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مينا/ - الخيط العربي/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 387
Thread images: 116

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>>78653256 قديم
هههههههه منو هاد الي فالصورة مال البوست؟ أنت؟
نعم :)D))
انا في الخلف مع امك xDDDDDD
their murders and subjugation used to be simple things noone would blame you for, for so many centuries. If only our medieval lords had the clairvoyance to gather enough effort to anihilate all of them while the moral century was still sane...
I somehow curse the anglos for enslaving them and turning them into the first floor martyrs of the global suffering. The KKK was the pathetic last convulsions of regret that come just before the death. Realizing too late the mistake of their forefathers they sought to neutralize the horrifying consequences.
please if you are a nigger and read this, murder your whole family of seventeen siblings and the demonically fecund ovaries of your whore mother that cursed the land
بس أنا مب لبناني نفسك
ياخي حطلك tripcode أو إسم عشان أفلترك
خسي يا ولد القحبة المغربية عالاقل الخوال ينيجو بناتكن مب نفسك ما تقدر تنيج حتى أختك
« Quand des pays ont encore sept à huit enfants par femme, vous pouvez décider d’y dépenser des milliards d’euros, vous ne stabiliserez rien. »
please do not make these words empty and do something you granny fucker
hon hon je suis baguette mon anus is le croissant algerian je mappelle nigger
سير أزق يا أبن القحاب تكلم الفرنسية في المواقع الي داروها لطيزك
to see so much absurd empathy caused by pop culture into the silly teenager's mind is saddening.
this thread is shit, people won't find it
come here
او شيت هيدا مكتب التجنيد؟
leave my arab thread you evil romanian rascal
إدارة البعثات
لازم اجي هنا اثبت اني في جامعة برا عشان اروح التجنيد و يدوني تصريح سفر
في التجنيد ممنوع تدخل بموبايل أصلاً
آه العفو
يعني مش رايح على عسكر؟
و اذا نعم ادّي رح يروح عليك سنين دراسة اذا رحت تجنيد؟
niggers get out of my thread
abomination racemixed speshul snowflakes kys yourself out of my thread
dirty indian poo golems get out of my thread
clinically insane chink get out of my thread
idiots of the political conflict get out of my thread
Chechens friends are welcome to my thread
Sicilians are welcome to stay
Afghans can come say hello
Uzbeks are allowed to enjoy peaceful conversation
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انا زعيم الخيط
Kyfs threadleader dumb Rebeu scum I hope your dad makes you trans and sells you to mamadou as a personal beurette
in real life you would cry
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I share and respect your pain of war my Chechens friends,
tell me about les fameuses beurettes maroccaines.
أنا رايح دلوقتي التجنيد خلاص، الـ final boss
لو ما كنتش عرفت اعمل المشوار ده كان هيتقبض عليا في المطار و اتجند سنتين
But not today, Sisi. Not today.
They are property of blacks.
Thread leader probably had his gf leave him for a black and now he tries to find a way to show his insecurities.
what is funny is you try to offend me so hard with cuck humor while in real life you would cry. How atrophied your brain must be for the first thing to cross your mind is cuck nonsense when you are upset ? you failed and need to reexamine the state of your life you fucking noob. I know this benevolent tone from your leader will not wake you up, but still I try
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Hahahaha cuck Marrochien.
Philippe Servaty should've completed his job.
تجنبت الخطر يعني خيّي
الله سترك <٤
fucking hot
you know what is worrying ? it's to feel entitled to the women of a whole country because you share the same nationality, and get genuinely offended over them not all going for you. How can you sleep at night while being so stupid. Your conscience must be restless and in pain.
why did you dodge the question ?
i asked you very politely
btw انا زعيم الخيط
you are the one angry here, deploying so much effort into google searching these pictures and forcing this nonsense. What a curse it is to be racemixed
the unholy hybrid children of ganguros and snookie with identity politics hell sprinkled on top
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>In one thread he insults race-mixed people and calls them dumb
>In the other he is okay with race mixing
tn/algg.. I
anyway to my Chechens friends I perfectly understand if you do not want to post here.
الحمد للراعي
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>Cاn3ts1nzZ 4\rE لe bAs000d ahd UUaYt
kys yourself
you are beyond retarded and incapble of reading, I do not believe you when you claim to go to school. racemixing produce the worst pieces of shit such as you and that nigger above you. I condemn it. But to feel angry over women of your country not fucking you is the sign of a mental deficiency. Which you have
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Me over you.png
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>White Kabyle + White Maltese = Racemixing
Wow awesome knowledge there Cyril
nik dirabek
chechens don't post here because they hate arabs
the only ones who do are hardline islamists/ummah rpgers
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>ummah rpgers
new run idea unlocked
grazie labianon
you realize you're giving me what I what I want by monitoring every single of my post with bitter resentment and memorizing their content to load your antagonistic insecure butthurt shitposting ? Like wow you go through all this work convinced you're getting the weapons to confront me or whatever because your feelings got hurt over the bad things I said about your kind. I've been the reason and the goal of your last actions, do you realize that ?
you must be in love with me
I'm picturing how you are about to collapse now
kill yourself attentionwhore cancerous mestizo piece of shit. Your curly nigger hairs explain why you're upset I guess
jesus christ this just earned you the death penalty
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L0L ZOMG you must be fun at le parteys
and here we go with the nonsense again
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>There are people out there in the world who care more than enough about you to write more than one sentence about you.
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
If you see me you'll understand, I have everything
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Seems like that everything doesn't include anger management pills
you are a woefully grotesque moron and a depraved coma-inducing black hole of soul-destroying, coma-inducing dullness
you are a piteously incompetent sphincter and a hopeless all-befouling abomination to all the senses
you are an unconscionably decadent ruffian and a petty soul-destroying cesspool of putrid effluvium
i bet thread leader/tn algg/cyril has very thin and supple love handles
would love to gouge his asshole while holding him down with my big hands as he scolds me
oh yes one word waifu posts all day is more like the mindset of the place amirite ? three lines of text on a discussion website is paranormal huh .

meh I've toyed with your sensitive spots long enough. I'll just leave you here wasted and delirious
lol @ u
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Check the website you are on again, it's an anime website. stay mad inbred Atlas Marrochien
I know all of them in my city shut your whore shut-in neet cuck nigger mouth you delusional bitter piece of shit. You know absolutely nothing leave your room maybe
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now that's some gutter shit fanart
hello filthy peasants
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>pic related
you realize you're giving me what I what I want by monitoring every single of my post with bitter resentment and memorizing their content to load your antagonistic insecure butthurt shitposting ? Like wow you go through all this work convinced you're getting the weapons to confront me or whatever because your feelings got hurt over the bad things I said about your kind. I've been the reason and the goal of your last actions, do you realize that ?
you must be in love with me
I'm picturing how you are about to collapse now
kill yourself attentionwhore cancerous mestizo piece of shit. Your curly nigger hairs explain why you're upset I guess
>hey we are all worthless sacks of shit beyond hope here, we outnumber you amirite.?

very original reply btw you hiveminded cuck
fuck off stop posting kaiji
you're so shaken it's hilarious, keep going silly subhuman
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>can't differentiate Kaiji from Akagi
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damcing mickey mouse.gif
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+Le Thr34D (Le)4I>er 0f D00nn
kill yourself attentionwhore cancerous mestizo piece of shit.
how many picture of kaiji you posted so far
akagi is shit btw kys
Why is there 2 MENA threads? Which one do I post in?
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>akagi is shit btw
I really wish you didn't post Fukumoto's art you stupid piece of shit. If you think you can identify with his characters struggle and hardship you are a deluded nigger. It is about the struggle of lower class white collar lone men fighting for survival in the modern world. A shut in retard has no legitimacy whatsoever to enjoy his works and feel analogy to the tragedy of the heroes. The most intense effort of your day is masturbating to a trans nigger. Delete your folders kill yourself and stick to magical girls
إزالة سعود إزالة سعود
انت أسوأ ناشر. انت الغبي احمق كنت رائحة السعودي. عد إلى الصحراء. إلى الكلاب الوهابيين يمكنك ان تأتي الى خيطنا. يمكنك ان تعيش في حديقة الحيوان ... .ههههههه، سعودي ونحن لن نعفوك ابداً. كلب وهابي نكاح ولكن اللعنة الأحمق السعودي ... إبادة الجماعية السعوديين أفضل يوم من حياتي. تأخذ حمام من السعودي الميت .. أهاهاهاهسعودي نحن سوف نحصل عليك!! لا ننسى اليمن .سعودي نحن نقتل الملك، السعوديين العودة إلى الصحراء الثمينة الخاصة بك ... .هاءهاءهاءهاءهاء أحمق سعودي رائحة سيئة للغاية .. وانا يمكننني أشم تلك الرائحة. إزالة السعوديين من الجوائز.
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shut up nerd
oh mon dieu pourquoi les beurettes sont oranges???
Hello, Cyreddit
The other one my diaspora friend
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the other one is r/islam and diaspo cancer
it takes ten minutes to get a location form a steam account, just letting you know. Even if you shit your pants and delete it. I still can trace you back. Just letting you know out of the blues
shut up nerd
Elles aiment être noir
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>diaspo cancer
I guess I'l go post on the other one then.
ok enough, flight is booked for september, Shut your door and windows
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>iron numale
>watching 3ddp
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Come to Sharjah too, I have a room for us two.
where did you get this picture ? oh right you stole it you filthy piece of shit
no you can stay as long as we have polite and constructive discussion that don't involve politics, religion, or cancerous muh glorious empire map wewuzzery
how much time did that take do you have no life
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>3 D D P
halt right there criminal scum
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>we have polite and constructive discussion
Is that what's happening in this thread? Can we comfypost?
quel dommage
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>Can we comfypost?
no eurobeat
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le reddit meet up
yes it took time away from my wife and kids to copy the pasta and translate it on qooqle after replacing kebab with saud with a few original alterations to make this all possible. i would like to dedicate this to my squad for being there for me in the duration of the tedious process. woww, goodness.....i spent my entire life on this :(
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i am angry.png
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I am angry...
Angry about elves.
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Having a bit of a kek
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Sure I can do that.
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beep beep.jpg
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تحية طيبة. ما الذي يجري في هذا الموضوع؟
غووغل ترانزلايت غيت أوت
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google translate.jpg
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Seems to not working properly.
good job m8 at least you didn't half ass it that's some quality shit posting
الشكر :٤
>tfw race mixed special snowflake
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can rel8
>Father's hair
gg allin/10
الشكر :ع
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muh huritage.png
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>Tfw hilali
لا شكر على واجب
لديه اسلاف غير هلاليّين<
my sincerest expressions of solace
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سلفي :))
الشكر :غ
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>victim complex victim complex victim complex
>I feel inferior and insecure because of my odd complex, and lash out at the people I view as superior as if it were their fault I am a racemixed piece of shit whoreson
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subhuman w*tes
*dabs upon you*
Are you okay, tripshit attentionwhore faggotcunt? Do you need to take a break from posting and calm down? I understand you feel like other people lnot being a walking aberration born of a prostitute's lust for dogs is a personal attack of some kind, but that's just you hurting yourself
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*dabs upon you*
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>these fine ladies and gents probably have better conversational and social skills than me
Imagine being racemixed piece of shit and try to save your ego by rubbing it on everyone's face like it is some sort of exceptional attribute making you special when in facts it only puts your misery in display.
Nico nico SIKE
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Thread leader holding the camera
and what do you have against me ? fucking nothing, your only move is to resort to the boards counter culture of self righteous stupidity as if willingly making a fool of yourself makes you win the argument. le cucked le blacked le I am whiter than u and now cancerous anime spam posting and rp autism. the only harm you're doing is to yourself
I am in disbelief honestly, but at the same time it's far too entertaining to stop
I'm jealous of Lebs for being from a liberal Arabic speaking country
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Point out a flaw
honestly this is the only redeemable thing about this cesspit
key word: the only
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error : post too long
What makes Lebanon a shithole if it has so little in common with the rest of the Arab world?
its inhabitants
dude landfills everywhere lmao
shittiest infrastructure in ME (just above yemen)
the gubmint
just to name a few
Death to Sakuya
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try it homo
Racemixed teenager special snowflake
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laughter stops.jpg
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>shittiest infrastructure in ME (just above yemen)
>(just above yemen)
>shittiest infrastructure in ME
labia has the best infrastructure in all of mena, excluding the goatfucker petrostates obviously
this is the product of corruption+mountainous terrain with a tad of 15 year old civil war
>poorocco higher than tunisia and 90% of south america
I call bullshit
I am gay
cry more f*rst worlder
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first worlders don't get rabies from gangbanging donkeys and groping retarded moustachas
how did you locate this thread godammit
Berbers invented electricity
Berbers discovered the Outer Space
I can name more to show how pathetic Arabs arr trying to steal our culture
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>This is what Arabs invented

الامازيغ البربر الخرخر لاعقل ولا دين ولا اخلاق ولا جمال ولا تاريخ ولا نسب مجرد نكرة لا شيء ويقارنون نفسهم باسيادهم العرب
fuck off arian piggo
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>tfq i sit next to an arab
>his city has ayraps
Shut up french slave you have no word with us the patriots
Butthurt m**r
izem lost his meds it seems
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Arab food is delish
pic related
Btw our history dates backbefore sumerians atleast not like your history that is based on sniffing sand blunts and fucking goats with rock maded buttplugs
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the other poster is not me
You mean goat penis inside a bread? No thanks
I called the LAS to look for you ^^
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forgot pic
حبوا بعض
its not your cities and major highways have much better infrastructure than ours , your countryside is whats keeping you down
anyone has that meme were the maghrebi pepe shows the demographics of france
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the only somewhat presentable tarmac in all of this shithole is the coastal stretch between C*sa and Rabat, but that's not enough to rank us higher than argentina and brazil or a smaller more condensed country like tunis
>your countryside is what's keeping you down
so 80% of our roads ?
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nice digits
tunisia looks really meh actually compared to morocco , google street is available in our coastal areas , go check it . Most of our interstate roads look like this
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and all the other facilites are SSA-tier horrible, pic rel elementary classroom from the second biggest 'city' in this forsaken piece of land
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autoroutes linking main cities are better than those linking villages
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Fucking finally.
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>His country has infrastructure
Lmaoing at you, tourist traps
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better than our schools
falling after a bit of rain
Pass your school? Congrats buddy!
nah he's bailing out of conscription to go study in estonia
Better, I got permission to leave Egypt.
why do you use this kind of numbers you can read them?
>be an arap speaking country
>use indian numbers instead of arapic numbers
>mfw found videos and pics of my elementary school
super nostalgic and cute
our autoroute from sousse tot unis is the only good road we have
All the national interstate routes are shit and the highway between sfax and sousse is meh
You need permission to leave Egypt?
sousse tunis tunis bizerte
also sousse kairouan is the worst and the most deadly
it feels good that i was born in the state of education . its the only good thing about this shithole, My school was super comfy
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It's not any better than tifinagh numbers
I can read them, yeah, but they aren't intuitive to me. The older generation (including all government) uses them most of the time so you have to understand them.

Because I'm a male of conscription age who hasn't served yet, I have to get permission every time I want to leave the country for any reason
Army needs its supply of Mamluks
yeah sousse kairawane is pretty bad , sfax mahdia is very bad too , its full of those artifical bumps built by people and with no warning sign
rate my middle school ;(
that video is cringy
why young ugly children speaking english
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lycee st augustin.jpg
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Pic related was the cucktholic school I went to.
Hello grandpa
if i could've learnt them you can learn them too fuck off
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thats a high school m8 . is it public or pirvate ?
>being this cucked
french should be totally removed from tunisia and replaced with english also nothing wrong with 6th graders practicing english so they dont grow up with disgusting accents.
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high school
nah no private high schools yet
maybe one private elementary school here
french sounds better 2bqh
also english reminds me of gulfie pigs
>French sounds better
No it doesn't lol, English is more convenient.
Also pretty original of you to insult the successful Gulfies, stay jelly Makhrebi scum.
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>french sounds better 2bqh
i mean to quote >>78680454 the ain drahmi school was obviouslya public shithole
romance language >>>>>>>>>>>>ugly germanic language
It's called highschool, but it has all grades because our gov. can't afford to build more.
so its public , looks very nice .My high school looks very meh because its a clusterfuck and used to be a wa9f
Yeah it's public, thus free.
We barely have private schools outside of Algiers.
There were some Muslim students there but they didn't take theology and instead took Islamic.
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I will rape izem
I will cum on his hair and obliterate his butthole
tfw born in 15 november
good date , my high schoool was unironically not bad for me , i got bullied much more in the college pilot than in high school.
why were you bullied?
i've never been bullied in my life even tho i was an outcast
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>Not being a normie in school life
>bullied in college
Do you go to university for autistic children or something?
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they think college mean university
college is middle school kurd tard
I don't understand how the hell can you be bullied in college, it isn't structured like school so the only things you can do is either make friends or not.
college is high school in makhreb
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He's in fucking USA you retard.
Dw I'm a shithead now and most normie aspects are boiled away from me.
In the US college = university
In Europe college = senior years of high school before university
Stupid brainlet retaking a year at university
I was very immature , i fought with girls verbally in the middle of classes , i called some girl ugly even tho i was ugly as fuck especially in middle school , my mom chose clothes for me and they were pretty retarded choices and they were american shit ( baggy jeans , tall t-shirts ) , i said alot of retarded shit , told my mom that some of my friends swear alot so she went and told a teacher about it , i had a retarded agenda where i talked about my friends and they found it , my parents didnt give me alot of money so i was pretty greedy . In 8th grades thing got even worse , they made a whole song called tamsou7 about me where they made fun about how i speak and act . In 9th grade , i moved to another class and i was actually sorta liked because i learned my lesson.
>In Europe college = senior years of high school before university
not quite, mostly it's an institution of higher education without university status
college means middle school in french . college pilot means elite school , you need good grades to go it (pic related )
i lived in poonisia for 13 years
english<>frnech you retard
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>my mom chose clothes for me and they were pretty retarded choices and they were american shit ( baggy jeans , tall t-shirts )
Which is why I support uniform.
Pic related was identical to my school's uniform. (Catholic and Islamic schools required uniforms)
>No single Ait/Ath/At in the class
Mines had like 40% Aits
we wear des tabliers in elementary school but thats it , uniforms are too hot for Tunisian summers
what does that mean ?
It's a common thing used in Berber surnames that means "offspring of", examples like this:
Moloud Ait Zmenzar
Sarah Ath Vagnen
Idir at yelitin
there are some burbur family names like zwari and swisi but you can see they are arabified
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>ena masri wa ena ba7ab sbeking bel englizi . el accent beta3i momtaza gedan , blease dount make fun of iiit.
why so many Egyptans want to fled Egypt and goto USA?
Tunisian is so cute
it's very rare in tunisia
not using
kys cuck
Egypt is a huge shithole and there's no future here.
Don't you want to leave Russia for similar reasons?
this is you
tijani funny name i like them like hada mzoughiya joubba daw
ferjani is a goat name too
ferjani sassi iwaza33333333
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delet this
>Tunisia is the worst korea of mena
not surprised
sfaxiya jboura
أفاد الناطق الرسمي باسم محاكم صفاقس، مراد التركي، ، اليوم الخميس، أن حادثة إطلاق النار جدت مساء أمس الأربعاء، خلال حفل زفاف بمنطقة العامرة التابعة لولاية صفاقس، وأسفرت عن إصابة 12 جريحا تم الاحتفاظ باثنين منهم بالمستشفى الجامعي الحبيب بورقيبة تحت المراقبة الطبية.

وأضاف ذات المصدر في تصريح لمراسلة (وات) بالجهة أن الجاني، والمتحصن حاليا بالفرار، هو مواطن تونسي يعمل بالخارج وقد حضر حفل زفاف بمنزل أصهاره الكائن بمنطقة العامرة صحبة ابنته التي تعرضت للمضايقة من قبل بعض الشبان الحاضرين، مما دفعه إلى جلب سلاح ناري عيار 12 غير حامل لرخصة وقام بإصابة 6 أشخاص من الشبان المذكورين بأعيرة نارية والمتمثلة في “الرش”، وفق تعبيره.

وأوضح أن الطلق الناري أدى الى إصابة المتضررين في أماكن مختلفة بأجسادهم، إلى جانب إصابة شخص منهم أسفل جسده، مشيرا إلى أنه تم على إثر الحادثة نقل جميع المصابين للمستشفى الجامعي الحبيب بورقيبة بصفاقس لتلقي الإسعافات اللازمة، على حد قوله.

وذكر الناطق الرسمي باسم محاكم صفاقس ان وكيل الجمهورية بصفاقس 1 قد أذن لفرقة الأبحاث والتفتيش التابعة لمنطقة الحرس الوطني بجبنيانة بإجراء الأبحاث في الموضوع وإصدار برقية تفتيش ضد المظنون فيه باعتباره بحالة فرار حاليا .
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I will be there tomorrow
come irl
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join this for real MENA discord :)))
Liberal??? how???
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tfw kabylie isn't white
was the whole thing just a meme
>going to estonia
your going to rape and destroy everythin arent you lol...
>real mena discord
Fuck off you're not even a regular
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I am now :))))
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For the rest of MENA, it's literally a liberal haven
Egyptian Christian man - Muslim woman couples who couldn't legally marry here would go there to get married
you are the estonia dude form back then?
how is life senpai
It's breddy gud, I'm leaving this Sunday, from then on I will be shitposting under the banner of the Estonian republic
Are you the guy who was getting conscripted?
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>armenia not on list
Its weird....

I thought you would mean gaytheism lol. Does those mixes happen a lot?
>Are you the guy who was getting conscripted?
fortunately no, i actually haven't been here for a while so i don't really know any other Egyptian.
good luck in Estonia.
Of course there eternal m**r would behind such an insidious post

Not very often as far as we know, but they're looked down on here so they don't receive much coverage anyway.

ده كان واحد لسه مخلص جامعة و جاله شغل في ألمانيا و كان خلاص هيسافر الأسبوع الجاي، بس جاله جواب التجنيد و هيروح يقعد سنة يتشمس في الداخلة.
كسم مصر.
Is coptic christanity very exclusive or can a foreign christian marry a coptic girl/vice versa?
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It's not that autistic as far as I know
The restriction I mentioned earlier is because in Islam a Muslim girl is not allowed to get married to a non Muslim man (but the other way around is OK)
oh, thank you for explaining. honor killings happen tho right?
how is this appealing to you ?
Only in lawless areas, ie about 60% of Egypt including the majority of the countryside.
The police doesn't ignore this kind of stuff as far as I know.
get a load of this numale that can't appreciate r i f f s
hi guys

I met this syrian guy and he's doing some weird things, like pinching my belly in a playful mood. Also giving me a weird look. Is he gay? He talks all day about how Sunni is the actual Islam and how cool was the Rashidun Caliphate.

Since I'm an autist I don't know if this is normal.
don't mind him homoeroticism is ingrained into our DNA
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>I met this syrian guy and he's doing some weird things, like pinching my belly in a playful mood. Also giving me a weird look. Is he gay? He talks all day about how Sunni is the actual Islam and how cool was the Rashidun Caliphate.

>those are riffs
>made by suicidal neckbeards
Of course :)))) its normal in syrian culture
I've read some history of the middle east and you guys always had some sort of liberal attitude towards sexuality even when Islam came. I mean, men dance with men, some of the kiss, etc.
It's all really weird man, it's making me uncomfortable. He also talks this girl who he almost fell in love, but was christian so a shitstorm would happen in his family despite the fact that muslims can marry christians.
>wahh im a kebab removing christnigger that can't enjoy passionate music because the album cover art hurt my feefees
Memes aside, Arabs do this stuff a lot of the time without meaning to seem gay. Personal space/touch barriers between Arab men are kind of similar to those between young Amer*can women; there is can be a lot of no homo hand holding or cheek/Eskimo kissing (acceptability varies by region).
For the Muslim/Christian thing, I guess some families would just rather avoid the pain in the ass that can come from accepting a person with a different value set into their family.
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we are followers of maatoub (pbuh) here mu*lims and cucktheist >>>/out/
Was she white or orthodox arab?
Its gay and sounds cringe. Idk why you ppl like it so much, i have seen other ayrabs like that shit also. Not even manly..
I groped the ass of almost every male classmate I had, if that helps clear things up
no its not
now be quiet
do sandniggers not get lynched there?
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That's just flat out undeniably homosexual.
not a argument...
Oh well, thanks for clearing it up dude. I was worrying about it.
>Was she white or orthodox arab?
A colombian girl he met in Germany, so catholic.
I think that's way too gay. Didn't know how you guys can even be more liberal with sexuality than fucking berliners.
it almost always degenerated into shit like this
yes it is
now be quiet
alright what the fuck man

Joking is fine but that is way too much.
Its just a show of friendship.
get out of my thread piece of shit
it's good to swing both ways, even if just ironically
This is what happens when you take your sons to a boys school.

Of course not, there are strict anti lynching laws
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بس يا ابني
Same in romania and greece.....the people who lynched africans there didnt care lol
mashi shukran
has the sedative worn off again izem ?
Memes aside though, it's pretty safe. And because I'm from Egypt I have a sense of when it's necessary to keep a light step and a hand on my belt buckle. So far it's never been needed there.
yeah you will probably be ok if you dont act like a typical nigger from america. only some stares i would guess but i dk
listen here ok, I suggest you shut the fuck up and get your stupid ass out of here and don't come back you hear me ? dipshit
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why do armenians think they can come here and claim supremacy?
do they really want me to unleash the shartmenian folder ?
Post more :))))
>you will probably be ok if you dont act like a typical nigger from america.
I'm actually actively thinking about how to not act like a nigger most of the time in public, believe it or not.
My roommate/neighbors were Nigerians for a while so I'm especially hostile against that behavior set

>only some stares
Yup, I could tell that Estonians aren't used to seeing darkies at all
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believe me i have nothing against your people
but sometimes they can get really pretentious and force my hand
Daily reminder to join :))))
do you know any in lebanon?
Thats good at least
Yeah it is really homogenous, only some churkas live there but no others like that.
The gif was better
plenty of good armen friends
for some reason they're all good in basketball
plus they're super smart
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I have always wondered...are they ok with arabic o do they speak armenian at home?
I heard our basketball players are good also, a lot of soviet and ottoman science stuff was made by armenians so....
unbelievable just un-fucking-believable. I did this to exhaustion already. You're the least original retard here in all seriousness. You steal all my pics, steal all my posts and all my fun gimmicks to get the thread going. This is pitoyable
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if you're gonna crash the (You) economy you might as well give me 20 (Inta)s
how old are you honestly
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>the unsearchable mena thread is hitting the bump limit faster than reza's thread
they speak pretty broken arabic yeah, this actually gave birth to the expression "int armani" when someone speaks arabic poorly
but i definitely prefer being around them than l*bs
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I would guess so...arabic is rly hard and they seem to be in exclusive communities
lebs? arent you a leb?
it's just the 4 of us and westerners attracted by the sandrunes OP
lebs here are fucking cunts
all the decent ones left to america and left us with the scum
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enver pasha was a cock sucking failure :)))
It seems full of ok ppl tho, modern for the region...what are they like?
Opininions on مشروع ليلى ?
cocky and flamboyant
gay garbage
Are leb sunnis mostly nationalists that hate syria or are they islamists that want to be annexed into it (if not for assad)? Are shia worse?

There's 50.000 armenians in turkey, even of just albanians there's millions in turkey, I mean I guess it depends on what you view as positive and success?
tfw no mascara overusing GF

do you know this feel
you arent like that right?
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albanian-turks are settled and they imported many in ottoman times.
50k is more than i would imagine lol. We still got independence and won against azergayjan.
Just see this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_War they had israel supporting them and many foreigners while we had so little.
I wish your mother is dead do you hear me ? >>78694519
sunniggers hate syria because of assad
they prefer palestine over their own country lmao
shias can be pretty secular on the other hand
don't you have a rezan mena thread to infest you roach
I don't ask for your opinions, shut your mouth be quiet fuck off ok good bye trash you're trash fuck you
Dude do you know how much close to 1.5 million people gone in fucking 1915 is? you cant even comprehend it. Think how many people that would be today. I actually don't have a problem with armenians i'm just trying to get a reaction. Just give turks shit instead of azerbaijanis they didnt do shit, we're the ones that fucked you in the ass. just pass through georgia and colonize the eastern border areas in turkey or some shit.
but why do shias spread their ass to nasrallah and khomeini/khamenei then? shias are overall better but fucking ayatollahs man they need to be sent to the desert and shot
I see what you mean i guess. Azeris took loads of land from us and colonized them.
The turkish military is undoubtably massive, sometime later in our existence we could try maybe.
Azergayjan is a bigger threat atm and fights on the border.
Not really jealous,this place is shit and has taken away my opportunities but still better than a cuck country that was raped by fucking Syria.
Bonus point : you don't really know what they are and that's why they annoy everybody on this board
>claim to be rightful druze/shia/sunni/Christian/phonecian

خلاص يا جماعه،انا كده رايح على الدخله.
ههههههههههه انا حاسس ان حياتي اتناكت كس أم كده

No buddy they don't happen in the delta and upper egypt.
More likely and often to happen with beduin subhumans
Nah not really armenian history would be zero as in none if it wasn't for western armenia and modern armenia, those eastern parts are useless. I mean obviously with a vulnerable neighbour after soviets fell it's the only option but in general you should focus on subverting and colonizing those areas in eastern turkey, kars, ardahan, ığdır (ararat area) they are standing completely empty. The government wont do shit cause they will say enver was an evil secularist who toppled the islamist sultan. not talking a conventional war forget that
>be Ar*enian
>rebel against ottoman daddy
>flee to egypt
>1948 comes
>you don't have to fight because it's not your conflict they say
>suez crisis
>nasser says you have to fight since its a people's war
>arrive at most crucial battle site in port said
>side with baguette and eternal Anglo against egypt
>get mad when people hate you

Wish the turks had used gas
Yerevan has been inhabited for 2000+ years and the area has 3 million people or something
but you are probably right. we should annex Artsakh as well, its just a puppet state of us.

But yes, after azeris are out of the picture we would/should start colonizing far east turkey again. Its not like they give turkey anything afaik.
what happened ? give me a rundown on this.
They are still doing better than us in every metric, m8.

إفردها يا عم، إن شاء رع تتحط في شغلانة يعمل لك خبرة، و بغض النظر عن اللي هيحصل انت هتطلع و تقدر تشتغل برضه عادي، العالم كله محتاج مهندسين (إلا مصر).

>honor killings
Didn't know that, thanks. Although it'd make lots of sense.
tfw you come from the highest civilization on earth and people in your country self-hate.

You need to revive the nation of Egypt, eradicate bedouins and make the egyptian language (coptic or the older ones, either) official and stamp out arabic (even though masri sounds nice desu) and then bring back the ancient Egyptian religion but focus only on muslims until you are almost there, then you can talk about christians. Then you will bring back the pharaoh to rule the Egyptian fatherland.
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>You need to revive the nation of Egypt, eradicate bedouins and make the egyptian language (coptic or the older ones, either) official and stamp out arabic (even though masri sounds nice desu) and then bring back the ancient Egyptian religion but focus only on muslims until you are almost there, then you can talk about christians. Then you will bring back the pharaoh to rule the Egyptian fatherland.
Nothing much to be said,after the Armenian genocide a lot of Armenians settled in upper egypt (especially in assiut and menia: my Christian friends say there are some deities buried there the Armenians strangely respect) because it wasn't too far considering every other place close was shit.
So in 1948 we didn't force them into the army,as the king faruq saw it as a "conflict of arabs" and as such they shouldn't be forced to die in a conflict they aren't involved in.
But In the suez crisis the army was in a very tight spot with France and UK raiding and shelling port said and israel invading suez,so nasser drafted most males (including Armenians ofc) and sent them to port said.
After around 2 days of shelling,an all Armenian battalion compromising most Armenians on the battlefield, mutinied.the battalion was tasked with defending a very important costal defense line.
They surrendered and Handed over their line to the french who used it as a base of operations.
fuck off moroccan, even bedouins are superior to your half nigger country, let alone kabyles.

Hang this picture on your wall and pray to it five times a day
In a few generations hopefully we will have a euphoric Egyptian population that will uncuck itself from Arabic influence and embrace a unique Egyptian identity. I'm in favor of keeping modern Egyptian however, since we already have it.

t. محمد ابو عرب الهلالي
do they have a hawk beak shaped nose and wear jewelry ?
Can i have a wikipedia article or something?
That sounds 100% non armenian....i assure you most dont do that and that it wasnt pure cowardness.
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>if you don't think reviving a 5K years old animistic retarded religion is a good idea you're a durka sandnigger
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i guess you could say yes to both
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>I have absolutely no clue about the customs of old egypt I just need an angsty counter culture base lol
Kemetism is not animistic.
t. Ironically a Kemetist
Idk since 1970s they are really "invisible" in our community

Not everything is on wiki my friend
This was told to me by my grandpa who was stationed in port said
Idk im too used to that rn...
He mustve seen wrong things, its difficult to find anything about it on the internet about even the battalion. maybe by turk in egypt.
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>I personally think that jizya is crueler than chopping people's dicks off and throwing them into a fiery pit full of snakes and spikes made out of sharpened bones
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>i'm pagan tooo notice me vargu-sama fuck the sand chronicles LOOOOOL
I live/lived in armant (if you know where that is )
I regularly see nubians,and everytime I encounter them I can't fathom how degenerate.
Ex : when I read an article about fgm I couldn't really believe that such a large part of our fem population is circumcised.
But look at nubians and it will make sense.they shart out 12 children,and atleast 7 will be females who will all be circumcised.most of the shit stuff like honour killing n shit happens with those nigger tribes,but of course all you hear in the newspaper is about how beautiful their """""""""art""""""""" is
I'll admit, this kind of thing is not something I want to bring back
Also, unmanning and impaling have been used by Muslim rulers for centuries; not an argument

I've only ever heard about the memes on how generous and civilized they are but always thought there must have been something strange about that. Thanks.
are they outbreeding egyptians?
how can we get raped by syria when we already are syrians
nice use of reddit buzzwords btw you fucking teenager
Ancient egypt was even a bigger religiopolitical hell than modern mena with the clergy men doing shit that would make a german witch hunter blush
just google what happened Akhenaten
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no shia dogs allowed
>basically a proto Jew
No thanks.

And of course a fedora tipping pagan would go for a more modern interpretation of Egyptian religion rather than that shitfest. Kemetic Orthodoxy is an example of this.
you're not even a sandnigger, don't say shit about Egyptian civilization. Nothing can be lower than islam. Anyway why are northern riffian moroccans fucking islamist maniacs even compared to even more nigg south moroccans?
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no but really what does thots have to do with shias?
Historical correction : actually disemberment or crucifixion
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>having such a romanticized view about ancient egypt
I'd take pisslam over river psychopaths anytime anyday
They are still low im number,around 6 milion.
But could happen in 50 years if it goes on like this while egyptians slow down their reproduction kid
Don't worry the Pharaoh will keep a check on it.

okay but what about riffians? why are they fucked up even for moroccans
... اللينك مفيهوش أصلاً اللي انا قلته، معذرةً.
did any of your family serve in the ottoman military or...anything?
>nothing can be lower than islam

Islam is actually the thing that avoided Muslim people to disappear and actually survive as a civ (Berber, persians...)
It's actually christian and more recently judaism that tried to suppress every ideology that exists through violence towards strangers and eternal guilt for their followers, Islam is violent but its an autodefense and war times violence, it pushes autonomy and a peaceful lifestyle through a daily routine but the problem is that its only followed by niggers that spoils it, morocco is not shitty becausd of Islam but because moroccans are niggers/poo in mood the same way indians aren't shit because of buddhism/hinduism but because of them being niggers. Just look at what Turks/indonesians built with islam, actually you dont deserve Islam and i hope you die from syphillis after fucking your last donkey

(Autism : 199%)
Why do you have such a hard on for ancient egypt ?
I think egypt can be very strong if it forgives israel and make trade
die please
I think the whole world can do better if Israel is nuked
Go fuck a donkey marzouk
Some in çanakkale all the way west against invaders but otherwise no. Pretty sure there never lived any armenians in the region my family is from.
I think we should take the resentful people who choose to get mentally involved in a conflict they never saw anything of besides school books pictures and put them else where
girl in pic is a common attention whore around /mena/
the jews hate me because you hate them, you see how harmful it is ? I just want an italian ascendant jewess tp kiss me. Like the one we see in the coppola movies. But it is not possible because you listen to soral and I get labelled same as you. stupid
What I see is palestinians getting chased from their lands, I don't give a fuck about PLO, hamas, fatah or whatever shitty ZOG hijacked organization
Ashkenazim wages wars around the world just to let their shitty European colony survive
is very difficult to live extroverted with other communities because of algériens de merde
>caring about what other people thinks of you

That's the gayest shit I heard today
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