.
Yes but just be careful if you want to steal their treasure.
I'm certain a friendly dorome would assist in the application of mud. Wouldn't miss a spot.
No! I'll give her plenty of candy and snacks, and let her live in my apartment with me.
As far as I know those snakes were not venomous.
Would it result in mud babies?
I just killed one. RIP little cockyroaches.
I liked how the plot was on a grander scheme this time, make it more interesting.
For fuck sake. Can we please just get back to talking about monster girls?
What is your waifu's favorite style of dress? Does she wear anything specific for her job? What about casual? At home?
Remember when Anubisfag had art commissioned of his waifu fucking a Dragon?
cow print bikini
she weras invisible panties so no one can see her panties, the redundancy of this has not dawned on her yet.
My hellhound waifu + jean short shorts = full throbbing erection

But overall I'm a slut for casual. It's so basic but just so comfy and nice.
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we need more demon ninjas
My waifu is a Shoggoth so her casual and work would be maid outfit. But concidering she can just shapeshift out of it at will I wouldn't mind seeing her in a comfy sweater with leggings. That's always a good combo.
Hellhound waifus look good in anything. Mine wears white suits usually but at home she likes ribbed sweaters and tight jeans.
Why are Kunoichi so smug in their profile art?
mine too
I want one to bully me
Why is she so flustered?
Sweater dress. No underwear.
She enjoys either casualwear that's still 'professional' looking, or wearing traditional clothing from her culture, but from time to time she likes wearing >>16346042 especially when we go out for a date.
Why white suits?
Hey anon. Remember all those times you came in your sleep and just chalked it up to 'wet dreams'
She was caught with her tail stuck in the wall by the man she likes.
I like to imagine that MGC cops would stop and search you at every opportunity they could find.

They'd also never properly button their uniforms, just on the off chance that they catch someone dirty enough to pop a woody looking at a girl's exposed cleavage.

Imagine being held in an armlock by a jacked Oni while her ghoul deputy goes right for the swell below the belt.
She likes those fancy ones that Wights use. For her job she uses some very formal clothes.

At home she uses light stuff. Some t-shirts and spats, maybe a skirt or shorts, sometimes a sundress.
No, I never had that happen to me. Hell I never even had wet dreams to begin with.

It's either nightmares where Mountain Lions eat my legs or dreams where I'm sliding down the street on my ass to escape witches.
I have a thing for formal dresses and business suits. Cheongsam would be perfect.
I don't think I ever really had a wet dream. Or, if I did, it was before I even realized what it was. I guess they don't love me.
Because my waifu has a cringey backstory but I love her even more for it. She also thinks it compliments her figure and knows how I feel about tight suits.
I would start doing minor little things in hopes that I get accosted by the police more often.
Does it have something to do with staining her clothes?
>pulled over by an Anubis and Jinko in tight police uniforms
>order me out of my car
>tell me I need to do a body search looking for illegal enraging mushrooms
>Jinko grabs my crotch and holds it tight, squeezing it
>the Anubis rubbing her tits on my chest why holding me tight with her big meaty paws
>all while I rant about my rights as a human MGC citizen

I'll be taking this to the council
That, and white also looks great with a Hellhounds skin color and eye flames.
Does she wear white because it shows that she is pure and never hurt anybody?

That was a nice story.
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Check your windows before sleeping tonight
Honestly I have no idea how are named in english the clothes that my waifu normally uses.
Don't worry anon. Some of us won't judge.
I can't even tell who's shitposting at who anymore.
They're menaces. Other monsters will hire them to figure out your fetishes and tell them.
No she's not particularly pure, she's rather lecherous towards me even in public. Though she's a closet romantic. What story?
It looks like several idiots have fallen into /pol/'s trap. Hopefully janny comes and cleans up.
My waifu is a Shog but she doesn't wear a maid outfit. She keeps the local chaos chapel, so she wears a provocative priestess habit.
How do MGC police officers treat sovereign citizens?
That sounds fantastic
>hire them to figure out your fetishes and tell them.
I'm now imagine a noir detective monstergirl whos job is just that.
She's a total sweetheart, but she takes a few ques from the Dark Priestess' so she can't help but be lewd at work.
Why is that a bad thing? Sure, it would take away the excitement of them getting to know you in person, but still! It's a sign of love.
I imagine they try to play along and act threantened. Begging for him to not call their superiors. Then they strip him, cuff him, throw him in the trunk, take humiliating pictures, then put him on display at the lost and found part of the police station where any lonely single MG can come along and get herself a husband.
Don't need to worry about it. I thought you were making a reference.

But I'm interested in your waifu's backstory now.
>Target #1 spent three seconds longer than average glancing at stocking display. Must investigate further.
Do you ever think of bending her over the altar? I know when my waifu is teaching I think of taking her on her desk.
I just want to be molested by powerful monsterwomen so bad
What even is the point of MGC Police? If a scared and crying anon who's just been raped by an MG, calls the police. What are they going to do? Laugh it off? Provide comfort?
they're there to return escaped human boys to their monstergirl owners
I would imagine they have some of the nicer, more sensitive MGs partnered up with the tough ones, so when they respond to a call, you get both sides.
Why are our taxpayer's dollars going towards babysitting services for monsters too lazy to lock their windows and properly secure their man's leash to the bed?
She grew up poor in MGE Russia. She tried not to be a delinquent but had no other choice. Thus, she got involved with organized crime until her mid twenties. She walked away from it all and went to school while doing odd security jobs. She's a history teacher now, and despite being outwardly quiet and cold she's incredibly loyal and protective to a fault. And that's the basics of my waifu's backstory
You'd think that human boys wanting to escape would either be addicted to their mistresses or flayer'd to never disobey their mistress.

What if there is an anon, he's been raped senselessly in a back alley. He's been left in a pool of body fluids. He's cold and naked. He's physically bruised and roughed up a bit from the rape. What are the MGC Police department going to do? Nothing? This is a violation of male human rights.
Hey, some of the units on the police are actually good.

For example the special operations group that fights against the traffic of human boys and shotas is formed by amazons, and you know what amazons think about hurting human boys.
I'd prefer nice cop Yeti over bad cop Oni.
>implying human boys have "rights"
human boys are property, bought and sold by tanuki slavers
I don't think that's cringy, it's cute. You should hold your head high and be proud of your waifu, Anon.
>male human rights
Anon this is a monster girl world, you're a semen producer, nothing more.
That is actually exactly what I had in mind when I posted that. Yeah, nice cop Yeti would be great for helping victims.
The Jinko licks her lips hungrily, staring you down with her predatory glare as she gropes you through your favorite pair of pants.

"Oi, Cleo, I think I found a mushroom on him."

The Anubis restraining you from behind giggles. "Oh? You wouldn't really hide contraband from us, would you? You know what happens to criminals." Her words carry hot, moist air inside your ears. "Fortunately for you, bad boys happen to be just my type."

The Jinko quickly tears apart your clothes like a belated Christmas gift, revealing your shame. Amidst the softness of the Anubis's breasts against your back, the rough molestation of the Jinko's paws, and the threats imposed upon you, your dick is unbearably hard. Your assailants begin conversing amongst themselves.

"Well, it isn't contraband, even though it LOOKS like a mushroom." The Jinko deducts.

"Ah, but it's so big and hard, is it a weapon?" Asks the Anubis.

"Don't be so silly. You know exactly what this is. This filthy man wanted to sexually assault us with this."

"Oh, no!", The Anubis exclaims, before leaning close into your ear. She whispers, "I can't believe you were planning to throw me down, jam this inside me, and ravage me until I had triplets. Criminals like you deserve to be punished."

"Yeah," The Jinko have a hearty chuckle, " we're gonna have to confiscate all of your semen, just in case you think about impregnating another helpless woman. Then, we're gonna take you into custody."
>male human rights
Thank you anon, I can't wait until my commissions come through and talking about her just makes me more excited.
I-I'll be bringing this up to the town hall! Human boys have feelings and emotions! We are more than semen producers!
>Her words carry hot, moist air inside your ear
>I can't believe you were planning to throw me down, jam this inside me, and ravage me until I had triplets. Criminals like you deserve to be punished

I need a moment alone
tell that to the oni, troll, minotaur, orc, etc raiders that drag whole towns and villages worth of young males away in chains as spoils
I saw an MG in my dreams last night. It was a Holst this time. This was also the first time I saw people I know from real life in my dreams along with an MG.

The weirdest thing is, she wasn't alone. There was another figure standing beside her, but I couldn't make out who or what it was.

Every time I see a monstergirl in my dreams, it's always a different species. I also get the feeling that something is slightly off, as if there was something else there, just out of the corner of my eye.

Any thoughts?
Wrap him in a blanket, give him a cup of coffee, a pat on the back, and send him on his way. Optional shower or detox depending on the situation.
>and send him on his way
>Not sending him to a center specialized in abandoned human boys where monstergirls can go find a husband
One day I'll probably commission some of my waifu too, but for now I'll be cheering for you.
What about the purpotraitors? Shouldn't they be atleast punished for public rape without consent? And compensation for the emotional trauma it caused poor anon.
Sounds like a fancy polished slave market.
Tell me about your waifu too anon! I'm interested in knowing.
Not at all, why would you think that.
I have faith in my love but not in myself.

Because if monstergirls just pop through a portal one day in some unidentified location the odds of my waifu and I finding each other seem very, very low.

I hope you are right anon.

A Kobold.
not really, they already have regular ones run by the tanukis, each boy sold to the highest bidder
Charon would call it kangaroo courtship
What if they found a human boy bleeding out in an alley with a missing leg and down three fingers?
>You will never drink Wight milk
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Anon, please.

Don't half ass it with a youtube, we have the technology to bring it here.
You can get a second cup of coffee if you play your cards right.
Anon, he didn't want to waste an image.
Whats it like then? A large stage where men stand with a wooden sign around their neck showing weight, dick length, height, etc?
if anything his owner should get a fine for improper chaining of a human

If you mention the snake lizard thing you have to post the movie, that's the rules.

Just like that other movie that I can't say.
Well sure. But there are so many things to talk about her that I don't even know what to say.

I guess for starters she is a rather cheerful black dragon. Kinda tomboish and small for a member of her species.
paraded on a platform naked, spun around a few times, then the tanuki on stage starts calling for bids
This brings up an interesting question

If you had a Lich waifu, or a similarly high-ranking undead, would you be okay with her bringing you back from the dead if something happened to you?

Would you be okay with them using other corpses to replace missing limbs?
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You dont have the guts to breed bahamut
Nah, think more of an orphanage but with men of all ages and instead of adoptive parents you get a wife.

Just like orphanages, the younger you are the faster you get out of there. Shotas normally only spend a couple of days at most.
No waifu anon.
It's just some unmarried guy who crossed the wrong people.
So it is a polished slave market? I knew it! This just furthers my cause for equal rights for human males!
no, but i have the nuts to breed her
Don't make me laugh anon. That's not nearly platinum enough.

It's more like lewd adoption anon.
Only husbands instead of children.
All thus makes me think of is a sad anon who's about 30 and who's been there for ages.
I don't have the guts to cheat.
one day a christmas cake will buy him
I'm fine with it. One of the first things I would have my Lich waifu do, though, is extract my soul, so I can be the most use to her, and be together forever.
They all eventually leave the place. There's a market for older men too.

Almost all are from the Sabbath, it's pretty weird watching "lolis" asking for them
But doesn't this mean that MGs can compare the men there? And won't they only pick the cutest ones?
Some prefer cute, some don't.
Welcome to what actual orphanages are like anon.
An eligible bachelor would be taken to one of MGC's many fine hospitals.

Naturally, his medical bills could be paid in the usual way.

As for the leg and fingers, I imagine he would be given the choice between prosthetic parts from a Gremlin, fleshy ones from a Lich, or maybe a full regeneration of the missing limbs with the help of a Unicorn.

Of course, such an operation would be tricky, and frequent followups would be necessary. Whoever he chooses to help him would be following him around for the rest of his life.
More evidence to suggest these orphanages are but just polished slave markets. They do not give all anons a fair chance and the care given is probably sloppy.
If there's one thing KC would promise it's is that somehow all anons would end up with someone who they would be a perfect match for. It's not just about the perfect match for you, it's also about the perfect match for her.

However, it's only in KC's wonderfully lewd universe that you would be shown off, bought, and collared by that girl.
You're not going to be sold on looks alone. If you really want to be picked up by your waifu you've got to play the part. Look submissive in front of the dominant girls. Give the haughty dragons a defiant look so they'll look forward to rubbing it off your face. Stage whisper about how you were almost late to your own auction so the Anubi will start reaching for their wallets and arguing over who gets to fix you.
With gradient orange hair?
Sunset Dragon shines even on the darkest corners of the earth.
>regular anon walks on stage
>just says he like warm cuddles
>yeti jumps up and starts throwing money at the auctioneer demanding she has that boy
So how do I get the attention of an ara ara dominant girl
Do you think the nurses at those hospitals would have to be trained to deal with some serious shit? Just imagine how scary it would be.
>A Succubus nurse on a usual day in MGC National
>Signed on to meet some cute boys and "nurse" them.
>The first time she saw a serious patient though, she nearly lost her lunch.
>He was covered in blood with a useless stump where one of his legs should be.
>He was rushed into intensive care and for hours no one knew if he was going to make it.
>She couldn't help but feel sorrow and pity every time she sees him just staring at where his leg once was.
>She wants to bring back his smile but doesn't know how.

It's not that bad anon, it's just so many girls want a cute husband that older less cute boys get passed over in favor of cute boys.
Occasionally a monstergirl will come in who breaks the stereotype and takes in one of the ones who usually isn't even considered.
>Give the haughty dragons a defiant look so they'll look forward to rubbing it off your face.
>Stage whisper about how you were almost late to your own auction so the Anubi will start reaching for their wallets and arguing over who gets to fix you.

You've peaked my interest
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Busty paladins are for _______
I've seen you talk of your waifu before. You have a good waIfu anon.
>It's not that bad anon, it's just so many girls want a cute husband

Shit it's starting to sound like real life.
>>yeti jumps up and starts throwing money at the auctioneer demanding she has that boy
This made me smile. I wonder if she'd try to break him out just in case?
"Accidentally" say "Onee-chan?" when your eyes meet.
Continuing the family tradition of raising our future Crusaders of Justice.
Corrupting into Dragons, Wights or Salamanders.
becoming Wights or Succubi.
But not all of them are into that. Onee-chans can be part of many groups.
hopelessly watching them get corrupted into a monster and help them adjust to their new form
I would probably be scared of the spider ones. Spiders creep me the fuck out. Hell, just seeing large versions of insects would probably be unsettling.
Thanks. She can be kinda goofy at times, but it brings a smile to my face.

Wanna hear something dumb? Even if my life is completely in the dark, her sunny smile still comes through to lighten me up.
Fuck saying those things to her though. Too embarrassing.
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Try "Mom" if you're feeling kinky. Other than that ask the announcer to emphasize your virginity.
virgins do command higher demand (and price) at market
this makes me want a burglar yeti
What do you think the first night after being bought would be like?
If it's an ojou-sama like most might be I'd imagine scented candles, incense, and her in alluring lingerie beckoning to you from her bed.
>When you find the Shiny Mermaid

Remember, if you find a Shiny MG, always try and marry.

Shiny White Horn, Shiny Oni, Shiny Centaur, Shiny anything.
What if it's one of those lime-green shiny ones?
The same than the rest of human women

Loving and marrying
What if she just wants to be a misstress? How do I not fuck it up?
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The moose is on the loose!
I want to condition a recently corrupted paladin to be a smug busty Dom who will use my face as her seat and footstool
depends on the type, a saytros might buy you to stomp grapes for her wine, a holst/mino to milk her, a yeti to use you as her daki, an dragon to act as her squire, an anubis to be her house slave
Loving and protecting from corruption.
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does your snek waifu goes bipedal sometimes?
Okay but imagine my scenario with the Anubis.
>"Fufufufufu, It feels good to have a servant after so long in my mistress' shadow. Now slave, come please your master."
>But in her sleep she clings to you like a big teddy bear and mutters in her sleep about how happy she is now that she's not alone.
Wasn't there someone making shiny versions of the MGs a while ago? I'm pretty sure there was.
What sort of monster would rape a boy and leave him? Seems like a waste.
God-tier taste my man.
Only every mass of course. She pretends she's shy though, so we keep the hard lewd in the ritual room.
>If you had a Lich waifu, or a similarly high-ranking undead, would you be okay with her bringing you back from the dead if something happened to you?
I'd almost expect her to. I'd be okay with it.

>Would you be okay with them using other corpses to replace missing limbs?
Yes, but she could try to find some good looking limbs if she is going to put them on me.
Variety is the spice of life. Just think about all the poor girls with a rape fetish who have to deal with the fact that repeat victims will start to enjoy it!
Fuck the moose.
In the caboose?
Really? Well, tell her to stop slutting it up and she should tighten back up eventually.
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>Objective: Survive
Up the butt.

No stopping until one of us is crying.
Say them to her anon, the cheesier and more romantic the better. I guarantee you'll win her over completely!
Just imagine what living with an Ojou-sama Anubis would be like.
>A few days after she "breaks you in", you walk into her room to find she's had a 4k TV installed and bought a bunch of consoles and games off amazon because she heard you talking about that stuff and she's still new to our world.
>She tells you to pick a game to show her, relax and enjoy yourself but immediately after you sit down with your controller she sits her plump juicy ass down in your lap and adjusts herself before laying her head beneath your chin.
>She was actually planning on using this time to seduce you while the game brought your guard down.
>It backfires on her spectacularly when she notices that to hold the controller properly your arms are wrapped around her chest.
>She suddenly becomes very aware of your heartbeat, the feeling of your chest rising and falling with every breath, and the feeling of your voice right next to her ears.
>After about an hour and a half of the first game you pop in, she tells you to pause, swivels around, and with a massive blush on her face demands you fuck her brains out right now on the couch.
remove clothing and lay down, hope for best
>"Hey girls! We've got a surrender!"
And then anon was gangraped by a bunch of Oni and Dire monstergirls.
The lucky bastard.

Reminder it takes several layers of irony to make a Cheshire ahegao.
Doesn't seem too hard. The one on the right looks really nice!
I keep hearing some anons want to corrupt a paladin but it is a painful process or something that requires emotional trauma? or can be done gently?
Our relationship is already filled with cheesy and dumb lines. If we keep it up we are probably going to have another daughteru. Not that I mind.
It can be done by simply eating some fruit.
doesn't it depend on if they want it or not?
It probably depends on the type of change. If it's a simple corruption into a succuslut, it probably isn't bad at all. The easy answer is probably that mana wont let it hurt, anyway.
I think you can make the experience better by staying by her side and holding her hand and whispering into her ear how much you look forward to laying with her once she transforms.
Unfortunately corruption seems to go hand-in-hand with involuntary and grimdark rape. A few authors have made it a voluntary process though.
that doesn't seem right shouldn't you love her for who she is?
All that's needed is a whole lot of demonic energy, and sex.
nope, watching her dearly beloved gangraped in front of her as shes rendered helpless is as gentle as it gets
Fallen Brides
Not a big fan
>Not fucking her to speed the transformation.
Not if she wants it. She realized that she was unhappy with her life, and that her crusading against monsters was just her attempting to repress the urge to become one.

You'll help her through the process, right Anon? Tell her how much you support her? How you'll be with her forever? How you'll raise your children with her?
You didn't read about the lamia cults, didn't you.
>Paladin's squire is about to be gangraped by Succubi right in front of her.
>She feels something welling up inside her. Strength she didn't even know she had.
>She throws off the ones holding her down, kicks the lead Succubus away before she can drop her hips and roars "NO! HE'S MINE!" before pinning him to the ground and shoving his dick inside her before anyone can react.
>With every thrust she feels more right, and her body begins to change.
>By the time she makes her squire cum for the fifth time she's fully corrupted into a Salamander who looks down at her squire with hearts in her eyes and asks if he can go a few more rounds.
>They end up going the whole night long while the Succubi wander off and their leader goes home to pout and masturbate because she still can't get a human boy.
That rings a vague bell. Something in the encyclopedia?
Yes. It's canon.
Any idea where? It's not on the lamia page.
Female Knight x Squire romance is the best thing ever.
There's a link on the Echidna one if I remember correctly.
>freckles all the way down

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When did this skin defect become attractive to so many people?
Why do you think you wouldn't be able to find her, seems like Kobolds would be a pretty common species.
i hope shes a rough dom
Found it, I'm okay with it. A lot of the other methods can fuck right off though.
I want to lick her abs while it happens.
Redheads are kind of like pugs, they go so far around the ugly spectrum that they wind up being cute again.
Sure Kobolds are common, but I'm looking for one specific Kobold. She's special!
Then find her anon, start your training now if you haven't already and git gud enough that you can stay unraped until you find her.
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Just looked through the second book, at the extra images with some profiles. Some of those are really good, man. Also, it's nice to get a good look at the new girls, like the Automaton, Ochimusha and Nurarihyon.
Does the Dark Mage have any?
Automaton and Ochimusha are pretty damn cute.
Not that I saw, no. Just the profile picture. I was actually a little disappointed after seeing them. The way people were talking, I was expecting a lot better.
>I was actually a little disappointed after seeing them. The way people were talking, I was expecting a lot better.
I don't understand why KC didn't draw an Automaton kissing and licking her prospective husbando, or putting her elastic pussy to use.
They look like a typical grown-up witch. I'm sure a lot of people like that, though.

Yeah, I'm surprised he didn't do a new picture for all of the book first girls. Still, we'll be getting plenty of art once she gets officially released.
I dunno. Personally she hits all the right spots for me.
Some people were just hyping them really hard because
>onee-sabbath meme
The reverse is also good. Anon and his monster waifu get attacked by a group of all female adventurers ad the have fun with him.
>that doesn't seem right shouldn't you love her for who she is?
No. Would you love a hamplanet for who she is?
>Paladin onee san gets corrupted into a dragon

how overprotective she would be with her treasure?
There wouldn't be a moment where she isn't clinging to you.
Except when you go to the bathroom because she respects your privacy. Then she patrols around the door making sure no-one goes in.
Most of the thread wanted her to be confirmation of the onee-sabbath.

Turns out she only looks that way.
Would taking a warm bath with her treasure too lewd?
Alright, I cropped all the side-art I got from the two MGE book downloads. I'm throwing it into an album, but my net is shit, so it might take a minute. I wanted it for my own archives, but I might as well share, unless everyone has seen all the images already.
There are several people who die each year in the bathroom, she's just making sure you're safe.
To be fair, their profile links right to the Baphomet profile from the old book so its a fair assumption to make.
Alright, here you go. All of the extra art I've found in the two books. I, uh, cropped out the text below it, but only realized it might be important halfway into the second book, so fuck it.

Bless you anon.
oh yeah thats totally the reason why she never leaves me alone and got that lusty smile when we go to sleep

As a side note, I obviously cut out the cait one, but everything else should be there. That Wendigo one is pretty cool.
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So, what if there was a Onee-Demon and Imouto-Devil with near-equal levels of shortstackedness? The Devil would be pear-shaped of course, but they'd still share the same height.
>No lilim

Yeah, I'm not really sure why he picked/excluded some. Lilim aren't nice, to me, but they seem like a no-brainer pick.
Kiki and Liliraune make me diamonds.
Black harpy warms the heart.
and I didn't see a yeti. fucking disgusting
Its because they're shit!

I know Echidnas can spawn hybrid monstergirls, but what is the creature on the bottom left supposed to be, and how would it look as an adult?
Cross between Wock and Catgirl?
Looks more like a Werecat/Werewolf with four snake tails.
A high powered Chimera?
>All this talk of corruption.
Vile, filthy heathens, the lot of you.
Chimera could come in a couple flavors
Not gonna lie, I never really liked Yetis.
It's freezing cold where I am and there are still several girls I would rather have than them.
My waifu specializes in corrupting human women. Whenever she does, we corrupt the woman together as a fun couples task.
You know what I've never understood? How enjoying sex is some great deviancy that is somehow transforms any and all participants into demons.

but you're right, corruption is shit
Meant for
I get the feeling you replied to the wrong guy
Well, I'm a gentle cuddlebug who loves the cold. So where's my lewd yeti?
Kitsune medusa with snakes instead of mofu
Sex is just the catalyst for the Mamano.
Wasnt the extra art in the English version uncensored? Wish someone would scan that?
Oh, right. There was an english version, huh. Well, if they scan it, I'll swap the book one art out.
Is it still called corruption if its willing? Like a human girl decides she wants to be a monster so she starts binge eating prisoner fruit?
That's still corruption, just not forced. It's certainly less morally objectionable at least.
thats called kinky.
What would you do if despite your best efforts, nobody bid on you?
Try again, but dress up as a cactus.
>You've peaked my interest
You're going to get some strict lessons from a crow tengu or hakutaku. Enjoy your sensei.
i doubt a guy with dead eyes amount to anything
>Dress as a cactus
>Purchased by a memecat
>Forced to do the Cactaur dance before meme-length meme sex
at least she's a gamer too.
She isn't, she just grew up with a friend who was.
Naw, she just saw a few posts related to it on Gaia/Funnyjunk/etc.

She also enjoys driving fast to Eurobeat despite never having watched Initial D.
I want to watch The Need for Speed movie with her!
Whos going to buy me? Im worthless, less than dirt.
No. Why would I want to use the force? Those people always get caught up in stupid shit. It's not worth the trouble if free, let alone having to fuck one of those things.
I want to lay on my back on the bed so my Kobold waifu can crawl up and lay on top of me! I'll gently spank her bare butt with a soft leather paddle in each hand while she holds my face between her paws and we make out!
And I want you to do it.
At what point in 2017 are the monstergirls supposed to arrive? Because so far everyone still seems to have the standard number of eyes.
Hey thanks anon!
Sometime during Smarch.
You're welcome, canine cuddler.
Canine Cuddler is a better name than KDF. You're alright, anon!
Kiki might want a fixer-upper. Or if you get old and gray, dhampirs elecktra complex starts kicking in.
are you saying old men have sex with dhampirs for money?
Rin Tohsaka confirmed for dhampir.

I want to touch Luvia's drills. Sorceresses are monsters, right?
If Dark Mages and Witches count, then yes.
I'm now imagining a kejourou with drill hair. Drills that touch you back. Maybe she could even make them do a noise.
Now that I think about it, drills would be a great way for a Kejourou to keep her ass long hair off the ground.
That or a couple of shotas, like the trains on old dresses.

Of course, we're talking about a kejourou's hair here so they'd be constantly aroused and likely wouldn't even know why. Good fun.
Considering her hair is alive, I don't think she needs to put it into drills to keep it off the ground. It will just sort of... do that anyway. It would be pretty amusing to see a Kej doing that, though.
Does Nero count?
Considering FSN servants are essentially wights... yes, but don't bring it up.
>you will never be the husbando of a muscled Kejourou who uses her hair as drills for her construction company
Alright, I'm still going to think about it though.

>you will never be the husbando of a Kejourou
>you will never be the husbando of any monster girl
>You will never be a husbando period
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Why hasn't best Seibah been drawn as a Succubutt yet while Lartoria has?
Because life is just a a dick who kicks you in the nuts and then gives you a whiskey and talks to you like he's actually interested, and then when you let your guard down he kicks you in the nuts again. And this cycle repeats until you die.
Well, at least after a couple cycles while you may register it happening, the kicks don't hurt anymore, due to the whiskey. Or that's what I tell myself, anyway.
KC should design stuff for FGO desu
All I want is Jack drawn in his style.
They always hurt, it's just you become good at not showing the pain. Plus, the whiskey does help numb everything.

My first playthrough of Fate/Extra was with Caster, normal difficulty, Rani route because I heard it was harder.

My second was Saber with Rin's route. My god the game plays itself at that point. I liked Nero's character but she makes the game way too easy, even if you don't know the enemy attack patterns.
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Better question: Can I take La Pucelle's phone away and destroy it, keeping her stuck in magical girl form forever?
My dick is so ready for the influx of doujins.

I just hope we can avoid having too much futa.
I don't know i think it's a Schrödinger's cat situation. My money goes to she going to be stucked in her girl form which consumes a lot of energy keeping her on a near weakend state. Semen just happens to be her most potent energy source.
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Would you?
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I approve of keeping La Pucelle in a situation similar to Fate Route Saber, especially if there are no CG dragons
no question
what is she though
A monster girl.
what's up with Fate Route Saber?
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The key difference between Fate Route Saber and UBW route Saber is that Fate Saber got stabbed in the gut by Lancer's Gae Bolg

This keeps her fucked up for a week or two(most of the route) because Gae Bolg has anti-healing properties and she needs a few "mana transfers" to stay alive and charged up
>Gae Bolg
gay bulge lol
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Why did Mimiru get so fucked up? Presumably normal witch transformations don't result in ultra semen demons like her.

There's a section on Monsterization that says the following:

>"Concerning a person's memories from when they were human, they're basically carried over unchanged even after becoming a monster. Sometimes memories that the person herself desires to forget become fainter, but omitting some exceptions, memories are almost never modified."

Unless a person wants to forget, they'll keep their memories. Mimiru was essentially an ultra-rare freak case. The memories she wanted to forget was basically everything. She hated using magic despite being a skilled magician, she hated being used only for her abilities, and her innocence was taken away from her because she had to be a cog in the machine due to her talent.

It can be assumed that demonic energy is influenced by the person's desires. Mimiru's desire was to throw everything away, thus leaving her mind a mostly empty husk for demonic energy to fill in and morph her into a turbo slut.

TLDR: Don't abuse your lolis, or they'll grow tentacles and rape you.
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>if you haven't been employed for a 3-day period over 3 months of unemployment, your benefits are cut 20%
>for the next three months, the cut becomes 40%
>you lose all benefits if you refuse to take up a job that pays 9 quatloos a day, where you have to pay for your own fare to and from work
Who the hell voted for these Coons? It's like they WANT all men to start selling their semen.
And who runs the sperm banks and decides the rates they pay for semen? The Coons.
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Take a loan. Worry about paying back in the future.
Nine quatloos? Is that a lot? Is it a little? How many shmeckils is it?
About 1/24th of hershel, which is 1/6th of schmeckil, which is 1/5th of a shekel.
It's much improved from the old British monetary units, I think.
Clearly the most advanced and logical currency system ever devised.
I really want to touch the fluffy tail of that cute Christmas cake office lady tanuki.
Tails are for bank customers only, please step aside. Or would you like to make a deposit?
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And this is why every human male in MGC ought to know the basics of warding magic and seals. A ward might not do much against a manticore, but it will be a pain in the ass and certainly protect you against the 'lower' class MGs.

With a simple force ward on your body even YOU as a vulnerable male or human female can make a stand against the dangers of MGC as the ward does its job and tries to knock your attacker from his feet! Not to mention the fact that you need absolutely no magical expertise to get started in ward magic, it's the easiest magic out there to learn!

Sign up today for a three day course at your local order institution today! Absolutely free and with no additional fees or obligations. It is a sure way to make your first step into a world where you too have rights! Still having doubts? Feel welcome to personally ask our instructors why even you are capable of improving your life at your local order institution!

This message is sponsored by the order; The backbone of humanity, bringing back the strenght that once was.
With Magi-tek being a thing prostetics would equal if not superior to regular human limbs. And with the advanced healing magic of Shirohebi and other MG's i'm sure many once horrifying injuries are perfectly healable in a matter of hours.

I wouldn't be suprised if healing magic was well capable of regrowing limbs, meaning that returning visits to a hospital would ussualy have the goal of regrowing what was once lost little by little on each visit.

Instead of having to choose YES or NO on the matter of being a donor, you'd have to choose YES or NO to the matter of being resurrected by a Lich if you are found dead or your injury/disease turns out too grave even for magi-tek and magic to heal. It would make for amusing commercials in any case, seeing how Monstergirls would prefer to see you choose YES on that matter.
Poor excuse for behaving like the worst piece of shit in the entire universe.
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