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/hoa/-Horn of Africa general

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Thread replies: 160
Thread images: 59

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full on JUST edition
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Somaliland will never be a country with Somalia

like how Eritrea will never be a country with Ethiopia
>not completely giving up
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should have waited for the Burgers to wake up, guess i'll bump through
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we have a constitution and an actual government.

though islam and nog behavior is holding it back.
we need colonizers
aren't you MJ?
why are all MJs either extremely qabiiliste or completely anti-MJ?
is it because of MJ parents going full WE every time the topic is brought up?
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nah I'm from a minority tribe, not the big ooga boogas we're mostly fishermen
>longest coastline
>can't fish
why are the only blacks in this board somalifags and carribeans
what happened to /afr/
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cuz we're the most autistic, we had a few Somalia anons from time to time
like that infamous Somalibro on pol
its alive desu
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>walking thru fitzroy
>see habehsa qt with a BIG BLACK SUDO
>h*besha """""men""""" are actually getting cucked by the eternal dinka
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Xbesha women are short and bug eyed the Xabesha can't match the tall based Cushite
Habesha women
Are fine as FUCK
Moar like Horn of Italy
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this is what full MJ looks like

never go full mj
MJ are actually not natives
I'm from the Anglo side
t. cuck
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Comeon Xabesha ladies over Xalimos any day
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Can west africans play too? It's time for the yam festival and I'm getting max comfy.
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Friendly reminder that all HOA girls belong to American cock
you're welcome to join in

what is a West African staple dish ?
tons of madow mixing
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a good pious horner woman would settle for a horner man
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they are runaway from Arabia, we should send them back
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Wrong they are bantu property
the absolute STATE of s*mali """""""men""""""""
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spread love not hate

Bantus make strong offsprings, I'm going to get with a cute South Eastern Bantu woman
c-cultural exchange
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ayyy Ethiopia
btw do you live in Addis Ababa ?
where else would I live?
idk probably Gondar or Mekelle

Mekelle is comfy
btw i got family in Dire Dawa
Why are horners so racist?

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>implying the racism doesn't go both ways
West Africans bullied me online and for no effing reason at that

Niger-Congo bullied the Nilo-Saharans and Afro-Asiatics outta South Eastern Africa never forget, so I guess its an ancient thing desu I don't care much as we all are niggers
>btw i got family in Dire Dawa
of course you do, kek.
there's no such thing as "horners" or "habesha". both are umbrella terms used by the somalia and eritrean diaspora to bring themselves closer to us "true" ethiopians (as in habesha, primarily and tigrean to some extent)
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why don't you take a detour back to South Arabia

semites out
Eritrea is Afar
Tigranyas started moving to the coast recently
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>I don't care much as we all are niggers
>why don't you take a detour back to South Arabia
what did he mean by this?
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codeword niggers

I know a few who took a dna test if you're not E1b or at least T then you're not native

s-sorry i got carried away
y-you started hating
>back to south arabia

Fuck off we're full
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الجهاد ضد العرب واجب
no such thing as east africans on this site. every1 here is either a melanin deficient ape or a bantu
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>implying someone would larp as a Somali
i would have picked a better race desu
Now, to you guys she looks like an Ethiopian woman but with albinism (which is true), but to me she looks like one of those really pale Italians. Do you see where I'm coming from or am I just a dumb nigga?
Does it count if you're a black American of Jamaican descent?
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>Now, to you guys she looks like an Ethiopian woman but with albinism
nope, if anything she looks like one of those north-american thots.
>am I just a dumb nigga?
is that a rhetorical question? if not, yes.
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why are you obsessed with Somali ocs ?
thats really disturbing
Post lions
Not the same guy, but West Africans love their Jollof rice, among other things.


What's funny is that Nigerians and Ghanaians have an intense rivalry over their versions, both claiming to have invented it and both claiming that theirs is superior.
Do West Africans bully Bantu people? I've seen many Nigerians get very defensive when you refer to them as Bantu.
y-you too
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looks delicious
idk much all i know that Bantus originate from Eastern Cameroon/Congo
yet another story about muffins quibbling over mundane things.
redeem yourself by posting boipucci. and i've no idea what "ocs" are.
American somalis is it true you pray Jummah on basketball courts?
We don't?
le wavin flag man is the only somali of any worth desu

why are somalis so different than other africans
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When will the world recognize the Somali master race.
How so.
How many white women have you guys had sex with?
I would like to think that somalis are the masterrace if they could maybe form a functioning country
>umbrellas terms used by the somalia and eritrean diaspora to bring themselves closer to us "true" ethiopians

Meming aside all somali nationals refer to western cushites as "xabash" (habesh) the only ethnic group that's given distinction are oromos because they're seen as inferior and the afars up morth because the french sort of forced somalis and the afars to recognize each other.
None really.
We had one and the largest economic growth in the world in the late 1970's but Carter decided to piss off instead of helping us.
So all those blonde Swede girls in Minnesota and you have BLACKED at least one? You were literally imported to fuck white women
ayyy wassup east africans , my great grandfather married his ex-slave from sudan . what was the type of sudanese who got enslaved ? the nubians ?

I knew this spineless faggot wouldn't even last a year before fucking up.

Can someone take flight to Mogadishu and put a bullet in his skull.

These diaspora presidents are just as bad as the locals. Somalia is doomed to be an eternal failure.
Could it be they are 67IQ subhumans?
You're sad

The niolites. Southern
Sudanese people basically.

North Sudan is basically southern Egypt and Southern Sudan is their slave depot.
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He was literally the only choice who wasn't a madman or a corrupt bastard.
Richard Flynn never tested a single somali in his life as we were sorta in a civil war.
Hiding our IQ powerlevel until the Chinese takeover.
Are you a somaliANO living in Italy? Have you BLACKED any italian women with your BSC (big Somali cock)?
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It's actually the other way around in Italy.
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>tfw to intelligent for tests
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Jesus fucking christ , they are so dark. No surprise that my great grandmother's genes are still going strong
That woman is ethopian dull stone
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This is a HOA thread.

Top lel. That SSpot thread is legendary. I swear there are levels to autism whitebois aren't even able to comprehend.
Respond to this comment in somali
qabil means tribe ?

They aren't that many tribes in HOA because tribe implies being cut off from the outside world
qabila is an arabic word , is somali full of ayyrap words like amazigh , persian , kurdish ...?
It's decently packed.
We still use some arab swearwords as well as arab names for (Halwa)
After Islam Arabic terms were inserted into nearly every Cushitic language
waryaa waxaan uu baahanahay qof aan waso
Also tribe doesn't really work as a term in regards to Africa (vs inland of both type where it has a explicit and clear legal basis in law)
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Dhaqan celis ban ahay si fican mahku hadlikaro aafkagee aabahay.
Indians not inland
walaalayaal We have a huge Somali discord. hada tahay somali, meeshaan soo gal
Do white men have small
Yes. Luckily Somali bulls are there to sexually satisfy our women
good list sxb

t. darood
Major clan rankings:

Darod/Dir > Isaaq > Hawiye >>>>> Rahanweyn

.5 clan rankings:

Benadiri > Carab Salax > Gaalje'el > Bravanese > Bajuni > Sheekhal > Ashraaf > Muse >>>> Mahiban/Yibir >>>>>>>>> Sab Niggers

If any Somali ITT doesn't agree with this ranking they're a jareer that's need to go back to Tanzania.

Any clans I'm missing are probably irrelevant.

I forgot to add Tumal. We'll sandwich them in between the Midgaan and Jews.
Has anyone here ever had Siibir? It's supposedly a bitter drink
yibir master race reporting

step back or face the wrath of nigga jew magic
What is it in English?
Are you actually Yibir?
I have no idea, I just know my great grandmother used to make it and my dad can't seem to recall how to make it or what it's called
Are you quarter-Somali?
Yeah how'd you guess
You said grand-parents.
I assume you are part Italian as well?
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Jesus Christ are you sherlock Holmes or something
It's not surprising
Somalis only marry Italians in interracial marriages.
Is your grandfather Italian?
No he's Yemeni, my mother is Italian
But that's surprising I would have thought there were more marriages with Arabs
Oh there are.
Yemenis are more popular then every other marriage
I just meant that out of European-Somali marriages it'll almost always be Italian-Somali
Italian pussies are for Arab muslim and African cocks. My shitalian pecker can't compete with virlle African and muslim semen
wtf is Somali a soothsayer
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>thinks cuckbait works in an afrothread

Stick to /pol/.
Its true and you Know it. Somali dick+ Italian pussy=perfection

It's the use of deductive reasoning to make highly probable assumptions.
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>murricans LARPing as West Africans
>claims Axum

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I claim Habesha ancestry, gib gf now

What do West Africans think of American blacks who say we wuz Egyptians
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She's mine back off fucko

>Jamal al-Din Yaqut was a black prince of Abbyssinia, a Habashi who became a royal courtier in the kingdom of Delhi. He was believed to be on intimate terms with the then reigning sovereign Queen Raziya (1236- 1240) the first female monarch of Delhi. He was hated on by rival Turkish Mameluke members of the ruling family of the kingdom of Delhi. He was eventually killed by those jealous rivals.

>Jamal-ud-Din Yaqut (also Jamaluddin Yakut) was an African Siddi slave-turned-nobleman who was a close confidante of Razia Sultana

>The Siddi (pronounced [sJd̪d̪iː]), also known as Siddhi, Sheedi, or Habshi, are an ethnic group inhabiting India and Pakistan. Members are descended from the Bantu peoples of the African Great Lakes region.

Request denied.
tell me about somalian girls
well yes, i was taking the piss walaal
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Post products of the GOAT italian woman/Somali man interracial couple
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depends some are cutie

Some are disgusting

But I assuming your meaning Somali women and not Somalian bantu women
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How dis make u feel somali bois?
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You left out the Abyssinian interlude in Bengal tho
not yours unless you want to do an exchange :3
Italian woman are the sole possession of HOA men and vice versa

Online (Diaspora): Supreme autists
Offline (Diaspora): Either batshit crazy, or nuclear family tier
Online (Somalia): Green card thots without exception
Offline (Somalia): Extremely damaged goods, or ride or die wives of the highest order

Somali woman are extremely bi-polar, there is no middle ground. They're either great or terible, no compromise, it's either pure joy or sheer terror.

After looking into the first person mentioned and seeing how it didn't line up with the narrative I just dropped the entire article completely.
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Am i white?
proud Italian man

Nope. You look like a kang but I'm assuming most people assume you're hispanic.
That's only happend once. Most people mistake as jew

Kek. You're Egyptian though right?
Nope. I want Egyptian GF tho
You're the quarter somali?
Nope. I am 1/8th Irish tho
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>This is my greatest fear when it comes to me looking for marriage in the future. No man in his right mind would wife up a born again Xalimo like that with a past. The worst part is that they'll never be up front and 100% honest of their younger days. Your friend definitely made the right decision to dodge the bullet and I like the idea you came up with. Stories like these make me wanna brush up on my Somali and find a young Xalimo back home because this is just ridiculous.
>born again Xalimos

Holy shit.
That would be me
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>no lil facetta nera gf to fuck with
Give me ONE reason to live...
Good morning /HOA/
Sheekhal are hawiye
Shiekhaal are Irir not Hawiye
Sheekhal are hawiye mate
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k but they flip alot kek

they're part Harari desu
A certain subclan is responsible for the flipping. The harari part comes from the fact that there were a bunch of cattle herders in Ogaden that were Sheekhal. What are you?
.5 assimilated into Darood
Worst meme. I hate qabyaalad so much. Somalia is a shithole
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the country would seize to exist by 2050
>though islam and nog behavior is holding it back.

Not really.
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Somalis are into salafism
salafism = backwards
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>tfw idk if this is a set-up by corrupt tribalist ministers/ethopian government to descredit the federal goverment or if Farmaajo is truly willing to destroy his standing by pandering and making secret deals with Ethiopia which ironically enough fucked him over by their lack of secrecy
>tfw don't know who to trust right now

What the fuck is going on.
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Somalia is Amisom's protectrate
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horny african thread?
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walaal join our Somali discord
Thread posts: 160
Thread images: 59

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