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What is the relation between those two countries?

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What is the relation between those two countries?
cordial relations
We try to keep good relations with them while thinking they are an almost failed state.
Russia is an artificial buffer state made by Finland so they dont border North Korea
>there is literally only one country between Finland and Mongolia
Only Finland and Japan has defeated Russia.
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Well ours was only a mental victory.
so both are shitholes with economies going down the toilet

Maybe Finns will finally stop being so fucking arrogant and pompous towards Southern Euros now that they too are becoming Africa-tier.
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we have defeated Russia aswell
Nokia and paper business were really important for us. Nokia fucked up by not going the smart phone route. Paper business is obviously going down the toilet because of everything being digital these days.
We are starting to grow again but pretty slowly.
>Nokia and paper business were really important for us. Nokia fucked up by not going the smart phone route.
Nokia sounds similar to Blackberry

Blackberry DOMINATED the market in the late 90's, every single fucking businessman had a shitty blackberry. Then they got complacent, didn't improve anything at all, and now are extremely irrelevant compared to the Android-iOS duopoly.
Yup. Nokia was too arrogant because they were the big dog and thought they could go on without innovating. iPhones became the norm and still they didn't think it was the way to go. Androids came and still they didn't follow. Windows phones were a fail and here we are.
Кpaйнe знaчимыe, тeплыe, дpyжecтвeнныe и взaимoвыгoдныe oтнoшeния, чтo cкaзaть :^)
in our country, Nokia is still associated with the highest quality
Well they are almost indestructible but most people here want smart phones with touch screens.
Finland's international relations in general have always baffled me. They aren't part of NATO, they were never part of the USSR, and they neither completely fit in with Scandinavia or the other Baltic states or Russia.

It's kind of like Belgium in that sense that it's just a weird amalgamation of all its neighbors, except you can easily say Belgium is predominantly most similar to the Netherlands, while Finland maintains a near perfect equilibrium of influencing cultures.
I think most of it is because of Kekkonen.
We tried to keep good relations with USSR after WW2. We still try to and no Soviet or Russian leader has seen us as a threat.
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If Nokia releases something like this and for the same price, it will be immediately sold out
Just because it's NOKIA
Well Nokia really isn't anymore.
are Chink phones popular in ex-ussr countries?
What if Finland isn't real and when you took a plane to Finland they just let you off at random Russian airport and tell you it's Helsinki.
Yes, but the other Baltic states and Poland never wanted to be part of the USSR either. I'm curious as to how Finland managed to avoid getting eaten up by the Soviets despite never aligning with the Allies.
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They are incredibly popular
Well they would speak Russian there. St Petersburg looks kinda like Helsinki I guess
War fatigue probably? We had already defended against them.
Because Winter War and the fact that we didn't fight against the Allies besides USSR. Had they annexed us or puppeted it still would have drawn the attention of the US and UK, as we were the only democratic/non-fascist country that had collaborated with the Nazis, and the sympathy of Winter War would have led the US to demand the SU to withdraw from Finland and that would have led to a crisis. Stalin had somw pretty good advisors despite being a paranoid dumbass
Considering Trotsky and a few other officials under Stalin absolutely were plotting to usurp him, Hitler betrayed the non-aggression pact with the Soviets, and Churchill feverishly despised Commies, I'd say his paranoia was well-founded in most cases.
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