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you just got BLACKED™

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Thread replies: 91
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you just got BLACKED™
all white girls should fuck black men black men are racially superior this's been scientifically proven
yay thunder in melbourne
vote no btw
i love kurd MEN
fuck OFF turk sissies
i actually met her at a sexpo once. She's a womanlet, I swear she was like barely 5 feet tall. Probably why her tits look so big on camera.

She was super nice though and let me touch her boobies (with clothes on top)
good lad
I wish angela white had a more attractive face, she has nice titters and an alright ass.

also why do all australian girls with big tits have to be ugly or fat
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Good lad
Australian rap is awesome
how you all voting in the plebiscite?

i'm arab eastern catholic, and my entire family and entire church is voting no

all the anglo churches i know are pushing people to vote yes
I'm voting no, and I'm not religious.
A few of my mates are voting no as a reaction to the insidious nature of progressivism
are you chinese or asian by any chance?
voting yes
White as can be
Voting no cunts
any1 coming DefQon tomorrow brahs?
Best video is the one she did with dani daniels, her lesbian material is excellent
I am

I'm voting no although it's inevitably going to be recast if this one fails and pass the next time
>dani daniels
shes 27 and doesnt even have a family yet
she will die alone
Up2 cunts gib centrelink pl0x
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Took the semester off and now they cut my youth allowance
Fucking hell, I won't be able to afford smokes now. Guess I can swap the furphys for goon. Just give me more fucking money
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>Took the semester off and now they cut my youth allowance
>this entire post
why did you do that you fucking lazy cunt
feels bro my cenos just got cut from $265 a week to $150 a week
Who here on Aspie disability bux?
too much of a lazy depressive piece of shit to study
I started in 2013, dropped out, started an apprenticeship, dropped that, worked, neeted, uni, took a year off, neet, work, uni, etc. I'm only half way through the degree and its already cost me 35k. I sometimes think I should just merge into oncomming traffic and head on with a truck
Vegemite is runt marmite
really hate how we have nothing to live for
fuck off back to england u gronk dog
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Cheer up brah
Defqon's tomorrow and then i can off myself
youre a fucken wog arent ya
not even close cunt
What are you lads having for dinner?
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Enjoy your pasty and weak yeast spread you grotesque
mi goreng coz i spent all my cenos on piss
I live in an industrial warehouse.
Where do you lads live? Might try move into student accomodation when I get my shit together
Go see a doctor, we have healthcare for a reason.
ive been seeing doctors for years. all theyve done is prescribe me addictive drugs
when I was 16 and wagging school and smoking weed a literal fucking nigger doctor driving a Maserati prescribed me antipsychotic transquilizers for insomnia after a 30 minute consultation
psychiatrists should be lined up and shot
Still living with parents. Live in Tweed heads.
name jeff
I sure hope you're buying your next iPhone from a chink on WeChat, and not going to the Jewpple store.

I'm happy saving $150.
>Tweed Heads is a city in New South Wales
>Population 7,525 (2011 census)[1]
how is a population of less than 8000 a fucking city
what kind of mong buys new phones?
why aren't you still using the iGoat 4s?
that's not ur boy bangs
I buy everything from chinks on wechat >>79498736
what kind of mong owns a phone over a year old, especially an iphone
wooooo friday night footy in my hoody gettin lit ayyyeffff
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eat shit faggot
tell me what your new phone does that my old ass phone from 2013 can't do
Who do you buy from?
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Any cunts here got experience growing bud? Mum said I could use the shed as a grow room, I reckon I could fit 4 plants in there. My short research says that'll net me about 5 grand if I can push it at $200 a bag. Looking for seed vendor recommendations and any tips. Also wondering how much it'll cost to run a 250watt light ~16 hours a day. Don't know shit about electricity.
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tfw suburban sprawl
open bazaar 2.0
Thank me later
oh you're just one of those anti-technology people that son't understand anything.

boostmaster lin
aookoo (1:1 raybans and shit for like $30)

i'm still trying to find somebody decent to forward taobao packages if you know anyone, all the big sites are pretty shit other than maybe ytaopal
Swede on a working holiday visa here. I've been in Melbourne for 2 weeks now and haven't had any luck on the job front. Should I just say fuck it and head north instead and go traveling? Also whats with all the Asians around here? There's so many of them.
consider proximity to asia, there's your answer.

go pick fruit illegally you'll get paid fucking nothing and not enjoy it but it's the only thing you'll get in to quickly and easily without a qualification or experience since you listed none.
hello zhang
Theres work around Bayswater as a plebian factory worker. Otherwise your best bet is probably making coffees for inner city yuppee cunts or waiting tables. If I were you I'd be heading up north, as far as Cairns, you can do the typical backpacker fruit picking shit or maybe land a gig cleaning yachts or something. Regardless Cairns is the best city in this country by a mile
i dont know why people move here from 1st world countries to work shitty jobs
I have 3 years of working experience as an IT technician but the employers I've been forwarding my applications to won't even send me a goddamn response.
I guess I bought in to the whole "Melbourne is the best livable city in the world" shtick. I hear how multicultural and great it is on a daily basis that it's sickening, it's almost as if I'm back in Sweden.
I came here to get drunk and fuck bitches m8
when i was living in melbourne i saw a black person maybe once a week, is that what sweden is like? seems alright.
Melbourne is a meme for a reason. From Hawthorn to Kew to Ringwood its all just fucking gooks and shit. Seriously, if you want the backpacking working visa in Australia experience just go north, smoke weed on the beach and pull slags in Gold Coast or Brisbane or whatever. Better nature, better people, probably better prospects for you, better weather, less insufferable. Melbourne is utterly cancerous
excellent post
hows that working out for you
Guess I'll head north then, cheers m8
avoid gold coast or byron, you'll just run in to other backpackers or bogans on vacation.
>a bag

i'm assuming that's an oz ay

$200 an o sounds like a good fucking deal to me m8, especially if it's not just bush dak but then aus prices might be different

also this might be bullshit but from what i've been told it's the electrical bill from running the lights in a grow room all day that will get the cops attention, so you'll need to figure that shit out
Just tap into Malcolm Turnbull's solar panels.

Are these WeChat codes?
Are these all counterfeits?

I use apple3151- on WeChat. Expensive (but cheaper than Australia), but legit.
Yeah but just one light shouldn't attract too much attention. My computers already pull a lot of juice, I don't think it'll be that sus.
I can buy an oz(bag) for like $300 at most, but I'm not really connected to anyone so I'm not sure if $200 is a good selling price, I'll probably just try and offload it all at once anyway. Still practically free money.
yeah i was just going off nz prices m8, $200 is cheap down here, that's mates rates or bush

spose if you're gonna be selling at $200 you should get rid of it quick but:

you need to make sure you've got cunts to sell to in the first place or you're fucked

and if $200 an o is legit cheap af in your area and your bud isn't total dogshit, then there's always the slight risk you end up pissing off whoever's already set up in your ends, kek
I'd buy an o at like $270-300 retail. I just wanna offload it to a few dealers realistically
all counterfiet clothing yeah.


they should all have wechat info somewhere

the only legit shit i buy is expensive electronics like pc parts or audio equipment pretty much everything else i own is counterfeit
a 250w grow light is pulling 250w, an idle pc is pulling like maybe 50-80w at most unless you're sitting on amd then enjoy those power bills
>open thread
>everybody is discussing counterfeit products and growing drugs
nation founded by criminals indeed
tfw border patrol too busy seizing food to seize my counterfeit louis vuitton x supreme wallet. saved like $450, the wallet get fat my dick get fatter
well i reckon if you know a few dealers who'll take it off your hands and you don't plan on getting into the shit long term it could be worth a crack

it is easy money if you aren't a retard. but as a disclaimer i can't condone selling the shit, only consuming it if you're so inclined
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sell it to friends you trust, you know they won't rat you and they'll be happy to have a regular supply at a reasonable price.

dealers / randoms are rats
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It seems too good to be true, its literally money growing on trees. 1 light, 4 plants, a few months and I've got 5 grand cash in hand.

I'd wanna offload it quicksmart. But I'm not sure if my ~2 dealers will be happy to take that much weed. They're just small time, and I'm your average awkward stoner cunt. Theres no way I'd sell it to randoms, I'm not some deadshit faggot.
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>tfw want to try weed but do not know how to find people to sell

>also sperg
i know so many people who buy tonnes of weed but none who sell, honestly as soon as it's legal in some sort here i'm gonna start growing.
Your best bet is probably craiglist. Look at the plants/outdoor section or whatever. When I was down the beach one Australia we found some cunt called "bushy420" that delivered us weed, he was wearing typical speed dealer sunnies and rocked up in a falcon, was a fucking laugh especially when youre on acid
if you've only got 2 dealers and you can't guarantee they wanna buy it all or don't know anyone else who'll take it you're gonna be stuck with quite a large amount of something that'll get you jailed, in your house with no way to safely or reliably shift it

5 grand worth of weed in your shed is not the same thing as buying an ounce, recouping by selling foils to your m8s, and keeping the pursy
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>post picture of a clothed human female
>it gets deleted because that's haram

I'm willing to risk it. Reckon I can pull some strings and make some connections by harvest too
lol hey guys what's up
I bought acid off a guy in a cape at roebuck bay, good times
throw it in someones face
long as you know what the risk is i spose

main thing is just making sure you can get rid of the shit when the time comes

could ask your buyers if they know anyone else who'd be keen
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>mfw americans don't know what acid is
im wanking to bridgette b tonight
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