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Monster Girl Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1605
Thread images: 248

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Simplicity and oppai.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com
Cute Dragons!
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Keep them warm, will you?
x is best girl
So what canid MG is there that hasn't already been covered by MGE?

Also, I thought kobolds were lizards?
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colour when
Wolf Tengus
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It's freezing cold outside, I require a White Horn"s coat and hat and a Yeti's scarf
We could have Ice wolfs maybe? Something like Fenrir would be nice to cuddle in the winter.
Kobolds are all kinds of thing. In Warcraft they're all rat-like.
>You no take candle!
What do Werecats have other the other feline monstergirls that makes it unique besides the nice pair of shorts they were
I've got a 'candle' for that Kobold.
I wanna see a giant rat girl now, with a hard helmet and a candle melted onto it.
>Cold hellhounds
I could dig it.

I forgot those existed
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Grabbing your slime's core is practically abuse, do not do it.
Last thread didn't archive, got nuked? Was I right about the damn kids out of our lawn?
Not really cold Hellhounds, but more of a lonely wolf type. I feel like we ned a more honorable-like wolfy.
>that story where the MC keeps a Slime's core in a pouch while travelling across the desert
Is it really that bad?
Weird...I couldn't find it for the life of me. Much appreciated anyway.
>besides the nice pair of shorts they were
The profile Werecat has those things on, but naturally a Werecats choice of pants (or lack thereof) is up to them.
I'm gonna touch slimes' cores when taking the train.
You can't just stick your hand inside a random lady on the train and start fondling her most sensitive and private bits anon, that's pretty messed up.
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>be in the high school photography club
>have expensive Polaroid camera, a real antique
>a female teacher wants you to take some boudoir pictures of her
>she promises you good grades if you do it and don't tell anyone
>you go to her place
>candles and lace everywhere
>set up
>take pictures
>take a LOT of pictures
>she poses in a nathrobe
>she poses in a nightgown
>she poses in a corset, stockings and garterbelt
>she poses with just the corset
>she poses without it
>staring at her nude form and listening to the shutter you suddenly remember that Vampires can't even be captured on film
You're one dumb kid.
>Random monster girl on the wiki to see which one I'll draw

I can hear them lewdly purring on my ear.
He's lucky she seems to like the dumb ones.
Why is it ok for monster girl to fondle boys' private parts but not the other way around?

And don't say that boys are asking for it
Bathrobe, dammit!
Ooh, go for it drawfriend.
It's not okay.
Boys are asking for it
I'm not a drawfriend, friend. Just a random anon that may or may not become an artist.
>"Oh Anon? What are you doing here? It's naughty to find your boss when she's relaxing after a stressful day. And for a human boy to be in such a seedy place like this, how unprofessional! Maybe we need to have a boss-to-worker chat... Behind closed doors of course~"
Is this where she can pretend to be a big sister?
Woah shit, that's some crazy wondeland cup holding technique.
>that pipe
You're unfair.
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Moth noises.
Another universe. How dumb can you be, Anon?
But are they angry moth noises?
Anon, don't say her fetish out loud! Not here in front of her mobster friends!
They are noises.
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Fat loli butts drive me nuts!
Here tits are too big for her to be a loli
It's a pretty cute fetish
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No shame in that.
H-how about some shots in just pantyhose?
How rare are mutations in MGE? Pic kinda related.
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Posting best moth
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Best on Wights.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Open to interpretation.
Also, I'm happy that Nav finally made a gallery.
that's a nice whitecap
So repeated sex with her will turn her red?
I hope oneesabbath becomes real thing but dark mage looks more like regular monster spellcaster
It means she already had a lot of sex.
Yeah, you gotta be careful around the because they're true monsters of momentum. Hold back, try not to cum too soon, and tire her out ASAP, because once the ball gets rolling, it won't stop until you both pass out
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Is it really such a bad thing to want to be owned by a loving mistress and lead a carefree life as her toy?
Call her a titcow if you want to speed that process up.
Not at all, jut make sure to do all the domestic chores
Not really. Follow your dreams, Anon.
That's up to the reader.
It's known to happen but outside of that you can say what ever the hell you want about it.

>Lich experiments on the mutated redcap
>Puts the gene into several redcaps so that their kind will become one too.
>Normally it's a recessive gene but now is a dominant one.
>Send them out into the world
>"Fully grown" redcaps start appearing all over
>Sabbath goes into full panic mode
>Lich is just writing down the results and see what monster girl she should studies the mutation on next.

Would be fun too see.
>walking into a vampire's house

First mistake right there. She's not letting you out.
As long as you find a good mistress. No.
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Posting new wife picture again.
I want to give that Whitecap a haircut and make her wear some tight short-shorts and skull themed stocking.
It's not bad. Who said it's bad?
There is nothing wrong with it. It's the perfect lifestyle.
That tar-like substance is very versatile.
*skull themed stockings
Well it just feels like I'm being irresponsible.
>a haircut
Liquid demonic energy.
Super useful.
Her whip is her tail... clever.
I'd help that Lich with her experiments if only to see how the Sabbath reacts.
Sometimes I forget that Succubi can be rich too. Usually it's the Wights, Vampires, Tanukis, Dragons or Griffons that come to my mind first when I think of rich monster girls.
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I just want to see a Onee-Redcap with fluffy shoulder length hair, is that too much to ask for?
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But long and wild hair are the best!
$60 Gao.
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With a cold snap like today's I can't help but think of all those griffon husbands nestled secure in their nests, their seven foot wife's body a perfect mattress of firm muscle, silky skin and soft fur, her wings enveloping him in the fluffy warmth of a tight wing hug.

And of course the boob pillow. Can't forget the perfect boob pillow.

The only problem is he can't get out of bed without permission, but that's not really a problem is it?
If you cut her hair the white time limit will be decreased too. I hope you're ready to take care of your onee-san.
>tfw snow is already gone but there's still ice left on the sidewalk

Ice Queen-sama pls
I want a Griffin that fights crime!
>Can't get fluffy winghugs because waifu is a dragon

I would love to tease her like this.
>A Griffon who gives hatesex to criminals

I'm OK with this
>Anon helps her all that he can
>Due to all the sex she's now extremely powerful
>Some Baphomet starts to find out it's the Lich
>Her and anon defeats the Baphomet when they come to confront her.
>She decides to put the gene in them and wipe their mind of any memory of this.
>Send them back
>"Onee-Baphomet" starts to pop up at an alarming rate. They have no idea why or how.
>The sabbath holds a class-X crisis meting.
>The Lich is very pleased with Anon.

Look at what you did anon.
>Griffon guards
No one shall escape unraped.
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We're taking this to space.

I want to show up at one of their meetings unexpectedly to tell them exactly what's happening and exactly why they can't stop it.
Then have my Lich Waifu pull me out with a tether portal spell before the Sabbath can retaliate.
>I hope you're ready to take care of your onee-san
I certainly will.
Mind-wiping Lilim-Liches need to be purged.
DE allows for a lot of innovation.
I would pay to see a series about Mad Doctor Anon and his Lich waifu.
Anon just make fluff covers for your waifus wing.

Or grow a tolerance to hard scales.
It'd be like Black Jack and Fran Midorikawa dating.
Dragons can absorb heat into their bodies right?
But I absolutely love my waifu's scales. It's just a bit of teasing to see if she gets mad.
That would be amazing.
I love everything about your post.
Yes, and they can generate it as well.
Oh dragons are like heated mattresses, and their wing hugs are plenty warm, just don't expect much softness aside from their breasts.
But you have to get up eventually. Maybe laze in bed until it's 1pm and the sky is just as dark and drizzly as it was at 6pm. And then make her some mushroom and garlic soup with some toasty garlic bread and have a munch before going back to bead and snuggling
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Some dragons are very soft though.
You should know better than to give your griffon food utterly lacking in any meat to tear up. Always have a slab of flesh available when you give her bread or vegetables.
>intentionally angering Dragons

Its your funeral.
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Even though her scales might be hard, her body warmth, voice and heartbeat makes her become a heavenly bodypillow. Sure, it's kinda evil to tease her by saying I wish she was fluffy liike a Griffon, but she knows I love her a lot.
But what about thicc/pudgy dragons like the Wock?
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It's okay we have roast horse later tonight. This is just something to whet her appetite.
No more monkey business.
I want that long fluffy lemur tail, gonna wrap it around me like a scarf and rub my face in it.
She's a lemur though.
Dragons are old and busted, Griffons are the new hotness.
Nice butt
Now here we have a consummate professional.
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Commission my wife sometime
The black good thing is so good.
The act of grabbing the core. Is it really that bad?
Ms. Booshwocky, we've been over this. You can't harass me before, during or after I'm attending customers on the bar.

Please refrain yourself from making any unprofessional jokes like this from now on.
Barghest, unless you count that as a Hellhound.
Not!Tim Burton's version of the Bandersnatch.

There's plenty to work with if you actually do the research. There's also a monster in D&D that's essentially a shadowy mastiff.
I more meant that story did you mean?
No. Griffons and Dragons can live in harmony. They're both great girls. It's just Dragons are more special to me.
Oh you wouldn't want to read it, it was one of Alpenstein's
Both girls are full of pride. Arguments or fights might break out when you bring the two together.
One of the laughing stocks when it comes to writers from this place, even though English isn't his primary language. He's actually Finngolian. The only thing I actually dislike him for, even if it's one iota, is giving rise that stupid and insipid 'Stinkypede' meme for Oomukades.

There's people that are more worth hating on.
>essentially a shadowy mastiff.
That's a hellhound. Barghest is too, though the witcher had a nice interpretation.
Fenrir is just a werewolf though. I know Kc has a bad habit of turning individuals into species but I don't think its likely. Inugami is likely though as some kind of zipangu werewolf
Unlikely considering "It is purported that originally these monsters were created as guard dogs by a certain god of the underworld, but it was impossible even for the gods to tame them." In the Helhound profile. Seems they take Cerberus's place. Besides, be would probably make it three twin sisters of a hellhound with three personalities, since to date there's not a single multiheaded girl.
Very interesting. I'd a huge fluffy bear-dog.
I wonder how KC will handle the Hydra. Especially the cut off one head and two more takes its place thing.
Are slime bodies cold or warm?
>Besides, be would probably make it three twin sisters of a hellhound with three personalities, since to date there's not a single multiheaded girl.
Why not a personality shifting girl like the Chimera?
>Fenrir is just a Werewolf
Yes, and Youko/Kitsune are both just fox women. Fenrir would actually be probably the closest canon equivalent to a Dire Wolf KC could create, given that in the Norse myths Fenrir himself was large enough to eat the sun during Ragnarok.

That and Dire Wolf could finally not be attributed to a fucking cuckold of a writer. I'm not disagreeing with you entirely, mind. I just have a thing for shibari puppers.
Probably depends on the surrounding temperature.

Also regular slime jelly has a refreshing taste but she won't share it easily.
I feel like I already cleaned this one.
Did I already clean this one?
It looks familiar.
>Why not a personality shifting girl like the Chimera?
What's what I meant with "or** a hellhound with three personalities"

>Fenrir himself was large enough to eat the sun during Ragnarok.
Firstly, shibari is shit. Secondly, Fenrir doesn't eat the sun, his son does. And I don't think Skoll was Literally large enough to eat the sun
yes KDF, we know.
I believe you did.
What kind of Monstergirl would she be?
Also I feel like there's a distinct lack of ganguro Monstergirls.
Yes it does. I have more ideas I'm going to see about commissioning eventually.
Yes her butt is nice.
Her goo is wonderful.
But your waifu is yours and yours alone, anon.
>bimbo slut

No please
She's neither.
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My mistake, then. Loki and his family get me mixed up sometimes.

>Firstly, shibari is shit
Let's agree to disagree and leave it at that.

>Thinking I'm KDF
I'm something far more repulsive and loathsome than KDF.
Is this a dire raiju or something?
>I'm something far more repulsive and loathsome than KDF.
Is that even possible?
She's trying to get in shape!
That's a cow!
beer tastes like wee
Sex is a form of training, isn't it? I can help her train!
Maybe he's Bollocks.
You would know all about that, wouldn't you?
I think I've said this before, she'd be a Succubus, but have no experience with sex.

Confirmed for not watching Galko.
MY PELVIS IS STILL SORE, please waifu no more sex for today
It's Darkbeast Paarl from Bloodborne as a monstergirl. What's essentially a giant skeleton doggo boss with lightning powers. So she'd basically be the fusion of a Raiju and a Skeleton.

It's a shame too because that game had some pretty fun ideas for a monstergirl setting or even various MGs but it'd be a stretch to make them sexy because let's be honest Patches was some UncleBourbon fetish fuel.
It's been a long time since I heard that name.
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So holsts (and presumably minos) pruduce milk for drinking, but what about Satyros? How would their milk compare, like a cows milk vs goats milk?
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Praise Kosm.
Kos, whose symbol looks like a tree.
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It'd taste like Irish Creme.
Yeah you did. I was the one that posted it. It's just that I really like the original, I get a cute feeling from it.
Sorry for wasting your efforts.
I dislike all forms of alcohol, but i'd probably still drink with a satyr
Nah man it's fine, I just don't keep track of the ones I do.
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Say, you're gazerfag, aren't you?
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Thanks for reminding me of this.

You cunt.
Didn't he suicide
Yeah that's me
Ah, I was 99% sure that it was you.
Give the Ice Queen a big hug so she stops making it snow so much
That's a nice belly
>You're waifu cheering for you while having sex to go one more round.
Sounds nice.
You have no issues with interactions do you?
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only if she is gonna be gentle past round 10, i can only take so much snuggle per day
I feel like having sex with my waifu would be too lewd. After creampieing her she would crawl on top of me asking for more in a really lewd voice, followed by some really hot kisses to make me hard again.
I've seen this posted a couple times but I don't know what it means
>Dragon wife begs for creampies daily
>Every year married with her she keeps upping the sessions up to one per year
>has gotten to the point where you have to creampie her several times per day after years of marriage

How do i convince her thats not healthy? and to not abuse my pelvis
Pamper her. Spoil her with attention love and treats. She'll learn that there is more to love than you creampies.

If you're lucky you'll get a haughty domiant dragon
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Hanging out with wintery and non-wintery Monstergirl types would be very comfy during the Holiday season.
Suck it up and mating press her until she's pregnant.
It takes a lot to impregnate a Dragon and she's getting a bit baby crazy anon.
I feel like my dragon would just get too lovey-dovey. She wouldn't get excited and forcey, just really mushy and sweet, trying to accomplish our goal of having a daughter.

She might be a cheerful dragon that is pretty active, but jesus she has a really sweet side in bed.
Don't trust the Wendigos!
Just go incubus anon.
Chubby, yandere dragons!
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Wendigos likely have a lot in terms of physical strength now that I think about it.
Cheerful, average Dragon!

Holy shit I love her.
/Fit/ haughty dominant dragons! But chubby and yandere are great also!
It's a bloodborne reference. Character depicted wears some metal birdcage on his head because he thinks it'll help him speak to the elder things. You could say he is a waifufag, and his waifu was a lovecraftian horror.
Are they tomboys?

Indeed, muscled himideres are also good.
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Wights and anubi are the best bottom-heavy lolis.

Even a young Wight would know her charm points, and tease and tempt you with them.
An Anubis would be almost the total opposite, completely ignorant of her sex appeal, until you give her an extended hands-on lesson on it and make her the most flustered little monster.
Mine is.
Average, cheerful, slightly tomboy sunset dragon.

Does she wear spats?
It's a Bloodborne meme. I figured it's better than posting more sanzo
This. It's probably not mine.
Her big brown butt just needs a good smack.
Provided she uninentionally presents it in this manner https://exhentai.org/s/4bf06b34e3/869037-24

now people got the wrong idea, i will just sweep it under the rug before this devolves into a NTR fest
If it's mine. God I hope it's mine. Then I'll probably burst into tears of excitement. I'm quite prone to being a little faggot.
Anubi have butts worth molesting.
I imagine your intention was that she had adopted a fake egg and was treating it as a baby but with your provided context, NTR was a pretty obvious first assumption.
You got it right again. She sometimes wear them with a skirt to just to tease me. She also wears sundresses because they are "light and chilly"
Be glad that the money we spent on that artificial insemination the doctor recommended for us was not spent in vain.
i imagined more like the dragon had....wurms level of brain power and didnt knew she had a egg inside
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>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
On the subject of pregnancy, what's your headcanon about it?

Mine is that the more powerful a species is, the least compatible human sperm is (with some exception like Echidna)
That aside it all come down to the specifics of each species (mating season, menstrual cycle, etc...)
Well you were correct
Personally, no, I do not have any problem with cute interactions, but sometimes my wallet expresses a different opinion.
More powerful = Less fertile and less numbers.
Less powerful =More fertile and more numbers.

That pretty much is.
hence why vampires and dragons need alot of sex to MAYBE have one daughter but vamp mosquitoes have plenty at first night?

well, there is always the MG products and items to skew those odds
So realistically. Dragonfags have no chance?
It's fine, I'm sure people just wanted to make a joke.
I also follow the headcanon that

>Monsters and their human boys stop physically aging once they're married (So if your wife is a CC she stays that way, and so on, and it can only be changed with Wonderland and Sabbath shenanigans.)
>Lifespans sync to the longer one, so you could easily reach nigh-immortality if your waifu is the high tier one

So I'd always be the young cute bishie to my waifu's CC, and even if it took years to knock her up, we'd have all the time in the world.
Really quick one here
She'd accidentally show off her ass and thighs without even realizing it. Stuff like bending over to pick up something from the floor or across a table, and sitting in your lap.

A loli Wight would do the same things, except on purpose knowing exactly what she's doing.
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I wont give up! no matter how long it takes, i shall give ojou sama the daughter she deserves
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Big Brown Butts are the best, no buts about it

Just to make sure. What does this mean?

And in reply. It's a pretty good head canon.
Keep going no matter what!
Even if her eyes roll back, even if her belly is swollen with seed, keep on going!
>no horns
But anon that means she is on pain and at her limit!
Come on dude
>Just to make sure. What does this mean?
Christmas cookie
It's all for the daughteru!
Don't stop, she can take it!
Christmas cake i.e. older woman.
It lacks the "second hand goods" implication of "MILF."
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With how many tails do you like your foxes? and how fluffy?
That rarer the monster the harder it is to impregnate. Mostly because it's incompatible. However, by having a lot of sex and through some mating seasons and mamono mana, the monster body is going to become compatible with her husband's semen.

Man, it's being hard to post today.
Maximum tails.
Maximum fluff.
Weird. I always thought Christmas cake meant thicc.
Four, and fluffy enough to act as bed without making me itchy.
Christmas Cakes CAN be thicc though.
The thicker the better I say.
I'd love to find a christmas cake monster girl, species, mostly, wouldn't matter.
To be more specific, it refers to women over the age of 25, which is considered "past marrying age" in Japan.
She's like a Christmas Cake, no one wants her after the 25th.
Christmas Cakes are for healing.
If you say so, next time i am just gonna eat many mushrooms and mating press her until she got the daugheru

unless she protests or wants me to stop
>higher tier one

So the more powerful your waifu. The longer you live or what?
I wonder if the "official" CC age would vary by species.
Some of them are pretty much considered juvenile until 100.
>That one MG people post in the thread that you want Da Hootch or Fatalpulse to make a doujin for

What's her name?
250 year old dragons.
I was considering putting Vampires as an example of exception, even though they are very powerful they're fairly close to humans biologically

>vamp mosquitoes have plenty at first night?
That would be pushing it
Even the lowest tier, most fertile monster like Large Mice would still have about 3 to 5% pregnancy rate, so if you creampie her over 30 times in one night then sure the odds are she'll get pregnant otherwise it will take at least a few tries

In comparison the most powerful, least fertile species would have some ridiculously small rate somewhere between the odds of being struck by lightning and winning the lottery

That's a given
I know some people like the idea of aging with their waifu but until we get a Phoenix or some other species to allow us to rebirth I'm not even considering it

I've thought of something like this too, not only does it make sense it's also an improvement to powerful species and I've got to admit, I'm a power-slut
Fuck that noise,
Well hopefully one day when it speaks, you'll remember.
The best kind of Dragon, but all her pent up lust is going to break your Pelvis and then some.
Yeah, that about sums it up.
Take 25 and multiply until it hits what that monstergirl's lifespan reaches into.
That's literally KC canon. You can't call it headcanon when it's just regular canon you dope.
Keep bogeymanning me, it's rather funny
Her mind is also going to be broken. Her hymen too I guess.
What anon, you don't want to see a nice White Horn be put through anything?
Not into that shit.
I want to see your waifu going through it.

Just kidding, I want you two to live a very happy life.
On a scale of 1-Troll Under Da Bridge, how villainous would a anon be if he commissioned a doujin with the most popular MG the thread likes?
I'll probably have more commission money next year.
It would be "no monster girl will ever want you" villanous.
Those are both absolute dogshit
>That fairy
Steady, penis. Stay strong
A loli Jabberwock with a big butt would be pretty good too. Wocks have that "submissive turboslut"-switch, she'd be ecstatic about getting a pounding.
I wonder if /fit/ dragons make an anon feel safe, protected and secure in their hugs. Knowing that a big strong dragon is always there for them, to protect them.
Where's Wockfag when you need him?
That's one of the reasons i love dragons, they're protective and strong.

After all you are her most valuable possession.
There's a sad reality to that. Some poor Anon's don't think they're worth that much to a mighty and powerful beast such as a dragon. So they don't get the full dragon experience.
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>You will never be a Dragon's princess
Dragons get really sad when an anon like that appears and they can't heal each other either.
>Ywn be princess carried by a Dragon
What about a Wyrm then?
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How do Living Armors celebrate the Holidays?
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>She will never call you her most precious treasure
>Dragonslayer Armor Living Armor
You've piqued my attention.
Somebody make the pain stop
I'll be her Dogma if you know what I mean.
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So anons, how do you feel about monster girls who rough up their husbands?
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Being the most beloved treasure of a dragon is the best. Especially when they act greedy and possessive of their "princess"
She's a mean bully!
I poison the food of those weakling betas with Raging Mushroom.
My waifu roughs me up in training sessions.
I like it. I like a girl who asserts her superior strength and masculinity over me. Nothing wrong with that.
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Domestic abuse is not okay! My hellhound wife would never hurt me. She's very gentle, even when she's being rough in bed.
Girls are not supposed to be masculine, Anon.
What about the ones who treat you like the wife in the relationship? Just thinking of it is getting me excited
Human girls, if anything.
>he doesn't like handsome boys (female)
If an Amazon happened to be there she would beat the shit out of her.
Must be purged.
You know, I've been with my dragon for almost three years and I never really liked "princess". Sure there were a few times where I could see her saying it and me going with it, but I've never really liked it that much.
Prince is ehh too but I can go with it.
Paladin-chan go home.
Strength and dominance are not inherently masculine features. Just like Delicacy and Submissiveness aren't inherently feminine.
Otherwise, what are you supposed to be?
Any monster girl that's anywhere near Ogre-tier should be eradicated.
The only handsome boys (female) I like are Miyabi and Makoto.
Only if she's also my rival.
i wouldn't mind if my hellhound wife gave me a couple pelvic bruises after a rough night of lovin
love bites and scratches especially
I know it's not really "roughing up". But I wouldn't mind being beaten around a bit by my waifu and then maybe some tight crotch squeezing and heavy pressure crotch stomping?
Good point.
>He doesn't want to live in the swamp
Good taste.
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Love bites and scratches are the best forms of rough loving.

I just don't want one to beat me up if I'm not in the mood for boning or something.
Swamps smell bad.
>Love bites

Be careful if your waifu does a "Marking love bite".
Anon, are you telling me that you don't want to fight your Waifu to decide if you fuck like rabbits or if you cuddle up and watch a movie?
>implying she wouldn't win everytime
I want to find a small tribe of oppai loli jinkos in the jungle.
I want a /re/ relationship with an amazon
Those are the best though.
A slimes core is extremely sensitive.
Grabbing their core is a strong sexual act, but can also act as a method to escape from them as grabbing their core essentially stuns them for as long as you hold it.

If you miss your grab however it's end of story.
And the start of allot of daughterus.
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playfighting and wrestling is a good alternative
If she ends up on top, she gets to do w/e she wants to you
If you end up down below her, you're at her mercy
That sounds pretty cute.
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I'd rather playfight and wrestle in the nude than throw punches.
I'm a sub for the wan so I'd end up on the bottom every time anyways.
>Implying she'd be your rival if she won every time.
being an ambassador to this tribe of tiny tigers is fantastic.

Imagine entering their village and all of them curiously following you.
But it hurts. And my waifu doesn't use it in sex.

She breathes fire around to heat up her teeth and then gives me a chomp like a starving vampire.
But I want to be a human delinquent who ends up getting saved by a Hellhound delinquent who thought she was saving some passive little sub.
One thing lead to another and next thing we know her gang finds us walking out of a love hotel covered in bruises and exchanging numbers.
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>MFW reading that shit last night about the Dragoons
>MFW "Spartan"
I wonder if Anons realize that in Sparta, the women ruled the household and were basically political equals to the men. Human women having just as much political pull as Wyverns simply based on the fact that while the dragon women birth the daughters, the human women's boy-makers takes precedence for increasing the population.
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I'd rather be the childhood friend of a Hellhound who I reunite after years of being separated, only to learn she's now the toughest girl in school, and she has all her delinquent friends in the smug squad protect me from the bullies and rival gangs!
You can have your "childhood friend romance" with a Hellhound and I'll have my "rivals into lovers romance" with mine.
I'm Anon and I'm an incorrigible slut for foxes.
>open a Yeti's closet
>it's endless scarves
>no pants, no shirts, just scarves as deep as the closet goes in
>steal a wooly scarf to wear
>the Yeti fur in the scarf causes instant drowsiness
>wake up to an angry Yeti hovering above
Send help, it smells like hot cocoa
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I don't think there's a wrong way to love a monster girl.

I'm also fond of the love triangle, and the cute tomboy who thinks Anon can't possibly like somebody so unfeminine.
It hurts once, but the payoff is forever.
It's like getting a shot.
I want to fuck that Wolfu.
hope you enjoy Siberian yeti camps
>Angry Yeti
>Not smug Yeti
>"Couldn't resist my fluffiness could you anon? Don't worry, I'll give you a fresh dose."
>You'll never have your resistance broken by sheer comfy.
>Have to take part in a feast with all the oppai loli jinkos.
>They're all eating stretchy anime meat and looking at you, more than a couple warriors trying to show off by either A, subtly flexing their muscles or B, eating as much meat as they can manage
I wish I knew what that Hellhound was saying.
I'm Anon and I'm an incorrigible slut for vampires.
She's lucky that I love her.
reminder only dark slimes have cores
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What are your thoughts on MG's non-appendage extra toys?

Like hats for example.
I would rather drown
I want to creampie a vampire every day until she is warm once more!

Is this picture allowed? its from a cartoon and all...
That seem like a pretty noble goal, anon.
Took the words right out of my mouth there, anon.
Replace foxes with the desire to get my blood sucked and that's me.
Well someone needs to test them out.
Okay I laughed
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Yeah, I feel you.
Her fighting style is stupid.

I just want to fuck her, if I'm being honest with you.
Not really when compared to Reiji
>Saya quick draws 3 swords and has a gun
>Reiji quickdraws 3 swords along with a magnum and a shotgun.
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Most anime fighting styles are, anon. What's your point? Besides, any style that involves her taking off clothes and flirting with you as you fight can't be all bad.
This guy gets it. multiverse conquering tendencies aside, if I had a fox like Saya, I'd put so many babies in her that it isn't funny.
I thought he only had two?

I actually find the desire to conquer things attractive. In particular, I want Saya to conquer my dick.
While most styles are normally dumb, Im starting to gain a special hatred for Iaido
He gets a third one at the end of the game, I believe, and Project X Zone shows him using three.
Ah, thanks
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I like how Reiji was practically raised by and now gets to fug this masochistic vidya loving fox.
I respect a man that spanks his fox on a regular
I need to get PxZ2 one day, mostly because I want to gank shit with Kiryu, Majima, Dante, and Vergil at the same time.
Anon, when it comes to immortal MGs, it't not how much you cum inside her, it's how often. Her womb is an impregnable fortress. You cannot break her walls so you must wear them down over time.
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They're asking for it.
Sometimes outright.
You just aren't trying hard enough!
Breach her walls!
Flood them with seed!
Fill them with babies!
You shouldn't spank foxes, they might get off on it.
Anon if you don't play the long game you'll start to doubt yourself and your virility and your waifu will grow to hate her own body.

Fuck for intimacy and pleasure only. Let procreation be a pleasant surprise.
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Seeing as we are talking namco stuff, have the dancing suzuka!
But he doesn't fug the fox. As much as she probably would want him to split her in half like lumber on his dick, he's to stubborn and married to his job to get the hint.

Actually I think he does get the hint. Which just begs the question of why he doesn't even more.
But anon, that's the point.
They actually do fug a lot.
You gotta bring your A Game every time.

If she's not walking away with a cum-stuffed belly then you haven't done your job.
I don't like seeing lolis dress lewd just like I don't like seeing a cake trying to dress like a 5 yr old. Act your age, damn it.
How is that a problem? I want to spank a fox on the butt until she is a sopping wet mess, hearing her yelp and see her tail fluff up at every strike.
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That loli has might fine birthing hips mind you.
>If she's not walking away with a cum-stuffed belly then you haven't done your job.
Yeah sure, but making her so inflated she looks like a same-size vore fetishist because you're so desperate to impregnate her with this one fuck session is silly and it wont work.
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>I want to know more about her bunny friend
Won't it?
Besides, who says it can't happen multiple times in a day?

What do you think magic is for?
mighty fine*
The only beast that little girl is going to stir within me is the beast of raspberries.

You're in the long game, bud. Prepare for centuries of multiple dickings a day.
Looked it up, and I guess they got married at the end PXZ2. So he has a masochistic weeb fox who likes getting her big butt spanked, and another fox who love to show off her assets after his dick. Some guys get all the luck...
>tfw on a 3DPD's sights IRL

Monstergirls are really running out of time. The mission's gonna be a failure.
Don't do it anon. 3DPD succubi aren't the cute kind.
Well, I mean, I guess unless you're the DL. Then you can create an entire race of Lilim, standing as the (likely) strongest succubus in existence. Though sense succubi are actually the most common type in the setting, her fertility was never up as a question?

I guess this means Lilim are just super-concentrated succubi, like the next step in their evolutionary process. Although it does bring up the strange question of their ability to have children. We have an entire book out about Druella's ability to produce more monstergirls via corruption, but practically nothing on her or her sisters having their own kids.
Have faith brother
Well, at least I won't ever have to worry about that.
Monster girls aren't going to be real.
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You wouldn't right?

You'll regret it eventually and you'll be back. Trust me.
My waifus way worse
Probably for the best. I don't think I could handle getting rejected by monstergirls in addition to human girls.
Burn with fire?

Of course!
You just have to meet a cute blind girl who won't judge you by how hideous you look, Anon, like a Kauai cave wolf.
I've considered that, but my shitty personality is still going to fuck me over.

I had TWO 3DPDs getting the hots for me. One was a powder keg of mental issues, and the second tried to kill herself. It was pure luck that I saw the red flags before I even considered going for them.

Never trust 3DPDs, man.
>getting rejected by monstergirls in addition to human girls.
See, this fear is why I wouldn't even attempt to go near a monster girl if they became real.
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I didn't know these existed.
Now that's what I call a mad as fuck wank-beast!
I want to hate or fear the Matango, especially after seeing the movie. But for some reason, I just can't.
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Actually KC said in a Q and A that the Mamono Lord is not any more fertile than other succubi, she's just had a lot of time to have children compared to most monsters (she's been married around a 1000 years).
Do you get some kind of twisted glee out of putting yourself down anonymously on the internet?
Enough that people think she's pregnant when she walks throughout the castle afterwards.
All of it anon.

She needs ALL of it.
>You will never be a Dragoon, Knight, or Samurai who feels more comfortable in your armor than dress wear
>You will never encounter an Oni who tells you she feels the same
Before ripping you out of your armored suit and shoving your face into two rosy red breasts barely restrained by a tiger bikini top

If it's MGE setting, she'll hopefully become a Hatter at some point, and I do love Hatters.
All of it. Now impregnate that vampire!
Oni motorboating has always been the dream...
>Fucking an Oni
Dragoons are practically arranged to marry their Wyverns from the word "go" anon.
That will take a while


How i am sure i already gave my all?!
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I want a MG to tell me I'm really cool while I wear my armor.

I'm not kidding.
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If you can still get it up, you're not empty yet. You keep filling that ojou-sama until you physically cannot.
Show off your frame perfect dodge rolls!

I worked hard and sacrificed two ring slots to fast roll in this shit, you bet I will.
Nothing gets girls wetter than seeing a man fast-roll in full Havel
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I bet you use lightning buffs and hexes, too, you degenerate.
>Using buffs and magic
>Not doing all strength, all dex.

What do you take me for?
I would. Matangoes are cute.
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What if she starts whimpering or leaking everything out?
I desire more Elven Wights.
Why does KC bully the vampire so much? It always her being shown off to show how effective something is, between this and whatever that demon realm disease is.
>unironically using anything other than the full Xanthous set with Heysel Pick and all of the Golden Soceries

Are you even trying?
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Bullying the vampire makes your health great. It's better than playing a sport or something.
Vampires are good for bullying.
Because oppai loli vampires are pure bullying targets.
>Not going full gold /fa/ with the favor set, dusk crown and heysel pick
He may or may not be trying, but he won't look /fa/.
Not just oppai loli, every vampire is great.
I guess that one you could give her huge tits some slaps and watch as their weigh slows her down when chasing you.
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hopefully we get more colored wight art someday
realistically its a thing of scale. Thread memes aside vampires are very pridefully and with good reason given their power. It's to show how it can get even a powerful monster to be like the picture shows.
You are all scrubs. Elite knight + long sword + kite shield is only true path.
Not to mention you could hide all her bras for extra bouncing when she tries to chase you.

What >>16230241 said, but keep in mind that your Ojou-sama also hasn't spared expenses in ways to keep you going.

>Not teaming up with a bunch of friends and using the ultimate strat.

I kind of want a setting where humans from our world interact with the monstergirl world through a VR Dark Souls-esque video game, just to see how exasperated they get at our shenanigans.
Wights are shit tier.
Are you that anon that gets all butthurt about rich girls?
I want to mate press my vampire wife until all the royal council members are our dhampirs
What are you, a corporate shill?
Why has batman marked her arm?
Not him but shields are hard m8. At least in ds3, anything under 60 stability had you broken and eating counter damage.
She's one of those nerds who gets tatoos from comics.

Move, move, move my good anon.

That's the way to play.
I'm going to make fun of that Vampire for reading comic books in the current year.
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You wouldnt an undead
Yeah, the more I play the more I find my self either distancing mobs or sprinting around hitboxes.

My point stands though, if you actually use a med shield to block, you're fucked.
Nah, I would.
Yes, Anon. Bully the vampire. Make her become a hikikomori.
>Meet a Cyclops wearing the Fallen Knight set
>Your pants have been changed several times over, and wanted to look presentable to her, as well as you could manage
>Starts inspecting the armor, noting the dents and scrapes across the well-worn metal, as well as the blood and dirt and grime caked into the cloak
"I see..."
"Despite it's appearance, you love this armor, don't you? That's... pretty admirable."
"I wish I could smith you a new set..."
>Pillow with her, she forges you the new armor
>The next day, your helmet goes missing with a small note left behind
"I want to be your quest"
I'd love to marry a Wight. Shame I'd never be able to meet her standards though.
I'd fuck a Lich.

I'd fuck a Lich hard.
Some one put elf ears on the one in the middle, my dick is so close to doki doki
Jianishi are clearly the superior undead.
I want to rape an Oppai Loli vampire's tits as she pouts.
I want her to start grinning smugly when I realize I can't stop thrusting my hips!
That's okay anon you can make your own wight.

Though personally, half of what makes wights top tier for e is how old and experienced they are. Even if you take a zombie an wight her, she's not gonna suddenly tell you all about life five centuries ago
And I want to keep sneaking holst blood into my oppai loli vampires drinks.

I wanna keep molesting her chest and commenting on how lewd she is.
I won't go that far, I'll just make fun of her for reading modern western comics books.
Yeah, I'm not going to lie. I'm not interested in zombies at all.
I mean as in fantasy VR anon, like legitimately brain transferring to a digital avatar to interact with a parallel world.
Also replace "You Died" with "You Came" and you get where I'm coming from with this.
I want to see a Monstergirl waving goodbye to me as I start to respawn, knowing that she can have me for good if she gets me to cum three times.
Ah, I see. Then I'll finish the work.
She'd probably teach you how to act properly in high society. You're marrying a noble or even former royalty after all.
No fuck you, that's MY Vampire to bully.
>SAO tier shit
What are you, a faggot?
>Siberian yeti camps
I'll hug the yeti guards for warmth, joke's on them!
No? I just think Wights are shit tier, despite previous waifufaggotry for them. Realistically they're too top shelf for me.
I'm going to tell her she has terrible taste and her fangs are crooked. I'm going to make her sad when you go home.
I'm going to hit you with a fucking rowing oar.

That's my Vampire goddammit.
>Not .Hack
Not wanting to interact with an actual world through a virtual link.
Not wanting it to mark you for when the monstergirls break through the barrier so the girl you met and fucked there can find you.
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i want to bully a vampire using garlic! that will teach her a lesson
I'm going to bully her behind your back. And I'm going to bully your daughteru too.
But I don't want a monster wife.

I don't want a wife at all.
Then I'll just have to bully you.
Wouldn't she bite you just to shut you up?
Yes, that's exactly what I am. What's your point.
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what is the most efficient way to fluster a vamp? to the point where she hides under blankets out of embarassment
I just like writing stuff in caps
You're a fucking faggot that should get the hell out.
Even if you succeed in bullying me, the deed is already done. I want you to remember that I was the one that went into your house while you were away and told your vampire that she is a dumpire.
You can even call the police if you want, they can't unbully her.
Sing this to her in front of everyone at a huge event.
Nah, I like it here, I get to post about dragons and bears and shit.
Just chill, anger ruins the mojo, yes?
Do affectionate things to her while she's trying to dominate you. Like kiss her breasts while she rides you, or stroking her hair when she's trying to suck out all your cum.
I'm going to have an Alp rape you, I want you to know this.

It won't be a stage 3 one either. It's going to be a stage 1 you faggot.
Why would that make her hide out of embarrassment?
What could've possibly made you hate a top tier girl that much?
Because she's supposed to be the seductive mistress of the night and you're supposed to be the cowering peasant she snatched off the streets to satisfy her lusts with.
You being into it, and into her, is throwing her off because she didn't expect you to love her.
That's not saying she doesn't like it though.
I already have a waifu, Anon. Too bad you don't know who she is, or else you could TRY to bully.

Also, even an Alp raping me won't remove the smug from my face. Just remembering your vampire's face when I told her the spoilers for the movie she was excited to watch with you is enough to make me smile.
You fools!
>Vampfu turns from a tsundere dominatrix to a quivering mushy love mess

I like
>Too bad you don't know who she is, or else you could TRY to bully.
Who would want to bully trash?
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Keikaku doori.
I like bullying your waifu, so me.
>Tsundere Dominatrix
More Himedere than Tsundere anon. You live in her kingdom, you're hers to do with what she wants, so she kidnapped you off the street and brought you to her castle to use you as a living dildo. To her surprise you were into it, and into her. After she gets done blushing over the fact that you love her, she'll get right back into the dominatrix thing. Just more affectionate this time. There'll be cuddling afterwards.
But that Vampire isn't my waifu.

She's just mine to bully.
He's probably as autistic and stupid as the one ex mantisfag who found out insects tend to cannibalize their mates if they have to
Oh right, it's just that you too make a perfect pair of victims, so ended up lumping you two together.
Stop sounding so gay.
I don't have a great way to describe it, but I really like the light struggle and muscle spasming followed by going limp.
It reminds me of a predator subduing prey. I hope to be overpowered in such fashion.
Stop sounding so weak. Maybe then you would be able to protect your vampire from the horrible methods I use.
A Vampire can do that by biting you.
I also like the idea, i can just imagine myself resisting and struggling before being subdued by either a kiss or some form of affection.

I would whisper into her ear to be gentle after it.
Stop sounding like a gay.
Alrighty Anon, I'll stop bullying you. Just remember that I was the one that transformed your vampire into a upset mess on the foor.
What monsters besides alp's fill the tomboy niche?
Minotaurs, Gremlins, the Smugs, and wolfus. Dragons and Succubi can make it work, too. Onis and Amazons are basically entire races of tomboys depending on how you write them.
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Bloodborne had best Living Doll and best...Vampire? Fire-Wight? I dunno what you'd call Maria. Not human, certainly.
Well Maria is a Vileblood and they're basically Vampires.
>Fitting the tomboy niche
Isn't that cheating?
A Tomboy Anubis would be AMAZING.
Maria doesn't move until you go to touch her. Will she just sit there as you whip your dick out and start wanking? Will she let you cum on her as she plays dead? If you go to touch her with your dick, will he grab it? If you cum on her face and then begin the cutscene where she catches your hand and pulls you close, if you don't begin to back up, will she just gaze into your eyes, your cum cooling on her face? We know he is weak to knock down. Is she weak to thrust?
3DPD fortunately wont pursue you with even 1% of the lust that monster girls do, they'll just passively wait for you to make a move so you should have nothing to worry about so long as you are dedicated to your monster waifu.
Arachne or Hellhound.
this took too long to do
what google's giving me is something akin to
"You're putting a lot of trust in me" or
"I don't know what to do after it gets strange (awkward in a lovey-dovey kind of way maybe?)
"How're you doing?"

4 year old me would be proud, kinda sorta translating something from japanese
Gehrman pls leave
>You're putting a lot of trust in me
Fuck. My heart
These are questions I must have answered.
Cumming on her immediately triggers Phase 3.
Can I still molest a tiny slug girl to tentacle rape her?
She's pretty when she's incensed.
No, that's haram.
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I needed a warmup project.

Undead husbands probably have warmup duty, too.

A cold, stiff waifu needs a cozy bed warmer.
But I wanna squeeze tiny slug girls.
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember that teasing royal monster girls is a good way to get them warmed up for bedding/the shattering of your pelvis.

They're probably squishy like mindflayers.
Then don't use her for degenerate acts.

guess what
Gonna hit me with your epic futa meme?
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I can't go out without my helmet. I have identification issues.
Man, I want a squishyflayer that me and my wife can squish together.
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Not eldritch or cute or gothic enough.
Good stuff
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>Cum on Maris
>She become profoundly pissed
>Stage 3, hellfire and blood everywhere
>Back to the lamp for you
>Spend your next few re-incarnations trying to apologize
>She eventually stops immediately going to the fire
>Start flirting with her during the fight
>She eases up on you a bit, but not enough to keep from murdering you
>It's kind of cute that you're willing to keep ramming into a brick wall just for a few minutes to talk to her
>Most of her company of late can only talk about blood or drip, drop, drip, drop
>Enter her room for the umpteenth time
>Take a swing at her
>You eat a bullet and she proceeds to ram a hand through your chest
>She pulls you in close as you drown in your own blood
>'I must admit, you are quite a tenacious Hunter. Hopefully you will keep trying.'
>The last thing you remember before returning to the Dream is her giving you a quick kiss on the cheek
what are those holes for?
Gehrman didn't want to pay out for the extra plastic. He's a cheapskate.
speed holes
pick one
want another project?

Ready vibrators. We're going in.
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Dr. Pally will see you now
That Jub is smaller than the Yeti, but her titty game is fierce.
Man, what can't Pally do?
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My wyvern has gotten too pudgy to fly. How can we go on adventures if she can no longer fly?
That jubjub looks to have a fever
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Sea Bishop White Mage colored.jpg
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Heal my heart
Too much donuts huh
A strict diet of stretchy meat and water and flying 5 kilometers a day will fix her right up
Jubjubs are genetically destined to have disproportionately huge tits no matter how big they are.

Anon, have you checked to see if she's pregnant?
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This is your Medusa now.
Needs more Tiamat.
How does angry sex go with your waifu?
>she ties you up so you can't hug her back
Does not compute
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Wait, did I miss Krampusnacht?

unlubed pegging
Well it depends on who's angrier.
Can't hug her back
Jesus fuck, man, what did you do?!
i made fun of her for being sweaty on a summer day.
>lots of facesitting, followed by some light bondage, biting, and scratching
she loves to cuddle after this though, since she can kind of get carried away and wants to make up for it
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>facesitting, bondage, and biting
I like the way your Anubis thinks, anon.
Does she make you wear nothing but a linen loincloth? Telling you this is your 'punishment' for refusing to help build a pyramid for the great Pharaoh?
Oh gosh, I'd have to have done something awful and completely out of character for my Kobold waifu to be angry at me. Maybe she'd be angry at something else, but I feel like she'd want to do some femdom if she were in a mood like that.
Five asses on my face until they all get off, that's how. Followed by rough doggystyle with all of them switching out until my balls are empty and I can't handle any more manticore venom.
Be careful when marrying echidna born monstergirl sisters. They might be different species, but baby craziness runs in their blood.
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Oh man, new Miia picture. Perfect way to end the week. Thank you whoever commissioned this, I might hit this artist up later myself.

I want to get wrapped up by my snake wife and have her use me as heater while we're covered in thick blankets during these cold winter months.
I feel sad for sea bishop. Her job literally involves her doing a ritual while a couple fucks right in front of her during the whole thing. Must be a hard life.
as much as she loves cuddlesex, shes gotta maintain her dominance somehow!

she really does enjoy that sort of setting, sometimes she even breaks out her full blown traditional attire and jewelry!
I humbly volunteer to take that Sea Bishops cherry!
>Do something to get your Anubis Waifu angry.
>You wake up that night with fat naked Anubis ass on your face, her dripping pussy resting on your lips.
>You vaguely notice that your dick is exposed as she looks back at you with harsh eyes.
>"This is your punishment anon. It won't stop until you apologize."
>She proceeds to spend hours torturing you sexually.
>Stroking your dick and breathing heavily on it, never once letting you penetrate her tight warm mouth.
>Never once letting you get off as she rapes your face, her juices splattering your face every time she has an orgasm.
>When you finally can take no more, you choke out an apology.
>The torturous pleasure ends immediately. Her ass stops shaking as her hips stop thrusting.
>"Really anon? Are you really sorry?"
>She's turned around and is looking down at you with her pussy in your face.
>"Prove it then."
>You barely even notice her untie your bonds and prop you up against the headboard.
>"Give me what I want anon."
>You become suddenly aware of her pussy brushing against your rock hard dick.
>"Make me a mother."
>Before you can even react she thrusts her hips down and clenches.
>The sudden stimulation of her wet tight pussy causes you to cum instantly as she starts thrusting her hips even wilder, biting down on your shoulder and holding you as close as possible.
>After an hour of nonstop thrusting your mind is practically blank, your balls are empty, and she's frenching you as the two of you pass into blissful oblivion.
>The next morning you wake up to her excitedly holding a positive pregnancy test and giving you the most excited adorable smile.
So I was thinking about Large Mice, and that Dormice use to be Large Mice in Wonderland before QoH got tired of their shit.
After wondering if Dormice were as fertile as Large Mice, I suddenly had the image of a dozen fluffy mini Dormice sleeping on top of me.
God dammit.
I wanna say there's gonna be forced orgasms, lots of them.
don't do this to my heart anon, I'm not sure it can take much more.
also, positive pregnancy test the next day? must be some magic bullshit going on. works for me, though.
listen to this guy if their penis isn't feminine, it's gay
I don't think I could imagine your waifu getting angry KDF, from the way you post and write you're all just creepy smiles all the time.
Literal magic pregnancy tests help the matter a bit anon. As does Demonic Energy ensuring a swift impregnation when it does happen.
Will you be able to handle her fretting over making sure that you're ready for your daughteru or daughterus?
There's no creepiness involved anon! And no, I don't think I could imagine my waifu truly angry. The only thing I could see doing that to her would be someone maliciously harming our daughteru or me.
Bit of a hair trigger there, eh? You should've told her to chill out, she can't sweat the small stuff, especially in the summer of her youth.
yeah, that's what I assumed. I need to remember that we're talking about monster girls, after all.
of course! I will do everything within my power to make sure she is as comfortable as possible, and that us and our house are prepared for the new little pup coming into our lives! I'll probably end up getting advice from my waifu's mother about raising a little anupup, too
>Grandmother anubis
Seeing just how different the treatment her daughter got and the treatment her grandchild would get must be one of the wonders of the world. The same stern anumom that makes sure her daughter always eats properly (including the vegetables!) would lavish ice cream before dinner upon her granddaughteru.
Damn if this doesn't make my boner rock solid.

And damn if that doesn't get me right in the heart-boner.
geez, my waifu would be absolutely furious if that happened. I can see her trying to impose strict schedules and rules for when grandma anubis visits. of course, grandma anubis would manage to find a way around them quite easily
I'm torn. Her pipe is great, but she's not classy at all! She's a mean old goat!
>of course, grandma anubis would manage to find a way around them quite easily
Mom glare. Never fucking fails. No child can stand to that. No husband either, for that matter.
I want to make fun of a Cheshire Cat for having a fat cat ass.
Makes sense.

Personally in the Dragoon Story I'm [not quite really because I have no ability to sit down and actually dedicate time to] writing, I envisioned the Dragoon's Fortress being quite prosperous, bringing in a variety of couplings to ensure a varied and growing population. Human couples to keep up the supply of young human men of course being among them. And also Human Girl Dragoons who share a husband with their mounts, rather than the husband being the Dragoon.
Screeching, biting, and jabbing her her talons.
So these men would be civilians? How do the bitches work together?
>So these men would be civilians?
Yes. House Husbandos.

>How do the bitches work together?
If they can work together in the bedroom, they can work together in mid-air combat.
Well I sure hope this doesn't result in pointless drama and the downfall of Fort Share-a-Cock.
along as grandma anubis doesn't visit every weekend, I think the wife will be able to bear it

and promptly take her anger out on me later when the daughteru goes to grandma's house for the night
That's a good way to get her to shove you to the ground and rape you reverse cowgirl so you can see just how hard you get off to her fat cat ass.
It's not as if such groupings would make up the majority, or even a significant amount of the population. Just occurring frequently enough to account for a believably consistent male population. And that's just one of several possible solution to the same issue.
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Oh no, poor me!~

Whatever shall I do?~
The things you learn about culture! The world is a big place, huh.
The gif before went better.
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white chocolate dragon.png
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All right I admit, Im starting to see the appeal of dragons.

as long as they aren't too vanilla.
Oh you're smug in thinking you've tricked her now, but just wait until she jabs you with manticore needles to keep you going even as you go insane with pleasure and beg her to stop.
She'll bend over backwards as she keeps thrusting her hips, give you the smuggest smirk ever and whisper "no".
She'll keep raping you for days anon, she'll use her wonderland magic to keep your dick inside her as she loads you into her car and then continue the rape back at her house until she's satisfied.
And spoiler, she's not going to be satisfied for a long time.
>At a glance, the ritual looks almost like a human marriage ceremony, but because of the need to constantly infuse the man with magical power, the couple will continually have intercourse right in front of the sea bishop during the ceremony.
She must have remarkable control to just sit through all that
She just takes notes while blushing, hoping someday she'll be able to find a drowning man to save so she can try out every position she's ever seen with him.
>wrap arms around a girl that's not known for being soft or cuddly
>"why are you doing that? Isn't it uncomfortable?"
>squeeze tighter, make her blush
>you will never fluster an oppai loli porcupine girl when you hug her
>M-My first hug!
>irritated Hedgehog noises
Hmm, yes.
I want to mating press a porcupine girl so hard that she gets stuck in the mattress!
>Just tried a new recipe for the first time and it went swell
I Just wanna be a house husband damn it!
You should wear your coat or you'll catch a cold.
Keep it up anon, one day you'll be there! Who's the lucky lady you want to cook for?
Elf-Wight. Gonna show her the pleasures of humie-breather food.
Does she even have working taste-buds?
That just makes it sound like you run around sniffing human women which is silly because there are better things to smell. Like manes, for instance.
Of course, she has to be able to taste cum somehow.

But those smell like Manticores.
That is so sweet, I hope you can show her the glory that is so-called "commoner food".
>But those smell like Manticores.
And? Those manes won't huff themselves anon.
Manticores smell bad.
Highly developed taste buds in fact. Elven cuisine is often bland to humans, because the elements at play weave about so subtly that it takes a discerning tongue to hint at them all. Whatever you do, don't imply elves just have basically nothing in the way of spice and variety.
>That is so sweet, I hope you can show her the glory that is so-called "commoner food".
Thanks anon. Lets hope kek blesses us with some powerful meme magic when 2017 rolls around.
I'm going to give Elves freely from my habanero stash!
I can't stop thinking about Snek bellies.
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Tell me about snek bellies.
> Demonic Energy ensuring a swift impregnation
you had to ruin a sweet moment by adding in something that DE explicitly can't do. My OCD ruins this for me, anon.
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Yes. Yes!

They're soft, but firm. Make excellent pillows and are asking to be kissed.
Maybe even some toned abs of you want them.
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I mean as in when a monstergirl gets pregnant Demonic Energy makes it so she's pregnant the day of.
The baby still has to grow, but she can know she's pregnant almost instantly.
Miia's body is pretty lickable if I do say so myself.
>But those smell like Manticores.
S'yer point? Manticores aren't the only girls with chest, either. They could as easily smell like hellhounds, griffons or cute little kobolds!
Hellhounds would smell like a very humid room.

That doesn't sound good.
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They smell like a mix of cinnamon and sulfur, giving off a slight earthy smell.
Sandworms also smell like cinnamon.
I don't like cinnamon.
Quicksilver_ out.
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What about butterscotch?
Sulfur is not a good smell.
I don't really remember the taste of butterscotch.
It's really not. Though I've found it can be made better by association. I find it a bit more pleasant than most I'd say, because I associate it with hot springs.
Humid rooms are great and you're forgetting the subtle undertones of wood smoke and brimstone. I see now that you're just tasteless and unimaginative.
>Humid rooms are great
Fuck you, no they don't.
I can assure you that I'm not that faggot.
Her Ears. I must touch them.
Cow ears are strong and sinewy. You'll find yourself quite outmatched by them.
Rub the base.
What stories are you itching for?
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Corruption is fun
more from KDF
Undead Kingdom stuff
I've got a backlog of stuff on the word press to read, so I can't really say.
I want to be opposed to corruption but my dick loves it so much.
More of those two stories Beast is working on that are not the roulette.
Matango loving
Wurm stuff
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Tender loving femdom.
A continuation of Alp Adventures
The only people worth reading don't update consistently, so better to not expect anything and be pleasantly surprised now and then.
I thought the only other thing he does outside of the roulette is the odd greentext?
She was much better as a human.

Corruption is trash and most aspects about DE is shit.
Bovines, bovines with a lot of milk and pent up aggression
So about 100% of the content this thread produces?
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I want to lick every inch of Miia!
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This is absolutely not how the ruler of the earth should look, what good is a dragon like this?

This is why you should never spoil your dragon.
I'm sorry, is the fact that I like the content of this thread not up to your posting standards?
That's not the ruler of anything, it's obviously presenting itself.
Of course not.
Nah, He has two stories going, Burning edge and scalebound. unlike the roullete, the stories are more serious

Problem is that Beast takes forever to update and when he does it could be anything, I want expecting a story surrounding his steelim for example.
Meer a shit.
I want to use her abs as a pillow
>not spoiling dragons

What are you smoking?
I admit that he has come a long way from the guy who would shitpost about golems and orange juice last year.

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Reverse Corruption of delinquents.
>Local Ryu upset she receives no credit for the weather during the winter season
>"It's like they don't know who does what around here. Fuck 'em!"
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I find myself wanting monsters that were once human.
Nice abs, but how are the bodies on her minions?
Nobody cares about Ryus.
They vary. Some are slim, some are chubby, some of them are /fit/.
She's got the best abs out of all of them though.
also, the picture doesn't show it but she's supposed to have brown skin.
Bushy brows looks like she has a pretty plump chest.
Do you think they're extra lewd to make up for lost time?
The world guides outright state that they are by several orders of magnitude.
Would it be possible to resist demonic energy with the right state of mind or a good amount of willpower?
Sure, that's what willpower is for.
I-I do...
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Then how about you sell all your shit and buy a lot of land adjacent to the shrine so you can farm stuff and live by her side?
That tabletop RPG one
I bet it won't ever be continued though, a story featuring 2 of my favorite most ignored species is just too good to be true

Corruption is good
Even if I got my waifu and could enjoy a peaceful life with her, we'd still go around and corrupt human women every so often
That's because who ever is pampering her
You'd bow down to her if she was properly trained
I bet the poor girl even has a weak fire breath from all the sweets she's been fed

Go ahead and spoil her, but don't complain when she turns into an overweight CC with a small hoard
No one will ever bother climb up to her lair expect the pizza delivery guys
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Tell me about the most creative ideas our writefags have ever had.
Thinking about it, my own ideas are simple and generic

As far as what I've read I have to give it to that guy who deleted all his stories
My favorite was about 3 Flow Kelp doing some weird sex ritual to bind with a man, one of them was yandere
Even though KC clearly said Flow Kelps are the shaman of an aquatic trio, it never crossed my mind to have them actually do potions and magical brews with their kelp
And this story is gone for good?
Unless someone saved it, I wish I did
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i will leave this Wight here, be kind to her. Will do a wurm next. Have a good day everyone!
What are those flowers she's wearing? Girls with flowers in their hair are my fetish.
Carnations I think
I don't know what that smells like.
The smell is really light compared to roses.
I guess that shows she's tactful and not overly showy. Speaks of a humble personality.
This is one beautiful Wight

I don't recall you posting something here, is this your first time drawing a monster girl?
Wights are amazing. I just love them so much.
And this is an amazing pic as well.

How do you go about courting a Wight?
Ever played Fable? You woo them like Lady Grey. Get her a black rose and beat the shit out of the other suitor.
Wights are too sexy and fancy. If one ever tried to hit on me I would be done for.
Does that mean I have to go and find her ghost sister as well? That would be really fitting all things considered. I would totally do it to get with a Wight.
Damn, now I want to go back and play fable again.
It doesn't work like that

Either you were already married to her when she was a Zombie and you helped her become a Wight

Or you find a a Wight directly and hope she likes you
She'd most likely enjoy getting courted but whether you become her lover or not will depend solely on her

She probably decides if you're the one for her with a single touch when she drains you
Thank you. But I like it better my way.
Purple carnations imply capriciousness. She might be prone to mood swings.

Or it just goes well with her dress. I'm guessing the latter.
Now I kinda want to commission a picture of a lady Gray Wight.
Would you write poems for her?
Oh yeah, purple carnations can be seen as the flowers of the dead because of their color too. That's probably why she's wearing them.
Sure, I could try but I'm not very good at it. Then again, nither was the captain.
Wait, buck posts here?
You guys don't realize how hard it is to court a Wight
If it was a dating sim her love meter would be 10 times bigger than other girls'

You also have to keep in mind, she's jaded from the thousands of men who tries to court her over the centuries just because of her wealth

Do you have a plan to win her cold, dead heart?
I'mma slap her face with muh dick.
She throws me into the ground with a tail swipe, mounts me, forces me to lick and carress her tail while constantly biting and scratching me. Angry waifu sex is dangerous.
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Waifu fighting game in steam!
MGE2 fighting game when? Who will be top fighters? What will be their ultimates?
By making my own Wight by fucking a zombie until she becomes one.
courting a zombie would be really easy. Tell her that she's pretty and you want to fuck her and you're done.
KILL IT WIHT FIRE! Or liquid nytrogen, whatever.
If your spirit energy tells her things about yourself then she can quicken the dating process by draining it from you and gather information from your energy.

You'll still feel good just like when a Vampire bites you.
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>hating on best waifu
Sleepy thread is sleepy
Any good MGE fighting game needs a Lilim secret boss and a female paladin joke character

Maybe Nurarihyon is a better secret boss, she's definitely more cool looking than the profile Lilim

That's what I believe too, but as another anon pointed out it's not fun that way
A Dragon under a kotatsu is pretty comfy and since Dragon Zombie is much softer can you imagine how comfy it would be to share a kotatsu with her?

Also remember that the best cuddlers are reptiles and undeads, Dragon Zombie is both
Wights are just fancy Zombies!
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Lilims should be one of those customisable characters.
Dragons still have her pride. I want to take a photo of her drooling face and tease her with it.

Apart from that, you're right. But Dragon Zombies are even rarer than normal Dragons.
Demon doesn't deserve such a demeaning downgrade.
Not really, you could dress a Zombie nicely, take care of her skin, teach her classy manners and so on...
She still would give off that same aura of nobility that Wights have

My dick is very confused about this, why is the delicious blue loli wearing her older sister's clothes?

Absolutely stunning drawing though, Barb has gone a long way
Please no
Or at least ban them from online play

I remember saying a few threads back that a Dragon's pride is one of her strongest, most defining asset
But the more I'm thinking about Dragon Zombies and how great life would be with them the more I believe that pride doesn't matter all that much

>She still would NOT give off that same aura
>you will never descend into madness with saya
Life just isn't fair at times.
Those hips are calling out to me. They're yelling out "BREED ME". And I'll happily oblige.
That's how I like my dragons. They are all prideful at first, but when loving their husbands they sometimes forget to act haughty and proud.
Who? Is she supposed to be a very toned down shoggoth?
>you'll never tease your dragonfu in public about how last night she was the one wearing the collar
The more i think about dragons the more it hurts because they will never be real and even when MGs do come real there's no way in hell i'll get one.
>tfw can't go to gensokyo because i don't want my parents to be sad
>toned down
She's a literal abomination that only the main character sees as a cute girl due to his brain being fucked up.
I have one friend of mine that's waiting for his mom to die so he can kill himself. Pretty sad stuff.
Teasing my dragon would be so worth it. Telling others the embarrassing stuff a mighty beast does would be so good.
Wouldn't you like a OC lilim tournament to see who's the strongest lilim around?
That is totally my fetish.
I dunno about a shoggoth, she seems like one of those creepy hidden abomination
At first she's just a cute girl with an eerie vibe, then one day you find out she's a full blown abomination and your life is ruined

Man, abominations are so easy to read
Wurms are OK with anyone
So are Dragon Zombies
Wyverns don't have particularly high standards
Jabberwock just need you to be really lewd
Otohime only cares about your reactions

Really, it's only vanilla Dragons and Ryus that play hard to get
We'll probably get a handful more of great, hard to obtain dragons like Bahamut, elemental Drake's, etc... But for now enjoy all the easy ones

Teasing your Dragon is not OK, you'll both be violently raped when you go back home
Hell, she might even make you wear some humiliating prince costume as revenge
If you call being married to the woman you love and having three daughterus with her as 'ruined' then you've never been in love.
Personally I'd be too dense to notice the signs that my waifu is an abomination.
>Hell, she might even make you wear some humiliating prince costume as revenge
That's not fair, I wanted the Princess Dress though.
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I'd a jiangshi in half a heartbeat. Especially Binas rival.
If they were real they would be 3DPD, it's better this way
Teasing the dragon is fine and nice, especially if you run away afterwards.
I feel like my dragon would definitely make me suffer for a bit though.
>Jabberwock just need you to be really lewd

Yep. Just dropping your pants while having a boner is good enough for her to take you.
>Jabberwock just need you to be really lewd
>Implying they wouldn't have double the fun with a pure-as-an-Alice otouto
Otohime are the Exeggutors of Dragon Girls.
OU early in their career and then suffer a drastic drop in usage all the way into NU once their poor typing and special defense gets the better of their and their one shot at a resurgence turns them into a joke, and still isn't good enough to save their career?
>Liking a fujoshit
Y'know, of all the shit that Crabman has pulled, I find turning undead into a [non-]living pun to be the most egregious.
You could always pretend to be pure boy after you got your wock.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
I can ignore shit taste easy. That ass is like an onion though. Makes me cry errytime.
Fair enough.

But can you ignore her getting off to the idea of you fucking another guy? Or another guy fucking you?
That's a bridge we'll cross when she becomes real. No point fielding "What if" questions my man.
You want to be like that one comic strip where a father crossdresses in front of his Dragon daughter?

If you mean like he'd act pure but be a full slut in bed complete with the ahegao and double peace sign then you're right

If you mean actually pure then probably not, she'd enjoy breaking him and teaching him about lewd stuff though
I know making fun of Otohime is the hip thing to do but you guys are taking it too far

If you don't want to love a beautiful, god-tier, fun-loving, sea dragon just because you don't like the looks of her lower half then fine, your loss

But calling her a long-necked walking joke is strictly forbidden
Also she's more like Kingdra you blind bastards
Hearing my daughteru call me her princess would make me have a heart attack along with my waifu.
If you don't give your waifu complete freedom to use your image in any and all of her fantasies you don't deserve her or those fancy copyright lawyers.
I mean, sure I stopped bullying the sea horse, but saying that she is god-tier is forcing it.
I did what some anon said yesterday about pumping my vampfu full of seed until she got a daugtheru but i think i did something wrong in the process, now she wont let me leave the bed and her eye pupils got the shape of a heart!

What do i do now? scare her with garlic?
>using garlic on a Vampire with heart pupils
I hope your pelvis can take it
Become garlic.
You must pierce her with your stake again.
>best waifu
Any worlds she ends up on needs Exterminatus.
I meant god-tier power wise just like Ryus and 9 tailed Inaris are
Using the power of science, is it possible to breed beautiful new breeds of Alraune daughters? Perhaps make their peppers spicier?
Instead of weather like Ryus, Otohimes can manipulate sea currents and create tsunamis.

Tsunamis are no joke to people living near the sea.
Maybe spicing her food with it wasnt a good idea


You dont understand anon, She isnt letting me get off from her at all, she is still milking me nonstop and if i try to pull out she proceeds to leglock and winghug me!

i just want to stop before she pops
>Otohimes can manipulate sea currents
Do not disturb the harmony of fire, ice and lighting.
Hold on, how are you posting if you're getting vagina-vacuumed?
Yeah, I only got what you meant after I posted.
But ehh, she is probably too busy "dancing" to do anything else.
Something is wrong with her, if she was pregnant with a regular Vampire daughter she'd keep her pride and reason

It's probably the Dhampir daughter inside of her that makes her go crazy, bare with it until she gives birth

No, you can't play god like that
There are enough kinds of Alraunes out there, if you want a spicy one then go look for her instead of trying some weird things
KC corruption is very good. Most other stuff is trash.
Now if only that sword of truth game would get translated so we could have more delicious hero on shota squire corruption.
His vampire has one of those ignoration fetishes.
>if you want a spicy one then go look for her instead of trying some weird things
Well what if I find her, then have kids with her, then wish them to get spicier really really hard?
Ah. Then how does he use the toilet?
I loved that movie when I was in 6th grade
I don't know, maybe he takis his bed and wife to the bathroom? If you can't get out of the bed, just take it with you.

That's what my waifu taught me.
Remember seeing it in theatres, it was the hypest shit back in the day.
Does your waifu have layers by any chance?
Plant them in the right soil and make sure to tell them you'd be proud if they were very spicy so they try their best

That should be enough, and I'd it isn't then you can magic to help even further

No science or artificial stuff though, unless you want them to be tall, /fit/ and immune to all diseases

Actually now that I write it down, we should come up with some fertilizer to make dire Alraunes for everyone
I've learned that plants grow better if you talk to them or play music to them. Should I play Spice Girls or Red Hot Chili Peppers to my budding daughters?
Death Grips
>Alraunes with spicy nectar

Make hot sauce from it and it could sell a lot. Also what MGs would like spicy food? I'd imagine those desert girls.
>Does your waifu have layers by any chance?
No, not really. Why do you ask?
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Help how do i get her OFF?
Carrying a bed around just like that just sounds like a very Ogre thing to do.
Dragons probably, I can't imagine them having any trouble with it.
Wiggle your joystick to escape.
How do you get her off?

Well the best way to get a girl to orgasm is by playing to her particular sensitivities. Being an open and communicative lover; asking her what and where feels best to her, is the best way to go about this.
Better do it quick too, or she starts biting and it'll be even harder to escape.
If she tries to bite, just smash her triangle.
>Alraune hot sauce
I need to know what this tastes like. But I can probably already guess what it's used for.
It doesn't taste all that special, it's just strong acid full of chemicals that stimulates the pleasure centre of your brain.
Oh no Anon. I'm the one that carries the bed and her around. She just told me to carry it and her around if I wanted to move.
Probably like hot sauce with some hints of sweetness. It also contains the typical aphrodisiac properties of Alraune nectar.
Oh, so your waifu is a little thing.
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Here you go, more devil with an apron.

This is real motivating to me, maybe I'll draw one too.
Probably a fairy.
Or he could be swole as fuck.
Guessed wrong again. She's a dragon.
You're a big guy.
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Dragons can be little things.
So much devil love, they really are perfect imoutos.
>Full. Metal. Jacket.
Nope. I'm average I guess.

Wife is normal size.
They can also be cute alps who's smiles must be protected
Are you capable of telekinesis?
I wanna see what her older sister looks like. The middle oldest, the one who spends all her time on her computer talking about her husbando.
>Heart pupils
Looks like her husband answered "you" when she asked if he wanted dinner or a bath first
>first Alp the writer is a Dragonfag
>then we get an Alp Dragon
Is this the power of meme magic?
Not really. It would be nice if I was.
Then how the hell are you going to lift a whole bed with a full sized dragon from the most awkward angle? Spiral energy?
I heard that Pucelle is his daughteru.
Leverage, I think.
Spirit energy and I guess spiral could work too. Me lifting my waifu is one of the wonders from the MGE world.
>one of the wonders from the MGE world.
Like princess carrying an ushi oni.
I thought his daughteru was the one he wrote about, the one who kept an adult Maus as a toy?
That exists. In the second world guide theres this plant called intoxication fruit. Basically a bushel of grapes, a bunch of them. They have demonic energy juice in them, and the lower down you go in the bushel the more concentrated it is. The bottom plant is shapped like a heart and is super densely concentrated. The profile has a note at the end, that if a plant type monster were to grow underneath one so that the dew that acumulates on the bottom fruit drips onto it it would grow to be a induvidual as strong as a dragon or baphomot.
Pucelle was taken too soon.
Call The Batter, he's a good guy who knows what to do with monsters
There was a daughter, and he kept saying he'd write an adult mouse in as a toy for the little thing, but I don't think he ever did it.
Yes he did, that's how I know about it. The parents were fucking and the girl wanted to feed the Mouse cheese and she didn't want any.
Ah, he finally did it? Well, good for him.
This was a good while ago, was it really that long in the works?
There is such a Devil?
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>tfw longneck-chan is over
Oh yeah she exists. She just doesn't get out much unless she's going to the store to get food or vidya games.
Something like that. Love can overcome a lot of things.
At least they kissed. But was it a good or bad end?
Probably Queen of hearts since she's the oldest known.
Followed by Drew Berry, Mari, Illassa, Lani, Selene, and Viccy. In that order.
You forgot Ronaldo.
How many girls are in your harem anon? Are you monogamous? Bigamous?
Rushed non-end.
Just one.
Just one.
I have one waifu and one daughteru, but since I have sex with them both I guess that counts as bigamy.
I have at least 389. It's hard to make sure each are satisfied and that they don't get into stupid ass arguements over gossip every day.
Pimping just ain't easy, but at least all the cute daughters running around helping me with chores is adorable.
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I love vampires,dragons and kitsunes but if i had to pick JUST one to spend my life with, it would be a vampire no questions asked
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What have you done to make her this flustered?
Just one spider, but she's a very good spider.
Made a lego solid snake.

I just have my Dragon and no other girl no matter how fluffy she is will change that.
Told her that she looks cute in her traditional Egyptian uniform.
would a dragon hoard her husbando juices?
Yes. She keeps it in the fridge for later consumption.
She hoards it in her womb. That's why some dragons get a bunch of creampies.
Sounds to close to Geraldo.
What's her name again? It's Renate, right?
>WA still hasn't even begun to experience it's possible blizzard in full force yet
Great, I love more snow when there's two fucking feet of it already. Are we being invaded by Russian Yuki Onna?
Even if I wasn't a huge monogamyfag, my waifu loves to too much to want to share me with some other slut. The thought that my heart could belong to some one other than her would put the yan in yandere
i dont think i wanna open the fridge and see alot of jars with my juices in it

dragons must have plenty of space there!
Renate sounds close to that one ghost dude hovering behind the big bad of ff12.
Probably her and the few kitsune bi's she ends up producing
>tfw snow here is already melted away

Send some here
Well, I believe that's her true name. Where is Alp when we need him?
>Snow this Snow that
I've never seen snow in my life.
I've never seen it either. I wonder how it feels like.
Just come here and grab what you can.
Shit, there's enough here to make a snow village. If mamanobama was a thing it would turn the village into a bunch of yukis.
Cold powder.
Fun to play with and eat. Avoid yellow or red snow though.
I've only seen real snow on a handful of occasions.

It gets old fast.
Fun and fluffy for a few minutes, cold and wet all the rest of the time.
Just like a human marriage.
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Does it count as bigamy if she's technically conjoined twins?
which head feels the body arousal?
Both of them of course!

I'll never be good enough for her.

Pretty much this, yes. Even if without the bigamy, it enables a growing population and childhood friend romance.
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What she is carrying?
Hopes and dreams.
Two consciousnesses seems like bigamy to me anon.
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You inherit a large mansion, a ton of cash, and a large number of maids from an unknown benefactor.

What monsters make up the maids? What do you do with them?
A box!
Mostly Kikis, and maybe an odd Mousegirl or two.

They all get brand new padded cages to sleep in and new uniforms made of latex.
I don't like maids.
Dragon and Anubi maids. I respect them.

My love.
Headmaid is a Dragon who will soon get a promotion. As for the other maids, Kikis, Jinko, a Griffon some wolfus, a Kakuen, Cheshire, some harpies and maybe a Kobold
Maids a shit.
Griffons are not to be maids.

Pamper and breed them to make dhampir daugherus to fill the mansion with
Just you wait, the griffon will use her sheer drive and bravery to take over as head maid of the household one day.
If anything, you'll end up being the griffons maid
He said maids, not mistresses
But the head maid is my waifu, she can't do that.

Too late. Maybe she is in a secret mission.
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>all this maid hate
40lb box of rape
They can be both.
I'm more of a femdom guy myself, I never really found maid outfits attractive, and I find the idea of being a 'master' sort of awkward.
My spider maid cleans everything except her own webs, I keep getting stuck in them and she bullies me, should I complain to MGC maid central?
Well, as I'm already married and have daughteru, I'd start an agency and hire all the maids out as me and my waifu and daughteru have no plans nor the desire to move out of our house. That's fine though, the mansion can serve as KDF Maid Service Headquarters! We'd hire out any type of maid you could ever want!

I quite like the way you think anon. I don't think I'd enforce something similar with my maids though, they have their own lives and will all hopefully have their own Masters someday!
That's what Dhampirs are for.
What if someone wants to hire your daughter?
>I'd enforce something similar with my maids though
If you did you could call your agency RubberMaid.
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>Slimy breast height hugs

How do human women even compete?
Oh shit that's golden.
>Maids who specialize in 'other' interests and wear latex uniforms.
I'd hire one. Maybe KDF isn't so bad after all.
Human girls > Monster girls
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March Hare.jpg
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>Slimy breast height hugs
objectively inferior to fluffy breast height hugs
They don't, they just can't

Unagi-Joros are the best.
It's fun if you layer up and wear snow pa ts, wearing a goose down coat feels like being hugged by a mini yeti even when it's 20 below
snow pants*, damn Ice Queens making my hands too cold to type
My daughteru is not for hire and never will be. Maybe if it's for like an innocent summer job or something with a nice married family, but that's it. I don't think I'd be able to say no if she wanted to come along to the agency in her latex maid outfit though, I'm sure she'd be quite excited about going to visit all the maids!

Ok, that's very clever. I might have to rethink my business policies, KDF RubberMaid Services has a nice ring to it.

I really couldn't do much more than having them wear latex uniforms, otherwise it'f eel like cheating.
Ice Queen wants pats without pants.
Unagi-joros are made for face to breast hugs. She can adjust her height to match yours so your face will get buried in her chest.
>KDF RubberMaid Services
I can dig it.
She's the ultimate ara ara
She'll have to leave her palace and come to me for pats, I'm not leaving my bed snuggled up in Weresheep wool blankets and hat
>that navel
Oh baby. Make me want to see a Wight wearing a two-piece that showcases some midriff.
He lurks from time to time.
Except I like Mantises you nigger.
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>Devil trying to live up to the awesomeness of Demons
Pretty cute and hot nonetheless. Them hips too.
I want to ravage her butthole.
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I want to become slippery with her. I want to lick all over her body.
Is that a Demon pretending to be a Devil or a Devil pretending to be a Demon?
This is important, I'm danbooring it.
How should short guy and tall monster girl hug without being awkward?
She;d have to pick him up.
Boob hugs.
twintails says devil
It's a Devil cosplaying in the profile Demons outfit.
Her slime is actually good for you.
She also likes to force feed it to you.
I know, makes it even better. Gonna make her body sore from all the licking.
I feel like your tongue would get sore first.
You underestimate my tongue.
I don't know anon, Eels have a lot to lick!
She likes to add some when cooking for you.
This sounds like what an Akaname would say
Now I'm picturing an Akaname giving an Unagi-jorou a tongue bath.

Thanks anon.
Well, I'll make sure to take my time getting every single spot of her. She'll be just a mess when I finish.

Akanames are for tongue twister.
I wonder if I could lick my MG waifus pussy so much that it gets sore and sensitive from all the licking.
I wonder what an Akaname's reaction would be to me jerking off her tongue.
I have a fetish for cunnilingus. My waifu knows what happens when we are getting sexy and I lick my lips.
How would you make an Akaname wear a gag if her tongue is so long?
They're probably a bit masochist, I bet you could make one cum by making a tight know with her tongue
You'd just have to gag her with her own tongue. Maybe a ring gag would work too, maybe with a tight latex tongue-sock attached to it to really make her feel helpless.
ring gag, duh
Can vampires be lazy or NEET?
That's way too lewd.
>a tight know
Typo, I meant a knot

I wouldn't, that's cruel

Ring gag would definitely work, you could even irrumate her while she eats herself out
>They still tell the tales of the first Dragoon
>A knight so enamored by the ferocity and power of his ancient foes that he trained his body to soar to their heights
>No one knows what ever truly happened to that lance wielding knight, who could leap into the sky
>Some say he journeyed into Makai with the Hero
>Others say that he found a human wife and died in solitude, but little do they know the truth
>That in the great battle between the First and his most powerful adversary, he took her eye... but in the process she stole his heart
>Some days, when you journey past Dragonia you can still hear them, the children Azure of Lady Nidhogg
I want to choke an akaname with her own tongue while fucking her doggystyle!
I'm sure there are some NEET or lazy vampire mistresses out there.
>those heart pupils
>dat expression
>dat drip
March Hare is an underrated girl
Why is her carrot sweating...
bunny girls. Good for lewd but too vanilla for waifu
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What do monster girls think of cumflation?
Because it's hot.
They love it. Nothing puts a MG into a state of drunken bliss faster than a bulging womb of hot cum.
I think that's spit.
She'd rape your throat.
Yes, March Hares are all so orally fixated that they need to have something in their mouths basically all the time, kind of like a pacifier.
"What do you mean your husband haven't cumflated you? Are you sure you've been a good wife if he hasn't done that yet?"
I bet a March Hare would love wearing a dildo gag.
>Computer suddenly refuses to get past the startup screen
>So far fuckall works in fixing it
>Places to send it to get fixed in don't open till monday
>All writefagging progress is stuck in there
>Along with every shitposting image
>Don't even have an image to shitpost with in this computer

This is how it ends
Hopefully shitposting images are the worst things on there.

Are they the worst things on there anon?
It's time to start over, Anon. With a new name, new images, new monsters.
Define worst
you dont ever backup your files? i always copy any new pictures or stuff i get into 2 different USB

i am a paranoid fucker
>With a new name, new images, new monsters.
I wonder how many people her have actually done this.
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I want more beetles.
I don't know anon, is it really that bad?
Do shield beetles dual wield shields?
Which monster girls would most likely to recite lovey dovey poetry while making love?
That's my fetish
That or a tonguejob. She's great at it.
If they do then one shield must be smaller since the profile specifies only one "sturdy, great shield" for the shield beetles.
Phantom. May contain chunni.
I suppose a "sturdy great shield" would have to be wielded two handed anyways.
I wish she was talked about more. Or rather, I hope her story in after school alice tale gets translated. Though I have a feeling the wordplay would be sort of awkward.
>Boot from USB
>Run harddrive defragment
>Then run a registry cleanup

Or pull the drive and do that stuff with a backup/friend's computer.
Any ones with a french accent
>disk defragment meme
>implying it's a meme meme with old physical platter drives
Fell victim to complacency over the years and stopped backing up just as it happened. Not like I lost much in that regard since I have what I wrote online and didn't write shit for whatever chapter I was working on.

Apart from years worth of saved images and music that costed me an arm and a leg to find, I think I'll survive if the worst happens.
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That sounds impractical.
I want to cut a hole in whatever shes wearing on her top, fill it with some oil, and then empty myself in her chest
i just like to imagine how they would react once they think you are done and suddenly you eat some funky shrooms and start pouring a dam of juices inside their wombs without any stopping soon
This is how you get heart pupils

One of their favorite thing, it makes them feel the joys of pregnancy even if it's just for a few hours
Two shields are better than one. Put them together at an angle and you'll do FAR better defending than if you were to tank the hit head on
One of the paralyzing ones like basilisk.

Getting raped by a nerd monologuing shakespeare while you're powerless to resist and glowering is the best.
>monologuing shakespeare
I was leaning more toward poetry she made herself that come straight from the heart
That's fair, but I dislike shakespeare so it affects me more strongly on an emotional torment level.
I think we're wanting different things from this
Wine sipping yetis with french-canadian accents
>dislike Shakespeare

I don't think anyone with a soul can hate Richard III. Best villain play of the Renaissance.

“And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain,
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.”

Pretty hard to hate Hamlet too. A bunch of the others are varying levels of badly aged satire and plain droll.
I want to compliment a vampire fangs!
Shakespeare had a few moments of brilliant writing, but its most of it is no better than reality tv. He got famous because it was all they had. People forget he was in the 1% of people who where even literate at that time.
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Cute monster girls in tacky Christmas sweaters!
I want to recharge her by patting her gently on the head!
I want to fill her with juice until her batteries are extra charged
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The Wife.jpg
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>tfw Waifu is never talked about
Her dark version looks like more fun.
>not having shag carpet all over the house
>not "filling her" on said carpet
Maximum charge.

If you're into turbosluts I guess.
But she's not pure and loving!
>Consensual cuddling
>Mating press

cant get purer than this
What other types of weaponry could Valkyries wield?
Would their armors ever differ in appearance?
They need hammers.
What about riding her on the carpet?
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I bet Anubutts have nice, soft paw pads! Perfect for handholding!
Of course they do. Not only they are dogs, but they don't do any physical work either.
And muscle and big titties!
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Did somebody say muscle and titties?
>This is a SSS rank paladin armor

Don't go telling monsters that they are sluts when this is what the "good guys' are wearing
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Those aren't big at all.
It'd be nice to have one to whip me into shape but I'd be to worried about wondering if she's corrupting or not and what to do if she does.
Also, apparently from KC's comments on the cupid profile eros Valkyries do indeed exist.
I bet Anubutts have the best kept hair and tails out of any wolfus!
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They're just right to me.

I can't stand the crabman style Watermelons glued to stick thing body style boobs.
Still a step below the foxes though.
Spear and shield. Axe and shileld. If you're being realistic at all
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New wife picture finished today as well!
Gazerfag, how much do you think you've spent on commissions?
I hope he does a profile for that some day. A pink valkyrie I guess?
She's bullying an eye stock.
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Sometimes I think about commissioning ittla to do art of my waifu. I think I'd rather spend the money on more guns and ammo though.
i feel you anon
are you saying guns AREN'T waifus, anon?
Oh my, what sharp teeth that Hound has.
I would a raifu desu
I want to cumflate a jabberwock and plug her up with a vibrator
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My guns wouldn't make great waifus. All I got is a 10/22, a Chinese made M16, and a Turk 9mm pistol.
Actually a Chinese M16 raifu might be cute, depending on how it's done.

All the better to give you love bites with!
Anon no! Wock is not for lewd!
>Jabberwocks not for lewd

They are literally dragons with lewdness racked to eleven
No anon, Wocks are pure!
I am gonna devour sticky shrooms and proceed to mate press her until all her friends are purple with envy of how much semen she has inside
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Behold! The great Nicola Bolas! The strongest Dragon!
>Not Nicole Bolas
I'm not mad, just disapointed
Ah damn, that would have been better.
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Ah! Such big horns!
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What have you done now anon?
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It's not a sweater, but it's still festive.
You know what they say about girls with big horns
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Flat is justice
Probably a bit over $2000
She's adamant that she isn't mother material, but I always tell her otherwise.
>You will never work as a mall santa in Monster Girl City, with your 'helpful' Gremlin assistant.
>Always has a stupid grin on her face.
>Especially when a gigantic Oni delinquent takes a seat in your lap and asks you in a loud voice for more booze.
People in this thread are talking about who the strongest Dragon is and she hasn't even been mentioned.
Of course it's the red tsun one!
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I want to come up behind her and rub her tail when she's angry!
I want to be one of her henchmen!

She looks cute when she's annoyed/angry!
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Sooo, lets say I run across a sleeping Minotaur and decide to go in for a drink while shes out to see how it stacks versus holstaur milk. Now lets say she wakes up while I'm doing it. What should I expect the outcome of this scenario to be?
She doesnt have a tail on the official game

but she is very dam well the only dragon girl i truly love, even if she is just half dragon

she is the reason i am into dragon girls to be honest
Still, any red tsun dragon is best dragon in my book.
I can get behind the first part, second part, not so much
I want to help a Red Dragon with her bad temper.

We can do yoga, some stretching and calm breathing will do wonders for their temperament!
And a tiring fugging session!

twice per day, three on weekends
Proud NEET griffins!
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Come on lads, let's head on down to the MGC Bar and have ourselves a good ole time!

I bet the other boys are already down there, having a gaff, hitting on MGs way out of their league and everything!

I'm sure it's still open, we got time! We can get our fun in before they close out!


...All right boys, change of plans! We're heading to the other bar, you know the one on the "other" side of town, that one. We're gonna have ourselves a grand time and damn the expense!

Let's get moving Oni-Musha and our good time awaits!
I'm going to hit on the tsun Dragons who try to tell me to "piss off" and NOBODY CAN STOP ME!
>that sad moment when I'm sick with a cold
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Just another night at the MGC bar.

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This isn't a night at MGC bar.

This is a night at MGC's Oni-Musha.

Did anyone actually read the post...?
Get off my ass, ya wee bitty fuck.
I didn't get the reference sorry.
She'll make you finish but you're going to be forced to put your tongue in alot more places
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Does this mean anon is an angry drunk?

Actually that's pretty terrifying, angry drunk anon in a bar with rough and tumble MGs could lead to the whole gang getting bullied.
oh my.......
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Drink, eat and have fun all you want but don't forget to take care of your waifu's teeth
>angry drunk anon yells out "Succubi are cosplay tier!"
Do dragons have fangs?
>TFW absinthe fairy who's very real telling some sad, angry drunkard "Ganbare!"
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Do Succubi like bellyrubs?
Who's the one cooking?
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Oh boy, Anon's done it this time.
Are there human men only bars in MGC? I guess human men have to be protected from the relentless bathroom oni rape.
>Angry, drunken slurs gets you kicked out and raped in a gutter
>too drunk to care
>Wake up next morning with your pants down and cum drying on your thighs as well as various, miscellaneous unidentified MG juices.
I wonder what Mg would take pity on such a pathetic drunk
Chubby succubi are for belly rubs
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That sounds like an MGC Bar fairy patron.

Now the Oni-Musha fairy patron would be a bit less kind.
Of course, why wouldn't they?
Incorrect. Chubby Succubi are for calling sows while you rub their belly and grab at their love handles whilst you hump them into a sopping wet heap.
Well. Human boys don't really have rights in MGC do they?
Why can't they be for both?
They seem fond of stroking in general
>Wurm-chan just wants her dad for christmas so that her mom would stop drinking
What the fuck is an Oni-Musha, outside of a Capcom game.
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Or you tease them by making them get near a church just so their breasts fill up with milk.
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Any Monstergirl is ripe for belly rubs when you thoroughly impregnate them.
Or giving snacks so you can grope their chubby succubutts.

That is also true.
Why is the Empress dressed like this?

Is this another GO thing?
I'm gonna secret santa that little girl a Lich for christmass who can work on piecing her daddy's remains together for reanimation after his wife smacked him during a tsundere skit and shattered his spine and ruptured his internal organs.
This sounds like Sabrina the Teenage Lich inverted.
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Be more specific.

Onimusha can mean Demon Warrior, Oni Warrior, or Ogre Warrior. Also a Capcom game.

Oni-Musha appears to be the other bar in MGC besides the traditional one Latenight has drawn a lot of.

Seeing as how Oni are drinkers and Musha means Warrior, one could conclude that it is like a rougher Salty Spitoon styled bar, possibly with an Oni owner who named it as a play on her species' name.

At least I'm pretty sure. Probably.
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It's from Extella. Nero gains it via Heroic Spirit Apotheosis and wields Attila's Photon Ray.
Take a hike Bollocks.
Thanks for the clarification. Was confused as fuck what you mean by Oni-Musha as a bar.
she's cute tho
Watching an interview with crabman posted in the /a/ thread and honestly it's pretty interesting. I wonder of some one could rope KC into an interview and get him to talk about his personal thoughts.

Though I get the feeling KC will be too formal and concerned with trying to made every one happy and won't end up being honest.
How about you get that tree trunk sized stick out of your ass first?
wait im not sure if im reading this right,
are you saying okayado did a q&a on /a/?
Pot kettle black.
No he did an interview with a youtuber. If you look at his tweets you'll find it.
link to his twitter?
Not my fault you're trying to start shit with me when Yena is legitimately cute. At least I didn't post something like Cait or Cu Sith, faggot.
But you did actually post furry stuff.
Crossboard linking doesn't include the embedded youtube link. I didn't know that.
Except the furries aren't the main focus of the manga, now are they, you autismal fuck?
How do Jabberwocks come to be in the first place? Did the Queen of Hearts abduct some Dragons and converted them?
Probably. Also possible an echidna gave birth to them. They do that sometimes, make new species
Man, that would be rough on an Echidna and her husband. Imagine raising a baby of a race that no-one's ever seen before.
From the profile:

>The progenitor was originally a normal "dragon," but when the "Queen of Hearts" laid eyes on her proud figure, she maliciously cast a spell and changed the source of her pride from "being the absolute strongest and overpowering others" to "being the most lascivious and overpowering others."

So basically the Queen of Hearts, in her almost infantile, mostly childlike wonder decided to twist a Dragon into the original Jabberwocky who then raped Anon and had babies because he was all out of snicker snacks
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The Queen of Hearts also gave a Harpy big tits and sent her into perpetual heat for shits and giggles, which is how JubJubs were made.
The creation of the first Jabberwock seems a top-tier corruption material
Ah, I missed that in her profile.
Why don'y you just read the profile?
>Tfw your dad marries an Anubis when you're still a kid.
>She works and lives in Pharaoh's (a distant ancestor of the current reigning one to be exact) big damned mansion. You all move in.
>Dad and Anubimom are always busy either at work or doing lovey-dovey things.
>Younger brother is constantly assailed by your step-sisters, all competing to be the best Onee-San.
>Older brother has a harem of Ojou-sama type MGs he goes to school with competing for his affections while being egged on by an almost sociopathic troll of a Sphinx.
>Pharaoh, though she actually DOES try to take care of you (even though it's not really her job), often has to leave and go back to her homeland to unfuck the current, somewhat airheaded Pharaoh's newest blunder.
>Tfw you wind up being raised by Pharaoh's magic, ageless cobra familiar instead.
>He doesn't just hide posts
>Airheaded Pharaohs

I'm interested
Sounds like the middle kid got the best deal, a CC snake and her owner. Imagine being ten years down the track and snuggling in with your snakefu while your older and younger brothers stress about managing their harems.
her snake is too dangerously cheesy for me.
Anon, a Pharaoh's snake is just a snake.
It'll probably try to hook you up with that Apophis your age who's trying to stir up trouble for it's master.
I headcanon it as a loyal Lamia retainer who is skilled in polymorhpy. Can turn into a familiar or jewelry at her mistress's behest.
It's never awkward with monstergirls.

Also you didn't consider that many monstergirls are way taller than the tallest man and it's not only about short guys.
Fuck off back to e621
Just hug, put your face between her tits and hug her waist
Not him, but it's the furry r34
But I'm not a furry?
You're posting artwork done by a guy who draws furshit though. That's probably why he said it.
Oh shit.
That's the guy who made the dinosaur monstergirl manga. I thought he was okay here?
There's a huge difference between furshit and what Sanzo draws

Just ignore them. They're trying to start shit.
I'd be with you if he was actually posting that kind of stuff but saying people can't post any art from a guy non stop is more than a little silly.

Yell at him if he does post furshit by all means.
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>it wasn't a familiar, it was an Apophis the whole time!
There's a lot of cheesy shit out there. It's best to take art on a case by case basis.
He draws furries and monsterboys, what do you think?

You guys are fundamentally mistaken. I'm the the guy who told the other guy to fuck off. I'm just explaining what e621 is, and why that anon would have told the other anon to go there.

Personally as long as you don't post the furshit, I don't care.
This so much.

If we started "banning" nice art because the artist has drawn questionable stuff in the past then the list of artists we can post would be incredibly small.
>I'm not** the guy who told the other guy to fuck off.

>Pharaoh's snake is just a snake.
>One that teaches you ancient magics and imparts the warrior ways of the medjay unto you via telepathy while you sleep, so that one day, when it's master reclaims her old throne from her incompetent ancestor, you will be at her side to lead the realm to glory as her mightiest general and if it has anything to about it, husband.
>Pharaoh, for her part, has no idea what her snek has planned and just wants you to grow up to be a good man and have a happy life.
the day i see a pure jabberwock is the day i become king of the apes

i will proceed to hold her hands,pamper her, marry,have consensual cuddling under the blankets and give lots of belly rubs to her jabberwocky filled womb followed by kisses
>It's from Extella.
Huh. I imported the super-duper nip special edition. I really should play it...
While reigning over a bunch of kakuens.
I started writing something with a Pharaoh who thinks of the Apophis that's constantly scheming against her as being her best friend; leaving said Apophis utterly bereft of any sort of real rivalry as the Pharaoh shrugs off everything she does as just "Oh that's so like her".
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>The Jungle Book with monstergirls
>Tarzan with monstergirls
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Stupid sexy manticores
He's also Bollocks' shitposting trademark
>Pharaoh realizes the cold-blooded killing machine the snek has turned you into in her name.
>Drops everything else going on in her life and takes responsibility
>Snek achieves maximum keikaku doori.
I want a Bear girl to sing about the 'Bare Necessities'.

there's a MonMusu jungle book thing.
not into beast girls
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When did this happen?
>mother wolf as a thicc werewolf
There is this too.
You faggots think everything's that though.
>Tiger girl has wanted to husbando'd you since you were a baby, but you're engaged to the Alpha's daughter.

5 through 30. Enjoy. Will warn you ahead of time though, The Rhino girl pegs him with a dildo she confiscated from some poachers, Something something something fake out futa on male bullshit.
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That's okay, because I am. I love their fluffy tails and ears, their mofu, their paws and claws, and their dominant personalities.
I mean, you can see it's old and shit, I understand but...HERESY
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Cute frumpy Monster Girls at home

Tell me those NEETs
>Wake up and get ready for work
>Holstaur neighbor gives you a bottle of her milk, blushing slightly
>Take it and thank her
>Arrive at work
>Put bottle in corner with the others

I'm too jaded for love
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"Oh, it's you anon, I just thought you were the fedex man, I'm supposed to be getting some new figures today!"
I'd accept being raised by a magical Cobra who's probably still familiar with the "old" ways.

So long as she acts like a grizzled Cobra Commander.
I want to mating press that snake.
Wanna cuddle with her afterwards and hear her heartbeat.
what exactly does that mean?
(of a woman or her clothes) dowdy and old-fashioned.
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>More Abigail never
Is there ever a time it isn't?
why would a girl be holding something like that?
Sounds like someone needs a hug

Run Anon the Yetis are coming for you.
Fits a Troll perfectly

>Troll tries to hide her "assets" with traditional clothes
>with mixed results
To jerk her crush off with if he happens to walk into her room while she's masturbating.
>Be a prizefighter in the MGC underground, fighting other humans like a modern day gladiator.
>You take home big money and what little glory a human man still can take in MGC.
>It all comse crashing down when the ring gets busted by the cops.
>You're pulled aside by the chief of police, a tall and intimidatingly muscular dragon.
>She reads you off your record of fights and how you fight like a mad dog.
>She offers you two options.
>One: A non-reducible ten year sentence in MGC Disciplinary.
>You'll be let out when you serve your time, but it was formerly an all female prison with a current 99% female prisoner rate.
>Two: You can work for the police as a contractor, well paid but you'll be pointed at targets.
>You'd also be working as her daughter's partner.

What do you choose anon?
She just looks so vulnerable here. I just wanna tackle her down into that pile of pillows, lift both those glorious thighs up and fuck her, making her cum before she even really wakes up
Neet monsters are dangerous
I'm intrigued anon. How does one mating press a lamia?
Can I see a picture of her daughter and maybe get her record while on the police force?
I'm gonna say yes regardless but I would like know what I'm getting into beforehand.
She thought the package was for her and now she's upset about your shit taste in onaholes.
>shit taste in onaholes.
I genuinely didn't know there was 'taste' in onaholes. Is there really that much variety?
They can't catch me.
From peeking into the onahole thread, apparently yes.
I'll pick option two and just quit the next year.
Dragons shouldn't be everywhere.
I want to tease them and then get raped
>Dragon postwomen
>Dragon checkout chicks
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I bet no one here will ever remember that time when I posted this shit in MGQ general as the "Closest to MG pussy you can get".
You should never go to Dragonia then.
>Not building an empire with your prison harem
>"Hey...how come all the monsters here are dragons?"
>"I dunno, it's just a coincidence."
>"Hmm, I guess you're right suspiciously feminine male transfer student who always changes in the bathroom and stares into jewelry shops."
>Tomboy Reverse Trap Dragon

Just holy shit so much of the yes.
Don't even now what I'm looking at here.
Ya know, I think I'd shut down as a human by that point. I already suffer from "y-you too" syndrome on a weekly basis.

> just getting milk and eggs and stuff
> gotta keep the fridge stocked
> trying to decide if it's work the price concerning holst / harpie or normal product
> it's weird how comfortable MGC seems with eating other people's byproducts
> finally get my list filled up, head to the checkout lane
> dragon easily two heads taller than me working at the register
> silently judging my dietary choices
> I already have issues trying to avoid corruption lady, don't smirk at me because I won't buy the weird meat here

what is that?
>I already suffer from "y-you too" syndrome
I don't get it. What's wrong with saying "You too"? I mean, isn't that a natural response if someone says "Have a nice day" or some such in passing?
>"Thanks for ordering anon, enjoy your meal!"
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>tfw I prefer following to leading
>even If I were the strongest warrior in the world, I'd rather just be my waifu's right hand
Is is only me?
What are you talking about? He's clearly a very manly boy.

Also he needs to borrow your underwear that you've worn before.
it isn't the phrase itself, its used online as a shorthand for just being awkward and stuttery in normal interaction. I'd have it pretty bad around monsters in general to be honest
>You'll never be decked out in dark full plate armor, not or protection but because only she is worthy of looking upon you
Someone's gonna find you cute and take you home.
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Polymorphing Monstergirls is untapped potential in these threads along with Spirit Realms.
I lack the ambition and passion necessary to lead, but enjoy watching and supprting anothers ambitions unfold
>Tomboy reverse trap dragon has Holst teir breasts
>Chest bindings and polymorphing can only do so much without it being uncomfortable.
It was before my time but are you the guy who did all kinds of things for science?
I want to buy girly dresses for my pregnant vampire wife!

even better if she is hiding behind me while everyone stares at her with a weird look
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. I just wanna go home and play my FFXIV healer classes, but chances are some white van is gonna roll up and grab me off the streets.

How do cars work in MGC? With wurms and taur-types about, is it like "no vehicles within city limits?" Places in like Canada do that, I hear it's not actually that bid of a deal to get from A to B.
That's pretty damn hot.
>play my FFXIV healer classes

I think your guilddmates have plans.
They might burst out sometime. Possibly at the worst time.
Those aren't proper dresses for a vampire.

Also why would she ashamed, getting pregnant is difficult for monstergirls, and even more for the top ones like vampires. If anything she will be the envy of the rest of vampires.
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Also does Alp mind if I do lewd stuff to his daughteru
She isnt used to going out and buy clothes, thats all

and i meant loosened sunflower dresses with girly patterns
All the best girls are dead.
Not at all anon, leadership is a burden.
It's not something you can do without experience.
And if you're suited to it, it's perfectly fine to defer to your waifu if she's capable.
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No but Science guy is in here somewhere.

He might only answer to his maiden name MAXIMUM IMMERSION anon though.

There's lots of science in MGQ threads though.
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All the best girls are doomed in MGRP. At least I can wait for A Lone Knight's Battles and the translation for the Drama CD so I can get more La Pucelle.

Also according to the Drama CD Nemurin is capable of summoning megucas even if they died so there's a lot of questions here. Is Nemurinland the afterlife? Is she the magical girl lord of the underworld? Can she bring La Pucelle back any time she wants?
>kinda awkward and reclusive as is
>probably wouldn't handle myself to well around these otherworldly beauties
>flirtation only makes me more embarrassed
How do you feel about Tegu Lizard girls?
Enjoy your sore pelvises anons.

She lays down on the bed and you do the thrusting from on top. Sometimes she might wrap her tail around you. Simple.
Her daughter's 6'1". Brown skin, Red Scales and with nice tits and abs.
She's a rookie cop who just moved up into investigations. Her mother wants you to be her partner because she's worried about her.

Well you're no fun at all.
Well I found my loophole, so suck it.
Fuck I was at the bar today. Got a whole box of condoms.
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>Dragon Santa
Maybe you should try to get somebody to write it because I sure as fuck don't have confidence in doing it.
Well, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. I'll just put on this load of wash and then he can have the extra.
Astrologian a Best.
>Rookie dragon cop.
>Head full of wide-eyed idealism and black and whit justice.
>Stuck with you because you know how the city actually works.

This could work...
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Dragon Baker
I wonder if it's Niebelfader? Since he's a nuclear physicist.
Dragon Bakery is mediocre.

They always burn their food.
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I can't wait to see what Santa Waifu has in store for me!
No, that's the sabbath one. Also, the Dragon's charcoal is really good depending on who makes it.
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I hope Santa gives me a really nice present. I've been a good kid this year.
If I'm an archaeologist should I look for a monstergirl that will accompany me on my expeditions or for a rich mistress that will finance my expeditions and wait for me to come back at the end of each of them?
These threads have slow down a lot. Story production has dropped dramatically as well
Just imagine running your first case together and uncovering some messed up shit.
>"Lilith's tits, what did they do to this guy?"
>Jacked him up on stimulants and filtered raging mushroom extract and then let him loose in the ring. Makes 'em violent. Takes away their restraint. Makes the fights more exciting. Only reason it never happened to me was I kept winning.
>"That's horrible!"
>Welcome to MGC's underbelly.
Why not both? Go for a Pharaoh.
Some of his identical twin sisters may have gotten mixed in with his.

Don't laugh at her for wearing bear panties, for some reason he doesn't like it.
I'm fairly certain it's one of those fleshlights that pops open for easy cleaning.
>No wings

It's trash
>Why not both?
Because misstresses are not for doing camp work, they're used to live in comfy, luxurious places and it should stay that way!
Public advisory warning: Do not allow strange women in red suits into your house on Christmas eve. She and her eight "reindeer friends" are not there to give you presents. If anyone has any information on the christmas kidnapper, please contact your local police. Thank you.
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Rude. Some Dragons make their wings go away so you can be the big spoon without hitting your face.
>Dragon baker is always happy to see me.
>Always tells me I'm her favourite customer.
>Don't have the heart to tell her I don't actually eat her takeout, but take it home, throw it in a blender with some vegetable oil and then pour it into my gas tank or bottle it and store it in my garage.
>My car can run for three months non-stop on a bottle of that shit.
>Works damn good as a salt substitute for my driveway in the winter, too.
And if you think that a Pharaoh would sit back and let you go into tombs without her then you're dead wrong anon. Do you see her abs? Do you think she got those for fun?
If you insist on going on your own then at least lay back and let her ride you so she can cast a protection spell on you.
Well that's rather cute.
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Im not normally into dragons but man would I lick whatever that is off of her
But anon that's not a proper place for either royalty or nobility!

She should just wait for me to come back so I can show and tell her about my adventures, then turn my pelvis to dust from all the months without sex.
I understand that. Im trying to identify what exactly those inside are supposed to be like.
Monster girls abusing mistletoe is a fetish of mine
He drew a blue Oni as well? Nice.
Just be careful not to turn into a Dragon slut.
This seems rude. Just buy storebought if that's all you're going to do with it. It's like going to a leanan sidhe's art gallery, buying the piece she put her heart and soul into for ten years, taking it home, ripping it into strips and using it as toilet paper.
That oni is just way too lewd.
But anon, she worries about you. She's scared that one day you might not come back from an adventure. She just wants you to be safe.
People like you are the reason Pharaohs always look bored, ya know that?
>Some Dragons make their wings go away
They're lizards, anon.
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I mean, to me it doesn't really look that different from any other fleshlight. They always look really weird and alien on the inside with lots of bumps and shit.

But doing a quick google search, apparently there's rubber balls that move around inside the thing or something?

I always end up thinking of how I want a fleshlight, and then I see the price.
I realize that is just a hypothetical, but it's a heartbreaking thought nonetheless.
All dragons are lizards
Khepri's are cute.
But not all lizards are dragons
I watched the stream the Drawfag was drawing this in, and considering his repertoire it saddens me that he doesn't do stuff like this far more often.
No they're not. See, all you need to do is bite her horn. If she has it and it's real then it's a Dragon.
>putting mistletoe above their crotches or breasts
>hanging it above your dick
>"Oh no guess I have to keep kissing"
>No wings
Not a dragon
She can just send some royal guards or something like that, I don't know.

What would it happen If I wake up an Apophis from some old ruinds by accident, though?

They may look bored but they aren't!
Ya kidding? That store-bought dragon juice is a few hundred bucks a pop, and it's not nearly as powerful. Spending five bucks for a lump of croissant-shaped coal that saves me hundreds in gas isn't rude (alright, maybe a little), it's economical!

'Sides, I actually do like those milkshakes she always gives me for free when I pick up my order, even if they taste a little weird...
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Say that to her face.
>Speaking to sluts who pretend to be what they're not

No thank you
you can make them super easy out of corn starch. There's a recipe somewhere.
Bud, she had her elite guards kidnap me and bring me to her living room. I am litterally sitting on the couch playing Mario kart with her while Anubi hold me at spearpoint because she's so mind-boggling bored.

Take your waifu with you on your adventures, bruh. If I have to hear her talk about her feelings one more time, I'mma jump on one of these Anubi spears.
Na, you're just a cunt. She slaves away at an oven that can make even a dragon like her sweat just to craft a masterpiece for her favorite, most loyal customer. It's a sacred recipe she traveled years to learn.

And you take it with a smile, tell her it always tastes good, take it home and toss it in a blender with some grease just so your machine can turn it into black smoke.

And that's if you even use it, and aren't just dumping it on the ground because you're too much of a cheap shit to buy salt.
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More dragons for me then.
I want to give belly rubs and heavily impregnate a dragon!

not exactly in that order

Then how about you contribute instead of bitching about it/making an observation bound to start shit.
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Dragons of all kinds.
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Hellhound is sick of serving stretchy meat to the daily Wendigo customers, but the Tanuki restaurant owner loves it
Ryu a shit though
And? Doesn't stop her from being a dragon.
Still a wingless shit
Hey Anon, Otohimes are dragons.
too much dragon talk lately.
Shes that human hunter turned dragon right? Why is there so much art of her?
>No wings
Hey, c'mon now, I use it for other things, too-

Like powering my house!
Lubing locks around my house!
Shoving a towel in a full bottle, setting it on fire and then chucking it at a bank vault door to melt it down in seconds!

Stuff's got a million uses, I can't be faulted for finding them all.
please leave her out of your spat. You're just making it easier to pick on her.
Looks like you've found another use for it too - breaking a pure maiden's heart.
Indeed. You can also see some funny things like nun Dragons and a raise on "I want to Dragons" posts.
Who knows? Maybe because Ilothe is top tier cutie.

Fine Anon, I'll keep your sugar mommy out.

Wurmies a nice
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>you will never hug a spider
Why live?
Well, to be honest, it's kinda weird; the whole bank-robbing thing started pretty soon after I started drinking her milkshakes.

I just have this strange compulsion now to acquire a massive hoard of money I never spend. And, for some reason, to furnish my home to accommodate at least a family of four.

...Also, I'm erect pretty much all the time now.

Ain't that weird?
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I want to warm up a cold hearted vampire!
And the wings? C'mon Anon, say that they are lamias.
Vamp is a SLUT!
So anons, how would your monster girl handle you when you are drunk?

Personally, I'd have a big, buff oni begrudgingly allowing me to hug and nuzzle her after I've got a few brews in me.
she wouldn't have to, I don't drink and that makes her very happy
Wurms are wurms
she just half drinks the men who arent interesting to her! her body is for husbando
I don't normally drink but I did have a few shots today with my class.
As for me when "drunk", well, just treating me really softly and I'll probably just go to sleep in her embrace.
What species is she?

See above, although one must wonder if she's proud because you abstain or because she thinks that her presence prevents you from drinking.
No wings and no legs, sounds like a snake to me. Just like a wingless dragon is a lizard to you.
Wurms are wurms
she's an anubis, so I guess that explains why she doesn't particularly think highly of drinking. But I mostly don't drink since I don't enjoy it, and also because it gives me wicked bad heartburn.
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Your move anon.
Mine is a Dragon. She can take more drinks then I, so the real question is how do I deal with her.
Embracing her like she does with me isn't going to work because she would be all crazy and shit.
I do bet an anubis would loosen up quite a bit after a drink or two.

I engage in high impact cuddling with the dragon knight and engage in bigamy with her and the princess

Crazy how?
You have shit taste, all dragons, wingless or not are great.
I don't drink.
Imagine a drunk dragon dropping fire everywhere and trying to show off her husband, most likely getting into couple battles. She also gets really bossy and haughty when drunk.

That's what I was trying to tell the other guy.
That would be interesting, although talking her down might be tough.
She can tire herself out, but I need to stay firm in order to drag her back home after she slumps down.
Is she a normal sized one or are you dealing with a massive, muscled dragon that is twice your size?
I don't drink. As I'm unfamiliar with Ancient Egyptian drinking rituals, I'm not sure how an Anubis would regard this.
I'd rather handle my waifu when she's drunk.
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that familiars are able to be customized when the proper materials are used.
You can even give them large chests should you so choose.
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Freeze, don't move!
I mean, that goes without saying but right now we're figuring out how she'd handle you.
But I don't drink
Normal sized, slightly fit but pretty strong dragon. I guess another way to make her go out is to do a commemorative love session after she beats someone up. Aftersex, my cuddles and a comfy bed should bring her down.
anubises would probably only approve of drinking for ceremonies or holidays, so I'm sure she would be more than understanding.

Dragons are wimps.
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Oh shit this looks good. Dragon cop movie when?
How can one man be so based?
Looks like an onee-san looking for her little brother.

>"Anon it's training time~"
A stylish pair!
>tfw no big sister to molest you
is fireden down for anyone else?
You are wonderful, sir.
She's too short.
>Older sister molests you a little when you're both teenagers
>The newfound interest in sexual activities plus the taboo of incest makes her a prime target for corruption
>Get woken up in the middle of the night to find her straddling you, grinding against you and panting heavily
>A teenaged boy being a teenaged boy, you get hard
>She pulls your cock out and lines it up
>As she slides it in, you see the blackness flood into her eyes and the horns start to sprout
>When she climaxes, a large pair of wings erupt from her back with a flourish
>She leans down and kisses you, her tongue exploring your mouth
>When she breaks the kiss, she whispers in your ear that the two of you will be together forever
What type of Monster Girl would a lewd Onee-san corrupt into?
She likely became a cop to compensate for her height.
Demon of course.
I'd make sure to tell her that I'm going to love her no matter what since she's still my big sister. Gonna be as innocent and cute as I can.
Plenty. Regular succubi, amazons, demons, titanias, dark mages hopefully.
Anon, she was described as 6' 1"
Well shit, maybe she's just hunched over
The green said she was 6'1".
Maybe Pitfighter-Anon is just a fucking mountain?
Too short.
I could buy that.
>"I hear we're getting a human in this department. Special dispatch from the chief herself."
>"That's who's going to be accompanying her daughter? Lucky. She gets a cute boytoy and we're stuck with each other."
Then imagine their faces when pitfighter anon walks in wearing his uniform and with a glare that could scare a Cheshire into standing at attention.
W-What's she going to do to me if I move?
Don't try it.
>Pitfighter-Anon had his doubts.
>He was a two-bit, glorified goon. A man whose only value lay in his fists.
>He had no business wearing Police Blues.
>And his partner, good Goddess!
>Naive. Idealistic. Proud to be her mother's daughter and proud of the uniform she's been wearing less than a month.
>So painfully by the book he could swear she sleeps with the damned thing over her face every night.
>Yet... every once in a while she does something completely brilliant. And he's just left standing there wondering how the fuck she did that.
>...And she looks up to him.
>Hell if he knew why.
>But that must mean he's doing something right.
You don't understand how this works, do you?
what are some fun ways to shitpost on /hbg/?
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The MGE better have thicc Automatons to discover.
Post imgur links to timestamped pictures of your dick and then refuse to post again while they go ballistic.
Human boy abuse.
Tell them that all of us on /mgt/ are depressed and want to commit suicide then tell them you are too with pictures of course.
So, tell them the truth?
The truth hurts, but if they found out you lied and that we needed healing they'd be pissed.
Preach straw feminism, if not outright misandry.
Writefag about shotas being gangraped by faceless human women.
post 3dpd cheating and ntr
Link to the husbando wars pastebin.
Big Butt Sneks
Lamiass is a good thing.
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>you will never breastfeed the farmhand
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Correct. Built for hotdogging.
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mating press
Lotus position
shoe on head
sharpie in pooper
amazon position
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There's always forced breastfeeding.
Titfucking until he's spent.
amazon position
All these shots and no one's gotten it yet? That's kinda sad.
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god dammit
you planned this didn't you
Well shit, guess I get to pick.
Tantric Mating Press.
Anon, please believe me when I say I didn't plan on that happening but I really hoped it would.
That hinges on whether or not there's a blue moon occasion where someone draws a response to that image. In that case it'd also have to be monstergirl related.
Reverse mating press
And there's the late guy right on schedule.
Nobody's gotten it yet, though you just blew quads, mate.
Technically I got it, twice now.
I guess that makes three times now, huh?
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Alp him.
Marry him
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How about some of those Automaton footjobs I keep hearing about? Or are you the type to put it inside her screwholes?
You missed one anon. I was also >>16236655

>check 'em
Hold his hands while he cums inside.

im >>16236659
and im still convinved this all went according to your keikaku
>Fishnet over doll joints
How are those things not shredded?
Nope. Just absurdly good luck. Like this one >>16236700
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Automatons aren't Shinkis brohan.
And it's a good one, too.
Why do we never talk about snakes as onee-sans?
Lamias make better onee-sans than most other species
Sneks are old and busted.
You're a cool dude.
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Ready to bow down?
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Who's the little Sabbath shit that turned my curvy desert flower into a fucking loli?
does this mean ALL of the positions?
I sense some imminent facesitting.
Will you ever do more of that pear-shaped ahoge Automaton, Nav? Because she's cute.
That fucking loli has wide breeding hips and very likely has a plump butt going by those assfangs.
>No lewd as fuck Pharaoh childhood friend who makes you act as her chair when you're both kids.
>She'll never keep it up when she's older and has filled out even more.
Also, would anyone be up for a mystery game to liven things up?
i got that pic from the /rr/ threads I don't know how long ago
>Also, would anyone be up for a mystery game to liven things up?
Yes please.
I would worship that Loli

>Smug Grin
>Dem Pear-Shape Hips
>Skin-Dentation on Dem Thick Thighs
12/10, knocked it right out of the park.
Draw her Anubis bestie?
>pear shaped desert sisters

>Huff at your Pharaoh friend as she uses uses you as a throne while she orders around the other "subjects" in her "kingdom"
>"Why can't I be the guard? I'm always the chair!"
>The Pharaoh presses the broom acting as her staff into the ground
>"Because Abby asked for it first." she responds as her Anubis friend waves. >"Now hush, being the royal throne is an honor, or at least that's I hear mom say to dad sometimes"
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How do we combat this smug loli epidemic?
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The same way we combat every loli epidemic, anon. We cumflate them so much that they get all dopey and clingy.

Welcome anon, to my emporium. I hear you're in the market for a cheap monstergirl familiar! Look no further my friend for I have the best prices on the market. I should warn you however, the familiars are rather unusual for their species. Some would call them "rejects" I call them "unconventional". All you need to do is pick a focus and the girl it's connected to will be bound to your service.
Now, if you're feeling brave you can choose more than one, but you may only take a maximum of two. Alternatively you could take what's in this mystery box here, but you can only take the box if you choose it and you might regret what's inside.

Now choose.

>Cow Bell
>Scythe Charm
>Heart Locket
>Venus Symbol Bracelet
>Bone Totem
>Leather Collar
>Fertility Idol
>Bottled Core
>Golden Feather
>Brass Lantern
>Quartz Ring
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Hold them close.
That's no cure, only treatment. 3-4 times daily as needed.
Scythe Charm sounds the best to me.
I'm having difficulty choosing between the Cow Bell and Fertility Idol.
Cow Bell then provided lactation is involved.
Mystery box me. Dark artifacts of ruinous power are kind of my thing.
I'll go with the Quartz ring and the brass lantern, they seem very simple but I bet they hold something great.
The Venus Symbol Bracelet seems intriguing. I'll take it.
Bone Totem.
Oh wait, I get to choose two.
Cow Bell AND Fertility Idol it is then.
Heart Symbol, Venus Symbol, and Fertility Idol
This will end well
Cow bell of course

Very well, I'll take a Scythe Charm and the Heart Locket to use in my summoning.
Nevermind, I thought it said maximum of three
Well I guess Heart and venus then...
Only one. I shall choose the Golden Feather
heart locket
Leather collar!
Screw the rules, I'm taking all of them. Even the mystery box.
Scythe Charm and Heart Locket, can't go wrong

Cow Bell
Congratulations on your Minotaur Familiar anon! She's strong, brave, and incredibly busty. However she was caught and cursed by the Sabbath, so she's a three foot tall Oppai Loli instead of an amazonian warrior. She's rather energetic too and it's hard to get her to stop once she's set her mind to something.

Scythe Charm
Congratulations on your Baphomet Familiar anon! Unfortunately she's not exactly in the best of moods. Her experiments have given her a tall womanly body by mistake and now the Sabbath have cruelly kicked her out. Despite her strength and skill with magic she was tossed aside like garbage and now has serious self esteem issues. Maybe you could bring back her smile?

Heart Locket
Congratulations on your Succubus Familiar anon! She's a loving and very affectionate sort of girl. Almost too affectionate actually, because you're the first boy she's ever had a steady relationship of any kind with due to her being a bit of a NEET. She's a bit chubby but hey, that's just more to cuddle right?

Venus Symbol Bracelet
Congratulations on your Houri familiar anon! She's the perfect example of a follower of Eros. A bit too perfect actually she's practically obsessed with the concept of falling in love and love conquering all. She won't tolerate you flirting with anyone but her and she might get a bit pushy if the two of you are all alone. She's also got a little journal she occasionally writes names into while blushing and looking at you so be careful of that.

Bone Totem
Congratulations on your Orc Familiars anon! Yes, I said Familiars. This one summoned a set of Shortstack Orc triplets to your side to act on your behalf. They consider you their "Chief" and will do whatever you tell them to be it violent or lewd. They can be a bit overzealous though so keep them in check or they might get you in trouble.

Leather Collar
Congratulations on your Dark Elf familiar anon! She's an excellent tracker and spy with a deep love of bondage. Of course, unlike her peers she likes being the one tied up. She's a masochist with an absurdly lewd body and a love of pain, so if you're not put off by girls who beg you to spank their huge asses then you shouldn't have a problem.

Fertility Idol
Congratulations on your Amazon familiar anon! Just be careful, she's quite a lot bigger and tougher than her sisters. Why you ask? Why because she's a breeder of course. Her whole duty is to find a husband and have as many children as possible with him to preserve the clan. Problem is she's a bit past marrying age and is starting to feel self conscious about it. If you oblige her however, she's going to want babies and lots of them.

Bottled Core
Congratulations on your Shoggoth familiar anon! Uncorking that bottle freed her from her prison and placed her in your servitude as a dutiful maid. The only problem is, she's a clumsy ditz. Don't get me wrong she's very eager to serve you as your maid, but she's just not very good at it. You might have to comfort her to keep her from crying.

Golden Feather
Congratulations on your Angel familiar anon! Well. Fallen Angel anyway. She was kicked out of heaven after it was discovered that she's a huge pervert. Don't be surprised if you catch her sniffing your underwear or something. Of course, she's also incredibly loyal to you and would probably do all sorts of kinky things if you asked.

Brass Lantern
Congratulations on your new Phantom familiar anon! She was trapped in that lantern for a long LONG time and so is a bit behind on the times and on top of that she almost never stops talking. She's got all the abilities you'd expect from a Phantom, but she's still bound to the lantern. All you'd have to do to shut her up is put the lantern somewhere where you can't see it. But would you really do something so cruel to that poor girl?

Quartz Ring
Congratulations on your new Demon familiar anon! And by "familiar" I mean "wife". Yeah, that ring binds your soul to hers and that's pretty much marriage to demons. She's absurdly loving to an almost smothering degree and she wants proof of your marriage in the form of babies right the fuck now. Have fun!

Mystery box in a moment.
After taking it home you open the mystery box, you find An large ornate coffin with ancient symbols all over it. As you look at it you see a hole in it's surface that almost calls to you and against your will, you stick your dick in it and start thrusting as load after load is sucked out of your dick. As you lie twitching after being milked the inhabitant of the coffin, long sealed away rises. Enjoy your new Dire Apophis familiar anon!

For your greed, you get a one way trip to the Dire Wurm breeding caverns. Say farewell to your pelvis anon.
>Amazonian Oppai Loli Minotaur Familiar
Fuckin' hell that's nice.
Not too found of orcs, but I'll look after them.
>Unfortunate Bapho and Chubby Succubus

Dat Golden Feather tho. Kind of wishing I picked that.
I will undue the Sabbath's vile curse
>Dire Apophis
Yes I can live my life wrapped in purple. Ancient evil, probably sealed away by a pharaoh millennia ago, here to raise a new age of darkness and lewd.

Because even the Big Bad Evil Snek needs a stay-at-home husband to dote on her after a long day of world domination.

>masochistic dark elf

So this is what it feels like to win one of these things.
Maybe in the future. I could use some practice coloring and drawing mechanical/metallic pieces.
>Baphomet with self-esteem issues and cuddle obsessed succubus
Oh baby
Thing is anon, the world is so different from how it was when she was sealed away that she doesn't think she can conquer the world anymore.
So she'll settle for conquering you.
Oh boy! My own mini-horde of P'Orcs!
I feel like bone totem should be undead, but I feel like you'll make it tribal instead. So Scythe charm.
Pick an oni.
Well, I wasn't wrong to go with scythe over bone totem.
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this one
I...don't recognize the girl dressed as Ilya.
It's the other douji
>brass lantern
>talkative phantom
She wishes she could be as popular as Sluten Douji
Which is better
Dominant Haughty Dragons?
Dominant Haughty mofu?
Bottled core, Brass lantern.

Shoggoth and Phantom respectively, though aren't lanterns more of a Wisps territory?
Yeah not much of his stuff is strongly thematically linked.
I was going to go with a Wisp, but then I thought that would be too easy.
heart locket and golden feather
Mofu. Always mofu.
Correct choice.
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>Older brother's a dragonslut.
>Younger brother is the same for gryphons.
>They're arguing.
>Their girlfriends are arguing.
>Parents intervene to calm everyone down and now their arguing too because they favour different potential daughteru-in-laws.
>And here I am just quietly putting on my power-armour for my shift at the Wurm Orphanage.
>Older son marries a Dragon
>Younger son marries a Gryphon
>Constant fighting and bickering at every family gathering
>Middle son married a Kejourou who caused the biggest fight in recorded human history last Thanksgiving when she quietly yet smugly commented that while she may not hoard unimaginable wealth, nor is she absurdly powerful, at least her behavior at the table doesn't make her an embarrassment
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Shuten, of course. How can that other literal who even compete
Raita should draw lolis only. His recent mahou girls started to look like shit desu senpai. I never really cared about anatomy but his recent pics are just painful to watch
You would think a statement like that would humble them, not cause them tofight harder
Touyama Nao > Aoi Yuuki
Also her NP is cooler
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Aside from many heavily modified cars, you'd have many different ways of transportation, meaning that most MG's have options to move around and the streets aren't as prone to traffic jams as in normal human cities.

The most effective transportation method would probably be teleportation in the form of linked gates: Instantly moving great distances for a fee.
You could alternatively be lucky enough to be born with some form of wings or strong enough magic that could allow you to fly. Or you could have a MG with such abilities as your friend and as her for a ride. Naturally i'm sure a few harpies and Wyverns would realize the hole in the market and offer to move groups of people that way using a basket like a balloon.

Aside from the above the ways of moving about really are bound to your creativity and own vision of MGC. You could imagine that Shrines inhabited by Kitsunes or Shirohebi and Ryu could make use of powerfull wind magic and link to eachother that way, allowing people and MGs to essentially ride the wind. Ever imagined seing a Shirohebi fly?

Lastly, you could get even more creative and realize that things like Sandworms and Wurms exist and are well capable of quickly burrowing themselves through the ground. Vast underground cave networks could exist below MGC, and surely for a fee you could make use of one of the many taxi services to move to the other side of town. Just don't do it while drunk, the Sandworm or Wurm probably won't be too happy when you make a mess.
>Dragon rears up to strike your Kejerou waifu.
>Gryphon prepares the mother of all lightning strikes.
>Suddenly, tremors rock the house.
>Plates rattle.
>Picture frames fall off walls.
>Mom's China cabinet is having a bad day.
>Just as quickly as it started, it stops.
>A solitary floor board pops up, held open by a tiny green arm.
>The reflection of many sets of eyes glint unblinking from the shadows within.
>It's the Wurms.
>You can hear the shifting bodies of hundreds of them down there.
>"Onee-Chan, are you being mean to Mr. Anon and the nice lady who makes us cookies?" The one holding the floorboard open asks, her words both sweet and blood-chillingly terrifying.
>You've never seen your in-laws get so quiet so fast.
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"They have one of the most gentle dispositions of all of the monsters. They almost never aggressively attack humans."

...Almost? What would drive something like a mermaid to assault a man?
"Saving" him from drowning or a doomed ship I think
It's fine, just imagine she grows up in time and becomes larger than him.
There are Pharaohs who got sealed as a kid. This is the result.
I wish MGE Dragons' hands looked more like pic related.
I want to lick the abs of a blacksmith dragon.
There's sadly not much we can do about KC's shit taste, other than headcanon.
In KC's new artstyle they do
BIG MEATY CLAWS/PAWS are a thing of the past
When they get blue ovaried bluer than the ocean they swim in.
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Which 'mon would you pump full of data?
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Bastemon, I can't say no to a brown girl in an outfit like that.
Isn't a wurm daycare kinda dangerous? Like, nuclear plant with a chance of exploding dangerous.
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I'd love more stuff like this, there's something really cute about helping monster girls with things they would find difficult.

but why is she in a crib? wearing a tie?
I have a thing for this too. Probably because I want a big and strong dragon to depend on me, even if it's for something simple.
That's not a crib, it's a bed with a wooden frame.
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Bird of prey Harpies are a best
Harpies are pretty cute.
I want to pamper a chubby oppai loli dragon.
Harpy chicks are the cutest, other than wurmlings and jinko cubs
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I wonder what an Ookukade's venom lines taste like.
Jinko cubs are something else. Just looking at one is enough to make a man kneel down and play with them.
Probably like venom.
Jinko Cubs are for giving fish and cheek rubs.
Is there a toxicology course in MGE?
And don't forget pinching their cheeks and moving your hand from side to side really fast.
Ah yes, the "Fast hand moving from side to side" training.

An integral part of every young jinkos life.
>Attent Toxicology course at MGC
>Forced to test Manticore venom and Oomukade venom while that MG class enjoys the demonstration.
I want to give belly rubs to my vampy wife!

i think she has twin dhampirs inside or shes chubby
That and laser pointer training
Why not both?

The most intense of jinko training.
It is said that masters can catch the dot.
Have you been fucking her a lot? If not then she is just really fat.
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Which is odd, she doesnt eat alot, or sucks plenty of blood for the matter

I just know we were in the middle of snuggling and she ate down a complete garlic, then i fainted and remember nothing afterwards

is that bad?
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>trying to make Jinko's hyper

Are you guys fucking nuts? Do you have a deathwish?
It's all good Anon. I hope you can take care of all your daughterus.
Jinko are greatbody guards because they always notice the dot. If only they didn't jump on them.
Is it wrong that I want to get raped in my sleep by a loser monstergirl?
Only if its sad that I want to willingly sleep with loser monster girls.
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Her bed is warm and inviting, come on in and sleep
Don't open this if you don't want to be spooked.
But how is she a loser?
That yeti doesn't loo like a loser.
My dick jumped.
you almost killed me anon!
Well I did warn you.
Rape her.
Isn't that the entire point?
But her hands, Anon. She'll try to catch the dot, not just get the president out of harms way.
Unless you're president Armstrong/Trump, you're not going to remain standing when a Jinko barrels into you.
She'll get shot Anon. Jinkos shouldn't get shot.
She's into Gunpla and gets anxiety when asking people for hugs
Jinkos are bulletproof.
She'll get better. A limp-dick lawyer or chicken-shit bureaucrat wont.
How bad would monstergirl idol fans be? I would imagine they're either really tame or they're yandere to the point of keeping private nanomachine trackers inside of their favorite idol's body to track everything he does from sleeping to performing on stage.
My joy in life would be teasing the fuck out of my fans but still maintaining my pure and cute persona.
Eh, that doesn't sound like much of a loser.

I mean, she's not even overweight!

That said, I do approve of Gunpla.
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As if you could.
Watch me. I'll rape the smug out of that loli vampire.
Lolipires are for giving holst blood.
You won't be getting anywhere close to Vampy.
That was close, but it would take a doodle of the chicks from Harpy family or short distance confusion to kill me!
I'm approaching the lolipire.

be like that crazy dude that lets shit bite him on purpose

>get bit by all the venomous/poisonous mgs
so, since you guys are weird,
Random MG:
Random Fetish:
>Go on an Oni Hunt
>Wearing your sexy Hannya Mask and totally not a Chucklefuck Nazgul robe, the mask even has light-up eyes
>Go into Oni-Musha to start shit like you're some kind of jabroni from Pokémon games
>Massive, 9'5 Oni sees you
>Putting her barrel of beer down onto the table
"Oho? Look at what we got here, girls."
>Her Blue friends see you and grin ear to ear
"It seems we've got ourselves a fan, a nice... juicy one, don't we?"
>She towers over you, like a human looking down at a hobbit, giving her lips a small lick
"Drink with us, lest I change my mind about eating you."
>Sit there, taking your mask off, getting served practically an aquarium of beer by the Ogre bartender
>She gives you a look that's a mixture of pity and disdain when you say it's "Too big", writing you off as a whinging human
>The Red Oni tells you her name is "Akane", and the more and more you drink, the more and more you say you want to climb that mountain
>Only then do you realize you said that last part out loud, the blue Onis all smirking and choking back laughs
>The Ogress at the bar raises an eyebrow as Akane stands up at the table, throws you over her shoulder like a bag of potatoes and heads for the stairs
"I'll pay you for the damages later."
>Wake up the next day, completely hung over
>There's something massive and red next to your face, with a bit of pink on it
>You can't feel your lower body, your upper torso covered in bruises and hickeys
>Sober up and realize where you are, and who you're with
>You're laying on top of Akane, your face in-between her breasts, seed dripping out of her womanly hole below you
>The room is a wreck, the bed's iron wrought legs BENT from the force of your fucking from the night before
>There's a soft, hoarse chuckle from the Oni beneath you as she puts one mammoth hand on your head, giving it a small pat
"So... Mister 'Oni Hunter'... How'd it feel to 'Climb the mountain?'"
>Sex on horseback



So I'm going to return to the wolfu side? NEVER.
>Dark Priest
>Golden Showers

>Turtle Priestess
>Animalistic Behavior

She's just asking to be bullied.
>Simultaneous orgasm
Couldn't have asked for anything better.
>bodyguard scenario
>Oral fixation or fetishization (lips, tongue, or whole mouth; french-kissing; licking; oral displays using food or beer bottles; smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes; biting or chewing one's lip(s))

Does she have DSLs?
...I didn't even know this page fucking existed.

>Sex on, against, or underneath furniture

So just sex then?

>Red Slime

>Fuck or die

Guess I got the dire one.
You gonna get some slime up there boi.
Call her bluff.
Even dire wurms are good girls
I hope she has an Elin body type
Bastet (why the hell are gods and cities in this category?)

Yeah, all right. I'm in.

Rerolling because what the hell.

>Rogues (outlaws, highwaymen, mercenaries, pirates, gangsters, hitmen, etc; black sheep and royal bastards; Han Solo characters; tricksters)

Airheaded mofu assassin/burglar. Now THIS I can get behind.
I want to hug my dragon while i tickle her wings and poke her special scale!
I didn't even know that was a kink, but as probably the biggest Wurmfag I'll take it in a heartbeat.
>Humor (funny banter, screwball comedy, etc)
Fruit puns?
I'm guessing wedding dresses or something.
>things like Sandworms and Wurms exist and are well capable of quickly burrowing themselves through the ground. Vast underground cave networks could exist below MGC

That's some interesting worldbuilding Anon. We've already had discussion of that one Undead kingdom which went subterranean to avoid the Sun, but not so much MGs that are more comfortable living underground by nature.

What kind of civilizations would be built by these subterranean species? Where would they be the most prevalent?

I imagine the desert sands of not!Arabia and not!Sahara would see the most of such dwellings. The tunnelling activities of sandworms in pursuit of husbands may likely leave old trails and large caverns which the nomads of the desert and merchants from the Mist Continent would dwell in to avoid the punishing heat. These would start as a rough collection of makeshift dwellings comprised of tents, but would develop rapidly if trade permits. Great underground bazaars and kasbahs would be delved into the earth by the stronger MGs, and the varied wares of the world would pass through the candle-lit halls beneath the sands.

These mercantile cave cities would be most frequented by Tanukis, Anubi, assorted desert MGs and a sprinkling of MGs from around the world. I'd imagine they'd suffer from raids by Goblins and P'orcs that dwell in the less stable tunnels, and would also be threatened by the romantic activities of the larger sandwurms.

On the other hand, Wurms and their crude dwellings would probably be delved out in the equivalent of not!Germany and not!Sarmatia, to hide from the biting cold sweeping down from the North by the migrations of Ice Queens. They'd likely be joined by various tribes such as the Visiwolfus and the Ostrojinkos, fleeing the advance of the vicious Bicorn hordes. Food would be a problem, as would be the threat of matango infestation in the deep, dank cavern system. Perhaps they'd be the vassals and soldiers of Dwarfs or monoeyes, living in long-established underground strongholds. Food, shelter and safety within the holds would be bought with the labour of the powerful Wurms and the sword-arms of the barbarian wolfu and jinko tribes.

I should play less Total War.
>Sexual movements (back arching; hips lifting; thrusting back; writhing, jerking, bucking; clenching; grinding or rocking; trembling or shivering; hooking legs around shoulders; pressing someone's legs back toward the bed; riding someone's fingers)

I am diamonds.
Also, new fetish.
>Feminine terms used for males (e.g., calling a man a bitch, calling his ass a pussy; using condescending endearments such as honey or precious)

So how much would I get told to fuck off for including Atlantis-Nacho in a short to enable Lilith/Maou to spread the love of MGs everywhere?
>Triangles (love triangles)
Fucking what?
Build a harem.

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Dude what the actual fuck
I demand the posting of Wight mistresses.
tl;dr lol
Wight mistresses with ghost feet that makes you cum with a single stomp.
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Sounds perfect.
Remove Wight. Stomping is not okay.
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tfw no dire wurm gf
You can't remove her from my heart. I want one to step on my face and call me degrading names.
Are we the same person?
Nice to hear!
Do you want your msitress to use you as a throne and act aloof?
>Sex standing up
Fine I guess since she has wings.
Of course! Do you want your mistress to use your face as a foot rest?
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>TFW will never cross oceans of time to be with my dragonfu
You know me well, Anon, I also want to be the best slave ever. I want her to drool on my mouth because I'm too disgusting to touch.
Great minds think alike.
That actually does make sense since that's Eros' whole thing. She better be fine with sharing herself then.
That was moderately silly of me to try and clean because of the obstruction.
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>monstergirls come to our world
>they start looking into our porn to learn better ways to seduce men
>they discover ball-crushing
would they be utterly horrified or blind with rage that such a fetish exists?
Hell. I'd with they'd like it, like I do.
It would only further fuel their desire to segregate all human women.
What about when they discover men like it?
It'll be god publicity if you stop appearing in public and it's revealed you've spent every moment beside your bedridden jinko bodyguard
They fix their brains with mamono mana
What? No!

That's unfair.
Mind-tentacle cleansing.
Wouldn't it be easier to fix their balls after a good bashing?
Too bad.
Easier to just make them not want their balls crushed in the first place. It'll be one of those cases where monster girls have to save silly human boys from themselves. Maybe you'll be visited by a flayer and she'll delve into your mind, try and figure out why you enjoy having your balls crushed. Fix whatever piece of you is broken.
>Succubus sees ball-crushing and ball-punting porn
>Exposes herself to forty-eight hours STRAIGHT OF THE STUFF
>Gets up, wordlessly flies off
>Several actresses notable for their CBT works turn up completely sterile, their ovaries wombs completely crushed by some powerful force
>Ask Succubus if she had anything to do with it
>All she replies with is
I'm not broken! And they have no right to change my fetish. I don't change theirs
You know, I really like femdom when I'm in the mood, but ball-busting is a little bit extreme, don't you think?
No I do not. I love it and the Mistress that is willing to give it to me.
>No right
What are you gonna do, complain? Mamono mana son. It'll make you WANT the fetish gone.

What if your fetish is hardcore vore, being eaten, digested and killed. You recon a sandworm is gonna go "Okey dokey!"? Nope. Brain fix'd.
Body mutilation is a sign of mental illness, anon.
I will consult the MGC office of Human male rights about this.

It's not mutilation. Just enought to leave your balls bruised for a few days, or weeks.

Some MGs will enjoy giving a man that pleasure.
>MGC office of Human male rights
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This Dragon has watched too much Dragon Ball Z and is now trying to go super saiyajin
Do you try to stop her?
>those legs and asscheeks
No, I would play the villain.
>Next time on Dragon waifu Z: Waifu defeated!
Don't make fun of thin dragons, it can be a good on a lot of them
>Topping from Bottom.
It's okay.
It's usually not chicks who are into that stuff
they'd invent magic spells to restore the damage so the men can indulge.
Would they allow monsters to fly around so freely? What if they wander into flight zones or get tangled up in power lines or buildings. Would the transportation companies just be okay with the huge loss of profits? What if monstergirl needed to go grocery shopping, would she have to carry it ll by herself or have it delivered?

That's a nice idea, but how would they get food and water? Having it mostly shipped in would be a huge weakness to exploit.
>Slime carrier
Well I'm really nothing to look at so I'm not sure how well I can indulge her but okay I guess.

>Foreign Language/Accent (not understanding the other language, sharing a language only they understand, sexy accents)

Sounds pretty vanilla
>You will never be captured and made the breeding slave for a crew of magic space-kakuens.
I wonder how many people have gazer as their waifu.

Is it just gazerfag?
He's definitely the most devoted.
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>no 7ft. tall Kitsune to coil you in her tails and obsessively mark you with her her pheromones
Anybody making a new thread?
Yes, I'm making one, just wait a bit and it should be ready.
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