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>A flash game had more doujinshi than 2hu did at comiket this

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>A flash game had more doujinshi than 2hu did at comiket this year
Everyone knows they pay famous artists to draw their characters to reel in their low level fans.
[citation needed]
reitaisai m80
who are you quoting?
2hu artists somehow aren't allowed to play and draw kancolle. Maybe if people were following artists' twitters and knew that they tweeted their kancolle event victories, they wouldn't be so shocked
A browser game with an anime has more comiket entries than a doujin shmup series, how shocking.
those boobies looked like their drawn a bit too low
Smugboats are fine, please post more smugboats.
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What is all this kancolle shitstorm on /jp in recent months? Are you guys getting paid for such an agressive marketing campaign like that? Why would any sane person unironically play your Hearthstone for weaboos?
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What is Reitaisai? Here's the number of circles participating in Reitaisai 2014. The one last summer had over 5,000 circles participatinhg. Touhou is so big that they have their own convention for Touhou stuff.
Can someone please explain why KanColle is so popular in Japan? It has boring, uninventive gameplay and a series of bland characters.
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Japan have a boner for four things:

Youkai / Japanese Folklore,
Stroking their dick over WWII Imperial Navy or JSDF
The whole kankers vs 2hu thing was actually fun two years ago when Kancolle was still getting started, and the seas were bright and full of promise. Now it's just kind of sad, like watching a bunch of people shuffling through the motions of a ritual that lost its meaning long ago.

It's got an assload of beautiful fighting girls, which everybody likes, decorated with nationalism and history. The game itself is easy to play and doesn't require too much investment unless you have autism.
Now someone just needs to make a game/other with all four!
Cuteness is justice. Or so they say.
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Touhou have games with
Japanese Folklore + Sports
Japanese folklore + idols
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It's like touhou in that there are lots of cute girls. The key is that you can be really bad at playing games and still do really well in kancolle.
>The key is that you can be really bad at playing games and still do really well in kancolle.

This is something that gamers often can't understand. Just as there are many losers in this world who use video games as their creative escape, there are also losers who are either too impatient to pick up gaming or simply have bad hand-eye coordination and just want to experience the associated fanbase.

Farming games are, for better or worse, a great compromise for these types. Gamers may be irate about the casualization of games, but what in the hell are you supposed to do if you make a living selling video games, most people would just rather be casual?
I'm not saying casual games being created is a bad thing. It's just why lots of people play it, cause it's a game that almost plays itself. KanColle isn't my cup of tea in the gameplay department, but you won't see me demanding it be taken down.
ive fapped to this image more times than i can count
Oh sorry, I wasn't arguing against you in particular. Its just that some have the mindset of video games being "invaded" by casuals.
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Yeah I just like games.
Chocolate cards has more 同人誌 than both of your shit.
How it taste?
when are we gonna get more FUGGING poptepipic
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Because they made a game that panders to autists who wank to little girls 24/7.
Its easier to make porn for a series with a self insert MC than a series that is literally yuri heaven.
>2hu artists
They are not. Don't call them as such. 2hu doesn't own artists and they are free to draw whatever they want.
Or you should call them Kancolle artists the moment they start drawing ships.
Is this kanshitter our janitor or what? Why is this spam allowed? Is he unable to spot all these obvious bait threads?
OP probably never even played Kancolle and probably just Jacks off to boats.

Also I'm sure this is just a troll post, but this is dismissing how immensely popular these flash/mobile games are. Just look at the cash games like Clash of Clans and Game of War is. If this is the direction you want gaming to go towards, then fuck you.
>small c
Oh, you guys.

Not pay-to-win; no gacha, which is unlike most similar games. I think this is by far the most important point; it more than made up for its shit gameplay. And shit as the gameplay was, it wasn't bottom tier by browser game standards. (I'd even argue that the massive RNG incorporated into it contributed it to not being pay-to-win.) This gave it plenty of staying power.

Also someone ranted about something regarding the game on Twitter. I can't remember who ranted and what the rant was about, but it drew attention. People liked the game and spread the word.

That's about it. It did really good especially considering it had no marketing when it started out, meaning that its initial surge of popularity was due to its own merits. What few players it did have at the start were generally military otaku who didn't dislike cute girls.

For all you know, some 2hufags here might actually be harbouring genuine hatred for KanColle. At least it seems this way at times, but as far as I know not one of them has actually brought it up to the moderation staff.

>The key is that you can be really bad at playing games and still do really well in kancolle.
I wish. /tg/ and /v/ really, really suck at KanColle. Some /v/tards even thinks you need to pay to make any progress.

>cash games
This game in question isn't one though.
Go back to /a/.
>Not pay-to-win
You can clear any event by throwing enough money at it. That's how a lot of people streaming on niconico clear it in day one. You either farm resources for more than half a year everyday or open your wallet the day of the event. The latter is much more appealing. Even Japan recognizes this. I see comments and such every event in 2ch/2chan saying they payed for resources. The game doesn't forces you, but with the huge amount of girls and long repair times you most likely will if you spend a lot of time in the game for extra ship slots, another ship repair slot, rings for marriage, etc.
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>2hu shittes throwing a tantrum can't be contained in one c89 thread but in multiple kancolle threads

I guess that's what happens when your danmaku game opens its arms to secondaries with music and runs on nothing but memes. Fucking lmao to be quite honest
>You can clear any event by throwing enough money at it.
You can also clear any event by spending absolutely nothing.
Does somebody know what is this guy babbling about?
>judging the cost of clearing events only by how much nico streamers pay
See >>14606508

>spending a day's wages to buy resources you can farm in less than a day

>extra ship slots, another ship repair slot, rings for marriage
Only done for convenience. No one who isn't retarded actually thinks it's necessary.
was it one of thoes games on new grounds were you take the clothes off the lady
>I wish. /tg/ and /v/ really, really suck at KanColle. Some /v/tards even thinks you need to pay to make any progress.
I really doubt they care about some mobage tier game.
Also, it's impossible to suck at KanColle unless you're dumb enough to not visit the wiki or the himeunko forums.
It never ceases to surprise me how retarded some people can get, but yes they are that stupid.

/tg/ still treats 2-4 as some insurmountable brick wall and struggles to clear the first map during events. /v/'s a little better than /tg/, but they still suck, and they also treat anything with a cash shop as pay-to-win regardless of what the cash shop contains.
You act as though the Touhou games are at all relevant. The majority of the "fans" both in the West and the East have never 1 CC'd even one of the games; they got into the series either because of meme-tier internet shit, remixed music, or pornography.

Likewise with the creators--for many of the more talented and serious ones, it's less them drawing Touhou for years because they love it so much as it is them drawing something that already has an established audience in the hopes that it will be a springboard for them to go pro. Is it a surprise that they would jump ship (hurr) to something that they felt would offer them better opportunities?

It's entirely natural that both the fans and creators are fickle in their loyalty to Touhou given that their reasons for getting into it to begin with are so nebulous to begin with.

That being said, it is sad that Touhou is being beaten out by a soulless and shitty flash game that is being made, directed, and managed by an unscrupulous marketing team. It shows how stupid your average Japanese wota is that they would not immediately repudiate and ridicule such an obvious attempt to manipulate them.
What are you even talking about.
/jp/ was literally created as a space for Touhou; Kanshitters came invading.
Oh and the 2-4 bit? That's if they can actually unlock that map instead of getting stuck at 1-4.
Once you can get Hiroyuki to drive us out, we'll gladly leave.
>muh safe space

It was made as a containment board for 2hu you dumbfuck.
Uhm, yeah. You basically repeated what I said with different words.
What you actually have to spend is time. Obviously all games take time but not all of them force you to spend time doing mindless repetitive tasks just to get to the interesting stuff.
You just described a good chunk of the casual gaming industry.
A lot of casual timesinks actually have some sort of gameplay element, and other than reload and refuel Kancolle doesn't.

Maybe I should be thankful that Kancolle respects my time enough to allow me to run sorties while shitposting on 4chan.
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I got a flash game for you
Which game?
>A lot of casual timesinks actually have some sort of gameplay element
And plenty also don't.
Alien Hominid, I think
the non-game that beat the shit out of 2hu in c89
This thread is too green
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god why
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It's the melons.
I know that, all I wanted to know is the game title
Warship Girls
Kancolle players are newfags from other boards, what did you expect?
What is kadokawa bribing
What is reitaisai
Nice try boatfuckers
>captcha: select all images of boats
While we are at it touhoufags should go back to /a/ too.
But who would that leave?
I hate Kancolle primarily because I'm Chinese, and Japs masturbating both figuratively and literally to their old warships is a circlejerk I don't understand and cannot approve of. (Nanjing Massacre never forget and all that)

Touhou on the other hand is just cute-ified folklore, and ZUN even included some of our legends in the games, especially the latest one, which is great.
You do know your country has the most players of the browser game outside of Japan, right?
Same feeling man, descendants of the dragon. I'm surprised to see Chinese people on this board. I thought all of them went to the Touhou Biadu community.
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nips are getting pretty uppity lately. america really gotta slap its bitch out of this nationalist shit.
Surprisingly productive too.

There are weeaboos outside of America too. There's even a Chinese word for it: 亲日派

Also judging by actual domestic Chinese vidya we have pretty shit taste and a vulnerability to p2w games.
You honestly seem pretty upset that people are referring to artists as they perceive them. Did you even consider that they weren't making a personal attack on your fandom? Calm down dude. They've still made more touhou doujin than kancolle.
America wants Japan to rearm though, so they can stop bearing the bulk of their defense and pull them into their stupid expansionist wars.
American masturbatory war movies are also watched and liked throughout the world. Most people just don't care.
I thought they were called japanese dogs back in the ww2 days? 亲日派 is surprisingly tame for an insult.
Do you know about Touken Ranbu? It's even worse and the main writer is a literal revisionist. Be thankful to Kancolle for keeping that from getting to 1st place.
Because it is not really an insult and used more really as a term to describe those people. Only extremists would use 日本狗, or 漢奸 to describe locals.
Reminder that these threads are just false flagging and you are a retard for replying seriously.
Sometimes I really feel like I am a race traitor. I am surrounded by people that hate grorious nippon.

I don't even dare to let them or my parents especially to know that I am wasting my life obsessing with japanese 2d girls and their name sake boat that bombed my ancestors homeland.

It is common to hear phrase like "Gonna go bomb some nihojin" when they go to the bathroom to take a dump and all sort of other derogatory insults whenever the issue of senkaku islands or sporting event involving japan get brought up in the media.
why do the chinese shit in the metro?
is this why you guys like india so much?
They do? I've only seen kids shit on the streets but the parents were at least decent enough to clean it up. Must be the bad part of town.
No idea m8, I am not from the mainland but if I have to guess it is because they are used to shitting while squatting. I doubt they have WC in the rural area.

What's really ironic is that the Chinese are the ones going to all these events and scanning all the Kancolle doujins instead of the Touhou ones.

Even if Touhou had more doujin circles in all the events this year combined (not just Comiket), it doesn't mean shit to us if none of the foreigners that attend these events bother scan any of their works.
A flash game backed up by good goyTM industries.

Vs a game made almost entirely by a single Drunktard for F R E E

Nah, fuck off m8
what does that have to do with artists at comiket drawing whatever they want
Obviously you are only allowed to draw free shit otherwise you are a corporate sellout.
Flash games are fun to play during work.
>I'm Chinese
In my /Jp/?
Get out of here!
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