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ITT: Rate your country's neighbors

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Uruguay: Mini-me Argentina. Cool guys, exist entirely because the British wanted a buffer state between us and huehues back in the 1800s.

Paraguay: We were involved in razing them to the ground, although not as much as Brazil. Most of us never think about Paraguay much if at all.

Brazil: We'd never lose a World Cup like that on our own turf. How low can you go? Also uma delicia sopa blah blah blah.

Chile: Smug, arrogant fucks who think they're richer, whiter, and more First World than any other country in South America.

Bolivia: If only we had nuclear weapons, we could stop the flow of illegal immi...oh wait, cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast, I forgot.
>Chile: Smug, arrogant fucks who think they're richer, whiter, and more First World than any other country in South America.
Are they wrong? No they are not.
we do not claim to be whiter than them (and thankfully, we are not)
Canada: Great country, nothing I really dislike about them.

Mexico: Country with great history and culture, but has a major problem with crime and needs to fix it.

Cuba: Hate them, fucking hate commies.

Bahamas: Guam if it was a sovereign nation.

Russia: Fucking hate them.

Samoa: Uh? Islanders?

U.K.: American Vassal

t. Someone who knows nothing about South America
Belize: Needs to stop its denial and go back to Guatemala
Guatemala: Needs to stop its denial and come back
USA: Plz stop giving money and guns to cartels
>Come back
Why the hell do you want a Chiapas+Sinaloa 2.0
>Whiter and mor first world than any other country
That's in your imagination pal
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Canada: Boring leftist leafs who are annoying

Mexico: Younger generation is filled with entitled brats who hate this country and want to take over a large part of it. Mexican and Central American immigration from Mexico is a huge problem but I blame the government for not correcting the problem. Mexicans don't assimilate and business higher them to do cheap manual labor. Something crazy like 97% of the agricultural work done in my state is done by Mexicans. I have two Chicano cousins and one Mexican-American uncle and they are good people.

Various Oceanic Islands east of Hawaii: Literal savages

Russia: Conservative, European nation which supports a lot of things I support and opposes many things I oppose.

Bermuda: pretty chill because it's still a British colony. Also grew up hearing about he Bermuda triangle alot.

Caribbean states: Not much to say. Beautiful islands. The People there are too different from myself for me to really have an opinion.
China: Motherfucker1
N.Korea: Motherfucker2
S.Korea: Motherfucker3
Russia: Motherfucker4
Taiwan: (´・ω・`)
>Mexicans don't assimilate
They kind of do though; CHIs consider Mexicans inferior and actual Mexicans loathe them.
I love all my neighbors
that's not assimilation jose
that's basically assimilating tbqh
at least for America

Once you get the attitude of all countries are inferior you're basically an American
>Are they wrong?
Let's break down the previous statement:
>Smug, arrogant fucks who think they're richer
Brazil, Argentina Colombia and Venezuela are richer
> whiter
Again, Uruguya, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia are whiter
> more First World than any other country in South America
There's not a single 1st world country in south America, not even the tropical land of French guiana

Looks like objectively they are wrong
Shit communist copycat
Shit socialist copycat
Former enemy, now our bro
Rebel department
Ok, we barely have any connection despite being similar in many ways
From best to worst:

1. Brazil: They are brothers from another mother who speak a different language. Definitely a portuguese speaking version of us. Very similar culture.
2. Venezuela: Our rebel brothers. It's very hard to tell them apart. Our culture is basically the same and we eat the same things (beans, arepas, meat in the eastern plains.
3. Panama: Our richer son. This place is plagued with colombians and has become our playground. We go vacation there and buy cheap stuff over there. Lots of people from here also park their money there
4. Ecuador: They're alright but have a strange accent.
5. Peru: great ancient culture but I'm not a big fan

Maritime borders:
6. Costa Rica: Same accent Same culture, same customs, same everything. Sometimes it's almost impossible to realize they are not from here.
7. Dominican Republic: Trending vacation spot for colombians lately and they make good music. Not a big fan though.
8. Jamaica: Great beaches, but don't know much about them
7. Nicaragua: Not a fan
8. Honduras: Not a fan
9. Haiti: Not a fan
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USA: Like brothers on 2 sides of divorced parents. On one hand we love them, on the other not so much. I think we stand together in adversity well together however.

Russia: I always thought they were more like us then not, but I fear their leader is playing a dangerous game and really I think they side with the asians more than anyone.

Danish: Highly respect them, their government policies and way of life. Could only wish our country was as well run. Good job brothers.
Jajaja, great way to finish your comment
You brazilians are the kind of people that every south american person finds nice and friendly
Don't fucking mess with holy and sacred Sinaloa

>Cuba - socialist island Mexico
>USA - fat anglo Mexico
>Guatemala - Mayan Mexico
>Belize - Afrocaribean Mexico
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Brother nation of USA. They might have been loyalist traitors but they are North American anglo/french neighbors.
8 / 10

Just like Spain our southern neighbor is also poor and speaks crap-tier "romance" language Spanish. They are hardworking and have really good food but their cartel crime spills over occasionally into USAs borders.

Russia (via Bering Strait):
The eternal rival of the United States, Russia is a constant threat to American hegemony. Their contributions in the space race and competition they instilled in our own people make them the most valuable of enemies. You can never trust a Russian and we are able to see them from Sarah Palin's backyard. Vodka is cool I guess.

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Sweden: 1/5
Norway: 2/5
Russia: 3/5
Eesti: 5/5
>loyalist traitors

I think that's an oxymoron, bud

Love you too, though
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loyalists to britain and traitors to our liberation

I still have to try poutine though
Germany: Evil
Austria: Evil
Slovakia: Ok
>Argentina (4/10)
they're so arrogant way but good neighbour in general if it wasn't for "muh traidores" maybe a 5
>Bolivia (1/10)
i want to nuke them
>Peru (5/10)
probably our best neighbour but they hate us, it's complicated
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