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Is moving to the USA worth it?

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Is moving to the USA worth it?
waz met jou
moving to the USA from the netherlands?
fucking really?
no. NO!
Why not?
Because the country that you are in right now is better than the country you are considering moving to.
Only if you move to a White area in a free state with jobs and ok housing market.
why do you want to move to america?
Only if you find a worth job, like 100.000$ more than you gain in netherlands
>Competent militaries
>Fewer Muslims
>Decent food
>Governments that don't take away their butter knives
>Women who aren't hairy feminists
>The ability to go the hospital without waiting 7 months to be seen by a doctor
>Not having pay for horribly mismanaged health care through exorbitant taxes
you dumb libertarian trash.
just do it.
can i take your place?
Depends on what city you plan to move
Why would you go to USA? I'm not saying USA is dogshit, it's at least better than Flip or Mexico, that's why people go there. But why would a western European move to USA? It's not like you have to run away from gas chamber in 2017 either.
Weird reasons for moving country. Most of these gains are on the national level, not personal. I doubt half of these even improve your daily life, but I respect your opinion.
Depending on which state you want to live in
Not at all. You already live in a much more developed and safer country
you'll need to move to a red state. NC is nice.
>>Women who aren't hairy feminists
nice trips tho.
I'm thinking of going to Oregon
Former Britposter here. Moved to the states a few years ago and it was definitely with it. Wages are much higher and the cost of living much lower. I get slightly less holiday time, but essentially make twice as much as I would in a comparable position in the UK.

The colleagues that I left behind in the UK have generally advanced way further than me in their industries, but yet the make a fraction of the income that I do. Even those in executive/director level positions live lifestyles that would be considered lower-middle class in the states.

Then you also get benefits like more/cheap land, lower taxes, "muh freedums", no muzzies, better weather, and everything is generally much more convenient.

Life here is good and I'd never consider moving back.
Kek. Enjoy living in your warzone of a country
move to Idaho then. it has all the cascadian beauty combined with the values you are seeking,
How about Canada or Australia?
these are similar to US, but much safer.
depends on too many things.
Ah yes it's 'fake brit' again
Like wat?
I also considered it.
The states I would choose are Texas, California (Unironically), Oregon.
All the others are cool too. Any advices from Americans that aren't "fuck off"?
Why not?
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>Not having pay for horribly mismanaged health care through exorbitant taxes
American health care is on average twice as expensive and Obamacare is literally a copy of dutch health care but then done poorly.
Dutch people also have more personal liberties than Americans.

shooting a gun is fun though
>>Competent militaries
at killing their own citizens
>>Fewer Muslims
but more niggers
>>Decent food
yeah mc donald so good
>>Governments that don't take away their butter knives
butter is bad for health
to get shot
>>Women who aren't hairy feminists
lol seriously
they wouldnt give you any anyway, you not american
>>The ability to go the hospital without waiting 7 months to be seen by a doctor
and to pay 500k$ to schlomo for it
>>Not having pay for horribly mismanaged health care through exorbitant taxes
that's coz you cuck should fight to get it better
If you like being fat and stupid haha
>but more niggers
>Eurocucks still belive this
>Why not?
We are full.
t.Man with muh-frisian heritage
lolololololol i forgot that now nigger are honorary whites there
Like what do you do for a living? Will you be able to find a good job? Do you like driving or rather ride a bicycle everywhere? etc.
If you ask me, if you land a good job and live in a middle or upper middle class area, there is really no better country to live in (in my opinion). It is super safe (i never locked my house in many years), you have decent healthcare etc etc. just to debunk all the memes on this board.
That's my experience.

t. immigrant working in hi tech
Your entire post is made out of memes what the fuck.
Just because they're memes doesn't mean they aren't true
France and UK are more niggerized than America at this point. Italy we get there soon as long as it keeps absorbing 500000 sun-saharan africans every 6 months.
alas this is a wrong board to talk about the us. it is all about memes and banter.
USA overrated:
-Full of liberals, who cry racist at everything.
-Blacks mugging and killing "ebil white men".
-Nutjobs with guns

I am 100% sure this is a yank on vacation or under a proxy
>Like what do you do for a living?
I live off of the oney that the bank gives me for having money
>Do you like driving or rather ride a bicycle everywhere?
I prefer driving.
>not true
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>Competent militaries
>Decent food
>Not having pay for horribly mismanaged health care through exorbitant taxes
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I would accept you with open arms toothpaste bro. We need more people that genuinly care about the freedoms given to us here. The opinions of third world retards and jealous Europeans shouldnt sway you. The United States is still the best country in the world
>lolololololol i forgot that now nigger are honorary whites there
No due to if you look 1/8th black no one would believe it. That population has also held steady versus Europe's exploding African population.
Anyone? Or should I make my own thread?
If you want paradise, come to Australia. It's a first world country with high living standards. We're also isolated from rest of the world and comfy. Most our immigrants are Asians and Indians, who usually don't cause trouble and mind their own business.
>It is super safe (i never locked my house in many years),
You really should. I grew up in a nice middle class suburb and a drug addict still ribbed our house.
You're joking right? Neighbouring your country is like neighboring Africa
>be me, American
>European cousin coming to visit
>excited to show him what my country has to offer
>waiting for him at the train station
>he arrives, draped in a burned, feces-smeared American flag
>I greet him and ask about his clothing choice
>He replied
>”Murrifats. Culture.”
>”E-excuse me?”
>”Murrifats. White”
>I ask him what a Murrifat is.
>He begins obnoxiously clapping in my face, as if he’s referring to something I’m supposed to understand
>I shrug it off
>He asks where my mobility scooter is
>Inform him that I don’t use one
>A look of utter confusion comes across his face
>Take him on a tour of my hometown
>Entire time, he has a disgusted scowl on his face
>Asks me why there aren’t poor people dying in the streets and gunfights around every corner
>I tell him I don’t understand
>”Murrifats. In charge of speaking English”
>We get to war memorial at park
>He spits on it
>I tell him how rude that is
>He begins bleating on about American imperialism and how the Soviet Union were the true liberators of Europe and Asia
>He then starts clapping in my face obnoxiously again. I still don’t understand what he’s referring to, but he evidently thinks it’s hysterical

(to be continued...)
Australia is boring, isn't it?
>Feeling uncomfortable, I decide to take him to get food
>Small sandwich shop everyone in town loves
>He orders first
>”Where are the burger?”
>Old lady behind counter looks confused
>I explain that he’s from Europe
>She asks which country and he reluctantly answers
>”Oh yes, that’s a beautiful country” she replies, “That’s where my family came from”
>I see blood vessels bulging on the back of his neck, beads of sweat forming at his hair line. He’s breathing heavily.
>He slowly leans into the old woman’s face and without warning screams “MUH HERITAGE!” at the top of his lungs
>Starts furiously clapping in her face
>I have to restrain and pull him back. I apologize to the old woman
>Visibly shaken, she meekly replies “H-have a nice d-day”
>This comment only seems to make him angrier
>Our food arrives and we initially eat in silence
>”Fatty” he says, ostensibly addressing me, despite my relatively low BMI, “where is Albania?”
>He has an incredibly smug look on his face
>”Albania? It’s a tiny country across the Adriatic sea from Italy, south of Serbia and Montenegro, north of Greece”
>The color drains from his face
>His expression is now one of extreme distress and paranoia
>”M-murrifats. Education” he replies, sheepishly
>I still don’t understand what a Murrifat is

(to be continued...)
I wouldn't consider it unless you work in tech. Even then you'll have to get used to working significantly longer hours.
Anyone who isn'tamerican shoudn't reply to this thread.
Shit copypasta
>Decide to smooth things over, ask him if he’d like a beer afterwards
>”Murrifat beer. Pisswater. Pick both” he replies
>I continue
>”I know the stereotype about American pale lager, but things have changed a lot in the last 20 years. There’s an excellent ale I know of that’s produced by a local brewery just down the street”
>My cousin goes completely stoic
>I instantly realize that I must have crossed some sort of line
>He just sits there for a minute, occasionally twitching
>It’s almost as if his brain has been overloaded
>He drops to the floor and begins writhing
>I’m about to get help when suddenly he leaps back up to his feet and takes in the largest breath of air I’ve ever seen
>restaurant windows shatter
>my eardrums nearly rupture
>He is now ripping off his clothes and shrieking
>Old lady behind register is going for phone
>He promptly shits into his hand and chucks it at her, knocking her off of her feet
>He leaps out the window, still in the throes of defecation
>Police arrive
>Yell at him to surrender
>He lunges at them, grabbing one officer and mauling his face
>Grabs disabled officer’s gun and starts to raise it
>Other officer fires, hitting him in the chest
>My cousin falls to the ground
>I rush over
>He’s barely clinging to life
>I ask him why he did it
>He motions me closer
>”Be Murrifat…” he begins with his last dying breath, coughing up blood
>”…Get shot”
>Falls to the ground, dead
not sure if it was a bait or a serious question but the thread quickly turned into another "memes about the us" shart in the mart thread and there is nothing you can do about that. welcome to int
>You're joking right? Neighbouring your country is like neighboring Africa
You live in Windsor right?
Maybe he should ask /trv/ or wait for American hours
Depends were in those states you go. What kind of nature, politics, people, etc. do you like? What is your occupation? Do you want peace and quite or excitement?
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That was the point
was the wrong board to begin with
actually, the wrong site to begin with, to believe in what random anons say is a sign of being heavily retarded
>Maybe he should ask /trv/ or wait for American hours
It's a holiday here and the unofficial end of summer. So most people are busy. For example, I'll be boating in a bit.
Until you get biten by something and die a day after. Actually, that would be lucky, You wouldn't want the crocos, or worse yet, some didgeridoo-wielding abo to get you on your sleep.
as long as you're white come on in
but why. it doesn't have to be this way.
I like/can get along with all sorts of people, even intolerant assholes but of course I would prefer if the state isn't majority xenophobic douchebags who hate krauts.
I'm currently in technical design school and I'm also skilled in the mechanics and some other practical work + always open to more.
I'm really not the politics guy if I'm not interested and can also live in pretty much every kind of region If I have enough time to get used to it.
Don't know if I'm a big city guy cause I never lived in a big city. Same with extremely rural living. I also have no real accent but I still sometimes have small problems with the language if that helps in any way.
Americans microwave their black fatty foreskins while clapping
>can also live in pretty much every kind of region
Memes aside, that can be said about most people and that makes a lot of sense. YOU choose what you want to do with your life. The place where you live in has nothing to do with that. Most people live in their own "little world".
daily reminder that whoever takes this bait seriously is mentally challenged
But your bait is kinda meh too
>Decent food
>Implying there aren't feminists here
Holy shit I wish
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depends where you movie to
Red=the shitholes where the American stereotype is painfully all too common
Blue=actually civilized and decent cities that are first world unlike the mad max wasteland that is the rest of the country
>I like/can get along with all sorts of people, even intolerant assholes but of course I would prefer if the state isn't majority xenophobic douchebags who hate krauts.
>I'm currently in technical design school and I'm also skilled in the mechanics and some other practical work + always open to more.
>I'm really not the politics guy if I'm not interested and can also live in pretty much every kind of region If I have enough time to get used to it.
>Don't know if I'm a big city guy cause I never lived in a big city. Same with extremely rural living. I also have no real accent but I still sometimes have small problems with the language if that helps in any way
You should probably go to a tech hub maybe Northeast. I'm from New England (live in NYC now) and it's pretty nice. It's easy to go from completely rural to a city in a short amount of time. Food wise we also aren't one of the fat areas and eat a lot of seafood, make beer, make hard cider and do a lot with dairy. Politically we are all over, there is no true theme. We aren't very religious but we also aren't flamboyant and like to be somewhat private. A lot of people like watching sports as well as boating, fishing, kyaking, hiking and hunting.

I lived in NJ and I wouldn't recommend it. It has a lot of intentionally self segregated minorities so if your white it can be a bit tough to socialize.

NYC is a mixed bag. Politically I hate it because I live in Brooklyn where stupid (I mean literally) oversensitive liberals are everywhere. It's also crowded and dirty. But there are a lot of jobs and money to be made. You can also never run out of things to do but you'll spend a lot of money to live in a shoebox and have a long commute.
why were there so many Netherlands Dutch moving to Michigan throughout the 19th century. Trying to find a conservative Reformed denomination and there is like three in Michigan each with dozens of churches
Daily reminder that this is a proxy bait
Must be a leaf
Except a lot of those red areas are nice and blue ones shitholes. I'm from CT and the most democratic areas are the poor/corrupt shitholes with high unemployment. The more conservative areas are the nice ones.
>NYC crowded and dirty but $$$ to be made
Sometimes I think at least in theory one could land a hi tech or finance job and commute from some shithole. Endure this for a few years save $$$ then get the fuck out of there and live like in a king somewhere in the Midwest. My guess is you can really make like $200K a year in NYC and save half of that if you are frugal.
True. A lot of people do that in finance and software. They are there to make money and then move to CT or upstate
I interviewed with Bloomberg a few years ago. They flew me there for a face to face but never called me back. And at that point I was happy they didn't hire me. Because it was just a shocking experience. The pace, the traffic, the crowds, and the people interviewing me appeared so fucking shrewd and condescending. Yes, it was a financial software dept.
>and commute from some shithole
Sure, if you wanna spend fifteen hours a week in a traffic jam to save a few bucks. Also if you can't live in New York itself for 100 grand a year you're doing something horribly wrong in life. What in the world could possibly cost you over 8000 bucks a month?
I dunno, it was my random guess. I have no idea. But you have to consider how much you net, not your before-tax salary. So if you make 200K a year and your goal is to save 100K...
You will probably take home like 140K or less, considering various deductions like healthcare etc.
Why a european would like to go a third world country? >>79090202
I know you're anarchist who think the world works like Minecraft
>third world country
Says the brazilian.
Depends what you are looking for.
If you want something close to a Euro lifestyle, go to large East Coast cities.
But, generally speaking, we have far less social programs than you are probably accustomed to, so you will need money and good job skills if you don't have friends and family to rely on at first.
Also, remember the size difference: Our states are as big as or even larger than many of your countries, so there can be a lot of empty space and diversity of people and customs.
You may understand this on an intellectual level, but the transition can be quite upsetting for some.

On the positive side, there are a lot more opportunity and resources, and less regulation here, so you can re-invent yourself whenever you want.
>Because it was just a shocking experience. The pace, the traffic, the crowds,
Yeah it's shitty
> and the people interviewing me appeared so fucking shrewd and condescending
Luckily as a consulting engineer I don't deal with many of those types but I have to deal with them socially sometimes but I'm big, smarter than most of them and they don't understand what I do so they generally don't try the arrogant shit with me.
>>Not having pay for horribly mismanaged health care through exorbitant taxes
we already do this though
Actually, I'm pretty sure they've more muslims than you
How? Rutte is letting like 150.000 muslims in every year.
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Is there a state that tops this one?
I'm for Chicago, IL and i can confirm this too.
Your life will be much more secure in the Netherlands. The USA does have a lot of interesting culture though. How does it appeal to you?
Depends what you like, your standard of living is higher than most states so if you want to live somewhere comparable or better you have very few options, Connecticut comes to mind

If you like the outdoors, yes
Most true, two of these are BLATANTLY false

I'll let you figure them out
I just want to live in a shed, surrounded by forest and mountains.
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>Not moving to the only decent anglo country
Well fuck we've got lots of that here

Try North Carolina
>he thinks any of this is true aside from guns
What part of the USA?
There is a wrong answer to this question.
Shut up, New-Asia.
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If you really want to get away to the forests and mountains, Montana or Alaska is where you want to be. Otherwise, Oregon or Washington is good, although filled with hippies.
Turn off the proxy Hernandez.
Proof that I'm using a proxy.
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