[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Advertisement | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 95

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80's music edition
fuck you
Reminder that i almost died yesterday
fuck me

My dad told me when he was at an Iron Maiden concert in 1983 he was railing lines off asses of other girls. The 80's sounded great desu
Absolute brainlets
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201KB, 328x286px
Post only great tunes
he was just high and snorting dingleberries
Just vomited

Why do i have to be so fucking hungover
your dad talks about his debauchery with you? cringe
Tell me about yourselves
Promise I won't dox you
drink water and eat fruit
>not sharing raunchy stories with your son in strict confidence h won't repeat them to your wife
t. no father figure in his life to tell him stories about the past
my gf was bad as fuck when she was a little kid, like breaking windows and shit. Shes good now but shes always laughing whenever she tells me about it like she doesn't even regret it and I'm afraid shes going to tell our kids about it someday and indirectly encourage it
lol forgot the song
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This is you on redditflags
I want to listen to a good band with consistently good discography, give me recs please
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it might not be that she doesnt regret it, but with time and refelction she already knowswhat she did was wrong and isnt hung up about it. I could tell stories about how terrible I was and laugh now
It's so hard to at this point

I fucking lied in bed for 5 hours because moving made me nauseous
Taylor Swift
St. Vincent
This, too
>having a gf
The Microphones perhaps?
Taylor Swift isnt a band
Never touching drugs or alcohol again, I need you to hold me to that and dox me if I fail
She is a one-woman band
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King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
include me in the screenshot
2 of my posts :3
I've never liked that country that much. I'm much more into North America and Czech. I could even see myself living in the Czech Republic.
do americans know kimi räikkönen
Zola Jesus
Everything Everything
Zola Jesus is a band?
straight white males
I backed my car into a cop car the other day
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Never retched as violently as I just did
is this that white master race I hear so much about?
you just know
Strong no from me
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109KB, 405x381px
best gimmick
my engineering class is arguing autistically about a homework problem
do you use the app Jodel in the USA?

also why is lucky charms so fucking delicious i grave it i need it cant buy it here
Order it online
Verdun EU server:
Killing in silence. No one talks, maybe few autists give advice and "orders". Good games might include actual tactical conversations.
Verdun US server:
Shitposting and Trump memes. Seriously, it's not a game, it's a chat with WW1 game to keep you occupied.
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I like this kind of autism
10 $ a box? nah man...
What drives a person to be that autistic?
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>no thicc South Asian gf
just Kill me already famalamadingdong
name please
really wish i could
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I don't know but I unironically like it, anons can dox people here knowing only some basic info from occasional posts and the images they post. The Pentagon needs to harness autists.
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desi gf.webm
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what are some videogames
Nadia Ali
Why didn't it work, Nestor?
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God I wish was a girl
stop posting my toad
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I am growing Stronger.png
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Dumb Gulfers
I am aroused
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>no curry gf to pump full of cum
>wearing a mexican poncho
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Excruciating feel famalamadingdong
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Everyone say thank you to Canada.
>there are more Canadians in North America than in Canada
Think about that for a second.
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Are you retarded? There are more americans in north America than there are in America too. Why? Because north america contains america.
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ahhh oh no please dont take our abundant trouble making immigrants
heh caught you thinkin'
I was wondering why they didn't name the school, it's some literally who university trying to get students and free press.
yet here I am working 2 jobs to pay off my schooling, fuck this stupid fucking meme country just invade it already you fat pieces of shit
>There are more americans in north America than there are in America too
I certainly hope not.
shadows are flat, and lie flat on the ground
therefore if the earth was round as """science""" claims, would our shadows not jot out at an angle?
think about it, it may take a while for you to understand
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>tfw I made that
How do you deal with being a foglia di merda?
cute pepe
Explain this meme. This is basic logic.
really activated my almonds
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I thought this guy looked like a fat gay you (assuming you are the terrone)
That's... deep
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Very mean
Me on the right
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But he really does
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This made me think desu
Why is neil degrasse tyson such a pompous ass?
He looks handsome
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Wh*te "People" BTFO
Obama was based though
he stood up to Israel
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Thinking Brazilian.jpg
127KB, 634x724px
>WE WUZ black people obsessed with calling white rhesus monkeys
>consistently use pictures of chimpanzees
Starting to get nauseous again
did any of you give me your thoughts on putting a cold air intake on my car last night?

If you did, tell me again because I fell asleep.
idea: leave a multivitamin in a cup of coffee, let it dissolve and drink the fluid
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>tfw both parties suck isreals cock
I'm really enjoy Ohio, guys.

I like it that it's hard to find Mexicans in Columbus.
I asked what car you had
Had sex with any white women yet?
reasons for
>sounds cool
>looks cool
>potential 5hp gain
reasons against
>sucks in more dirt/dust
>oiled filters foul MAFs
>higher risk of hydrolocking engine from puddles
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Need food t b h honestly
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>Mexican fashion
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Do you ever worry the normies you interact with will see all the stupid shit you post on 4chan?
hopefully nobody knows i come here
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clearly you're just a brainlet
I've only ever met one other person who uses 4chan irl
No. How would they ever?
still better than skinny jeans
I've known 2 people who use it
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Who else here is getting hit by irma?
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Rely made me think
Yup. My neighbor. Typical white slut :3 Quite lovely blowjobs.
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He also was a huge redditor
Make sure to have sex with as many white girls as possible
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>american negroes literally think in black and white
>he doesn't shitpost while walking
Yes, it's a personal debt that all mestizos have. I have made it my duty to fuck at least 10 more white women.
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>He doesn't greentext his stories in real life
Needs to be at least 30 famalamadingdong
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What else would /cum/ do?
i'm back on campus, feels average...

going to join two clubs this term, hopefully i can make a friend...
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>only friends I have anymore is /int/
>well aware none of you are actually my friend
White "men" should be chemically castrated and white women should be assigned to an interracial breeding camp where they are breed by brown and black men. Debate me
You should focus more on building a rapport with your professors and networking for a career after school, rather than making friends through idle interests.
Stop gook-spamming ottawa from posting and I will be your friend for real.
Good business idea

lol no
Hello, Louis.
Very logical
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1MB, 2560x1440px
My business plan:
1. Execute all nonwhite males
2. Make polygamy mandatory
3. Give all white males a white wife as well as a couple nonwhite wives
4. When a nonwhite woman is pregnant with her half white children, check the sex of the child.
5. If the fetus is male, it gets aborted. If it's female, it gets to live.
6. Once the half white female is 18, she gets assigned a white husband.
7. After several generations, the nonwhite genes will be bred away.
Americans are lightweights when it comes to drinking
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>me when I see a wh*teboi
very brazilian
Who is this qt you keep posting?
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wh*Te subhuman piece of shit, wh*Te fucking garbage, you will learn your place beneath the audacity of a true man. A BLACK man. Know that even the lowliest of the BLACKS is greater than your greatest wh*Te prodigy. A dick numbering 12 inches or more you cannot compete and while you laugh yourself giddy in denial revel in knowing that every single day while you go to work a real man, a BLACK man, is destroying your gf or wife in your house and on your bed and she will never tell you because she craves what you cannot offer. There is nothing you can do about it. An untamable beast of pure masculinity in comparison to you, you shrivel in cowardice behind your computer screen. Never in your sorry pathetic wh*Te-guilted life will you ever call one of us a "nigger" to our faces because you know that you would not escape retribution. Claim your superiority with your guns all you want wh*Te children because deep down you know that its a fall-back to mask your incompetence and insecurity over having become worthless in the eyes of those greater than you. Try as you will reality cannot and will not be prevented by the likes of you. You are the minority. We are the majority. We are lord and master - judge and jury. You will not escape the next generation you will be bred out of existence and your children just as your women will bow to us.
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but one of them is an engineering team...

the other is japanese language club lol...
*double dips*

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how are you holding up /cum/
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Glad to see I live in your head rent free
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how ya holdin up, /cum/
Talked to a cute girl a couple days ago and I feel pretty good.
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1 9.png
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mini cooper s with supercharger. Kinda feel the supercharger takes too long to come into play. I feel a cold air intake can make the supercharger come in at lower rpm.

hmmm, I didn't think much of the negatives. But hydrolocking is a concern. I live in northern california and its kinda humid around here so idk how well the cai will be at preventing moisture from entering the engine.
>giving gookmoot your shekels
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Name a more dynamic duo
>south east asian "men"

need an asian bf asap desu
its because of my proxy server. thats what you have to pay if your a paranoid autist i suppose
Nice picture
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average asian guy.png
301KB, 580x400px
nice flag
coastalfags BTFO
West coast still best coast
>mexico without the eagle
Dumb tourist
there were some cops walking around looking at my car
what do you think they're up to?
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who the fuck makes these things?
Will I be able to shitpost on /cum/ during the hurricane?
Not if the power goes out, RIP anon. Keep posting until it happens.
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average canadian.png
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Post a more qt female.
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Really makes you think.jpg
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You really have some difficulty posting images eh? This is a SEA man btw
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>ISIS users are celebrating US evacuations for #IrmaHuriccsne2017, calling the hurricane a "soldier of Allah"

Why is allah punishing me?
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too easy

Im to intelignent too p oost right
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>People deserve to be treated like humans
short haired girls are CUTE
>tolerants can't tolerate intolerants

bunch of hypocritical poofters, m9
she'd be cute if she wasn't anorexic
>muslims live like subhumans under isis getting bombed by the rest of the world
>that's not Allah's will
>something bad happens to USA
>that is definitely Allah's will
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NOD did nothing wrong
I don't know what ancient Mesolithic beauty metric system do you use to evaluate women, but for my patrician standards, she's supercute
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Have you ever seen a MORE content rat in your life? HAHA thought not!
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Cypher did nothing wrong
the beauty system where I'd like to pound her pooper without feeling bones slapping my hips
he a good boy he just wanted some steak and good wine, he dindu nuffin
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Have you ever seen a MORE content pig in your life? HAHA thought not!
the blue pill is the real red pill
*points gun at you* Yeah, that's right. Keep the posting gimmick going...
>pounding poopers

kek m8 you're from middle ages or what. Nowadays it's all about foreplay and external/imaginative sex, only plebs have actual sex
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2MB, 312x250px
>>People deserve to be treated like humans
ignorance truly is bliss
I hope Irma destroys the porn industry desu
Human rights are a meme.
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*teleports behind you*

nice try... kid
California and Las Vegas isn't being affected
p sure I could one hit KO a hurricane no biggie
I have come to Perkele and drink beer
This. Being nude with another human being is vulgar and base. Physical contact with another nude human is shameful.
Amun-Ra please calm down
File: KFC is a human right.jpg (228KB, 864x1169px) Image search: [Google]
KFC is a human right.jpg
228KB, 864x1169px
This but unironically
I thought Florida was also a prominent location for porn companies?
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you refined elegant motherfucka, that's my dude right here
probably because you are
You should've accepted that you're ugly before posting you're picture everywhere online
Why are virgins posting in my chad thread?
Yes, it's basically California, Las Vegas and Miami. I say California because it's all over the place there from LA to San Francisco.
Yo mama so ugly people think that you and her are twins
something wrong with their eyes prob.
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Trying to quit drinking, too fucking hungover to look at the bottles i left behind
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I really appreciate light-hearted, whimsical posts. Please humor me with some.
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Did your mommy tell you that
ah, oh well. God will raze those Gomorrah's as well when he gets around to it
I love you finland
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because this is the ideal male body.You make not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Love you too, United States <3
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498KB, 350x350px
I want to get a gf that will let me pimp her out to smelly homeless dudes and then give me all her money
How was your first week of uni lads?
ocean man take me by the hand
what is perkele
>Raise my magic stat like crazy
>Still can't one shot fools, and it takes way too fucking long to cast a spell
Magician class was a mistake
Accept it bro. I'm ugly as sin as well but I've gotten used to it
Been a month for me but I'm doing a lot better then last semester so far
Finnish meme curse word for the devil
How can a dogfight also be a catfight? It happens when a couple female pilots are on different sides of war.
That's not what gfs are for....
I start in two weeks.
>choose jedi consular
>end game sucks, but jedi mind trick is cool and its fun making sith lords fight each other

>choose jedi guardian master race
>can kill the strongest enemies in one hit
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75KB, 1080x1080px
>magic will never exist in real life
what does it mean "I've come to perkele"
Good for you then
the replies to me don't have the "(You)" next to them wtf whose stealing them
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3MB, 2000x1143px
I wonder why women don't find me attractive
like taking candy from a baby..
Quit while you're ahead, it's just gonna get worse.

t. ex drunkard
I am you dumb idiot >:)
Nothing it's a meme word here somehow. Even Finns don't know why it is a meme on English sites.
you ug bruh
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*blocks your path*
lead me to the land that you understand
It means I have come to spread evil and cuck all of you
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221KB, 500x375px
I guess everyone here is out for Friday night
wish I could smell a cute girl right now
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just moved in today.

not going to make it lads.
youll be fine
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I hope you don't
I excel in mediocrity.
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Still feel a little sick but I think I'm going to be okay
I'm mediocre at excelling
I mediocre in excellity.
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It's because I'm a nigger

I bet if I were Asian women would be begging to fuck me
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mediocre excel i in
if you were indeed an asian women I'd wanna fug you
Business idea: excel in excellence
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60KB, 544x640px
Are you an Asian male?
Im mediocre at Microsoft excel also I use the 2007 version
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2MB, 500x223px
currently using food to fill the void
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asian JamieChung.jpg
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Try again yellowboi
even better I'm white
that's one of those things you really regret in a few months when you have a new formed tummy.
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186KB, 619x575px
That's not better

Hey not all Asian women like white men
Use something else, like meditation

Perhaps you will find the void disappears
I >> you
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1MB, 500x278px
You really aren't staying in on Friday night are you anon?

*goes out for Friday night*
I <3 you
>90's - 00's surfer rock and beer

What a friday
literally just realized it was Friday.

in case anyone else needed the reminder
hung up an american flag in my room
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670KB, 2048x1367px
me on the left
me on the far right
youre gonna burn the house down afterwards, right?
Was Muhammad the Hitler of his day?
your patriotism makes me uncomfortable. In this Trump era you need to be more careful about how your actions can be perceived.
I bragged to my gf about making a thread on 4chan that lasted for 300 posts
just ate a slightly expired slim jim
dont judge me nigger
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 95

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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