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Lewd russian girls edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!


OP pastebin:
>http://pastebin.com/8MT3uBwG (embed)

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script (javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension)
>https://pastebin.com/h5A30AW7 (embed)

Old Thread: >>78474614
post lews polish qts

>lewd Russian girls

I like this edition already
>Meet real girls. I doubt you're ugly that you need to find love online. I'm fat, so it's different for me.

I'm fat too, and hairy as a bonus. I'm too embarrassed to even take my shirt off at the doctor's, let alone around a girl. I don't think I'm necessarily ugly, but I have a body made for radio. At this point I've just accepted it's best to be single the rest of my life.
when do I use 은/는 as opposed to 이/가?
난 바보야... 이해가 안돼

>At this point I've just accepted it's best to be single the rest of my life.

This is mostly why you're single :)
I don't deny it. I stay away from anyone at the first sign they might be getting too close. Better to just not have a relationship than have to break it off halfway in when she wants to get physical.
Why don't you work on your body dude though ?

Hairy isn't a bad thing, not most of the time, it's preference for all.

Fat however you can handle and lose
has your qt ever taken cum on her face?
I've tried, I even got down to 125 once and it just became loose floppy skin and looked worse. I'm 165 now and between the two this is better. I want to just get muscle but I wrecked my back a while ago and working out just agitates it and is too painful.
You're really living up to the stupid amerifat meme. Don't accept shit. If you live in a small town like I do and don't go anywhere else, then use this website. Some girls like chubs. Many don't.

Or, change yourself. Stop being a pussy and stop hating yourself. Hate who you are now, and change him. I don't have any dietery tips, but cutting out sugar will make weight loss happen. Also drink lots of water.

You consider yourself fat at 165? How tall are you?

for diet just eat 500 calories under the amount you need to maintain your current weight; easiest way to cut calories is stopping drinks that aren't water and making sure the foods you eat are filling

for gaining weight eat 500 calories more and aim to get 1gram protein per pound of lean body mass you have (2/3-3/4 your weight in pounds)

t. used to be /fit/ decided skinny was easier

it seems like you have more deeply-rooted self-esteem issues than just weight though

>You're really living up to the stupid amerifat meme. Don't accept shit. If you live in a small town like I do and don't go anywhere else, then use this website.
>Or, change yourself. Stop being a pussy and stop hating yourself. Hate who you are now, and change him.
good advice
5'10". Maybe it doesn't sound like much but my torso is pretty bulgy. I think it's too late to have a flat stomach, the skin just won't recoil enough. I used to do walks and stuff but it got boring just going to the same parks over and over. I mostly only eat twice a day now anyway.
165 pounds? Fat? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Nigga, I'm like 285. I've seen uglier and fatter guys pull barbies. Hell, if you think you're hopeless then you just haven't looked hard enough.
You were 125 at 5'10 and you're worried about being fat? anon the fuck go see a shrink you've got body dysmorphia
165 is average/barely over average at that height I'd reckon, you don't have that much weight to lose

if you used to be a good bit heavier, it takes awhile for the skin to retract

if you used to be a LOT heavier, well I don't really have expertise on that

>I mostly only eat twice a day now anyway
great trick for losing weight as long as the meal you're skipping isn't breakfast
be mindful of how much you snack, you sneak in a lot more that way than you'd think
>tfw met with my interpals qt and unironically fucked her
>tfw 4chan actually got me laid
where is she from?
>met with my qt and ironically fucked her
Heh she doesn't even know I was just pranking her
>canadians actually having sex
nice meme
>tfw my qt is too far away from nippon
>tfw it would take nearly 1 ground just to get to her place and another 1 to come back home
>tfw don't even know she would let me fug her
CP was a mistake.

Lmao you're over reacting
Okay which one of you is this?

Story time
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>tfw you will never colonize savage underdeveloped pussies with your fat European cock
Hold me lads.

But you have a czech
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These people..
>How to be the beauty of the whole face?
they are the best part of interpals.

Yeah they are
made an account 4 years ago but then forgot about it and wanted to get back into it

what happened to /cp/ in these 4 years? how do things work now? or is it still the same shit
There's a qt shortage
>tfw youre in the process of cucking this guys LDGF
Don't steal my qt
Where the fuck does she live? I have a qt from Bhutan and I can get a round trip there for under 1k (€450 to Delhi, €500 to Bhutan). If you book early outside holidays plane tickets are cheap.
How do you stop talking to sideqts? I feel guilty for cheating on my main qt, even if they aren't giving me nudes
you just stop
stop being bad
>qt ask where are our children

why did muh dick get hard
How many sideqts?
I can't think of anything to put in the about section of my profile. What do you guys write there that entices views?
Just kill the conversation. When she says something reply with yes, no, cool. She will eventually get bored and stop texting you.
Can confirm, that's how my qt dumped me.

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Who else here a Chad?
That's a different Czech poster
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Take these from me, i want none of them
Go on then fire off some account names

Tell me where you favourite qts come from, ill pick them from here
So long as they're white I don't give a fuck

Nah, the whites are for me to talk to. You can take the nonwhites tho.... also im gay, so not going to do anything with these females.
Explain how you got so many messages

I dont know bro, visit my profile /riskam
I'd probably have that many if I weren't so autistic as to open/delete every single one cause I don't like having the red writing...
I don't get it either desu

I get like 10 new messages every night i sleep. So yeah its pretty easy to rack those numbers up.
>joined 6 days ago
Did you script?
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Ofcourse my broski. Everyone should. I really aint looking for anything on interpals, only here for the ego boost of getting a shit ton of compliments from nonwhites.
I script at best once every couple of months, most of the time I'm just shitposting

Rank? Branch of Service?
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i just dont get it...
he just said hes gay.

If you script men youre going to get 100s of messages
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Dude, honestly i think its my white, average looks and height after they open my profile. Literally like 60% of the messages i get are about my height.
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>tfw only 5'10


I have scripted 0 males, interpals men are shit.

Also why the hell did you have such fucking long hair while you were in the army? I would be sending you straight back into the barracks to trim that shit up.
nah that was before my service, i cut it all off the first week

Thats pretty disrespectful desu to wear uniform before youre in service and have a proper trim.
Also again, Rank and branch of service.

But i could.... wanna see the results?
Don't be so pedantic
oh i thought you were talking about the slav-pic, not the pulpit rock pic. No that was during my service the latter one, and my hair was fine.
kek, nobody gave a shit desu. I was in english; Seaman apprentice/able seaman. Here that rank was the only upgrade you could get as a conscripted soldier. I did military security, aka netflix and kebab

Aight i get you, not shitting on you. Just throwing some bants at you.


That is what i do as a fireteam/squad leader
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Sorry had to... you kinda qt tho, maybe a bit too autistic. But its an online profile so i get it.
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n-no homo
interpals is shit
i just realised I am completely pathetic and worthless.
>have great conversation for a couple hours with qt
>fall asleep
>message next day, read receipt no response
really makes you think
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Sorry for you anon, I know how it feels.
What a fucking whore, Polish women are super easy and if you can't gaid laid with polish whore you can't get laid anywhere
This picture perfectly summus up western Europe right now

The FUCK?!

lads I think I found my dream girl
I'm going to Krakow soon, if I'm moderately successful here how successful will I be there given I can't speak a word of Polish?
If you don't look like a walking ass and have BBP(big british pound) you'll get laid. Women are the same everywhere and in every country good looking foreigners with cash get laid with local women.
Also if i'll see you pissing on the street in the main square i'll fucking cut you. so many bongs are doing this that police is now doing regular patrols
Well I'm the definition of upper-middle class so yes I have money
I would never
Then come but we only allow bongs that carry with them MINIMUM 1000 bong pounds and we're not gonna let out of the country unless you'll spend it all.
Only libtards learn a foreign language other than English. You'll be fine. Make sure you talk louder if the stupid EU cunts don't understand you.
How the fuck do you spend 1000 pounds in Krakow?! Isn't that like a month's salary over there?
You go to clubs or something i don't know but you either gonna spend it or don't come at all. Bongs that don't bost Polish Economy can go fuck themselves.
I think I could spend 50 pounds a day and boost the Polish """economy""'
that's not enough bong, 1000 or we send more bydło that already came to British Sharia since 2004
Please send more, hopefully they'll outbreed the pakis
A really qt gay guy is talking to me this is nice
Lol fag
It's me

Link both of your profiles
Shut up britcuck

Link profile

You should know mine by now boi

Then you must not have been qt if were not talking right now.
I rarely reply to males anyway.
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had almost a thousand once, this was 3 months ago.
Obviously done with qt crawler

Honestly tho, i dont know who you are. Visit me at /riskam
Oh you're back
this is like a drug, one that I can't just shake off
I know it's bad for me, but it just feels so good
Oh that was you who visited my profile earlier

I actually started running the bot on males too like 1 hour ago. So im getting like 20 messages every minute. Send me a message if you want to shitpost
No you're not. Don't let Satan win.
321 people viewed my profile today and not ONE (1) qt messaged me yet

The absolute state of my being lads.. just end it
Done a few minutes ago
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Aint got no belgians visitors. So fuq you
Well I am on tour lad
Dutch tranny poster here
>Spanish qt hasn't been online since that terror attack on Thursday
Should I be worried?
when I heard the news I started crying for about 10 minutes straight.
You fucking faggot

was high as fuck.
>talking to a girl who has sent me nudes before 4 months later
>conversation isn't flowing
What do lads?

She's probably getting dick from someone else Tbh
She's a whore yeah but has a nice body

Yah so she's probably been talking with another lad these past few months. That's why she's not getting into the conversation with you
Nothing of value was lost
>Tfw no Russian gf

Post her picture


Why not get a Belarusian?
On an old phone which died :(
There's no difference between the two
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How do you feel about the fact that every Russian girl wants superior Chukhonets benis
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Might just send a dick pic to this girl and see her reaction
>literal Mongols

sorry but that's just not true
In my experience, the vast majority of women will become lewd if you are a White native English speaker and promise to be their English teacher.

>tfw Pole rejected me

I guess it's over.

I feel like this girl is perfect for many of you
>naruto online

at least she has a decent taste in music right

Post your profile romobro
Looking for the best way to pick up Russian qts
No it's entry level pleb tier
Just got rejected by an Asian

that's a real ego blow, feel shit now
What kinda Asian? How'd you get rejected?
We talked for awhile and we were planning on meeting up and i said I liked her, she told me isn't interested in a relationship

I don't understand why girls play dumb with this shit, if a guy is going to spend lots of time and money to come and meet you, it's not for platonic reasons
Sounds like someone's mad
Where she from?

Is that really you?
yes I am pretty butthurt, last time I give an Asian a chance
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God dammit this bitch needs to stop viewing my profile or stop fucking scripting. Every god damn day she's my most recent view
>it's not for platonic reasons

It can be. Not all of us are perverts. I just want pure love.

>it's not for platonic reasons

Well, when I went to France I went out of my way to go to a French girls town and we hung out. It was platonic
I've never once been rejected by an Asian
Sure you're not a paki cause they're begging for the BAC
Yeah but to be fair you're also a massive cuck so we can't take what you do seriously
If it was just for the day she probably went to the bar that night and got her fill of Pierre's baguette.
I'm white

I actually do okay, I get about 20 messages a day
lots of views but none of them seem to want my dick
Me too :(
I want to cuddle and get married.
Just be yourself mate and they'll want it

Oh I see


Nah she stayed in her apartment. She said I could say'd with her that night, but I declined and went back to my hotel
>She said I could say'd with her that night, but I declined and went back to my hotel

What the fuck

She wanted you bro. Why did you throw it away?
>I could say'd
How do you even make this kind of typo?
Did you even sext before going there?
My qt sent me 3 boxes with gifts, a letter and texted me everyday she had time for 6 months and I still wouldn't trust her to even pick me up. from the airport.
Also, you have the wrong mindset.
>if a guy is going to spend lots of time and money to come and meet you, it's not for platonic reasons
you have to go there and plan it like a holiday. If she doesn't like you, enjoy it like a normal holiday. If she likes you, stay in the hotel room and cancel other plans
No, I was planning on leading to sexting after that but she shut me down

>going on holiday to China
ehhh I'll pass, only going there for tight asian pussy
Mine has picked me up from the airport three times now
If you want to sext don't tell you "you like her" you melt

I dunno, I just wasn't interested I guess


Shit, I don't know Tbh. I guess for my excuse I'll say I was getting dressed before work and phone posting (which is true)
and she never came to visit you?
>only going there for tight asian pussy
you can find a good whore for the price of that plane ticket, it's not like you'd have comparison material for tightness
Cause he's a cuck, what actually happened is he DID stay but watched am Algerian immigrant rail her
>and she never came to visit you?
No she would need a visa

So? I can understand that you'd visit her first if it's easier, but after 3 times, I would hope my qt would find it worth some effort to see how I life too. Are US visa that hard to get? Usually if you have enough income, a sponsor or proof that you have enough money to life for the visa duration period, you will get the visa.
I don't just go to her country -- last time I went to a few different countries and stayed in hostels before visiting her.
Afghan refugee living in Hungary
>living in Hungary

>Afghan refugee

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>Afghan in Hungary
That must be a hard life
Let's talk about our real life experiences from this website

>Met 2 people irl
>One Russian, one Swede
>Had sex with the Swede, sperged out with the Russian
Why not? She writes amazing Pastho poetry.
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which one of u is this
please don't be trolling
That would be me
>tfw I still can't get my gf to come back to the US with me to see my home and meet my family
Starting to annoy me desu

>met 3 IRL
>two Italians, one Frenchie
>had a pseudo-relationship with one of the Italians, but she ended up getting a real boyfriend before we were going to take a vacation together. Other Italian was just a cool slavaboo who I met up and got coffee with inbetween her Uni classes. French girl I met in June, went to Paris Airshow, toured around Paris, and she drove me around upper Normandy to explore, just platonic friend.

Why is it so hard for her to get a visa? She's from a friendly country.

Just get her a K-1 Visa already anon
It's not hard for her to get a visa from here, she just wants to save up for the trip herself and doesn't want me to help pay for her. Then she says she wants to finish school first but at that rate it would be years before I get to show her where I'm from and I don't want to wait that long.

She doesn't want to live in the US right now so no I won't get that visa.
I'm gonna make it lads

Does she not get summer and holiday breaks? How much is a Visa?
you are such a fucking loser I can't even put it into words, I feel sick reading your posts

going to see my qt in person next month


Because back in 2015-2016 I had no idea what I was doing during the Italian thing? I was in a bad way back then man. I had a lot of issues with depression.

The other 2 girls? They were both just friends. The Italian slavaboo only had enough time to meet up with me in between one of her classes. So we just got coffee and talked politics and about slavs/Putin for 2 hours. and then French girl, I had already said before my trip that I wasn't going to sex her. What's the big deal?

She does but like I said she wants to save her own money for it. No idea but I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't need a visa since almost all EU countries have visa free travel to the US for 90 days.

Thinking I'll just buy her ticket next summer and make her come with me even if she gets mad.
She's Canadian.

>I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't need a visa since almost all EU countries have visa free travel to the US for 90 days

That's what I thought too

>Thinking I'll just buy her ticket next summer and make her come with me even if she gets mad

You should. She may be a bit upset that you paid for it, but she'd had to be a real bitch to refuse to go. She'll be glad you did once she gets to see your island

Is she an 18 year old necromaniac?
stop posting
[spoiler]i..i wish[/spoiler]
she's coming to study lingustics at the uni I go to. I'm the only one in the province she's had contact with.
Met one Korean grill and that's it
I expect her to be since Czechs have some weird pride thing where they don't want people to buy them things or pay for them, including the women. I don't think she'd refuse it but she does need to get a passport before she can come so I'll have to get her to do that first.
You the Paki?
I'm white. Can trace my family back to the first settler from England.
Didn't know Canadians were "muh heritage" as the USA
You asked about my race and I answered. I didn't claim to be English, just that my family comes from there (Devon to be specific)
I asked whether you're the Paki poster not for your life story
Southern fairy
You damn well know if I just said "I'm white" they'd be a shit storm of "t. ching chang" or "t. pajeet". Just thought I'd be specific
>british chick has smth about her having a zoology degree in her bio
>tell her that im a zoophile aswell
>no response

fuckin whores
Just a casual reminder the original Brits were BLACK so...
Alright Abdul.
t. ching chang
t. used to rule the world but lost it all

t. both of you live in cucked countries
Too busy BTFO'ing the Germans
t. dirty french flag
lol if it wasn't for yanks London would be a parking lot for Edeka.
>North American education
The Soviets saved Europe
and simultaneously ruined it, funny that
The EU has ruined Europe, the eternal Kraut strikes again
fuck off you dirty gypsy pig

*rounds you up*

Don't be baited by the Chinaman
Anime is the devils work

I was just answering the lad's question. Not my problem it triggers you for some odd reason


Oh ok nvm


Good luck dude, she'll love Hawaii
mah nigga

Infact I really want to know. Why does this trigger you so much?
you remind me of myself before my soul was crushed
His Paki gf was stolen by an Anglo

Tell story


Why would anybody WANT a paki?
To cuck a paki guy?
only so many rejections a person can take until they're emotionally stunted
Oh I know she will
What are you trying to say?
>What are you trying to say?
I don't know I was just being deliberately provocative...

HEY! That sounds like me too! XD
We're all broken here...
Apart from me
t. Chad
I want the old world to die
It was a horrible attempt brah, you can do better than that
I'll try harder next time

It's ok lads, you just need to learn there are other things in life besides girls. After a while you won't even care anymore. Same reason I never made a move on the Frenchie, I don't really care anymore. It's not a big deal!
>Error when sending message. Try again.
>refresh the page
>message sent just fine
best dev team
same shite here, its really starting to piss me off

>Ukrainian says she would rather visit my town than Paris
I really really don't think she knows what she's talking about
paris is a shithole mate, ive been there a few times and its fucking rubbish
There is literally nothing to do here. My city of 200.000 people doesn't even have an English Wikipedia page.
I have people asking me to show them around my city so I offer to show them the areas outside of the city
It's all nonsense anyway cause I know they have no intention of coming
Never met a girl who had any genuine interest in coming here except for London
I almost wished I lived in London, it would be fun being able to meet random new people travelling here on the weekend
I had a great time when I met my friend down in London for a couple of days
She wants the Aquafresh.
I'd rather visit a comfy Dutch town than that shithole Paris
how qt are you

She blocks half her face in the one picture she has
Well then, where should people visit in the Netherlands? Besides Amsterdam of course.
You have stuff like Madurodam (miniature city), the flower fields, Volendam, Giethoorn (which is really popular with the Chinks) but this is just not a very interesting country.
>just platonic friend

Man and woman cannot simple be friends. It just doesn't work like that.
what nationalities are most likely to send nudes?
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But I have some guy friends.
Well I'm a guy so not that qt
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Look who viewed me :3
It's cause it's quaint and cute, they do the same in our villages
Cool, I'll look them up. Most small countries aren't eh most interesting places but it can't be that bad there.
>implying most of the people here even know who she is anymore
Also Ena was better
It's bottom of the barrel stuff lad.
Men are allowed to have man friends because there's no possibility of sex.

I've never flirted with the slavaboo

Umm.. nope
>chat with french chick for a few days
>im going to france (cavaillon) in a few to pick up a new range rover
>tell her that im going to france, and that ill be near her city
>she tells me that if im gonna visit her city she'll show me around
>tell her that im only gonna visit her if she cooks me dinner without frogs and i can sleep at her place
>no replies yet

am i fucked lads?
nice bants kek
is this really worth it? thinking about signing up
if you've got a job or anything going on in your life no, meet girls locally

if you're a NEET.. well it's not worth it but it's some human interaction

Its alot of fun bants m8. Dont take it seriously and just fuck around

It's fun
You and me with our long hair on the gold wall
After midnight we could feel it all
I'd go anywhere you want to

You should see there's a place I want to take you
When the train comes I will hold you
(When the train comes I will hold you)
Cause you blow my mind

On the bridge levitating cause we want to
When the unknown will surround you
(When the unknown will surround you)
There is no right time
There is no right time

The branches of the trees
They will hang lower now
You will grow too quick
Then you will get over it

The branches of the trees
They will hang lower now

There's a place I want to take you
When the unknown will surround you
There's a place I want to take you
When the unknown will be looking for you (for your heart)
When the unknown will surround you (Take my hand)
As our bodies lift up slowly
There's a place I want to take you (for your heart)
When the unknown will looking for you
When the unknown will surround you (take my hand)
As our bodies lift up slowly

There's a place I want to take you

Were you high when they knocked on the door looking for you
Take my hand as our bodies lift up slowly

/cp/ Star

Somebody once told me that Kate was gonna troll me
I ain't the sharpest tool on the site
She was talking kind of dumb with fear of Donald Trump while she's spouting feminazi bullshit..

Well, the trolls start coming and they don't stop coming
Fuck the rules I hit the keyboard typing
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do, so many to troll
So what's wrong with taking the fake life? You'll never know if you don't go troll
You'll never shine if you don't go

Hey, now, you're a Culture Pal, get logged on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Korean fake, get the troll on, get laid
And all that kpop is gold
Only Koreaboos take the baaait

It's funny and they say it gets funnier
You're a fake profile now wait 'til they start posting
But then some anons beg to differ
Judging by the cucking that happened to the Quebec nigger.

This thread we post is getting thin
The trolling is good so you might jump in
My inbox is full . How about yours?
That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored..

Hey, now, you're a Culture Pal, get logged on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Korean fake, get the troll on, get laid
And all that kpop is gold
Only Koreaboos take the baaait

So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with trolling the femanizs
You'll never know if you don't post
You'll never roll if you don't troll.


And all that kpop is gold
We are all living one big cuckold
Someone needs to finish this for me Tbh
alri will do tomorrow
some human interaction sounds better than none

You can be our friend too! /cp/ is a community :D
Do you think getting a Dutch/Flemish qt on interpals can be done ?

Quality post.
literally impossible
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oh god fuck off
Post brofile when you do
>video chatting with 9/10 qt
>awkward as fuck and can't think of anything to say
wat do

Ask her questions
Show her your dick
Did it play out well?
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>persevered and called her back
>she admitted the reason why she's acting so shy
>"I feel like I don't deserve you, you're so much better than me"
bretty good
Does anyone get a long informative message from a girl, respond to it and then afterwards she goes cold and gives one word answers?

I've had this happen to me a lot lately and I dunno why
>10/10 dream girl

Your response wasn't good enough or you blocked every possible way of continuing the conversation and she just doesn't think you're worth putting effort in.
Or she found someone better to talk to.
>I hate those who are carried away by appearances
yeah I am considering just shit testing them by saying "this paragraph your wrote is gay lol" or something because giving a genuine answer doesn't work
That's retarded
Don't neg, brah

Don't people who are idiots at conversing "banter" and use memes to talk about nothing
it really doesn't matter but sometimes there's a little difference of nuances like:

사과는 좋다 -> apple is good
(나는) 사과가 좋다 -> i like apple

lol i hope this clears it up

still no response lad
>asian qt living on the other side of the country messages me, we chat a bit
>on the very same day she's making travel plans to visit me
wtf lads

do I run
Be very skeptical. The chances are, it's either a gypsy gang who are looking to rob you, or she's severely mentally unstable. Proceed with upmost caution. God speed, anon.
Pretty ballsy for a gypsy. Stealing the Range Rover, that is.
>im only gonna visit her if she cooks me dinner without frogs
I'm sure she got a little offended over this but it'll be alright just stop texting like a beta male and call her when you're on your way to France

What is wrong with girls like her, why do they put so much shit on their profile?


>loves sandniggers

What's with the polish chicks on this site holy fuck, I actively try to avoid most of them.
Though to be fair there are some nice ones that are learning "serbo-croatian"

Which is even crazier, like why would you do that ?
Because they all want to sing along to Serbia Strong
>ena posting pics of her putting fruit rollops on her boyfriends dick
absolutely decadent
>qt wants to video chat a second time
this hasn't happened before, what do?
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>videochatted again with budding apostate MENA qt
>she's super fucking shy
>she later admits the reason why she was so shy is because she was getting wet while talking to me
>she got so wet that she had to change her underwear
>she ends up masturbating and orgasming for the first time ever
>tell her to go again and she orgasms for the second time
>mfw I ruined 3 pairs of her underwear today
Country? Where can I get a lewd MENA qt? Learning Arabic and everything.
Hi serb
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Go away Thailand you're not welcome here
:( why you no friend?
Post your profile then lad
i am not lad, i am girl. changed
Post your profile then whatever you are
I hate you all, i only come here to laugh at you.
no bully
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You too

I'm not bullying you, you little virgin mayo layer
what is the mayo layer?
It's you
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