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General Nutaku and DMM Thread 113

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Thread replies: 382
Thread images: 78

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Last thread: >>15435258

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Quiz of Valkyrie:
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Flower Knight Girl:
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Sengoku Providence:
You must scale the mountains if you would view the plain.
Anyone have some tips for three-starring the missions on Shooting Girl? Seems I'm always getting at least one break per mission.
The nerve you got, two games just died and you post a picture of Aigis?...you have no soul ;_;
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I want to scale these mountains
6 AR or 4 AR + 2 SR
Grind a lot
That's all.
ARs are OP until late game, where I'm told you just spam Evade Equips onto HGs/SMGs and try to dodge everything. Having one of the girls who's skill randomly heals your entire team also helps.
Not sure on DTM, but DS isn't till end of July and that is when around when I will use a pic.
I've already abandoned the game after a few days on the beta but from what I learned consider getting fast-growing high HP units (preferably AR) on your vanguard so you can get some tanky units to get you going. Farm the daily dungeons for 2 and 3* units to fill your team.
High evade/hp in the front line. Pretend your pistol girls are tanks and your snipers are mages.
Plains are sexier than mountains.
You got a point and a dam fine at that.
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Are you certain?
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Osawari island f. code someone ?
here is my 2DD50S7RIF0GJHNQUDUFS
The FKG garden gimmick is actually pretty cute, does anyone have any nice gardens?
I've noticed it looks really cluttered if you put in all girls and objects you can, though. So I've been using it only for the flower pots mostly.
FKG seiyuu had cool garden.
nutakugames Retweeted
Robert Mann ‏@M_Solitaire 54m54 minutes ago

Aigis: Millennium War update inbound tomorrow. Event schedule, game's future. Stay tuned.

Holy shit, is this something?
I don't want to get my hopes up so I'll assume they'll be talking about how they want to take control of Aigis and what they'll do when they do.
holy shit. Is it happening? Someone hold me.
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My well isn't deep enough guys, I'm scared.
NutakuDev is our hero.
last chance to get hype

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
I hope Kanpani never dies

I spent so much time trying to +4 my weapons ;_;
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Calling it now, they're shutting it down
Nutaku may think it won, but like all final bosses, Dev Tea has a secret final form it has yet to show.

Watch them demand a server wipe during transfer or something.
That would be complicated :)
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Imba we're still negotiating with jap dev but it'll be there, truth me goy
I think it's damage control because this break shitstom and two games died are too coincidence
He said "event schedule" so he's going to give us a date a least.
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These things are getting pretty nasty.

If you don't have a full rainbow team, you'll probably need maxed second affection on most of your girls to finish the last one.
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Time for roll #4! I'm happy I managed to get a gold beauty that isn't Toad Lily. I <3 Toad Lily but considering I got her 3 times (that's including the 2 guaranteed rolls) as the only gold I ever rolled, it's nice to finally get some good luck/variety...
Maxed Star lily. Is there any benefit to hoarding the event currency? I take it doesn't carry over to the next one right?
I've finally did it.
With Iberis, Okizaris and Cymbidium everyone got 100% trigger chance.
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>~7 hours remaining

What a horrible night to not have a mincost Cloris
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Buy SCs goy
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No thanks
Sereina buffs Angels, making cost-1, retreat on death.
Mirno-Cloe-Sereina combo is now even more ridiculously powerful.
The new black is the cutest girl in Aigis by far, but I have both the highlight plats.

Screw it, I'm going in. Not like I'll have plats or blacks anyway.
Cool drop-rates.
Probably complete waste to try mincost Cloris via this revival.
my Cloris is already 12 cost because I'm a madman and bought 4 copies from the trade post
Might as well finish the job now
Same here.

>We’re disappointed to see both of these games go, though Duel Squad never took off as many other of our titles have.
>DT:M, on the other hand, was a popular game on Nutaku and a mid-range success for us. When the developers announced they’d be moving onto other projects, we offered to continue to run it and develop content with our own team. Unfortunately, the offer was declined, partly due to the required downtime between our team taking over and the original dev’s planned departure from the project.
Fuck. Feed her 3 copies and failed
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I must've stole your luck, sorry
Another 3 copies and failed. WHAT THE FUCK
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Do it for her
This shit is so fucking awesome.
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Don't believe their fucking lies.
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I wonder if Aegis anime could work
I mean, there's a manga, so probably.
Blame Nutaku's shill in this thread >>15462030
It's "increased rates" the same way Aigis has increased rates during spotlight. Blame people being retarded and not understanding how spotlights fundamentally work. And yes, that includes Nutaku themselves.
Why don't you faggots take it up with Discord instead of bitching about your shit luck here and blaming "shills" every time you get bad rolls?
Why don't you stop coming to this thread already, dumb shill?
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Artbook for Kanpani girls, took them long enough.
Bad rolls happen to everyone, "shill" or otherwise. I'm not the one shitting up the thread by blaming my bad luck on people who parrot what Nutaku devs say.
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Third time's the charm. Wish me luck, anon tachi
The only person here shitting up the thread is you. Only one person here had "bad rolls" and posted them. And no one needs to take it up to Discord, because, hey, remember the last time Nutaku told Discord about how they massively increased the gacha rates, and Rainbows had their drop rates multiplied 20 times and so had a 10% drop rate? And Golds supposedly had a 30% rate. Meaning on average everyone should be getting 1-2 Rainbows and 3-4 Golds in the same roll. Followed by some ~30 x11 rolls posted and not only did only like 1-2 of them have a Rainbow, but like 70% got 1 Gold or less. So out of some 330 rolls, only 1-2 were Rainbows despite Nutaku claiming 10% which should have been 33 Rainbows. Nutaku themselves have no idea what they're talking about, and yet retards like you still assume they're automatically right.

It doesn't matter what Nutaku says if they're flatout wrong.
YAY. Finally, 5 SCs for sexy MILF
Good luck senpai
You're the one that reached a thread back to start an argument.

If you have issues with what Nutaku is claiming, take it up with them. Don't shitpost about it here.
Posting your rolls is not "shitposting", you fucking moron. Your shit about "trolls" and "don't dare to expose nutaku lies!!!!1111111111111" whining IS shitposting. Fuck off to your discord hugbox.
>4/5 skill
Absolutely disgusting.
See >>15470391 and >>15462046

>Either way, you're just going to shitpost about Acolyte being a liar again.

It took you a thread to follow up on that, but don't deny that you shitpost every time you spout the word "shill" like it means anything.
Wasn't this supposed to include an Aigis announcement or thats completly different?
Should be later today.
That came out a couple hours after the twitter post, too early for something that says tommorow.
Stop being so toxic.
The twitter post came yesterday and the blog post today. Where are yo from by the way?
The blog post came out at least 12 hours ago.
You seem to forget that the majority of posters here aren't even from America.
Hahah, ok. Which one of you is that Woolf Kircher dude on FB? That comment is priceless.
What does that have to do with anything? The point is, twelve hours isn't enough time to be "tomorrow" unless you're expecting a midnight announcement or something.
Yesterday, before 23:59
Today, after 00:00
Its not that hard.
Anyone else playing the new Strike Witches game on DMM?
Well, got thief Anita while rolling, which is good since I don't have Leda yet. Though it's still a bit of a disappointment since I read "thief" as "sifu" and started thinking they were a ranged healing class, and I desperately need good healers.

What are you talking about, it's totally natural for genuine sifus to dress like Anita.
>unless you're expecting a midnight announcement or something

Do try to keep up.
I've been dabbling in it, but even as a Strike Witches fan, I'm not sure I can be bothered to play it.
Special gacha in Nutaku FKG tomorrow.

Banner says "Pick your 6* Flower Knight!"

Take that as you will. inb4 shill shitposter
Most likely going to be one of those $50 10 + 1 6* rolls (cash only) like on DMM.
Don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I rolled the gacha and got 2 S swimsuit Perrine among other girls, got them from the box, and...don't know if I sold them because I don't even know how to add them to the party.
More or less confirmed, yeah.
blobz - Today at 4:42 PM
concerning tommorrow guaranted 6 star gacha; quote from Acolyte: "Special Gachas run on Nutaku Gold."; and it was confirmed on chat by him that one roll is 50$ worth of gold(edited)
Click the cards icon to get to your party setup. Select a girl and click the bottom left blue button under the team she's on to set cards.
There aren't blue buttons under the team she is on ;_;
This game have so much menus that you can get lost easily.
weekly events, but you have to pay 5$ to get in each
Got it now, seem like I was still in tutorial missions, byt the way, can you change your girl's appeareance? or those cards are just equips?

what does it mean anon-samas, the skill of the gold horse archer thing, i got her on a roll, also got


but this wiki has nothing on her
As far as I've seen, they only affect stats.
The black you got, Rakshasa, is incredibly powerful because she can't truly die, you can keep deploying her over and over after each time she's killed (and it doesn't count against your "no deaths" conduct). Her skill/SAW also lets her do good/absurd amounts of true damage.

Gold bowrider Margeret's skill boosts attack/range and lasts forever.
thanks senpai
the demon girl looks kind of weird, but i guess i will try to use her
Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

"Millennium War Aigis" will be closed at the date below.
July 28th 3AM(EST)
Regarding service closure, please confirm the schedule below.

"Schedule to Service Close"
July 4th 3AM(EST)
・The end of selling item & gacha
*Please use all owned items before the closure of the service.
*Please note that you can not get Nutaku gold instead of item you bought.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you for enjoy playing this title for long time.

Best regards,
The Millennium War Aigis Development Team
Very funny, anon.
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Not Development Tea
you forgot to add this:
"We are working very hard to provide smooth,
uninterrupted service.
We hope you continue to enjoy Millennium War Aigis."

They always put it as a foot note, I'm sure they don't even know what that means.
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more like
>jet purple
So they finally run out of art did they. Poor Eve... just let her rest.
With this daily revival thing I fear I won't have stamina to farm the tiddie bishop
My Belinda is already mincost because they had her drop in one of the events and I got lucky, but I still want to clear her revival for the crystals
How do I even play dmm games? Keep saying not available in my area.
On all age site:
On R18: change the language to jp
switch to japanese
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So, another lie? We didn't get any news
Stay tuned for 3 more hours, till then you're jumping the gun, still it wouldn't be suprising if they are lying.
More like nine hours. It's still only 3 PM in Montreal.
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Nerine LN was out yesterday.

Does anyone intend to get it?
It wasn't a lie, no news because the game has no updates and no future so nothing to say.
I would like to support the FKG guys on Nutaku since they have been doing a fair job but I'm not sure if I'll get that 6*. In fact I'm not sure who would I choose? Who would you guys pick with your head (stats/abilities) and who with your imperial weapon ?
Perhaps I will buy Anemone, I think she's the cutest 6* on Nutaku. Someone know if they use third person in her scene ? That would bother me a lot.
As in the writing or the CG? The CG shows the Dancho very clearly so if you aren't a young male with darkish short hair...
Dendrobium is probably the best choice for the current rainbows, but hardcore min/maxers should wait for Maple/Euonymus/Iberis/Serissa (skill rate up rainbows) or Cherry/Bride Oncidium/Acacia/Snowdrop (enemy attack down rainbows). But all rainbows are strong enough to warrant purchase anyway, it's whom you like that really matters.

I like Black Baccara and Red Ginger the most out of Nutaku's rainbows, but given the choice I'd probably wait a year or so just to get Mimosa.
The writing is still third-person for these recent scenes. I already sent a ticket last week, you should too.
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Very educational, thanks anon.
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The writing. They're doing it a lot recently... It's weird.
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Maybe they're secretly trying to appeal to the NTR audience
Did... did Edelweiss just do the gathering thing using her hammer as a fucking Segway?
Took you long enough to notice!, she also uses it on maps at the start like some mages riding their staves.
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They see me rollin', they hatin'
Aigis announcement:


> Nutaku is taking over
> Return of missing characters
> Revival events
> Increase in event frequency
> Won't be accomplished fully for "several months"
> Next two events are Daughter of the King of the Dead in July and Valkyrie Contract in August
Can I start to rage now?
Sadly, I can't see it in the animations section.
"Assuming responsibility for rolling out new features"
Silly girl incoming.
Least events starting again but man, 2 weeks break on top of whats already happened, ugh.

"In the meantime, events will continue, though at a regretfully reduced pace. The event “Daughter of the King of the Dead” will arrive on July 12th and run for two weeks. The Valkyrie’s contract will begin on August 16th. "
>several months
So we have to get cucked for another few months, lame
at least I'll get Miisha finally
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>several months
Nutaku's fanboys will eat this shit up.
>The event “Daughter of the King of the Dead” will arrive on July 12th and run for two weeks. The Valkyrie’s contract will begin on August 16th.
They skiped Fran completly...and if we get her, by that time Khuri will be mincosted, so that won't matter.
I have an AW Liz with 5 in skill so I don't really need her. Though when farming for waltz I got like 5 or 6 Khuri, was silly. Though I understand people wanting her, I would like one of her just for collection. Hopefully they swing around and do all the missed events eventually.
> The game’s popularity in Japan is unquestionable; so much so, in fact, that the Japanese version has sometimes overshadowed its English counterpart when it comes to development priority.

> sometimes

It's nice to see they're getting Memento. I have my doubts they'll see Dina or B.Iris, though, despite some units being added back in.

So two months with no event, one event for two weeks, two weeks with nothing, then another event. What a shitshow.
Keep trying, its rare.
Nutaku will be the envy of DMM and most nip users will want to switch their version, who needs daily revivals, 2nd awaken and other goodies, when Nutaku introduces the new unit: Silly Girl.
I personally would put Dina or B.Iris in over Aisha if I was concerned about their looks, I'd bet on them two atleast making it even if it has to come down to money.

The important thing here isn't that events are at a slow pace for a few months (it'd be almost the same anyways without nutaku doing them), its that there is a date for when things are happening.

The game can finally move forwards now instead of being stuck going nowhere.
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>tfw $300 in rolls over the last two B. Iris spotlights and still no Iris
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>tfw poorfag
>Buying into the Microtransaction Jew.
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Man Aigis is tempting me here. I took a break for a while and came back to check on my account and noticed I had 78 SC.
I never had luck this good when I actually played,
>The event “Daughter of the King of the Dead” will arrive on July 12th and run for two weeks. The Valkyrie’s contract will begin on August 16th.
So we are on "2+ weeks breaks between events" schedule now? Aigis is fucking dead.
Yeah, they even said that we will be getting long breaks until they take complete control.
Even Nutaku agrees this was a flat-out retarded decision, they probably won't repeat it again.

This is definitely good for EN Aigis players, though I hope Dev Tea has a "no fucking with our characters" clause in the takeover contract, in case Nutaku tries to cut corners again. Nutaku has come quite far, and I doubt they want Aigis to be hit with yet another controversy, but I still worry because they have to deal with their share of idiots too, both within and without the company.
We were happy with lolis uncensored in FKG...then facebook retards came in and said whatever verbose you may imagine against the lolis, that was one of the most stupid conversations I had seen.
Anyone playing Mobile Tanks? I think it has some nice skill upgrade, but I don't know how half of the things work, if someone can help me I would be glad
Is the current FKG Gatcha one with increased drop rates for everything or just within categories?
>Reduced pace
So we're going from 1 week breaks to 2 week breaks to what appears to be month long breaks as Nutaku tries to figure out how to path goblins on a linear path?
2 weeks not a month, since event lasts for 2 weeks. Who knows on the contract one though. Hopefully by then it'll be done.
It's supposed to be for the featured girls only but Nutaku's banner suggests otherwise. Don't roll until they do another one like the player's choice.

From Discord, apparently they did some work on the gacha backend to better calculate rates... but the rates are the same as before (their all caps words). Nobody knows what exactly that means and the devs refuse to give an answer when asked.
I wonder if that means they boosted spotlight chances instead.

The rates themselves don't look to be boosted like the player's choice gacha was, at least.
I feel so much pity for these devs, really.
getting over a dead game like Aigis after all this time, just think about how much shit they are going to get trought.
If they really want to bring over the DMM standards these little idiots will start scream again "OMG TO MUCH STUFF, THINK ABOUT THE NEW PLAYERS PLEASE! GIVE US A BREAK!" fucking cancer...
Or those that already hate the game and Nutaku, they will crap all over them just because.

They can do a flawless work, making the game better than always adding new stuff (like for the autorun in FKG) but proably won't be enough for many.

Poor bastards...

Nutaku Aigis devs confirmed for being Necromancers
According to the 2ch ministry of paranoia (the same people who brought you the "you can time the spinners if you wait just right" rumor), FKG's gacha has these "sets" that you can get, which is why people often get things like 10 bronze/1 silver rolls despite these being exceedingly unlikely. The total chance to get each rarity is still overall the same, but you get them in bursts of really good luck or really bad luck.

What they're saying sounds like they removed that mechanic, making each roll individually random. This should mean less 11 bronze rolls, but you also won't luck into the better sets like the 10 bronze/1 rainbow one either.
Does this same ministry have an explanation for how I failed to pull Lilac during her spotlight until 25 single rolls (roughly ~10 of which were silver but not Lilac)?
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I'd forgive them if they were this hot
I am not sure if Lilac ever truly entered the spotlight. I know for sure that the later silvers (Zephyranthes, Erythrina, Rowan and Forget-me-Not) were simply added to both normal and premium gacha with no extra fanfare.

But you'll eventually be able to buy her, once they implement the shop silvers, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Looks like the only rainbows you can choose for the gacha are Cactus, Anemone, Cattleya, or Dendrobium.

Guess I'll go Dendrobium...
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fuck yes
You could safely put the monster hunter at the bottom left position to speed things up
I can't imagine how much time it took with just a HA
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shit roll, etc.
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>tfw pulled waifu
Time to do fairy genocide.
So no slice 6* available...bummer. I was aiming for Alpinia or Baccara.
50€ is pretty expensive for a 6*
a 6* and 11 rolls but yeah, I see what you mean.
Congrats to all the whales for their free rainbows.
Considering you can go 1000+€ without a rainbow...
Does $50 make a whale nowadays? At this rate paying even one cent will make you one.
I even wanted to buy it when I heard something about guaranteed 6*, but then I realized jewtaku wants 50 fucking dollars so I gave up. RIP Anemone.

I don't want to take Nutkau sides on this but works the same way as DMM, the only difference is that you can choose wich 6* you want.
>the only difference is that you can choose wich 6* you want
What. There's no "difference", on DMM you can choose 6* you want in exactly same way. Stop making up stuff if you didn't play it.
Our pool is apparently smaller, but we got this system way sooner than expected. If they do it a bit more frequently, I don't mind.

Gonna be hell to pick between Hanamomo and Daisy if it comes down to it though.
Uhm i've forgot the "in a smaller pool"
My bad sorry
It's not just a HA, it's Deine at nearly max level with 2 units buffing her. There are a lot of units I know I could have safely used to speed it up like my level 90 Rachel and level 99 Rion, but they weren't necessary for dealing with the massive waves of fish and that was my only concern for level 10.
What do the wedding bouquets do in DMM FKG? I bought 999 of them (took a while to clear the inventory, since you can only grab 20 at a time.)
They're the event currency for Gazania's event. If you were late for it or didn't farm enough during that time, you can use them to roll the event gacha.
Oh shit, I forgot that it was for the gacha. Well, that was some wasted points on my part.
Hmm, more people are noticing they cannot make purchases through their Visas now that this gacha is up. I'm not sure if I'll bite but it would be nice to have the option.
I know I'm a slowpoke but can someone tell me what those flower bouquets in the trading post are for in the current dmm fkg event?
Sorry but which girl is Gazania again?
The pirate from the previous event. Click the gatcha on the left side (Flower pot symbol) and click the farthest right tab.
Event Gatcha.
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What a cutie. But is she any good?
Though, she's the only dragon rider I own, so maybe it doesn't matter.
Wow I got rused then, I thought I wasn't gonna be able to get enough tokens to roll everything so I skipped a lot of pages after getting the upgrades and accessories. Does this gacha let you roll for anything you haven't got or just that one page?
Just that one page.
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She's one of the strongest units in the game. Her stats are massive and her SAW gives her a permanent 1.5 multiplier to attack and defense and makes her hit in an AoE.
Oh shit. I had a great roll then. Thanks, anon.
She sounds better than both my blacks (Alice and Berna).
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Come on, remember the good times...

She costs almost 4 Bernas or Alices to deploy, kinda hard to compare
I'm not sure about Berna, but Alice is great and has been carrying me pretty hard so far. As OP as Nadia is, you have to take her cost and the WT for her SAW into consideration. Alice is amazing for her cheap cost, and with her SAW she scales throughout a map. Have yet to SAW her myself though (still 4/5 after 10+ rainbow fairies).
Did they nerf her? That looks ridiculous.
On the contrary, she's been buffed a couple times.
I almost want to dump my black can into her and work on AWing her once I AW Bernice and actually do Vepar 5. Not even close to skill AWs but even just for the 33% assassination cheese for story quests sounds bretty gud.
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Well, it's nice to have some information I guess.
But being several more months stuck with this bullshit situation is too much suffering.
I can't even awaken any more units because I ran out of silvers. No events to farm them. So whats the point of spending charisma to get exp fodder even.
No maps to clear for SC either, so nothing to roll.

There is effectively nothing to do in Aigis.
I feel we deserve at least 100 SC as apology for all the bullshit we've had to put up with.
>ran out of silvers

having the same problem, can't evolve or awaken shit
Alicia a cute!
Same here. I awaken 20 units and run out of silvers
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I'm starting to wonder if Nutaku FKG really hates my guts. I still only have two gacha golds and I've been playing since the beginning.
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Has this happened to anyone else when trying to use a mission key in SG? It just popped up as soon as I activated the key.
With this aigis package are we one step closer to those free choice unit packages they have in FKG?
Doubt it. Like it was said before, that free choice package in FKG came as an answer to the gacha regulations in japan, now coincidentially this year was the scheduled regulation and Aigis responded with the platinum or more ticket. As for this girl appearing as a packet, it was said that the promotion will be for other unique units too and you will get them way latter in the rainbow crystal trade.
Damn it. The FKG package is one of my favourite parts. I'm sure it would be even more well received in a game like aigis where the units matter so much more.
It would be way too OP. Aishas/Rions/BIris/Estell everywhere.
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Remember to get your free Chocolate Cosmos, guys. (Add a 'MY' in front of the code for FKG)
>giving one of the best golds in the game to everyone
They're being really kind.
>tfw already had Chocolate Cosmos
I wonder if they'll keep track of people who use that code AND enter the Facebook contest for those who weren't able to go to the Expo.
Danger in the Oasis is literally cancer. The only viably tactics seems to be either to have Nanaly or gtfo because even my AW Sybilla gets murdered by the the mage mummy or the big mummies if she screws up her instagibs. Videos show a silver Valk tanking the mage no problem, is there an easy mode or what is going on?
heal cycling
You need to time healers correctly.
You are not alone Anon, I started first day and I only have three now because of >>15477982
Much appreciated
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Yeah. At least DMM is usually nicer to me. But not today though.
Question. I'm currently forced to clear all the old revivals for the SCs, even if I don't really care about the unit, and don't get enough stam to farm the bishop.
I have the black bishop from the item farm event, so she's not a crucial unit for me. Should I just wait for her own revival, which shouldn't take long considering they now happen daily?
Not forced, you just want to. Also you can always use a couple of the crystals to farm her if you really wanted to.
Use some of these SCs for refill.
Current subjugation event is best done with 2 bishops, for example, so sometimes you want something extra to Eterna. And she got awesome buff for angels, so if you have Mirno and Cloe, definitely worth it to pick Serenia.
I'm saving for a second barrack, because I put off buying it for too long
I'm mostly wondering, are revivals confirmed to be switching every day? I'm worried they'll be cycling the current 4 events until the next maintenance instead
It says list is changed every monday and will show events for next week. Its not tied to maintenances.
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Nice, good to know
Free equipment slot / skill up / both. It's a consolation prize, but still better than nothing.
The raid bosses in Kanpani are getting less and less fun to do, while the rewards are also getting shittier every updates.
Not sure what the hell they are thinking.
they took over hitsuji chronicles from the begin, and the mismanagement is real.
pray your savior
Even for Nutaku, it'd be hard to mismanage worse than anything Dev Tea did in the 1.5 years they've had to clean up their act.
Honestly, anything would be better than what we have right now.
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Can you tell me something about her? A long time since I got a black unit
oh thanks, I didn't see that post
Mismanaging is very easy.
- Ranked events which you can't even clear unless you roll spotlight unit with event-specific buff.
- Changing stats of units and enemies making everything completely unbalanced
- Silly Girls.
- Osawari-like "edited" art.
- Decreasing drop rates, increasing stamina for all events.
> Ranked events which you can't even clear unless you roll spotlight unit with event-specific buff.
There is nothing like that in Aigis at all, they are not making brand new content like this when they can't even understand the code needed to update events for a few months.

> Changing stats of units and enemies making everything completely unbalanced
Like how dev tea made fish harder than in the original event or the how there's been almost no unit balancing so far messing up some people?

> Silly Girls.
They said they regret that, I don't see how anyone couldn't regret it too.

> Osawari-like "edited" art.
There's been no edited art like that in FKG, there were some very small edits that got reverted though.

>Decreasing drop rates, increasing stamina for all events.
Where have they done this before?

They've said they want to stay true to the original as close as possible, they're doing this in FKG which is a big game, assuming they'll piss about on their biggest game is stupid. They've pissed about on smaller games which is where I'd want them pissing about and learning that their bright ideas are stupid.
>ranked events in Aigis

Stopped reading right there.

At least try to make sense when you shitpost on Nutaku.
Where is the source on Nutaku saying they regret Silly Girl?

- lawl, they even tryied to remove the rankings on hitsuji breaking the game in the process, poor bastards.
- as far as i know they never changed any character/enemy stat in any game directly controlled by them, i don't see why they should do it now.
Tea Teamput these freaking ridicoous machinegun-fishes though, without putting them on DMM because these were to broken for them too, now that's bullshit.
-Silly Girl was shit but the girls after that was nothing like that, i kinda appreciated the art on that last girl.
- During the first times,Osawari, was really a shithole, no excuses.
Still they are (really slowly) trying to fix all these awful jobs, dunno how is going
Is Goma still chopped?
- They never done such a thing...

I understand that someone can despise Nutaku because their early works sometimes were pretty bad and they don't have a very decent PR but shitting on them even on faults that they don't have seems just cruelty to me.
Just like i've said other times i give the main fault on Aigis fiasco to Tea Team, they shitted on the community from day1, during the first time Nutaku was way to small to point any feet on the situation so i can understand but later, after the first year they should have really started taking the control instead to "hope in the devs good heart", Nutaku has been their little bitches for all this time and the Devs that are going to take over will get all the rage and shit from the community.
I feel really bad for them, getting over a game like Aigis after almost 2 years, these devs work will be way harder than FKG because at least theseNutaku devs has been on control from day1.
Frankly i'm curious to see how the devs will work on it, i hope in the same FKG's quality, at this point Nutaku can't really give less than that.
Man, I was looking for maybe another piece of info regarding Aigis or FKG from the expo and... why is this Larcx dude pissing everyone off everywhere I look? It's amazing.
Now that it's the weekend and I'm not using my resources for dailies. Are any of the new story missions good enough to auto complete or are we still on Scramble2 & Oasis?
>This Larcx dude pissing everyone off everywhere I look
Larcx is a known clown, but where is he making his act again?
Still in those two until the jungle maps come.
Great, thank you.
He loves his Liana and others call her garbage, he's not smart enough to properly explain that she's got her uses and so he annoys everyone.

It is great fun watching people try to argue with him though, he can argue his point, most people just don't understand his points cause he can't put them into words well.

I am glad he's stayed on ulmf nutaku even though he's not playing on nutaku right now.
Just check Ulmf or the wiki for example. Dunno if you will get a laugh out of it though, kinda sad. As in the guy has problems kinda sad.
Can't tell who has bigger problems, Larcx with his terrible English and uncontrolled spending or retards who think Liana is not better than gold healers.
Ahh the same shitholes, I thought he was in the expo doing what he knows best.
Damn, I checked the next set of story maps and... things are going to get rough aren't they? Maybe I should AW a HA and hope my gold healers can keep up.
She's fine statwise, but the high cost and barely-useful skill make her a disappointment as a black.
just buy the SC buff and 3* finish all the maps (except the golem ones) If you will try to finish those, Memento and Rikka will be invaluable.
You'd probably want to AW the healers first before the Heavy for more survivability, unless you really need that extra block.

Disappointment as a black doesn't mean she isn't useful though, specially when the best healers most nutaku players have is Iris and Fedora, with Alissa taking the 3rd slot.
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll get to finally raise Rikka and Awing the healers.
>tfw only awakening able ha is fucking Maribel
At 50cc70 she has less defense than 50cc30 Leanne. I mean, sure, her skill raises it to ridiculous levels, but so what? If it goes down while facing anything threatening she blows the fuck up.
You need to pray harder to our lord and saviour Gellius Christ.

Also, why didn't you raise Bernice anon? She is so cute. Or were you trolled hard during the GR?
I never got Berenice ;_;

Seriously, she's the gold I want most. Last time I rolled a gold it was Themis, which was nice, but still kinda disappointing.
I never get the blacks I want but after using them I start to grow attach to them. I assume that's how he feels about liana.
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>Themis, which was nice, but still kinda disappointing.
Themis is the most disappointing princess of all
But she's still my favorite
She's hot as fuck and has some of the few scenes I actually can fap to in the game, but still. Fucking Themis of all possible princesses or gold units.
That map was from the second GR wasn't it? I wish we had it on Nutaku, I could use a free -1CR for Spica, among others.
I have no princesses beyond Sukuha and no gold+ HA at all, I'd love either of Themis or Berenice. But what I get instead is half a dozen Stellas.

I'd love any black at all too, but 70+ rolls and still none at all. At least I have some fairly good plats to compensate.
I was in the same boat until like two weeks ago
Then I got a Bernice and instantly rushed her to AW50
Haven't used her once yet
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Stellas and Garrets haunt me, in fact, I was so bored and annoyed at the clutter on my Nutaku account I went mad and combined them all.

I will probably never use them.
but anon, gold units can be used for AW instead of CC'd silver
I think it's hilarious that he tried to bait me by calling Lilia a garbage princess.
I know, I could have AW Gellius with those Garrets yet for some reason I dislike doing it, even if I know RNG doesn't like me and the odds of me SU or mincosting someone are almost 0 I always prefer using a CCed Silver.

Can't help it.
Mummies function like avengers (so only Rowanna for Nutaku.) As they get to certain breakpoints in hp they deal huge amounts more damage. The silver valk tanking in those videos is tanking the mage mummy while his hp is high, mostly just holding him until the other mummies are dead. You're not supposed to tank big mummies near the end of their health pool, you need to find a way to have them go from 30% or so to dead before their next swing if you're going to be letting them hit people.
So I was doing my homework and then...

A fuck you to you too Devs
I would totally trash Gina to AW Rikka, if I had her cost low enough

finally 3* it, took a +5up and abused Sybilla to instagib the first wave of big mummies before she herotanked the mage while Bernice stalled the second wave with Elizabeth raping them. I have trouble believing videos of much weaker units doing this.
I have 3* this and I wish I had Sybilla and Liz. In fact I tanked the mummy with a cheap Valkyrie since I was hyper-tight on cost. Did use three healers to keep everyone up.

All in all, it was the hardest mission for me, had to tweak cost and raise Khuri to max for it, across no less than 10 tries.

Congratulations, now get your Ertel and prepare your anus for some tight Gaki action
Something strange happened on dmm.
I actually have more black fairies than plat ones.
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that's easy on Nutaku

4 gacha plats and no blacks, sucks anon, hopefully we can add Liana and Nagi someday if Nutaku takes the reigns.

You probably don't need them much with Marr, Hina and Azami though
So for those with a really good memory, how tough is Memento's event being a star trial? Any advice? There's still time to prepare.
Marr is godly, Hina is situational, and I didn't get a very good Azami thanks to RNG
I wonder why we haven't gotten the Anubis guy, maybe he is censored too :V
Liches. Lots and lots of liches.
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Last map is very tough. You need 4 healers there
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Pretty bullshit honestly, you want to have AW Anya, some MR tank or two, and like 4 healers
Might try deploying Odette's skill, didn't have her on dmm so dunno how effective it'd be
Its quite hard.
For 亡者の群れ you need bunch of mages and bishops, for 死者の王を討て and 死者の王の怨念 you need high-power healers and MR tanks.
Assuming you're at roughly the same power level as the average person during the first time it hit on dmm, pretty difficult
>play Nutaku Aigis for almost a year
>one Black from reroll
>played DMM Aigis for less than a week back in 2014, go back to black-less account and spend ~100 SC in one go
>one black
>roll another black from SP crystal summons
>roll a 3rd black from another SC roll
>all of this happening within not even a month

Well, if Nutaku Aigis really does somehow die within the next few months, at least DMM will save me.
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Adult Memento is pretty cute
Wasted 600 DC trying to mincost Lychee, still at CR-2. I so fucking hate RNG component of this game.
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Started mid-Rikka's so no DMM level and No AW Anya, Odette and 4 (good) healers makes me feel like >>15481692

Still, with a bit of creativity I should manage at least 21 stars... right?
Well iirc, Memento was a type of unit that it didn't matter too badly about min cost. Since you use her for her tokens.
Right, and there's Metus in the far future too.
You've got some great duelists and Gellius there so you should be ok for 21 out of 24. I hope you got that Claudia before you got the other 2 princesses, she's awful compared to them.
I actually got them at the same rolling spree since I always end up using all SC we get on the gacha. The only reason she has more levels is because I've been burning the excess fairies with the exp+ fodders from the 52 map to bring all plats to 50. Plenty of time to raise the rest.

If Olivie isn't an option I usually throw Cellia if I need peace of mind or Shelly for firepower. Will use Lillia when pesky paralysis users and the like come later.
how many players are on Kanpani?
Hopefully just a few, better reduce the inevitable heartbreak when the end comes. A shame.

Been months since I cared to even login. And I got 5* every week from just doing that too...
Is there an exp chart that includes the black armor?
Knowing it gives 5000xp you can just calculate when to use it as if you had 5 plats. For example two black cans raise a black from 74 to 99
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There you go, admire my beautiful Paint(brush) skills. Lazily done in under a minute.
Thank you very much!
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Is this a good amount of blacks for someone who's been playing for half a year or have I been unlucky?
You have been ridiculously lucky.

It's not unusual to have no blacks after that time.
I'm playing for 1.5 years and have 0 gacha blacks.
Oh damn. Praise the lord and thank you for his gifts.
Its funny how you can see more events in a week on DMM than in a half a year on Nutaku.
It's not funny how much SC you have to spend to get those units to min/max.
I already have most of them mincosted from star trial drops/revivals, so its just free SC and silvers for me.
The events themselves give you mountains of SCs to waste, and will probably be on repeat schedule.

I'm dropping all on the gacha in hopes of getting that alchemist, though I'll probably get dupes of Nadia and Eva instead.
As someone new to DMM but used to play Nutaku, most of these aren't worth my time anyway. I'll do completion for the crystals and just merge what I get.

I'll probably put in some extra time for a few of this list, though, just like I did for Belinda on the last one.
Thats it?!?
No one has anything good to say about Kanpani girls?
Dead game, nobody cares anymore.
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I've been playing for almost a year now and these are my blacks
Are you a whale?
I would have back before Nutaku killed it.
No I'm mostly f2p. I did spend 1400dmm points on that recent package though. The girl is just too cute.
How did Nutaku kill Kanpani, I never played the DMM version
DMM Kanpani is going strong, still actively developed and events happening 24/7.
I think there have been all of like two or three events all year. They had a campaign last year after launch for a free 5* archer if you could finish all of the currently available story maps, but then they never added any more since.

There's basically just never anything to do there.
I seem to recall reading not that supposedly Nutaku made a deal and purchased a yearful of content and they messed it up by putting all stages from the start and encouraging people to rush it for the 5* archer later. So they only had scrapes left to deploy and had to resort to giving 5* like candy to retain people.
>reading not

reading not long ago
They skipped events, so that seems unlikely. I'm just going to call gross mismanagement.
The new event is boring, having to wait 2 months for this is pretty discouraging. It's a shame, I really like the girls in this game...
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I don't even know what halve of these units do but i want them all. Nutaku will have them eventually too, right?
There are only 3 who aren't in nutaku.
Another FKG doujin appeared on the panda.

Yamabuki + out of shape Dancho Vanilla action
5 if you count in the second post he quoted, so basically half. (5/11)
I have the first one, Deine, she's breddy gud
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Thanks for the heads-up, that was really sweet.

Also worthy of praise is the fact that even the placeholder girls got a cameo appearance. Come to think about it, it could be neat to see more of these "extras" in the actual game, perhaps in the skill/attack animations of a tactician/squadron leader kind of girl who directs a team of generic footsoldiers.
So with the Monday daily saving starting up I ended this drop rate bonus week with barely 100k. Talk about bleeding money. How do you guys keep up? I started raising my can threshold from 42 to 50 and it hurts.
On DMM? I'm always low on Gold. I replenish my stock during 1.5x week and Star Trials if possible.

On Nutaku, just keep playing. With these multi-week breaks it's really easy to build up Gold. Even considering my spenditure, I come out with a sizable net gain most weeks.
Yeah, I usually don't have money problems either, I often roll 2k gacha and still have a million or so saved up but this fodder rate up just devours money.
>That guy dodge

Fucking stylish.
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So Dancho-tachi, did you overcame the temptation or ended up embracing a rainbow? Still doubting whether to bite here.
How am I suppose to skill level angels? Silver angel fodder is expensive and 10 levels means a lot of rainbow fairies.
angels are worth it

I'd been actively campaigning to the devs for this sort of deal to be brought over from DMM. Of course I saved up for the possibility.
It's way too expensive. For 20€ I would have considered it, but 50 is insane.
Got Dendrobium.
A single 11 roll uses 35 or so dollars worth of stones. I doubt they'd set one that cheap.
Looks like second evolutions are to come with today's update. I hope they require a fair number of 100-year dragons, because I still have a mountain of these and no idea what to do with them.

Gazania might be in the spotlight for a while longer too, since her crewmates (Water Hyacinth, Epimedium and Seemannia?) will most likely be featured in an upcoming event. She definitely deserves the attention, especially since she's the first event girl by Moneti that we've gotten.
Now that Aigis announced 2nd awakening, and seeing the daily revival throwing plats at you, makes me paranoid and believe they awakening mats will be plat or gold units evolved :V
Embrace the grind
I wish, plats is fucking easier to get than silvers
What are those purple birds? I don't recognize them. You think they're going to be the dragons for second evolution?

Damn, though, my account's only a few months old. I don't have any gold units up to evolved cap yet. Closest I have is 60.
I disagree, I've racked up well over 250 silvers just playing through the events.
Depends on what you're looking for.

On the one hand, between ongoing events and permanent revival maps changing every day, it's not really hard to farm for a specific silver anymore. But the drop rate is only ~10% except for the first guaranteed drop.

On the other hand, it's pretty easy to farm plat event units with incredibly high rates now, provided you're willing to wait for the right revival.
When are we getting hit with 2nd awakening?
Really? Maybe I play too much.
Nutaku FKG has been out almost 3 months and most people there have completely maxed out teams, I've already retired 4 maxed silvers, 2 maxed bronzes and 5 evolved bronzes from my main team.
Possibly. But if that's the case, I hope they introduce a mechanic where you combine a number of dragons to get these birds, like what they did for old affection items.

But I guess we'll see for ourselves in half a day. As for the lack of units at level cap, I wouldn't worry too much, since all events are designed to be doable from level 1 and additional power is only really necessary for the top-tier ultimates.
I've been playing Nutaku just as long and it's been easier to focus there because I'm not drowning in golds. I can't even fill two groups with them.

In DMM, I have more golds than I can even fit in my 20-person party.

I've been playing both for the same amount of time.
Oh, that would make a lot of sense then, that would put an extra 20 levels on half my girls and that really would add up.
Yeah, having an event and a revival every two weeks and several permanent revivals really makes DMM's golds start to add up fast.

They also drown you in gems and I've pulled at least twice as many 10+1s, maybe heading toward three times as many, as I have in Nutaku.
These gacha games are so scummy.
please don't be so toxic
FKG, mission 10-5. How the fuck do I get that last pest? It isn't a matter of power.
isn't it?
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After ~150 free SC over 3 months, finally, a new gacha black. What are alchemists good for, anyway?
Firstly, fuck you.

Secondly, they decrease enemy defense with their area attacks, so they're good if you use a lot of archers/pirates/ninja/cannoneers. After AW, Makina can also put down a token that gives regeneration to your units.
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>spend all my time(10 months) on dmm with Leanne as my best HA
>week ago finally roll a Bernice, rush her to AW50
>today roll this
Considering AW Bernice buffs HA DEF by 5% just being in the lineup, its not like you lost anything.
FKG back up. The initial batch of second H-scenes and second evolutions are now both implemented.

Level cap is 80 after second evolution, abilities are improved further. Notably, Sakura gets the skill rate x1.2 ability.
Is there a list yet? It would be nice to know what do the rainbow girls on the current Nutaku Gacha for future...purposes.
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They make fodder look too cute. Makes me feel bad for using them. At least some of the dragons look mentally impaired.
Seems like they actually put more clothes on the girls after 2nd evolution.
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What does the special mean?
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It appears that golds have one of their abilities augmented, while rainbows get upgrades to both of them. The current list is as follows:

Sakura 1: Attack +15% to party -> attack +15% and skill chance 1.2x to party
Sakura 2: Attack +35% to party during raid boss battles -> attack +35% to party during raid boss battles, overall damage to boss increased by 5%
Waterlily: Defense +10% to party -> attack and defense +10% to party
Evening Primrose: Attack +10% to party -> Attack +10% and skill chance 1.2x to party (at maximum affection)
Gazania: Attack +10% to 3 party members -> Attack +13% to 3 party members

Well, that's good too. Evolved art usually ends up being worse because all these well-designed uniforms go away in a flash, they probably took that into consideration with the second evolutions.
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>Evening Primrose: Attack +10% to party -> Attack +10% and skill chance 1.2x to party
I didn't think they'd bundle attack up and skill rate up together in one skill, but they did.

Absolute madmen.
These second AW damn...
I wonder what my waifu Cymbidium does.
I hope my Rainbows finally get 1.2x skill rate finally.
I've been using Night Phlox as one of my team leaders, and I'm considerably bothered by her new voice.
Cymbidium belongs to Oncidium, you heathen.

But nah, she doesn't have a second evolution yet. They will probably trickle in during the upcoming weeks, like character quests did.
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I have never been so motivated to level a girl before. I will be rid of this sprite.
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I'd be rolling for her highlight gacha if I didn't already have Sakura. Her evolution art is super cute.
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She looks younger than before, but her boobs look really weird.
I'd say that sprite is significantly better, even if the breasts are slightly off. I also like the theme. I'm extra hyped now. Thanks!
Purple Pansy's character quest is in at DMM? The time has come.

Good. Most of the evolution art looks horrible because of the blatant fanservice. Not that I dislike fanservice, but you can tell that they didn't put much else into the design for a lot of them.
in FKG, where do I click to see the 2nd evolution tab?
Evolution tab as usual.

It gives you some brief information about requisite items (birds, petals etc.) too.
I couldn't read the info on the items and I don't have any girls who got 2nd evo implemented.

Can someone give me a brief summary of which items you need to do it and how to get them?
so, on the evo tab, how do I get my evolved characters to appear so I can get them to the 2nd evo? Do they need to have maxed the 2nd affection tier?
You need two type-specific birds, two nation-specific petals and a rarity-specific elixir. For example, Sakura needs two magic-type birds, two petals of wisdom and virtue (for Blossom Hill) and a rainbow blooming elixir. Level is reset to 1 and abilities are strengthened, as noted above.

Birds can be bought from the whale shop (and reportedly also drop, but I haven't seen any yet), petals from the life crystal shop, and elixirs have their own daily dungeon now.

Do you have one of the requisite characters? I think they should appear by default after first evolution.
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Holy shit, something really changed.
A key line is missing infact.
Too hot to work hard. Providing uninterrupted breaks is not for the faint of heart.
Got it, thanks.

I've left the freebies in my box. Do the petals and elixirs take up unit slots? I figure the birds do, but I'm trying to figure out how to manage my inventory around this.
They do, unfortunately.

Knowing FKG devs, though, they will probably implement something like Aigis' armor/fairy storage for fairies and evolution materials sometime down the road.
What the fuck kind of flower dismembers Koalas and uses them as rocket hands?
Given what eucalyptus trees do in real life, you're lucky she doesn't set them on fire instead. Eucalypts are so successful because they're both highly flammable and capable of surviving the bushfires they promote, which allows them to immolate themselves on a regular basis to kill all competition while they grow back with impunity.

They're pretty much the tree version of the phoenix, if phoenixes defended themselves by dive bombing people's heads and then bursting into flames.
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The face of a stone cold killer.
When will Australia be satisfied?
In flower knight girls, is there a reason to keep 2 star girls around at all? They're recorded in my collection and I'm not using any of them. Can I just sell them to free up space or will they ever be needed?
Sell them if you don't like them.
They'll be useful for the Nation-specific missions and for color changing the whaleship, but those are a ways off.

So eventually I would want to level them up anyway?
The cute ones at least/
Not until every animal and plant has 10 different ways to kill people.

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