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AKB General 494

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 813
Thread images: 295

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Previous: >>14834539

All AKB sub-groups and related *48/*46 groups welcome.
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/y0xcf3Pt

(02/06 to 03/30) HKT48 Spring Live Tour ~Sashiko du Soleil 2016~
(02/16-18,20,22,25,27-28) Minami Takahashi special stages.
(02/22 to 03/28) NMB48 Live House Tour 2016
(03/03-04) Miyazawa Sae graduation concert "Minna, Nakunjaneezo" at Nippon Gaishi Hall.
(03/09) AKB48 43rd Single (Kimi wa Melody). Sakura center. Maeda Atsuko, Oshima Yuko, Itano Tomomi, Shinoda Mariko and Takahashi Minami will return for this single.
(03/23) Nogizaka46 14th Single (Harujion ga Saku Koro). Fukagawa Mai center.
(03/26-27) Minami Takahashi graduation concert "148.5cm no Mita Yume" at Yokohama Stadium.
(03/30) SKE48 19th Single (Chicken LINE).
(04/06) Keyakizaka46 1st Single (Title TBA).
(04/02 to 05/15) HKT48 Theater Touring. HKT48 will be performing in AKB, SKE, NMB and NGT theaters during the relocation of their own theater to Nishitetsu Hall.

>Useful Links
LODs and Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMo
AKB48 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dUAcADxd9BOvJGXXQdPTZ6L7co5N2GhWFiTnpFz68qk
HKT48 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13WO-YcaJkph2yu75SwCjEu5DCMC50mZhccureCnwQQA
Nogizaka46 Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17eKIpPGgBA1YUV5bI3yyKyQYcW9hqM9iLaFZcZP3mLA
AKB H/S: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oATy7ZX78NxKUr3WVNbg4eZ8sfKDZKCpBT61p0RAsrA
Nogizaka H/S: http://ameblo.jp/seto-kasumi/
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Every human walks around with a certain kind of sadness. They may not wear it on their sleeves, but it's there if you look deep.
Who are these girls?
Her smile seems so disingenuous. Probably abused as a child.
nogizaka 3rd gen
Nagisa is the anti-sadness. She's like rainbow with boobs.
Holy shit you guys. Can we go one thread without the pits of sorrow?

I do love nagisa after all....
Nagahama Neru and Nagasawa Nanako.

Nanako is a good girl, her Nogi oshimen is Ikuchan.
Well ok then.

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now I can post my memes all over again
I don't care about their oshimens.
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Nice oshi.
And you're telling me this why?
which episode is this?
Fuck off Mayu no one likes you.
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Sasshi rekt.jpg
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Consider the alternative
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Same reason you told me about her being a good girl: opinion.
start of the thread and you guys are already fighting, geez....

The one where Ririka admits to watching porn
I think I should create a sassy folder
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AKB48 - LALALAメッセージ

SKE48 - Gonna Jump

NMB48 - しがみついた青春

HKT48 - Make Noise

NGT48 - Maxとき315号

NogizakaAKB - 混ざり合うもの
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nice OP
you wont be disappointed she's quite beautiful
>there are people in this thread who actually likes mayu over sasshi

Classic example of memes and newfags.
And Riripon is the girl who had a good upbringing, had friends but wanting to be depressed because "damaged" "rough childhood" looks cool.
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>NogizakaAKB - 混ざり合うもの
It's the first AKB single I've ever ordered. Hope they won't keep including Nogi on them as I'd rather not have it become a trend.
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someone say pits?

even i'll admit this is wrong
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I really do love Nanase afterall
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Neru takes cocks
>there are people in this thread who like either of them
why is the filename oi?
Season 2 when?
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I think you should pre-order Scandal Addiction
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you okay there anon?
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>being the hipster of idols, not liking popular idols just because they are popular
Seems like the filename worked.
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I'll probably end up buying them all.
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>liking the leftovers of the golden age
Has nothing to do with their popularity, everything to do with them being meh.
so many pictures of momoka on twitter
Neru definitely has a comfy manko.
Post Mion interacting with big name idols like Mayu and or Acchan, Yuko, etc.
comfy meme comfy comfy meme meme
It's pretty impressive how much she dominated that show, a lot of people probably didn't know just how odd she is beforehand..
Disgusting how the other girls are jealous and bully her.
So I don't know what is happening. Is it from Takamina's chaos stage?
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yeah it's from the chaos stage
not sure why anyone likes that tryhard at all.
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Chaos Stage was a mistake
A mistake that needed to happen. Now we all know where the line is.
Any scandals that dropped recently other than Sasshis addiction?
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chiyo tani.webm
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It was good
they should make one chaos stage every semester.
>Sasshis addiction

Wait what?
anon, her photobook
we need an italian idol.
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Try to keep up.
Oh that addiction. That wasn't recent though, we've known for a long time shes a scandal whore.
Had one, she got fat.
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you forgot to mention okapan's graduation, op
How? She eats meat? Not an italian idol.
>the no true italian idol fallacy
I've dropped every single one of them involved in that stage. Idol Stage was literally heaven
If you can change 1 akb-related event in the past, why?
stop the stabbings
she wouldn't get fat if she ate meat instead of pasta
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renacchi weed.png
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are you one of those purityfags?
shit taste m8
>stop the stabbings

Kawaei now centering Merodii.
Nogizaka46 - ハルジオンが咲く頃
Live at Music Station.
Kawaei was never center material other than baka center.
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Been quiet for a while now. Even Nogi got that shit wrapped up tight.
No. I'm one of those "I like my idols being cute"-fags.
It's not as if she'd be the first center that isn't center material.
>anrire shoved down everyone's throat
>yuria stays at ske and doesn't get pushed
absolutely great
>kawaei doesn't graduate and doesn't start dating a johnnys
>no tables on 2shot events
>Paruru graduated early before getting famous like she proposed, Yui is now 9th gen's 'Aachan"
Please Kami-sama if you exist.
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>no stabbings
>this means no world-wide news coverage on the net
>this means I won't click on the story on news story
>this means I wouldn't be completely enamored at the sight of Kawaei and Annin
>this means I wouldn't find out about AKB let alone idols or even Japanese culture
>this means I would have been oblivious to all this and miss out on posting in /akb/ with you guys

I-I don't guys, maybe the stabbings can happen but to someone else?
And Miku is the cutest.

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who /sunwolves/ here?

I know you're in here
I'll gladly trade you for Kawaei.
Clearly touching herself
This is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
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So do I
Does this mean I get to be an AKB? I'll gladly take her spot, I'll fuck that guy up.
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t8 dance hips.webm
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dinner is served
S A D B O Y S >>>>>
Gomeen neee zuuu-uttooo~
A trap and a not so fresh lemon?
Who is she and how much does she charge for an hour?
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>not animated
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Is all lies and sadness
who is this again? it is hard to tell from side profile view.
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She's so cute it hurts.
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fukagawa and shiraishi.webm
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>Tfw someone keeps your filename.

It's because it's what I feel when I see her.
i feel you
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get down saturday night
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why is she such a demon
too lewd for me
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When idol money in not enough
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ufo soundless.webm
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I'm not all that attracted to her, but I do want to see her win SSK

She's not. Doesn't even get a tingle. Feels like she's trying too hard.
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not even a little?
No reaction. Give me a Miru or Milky, works fine. Sayanee, nothing. She looks Chinese and wishes she were Korean. Terrible.
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how about now?
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gross, you can tell her manko isn't comfy at all. Disgusting whore.
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i guess there is no changing your mind
Reika looking good again. Must have found herself a new girlfriend.
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When is that gross tooth going to get pulled out, surely it is just a baby tooth?
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ju jingyi.jpg
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>She looks Chinese
A real shame, right?
the first part sounds like a gackt song
anywhere to get the early nogidokos without borders?
i thought "looking chinese" meant brown, round and ugly, like yuria.
Don't you speak ill of the tooth you little bitch
plastic as fuck.
Fight me your chibi peanut
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Shut up and listen to this

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chaos48 thumb.webm
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no, you shut up and listen to this
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hate to burst your bubble anon, but...
>use "cinematography"
>don't dress up in cute costume
>have everything look bland
>use minimal cuts
>deadpan your routine

And bam, you're not an idol anymore, you're an artist now.
I fail to see her appeal.
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Okay fine I will, just you wait and see!
she's so cute it burns
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Not even joking, its literally her personality and not her tits. She's funny, smart and athletic, top-tier waifu material.
Her face looks the same but I think she has breast implants.
Take out the glasses, give her a proper hairstyle, make up and decent camera, done. There is some that looks way worse in these young pictures than Yukirin.
They try so hard to reproduce marikamarika, but it's just a sad imitation.
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so cute it burns
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I highly doubt that. Like saying all music is just an attempt to reproduce someone drumming their fingers on the table.
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KTK oppai?
It's another song where the member dances by herself and sings a song where her name shows up over and over again.
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are we going to have a Kotoko photobook someday?
Hori's first.
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get me outta here.jpg
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>"join akb48" they said
>"it will be fun" they said

I hope so.
nope, she's going to graduate this year
why not a lesb...collaboration photobook? :3
you are funny
I watched this several time and I just noticed the music playing for the first time.
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KTK on suicide watch
>poor HS sales
There's a reason for that
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she is above all that
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fans pressure for a photobook, obviously (?)
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nanase feels like that kind of girl that was a really close friend of yours when you were you younger and you chose another girl over her. fast forward few years and now shes an idol and you feel a ton of regret when you see her
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in case people haven't heard the new single.
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Why is naachan so adorable
You're not my chibi peanut.
No, he's not. Then again he wasn't talking to you.
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>posting the LQ version with no intro
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young nanase.jpg
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tfw no gf
Daily Forehead
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Daily fox kids
I'm in love with that cover and i don't even oshi Maimai, but i'm gonna be fucking sad on june.
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>Misa will never be my onee san
Why live
Not that bad. Hopefully MV will be good.
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She's cute too.
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Kitano Hinako needs a photobook too
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I agree.
I would buy it.
just take my money
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photobook list

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A Marikka photobook would be the end of me.
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Asking the most important question
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Hinako trying to win Nanase's heart
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>tfw /akbg/ has a life and I'm here all alone.
I'm here, just sorting my idol photos
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Cheer up anon
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Don't worry, anon, I'm here
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1 (14).jpg
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Thanks anons. I hope your day/night is going well.
what nogiroom is this
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The great debate.
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> sakura will never hold my hand that way
Why even live
I would spend thousands of dollars and travel thousands of miles to hold that little girls hand
good day anon
I need more Captain/GM two shots
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Thick girls are the best
mion isn't thick she's fluffy
Time to get your asses to Japan anons
Fucked up my quotes but you guys get the point.
headed maybe
People never post it anon. I've asked like twice before.

I have it. Let me find it.
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finally got my hello-online ratio back to 1-1 it took about 5 months

Five months? How bad was it?
I had trouble finding stuff people wanted to download it was only like a 70 gig deficit I think
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So Kamiura Ayuka debuted today with Team S
I tried doing this shit with my cheek, how do idols have so much elasticity in their faces?
>having a life
haha no

i'm watching old revival performances while i wait for the saturday night stage
actually i'm just crying

waaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa
By not being obese.
its ok anon,
im watching some NMB show talking about historical figure while folding some origami with my hamster
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have a random seichan while i look for something else.
I request more gifs of her
You have a hamster that folds origami? That's fucking sweet
you mean by being obese. I doubt a girl who was in shape could stretch that far
I wasn't even talking to you mini cashew.
Bet she doesn't even own Splatoon. Just claims to like it like Mother.

How bad was it? Someone's always downloading the 2014 Zenkoku Tour and Request Hour BDs. I cap them and use them so one of my internals doesn't stop spinning.
It's okay if you've never seen an idol before, just have a look through some of the mega post list and watch a couple of episodes. Noone is going to judge you for being new, in time you'll be like one of the gang.
nice how nothing you said has anything at all to do with obesity or skin elasticity. I'm sure vomiting a word salad at people has gotten you very far but you just look like a retard who can't read right now
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I didn't want to risk getting something big that nobody wanted only to have my ratio get further behind. I got lucky people wanted some tiny theatre perfs I had still and slowly it just added up
Hold up
Same guy? Literally proven yourself wrong. What are you even trying to say?
>eating bag
>wet fingers
>table is wet
What a messy loli.
see >>14840248
Not at all. I've said nothing since posting the picture.
is this what it's like during SEA time? that's obviously not the same guy. you're fucking retarded
The samefagging in this thread is out of control.
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She's cute so it's ok
why is she always wet?
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You thought we'd not see didn't you. But we saw. Oniichan seen everything.
Because she always gives 110%
Do you have data caps or something like that?
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where the hell is the ashuushuu ashuushuu video?!
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Comes with being an idol.
I had deleted or misplaced alot of the stuff I DL'd so I had limited stuff to seed in the beginning
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you are the best onichan!
Nah, have to be super obese to be able to do that.
right? .. right??
You could have downloaded some of the Nogi BD stuff from MEGA to seed. It goes up before torrent. Getting episodes for various stuff from jpon direct downloads is also an option.
I would have just grabbed a random LOD a day after it went up and left it for a while. There are always plenty of people that take like a week and a half before deciding to download those.
thing about that is with a ratio so low you can't get it the day after it comes out
I didn't know that was possible. it has to be the same file, right?
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No, just not a dried out old husk of a man.
It does have to be the same file, but most of the stuff on H!O is taken from other sites, usually as direct download originally.
now you tell me...
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Thick is love.
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Thick is life.
Fire is love!
too big
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I'm afraid my oshi might be a slut, guys....
She's cute and all but I'm not sure I'd want her riding on my back. Which is of course a critically important consideration and all.
I'm curious, how many Fire posters do we have here?

At first I thought it was just one spammer but now there are definitely at least 2 or 3.
Give us her name and I'm sure that somebody will be kind enough to back up your claim.
well she has perfect bellybutton I can tell you that
3 sounds about right.
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Haven't a clue.
Probably an akb member
So when does her photobook come out? because I'm ready.
Probably. If she were a nogi other than fire or kekizaka there wouldn't even be a question about it.
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We Are Many, For We Are Legion.
This many
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Rude. There are no sluts on the front row.
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one for all and all for one
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Saturday Night Stage is starting in ~38 minutes (20:00)
admit it, you are one of them.
we are not playing jinroh game here
i'll be watching this while i play othello with my hamster.
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Nao. I think she might be a butt slut.
Rai nao or later?
Friend you must understand that Yuria was not interested in Manko when she was in SKE. She was EXTREMELY boyish and adorable and this caused all the sexualized girls to want to fug her shota boy brains out.

It's only recently Yuria is coming to terms with what it means to be an ikemen ponkotsu trapped in a round girls plump body. In helping Annin when no one would she is quickly discovering what it means to want to have a gorgeous girl eat her manko.

Yuria used to be a cute shota boy in a girls body whilst in SKE.
Now she is an adolescent boy in a girls body discovering her sexuality and want to do lewd things to girls.
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More then you think.
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Quick reminder Tomu got into Senbatsu and ure oshi didn't
And you think this because...?
What if my oshi is Churi? She isn't, though she is p. cool.
She's slutty and probably fucks some Johhny
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How many members have break the love ban? Do you think there are still virgins in the 48g?
This is something of a paradox.

>Nao is a slut
>why do you think she's a slut?
>because she's a slut
le irrefutable logic
Some youngsters probably
And maybe some lesbian but it doesn't really count
Majin boo?
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The result for the NGT drama audition. Can't say I'm suprised by the members chosen
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Join us
But lesbian have toys that count
How do you think they're gonna write flips into every scene?
You lose your virginity when have sex for the first time not when you shove a cucumber inside
>no Maho
Well, there goes any reason I had for caring.
Toys are disgusting.

Katomina can't sing. Can she act?
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>tfw your oshi probably have a model boyfriend and is not pure idol material anymore
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Ryoka sure seems popular among the young girls
Nao is no longer your oshi, please kill yourself outta /jp/
Still sex
ahaha nooo way these 23 o women are definitely pure and don't get their mankos filled every night wink win

smiley face
My oshi takes her job seriously. Being an idol is not a hobby, but a profession. Just because some members make a mockery out of it doesn't mean there aren't those that take pride in what they do and want to excel.
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>tfw staffu took you oshi's purity away
Masturbation, not sex, you tard
She knows what people use these videos for, right?
To forget about adult resposibilities and smile for 7 seconds?
Brightening their day? Bringing a little cheer to a hard day's work?
not everyone is a thai teenager who jacks off whenever they see a woman wearing shorts
To make a new thread sooner?
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What was the REAL reason your old oshi graduate?
Rena? Probably got bored. She was too old to be an idol.
They cancelled her Nogi kennin and separated her from her oshi.
she needed to focus on her trains
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Gomen ne Zutto....jpg
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Nanase is ugly but super cut. Discuss.
I'm glad she didn't stay forever, unlike some people. Is 10 years really not enough? Fuck off already, jesus christ.
>super cut
post her abs?
No, Miichan is ugly but super cut.
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I love Mako
Nanase isn't ugly, she's just not as pretty as some AKBs.
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- 1.jpg
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who is your oshi's biggest enemy?
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disgusting bully
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She's pretty ugly yeah. But many T8 members are.
Nanase is not the cutest but is cute and kinda sweet
She's Osakan bitch
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Which Team 8s aren't on that list of yours?
Asthma. This thread.
I remember before there was a rivalry with Mayuyu oshis for a bit, but that is long since over.
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ET remake?
and thats a problem because...
Nanase is really cute. I couldn't imagine how great of a person I would be if that was my gf.
If that's the only one then we have a problem.
Saturday Night Stage Performing Members:
Watanabe Miyuki, Kojima Natsuki, Abe Maria, Suzuki Mariya, Nagao Mariya, Nakata Chisato, Nakamura Mariko, Shimazaki Haruka, Yokoyama Yui, Kashiwagi Yuki, Iwasa Misaki, Shinozaki Ayana, Takahashi Minami
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I had a dream about yukirin last night. Not a lewd one, yet it somehow left me feeling aroused. So please post yukirin's lewd pics, guys. I know some of you have a huge collection of it.
Holy cow it's Nachu
>tfw 26 and hair is seemingly starting to thin
Please let's not talk about this itt. If anything still gives me anxiety in life, it's this.
I'm not in the habit of helping teens masturbate

Seems Kitarie is in it too. Who will grope her now?
She lost her motivation because her goal had graduated earlier
Don't even recognize her without the gyaru getup
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JUST, the senbatsu
So how many SDN's are going to make an appearance this saturday night?
Well there's only 13 officially announced performing members so...
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what tabletop game would you like to play with your oshi and other member?
>We are having an audition to pick the best members for these roles.
>The three most pushed girls end up winning.
Well, okay then.

That smile instantly makes Otter recognizable.
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it's like she wants me to pile it high and snort it out of there
I'd rather play werewolf.
Maiyan X Nanase OTP
strip poker
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nanase x maiyan.gif
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come in and talk SEA

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A father figure
Does yugioh count?
At least she doesn't cry anymore when Maiyan is close to her

Good times.
How long till GaGaGa?

Hori appearance maybe
why were these members picked
are they known sluts
Because they can act sexy. Or simple are sexy.
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you just activated my trap card!
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I'm not seeing the GOAT anywhere...
>Nogidocos Sans Frontières
>maiyan will never attend to your malaria
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Mayu harem.webm
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>check who she's following
>see kyle
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Right now there is people in this thread that believe she won't rank.

They even gave her a role for a non existing character in the original series.

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Parts of Juujun na Slave sound like Metroid Prime 2's OST
I told you she would rank 6 months ago.
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best loli
She's not even important enough to have her name spelled correctly.
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In an alternate timeline Maimai didn't announce her graduation.
ami maeda also follows him

he doesn't follow either of them back

nachu and aamin are both creeping on kyle
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who's that on the right?
i think i got it. all of these members appearing tonight could reasonably get jobs at hostess clubs
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please ;__;
I used to work at a place that would serve a pretentious desert like that.
That's not saying very much. Kaotan was a hostess.
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is that her? ;__;

from this pic? >>14840630
I can't tell if she's the same girl ;__;
I'm probably going to download the vod of this stage to fap to later.
She's supposed to be there tonight. If she shows up maybe I'll feel more helpful.
I'm begging you ;__:
There's only one idol who should be allowed to show her suppin face
Tani and Chiyori's version was better
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bicycle accident.webm
3MB, 700x392px
sakura is the cutest girl in the entire world. if you don't think so, you should get your head examined
is it the same girl? please ;__;
She's not even the cutest girl in HKT
Would operate with yagi tbqhwy families.
is it..? ;__;
I doubt that a simple examination will determine the source of my superior taste.
>pic unrelated
You are of course referring to Saho

>She's not even the cutest girl in HKT

who in hkt is cuter than sakura?
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pic very related pham

although suppin saho is just as cute as makeup saho like jurina is i guess
I agree she is the cutest in the world
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Sweet lord
>peak at 12
being Jurina is suffering

Natsu for starters.
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death-defying stunt.webm
3MB, 800x450px

um no. you're objectively wrong
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Yuiyui a qt
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Lucky for you she finally showed up. Nagao Mariya
Nako is the cutest girl in HKT
I believe i'll also download this one.
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This fucking stage
mmmmmm abloo bloo bloo ;___;
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I'm objectively correct
I'm with you, buddy.
who and who?
Milky and yukirin
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Milky and Yukirin
this is good thanks for the meal
God, she's beautiful
Wow Ohiri's song. I haven't heard this in a long time.
There's a resemblance, nothing to shout about.
Mako-chan... Gomen...
I strongly disagree!
What happened?
Not really.
Similar mouth imo
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Oh to be aoki
yeah but literally nothing else. she isn't even cross eyed for christ sakes
these cameramen are not putting enough focus on mariya's cleavage
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miichan had the best body.
why does takamina keep putting fucking guys on her stages?

Although I'm now reminded that I need to pre-order her photobook.
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I don't see the resemblance myself but let's stop arguing and start posting more Yuuri
What's the issue? there's no idols in sight.
I also agree with this. I can see what you are getting at, but it's really not much. Kuumin's eye's were definitely her most unique feature.
I don't care if they're JAV strippers I don't wanna watch guys
You've got issues guy
there's a reason I follow AKB instead of sexyzone
You're watching the wrong girls then.
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renacchi.... <3
If you end up liking the most white girls in the group maybe this is not your place after all.
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gaijin-eyes-san <3
I don't particularly like hilary if that's what you're suggesting
I can't even imagine talking to Yagi without spilling spaghetti.
my bad.
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If she has hiragana in her name, she's a everything but japanese.
Her bangs are like a cm too short here. Looks weird.
Meanwhile, 平田梨奈
you're being weird
You do realize that plenty of Japanese people have hiragana in their names, right?
Off the top of my head-
Nevermind Hiragana are used to write native Japanese. He would still have been wrong if he'd said Katakana, but it at least would have sounded more believable.
Yeah, you're right. I can't un-see it now.
They aren't fully japanese, I bet some of these names scandaled already
No, Neru did nothing wrong.
Did Meetan just abduct Paruru?
except for getting her pussy devastated while officially being an idol
nyan and who?
She's not even in this stage.
That never happened.
ikr this 19 yo girl never went beyond first base with her bf because she's so pure
All these white girls looks the same.
I don't know how far she went. Just that it happened before she became an idol.
>white girls
Is this some newfangled meme I wasn't notified about?
>his oshi is white trash material
feels bad for you
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No, just the severest case of gaijin-eyes I've yet seen in this thread.
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What's that gaijin-san? I couldn't hear you.

Or rather, I couldn't understand your barbarian ramblings.
>Yuihan wearing a New Era cap

They're really milking this Yuihan new era thing aren't they

You're welcome.

is it trolling time?
The weekends here are like that one so called bully supposedly from /b/ the other day. They are all fake.
Which group has the cutest lolis?
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Why on earth would I be interested in whatever that is?
The casual's choice: HKT
The patrician's choice: NMB
SKE and Team 8 have some very cute lolis, HKT loses points for the emphasis they place on Maria who isn't even all the cute.
Look at those Yagis.
Respect your oshi's roots.
Let's not associate her with a girl that stands besides cars for a living. And not even for a major manufacturer but just some small performance shop.
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That still doesn't answer my question.

And it's over...

One last Yagi for you.
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Yuuri 15.jpg
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Good night /akbg/

Don't get trolled too hard.
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I love Sakura.
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No promises
Great trio.
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The cold.
Yeah don't know why 茂木忍 is there with the new gens, what's her name in romaji?
KKK46 could have been a success if Neru didn't fuck it up for everybody.
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Sure thing bud. All about that Neru.
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never forget fire
oyasumi SEA good morning America.
>not Mayu
wwww how old is that guy?
He seemed like a serious man.
>asking about 茂木忍 when 込山榛香 looks like she's 30
>tfw american and going to bed
Don't know. He was a middle school teacher though.
.... hi nakama neet-kun
Is this stuff fake?
>Not waking up at 6am to watch Takamina's stage
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No. She resigned from the group as a result.
its real, she's harada mayu from kkk46
What a slut.
How is he not in jail? That's her teacher. Based Japan.
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Any other 46 or 48 songs similar to Popipapapa?
Miona looks really old in this picture
A wonderful place where love is not punished.
Ask Tegoshi.
To be fair she turns 20 this year.
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She looks disappointed in my performance.
I should have studied harder.
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Nogi is a wonderful place indeed.
I'd say she looks more like you've stopped her to ask something and she's waiting for you to hurry up and spit it out because you've started rambling.

I might be projecting a bit because having typed that out it seems a little too detailed.
Imagine AKB 2016 with Yukirin still intact. It would be much more powerful with another OG member still being a true idol and not a sad reminder of human weakness.
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Reminder that Sakura will always be on top of your oshi. She has and will achieve greater things than your oshi could ever imagine.

>youngest to rank in kami 7
>centering the most important single to date
>HS sold out after 1 round
>one of the prettiest faces in 48/46
This is the worst copypasta meme ever.
I've had it with your sexual innuendos.
But... what if she is my oshi?
There's still Mayu. The day she gets caught in Sasshi-scale scandal, is the day I quit idols.
This is pretty obnoxious. Why don't you try to make a meme people actually like instead of just trolling for reactions like any idiot could do?
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>on top of your oshi
oh my....
mayuyu leaked the photos of kashwag dating?
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get triggered
It really would be over at that point. Pretty much any other member could scandal, Paruru, Kojiharu, whoever. But if Mayu scandaled at any point we wouldn't be here right now.
I like your projections, anon.
get creative

I've made more successful memes on /akbg/ than you'll ever know.
Have you missed your pills again, anon?
>is the day I quit idols
Haha nice try, anon. But you know you're here forever.
I'm pretty sure sakura is not the dominant one, she wouldn't want to be on top of my oshi
Truly our greatest poster
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3MB, 2270x1600px
which one?
the red one? or the blue one?
Actually, I don't care about Mayuyu. Not even a little bit. Gomen.
Sakura is definitely a submissive.
She's so small, easy to toss around, to pin down.
>gun in right hand
>left eye is open
What a loon.
File: mayu fantasy.gif (2MB, 500x200px) Image search: [Google]
mayu fantasy.gif
2MB, 500x200px
>Mayuyu scandal

I would actually maybe want to see this. Just so I could witness a shitstorm of biblical proportions.

Bonus if it's a qt girl and she's caught literally between her thighs or something.
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It doesn't matter what you think. You are but one man. It's like how Neru having a bf killed a whole group because of who she is not because some anon didn't like her.
A girl wouldn't be a scandal. There has to be penile penetration.
She hit the target though.
it's understandable that you have no sexual experience but dildos and strapons do exist
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Is that what your friend told you when he asked you to fondle his manly part?
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mai cardcaptor.jpg
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Komi will never hug you and seek your affection.

Why even live? ;_;
Isn't that a reason to live though?
so we are starting a new meme huh?
sup Naanya
Didn't I tell you to stop talking about man gay things here?
What are you gonna do about it? Make him play blind bitch?
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I'm sorry, anon-kun. It will only happen when some virgin comments about sex.
they are always welcome
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What are these kids trying to do here?
So /akbg/ is Germany now? Nice try, Merkel-chan.
They're trying to grow up too fast.
Or someone is making them.
How long until Juri decides to graduate?
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>tfw NakoMiku "I'm Sure" is announced

I wouldn't know how to react to that
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She's so cute it hurts.
>tfw Yagi is FINALLY noticing Yui
Get ready to eat that shoe.
Yui was pretty much the second hottest girl on that stage.
her body is tubby and unattractive and her face looks too old, don't know what you're talking about
Probably the hottest. She's not completely drenched, her sweat glands must be acting up, I'm sure she's burning up like nobody's business.
You were obviously not watching the performance.
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How long must we wait until the revolution start?
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Someone else was obviously hotter, hence why she had to have part of her outfit removed so her skin could breathe.
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One of the few moments I actually like Paruru.
I get it now.
>Tomiyoshi is from a working class family
>Can't afford to pay even gas
>Idoling is her only way out of poverty
>She wants to start a revolution
>She will hang Aki-P by the rope he sold her
I feel like some handshake events should have a lane that you don't need tickets for and it just has staff in it. I want to meet Shinobu and tell her that I like her work.
>KTK is from a working class family
>Can't afford to pay even gas
>Idoling is her only way out of poverty
>She wants to start a revolution
>She will hang Sony by the rope he sold her

Me too, I understood now.
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I've seen TGSK hanging around at a couple events, you can go over and talk to him if you want.

But you're right, that'd be cool.
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Was this performance ever found online? Or is it forever forgotten only remembered by those who got to see it live?
Do you recall off-hand when it took place?
I remember we discussed it some time ago, but don't think anyone found it
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Mio Plus
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I thought Sasaki Kotoko's head was huge,
so I did a lil bit of research on her.
She's a 7-headed proportion human.
This article is brought to you by the Idol research society.

I'm assuming the date this was posted

Seems to be the correct date. Here's the setlist with that performance in it.
You misunderstand. It's because I dislike that other group in the pic.
Uh. Well shit. Maybe Nemousu?
Now those are two girls I'd love to watch get it on.
Maimai has the cutest profile in 48g.

I wonder if that Japanese artists that invented these jumping pictures is mad that everyone does it now?
>Maimai has the cutest profile in 48g.
Yagi is having second thoughts. Maybe she was wrong all those years ago.
Looking good Mio
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No, Nemousu wasn't doing HS events at that point. I'm not sure if any other shows were, but probably not.
Thanks again anon. Keep up the informative work.
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What a lovely lady
She's no lady, more of a broad.
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That's why the lady is a tramp.
I like Sasshi unironically
>invented these jumping pictures

Is he part of the Fine Brothers?
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>Maimai has the cutest profile in 48g.
The 90's were crazy
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You did it, you passed the test.
I don't see how can someone choose Suzuran over this traditional beauty.
What's wrong with Ranran?
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>Ugly but super cut
You're asking the wrong question.
Want to breed with
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>no to miichan's lewd body
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lel she gained like 15 kg.

Sasuga white girl, sausage.
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One of my favorite Yuis
Personally I like that Yui doesn't know how to dress. It's quaint.

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just like takamina
>he doesn't know these outfits have other outfits underneath
sasuga gaijin-san
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the best Yui is Yui when she's making herself laugh for some stupid reason. e.g. Baigashida
Momoclo look like those freakshow pinheads, they're ugly like them to lol
she doesn't know how to dress like a westernized woman, but she always looks good in kimono.
Good point anon. Never thought about her being too traditional for Tokyo style fashion.
Cool but what's it from.
The meme might be real but that video just gave me eye-cancer.

Someone needs to makes a webm of her saying "I am fire"
Wewt thanks. Have another

Did you miss this:

It was posted a few threads ago.
She says I am fire at 2:40

Someone should message this on the official nogizaka twitter, Hinako's blog or even her 755.
Please don't. It's cringe af.
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Best watanabe cheeks.jpg
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Guys have we developed our own meme magic?
Mmmm look at that blouse.
she was saying it before the dufuses here turned it into their circlejerking mantra
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>that Ranze
She's too cute. It just isn't fair.
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This equation doesn't make any sense.
>Published on 25 Dec 2015
No. Fire started the fire.
Indeed. Why are there two girls?
Love isn't supposed to make any sense indeed, anon
You can't even see the equation with those two standing in front of the board, how do you know if it makes no sense?
They are the addends, anon.
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So we're posting porn now? How lewd can we go?
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Ranze can't remember her age.jpg
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I want Ranze to be my daughter girlfriend.
Your daughter's girlfriend or your daughter and your girlfriend?
Here you go

Daughter girlfriend. Did I stutter?
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>Love isn't supposed to make any sense indeed, anon.

What would you know about love?
Could've been a typo angry-kun
Harugon just announced her graduation, not that any of you would care anyway
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Sorry I didn't mean to come across as mad. Have a nice day anon.
The dog looks completely stoned
I don't care.
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this will be the last KTK in this thread.
oyasumi guys
She's been Harugone to me for some time now but it's still never nice to hear that someone's leaving. Did she mention why?
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...and now I do too. Th-thanks, anon
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Tom's dog in a seductive pose
No. She did mentioned that she won't return to japan, though.
Ok now I don't know what you people want because you actually did stutter.
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All things must come to pass.

I will be listening to WH7 songs today for her.
That wasn't me.
This is.
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Is there even an official version of this pic?
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maiyan the banana thief.jpg
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Rabutan/Mayu strong.
apparently fire is anorexic...
check the news fire-bros
Anon, the thread is already full of beagles, one more won't hurt.
So boyfriend
Makes sense, she's what 25 or something now? She's probably in a rush to get married and raise some Indo kids.
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Wow so she really went native
>12 hours ago
>266 images
what ep ? please
Her poor parents. Can you imagine?
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requesting tom and ryoka singing tottoro no bananas while cucking their girlfriends.
Imagine what? Their daughter in her mid 20s making decisions about her life? That seems pretty reasonable to me.
Shouldn't there be some fine print that this girl is not actually Indonesian? Seems like false advertising.
It's not exactly the same, but that shoot was in the January issue of BOMB if you want to see the rest.
So you'd be fine with your daughter that you raised running off to join ISIS then.
these threads cant even last for 24 hours....
No, but that isn't what's happening here. I would be fine with my adult daughter deciding for herself where she wants to live.
>these kids are complaining about thread activity again
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This has actually been one of the most pleasant threads in recent memory.
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hirahira 2
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Why are you reposting pics of this girl?
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Even if it's Indonesia? A place so shitty and dirty that the only people that pick up trash are Japanese expats that volunteer in their free time?
Image limit won't reach itself, you know
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>spotted the nogicuck
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>this is the said "thread activity"
Yes. She's made the choice to stay so clearly she's found something worth staying there for. I assume that by now Harugon's parents are quite accustomed to her being in Indonesia so why would any of this be a problem?

Not even close.
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It's not though, it's just some retard who decided to spam pics of a quasi-idol and close off the thread, probably because you said something.
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conveniently all the "thread activity" to prove your point started after the complaints about the speed of the thread started
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can we have a top bikini compilation thread for the next one?
Welcome to AKB48 General!
>started spamming
>because you said something
Oh you! :^) Don't lie!
This girl keyaki girl may be new but please do not shun Mio spam / KTK spam / Yuri spam efforts. Give them credit.
>120930 Nogizaka46 - Nogizakatte Doko ep52
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Do you see any of them in this thread?

>yuri spam
It's not spam just because you don't like it, anon.
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my dream, my imoutou
post some cute kishidans
thanks mate
I assume he meant Yuuri, she has been gaining momentum lately.
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Ah. There was a little bit of that I guess.
>Do you see any of them in this thread?
Like I said, do not deny the spam. May not happened ITT, but definitely happens in every 3 or 4 threads.

>It's not spam just because you don't like it, anon.
Do not move the goalpost.
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Ikoma got old.
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"you came to the wrong neighbourhood"
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a lil bit of me, a lil bit of you,
will make kkk into a successful poo
She promised it would be temporary. I guarantee it. You just don't know Japanese parents.
You can't deny that things took a sharp turn as soon as that complaint about a 12 hour thread was posted. I'd not be shocked to learn that the sudden image dump was the same person as the complainer just to prove his own point.
kekiyaki is already poo enough
>I'd not be shocked to learn that the sudden image dump was the same person as the complainer just to prove his own point.
Usually the case.
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That might be true, this guy might be memeing by sppaming some literallywho. But it doesn't mean spam is not a thing right now in akbg
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Except it wasn't right up until he started spamming this girl.
New thread:

Do you need a 755 account to post to an idol's 755, or can you just post it from Twitter?

too fast bro, too fast
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Agreed. Nothing against Haruka but they almost always use her to promote anything and everything Jakarta. Once she graduates they are going to be forced to use the actual Indonesian members. It's as if they don't have faith in their on ethnicity to promote.

imo I think Viviyona, Rona or Melody should be taken more seriously.
Of course it is, it has been for a ludicrously long time. This particular thread however hasn't been so bad until that one complaint. Suddenly one girl was spammed and all those posts used to show that clearly this thread is out of control.
You don't need a Japanese mobile phone number to create a new 755 account anymore, so just create one via the website.
Thanks bro.
Komi es muy bonita
Not soon enough.
Who's that between Naanya and Tano?
Miichan's looking alot better nowadays.
>It's as if they don't have faith in their on ethnicity to promote.
More like they're demonstrating the power of the Indo dick to conquer these jap sluts.
Thread posts: 813
Thread images: 295

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