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Can we freely talk about Holland who poisoning european food

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Contaminated eggs.png
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Can we freely talk about Holland who poisoning european food with their shitty eggs ?
No one talks about this, yet it's huge. France, Belgium, Germany, UK and others are affacted because of them
who the fuck buys dutch eggs?
it's probably Romania or Bulgaria's fault
Yeah, 20 ton of shitty dutch eggs found here in Denmark.
What's the point of holland anyway?
Eggs used in prepared food I guess
Buffer zone in case Poseidon gets mad.
Thats what you get for eating chicken menstruation.

Positively sordid.
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Haha European 'Union' is falling apart.
Well then, how do we make Poseidon mad?
The EU is in a tight spot right now and needs to put forth a positive image of itself for PR purposes. Therefore, shittalking the Netherlands is strictly verboten.
wtf I love Holanda now
>tfw a qt dutch girl will never poison you with her shitty eggs
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>be non-dutch
>get EGGED

fuck you egg niggers
joke's on you i eat my cumshots

sanction seajews!!
what kinda joke is it anyway, a country barely keeping afloat, literally, being an agricultural player on the market, bullshit, i may understand the steroid injected cows digesting nuclear grass and making more milk than an entire farm alone but come on! eggs? fruits? what?!

ban dutch products from EU market for being a hack
can we just flood the netherlands already. like I know I am a leaf and I'll prob be next on the chopping block.

but seriously, is there anything the dutch don't just fuck up?
less eggs more KOLBASZ!!!

make KOLBASZ cheap again!!

two little KOLBASZ (Pick) are 1500 forint here!!!!
*steals your bicycle* Heh nothing personal, kid
dont buy that, buy csabai kolbász and pick szalámi
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It must be nice to be able to set your own food standards and not being forced to accept American imports made with GMOS, pesticides, corn syrup and chlorinated chicken without your knowledge.
i prefer pick taste over csabai
price is same :--(

CsEmEgE pIrOs ArAnY
Bomb 'em
Like the horsemeat scandal, kek
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>be non dutch
>go to supermarket to buy some eggos
>buy high quality DUTCH imported eggs with exorbitant prices
>go home using inferior non-dutch infrastructure
>eat some eggs
>get food poisoning
>finally leave inferior to dutch healthcare hospital
>found out your gf eggs got fertilized by BIG DUTCH COCK
it actually is
the food they gave them chickens that was poisoned came from bulgayria
you have weird state, that snack is a joke and its not allowed to be called kolbász here
our eggs are perfectly fine, there is no reason to panic. Please keep buying our eggs.
it's REAL hungarian kolbasz
i use it in my paprikas krumpli
I'll take a dozen m8
>kolbász in plastic wrapping

i cry evrytime
>Trusting Dutchmen with food
Your first problem amigos.
how else wud u ship it

i'd rather starve
dutchland more like yuckland haha
>tfw located far enough to be safe
I've evaded the swamp merchant yet again.
they hang behind the counter everywhere, kolbász doesnt need plastic wrapping
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that's not how real life works kiddo
I have Dutch free range eggs in my fridge right now. They are cheaper than Swiss eggs. Also every country can have food scandals. Here BSE was a huge scandal, for instance. (Cow meat by-products were turned into food for cows. It was predictable that a cycle like this can go wrong, because a pathogen can spread in a cycle. And one did, the prion protein.)
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yes it does, every supermarket have something like this
because they import shitty eggs from 3rd world countries and rebrand it as premium dutch (tm) egg, dont believe the seajew!!!
Our farmers are just produce too expensive even with huge subsidies.
You can set your own food standards, it's just that you won't be able to eat without importing *some* American food. Mexico has pretty bad geography for agriculture. That growing population you Mexiniggers brag about wouldn't be possible with the current agricultural output of your lands.
i bet we can supply switzerland with cheaper and better eggs
well well well look at that
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>buying foreign produce
>yfw you probably got EGGed
The Swampg*rmans will pay for this.
you are flooded by spanish food, good meme
We're the second food exporter of the world.

Eat our eggs or you get no dinner.
That's not entirely true, big problem for Mexico is water in northern regions, which we import mostly in the form of cattle feed (yellow corn), outside of that the country is mostly food secure/independent. If we were working on reforestation more aggressively and get around to building the passive solar desalination plants we need on the gulf of California we'd be doing fine.

Also a good chunk of our water goes to mining and industry, getting good savings there through better technology would also help out a lot.
When something like that happens here in south america the whole world finds about it.

Europoors fuck up and no media covers it.
>Eating eggs that arent made in ur cunt
>Eating meat that isnt made in your cunt
>Drinking milk not made in ur cunt
The list goes on. Stop being fucking plebs.
Its big in our media. Because apparently the government was already informed last year. And now suddenly a trillion billion chickens have to be slaughtered. And eggs have been removed from the stores.
There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.
And the people who caused this are being prosecuted.
They didnt do anything last year because it would be bad for the criminal investigation (lol?).
Your country would starve if you didn't.
What can grow there?
So you let people eat contaminated food in the meantime?
Pretty much. So this might take a ministers head.
>somehow people buy food from Holland
>they have the worst cuisine in Europe
I have to say I'm impressed by the swampmerchants.
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At least their produce doesn't give you AIDS.
This is fake

>Shit meat from Brazil
>Shit eggs from Holland
>Shit chicken from Poland

My family buys eggs, meat, vegetables and so on only from local market. You got all kinds of weird shit in regular shops.
It was actually Belgium that sold an illegal insecticide under a different made up name to a Dutch company who used it everywhere.
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>not having your own chickens for eggs
I hope they're in a cage, my fucking retarded neighbours are going through a mid-life crisis, and the wife bought a few chickens she lets roam on our gardens. I swear I'll cut his head off, chickens are the stupidest animals.
>tfw got a few chicken laying eggs
I had them too. I immediatelly threw them away after eating 6 of them already.
6 million
>he doesn't buy entire cows from his neighbour and keep them in their own dedicated freezer
>he doesn't have steak and eggs every morning
Canada does not eat cows but bison
>not growing wheat and grass
>not having your own river spring
>not having your own hens that have been yours for at least 20 generations and your own sort of cows that eat natural food, drink natural water and give you 100% natural goods
i'm keking on your lives
Bison is overrated for the price premium. Although I have some Bison burgers in my freezer too, theyre fun every so once in a while.
>he thinks beheading the chicken is enough to get rid of him

you're in for a severe disapointment, m8

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