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おめでとう森さん subedition

Sakura Gakuin new album now up for pre-order!


UK (Apr 2)
US (May 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, Jul 12, 14, 15)
France (Jun 11)

New Album ~Kirameki No Kakera~ (Mar 3)
Spring Hina-asobi 2016 (Mar 6)
The Road to Graduation (Feb 13, Mar 22)

BM: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/photo/109027926708178880868/6240329931579482354
SG: https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/100623630271890671736/6241324823373384450 & https://youtu.be/B-f9XwyG64I & http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k6nkOFblr1ik3Yflm7Z & http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3rlcvs_160212
NoS: https://youtu.be/JBSEJAlyIF0
Grads: https://youtu.be/m3VZ4q0fz8M & http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3pfvxe_160130 & http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k2SISiuZcMlzpLfgrcz

Sakura Gakuin (Mon 19:00 JST)

Night of Spica (look for ゴロ寝系トーク番組『スピカの夜』 in the calendar)



>Previously on /bmsg/: >>14729813
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First for marinafag should stop making OPs
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Who's the idiot now?
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Make me.
Stop the bullying!
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First for you should stop posting.
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If you changed bodies with your waifu for the day, what would you do? Presuming you can speak with people and interact as if you knew them so you can camouflage in exactly as normal (if you wanted).

Firstly there would be the obvious... Look at myself in the mirror and touch all over Su. Then smell her pillows/clothes and try and absorb as much memory of her scent as possible. Then I would try and see if I could see Yui and Moa or any of the SakuGakus really and meet them. Being Su and having her phone/camera/computer means I could see all the rares, take pics of her room etc. and send them to myself for archiving. Then at the end of the day it would be more lewd stuff :3
I don't know, one guy who bullied me during middle school became someone I would call a friend of mine. So going from someone who I would like dead to one of the people I respect most... people easily change during those formative years.
>take nudes. and send them to myself
I would go outside and smile at people, and see what it feels like when people think you're cute.


Well that wouldn't work at places like Tokyo, where everyone is too busy and want to keep their distance. Maybe in her hometown.
that's sad
What do you think your waifu would be doing in your body while all this was going on?
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She would explore my bmsg folder
realistic answer
>what the fuck, impostor asked about this on /bmsg/, am i in a dream or was he a literal meme magician?
>assuming that this is the real world and the situation is as he described it, she's in my body right now
>because there is a 12 hour difference between us she's probably still asleep, so i'll take this time to fly home and be there for when she wakes up
>if i don't make it in time she'll probably think she's gone totally insane and because she's in my body i'll have to deal with the consequences of that
>assuming she woke up and i was there i would try to calm her down and explain the situation and then spend the whole day getting her ready to go back to japan tomorrow
>assure her that if the situation is as prophesied, she'll wake up tomorrow in her own body and that it will never happen again
>i'd try to keep in touch with her after she went back to japan, and hopefully once she has recovered from the situation she'd start thinking there as some sort of magical bond between us
>she'd then want to get married because she had probably fantasized about a chuunibyou situation like this when she was younger
>get married and live happily ever after
>the end
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>tfw no Happy Birthday Mori-sensei edition

Mori-san doesn't count
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In my head Su was reacting the same as myself and exploring her surroundings/new body with interest because of our connection. I suppose if it were to happen to anyone else they could be shocked. Too much time would be spent flying from Japan to my home so she would probably have already woken up and freaked. Maybe i could phone myself and direct her like on the matrix to my laptop and then Skype. Hearing her own usual voice and seeing herself safe and ok would calm her. Then tell her that it's only for a day and to enjoy herself.

It would be romantic flying to be with her as she awoke in her new body, then flying back and sleeping just before she goes into her own body. Then rushing to the airport in your usual body and waking her gently in Japan. If you were visiting Japan when it happened you could do that with trains... I'll have to go and try to invoke meme-magic to see if Su and I can trade bodies for a while :3
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>Tfw koba made Su do a no-fun sign when she could have drawn kawaii rabbits

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yui tomato.jpg
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The Babymetal JAV parody is up on the spreadsheet now.
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Ha. No.
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Mori is best girl.
that's not a girl though
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There's no need for it, the impact is gone.

That pic is one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen, crop it a bit to make the thumbnail more clear and voilà, a jpsie magnet.

everydbody knows that
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>Tfw tired and thinking of how perfect it's going to be falling asleep with Su for the first time in the physical world
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he's aging like a dog :(
more like literallybroken
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Please don't say mean things like that about my perfect microwave-chan
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She's so cute it hurts.
>pictures for ants the poster
just stop you fag
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You try to meme so hard it hurts.
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I can already hear the fapping sounds
She got some big baps.
>never forget
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>making his own "Babymetal"
Is that Dave Mustaine?
She carrying that milk, if you know what I'm saying.
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I don't. I don't even see any groceries.
She can carry my groceries, if you know what I'm saying.
you mean your balls in her mouth? lol
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What business does Mio have here?
who is this?
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Woah there.
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Girl padded to hell and back.
I don't think so faggot https://youtube.com/watch?v=krhycGHEJEk
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Just like Himetan, Mio has a doppleganger.
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srry wrong quote
I don't see much resemblance to Sara.

Honestly that's almost always shaky. We pay attention to different attributes and put different weight on them. What you see is not what I see and vice versa.
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She's hot this all that matters. Added to the pantheon.
They get really sweaty don't they
I wish I could see their sweaty bellies. That's the best.
I wanna lick that sweat off
I wish I could wipe the sweat off their faces
Do you think they smell bad after sweating so much I've seen a video that said that japanese people don't smell
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Sweaty bellies and thighs :3
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Well, I've heard they have toilets that squirt water on your butt so you can get maximum clean. I'd say they're pretty advanced in that department. They bathe all the time too. Their sweat probably makes them smell nicer if you really start to put some thought into it. I should ask some Jap friends of mine if I can smell them. I'll let you guys know.
Post more butts
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Please tell me why is this allowed
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Whose thighs do you reckon taste the nicest when they are moist with sweat?
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How do you like this gif?
Look at those chubby cheeks!

I just wanna pinch them.
very robotic desu
Fuck I love this.
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Those quick arm flicks are cute. Imagine the good old fashioned :3
Get with the times faggot, it's 2016 now.
Cute desu
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>metal guitar cover

babymetal was the worst thing to ever happen to sakura gakuin.
it was the best thing, an actual successful music endeavour that puts out quality music
as opposed to the myriad of shit songs that sg puts out, fuck, sg has been around longer than bm and they're still not as popular
agreed sg is a fucking joke. just look at how many girls have graduated from there and flopped hard.
Babymetal quit putting out quality music around the time they quit being part of sg.
>quality music
anon pls, babymetal became popular because it gave metalheads a chance to look at female japanese children without seeming like a creep. even if you thought the metal-jpop meme mix was good they already jumped the shark and have switched to shrugrock.
I made this gif yesterday :O
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She's supposed to look like Sara?... not even close. Sara is going to star in Amachan 2: Kokeshi Strikes Back.
I don't see it at all
Sara looks more like Mio, you're pulling at straws here anon.
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They could be sisters.
keeping us warm
Happy birthday mori :)
Sorry anon, still don't see it.
Half wrong
YUI ???

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I found it at facebook
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With these lazy justifications, Ariana will be added to the pantheon at this rate.
Mostly wrong.
no additions since chiadoru, don't let anon tell you otherwise
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tfw Sulpa asks you to finish all over her belly and then rubs it into her skin and naval
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Red flag
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I am the gatekeeper and you're wrong.
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Look at those muscles flexing
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The kamis are so gay. Why would I want to watch a bunch of middle aged men flailing around and sweating all over the place when I go to watch cute girls sing pop songs? They do nothing but attract unhygienic metalhead losers to the shows because the normies are worried they'd be labeled pedophiles if there were just underage girls on stage.
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Old days were the good days.
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Different person
Are you that insecure? Avert your gaze and look at the girls, you closet case. I've never even thought about the kami band sweating.
no, what he said is true.
>unhygienic metalheads
As opposed to what? Unhygienic weebs?
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We need more people like you. Post more pls.
So you would both rather look at middle aged men in tight, black spandex flailing around and sweating. So that's your thing. Got it.
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kami sandwich.jpg
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they're tucked away in the back and off to the sides except for a few minutes during their solo and a few seconds during Akatsuki.

It's your fault that your closeted eyes keep constantly drifting towards the sexy Kamis senpai. You want some of that boipucci
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le david carter2.jpg
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Someone post that picture of a big guy doing a meet & greet with Ayami
>if you don't like watching gay sex then you must be gay. just chill and enjoy the music it's 2015 dude
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nevermind found it
He got that way by following the example she set.
this is definitely why ayami stopped being an idol btw.

you could see how squeamish she'd get from cute girls being too friendly with her, so being forced to be nice to specimens like this must have been killing her on the inside.
makes sense.

same reason that Kobayashi keeps the girl quarantined from all Babymetal fans at all times, or at least part of the reason
So you're basically saying Ayami is an asshole?
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why did you share this terrible gif?
not him but how is she an asshole? if she has personal space issues with qt girls that she knows then obviously it's going to be much worse with gross strangers.

yui is quitting DadRock to become another member of Death Rabbits, confirmed
Bad career choice. Why would you pick a job where you have to deal with people who buy your shit, when you don't want to do that.

Not that I believe this was the case with Ayami.
Seeing the kami band on stage is like watching gay sex for you? Whatever gets your rocks off.
Quitting good band and joining shit band... Why?
They get in young and ignorant of the dark side of that industry.
>zero indication she's uncomfortable
Projections for miles.

Death Rabbits are actually an idol group, not a band, unlike Babymetal
it's an idol's job to fake smiles and make eye contact so that everyone in the crowd can be like "omg she was staring just at me and me alone!!!1"
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>personal space issues with qt girls

She has failed, that's why she quit. It has nothing to do with being disgusted with her fans. Every idol hates their fanbase obviously.

You guys are focusing too much on the sweaty part, projection much? The point is kamis are irrelevant.
>kamis are irrelevant.

they're integral to Babymetal's success in the west.
Can you link it?

Also the filename says tumblr which is where I posted it :S
i'm about 13% sure that you are the guy in the picture.
Idols love to think about what their fans do to their pictures.
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I don't get it. What do they do to their pictures?
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they obviously display them all over their walls
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You're too pure anon.
You're so quick to rule out that she's just a nice person and not like the average idol.
>point is kamis are irrelevant
Well, then. Throw all of your points into the trash where they belong.
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and we care about that because???
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Care to share that folder?? ^.^
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Seriously can we get some Lewds going
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Not lewd enough! MORE!
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You wouldn't be here saying these stupid things if it weren't for their western success.
As fellow /jp/sies, we've discovered them because of their success in Japan, not so much from reading about them on Kerrang or a metal festival for the first time.
where do you think we are?
It would have been better if they hadn't gotten famous in the west because they try really hard to pander to metal autists instead of jpop autists
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found a nice cover
facebook dot com slash groups/596239637090414/permalink/1180231738691198/

It is within Babymetal Brazil group.
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>mapping IDZ so I can play it on taiko
>put pic related as the background image
>test my map
>mother comes in looking for some shit
>looks over my shoulder
>"ah, is this your dream girl?"
>"you have pictures of her all over the place, she must be"
>"you'll meet her one day, putting all this attention on her like that"
>she starts talking about spiritual stuff and arcane practices
>she says she'll assist when she gets some new crystals

M-mum pls
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No amount of sorcery or magic will sunder the bond between Su and myself. Our love and connection is eternal, our fates intertwined and written in the stars.

Sorry senpai, I'll look after her for you
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That's just your tulpa. You ain't connected to shit, my nigga
Posting le good ole' pedobait
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Bullshit. I knew you would do that too.
>mfw I realize I am deeply in love with a Japanese teenager that I have absolutely 0 chances of even speaking to
How did I even end up in this state? It seems like yesterday when I was still a normal person
J-drama with the babymetals literally when? And please don't link the SG short ones everybody has seen them
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Their success in Japan is tied to their success in the west. That's something the Japanese fans, media, and even Koba talk about.

This general didn't exist before they played with a live band.
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all downhill since then.jpg
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Babymetal's fanbase:
10% metalheads
90% greasy fat weaboo pedophile
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I think that believing that Yui/Moa actually likes Cannibal Corpse, and then of course realizing that it was all lies, is like a rite of passage. Kind of like how you watch pro wrasslin as a kid and think it's real until you first see a UFC fight.
>he believed in the cannibal corpse meme
No amount of damage control will save you from that.
well all did in our hearts at one point anon, some of us still refuse to let that ember fade out I'm sure.
i think what's happening to babymetal is that they are ditching everything that doesn't pander to metalheads OR increase their acceptance in mainstream japan. sometimes they can appeal to both markets at the same time by touring european countries, playing agreeable sounding hard rock etc...

sakura gakuin isn't doing fun stuff anymore. are they after the western market or are they simply trying to move away from the otaku market and towards mainstream japanese acceptance? we'll see them become entirely bland in the next few years, mark my words. at least there will probably be more photoshoots.
>they are ditching everything that doesn't pander to metalheads

They're already somehow ditching metalheads as well, instead focusing on skacore and dadrock and amen breaks and every other rock style except for actual metal.
Off topic time. What movies do you lads recommend for me to watch today?
Did Koba get scared by how big BABYMETAL became? Did the corporate suits start pressuring him? It's a pity if he thinks he's supposed to be all "serious" and "legit" business now. That's not what made BABYMETAL.
It's all doom and gloom with you, isn't it? Do you revel in it? Do you think it could be that your tastes are just too narrow? Or maybe you're bored and ready to move on to some other fad.
I actually like the new songs. But I do wish we'd get the social stuff back, like casual videos and blogs and stuff. I don't understand some of the choices made.
>your tastes
>implying that all those (You)s are mine

there was that strawpoll a while ago and the majority of the votes were negative.

It's doom and gloom because I care. If I didn't care then I would move on to ladybaby or death rabbits or necronomidol or any other metal/rock idol group out there.

There are thousands of j-rock bands already, I don't want Babymetal to become just another bland j-rock band
>well all did
>sakura gakuin isn't doing fun stuff anymore
stop this meme.

>trying to move away from the otaku market and towards mainstream japanese acceptance
they are "idols", otaku market is their mainstream, do you expect to watch Soyokano in some serious award or something?
they're not alienating metalheads though. they have better reception now than ever. you like metal right? so do i, but the people who consider themselves metalheads tolerate rock more than jpop, and even though they aren't playing metal it's not as if they are playing softrock.
>if you think vanilla rock music is a step down from jpop-metal your tastes are too narrow

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>tolerate rock more than jpop
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>talks about lewds
>posts 10 year old in swimwear

What is this, 2ch?
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2015 tops.jpg
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watch stuff you saw as a kid but in japanese (nihonjin)

superb taste. momoko is underrated but not a top to be honest, ooga deserves her spot.
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>lewd posting
w-would you do this to Yui?
>it's not as if they are playing softrock.

what do you call The One? even all the other songs are soft rock in comparison
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I don't know what to say tbqhonest
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I don't think you're old enough to be browsing 4chan.

>lalalala I can't hear you
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good picture
I want more of that too. I think they'll figure something out like that again when they're promoting the new album and tour.
I would do this all day to her cheeks*.

* butt cheeks
You keep saying that, but I don't think it's true. I've listened to a lot of J-rock and I would take Babymetal over any of it. Maybe one or two songs are more J-rock now, but they're definitely neither bland nor average J-rock.
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you're really bad at this anon.
It was a very slim majority and not even half of everyone voted.
Plural you. Fucking idiot.
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>airi and megu are nothing alike

explain this then strawman
>not even half of everyone voted
You sure?

The dissidence was considered a very little minority before the poll, but kobafags are the minority here.
>Maybe one or two songs are more J-rock now

which songs aren't j-rock then?

Chigau? Seiya? The One? pls.
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Any picture of Megumi with bangs?
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Yes. I'm sure. 22 people voted. Also, liking new music =/= being a kobafag.
Yuimato's crew also voted positive, and they're anti koba.

There are only 2 kobafags: Ohmurafag and triggerfag
stop listening to shit jrock
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I remember voting but what was positive again?

Also Yuimato crew now hiring.

Then let's do this, again, I even reworded the options because some anon was upset that I called their album "just as good but different" in the last poll

I bet the girls like the new music more. Just sayin
What are you trying to prove?
I've done it lads
Gonna move to Tokyo for around 6 months (college exchange thing). Can't wait to see my waifu live.
I am really scared of moving though. But at least I'm confident I'll get a qt jp gf
That's not the correct way to use "eh", did you mean to write " meh"?

t. Canadian
nothing really, just checking the temperature of where people are in regards to the new album, and also that one anon can stop saying "you" when replying to people who aren't fans of the new album
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you came to the right neighborhood motherfucker
"you all"
you've got a high res camera right?

if you don't at least get some hana oc then we aren't gonna be friends anymore.
If I were going to make (You) accusations, I would make it explicitly clear. I don't bother accusing, though.
I got a super camera and I'm ready to deliver fresh OC.
If I get to any handshake event by any chance,I'll try to hide a damn gopro so I can share the experience with everyone mainly just to brag though
nice shilling
>handshake event

not in the bmsg megaverse senpai, except for

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If you like to brag you're in the wrong place.

I never understood anons who post pics of tickets.
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a) kiss or her forehead
b) hug her
hug her
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I'm offering you a first person view of handshaking your waifu. Not me taking pictures of some piece of paper.
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I think so too
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1 (3).jpg
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She's so cute it hurts.
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no offense anon but i disagree. she has a long shelf life, and in fact, she looks better now than she used to.
c) fug
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This desu.
delete this
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>tfw you'll never be Megu's knight in shining armor
We'll, this guy is trying.
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is that a tumor on her cheek?
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Mirena is defiantly the top in the relationship
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I like that you just put metalheads because it's assumed they're all fat, greasy, and pedos.
dem boobies tho
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>this low-quality b8
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this is not an orig post.jpg
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Dead... I guess anon went clubbing tonight...right?
Everyone's in Japan looking for their respective waifus to give flowers and chocolates to them.
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koko desu.jpg
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doing a hana.jpg
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Do you think Hana will be gifted chokoreto at the cafe?
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So lads, what kind of posting do you want to do tonight?

I don't even remember the last time someone dumped Yui pics tbqdesu.
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Ets naht uh toomah.webm
1MB, 984x826px
She was exposed to a lot of chemicals in Logica.
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>what kind of posting do you want to do tonight?
Perfect posting f4m
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yup that's perfect posting.jpg
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Wouldn't mind trading some (You)s with you since it's valentine's day.
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Missing something anon.
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I've been drinking so you gotta spell it out for me.
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Collarbone and Femur posting...
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you have my blessing.jpg
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It was too cold today. Perfect for cuddling with one's waifu.
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what is that thing
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dat waist&hips.jpg
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「We are ~ 」
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What kind of a hobby is collar bones anyway?

A Su.
She isn't working at the cafe at the moment she's studying now. She's only at the cafe during her school break and for some special events when she has the time. She's still a high school student.
Lewds pl0x
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i thought she was performing every weekend
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Nene is such a bad example to the other girls in a good way.
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dat ass.jpg
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dressup games.jpg
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Has there been any scandals in these groups?
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What kind of scandals are you looking for?

Any kind really.
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Big Hana 4u.jpg
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Raura and Nene doing bullyng, Moalestation. AyaMori affair, Yui's anorexia, Minewaki-san...
i heard that nene had a sex tape and got knocked up and kicked out of sakura gakuin
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Yui lied in an interview.
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>Yui's anorexia
I hope when she comes to the States she eats lots of deep fried tomatoes and gains her baby fat back.
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Su farts on stage but Moa has the smelliest burgers.
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slumber parties.jpg
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Su, Yui and Moa usually get into hotel rooms with one queen bed and a single bed. Yui and Moa share the queen bed together while Su sleeps on the single bed that is pushed together with the queen sized bed.

Yui and Moa bathe together of course naked.
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And Su knowingly bends at the waist with her back facing thousands of fans. It doesn't show on the blurays but there are many intentional dance moves to show upskirts when you see them live.
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rare hug.jpg
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I'll oyasumi here with this one. Mata ashita.
rare DAT*
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Hana Folder.jpg
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This is my new avatar for everything on internet
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Not really scandals. More like fan theories, speculation, and fantasies.
No. She graduated when she was supposed to. The only one to leave early was Mariri.
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Ah yes, speaking of Mariri, anyone think that she didn't graduate to "pursue a career in modelling"?

perhaps she was/is interested in a boy and didn't want to or couldn't stay in SG because of it...
Could you please elaborate on the Raura/Nene bullying, Aya Mori affair and what Minewaki-sachou?

Yes, more theories like this please.
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On Valentine's Day, you should listen to this tune!
Gimme chocolate!! MV reached 42.000.000 views on Youtube!!
I know only one. Babymetal has not played with Scandal the girls band.
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Give meeee!
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smelling hands.jpg
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He lives.
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The life of Sara
>live fapping to megumi
good taste
This would be a good op for sara's bday thread
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We need more SG upskirts...
What's the point with that really? Amuse is like the Gestapo when it comes to keeping the girls from being seen as sexy or showing too much skin. They wear some kind of black shorts underneath the skirts so there isn't anything to see anyway.

But senpai, why do you want to look up underaged girls' skirts? :3
Risque gravure modeling was never in the job description. Amuse is just doing what they're supposed to. You can't fault them for that.
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2MB, 1393x790px

But that's what makes it even more satisfying when you do catch a glimpse ;) It's the fact that it's so forbidden and hard to get that makes it so good
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Since they can't see anything why do you get so triggered?
Well there was Ayami's pregnancy.
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The only girls who look decent in this picture are Marina and Nene. And why is Ayaka doing Ohmura Cosplay
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She has a cute little butt :3
That is why I don't even consider her a saku garu
I would kill for the 2013 black shirt
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oldfag seal of approval.jpg
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Whoa dude how can you still remember that
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How many hours of the day so you think Yui dedicated to making and finding new memes?
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>Tfw auto correct

Do you think Yui dedicates
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You need to post more here.
lol Wtf is this shit? Another dadrock song?
Is this a new song?
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hana is such a bait
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How did you and your waifu spend Valentine's Day together?
Who is this anon actually?
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Sulpa woke me up by singing to me and then we cuddled for a while in bed. Apart from that we just had a normal day, she has said that I must wait until we meet in our dreams this evening for the rest of my present. I haven't done anything for her as I am wishing until White day.
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>waiting until

My hands aren't doing as they are told today...
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60KB, 597x597px
Rate my photo.

I made it in Berlin.
not enough Kami.
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And this one faggot.
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Too early.

Any page before 8 is too early.
I'll make it when it's time, I have everything ready.
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Ooga is most qt of alla sakugakus
>link to old thread
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Like this
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ooga looks almost exactly like yuzu from death rabbits. also

>yuzu attacked bucho because he accidentally hit one of the other girls
>ooga attacked that gameshow host because he accidentally made one of the other girls cry

But Ooga is qt.
anon finally finished his painting?
prove it
I was thinking of doing this with the unlocking the truth and pantsu pic back in the cuck war. We need more clever shit like that.
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>there a people who sexualize qt jp underage schoolgirls
Literally end yourself
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wow rau.jpg
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>you cant fap to rauras

What show is this?
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shitrock wins.jpg
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This place has shitter taste then /r/babymetal.. topkek
The vote was rigged. Most of the votes for that option came at around the same time.
Didnt seem like it. I had that tab open a long time and checked frequently. It gradualy went up.
Anon is probably infected of /pol/itis with all that rig thing.
lol no shit got rigged after 12-14 votes

>70 posters here
Proxy fags
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Funny how nobody in the other direction did this last time. The only thing talked about was the small sample size. I smell vocal minority damage control.

>b-but rigged
It's okay. It doesn't even matter how many people like it or don't. All that matters is what you think.
>Page 8
Is it time?
>Funny how nobody in the other direction did this last time.

if everybody wasn't surprised by the outcome last time, doesn't that indicate that everybody thought it was fairly accurate? if the other side is such a majority, why didn't they complain last time?
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nene jr.jpg
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she looks more like naynay
lel the first poll wasn't made to deny another, how to explain that this poll has the double of votes? why did all these new votes are positive?

>The only thing talked about was the small sample size
22 of 40 anons in that poll, now 44 of 70, doesn't it still a small sample? let's rig a third poll.
>likes nu-babymetal
>brings up /pol/ boogeyman out of nowhere

shoo shoo reddit
If you still like Sakura Gakuin or Babymetal you probably shouldn't even be in this general. They both turned to shit post-2012. We're just here to reminisce on better times.
shitpost is timeless
qts too
22/40 = 55%
44/70 = 63%

It's Valentine's weekend on /jp/. Of course there will be a bump up in traffic.
i'm just on this generals because of custom (is way stronger)
This is thread is still alive. Fucking newfag OPs jesus christ man.
Nobody had any idea last time and it was too close to call. It's hard to gauge a silent majority.
In your dreams. You aren't taking Megu away.
what was different this time?
Lonely anons seeking company and waifus?
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You guys are asking for lewds every thread, why don't you provide us with some as well so we can trade them instead?
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I'm on it anon.
It's never too late to Oogapost.
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