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Smelly, dumb, moonrabbit scum!

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Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 105

Smelly, dumb, moonrabbit scum!
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Say that to my face!
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Smelly, sticky, moonrabbit cum
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Fucking edgelord, stay out of Gensokyo
Oh come on, please don't rape Reisen.
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Smelly, dumb, fortune teller scum!


Did you guys even play the games?
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I want to comb my fingers through Junko's elegant hair as she's resting on my lap, and just before she falls asleep, I'd lean in gently to her ear and whisper, "Chang'e did nothing wrong."
I do but not TH15 yet
what did i get wrong?
I think he's calling you out on implying that Reisen is a moon rabbit.
Reisen isn't a moon rabbit anymore
My wife!
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A traitor to the Moon and Lord Tsukuyomi, you silly Earthling. That makes her undeserving of even being called a moon rabbit. She is below moon rabbits.
You don't become an earth-rabbit just because you say so.
Once a moon-rabbit always a moon-rabbit I say.
Shut the fuck up, Udonge.
I'm sorry please.
That traitor and inferior being saved lunar civilization as we know it, you ungrateful hag.
She's about to rape Reisen here:
Junko's beef is mainly with Lunarians

REMOVE REISEN remove reisen
you are worst rabbit. you are the lunarian idiot you are the lunarian smell. return to moon usa. to our lunar cousins you may come our eientei. you may live in the cage usa….ahahahaha ,tsukuyomi we will never forgeve you. watatsuki no toyohime rascal FUck but fuck asshole lunar stink toyohime sqhipere shqipare..lunar genocide best day of my life usa. take a bath of dead moon rabbit..ahahahahahMOON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget apollo wars .gensokyo we kill the miko, marisa return to your precious mongolia usa….hahahahaha idiot witch and udongein smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE LUNAR FROM THE PREMISES USA. you will get caught. remilia+sakuya+yukari+yuyuka=kill moon…you will apollo wars/ eirin alive in eintei, eirin making album of eientei . fast rap eirin eieinte. we are rich and have elixir now hahahaha ha because of eirin… you are ppoor stink lunarian… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
eirin alive numbr one #1 in gensokyo ….fuck the miko ,..FUCKk ashol marisa no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur house and spark. eirin aliv and real strong wizard kill all the witch farm aminal with rap magic now we the inaba of earth rule usa .ape of the zoo miko reimu fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and marisa wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our books we will crush u lik a skull of pig usa. eientei greattst countrey usa
Only a disgusting hag would post something like this!

fuck moonRat stupiud wish death on dianna counter
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Wow Eirin, fucking rude.
I just realized this is supposed to be Tewi speaking, not "U.S.A."

I couldn't figure out why someone would hate Reisen/Lunarians but like Eirin/Eientei
I want to smell Junko's big, smelly butt!
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smelly, dumb, reimufag scum!
So does she actually love reisein?
She is a moon rabbit. That's just a fact; despite what some snowflakes nowadays might say, one's species isn't a matter of belief. It's true that she no longer considers herself affiliated with the moon, but that doesn't change what she literally, physically is.
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It's too hot, I blame rabbits.
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Here, this will help!
Except she's a youkai, and youkai's mere existences are a matter of belief (same for gods, but on a more complicated scale, just look at Kanako rewriting her own myths together with the tengu and kappa to become a science goddess). If you're convincing enough you could turn any 2hu into a pudding if you wanted.
I'm going to turn Flan into a pudding!
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>If you're convincing enough you could turn any 2hu into a pudding if you wanted.

A new fetish has been found.
She's literally changed from how she used to be. Can't connect with the rest of them/listen in on the moon. Weird rabbit shit. Doesn't work like a rabbit from the moon anymore.
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Junko gets all fuzzy and tsundere at the end. Fanartists ran with it.



Did you say something?



Whoops, said that out loud.
Nothing, it was nothing.







You needn't worry.

For now, I have no desire for revenge.

In the first place, the people of the moon
living in Gensokyo are by no means my enemy.

That extends to you too.




Oh, that's great.



What is?




It sounds like Junko's taken
a bit of an interest in you.

It's thanks to you that she'll put a hold
on her revenge for a while.



O-oh, is that so.
I'm quite honored...
How does Eirin feel about this
Reminder Junko did nothing wrong
>Except she's a youkai,

Moon bunnies are explicitly not youkai in Touhou's universe.
I saved this pic so I'll just post it where it seems appropriate.
Whenever this gets posted, I keep expecting her legs to move.

They never do
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This hurts my eyes
>same for gods
not all,
Kill the wabbits!
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Another forward facing touhou! Saved to harass anons with.
I'm more surprised someone made it past Hecatia with Reisen, really
Will a fight between Junko and Eirin happen?
Eirin is probably too many degrees of association away from Chang'e at this point to count , even if Junko is still actively vengeful after the events of LolK
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What about a fight for control over Reisein
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Reisen's Ending.

>At Eientei, similar to Reimu's ending, Eirin is talking to Reisen about the events of the game. After a short conversation, they start talking about Junko. Eirin tells Reisen that Junko wholeheartedly hates someone on the Moon, but the reason is quite confusing; she hates the husband's wife. Eirin explained that the husband killed Junko's son, and then she killed the husband as revenge. The husband's wife was none other was Chang'e, a criminal who drank the Hourai Elixer and is imprisoned on the Lunar Capital. Junko hated Chang'e, and consequently, the lunarians as a whole. When she tried to attack the Lunar Capital, she was tricked by the lunarians in a contest of wits multiple times, but only a small amount of Lunarians knew that. Reisen was amazed that the Lunar Capital was under attack, and yet, she still didn't know about the people's role. Eirin then asked Reisen not to tell the other moon rabbits about it, since they can be used to overthrow Chang'e herself. This time, Eirin didn't keep anything from Reisen. After talking with Eirin, Reisen felt a bit closer with her teacher, albeit being the usual pseudo-moon rabbit she is. Afterwards, she realized she will no longer be able to communicate with the lunarians as before.
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Who will win Reisen's heart?
Special Snowflake confirm
Gods are just youkai powered by faith instead of fear
Does LoLK have the worst endings of all mainstream touhou games?

I mean the Gimmick mode (The part Zun actually put effort into) is LOL YOUR CHARACTER LOSES ALL THEIR POWERS! and the regular mode had godawful endings.

I have to wonder if it's the worst game we've seen. I mean UFO's endings at least were decent.
The blooming romance between junko and reisen was great
Why is your opinion so awful? Why are you posting it everywhere instead of staying in /v/ like you should?
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Here comes the dumb LoLK apologist.
>I mean the Gimmick mode (The part Zun actually put effort into) is LOL YOUR CHARACTER LOSES ALL THEIR POWERS!

You're 100% wrong.
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So you admit it.
I'm not him thought, it's always the same. You guys get super defensive about it even thought you know pretty damn well that the game has a lot of faults, even more so than most games in the series, yet you take every complain about it as "hating it".
It's as simple as that.
>I'm not him thought
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess people not agreeing with your opinion in /v/ forced you to try to make friends here.

Either way, I'm not sure you've noticed but I have not defended LoLK nor said it didn't have flaws or what-have-you. I'm just calling you out for the outsider you are. You do not belong here, go home.

Don't disagree with him, he'll start throwing buzzwords and memes at you. Best to just ignore him.
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>he'll start throwing buzzwords and memes at you
I didn't think it was possible to lack this much self-awareness.
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>Yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess people not agreeing with your opinion in /v/ forced you to try to make friends here.

Yeah, keep using the /v/ boogeyman if that makes you feel better. Seems like someone made you feel really bad there for you to do a stupid assumption like that.

>I'm just calling you out for the outsider you are. You do not belong here, go home

Really funny, specially since you seem to be pretty involved in other board anttics, like, uh, /v/? maybe? Just guessing.
If there is an outsider here, clearly,that's you, and its even more funny how you try to act like this is your home yet you seem to frequent other board and assume other people are from it.
Pretty pathetic, lame-kun.
/v/ is not a meme (arguably) or a buzzword, so...

"u mad" and "no u"? Really? Alright, taking my own advice now. Hope you have luck making new friends.
Those hips
Sanae loses her divinity. Marisa loses her magic.
Reimu likely loses her power too.

Remember it makes them 'purely human' which means utterly mundane.

Reisen stays being only good for sex appeal.
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Is there some kind of source you have for this?
not the heavenly ones
remind that pointdevice mode route is non canon
Why did you have to post Yorihime in a bra? Now I have to whack it.
I always imagine Sagume making high-pitched screeching animal sounds in the first panel. It's adorable. That artist is adorable. His Junko's cute too.
Teen Junko is cute.
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Don't do that, you're going to make mom angry!
Ah, it is rare to see Eirin drawn so attractively~
But Junko is also just so...
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Molest the rabbit!

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Smelly, dumb, Marisafag scum
A-a third?! Kuh! The plot thickens!
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Oldhag must die

Uh oh, someone call Eirin! Her guinea pig is being stolen!
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Reisen is not a guinea pig and she is not for raping, okay!?
Of course not. Everyone knows she goes on the prowl for children
>After talking with Eirin, Reisen felt a bit closer with her teacher, albeit being the usual pseudo-moon rabbit she is.
What did they mean by this?

Reisen is a pure moon rabbit, no?

She was, but she's become very impure. She's an Earth Rabbit, now.
My searches have failed me. What artist drew this image?
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Look up Junko on e-hentai. One of them has a dick.
So is she a mother
Not anymore.
So Junko a lesbian
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Just a widow in search for a pet rabbit.
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Remove Lunarian
Remove Moon Bunny
Post the rest of these.
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I found the Junko appreciation thread!
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Chang'e did a horrible thing that can never be taken back but I forgive him for his transgression!
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To do what exactly?
Lewd anon
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This picture would be amazing if Clownshit weren't in it.
Yurifags ruin everything.

Touhous are pure.
Source, or translation please.
Why is Eirin giving her pills? I expected fighting over Reisen.
don't be a racist Junko
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Wow rude anon.
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Junko really likes video cameras.
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They are futanari pills. Junko wants to have Reisen's child.
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plot twist
But she already has a child
Why not re-child again?

This has to be the worst artist in all of touhou.
Holy shit. I was going to respond to you and tell you that the worst Touhou artist was the fat Ran artist but you can see how that turned out.
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I want Junko to lie on top of me and bury my face into her soft breasts.
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I don't know, I think hefty junko is nice.
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>but you can see how that turned out.

She wants me to fuck her pantsu?
My wife's son's looking great today! I'm so glad Junko lets me pay for both her and her son!
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How angry is your mother today?
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Are you watching Chang'e?
What's happening
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That's just petty
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Why is dream cow Santa attacking that astronaut?
It's an insurgency.
I can't webms.
>The artist requested removal of this image

You can't link, either!
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More like you can't danbooru.
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I desperately want to be Reisen so that I can be smothered by milf titties and used as their onahole.
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The war of two lovers
The fuck is she saying?
>Oi, Chang'e!
>Are you watching?
>I sent a frozen toad to your house... and it's Collect-on-Delivery!
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Lunarians are the ones with a professional (in the sense that this is their whole job) standing military

Gensokyo can defend itself
Lunaria can't

Why are Lunarians so useless?

Why does the moon have less technology than 2005 Germany?

Were are their air defense guns?


Video related - Moonfucks don't play by spellcard rules anyways, so why can't they build this for taking down impure fairies?
This is so hard
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It's almost that time again!

Please remember to say "rabbit rabbit" when you wake up on Oct. 1!

I care about you guys and I want good luck to come to all of us!
Because they are fucking useless, didn't 'murica fuck them up back in the 60's anyways?
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She looks like a fun person to have sex with, is she a fun person to have sex with?
Only if you are Reisen
>another hourai

>being the usual pseudo-moon rabbit she is
>she realized she will no longer be able to communicate with the lunarians as before
so that why in FS she said that aren't longer lunarian
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And Chang'e was turned into a frog. So, Junko is angry after a frog.
>>another hourai
we've known chang'e drank the hourai elixir and was imprisoned for it fifty shitzillion years ago

>>she realized she will no longer be able to communicate with the lunarians as before
>so that why in FS she said that aren't longer lunarian
no, it just means due to the insider info eirin gave her she can't talk to lunarians as openly as she once had
Do you think they would have angry sex
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edgy. even 4 a hell fairy...
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I thot copypasta was a severe violation of Gensokyo's spellcard code...
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Angry scissoring and spit swapping.
Would pay to see
I wish Junko would scissor-rape me
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Something's wrong with that picture of Junko, but I just can't put my finger on it.
>So, Junko is angry after a frog.
It's honestly not so absurd now pepe is a hate symbol.
Junko, Junko, can't you see?
Lunarians and rabbits gotta hang from trees
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Junko isn't a volleyball player, obviously.
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This art should be illegal. Its fucking disgusting.
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Thread posts: 209
Thread images: 105

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