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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 48

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Master race edition
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>Twiggy isn't perfec- oh wow
The king is myself
it's very amusing how he's managed to make himself look like a cone-head
shan't tolerate rorkes in this thread
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What is this guy even working as? How does he earn money? What is he even doing all day?
El rey
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V had only 3 books beside his bed
the Bible, The Prince, and the book of courtier by Castiglione
Hi jorge
Muy bien chico
Jokes I'm French
more like "/shit/" lmoa
Comes from a rich family
mum called me machiavellian the other day

love mum
Hello leftypol.
I know you're leftypol because that's the photos they use on /pol/ to character assasinate spence
His family are worth hundreds of millions of dollars lol
Le Roi
umm hello?

I am /brit/'s newest namefag. Give me attention.
dont know who the other two are

*tries really hard to ignore paki rape gangs*
*tries really hard to ignore birth rates lower than the replacement rate*
*tries really hard to ignore grown men showering with little girls*
*tries really hard to ignore grown men sucking dick and flashing kids on the street in the name of "pride"*
*tries really hard to ignore terrorist attacks killing his own people*
*tries really hard to ignore paki and nigger criminals getting off with lighter sentences than natives*
*tries really hard to ignore natives being arrested for questioning the direction their nation is going*
*tries really hard to ignore a man being killed by the state because he put bacon near a door*
*tries really hard to ignore the native children being outright murdered on the streets by invaders*
*tries really hard to ignore areas of major towns and cities becoming "no-go" areas*
*tries really hard to ignore his own towns and cities having minority native populations*
*tries really hard to ignore that his nation becomes less and less white native every single year*
And who
Are you
The proud boar said
That I should make the eight?
A whore
With a different arse
That's all the truth I know
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Revenons-en au vieux François, Le Roy
why didn't he responded to my post??
alri clack
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>fetishizing an anorexic runway model
dunno why you'd like british women if you dont like big ol saxon chebs

that's the whole appeal yeah
Did the man punch the other man?

Did the man fall down?

Can we stop talking about it now
reckon i could heem her with one punch
beto is a fat little boy who continually posts here despite entirely lacking the love of his mother or indeed anyone in his pathetic and profoundly insignificant "life"
Don't. Bully. My. Beto.
i'm going to fuck your fucking fanny off you twat
Beto? More like beta
>he does the virgin post
Bit gay
suicide is essentially equivalent to murder
why don't we just take big buckets out to sea, and then dump seawater on the deserts
My parents do not hate me, and are not divorced ;)))))
want to punch me? heh I won't even feel it

want to punch her? It's beatdown time!
Pacino / whistleblowers

never understood the anti-paedophile witchhunt

reckon victimless crimes shouldn't be considered crimes at all
Me (in the black skin)

You (in the bodybag)

only if you overrate life
Have this massive smirk on my face when I think about the fact that everyone here is probably mid-20s and since I'm younger I could probably outshag, outfight and outsmart you all. How satisfying is that
I'm 18

guaranteed to be posting here 10 years from now regardless
this gimmick has already been done today and it wasn't funny then either, you boring paki prick
but all 3 of those men are black
women belong in the kitchen or on the cock
Pipe down virgin
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>Have this massive smirk on my face when I think about the fact that everyone here is probably mid-20s and since I'm younger I could probably outshag, outfight and outsmart you all. How satisfying is that
Fair and enlightened post
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>women belong in the kitchen or on the cock
25 and been posting on the chon since i was 13
That looks like your maw lmao
>stim comedown with no benzos

kill me
Men call me Mboko
men belong on the titanic or on the battlefield
Get it off your chest lad.

ur mom my cock heh...
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A duck forced his way into my home this morning lads

So I'm sitting at my kitchen table having my morning coffee and reading the paper when I hear a really loud rustling sound coming from my fireplace. I watch my fireplace for a while and there's nothing in there but the noise just gets louder until eventually a duck falls from the chimney and into the fireplace. I take another sip of my coffee because there's a duck in my house now and he just stands there in the fireplace looking at me. Eventually he wanders over to the door and looks at me like he wants me to let him out. I calmly set my coffee down and got up to let the duck out. I opened the door, he waddled outside, and we both went on with our day.
Dog cocks belong in my mouth
Men belong in parliament not on the battlefield.
do you think love can bloom, even on the battlefield?
mboko is here?
shan't peruse a single atom of this shambles of a "post"
children belong in the factory or in the classroom
Wouldnt like to have you beside me on the battlefield. Absolute goblin
I did
it was pretty good
you should give it a go
only between two strong independent women of color
new journalism destroyed the entire medium forever

you can blame john hersey and his ilk for the continued existence of buzzfeed and huffpo
I read it

Clearly copy pasta
imagine being a woman and living your life knowing in the back of your mind you are the inferior gender
me too ahahahha
despite there being 100s of soccer leagues there's barely ever a decent game on
gazed over every character

scrolled straight past
>*ushers in police state*
>well-respected and reputable outlets with vast readerships
>they're bad because they're to the left of white supremacists and nazis!!!
Gonna go to bed now. Wish me good night.
22 and been posting on the chon since I was 14
buzzfeed is underrated

they've got a really good journalistic team
Yesterday I went to the car parts store to return an item. I go up to the desk with the item and it's receipt and ask the guy working there if i can return it; he nods, takes the item and receipt, and starts typing info in the computer. A few seconds later he asks "Jake?". It caught me off guard so I asked him to repeat what he said. He says "You are Jake, correct?" and I say no and tell him my real name. After this he nods, clicks away a little more on the computer, and hands me the refund and I left.

I originally paid for the item with a card so I know my real name was attached to the order. He asked me the fake name because if it wasn't me who went to get my money back, that person would have said "Yeah, I'm Jake" and the worker would have known they were lying and not given them the money. I may not even be right about all of this but I just found it interesting.
call me a nigger again and I'll beat the shit out of you. I am a grown ass black man. treat me as such
Go into town and buy codeine and cold water extract. Don't say I don't take codeine because opiates are addictive, because benzos are far more addictive and dangerous
t. benzo addicted codeine chipper
White people are cucks, fucking pathetic cucks.
Ok, good night, anon. I hope you sleep well. ^_^
haitiANO reads buzzfeed
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>buzzfeed is underrated
>they've got a really good journalistic team
>organising date for Sunday evening
>girl says she'll let me know Saturday afternoon
>message me Sunday evening saying she forgot and her friend has a gig on tonight

Not sure it's worth the effort messaging her back
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These grim sidestreets and tiny paths along the canals are pretty comfy in a weird way
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Thanks, anon.
That haircut looks so fucking stupid, is he trying to cosplay as a conehead?
no it's not
be quiet

you posted this yesterday and refused to give me an answer for why you presented it as if taken concurrently while the time was 6:44 in the evening

suspect not all is as it seems with this vietnamese runt
seriously what the fuck is the point of the tae at the end? There isn't one. Literally grow the fuck up
No that really isn't comfy
scots aren't people
just on me way home

keen as for a poo aye
typing in a scottish accent is all the rage in normie memes
should I order a pizza

keep in mind I've already had at least 4000 calories today
Yesterday I took the picture before then posted it about an hour latter while at the gym
By the time I left it was dark
Your ancestors were probably Scottish rapist criminals that got shipped to the barren lands. Fucking convict ;)
Ask if you can go to the gig duh
go big or go home

you think the greats like caesar or da vinci ever got stuff done while dallying around strategising and evaluating pointless chaff?
Up for a cheeky shart in the mart at Morrison's.
howling at this seething haggis-eater
I like little windy roads through close buildings
Not so much the big highways full of trucks and busses
>im jealous the scots are popular with the normies
looool classic

we've all been there!
Only if it's from your local and not a chain
I've missed you, Jock.
I hope you can see why that would be degrading
It is comf. It's like back allys back home
mega brainlet: ireland
brainlet: scotland
normie: england
thinking man: wales
never been flirted with ama
it's a cryptic code so that DIRTY ENGLISH can't read it
I'm Welsh I just show solidarity with my celt brothers as opposed to English oppressors of my nation
really wish streaming sites would have a random episode button
can't be arsed going through and trying to select any single episode from friends or seinfeld
Ahh yes the same celt brothers that slaughtered the welsh in scotland.
*flutters my eyelashes at you*
>Scotland invented capitalism
>wales invented????

I do but it would put your girl in a spot
If you really don't care about tagging along it can make her uncomfortable and you can laugh at her unless you really want to go..
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dare I say... based?
>Irish posters went silent after the fight

like fucking pottery
might play some ck2
>>Irish posters went silent after the fight
thank you based myweather
Greatest ally
>walking on an empty walkway
>black girl walking perpendicular to me
>on collision course
>swerve at the last moment
>movement looks really awkward
>she says hi to me
reckon she wants to fuck lads?
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so so happy about that

got put back in their cages
Weird how blacks still commit more violent crime than whites even when adjusted for income and geography
Arconai does something similar to that.
>black girl

It's never going to work
Ahh yes, I wonder who I should hire...
The grown man with several years of industry experience and expertise....

or...... the student with a piece of paper who spent the last 3 years of their life drinking and doing drugs?

hmm... a truly difficult decision....
isn't that just a continuous 24hr stream of episodes though
Bit rude Bruce.

She could be really nice.
imagine unironically following richard spencer

Notice how "white pride" people tend to congregate on virgin forums like 4chan and stormfront, hmmm really makes me think
List of women that I want to sit on my face:

Emma Watson
Catie Wayne
Scarlett Johannson
Eliza Dushku
Jennifer Aniston
Sasha Grey
Anna Sophia Robb
Jenny McCarthy
The list goes on because I can't remember everybody
She might be really nice but odds-given it's one of the less likely relationships to work out. In fact I don't think I've ever met a family in my life with a black wife and a white husband.
based on our interactions to date (me nearly steamrolling her on the walkway) she seems really interested
alri 'gin
>walks into thread
>sees ang*os
>walks out of thread
She probably expected you to swerve for her and was surprised that you'd be so rude as to force her to take action.
Yes. If you jump in at any point then you're effectively at a random point in the show.

Or you can choose a random page from the wiki I guess.
who are you quoting?
canNOT find full-blooded black women attractive
some half-castes are pretty but their dark nipples and contrasting vagina would still be an issue
the latter
your mother last night during the usual fornication
>everyone in here is a virgin
>not me haha i'm a stud but everyone else
Now if only this worked in real life
we invented the longbow, which was probably the single most valuable military innovation Engl*nd had in their repertoire during the French campaigns and suchlike
hello nigger
idid swerve, i just did it in a fashion that looked really bizarre. i turned at like a 90 degree angle or something
I think non-whites should be necked.
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the man on the right is unironically 50 years old
>i turned at like a 90 degree angle or something
lol the virgin swerve
bosnia and herzegovina
which one is it?
black don't crack
that nigga swimming in it
this guy is almost 40
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Fuck off nigga don't make me get rowdy swear on my timbs
Well just one isn't important enough to be a country, but the two of them just manage
never claimed not to be a virgin, virgin


do we have to go through this again
australia and africa
which one is it?
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>hello nigger
you are rightful serb clay
Mate it's Indians and Chinese, not Africans
>bad jaw
>manlet(with a bunch of fat, reddit-tier nu-male bearded manlets behind him)

not a very convincing picture sweetie xxx
poor post for the most part, im afraid
Why is it called the English Longbow then? You just had the best longbowmen

" Although generally attributed to the Welsh, longbows have in fact been around at least since Neolithic times: one made of yew and wrapped in leather was found in Somerset in 1961. It is thought that even earlier finds have been uncovered in Scandinavia."
care not one iota about your irrelevant little dump
David Attenborough should do an Asia series
Business idea: fashion a large fidget spinner from midgets and call it a midget spinner.
Damage control
but you replied to be honest
>one made of yew and wrapped in leather was found in Somerset in 1961

nice to see the west country advancing into the bronze age
maacas again for dinner...
when you think about it, the welsh are the true english
Business idea: offer sterilization services for free for white males
a fucking r*ach
much like how if I step in dog shit I have to wipe it on the kerb, I have to drive home the point that your entire existence is an irrelevant speck in today's world
it's ten in the morning you braindead aussie
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very sad post
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>white supremacists are ug-
shiet wheres the sun
whoa we spell it completely differently. had no idea
sad only for you because I've highlighted how irrelevant both your country, and by extension, you are
why is this ang*o still replying me? going to barf I think

Stop poorly shitposting and give your land back to Srbija, you autistic v62 maplestory playin ass furry jerkin ass warped snake-eyed lookin ass naruto fanfiction writin ass reddit ass muzzy ass welfare usin ass porch monkey ass lazy ass 2003 laptop usin ass "genocide" blamin ass land stealin ass literally doin nothin for the world ass doodoo butthole ass nigga
Business idea: invent a game similar to cornhole but instead of a bean bag you use a midget.
lmao, utter state of this guy
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chip in burger
fat bastard
you've already done it without consulting us first so don't much see the point of your post
>white supremacists are ug-

post your own face instead
I'm not gay and I've only been with women, but I would absolutely love to be with a gorgeous transgender girl. Wouldn't fuck a man though
>well I mean you can come
>actually you should totally come my friend isn't here
>I mean you don't have to come haha I'm just being silly but, yeah
>(welcome to)
u gay!
they go in sundaes
They would if y'all had Wendy's over here
nice proxy bruce
you look a bit jewish
you in Australia?
lmao this hair and facial hair, the absolute STATE
I did an ancestrydna and have 5 percent Jewish DNA, proud of it
do you unironically say y'all
Post your face then "chad"
you can actually get people to pay you to kill them

see: cigarettes
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I'm not enough of a fuckboy to post my face on the british subreddit of a tanzanian dating dashboard
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Te absolute state of all of the United Kingdom and Australia

the absolute state of that post
lol pussy
it was snowing in canberra today

fucking insanity
It's Sunday

Am I doing it right?
No reason not to, no one is going to see your actual face if you block parts of it out.
Sounds like you aren't confident
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Literally cannot wait to get in the office monday. So many delusional twats, proper knobheads, thought that rorke would beat mayweather. Fucking brainlet reddit cunts.
Going to have the biggest grin on my face.
waste of time praying to thin air
*knocks down all your churches and builds car parks and mosques in their place*
wish i had put money on mayweather winning
don't believe in nonexistent skyfairies
Were you dumb enough to bet on McGregor?
It was 6 in the morning.
Shame about the rest of Gloster.
Ninjas ninjas pushing prams errywhere
wish the soviets had won the cold war
not impressed with you homing in on my gimmick
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What's the matter little yank? You reek of filthy Kraut DNA.
no i just never bet on any sports

but i had a good feeling that mayweather would heem that mick

oh well muh hindsight
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>god isn't real
neither are atheist civilisations
communist australia sounds stupid. it was never meant to be
Christianity invented schools and universities. You wouldn't be able to read or write if it didn't happen
hello nigger
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>Christianity invented schools and universities
>You wouldn't be able to read or write if it didn't happen
hate this mentality
very dumb
the premier league games are forgone conclusions today
He's objectively correct
I am now 100% Google-free

except Youtube, there's really no getting past that one
christianity literally invented morals
ah yes I'm sure the romans and greeks or the chinese never had formal education before jesus came along and got crucified
>I am now 100% Google-free
>except for Google of course, can't avoid using that

You're an ideiot
Getting the drinks in early
*the Catholic Church did
>having an apple phone
burp god isn't real morty
*sings kevinabstract-american boyfriend*
Acoustics are insane in the cathedral
A kids choir was singing one afternoon.
I was tearing up like a pussy walking through
you can install a new OS on your phone besides Android
that show doesn't even mention religion just some casual nihlism
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>atheism invented anything
Not mandatory school
its very easy to become google free 2bh

haven't required google since moving to duckduckgo
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>athiest civilisation
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Why do people even bother attacking trump anymore?

Heil kek
no good ones
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Whom was he >>78762154 directing his own post at? >>78762136 >>78762138
they didn't

en oh en see ee
when did paddies get so leftarded
Nice false flag trying to label trump supporters as kek dead memers. /pol/ hates that shit now
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
YHWH just appeared to them in different forms
its very easy to become god free 2bh
Been edgin for 2 fucking hours
It started in the 90's and progressed at an accelerated rate.

We're probably tier-2 after places like Sweden and Britain.
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They always have been
been using duckduckgo

Why is it a nonce search engine?

I thought it was just google without all the spying on users?
small brain: not believing in god or the afterlife
normal brain: believing in god and the afterlife
large brain: believing in god but not the afterlife
ascended brain: believing in the afterlife but not god
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>micks love communists and muslims
the absolute state
only someone with something to hide would worry about targeted advertising
according to statists any action you take that encourages privacy could only be done to hide your illegal activities from due justice, aka the government watching every single thing you do 24/7
Duckduckgo is jewish
use this

It's relys googles information to their servers so it tracks them not you.
It's google without the tracking
>all the leftypol retards doing damage control
can i get a you
being paranoid about googles data collecting means you're up to no good
google is a private company retard
Yes but I'm honestly tryna get myself to stop. I need to assimilate like a gud boi.
had a curry last night and woke up to my bedroom reeking of it

don't see the appeal of it desu
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
gf's been cleaning up shitstained bedsheets for the past few hours now
can i get a you then
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commie spurdo.jpg
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Nice cuck mentality. What if you're looking up racist things and don't want to be on a list?
ideal gf
Replicant though
she the one that shit the bed?
Google the post you just made.
why are you looking up racist things?
you're not racist are you?
that seems like you're up to no good
lads can i get a you
Sure thing
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>concerned about being put on a list
if you are on this website you are already on a list
Le roi des fagots
I don't use google because I'm not a cuck
I use linux I'm defo not on a list
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83KB, 500x549px
>GNU/Linux OS
>cold showers
>Classic Thinkpad with blue enter key and red nipple
time to exchange her for a newer model
Don't remember anything lads

Talking to sersh ronans m8 though lel

kept trying to get her to ring her
of the smartest, most patrician people in the world x
>It's google without the tracking
I fell for thailad's meme about this engine and it's shite
it somehow gives worse results than google, not the same
use this
I don't have that screenshot of that one anime where someone says "Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well." but just imagine I attached it to my post to show that I too share these tastes and believe they are phenomenal.
Thread posts: 330
Thread images: 48

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