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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 89

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MANLY edition
We should ban gay marriage again.
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guys i can't find my shirt where is my shirt
I still remember when hte US made mexico qualify to the world cup.

I will never forget my friends.

thank you.
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Any Sicilian online?
birthday cake and raspberry smirnoff isn't bad
Do it
My wife left me, and it was painful. Then she came back and it was excruciating.
soccer is fucking gay and Americans don't care about it
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poster below gets PUNCHED

I wasnt talking to you
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Should I jump into sap for the money or stay with easy net stuff?
Are you tsundere for me?
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at least she came back
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me: the number 10
/cum/: the guys in wine
Why do I like music?
Praying for the will of others is blasphemy.
flavored vodkas are a meme. just buy whatever juice or beverage you want it to taste like and mix regular vodka with it.
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tfw no gf
I hate prob half of you
Because music is nice and addictive
Really hate poverty ball.
I'm cool, right?
that's okay, cause i hate all of you
literally wtf are u lol
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So like near Disney then if they are I-4 corridor?

Yeah but the beaches are nice though and there are some qts.But yes I love most are the thunderstorms in the rainy season. Favorite easy.
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Freedom fries1.jpg
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this board has made me loathe most of western Europe
die in a fire, frog
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They aren't even French, Dutch, German, or British half the time on this board anon.
Nice hot opinions there frog.
if i ever get a gf. i wont be mature enough to deal with when she breaks up with me.
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>Ever respecting the European dogs
The only good people are people in the new world.
brits and the dutch are alright most of the time, its the germs frogs and spanish that i absolutely fucking hate
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>DACA CHI saying she came to the US at 13
>I don't remember what my life was like before I came here
lmao i remember when i was 14
Would you rather be a CHI or a mexican?
>11 threads
Haha you guys are so quirky :)
A Mexican in Mexico obviously
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France learn the difference.jpg
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The French and German flags especially really aren't the ethnicity you assume.
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hate neighbors
being hotboxed right now
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Maybe you're just a little mentally challenged though I guess that's a part of us birth right
>i actually got 6 (You)'s out of a shitty one liner
Are y'all really that bored ?
A CHI, of course.
>implying you wouldn't remember your life at age 6-12
CHIs shouldn't lie
you dont value your head being attached to your body?
I don't like zipperheads.
Same, they are greatly overrated here.
Not really
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Okay this is pretty neat, one of these locations is in the US and the other one is in Canada. They're only about 3 hour drive from each other also. Take a guess at which one is which? blocked out the road names for fun.

take a guess!
Is she?
bottom is america

ah yes

the "first world"
never should have let the Ir*sh and the Pol*sh in. that was the beginning of the end.
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Found this on reddit
Ban yellow fever and weeb posters please janny.
Also ban that oriental
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Clearly needs more beheaded corpses
self denial is the only way to reach enlightenment
join me brothers and deny yourself the worldly pleasures
dont think dreamers count as qualified workers
this but uniornically
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>anon stacy tells me you hate gods chosen people. please tell me she's lying
what do?

what's wrong with a rural area?
Haven't you been watching the news? They are all soldiers, paramedics, and neurosurgeons that Drumpf is deporting because they are brown.
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Only Ashkenazi Jews
dont care
Who is Stacy and why is she gossiping about me?!
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I'll take it
dont care
We should not stop at DACA, Chicanos need to be stripped of all rights
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daca more like caca
Chicanos are hot though, once you force thme to leave USA will get a lot uglier
dont care
Why stop at DACA, we should arrest Caraposter and throw him in Guantanamo Bay
Did you read my mind?
Finally, an intelligent post
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I'll take it too
oh yeah daddy
stuff that mouth
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Gibs me dat.
A girl in one of my classes started talking to me while we waited for class, sat down next to me, and kept talking to me.
This has never happened to me
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I'll take that one also, even if I don't care for the homosexual tone.
Taking dat fo free!
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Canada is trouncing USA in the NAFTA renegotiation
No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican's
part in it. And no significant world political situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit part.
What's the comfiest string instrument and why is it the balalaika?
CFL sucks tho
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I don't really like sharing (you)'s but I'll take it.

Both wrong
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Which is worse?
had to wait in line for 30 minutes to buy gas
Brand New
left definitely.
Correct answer /cum/ wont be banned for now.
Just ride a bike and buy a Tesla
the Pope saw a fucking French Jew psychologist to “to clarify certain things,”

also the kike was a psychoanalyst so really kiked

here is a jewish source
>electric car meme

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>Pope Francis has been hypnotized this entire time
Most people who push globalist policies and agendas are mentally ill
I like this image
Do post more similar images
literally though, i didn't read the post i replied to btw just wanted to post this about the Pope
i shall be taking this image
Dont listen to the zipperhead
This is the first time it happened to me. I-is this my ticket to Gfville? Should I ask her for her number next time?
If I were you I will wouldn't
Why are Latin Americans the angriest posters on /int/, /cum/?

Is it a machismo thing?
They are mentally ill
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sorry I only had the one
It's their powerful inferiority complex.
They're trying to deflect from their inferiority.
Is Drumpf going cause the destruction of east asia because of his incompetence?
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why is it always canadians who care about whats happening / whats going to happen in asia?
fuck weebs
I'm Taiwanese
envy me
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Imagine being attracted to this
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On ur head u dumbo

and they're always pregnant too. what a terrible people.
Prehaps the worst on the face of the planet besides Somalians
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seems like Caraposter fucked off for tonight
Just killed a giant spider in my room.
Pretty freaked out rn 2bh
What if there is more
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there's always more.
theyre waiting for you to sleep to swarm you
Reminder that there is literally no logical argument against gay marriage
*slams the bible down on your desk*
Please, follow this link and create some hearthstone account for me bb
Want my fucking murloc hero

Also, wouldn't it be fun to play hearthstone as cumbuddies?
other than the uncomfortable truth that men shouldn't have sex with men?
They need to be taken down a notch or two
gays are weird i think
gays are gay i think
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Canada stop
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When the bible talks about the fear of the Lord, you will often hear pastors say that it is a metaphor for love or some shit but this is not accurate.

In the old testament, the whole idea was for the people to literally fear God. Fear is an effective motivator, but eventually death wasn't dramatic enough to strike fear in people so hell was added so you might truly fear the Lord. The whole idea, anyway, was to create a better society by forcing people to be better people out of fear of retribution. Jewish, christian and muslim societies were built around this entire idea (as were many others across the world for similar reasons)

Utilitarianism sure does date back a long time.

Not looking to get stricken down for heresy for this post
qt cashier
Are there any gays in /cum/?
more of the cashier?
Canada is Taiwanese territory
bro spiders are bro-tier
if it's not a recluse, widow or hobo spider it probably can't injure you even if it wanted to
sometimes people just need to be pointed in the right direction. eat your veggies and you can have desert. if you leave your room messy the monster under the bed will get angry. follow these rules and you won't literally be in the worst place ever forever.
there's a lot of dumb shit in this thread today
not my posts.
all me
drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry
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Memes aside, I went to a Jewish bible study for a while when I was a teen because I was curious and the rabbi spoke of this. He likened to it how at his house in the living room he has a chair, that only he sits in. And his kids acknowledge this, as well. He went onto say how:
>do I actually care if anyone sits in it? No, of course not. But the fact is my kids show their respect (because there is a type of fear if they disobey their father) for me by acknowledging it's my chair.
Another night he was talking about how our bodies are on lease by god, and therefore we must do everything we can to do to protect ourselves and not cause harm. He said that if you were ever in a desert with a friend and there was only enough water for one, you are entitled to that water to protect your life. One of the members, who was actually Jewish, argued the rabbi about this because he didn't agree. It was pretty interesting, wish I could've kept going.
Singing this will be the day that I die..
U mad, whiteboi?
Glad to see jews like to argue theology as much as christians
Imagine being a Christ killer. Grim.
just did a cold shower
>pedo gook-lover
sort yourself out
Yeah, it was an Orthodox synagogue so some of the things the rabbi said was hardcore, kind of took the Jewish people being the chosen race thing pretty seriously, not in superiority way but in a preservation kind of way.
unbelievably stupid post
>cute girl hater
Sort yourself out, juan.
girls are gross
The pedo posts

The gay post
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>The pedo posts
Need to clean this book off because there's spider guts on it, but I'm afraid to look at it.
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My Hero Academia is just so well written

Need one punch man season 2 to come out so I can have 3 masterpiece animes out at once, on top of Jojo's
uh oh this means no fear cavalier renegade and steering clear
a tournament a tournament a tournament of lies
Imagine being so upset about daca you have to go on 4chan and call good-honest-hard-working-americans pedos.
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>sort yourself out
Many of its offsprings are on their broodmother's remains and are waiting for you, going straight for your eyes and mouth when you least expect it.
being attracted to people that look 14 is no different to being attracted to people that are 14
in fact some pedos get a legal aged young looking gf to live out their fantasies
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Don't say that
Should I play demons souls or odinshphere???
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>being attracted to people that look 14 is no different to being attracted to people that are 14
>in fact some pedos get a legal aged young looking gf to live out their fantasies
Demons souls
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nofap would solve this problem
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>nofap would solve this problem
tfw no gf
Demons souls it is.
that feel when no gf
tfw no girlfriend
rate my sex
tfw no gf(female)
hahaha he can't even get a girl or have sex, what he was biologically designed to do by evolution
tfw(that feel when) no(no) gf(girlfriend)
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Of course you didn't. Ever wondered why the dark ages are really called the dark ages? It's for the same reason we're in that dark place now.
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Why is it a truth?
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>the south is drowning
>the west is burning
and i'm here in the northeast watching the chaos
Nice, did you take this?
>what is reverse google search
i wish for genocide
i wish for gf
burn baby burn
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Genie Pepe.png
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*points at Burma*
Wish granted
its pretty ebin
Milo the Mayor
why is there some finn really intent on triggering brits right now
Probably got bantered one too many times
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his threads keep getting deleted
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got a girls number, then went to her house and fucked her, i have no one else to tell, thanks for listening

whats she look like
be honest and descriptive, don't try to spin her obesity by saying "full figured" or some shit
she was skinny, not super model hot, id say a 6/10, wide hips, it was nice
your description is trash. you're supposed to paint me a picture in my head
thats okay
I haven't even started my homework and shit. What the fuck is wrong with me?
fuck niggers
this desu
genocide friends
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*approaches you in a bar*
Just drop out
im taking like 8 classes too. Fuck doing lab write ups is so fucking annoying.
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All this racial tension in the USA is good because people make more racist amateur porn.
how long until alcohol stop tasting like shit
just ate a strawberry yogurt
Never, it is all a meme to drag in femmeboys like you into drinking diluted piss or overpriced ethanol and other senseless consumeristcuck bs.
For cheap beer I find the 5-6th ones start to taste good.
I had a coffee/vanilla yogurt with choco chips
Why don't we just burn faggots at the stake?
because your pm is one
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Hey /cum/!
Wanna see a magic trick?
hang yourself weeaboo faggot
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just bought destiny 2 lol
Poor choice
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What is magic

i liked the first game
>i liked the first game
>I like games that are mindless grinding and micro-transactions
Confirmed for pleb
Who /curlyhair/ here?
messy hair here

i hate it
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>being a chino
My hair is usually straight but goes curly when I grow it out quite a bit
My brother from another mother
>Implying I'm not Black
Mine is usually wavy and when it gets a little bit long it starts to curl, except my sideburns, they're always curly
What do you mean by messy?
>that filename
Did you get that from Facebook?
>tee eff double yu no jee eff
Yeah. It's also really thicc too so it's fun to play with but if I mess around with it too much it's hard to fix. After a couple days without washing it becomes much straighter at the cost of dryness and being poofier. Last time I went 4 days without washing my hair It was just really wavy, soft and poofy.

A lot of girls like it

Another plus side is telling people you're jewish when you're not and them whole heartily beliving you.

I'd rate the curly hair experiance 6/10 bc maintenance and I like having medium length hair so I often use product to keep it soft bc my hair gets dry pretty fast
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that face when no boyfriend
ignorance of our own weaknesses blinds us from looking for help, and so we remain weak.
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>You can't look at that without logging in, membership is free and takes less than a minute
>Please enter your mobile number for a confirmation text
>tfw REALLY wanna fap to a certain video thats only on one site, but porn sites are always expensive a fuck
>a certain video thats only on one site
You just aren't looking hard enough.
Yeah, I like having curly hair but tbqh I don't really know how to care of it so I always it looks like shit desu, it also feels dry af. Although, I have been complimented on it some times but I think that has more to do with curly hair been kinda rare here, specially on males.
The 2 main things I use are spray detanglers and conditioning cream. I use them about 20 minutes after I wash my hair and sometimes I use the conditioning cream to help keep down a few stray curls

I think the rarity of curls in my area is what get them a lot of positive attention too.
Would you ever get surgery or a cosmetic procedure done to correct something you don't like? I have some acne marks on my face and idk, I think it would be cool if I could get them removed or fixed, same with a scar I have on my right forearm.
A burn scar on my chest, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do anything about it.
Cool. I'll look into them, I was already planning on looking for some kind of cream. You have any recommendations?
My lip has a permanent bump on it from busting it and never getting it stitched up. I'd consider surgery for it down the line
I use this for conditioning cream. Costs about 4-5 American dollars at any store that sells hair care products
Permanent hair removal for most of my pubes
*saves your family
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>tfw I laughed at this
It made me smile
all me
They should be called Americans, because we're all from North America.
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Only Euros say that, identify yourself
Will never understand Indians

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Is that the guy who claims to be a demi-God and his arrest for raping numerous girls led to his followers rioting? Classic India.
really? Lmao

I'm just baffled at the amount of views for a guy with a backing Casio keyboard who can't sing
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india-guru Gurmeet.jpg
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He claims to be a saint, a doctor, among other things and plays a divine super-hero in a film franchise of his own creation.

When he was arrested his followers destroyed some government buildings and 28 people died while hundreds more were injured as a result of the rioting.


His sect has millions of followers, kek only in India.
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Can almost see her nipples, freakin' nice.
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430 am and the 711 has a line down the street for gas
not looking good
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Literally me
Are you the black weeb from Florida who wishes you were an anime girl and can't find gas?
Am from Florida but I'm not black and I don't need gas
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>mentions nothing about wanting to be an anime girl

Really makes you think...
but who doesn't? :3
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I'll just wait until another poster comes along
It's 5 am. Go to bed
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>he lives in a 20 minute time zone
havent eaten any meat for a couple of weeks. feel physically weaker.
Absolutely love Canada x
East and South with blood pouring out your mouth
Hey guys, morning.
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ded thread

Because all Finns are autistic
t. did 6 month transfer in Finland
Thread posts: 298
Thread images: 89

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