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Are you Germans salty, mad or even happy that the USA is unironically

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Are you Germans salty, mad or even happy that the USA is unironically becoming the new Nazis?
I'm genuinely curious
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did I miss a meme?
there was an alt right rally full of white guys holding torches and another retard drove his muscle car into a bunch of commies recently and killed one guy and injured like 3 others and now the whole nazi thing is mainstream
They are not nazis though.
some unironically are
I am not entierly sure what you mean by "the new Nazis"
Sure, Trump is bad, and America wages many wars of agression, but you don't even come close to beeing as evil as nazis
Can the right go back to being old stuffy but religious people, please?
Nothing like complaining about Muzzies, crying about white genocide on every available media 24/7 then taking a fucking page out of their book and using their tactics against Americans and killing a white girl

Neonazis are truly subhumans.
>I am not entierly sure what you mean by "the new Nazis"
Fascists, basically.
And I said becoming, not that they already are.
here's how bernie can still win!!
I don't see America becoming a facist state in forseeable future.
USA has strong democratic institutions that can outlasts bad white house administrations.
There are ways people have preached to me about pressuring said institutions to remove their influence
Who knows what can happen, a good amount of people in this country are open to the idea of fascism it's honestly much higher of a chance than you think
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There are slight differences, though
For example, Trump never tried to get to power through a coup.
Also, while Trump did write a book, his book wasn't about how America should get new Lebensraum and how jews should be exterminated
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>into a bunch of commies

All they talk about is the handful of "Nazis", who exist but they never mention in all of these riots and shit that have been going on over the past few years that the other side are communists.
They refer to them by their organization names, which of course all make them sound like positive groups who are just trying to stop hatred, even though they all show up with hammers and sickle and red fist signs and other communist shit from the most murderous and tyrannical regimes of all time.
The asshole who almost won the UK recently goes to full blown commie rallies and talks as one of them.
Thanks to subtle leftwing indoctrination in our school systems and media they have gradually created a generation who are ok with the most disastrous ideology out there because it's being sold custom packaged for each angry group as a progressive answer to the problems of the modern age, despite it's reality of being a full blown regression into serfdom.
Which is why so many big shots like it.
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you are worse than Nazis in the very beginning.
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Yeah, I'm sure these fine people just have economic anxiety
Those are some dreadfully folded flags.
>"we need white identity politics bcuz we're being oppressed by le ebul globalists n shiet"
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> "You don't understand, MOM, I'm fighting for the future of our race!"
>when you're so oppressed by jews you can't even fucking iron your flag properly
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>"f-france wont last another 5 years if Le Pen isn't elected president"
Nobody gives a shit. Some college normies may act upset, but as long as they get their shitty Döner and a black dick to get daddy upset their world is okay.
> "God, I'm such an ALPHA, lemme throw up a quick salute here to make me look even more badass than I alr-"
our media spews the usual "trump is literally HITLER and the antifa are super nice peaceful protesters" bullshit, but nobody really cares. i wonder why nobody mentioned that the "peaceful protesters" were wielding baseball bats, at least not here.
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>Americans are eternal happy about their participation of WWII how they kiked Nazi's GERMAN asses
>TODAY they use the Nazi's simbol and the reich German flag as show their pride
You CAN'T make this shit up
Americans can never be Nazis cause at least the Nazis didn't do it solely for money. Americans have never done anything not for money.
Maybe that's because Americans aren't one group politically
People lap shit up about both sides here
I know it's /bant/ but this is a pretty good thread about the matter >>>/bant/178720
US had even bigger NAZI rallies right before WWII. It didn't stop them from rolling over Hitler few years later. US will be fine.
Millions of Soldiers die for the US in WWII and this is how southerners show they respect?
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Someone had to manifest destiny.
trump really isn't cool for anyone else other than white conservative americans. also hitler's SS would beat up commies, but hitler never declared national state of emergencies due to hatred and bigotry.
how about kicking germany's ASS? america did that because it was tired of the g*rms sucking up all the freedom in europe.
>calling pudgy, undisciplined american mongrels with no national identity for "nazis"

It's absolutely mind blowing how prevalent the effects of the holocaust still are in our culture today. People label the right as nazis because in our society that is the term for the highest evil. The truth is, the right is nothing like nazis, and if they were then calling them nazis is actually a compliment.
>USA is unironically becoming the new Nazis
LMFAO, your country is a joke. You will never be as great as good old Germany. Your cucked whites will slowly die out and there is nothing you can do about it. You brought this on yourself since you retards fought the wrong guys. Enjoy your kike dick sucking, fatty.
...but "old germany" got their shit pushed in by old USA. twice in fact. kek.
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Germany was completely outnumbered, retard. But good job destroying western civilization for all eternity, dumbass.
>You will never be as great as good old Germany.
Which one? Specify with reference to which war caused it to crumble.

>Your cucked whites will slowly die out and there is nothing you can do about it.
>coming a soon to be Caliphate
>Which one? Specify with reference to which war caused it to crumble.
Are you stupid or something?

>coming a soon to be Caliphate
I already said that not just US is fucked but the whole west, retard. Exactly like germany predicted back then.
>Germany was completely outnumbered, retard
you're forgetting that the US also was dominating the japs in the pacific too at that time.

>But good job destroying western civilization for all eternity, dumbass.
good job getting BTFOd by an american like your ancestors
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>Are you stupid or something?
Oh, I forgot they don't teach you about the second one for political reasons. WW1 it is, then.

>Exactly like germany predicted back then.
Hitler was an Islamophile.
>ou're forgetting that the US also was dominating the japs
You werent dominating anyone. You were just cowardly funding our enemies, and then send troups when were already beaten. Japan already fought a bloody war to death against China and the rest of the SE Asia, dumbfuck.
>I forgot they don't teach you about the second one for political reasons.
I was obviously talking about 3rd Reich dumbfuck. I replied to an americunt claiming his country went "nazi". Get a fucking brain.

>Hitler was an Islamophile.
Not he wasn't. He had no interest at all in them. He merely said some things to impress them to get them on our side.
>Millions of Soldiers die for the US in WWII and this is how southerners show they respect?

it's embarrassing
That's what happens when you fight the wrong enemy.
You can sit here all day making excuses for the third reich "Oooooh we were outnumbered", "ooooooh you funded our enemies", it'll never change the fact that germany got their shit pushed in by the allies. You can not stop freedom buddy.
>I was obviously talking about 3rd Reich dumbfuck.
Oh, yeah, those Viking LARPers who followed a failed painter and his boyfriend all the way to the destruction of their country.

Surely your heyday.
>germany got their shit pushed in by the allies
It wasnt just germany, it was the whole west which got the shit pushed in, brainlet. My country isnt any worse than UK for example, although they ostensibly were on the "winning side".

You can act tough as much as you want fatty. It doesnt hide the fact that you retards didnt just kill Germany, you killed the whole westefrn civilization, your own joke of a country included.
You can miss me with your breitbart propaganda hans. Who's the real brainlet here? When you would rather live in a world where nazi germany prevailed? Best case scenario in that reality, would be that we'd be no better off and I think you know it. But more than likely you'd be living under an oppressive totalitarian regime and mass amounts of people would have been exterminated. If you want that then you're a nutjob plain and simple.
>living under an oppressive totalitarian regime
Oh you mean like the whole west already does? Your fellow americunts get fired from their jobs as we speak for being alt-right, and not wanting to become a minority in their own country. Your jewish media brainwashes everyone in your country and plays you like a fiddle. And it's the same everywhere else in the west.
>Your fellow americunts get fired from their jobs as we speak for being alt-right, and not wanting to become a minority in their own country.

I can forgive employers who don't want a bunch of assholes walking around the office causing distraction with their political nonsense. The same treatment goes both ways for lefties. The type who go to school to become feminist dancers are never hired by anybody and forget about it if you're a tranny.
>bunch of assholes walking around the office causing distraction with their political nonsense.
So merely not wanting to become a minority in your country and getting your history erased means to you you are an asshole? Seems the jewish propaganda already worked wonders for you.

>The same treatment goes both ways for lefties.
LMFAO your whole country is only leftist anyway. You can't even imagine anymore being amongst Europeans in a healthy society. because all you know is just your disgusting cesspool.
>g*rm accusing anyone of "destroying western civilization"
>pollack thinking he has any idea about western civilization
If you are an employer who is hiring people based off of their work ethic and their ability to work along others in a team. Would you hire the guy who was apart of a white supremacist rally? Do you really think anyone would want a nutjob like that walking around the office? Besides in your totalitarian nazi fantasy where the nazis had won, you would just be gunned down or sent to auschwitz for being on the opposing side.
>white supremacist rally
What does not wanting your history getting erased to do with white supremacy? They were not gathering to act superior. White americans are becoming a minority in their own country. What is so hard for you to comprehend that they don't want this?

>in your totalitarian nazi fantasy where the nazis had won, you would just be gunned down or sent to auschwitz
If Hitler really would have been this evil, Germans surely wouldn't have supported him that much. Germans fucking loved Hitler dumbfuck. You are just talking same old nonsense your jewish media tells you.
they loved him like the north koreans love kim jong un or how the russians loved stalin. you had no other choice. say what you will about current day western civilization, but you're allowed to speak against it freely whenever, you can't say the same about the alternative.

doesn't matter anyway because like I said, the nazis got their shit kicked in.
>you had no other choice.
Hitler was elected retard. And it was either voting for him, or being a fucking communist back then. I know, retards like you rather would have voted for communism to keep on sucking their jeiwsh cocks, instead of voting nationalism, but not everyone is that fucking stupid.

>you can't say the same about the alternative
Of course you can say the same. People didnt have to like Hitler or his views back then. Many generals didnt want to become part of the NSDAP, and they were fine with that. Just dont be a fucking communist/jew, and you were fine.
>Hitler was elected
Yeah after the opposition were beaten and crushed by hitler's goons. After he was elected he implemented a totalitarian regime and had gestapo patrol the streets and take out anyone who was outspoken for different ideals. It's crazy. 80 something years have passed and you've still got germans brainwashed by the propaganda that flat out failed them.
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>hurr durr we wouldn't have migrants had Germany won WWII
>except for the fact that the need for migrants only existed because Nazis had flung Europe into destructive war, y'know!
>after the opposition were beaten and crushed by hitler's goons
The fuck are you talking about? You think one can manipulate elections by just beating up the opposition on rallies or what? You are fucking retarded.

>After he was elected he implemented a totalitarian regime
And that also was completely justified, since Germany needed it back then.

>gestapo patrol the streets and take out anyone who was outspoken for different ideals. It's crazy.
The police back then didnt even wear weapons dumbfuck. Not like in your fucking police state where you get shot on sight for having a broken backlight. When people were persecuted back then, then it had its reasons.

>you've still got germans brainwashed by the propaganda that flat out failed them
You are the brainwashed retard here who gobbles up his jewish media everyday.
are they national socialists from 1930 germany?

nazism is dead, fascism is dead.

you ameritards are just using buzzwords like the good buzzfeeders you are (Muh nazi, muh fascist)

ridicolous and pathetic
>he thinks he can explain the value of freedom to a g*rm
many tried
don't bother
>except for the fact that the need for migrants only existed because Nazis had flung Europe into destructive war
There is no need for migrants, Shlomo. Japan was completely bombed to hell back then and is still 99% Japanese, and still one of the richest countries.

And if you are talking about low birth rates, then you can thank your beloved Jews for this, since its them who brought the antibaby pill on the market, and heavily push for non traditional families.
>still one of the richest countries.
You clearly don't know the price they're paying to remain there though, what with the insane hours they have their workers toiling at, and the toxic culture there that extinguishes any desire any of them have for families.

Also, they had to wait almost forty years to reach it again. And don't quote pre-1970 Japanese growth to me. A-, that was funded and stimulated by the dumping practice by Americans, and B-, Japanese companies are known to have heavily inflated their profits, which is what led to their bubble in the 1980s/1990s.

Finally, what was bombed in Japan were wooden buildings, which are a lot easier to rebuild than our concrete in Europe.

>And if you are talking about low birth rates,
Should we have banned it then? Wouldn't that be oppression you're complaining about in your other posts?
>And that also was completely justified, since Germany needed it back then.
Germany needed it because of its plans for world domination. Do you really think if germany had won, that hitler would have just given back the freedom to its citizens? If you believe that then you're more naive than I imagined.

>When people were persecuted back then, then it had its reasons.
Reasons like being speaking against the totalitarian regime. Oh yeah that's great.

kek. I love it when a pollack sends a dig in on a german. you folk are truly based.
>what with the insane hours they have their workers toiling at
Japanese don't work any more than Americans. It's a busy country but nothing extreme.

>toxic culture there that extinguishes any desire any of them have for families.
If you wanna talk about toxic culture then look at your own country. Frenchs are already a minority in their own country, and you are talking shit about japanese not making not enough babies. Get a brain.

>what was bombed in Japan were wooden buildings, which are a lot easier to rebuild than our concrete in Europe
What does this have to do with importing migrants? Are you fucking retarded or something? I know French love big black cocks, and would have imported them anyway, but not everyone is this insane.
I m not even gonna bother with you anymore. You are nothing but kike anyway. Makes no sense. And the french is probably also nothing but an african in reality.
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Someone is salty about their ideology getting BTFO in '45
>Japanese don't work any more than Americans.
*exhales* Hahahahahaha (you know the rest)... But are you really serious with this?

> Frenchs are already a minority in their own country,
>unrelated dig at my country because I shit-talked your "honobraru Japan"
Thanks...? Also, France, Ireland and Poland are the only countries in Europe to be maintaining stable population level so I don't know why we're singled out here. Of course, it comes at the price of our taxes, but so be it for having white children.

>What does this have to do with importing migrants?
>why did one country where the destruction was more severe need migrants to help, while a country where the country was less severe didn't
Were you dropped on your head as a child? Anyways, you're forgetting that the migrants were never intended to stay, but that retarded voters piled on measures after measures that let them stay, like the program for workers to bring their families in Germany, or "regroupement familiale" in France under Giscard.

There wasn't one single authority that said "heheheh let's bring migrants over to dilute THA white gene :3".
No, it was because they can get into full Military Industrial Complex. The war was great for the US, it's why it's the powerhouse it is today.
>I m not even gonna bother with you anymore.
Yeah because you know you're flat out wrong.
Do it again bomber Harris.
king and country keeps me warm
Oh, wait, that was also the fucker that conspired to bomb Le Havre too?
Fuck 'im.
took nazis a few years as well.

just give it another decade
Don't care really.
But seeing shit like in this thread I hope it fucks you over the same way.

i guess japan has idol fans and we have these losers
best case scenario is that niggers and virgin /pol/aks kill each other and white Americans either segregate again or flee to Europe
>Your fellow americunts get fired from their jobs as we speak for being alt-right, and not wanting to become a minority in their own country.
why would they be so desperate not to become a minority, aren't whites inherently better or some shit like that?
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