[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 306
Thread images: 96

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the SQUAD edition

Best edition ever may i say.
/cum/ is a no-fap general. remember this. we are all here for each other.
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What the fuck is this "YAAS QUEEN" thing that Americans say?
I'm trolling some cuck on /lit/
Being a Manlet should be considered a disability and the government should give me aid and welfare
i'm having second thoughts about graduate school.
the friends i know that opted to get a job have their lives in order already.
i'm feeling like i've been left in the dust
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my partner ratted me out
You never learn
Do you REALLY wanna know?
Open this at your own discretion
niggers always latch onto random phrases from their ooga booga music
Right now, they're saying "stomach on flat flat" and "sit down" and "that part" but then they'll move onto the next stupid "hot" phrases in 2 months
stop being a manlet
If the American accent is Midwestern/"news speak", and the Midwest was settled by Germans and Scandis, does that make the American accent a mix of German and Swedish?
It's not my fault I was born without motivation.
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We should genocide these fucking queers
come to malaysia "white" men
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i masturbate at least twice a day
once during the morning, then once before i go to bed
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NEED a ginger gf
me too
nothing wrong with that, unless you're looking at pornography
I can't
thats a boy
you never learn
this is not befitting of the /cum/ guidelines. if you want to continue posting here you must refrain from touching your wiener in a gratuitous and deviant way.
nigger faggot shit
betting that has a benis
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i use my imagination a lot
>face full of cancer factories
I don't know what any of that gay shit means but it sounds like baby talk
don't think you know what freckles are
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>freckles are moles
A bit negative, my dude.
Niggers are the dogs in the Jew's Pavlovian experiments.
People with freckles are the cheetahs and jaguars of the human kingdom.
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hand eye coordination.gif
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Only wank to gay porn, but I'm not gay
okay I was wrong
*bends over and spreads ass cheeks*
go ahead
Found an apartment

Now I can be a neet and lose ~600€/month at the same time
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...So! Word around the block is you like little boys? Das weird mane...
>anything other than little sun kisses
*makes a controversial post*
I'm a grown man with freckles on my shoulders and arms. None on my face though.
*laughs at you*
*teleports behind you*
i think freckles are cute on girls
every one of them is a kiss from an angel
hello my fellow ging
Got freckles on my face and my arms
I'm not a ginger my hair is brown, except for my facial hair when it grows in that's red
Nobody ever thinks they're cute on boys. Fuck me, man.
I have freckles on my face but they're very faint and tiny. they blend in with a tan anyways.
Very cute. Do you have any sisters? My sister is a petite blonde who looks like Taylor Swift. Happy to trade.
Is /cum/ welcoming to gays?
My sister is a souless ginger dating another ginger
if it's any consolation, i'm not a fag and don't think any boys are cute
As long as you aren't a faggot
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this general is like 50 percent ironically gay and 50 percent unironically gay
Vito Spatafore is a fuckin fanook

I don't know who that is
yas queen
need a Canadian friend

any leafs want to hang out
Going to call a black man the n word today
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Sopranos duh
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>have never seen a morrocan before
I thank God every day for this

Only seen 3 episodes
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>reading Huck Finn
>So many n-words with hard R's
*teabags you while you're asleep*
*screams at you*
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This is basically how I look, am I masculine enough for this general?
you can cross my border anytime
remember reading that in school and the teacher had everybody in class read from it out loud
ah good times
if you know what I mean
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Know a Moroccan lad I play soccer with named Achraf. He's nice enough, but he reinforces the concept the Greeks and the British already knew: Arabs and Berbers are imitation races. They're shit at being creative, but if you give them precise instructions how they can accomplish anything.
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Don't fuck with me denmark
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bring it...... I SAID BRING IT BITCH
Pepe would choose the lamest ninja turtle to imitate
they should give us subsidized gfs too
why the fuck are the beatles and dr dre so stingy with their music? I just want to listen to their music on youtube w/o any fucking hassle
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I just watched Road house with Patrick swayze. I feel unstoppable.
/cum/ is a masturbation general
nofap beta idiots fuck off
I like you Denmark :3
just went to the fb of a black chick I used to bang and fapped to her pictures
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>no Nordic gf
Is there any reason to live?
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Post them

just pirate it you mong
I don't wanna dl it
Weird af Tbh bro
you don't fap to girls you banged?
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wojak 41.jpg
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you're re-downloading it every time you watch it on youtube why not just keep it on your hard drive

people are fucking idiots
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no im not
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wojak 39.jpg
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>no im not
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The doggo (he is 13 years old)
nothing more alpha that demonstrating self discipline. nothing more beta than giving in to instant gratitude just to trigger a dopamine rush that will leave you sad and empty.

/cum/ is no-cum.
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Tomorrow will be my 4th day of no fap
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>100% of votes for Leo
i just voted randomly
>Your morality is closest to that of a Cuckold.
Orwell would hate antifa.
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based. we're gonna make it.
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>nothing more alpha that demonstrating self discipline
Is this what no-fap betas actually believe? There's nothing more alpha than social dominance, "demonstrating self discipline" is something beta faggots tell themselves so they can circlejerk over their inflated self-worths.
Now granted jerking off every single day is just as bad, but jerking off every once in a while is perfectly fine and even healthy for you. Only autists think otherwise.
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Orwell was a cuck. Read his book about his experience in boarding school. He got bullied so badly it gave him a cuckold fetish
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>social dominance
>being so insecure you care this much about others
>feeling like you need to be on top while everyone is below you instead of succeeding together with your comrades
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Why did you cut the bottom part?
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sorry forgot about that
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Is it true that this sentence is wrong?
>There was a bus strike, but I could get a lift with a colleague
Interesting results desu. How do you identify politically?

Could should be can
Really wish a Danish Boy would hold my hand. :(
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Really wish a Algerian Man would suck my dick...
Reddit? Also the bus strike and the lift happened in the past, so 'can' would be wrong.
kys gays
>two men
Your picture is off topic then.
don't know.... center? i guess? libertarian.
Could you also use I managed to?
It's not about being insecure and trying to get people to like you, it's about being so self-confident that everyone has no choice but to like you. It's about radiating confidence and leadership to everyone you come across, so that they see you as an empowered individual and a force to be reckoned with.
Of course a numale beta like yourself wouldn't understand though.
I asked a question because I'm an English learner. Don't expect me to be a teacher.
Yes, Reddit

Didnt read the picture and didnt see that he already got the lift, thought he was talking about getting the lift in the future. Either way could makes zero sense there, especially in the context you just framed
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>denmark is a leftist
expected better 2bh
He just said he was a centrist, you illiterate.
>discussing proxymark
Gas yourselves
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Anything left of right is leftist
Is the grammar rule in the picture I posted >>79029971 (mostly) true? Or is it one of these rules that only exist in learning books but not in reality?
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p evenly split. except for loyalty, but I don't hold much stake in a internet survey discerning a person's loyalty.
It's completely true retard. Could refers to something that might happen in the future, it has nothing to do with completing past events.
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This is my results from over a year ago
Sorry, I thought you were the Italian flag who calls me a Redditor. According to the book my picture is from it's like this:
>Use manage to or succeed in to talk about something you did that was difficult. Use the -ing form of the verb after succeed in.
Yes, Denmark?
i love you.
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I love you too.
jump of a bridge, phone poster
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let's go home.
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Rate me/cum/
it can say whatever it likes, but that doesn't make it true
>extra flags
>phone posting
Brainlet alert
>he can't into extraflags on his phone, but still makes common phone interface typos
>not knowing you can use redditflags on mobile
What an absolute retard
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local man.png
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could pass as a local in my country/10
not a big fan of this fighting.
>uses redditflags
>calls others redditors
really empowers my cashews
t. buttblasted cuckolds
>he calls multiflaggers redditflags
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i'll take that as a concession
The absolute state of Reddit (aka /cum/)
*deports all weebs*
You'll take anything up your ass you ornery faggot
What's wrong with reddit?
The troll is the sand in the gear of fora and chats.
People like you go there
why is ireland so mad at me?
fist of flames and denmark are the same person
I hate every single one of you faggots
tell me more
What have conservatives conserved?
Anime women are hot
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Child porn should be legal
Christ, stop crying manchild

And they still rule this general
the establishment
everywhere that is available for hunting, fishing and camping
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this but unironically
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I took this picture today
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the Virgin suicide note (pic related)


the Chad self hate song

Laws against pedophilia are homophobic because they disproportionately effect the LGBT community and should be repealed
Lotta brainlets around here
*brainlets at you*
you're a fucking idiot if you don't agree with me
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>Laws against pedophilia are homophobic because they disproportionately effect the LGBT community and should be repealed
exceptional post
It's not the size of the brain, it's how you use it.
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>homos: between 2 consenting adults
>pedos: only 1 consenting party
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me irl
Does the german still post here?
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>It's not the size of the brain, it's how you use it.
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Just witnessed a few incredibly unintelligent posts
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me irl
Still blows my mind that the Subway spokesman who lost all that weight was arrested for CP. Hope he dies 2bh.
see >>79031794
these "children" don't consent to being alive.
they don't have the cognitive power to make any kind of decision, large or small, not even over the motion of their own limbs
please stop posting
>using lap top at beach house with all of my family there
>every time someone manages to get behind me or see my screen in anyway there's always a bunch of anime reaction images on it
>if I move quickly to another tab the person will tell me, "Don't worry! I'm not trying to look at your screen!"
is he even still alive? i thought pedos were killed in prison in america
why don't you just turn images off?
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America i have a question for you.
What does SACKED means?
it means fired
are any of you guys a gangster?
Alright, thanks.
it's teabagging but when you have huge balls
>104 degrees outside
Make it stop.
I wanna go outside without dying.
She's right, though
>tfw straight busta
American judges are cucks and would treat jack the ripper like Brievek in Norway.

Californians overwhelmingly voted in binding a referendum to speed the death penalty process up but the cucked Californian judges bypassed it by interpreting the word "shall" as a suggestion
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"she" ahahahahaha
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>american old people diet
Are you a racist, /cum/?
was reading the subway guy thing. The guy didn't seem to suffer any abuse in his childhood. why did he do it? it's even weird that he was very outspoken on what he was doing.

>She recorded him making several remarks about having sex with underage girls and asking her to install a webcam in her children's rooms so he could watch them.
Fact: transexuals are mentally ill
did that kraut that wanted to hook up with the mexican and asked for advice in /cum/ ever come back to report what happened
They look sad and confused.

What happened to the rapist from two days ago?
>The guy didn't seem to suffer any abuse in his childhood. why did he do it?
>implying people cant be evil by nature and not just nurture
yes, because we've never dicussed about this topic in here
that's not the point. everyone is racist. he's a public figure and is responsible for his publicly stated opinions and the recourse they could have on the corporation they represent.
Whitey cucked him, leave him be
>stir cake mix clockwise
>turns into batter
>stir batter counterclockwise
>doesn't turn back into cake mix
can't explain that
Race is a social construct we're all just humans man
He might have done a disservice to
- his employer
- him
- transgender people
- Bergdorfs
found the tranny sympathizer
But I thought being anti-white was popular these days?
I'm not racist I just hate niggers, fags and jews
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Finally caught up on Game of Thrones
drinking is bad
>game of reddit
um excuse me honey, but it's all a social construct, everything
i'm not banned anymore!!! :3333

i will never post off topic again. i am vewy sawry mr. janitor chan.
What did you think of this season? Who do you support?
Excuse me but that doesn't look like discussion of foreign cultures to me
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Don't you know Mr Router Reset?
I support gassing everyone else who watches this stupid show
What shows do you watch?
I support Dany of course, thought it was a good season
I'm assuming most L'Oreal customers are white women.

Anyways no one wants a spokesperson with unwanted controversy. The point of hiring a brown transgender freak is to fit in the sjw pro-minorty mold. They want to be a part of progressiveness from a distance. They want the face of their company to be dark, but they don't want the face screaming kill whitey. The white women who put L'Oreal in business by purchasing the products regularly want to feel good about themselves seeing a brown person in the ads. Now they appear to themselves as cultural and non-racist. It's like the group of white women with one black friend.

Also I'm not aware of the product line, but most black people buy specific products for their nappy hair. products I'm not so sure L'Oreal carries so having the voice of L'oreal scream fuck whitey just isn't good business.
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I like Game of Thrones
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good night pleb
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Fuck Dr*mpf
Mad Men right now
i remember one time, my mom was getting on my case for "being racist," and i asked her if our family had any non-white friends (we don't)
she became distressed
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STOP watching television
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do whatever you like
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i wuvvvvvv Nippon!
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ah yes, the powerful african american demographic
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why do hispanics and asians buy l'oreal but not whites?
did you study a foreign language today?
fuck varg
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Instead of mobility scooters we should force the obese to ride heavily reinforced tricycles so they can get some exercise when they move
it's cheap. most white women populate hair salons where they get overpriced haircuts, and manicures, and then buy their products from these salons. L'Oreal is bought at grocery stores from the toiletry aisles.
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why would i study another language when i already speak english hahaha so silly
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spics and asians are French c.ucks

Going to try learn Japanese or Russian soon.
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>Coyotes are all over Canada including the Maritimes
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same here now, in the Northeastern US

at least they'll help clear out the stray cats
>still studying English
Are you underage?
someone shop the funnel going into someone else's butt
Apparently we had some woman retarded enough to get killed by a pack of them

>Torontonian nature skills
just finished my homework
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i have a lot of japanese flashcards to do today lads...

this is going to be tough desu.
Flashcards are suffering.
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what site are you using to learn japanese?

im using the Anki program. and two decks with all the vocab and grammar from Genki 1
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Study hard and get a scholarship to sweden and cuck some pink-nippled "men".
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Mine is Asian-free
not going to post in the gook one
I remember this. She's like that retard who got killed by a black bear in New Jersey.
Thread posts: 306
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