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i like this tea

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Thread replies: 221
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am I a pleb britbros?
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>thinking the Brits know anything about tea
That's what makes you a pleb desu.
Same kind I buy, tho I like Earl Grey better
i always thought black tea with milk tasted like shit until a brit pointed out that i should be pouring the tea onto the milk instead of dumping milk in at the end. it completely changed my view on the subject.
Earl Grey is a poor folk's """""tea""""", basically a tea flavored mix.
It's got bergamot gringo, that's the rind of a type of Spanish bitter orange, do you even tea?

It's a better standard than overpaying for oolong or whatever disgusting thing Pajeet considers to be authentic, I like mine with cream and sugar anyway
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>I like mine with cream and sugar anyway
>whatever disgusting thing Pajeet considers to be authentic
tea is chinese. the pajeets didn't start drinking it until the british set up tea farms in assam to compete with china.
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No, I am.
That's pretty interesting, I had always thought Darjeeling tea was suposed to be one of the better ones

The faggot ship kinda sailed when you're talking tea, I drink mine as something comfy for when I'm home and it's cold, Iced tea for the summer tho I'm not particular about that one and just use McCormick black
Lose tea is the real tea. Tea bags are just the dust of lose tea.

I'm this guy (literally)
> Tea bags are just the dust of lose tea.
Fair enough, I wouldn't disagree with that, they're decent, cheap and practical enough for those of us who are not into becoming conniosseurs. Seriously, it's like every single fucking small thing in life must become an art or something and a statement about how worldly and sophisticated you are.

Meh, I like to smoke Cuban panatelas and drink southamerican Malbecs, keeps things simple. I'll have something nicer every now and then, sure, but overall I like to keep to simple stapples, invest my time and energy on the things where appreciation better matches my interests, like say music or women.
I'm a tea connoisseur. have you tried rooibos chai?
Nah man, I haven't, is it that good?
i too love south american wine, its cheaper here than euro shit and the affordable california wines all taste the same to me
Breakfast tea is really nice.
Anything that isn't bargain basement or supermarket's own brand is fine, really.
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i tried pic related instead of twinnings last time and it tastes like absolute shit by comparison
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Loose tea is not more expensive than bagged tea, you just have to know where to get it.

For best results, use an infuser with 1/4 full of loose tea, for about 5 minutes in boiling water. Believe me, there is a world of difference between loose and bag tea.
yea bagged tea is only good for camping and similar imo
>loose leaf
no thanks
you are, pleb. i don't drink tea thats cheaper than 20 usb per oz.
All bagged tea is pleb
This guy has the right idea, but not quite.
First off you shouldn't leave tea leaves in for longer than 3 minutes. Usually less, 90 seconds to 2 minutes.
Secondly you shouldn't use boiling water. Again it depends on the type of tea but most teas are best brewed around 80-85c. Some require a high temperature of 90c but it's rare, rarer than ones that benefit from a temperature below 80c.

Also flavoured tea is for children. Just find a strain you like, there's so many of them and they all taste different. And don't dare ruining it by adding shit to it.

Then again drink whatever you want I don't care, but this is how you get good tea if you're interested (which you seem to be since you asked).
Pleb. Only asian can culturally appropriate the tea culture.
That's quite expensive. I buy high quality teas and usually pay around 8-12 euros per 100g which would be something like 3-4usd per oz.

The most expensive tea I've bought was 159 euros per 100g and I have to say it wasn't worth the price (I didn't buy 100 grams of it).
>I had always thought Darjeeling tea was suposed to be one of the better ones
>pajeets didn't start drinking it until
Having a long history doesn't mean the tea is good and vice versa. Just because a tea comes from China doesn't mean it's any better than tea harvested in India.
I'd say it's 80% how the plant has been handled during farming, harvesting, packaging etc. and 20% which strain it is. 0% how old that strain is.

Once you find a quality importer or a store that specializes in selling high quality teas you can start experiencing with the different types and actually notice a difference. And if the tea has been artificially flavoured it doesn't matter if it's sawdust they put in there.
Twinings is fine. Ahmad tea is better. Imported Ceylon teas with loose leaves and not teabags are patrician tier.
>159 euros per 100g
what tea?
I can't for the life of me remember its name. I was some obscure organically farmed strain of green tea that only grows in one valley and can only be harvested once a year... you know the stories they tell. I didn't know how much to believe of it and I certainly didn't expect it to live up to the price but I just wanted to see how the most expensive tea at my local tea shop tasted.

Tell you the truth it was fucking excellent and the best green tea I've ever tasted. I don't see myself buying it again any time soon though.

Excellent. No caffeine.
Protip: You guys can order Dilmah tea straight from Sri Lanka from ebay.
yes, it's delicious


please buy more chilean wine, please leave your taxes here
I want caffeine in my tea.

You sure those are the parameters for Black Tea?
no caffeine, please tell me more

also, do you know if its hard to grow your own rooibos plant?
Like I said it varies by strain. Black tea requires the highest temperature, it's the only tea where boiling hot water is acceptable. Because realistically it will be 95c by the time you pour it. But the 2 minutes rule stands.

White tea requires the lowest temperature (as low as 70c), followed by green tea (around 80c)

You should be able to find strain-by-strain information online. The store I buy teas from has the recommended temperature and time listed with each tea which makes it easier.
darj does make a wicked good iced tea tho
They've got some good stuff definitively, Don't get me wrong I like Mexican wine but it's generally twice as expensive.

It would be here, or at least difficult to find, I might try it but I strongly lean towards not complicating just getting a good cup of tea in the morning.

That's a good point.I also very much agree with >90 seconds to 2 minutes
>best brewed around 80-85c

I've been doing that for years.
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>He claim living in a tea country

>He doesn't get the 500 teabag pack

lmao at you
I'll give it a try although the point for me is largely caffeine.
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>buying tea in leaves
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Well, you are right about the time, I'll start to remove the infuser at 3min tops.
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They were selling (pic related) on Superama for long time, but not anymore.

I started to get it from hierbasorganicas com mx, nice quality, don't get the Chinese Black Tea tho.

Like I said, I am this guy.
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Another thing most people don't realize is that with an infuser and loose leaves you can and should reuse tea.

It's not about being frugal (though it's a nice bonus) but the first steep (can you even say that?) gives out the strongest and the most bitter flavours. A second steep is usually much mellower in taste yet should have plenty of flavor left. Infact I prefer the second steep.

You remove the tea after 2-3 minutes not because it's given all its flavor, but because it results in the best taste. The leaves still have plenty of flavor left over. Sometimes I'm unsure whether I've already used tea twice and I throw it in a third time which results in a taste weaker by a noticable margin but still a flavorful drink.
venden en el jumbo, semillas ni idea si puedes encontrar pero quizás en ebay
pero quiero mi propia planta :c

thats completely wrong. milk goes in last. perhaps you just use too much. find your right milk dosage first
That's completely wrong, you should never pour milk in your tea.

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acceptable (I drink twinnings earl grey too)
>find your right milk dosage first
It's called none.
>tfw spend 200£ on tea last month
You got rused.
I've never gotten into the taste of rooibos.
you guys dont know shit. ive never known anyone to have tea without milk. i dont know how you do it over there but you find ways to ruin good things
Do you also pour your tea into a bowl of sugar?
El problema es que traer semillas desde africa es un riesgo muy grande entonces si no tienen certificación sanitaria no van a poder entrar.
idk what point youre trying to make
i have one teaspoon of sugar
try it bongboy. you are probably the same bong that said bags > loose leaf so your opinion has effectively been discarded.
Loose leaf makes you instantly less of a pleb
Twinings English Breakfast is a reliable known-quantity blend, but it's no SFTGFOP
flame on
>british media
I know people who have lost part of their vsion who have swapped from milk before tea to tea before milk because it's easier to determine the colour of the mix than the level of the milk in the cup
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>I put milk in my tea
im not whoever that is but hardly anyone has loose leaf. pretentious tosser
Look at this Brit and laugh, /int/. These island monkeys think loose leaf is pretentious luxury.
In UK and Ireland nobody knows what Loose Leaf Tea means.

I had to buy a bag of loose tea in fucking Germany.
oi. bin that rude language m8
I personally prefer tea with milk and some sugar, it's about perfect for a rainy day. I pair mine with an orange polvoron cookie as shortcake is kinda hard to find here. Enjoying tea other ways it's kinda nice but as I mentioned >>78165834 for everyday I like to keep things simple and comfy.

Based Superama, not as good as it used to be but still where I prefer to shop.
>doing things properly is pretentious
I bet you also buy pre-ground coffee.
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My black tea of choice is Yorkshire Tea too. Though Twinings is nice also.
Shouldn't have tried finding it exclusively in RuntMarts
UK and Aire confirmed poorfags
A lot of black tea blends come from Sri Lanka and Kenya, as well as Assam.
>You sure those are the parameters for Black Tea?

For black tea that comes in tea bags you should be leaving it to brew for a good 3 minutes, preferably 4-5 minutes to get all the flavours from it. Otherwise you'll just be drinking coloured water.
Because your standard English/Irish breakfast tea, the black tea blend that come in teabags, is designed to go well with milk and/or sugar.
anyone here ever try yaupon black tea? it's the only caffeinated plant in n. america and has polyphenols, flavonoids similar to tea. i might order some
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>tfw ireland drink more than us per capita
damn that list is surprising
>Meh, I like to smoke Cuban panatelas and drink southamerican Malbecs, keeps things simple. I'll have something nicer every now and then, sure
Patrician detected. Cigars are the best.
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Or you can have hot chocolate which does have its own alkaloid, it used to be as traditional for us as mate for South Americans, tho we still drink a lot of it.
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>Don't even rate
Proof that we are mediterranean
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>tfw smoking one of these while drinking english breakfast
I'm not rich enough to indulge regularly sadly.
Tax here is a bitch. A $10 stick ends up well over £20.
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I generally have no more than 1 or 2 a week but I get none other than pictured.
same thing is happening here on the east coast. fuckin control freaks
nobodies got time for faffing about with loose leaf. you lot have it as a novelty at home. its not convenient if its a canteen at work, school, if youre out and about or a tradesmen
looks good mexibro
It takes like 2 seconds to pour in.
Figures. I love their panatelas, but I find the robustos + larger a bit strong for me, and I like bigger cigars.

You have some excellent webshops tho.
It's like how Kerig Cups are popular here even though grinding your own beans and brewing fresh is way better.
Putting milk in first traditionally was the "wrong" way to do it, it showed you were poor as fuck and afraid of the hot water cracking your cups.
yeah thank God the Founders broke us up into states otherwise we would all be at the mercy of NYC cuck laws
Thanks man, I think the trick is just sticking to the smaller sizes that you can actually just enjoy and not doing it as a social thing, a friend or two at most. And you do want to take some long breaks (months) so it doesn't become a for granted routine. Man, a good cigar and some rum, especially if you're on the beach, it's a real next tier experience.

There's some good Mexican cigars from Veracruz but really I'm not for experimenting all that much anymore, I pretty much know what I like and stick to that.
The worst thing is people who buy those things can't shut up about how good it is. They're on the level of those coffee dispensers they have around offices. The only mystery is how they managed to make worse coffee before.
I know...its annoying how much people blab about them. Tastes shitty like folgers to me
Robustos are a bit too much for me, but it is what more regular cigar smokers seem to prefer.
I think my favourite size is Corona so far.
Quite thin and about as long as my dick (in my dreams) burn for around 30min.
Coronas are pretty good, I generally don't go larger than that, but still I like sticking to the smaller stuff.
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I also put it in my coffee. What now nigger?
Do you guys also pre wet the leaves with cold water before pouring the hot water? I think it makes a difference.
No the key to proper American tea is to use salt water and butter. Then top it up with some extra boiling water and five teaspoons of sugar. Dumb Yuros don't even know how to make a proper cup.
If you make poncy tea the chink way is the best.
You throw the first pouring away, a rinse if you will.
Same thing but hot water not cold
Why will you do that tho?
yes I do. The water molecules possibly give a protective membrane to the leaves as they absorb the heat first. I don't know how much difference it actually makes tho

Idk it was for a very certain kind of tea and then I started doing it with other kinds as well. Imho it has similar effect as getting rid of the first pouring, but needs less water.
Been a while since i made tea though...might do experiment tomorrow.
Twinings is pretty horrible. Try Taylors of Harrogate, pic related is my favourite tea of theirs.
Are there autismo machines for tea like there are for rice?
Tfw all asians here literally have rice cooker...

Nah, we just make the tea scientifically in erlenmeyer flask. Some say round bottom is better, but fuck those savages. :^)
I have a hard time believing this does anything.
Fluid dynamics means that the almost nil water on the tea would quickly reach the same temperature as the rest of the water.

The reason it takes effort to boil any meat product is because there are layers and layers of phospholipid bilayers forming an insulating sheet.

Any protection you afford to your thin tea leaves is going to last microseconds at best.
Try boiling deli slices of raw meat. You'll see.
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Not really because unlike rice keeping the tea in too long is the worst thing you can do. I guess you could get one of these if you wanted to, never used one.
>Try Taylors of Harrogate

I do >>78172174 :^)
You are supposed to take the tea sieve out when its done.
I understand that. What I'm saying is that some kind of rice cooker type machine where the thing would sit for hours and ready to use wouldn't really work with tea. Even if it automatically removed the leaves after the correct time tea doesn't like being kept warm.
But you could keep a separate chamber of water at a particular temperature, and then dump it onto the tea at a given time--in the morning for example.
yea i think you're probably right. its recommended for green tea leaves since they are delicate to temperature but i just dont see how it could be doing much if anything
It does oxidize pretty quickly. Although, with enough science, it might be doable. Although there are still volatile compounds trying to escape.
I also order tea bags directly from India, buying from the Aap Ki Pasand company. The bags themselves are pretty nice and decorative, the tea leaves are pretty good and the flavour is very good. Plus, they are relatively cheap and you don't pay shipping costs with order of 30+$
I mean sure, but it would have to have a lot of moving parts. Essentially what a coffee machine does with slight variations.
Well the point of a rice cooker isn't it's convenience, but how it autistically reproduces near-ideal conditions for good rice to cook in. Being convenient is actually secondary.

Suppose you wanted to build a machine that autistically reproduced ideal conditions for brewing tea, what would it look like?
I think Romans and Greeks had tea.
Like a coffee machine. There isn't that much autism that goes into it, just enough moving parts to recreate doing it by hand.

A chamber to boil the water in.
A chamber for the leaves.
Fill the water chamber.
Heat the water to set temperature
Dump a set amount of leaves.
It could maintain the temperature evenly throughout the process but I doubt that makes much of a difference.
After a set time remove leaves.
Pour out tea.
Romans probably did, they could have imported it from China thanks to the Silk Road. Don't know about greeks though.
Ok people I think you're going crazy with this thread, Twining's you can buy cheap enough on a regular supermarket and teabags are practical.

For anyone actually drinking tea regularly making it more complicated doesn't make much sense.
I understand mexicans are very simple in the head but I drink multiple cups a day and don't see how using loose leaves is too difficult to manage. Pouring a desired amount of leaves into a sieve or infuser takes about 2 seconds compared to the 1 second it takes to pull out a bag of tea. I'm ready to sacrifice 1 second per cup of tea.
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French tea > English tea
They don't grow tea in France or England.
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these babies boil water fuckin fast too...i bought one for my office at work
Yeah and you have to boil water anyway regardless of how you put the tea in.
I should buy a new fancy one. My old one broke and I've had to use a pot. Not very energy efficient way to boil water multiple times a day.
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>not having a kettle with a brita filter built in
Yeah, and how much more parafernalia do you need? A jar with a rubber seal because a tin won't quite do? How about a ceramic spoon so you don't impart a metallic taste on the tea, ih wait but you're already using a metallic sieve so better to find sonmething else... Remember this is tea you're paying extra to get

Or you can like not be some pretentious wannabe hipster cunt and do the most practical thing. It isn't being simple in the head, it's not turning basic necessities into fucking hobbies.
thats a beautiful container 2bh
They are called Kettles bro.

No, you are wrong. This is me (literally)
electric kettles to be precise
Only cunts and pretentious Yanks use leaves
I too love adding heavy metals to my drinking water.
Most loose tea comes in a sealed bag or container that shuts. If that's not enough for you I don't see how opening a jar is that cumbersome either.
>How about a ceramic spoon so you don't impart a metallic taste on the tea, ih wait but you're already using a metallic sieve so better to find sonmething else
Not a bad idea I might look into that.
>Remember this is tea you're paying extra to get
It cost around 10€ for 100 grams. How fucking poor are you that you can't spend a few extra bucks on something you use and enjoy every day? Do you also buy the cheapest 1-ply toilet paper?
>pretentious wannabe hipster cun
So I'm drinking tea alone at home because I want to appear cool? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I enjoy good tasting tea? Maybe I find the miniscule difference in the trouble it makes to brew some worth it?

Not everyone is a sad, jealous, bitter, poor shit like you. Not everyone agrees putting a little effort above minimum to enjoy their daily lives is "pretentious".
>not turning basic necessities into fucking hobbies.
Tea is not a necessity. Even if it was I make some every day so it's already a hobby. Why not make it better? Because some spic on an online weaving forum might think it's unnecessary? Some beaner doesn't approve of me having too much enjoyment in my daily life? Fuck off.
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Can vouch for that site btw anons. Legit, tasty tea. Looks like hipster trash cos it's owned by a western hipster. Damn good tea though.

>I too love adding heavy metals to my drinking water.
Any recommendations for a Alex Jones tier water filter in Europe then? Not the anon you're replying to but I use brita filter cos Thames water tastes like trash.
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I did some research once and it seems ZeroWater is the best (the graph I posted is obviously an ad) but the filters are ridiculously expensive. Like 7€ a piece even if you buy them in bulk and you have to keep replacing them. Our tap water already tastes great I was just kinda worried about the medicine traces in the soil after reading it about it.

Then I remembered where my water comes from (pic related) and realized maybe the medicine traces in the soil aren't really an issue in Helsinki.
Oh sorry, I'm browsing with images disabled, hadn't spotted that.
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Anyone else drink this? Favorite tea right here
doesn't that shit cause throat cancer?
I mean it's not technically from the ZeroWater website, but it's so one sided I can't believe it's not shilling.

It's very hard to judge water filters scientifically, because half the shit they all advertise is on par with holistic medicine. Yet filtering water does have genuine advantages especially if you don't live in a place like Finland. I remember seeing some 3rd party particle tests, but how genuine and unsponsored they were I cannot tell. Anyway I couldn't find anyone calling ZeroWater shit despite a lot of reviews so I assume it's at least somewhat competent.

You can judge their bullshit for yourself here: https://www.zerowater.com/why-zerowater/

I have attached an image to this post.
On an intuitive level mate activates my almonds way too much to be good for you.
But I love drugs, smoking and oral sex way too much to worry about a beverage.
I have Masala Chai in loose leafs, is the typical Indian tea afaik and they tend to put milk and sugar on it.

It taste nice, but I prefer English Breakfast or Earl Grey.
Today I ordered some loose leaf black tea from Ceylon after using teabags for about a week. This thread is making me excited about it.
>Only cunts and pretentious Yanks use leaves
meh our supermarkets have garbage bagged tea for the most part. the cheapest place to get good stuff in-person is asian stores and most of their selection is loose leaf. low-quality teabags most definitely have a negative effect on flavor tho
>especially if you don't live in a place like Finland
Yeah, if I lived in North Wales I wouldn't even bother.
Seriously, if you come to London, try our water as a novelty experience.

But if you're conspiratorial minded it's not how it tastes so much. Do they not treat Finnish water?
We drink tea to work here, almost no one will use loose leaves unless they're old or rural. (My great-grandfather used to drink full pots and swallow the leaves and he had a ball of them the size of an apple in his stomach when he died).
With septics it's always like you have something to prove, I still laugh every time thinking how Stella "Wife Beater" Artois is sipped with the pinky out from tasting glasses in America.
They screen it, but not much treatment is required. Helsinki drinking water comes from a huge lake 100km to the north in the middle of nowhere.

I was never conspiracy minded enough to fear the government putting shit in it, but medicine traces from urine and feces leaking into the soil and from there to the water is a real issue in large metropolitan cities. Especially if they keep the water reservoir nearby like many big cities do. That shit is incredibly hard to filter out with industrial size filters and not specifically targeted in most places.
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And most people buy pre-ground coffee but that's no justification for doing so.

It sounds like you have very low self-esteem if you're so afraid of "sticking out" that you can't enjoy your favourite beverage in a way that brings you most pleasure because it's "not common". You're not even denying it's superior, you just don't want to draw attention to yourself by doing anything in a way that isn't the most popular. Reconsider your priorities.
I live nearby 4 asian markets as well, and I find them to be bit of a hit and miss. Very cheap loose leaves, but not really as good quality as high-end importers like our Finnish nordqvist. http://www.nordqvist.fi/en/products/classic.html
Try their gunpowder tea and the gunpowder tea that's quarter of the price in an asian market and the difference is night and day. Too bad it looks like they've cut half the classic (loose, unflavoured) teas they used to offer if the website is to be believed, this is a new development.
I mean you're right in a way, but ""english"" tea is soapbar compared to some BC organic highgrade ting chink loose leaf.

>tfw gay frog

No it's that we don't have the time to sit around brewing and filtering leaves. You can flick the kettle on and have a cup ready in like two minutes with bags, that's all it is.
1. Nip sencha Green tea
2. Oolong tea
3. Rooibois
4. Black tea blends
5. Rosehip tea
>Stella "Wife Beater" Artois is sipped with the pinky out from tasting glasses in America
this isn't true. its like how we yanks think aussies actually like foster's
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Have you ever made tea from loose leaves because it seems pretty obvious you haven't. It's literally an identical process except instead of a bag you use an infuser.

1. Boil water
2. Grab a bag
3. Put bag in cup
4. Pour water over
5. Remove bag


1. Boil water
2. Grab a container of tea
3. Fill infuser
4. Put infuser in cup
5. Pour water over
6. Remove infuser

Instead of 2 minutes it takes 2 minutes and 2 seconds. I find it hard to believe you're too busy of a man to spend two extra seconds on a cup of tea.
i like dat ceremonial grade matcha green tea too. worth the price imo
Not him but it's totally fucking true I've visited the States many times.
Stella is unironically called wife beater here, but it's considered a luxury there.
He's wrong about the tea tho
English tea is it's own thing.
It's just people like him can't see or won't acknowledge we've been drinking the equivilant of McDonalds.

You should do the proper chink method though, not the English, which is a lot more work than you're describing
Gunpowder is better than sencha :^)
Have to admit I haven't tried it. I'll keep that in mind next time I go shop for tea. Which is probably tomorrow since I only have Darjeeling Margaret and Keemun Congou and no green tea at all.
Gunpowder is good too. I just like sencha more
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>You should do the proper chink method though
Yeah I should, but that is a lot more work like you said. Using loose leaves and an infuser is a tiny miniscule difference that makes the end result ten times better than bags.

I love going to jap restaurants and ordering tea though. Chink restaurants just give you shitty bag tea because they have no honor.
I love both too, I was just bustin ur ballz for leaving it out of top 5.
Try Russian style tea

It's similar and delicious
I have an infuser (it's a spoon though) and I used to drink loose leaves quite often, I happily concede it's far better than almost anything you'll get in a bag. However with an infuser I tended to get a lot of leaf runoff even though the sieve was very fine. I know some people like it that way but I've always been a bit iffy about swallowing tea leaves.
Do you mean Ivan tea or the black tea blends?
well i live in colorado and the people here scoff at you if you order non-local hipster craft beers. its probably true on the east coast though...lots of lowbrows there
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Like this one? I have one too and like you said there's a lot more runoff. Unlike the one in this pic >>78178573 which locks into position these "scissor-like" infusors rely on tension which
A. doesn't hold as well as the locking mechanism
B. they always bend over time in use causing little "cracks" to appear between the two halves.

When I use that one I just leave the last sip in the cup. With the ball kind I don't get any runoff.
REALLY hope it doesn't, been drinking it since I was little
you have to pour the water in a bowl and use a whisk to mix the powder in. newbs think they can just stir it with a spoon and then complain that its shit
*if you DON'T order hipster beers
ha yeah true dat.
I was talking in a grand generalisation but you've taken beer to whole new wine levels over the past decade or so.
Even in europe now people pay 3x the price for overhopped hipster branded 'craft' beer.
What the fuck is it with all the abuse you retard? I'm not the literal mongoloid getting her panties all in a bunch because someone on the internet wrote that they consider his fucking hobbie unpractical. Yes, fucking necessities of life do include things like tea, sugar and milk, what the fuck do you think minimum wage is based on? Just fucking water and ramen? It's called a dignified living man, but you want to talk about enjoying life when your fucking "culture" never evolved fucking gastronomy beyond fucking rotten fish? Like I mentioned earlier you can't fucking be an expert on every single fucking thing and while no doubt you've been sold on the idea of a fucking lifestyle I'd rather just focus on things that are more important to me rather than motherfucking ceramic spoons.

Here's the deal dumb fuck, at some point your life will change for whatever reasons, you'll stop minding about your idiot hobby and you'll go back to teabags, I would fucking put money on that.

So enjoy your small comforts snownigger, I'll be living in paradise enjoying finer things in life than what you fucking know.
If you knew enough about hipsters you'd know the most respected kind is always the LOCAL craft beer :^) Preferrably brewed in the same building as the pub if possible.
Yes I'm autistic about beer too, fight me.
i can't argue with all these great beers to try but the people around here are taking it a bit too far lately
please don't fight mexico and finlan ;_;
God tier brand
Finnautist should check out the shop in >>78177617 btw. Proper fucking tea at good prices.
Yeah it's almost exactly like that one. I might pop out and get a new one tomorrow now.
Thx for the link looks good
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>they consider his fucking hobbie unpractical
>pretentious wannabe hipster cunt
That's a little more than just "unpractical" José.
>what the fuck do you think minimum wage is based on?
Well it sure as hell isn't based on the price of tea. What the fuck? I could buy more than the 100g bag of my pretentious loose leaved tea which lasts a month of daily use with ONE HOUR OF MINIMUM WAGE work. Buying tea that's a little nicer than the worst shit in the supermarket has no effect on my personal budget. It's the price of one or two pints of beer in a pub. For a month of tea. I could live on studentbux and I'd still get it (and did).
>It's called a dignified living man
Yeah sure sounds dignified if loose leaved tea is too fancy for you to justify spending a few bucks on.
>gastronomy beyond fucking rotten fish
>you can't fucking be an expert on every single fucking thing
I'm not. But the things I do partake in I try to know at least a little bit off. I don't buy bulk beer, I don't buy cheap whiskey, I don't buy ground coffee, I don't buy tea in bags. There's not exactly a lifetime of research needed to go a little above minimum requirements in beverages.
>you've been sold on the idea of a fucking lifestyle
Lifestyle of enjoying quality food and beverages? I mean I guess. Why is that something I should avoid?
>you'll go back to teabags
I can't go back to teabags because I never used teabags. As a kid I had only tasted bagged teas and thought they weren't very good. Only in my twenties I gave drinking tea another shot, this time doing it properly, and from there I kept drinking it because I enjoyed it. I have tried bagged teas since and they're nothing like it. If I couldn't have tea I enjoy I'd drink something else.
>I would fucking put money on that
Again with the money. So you really are poor and bitter that some people can afford more than the bare minimum. You never answered my TP question. 1-ply?
>So enjoy your small comforts snownigger
Thank you
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Thanks I will. Looks legit, I just wonder about the postages. I live near a store that has an entire wall full of glass jars of tea and a lady that only sells tea and coffee. Like an old timey candy shop with the small ladder and everything. It's a nice experience just walking in there.
Make sure to get the ball kind. It's a tiny bit less practical than the spoon kind but it's worth it because it seals shut. And you can buy one with a qute ornament as counterweight.
Haha can't argue with that. I'm not that guy but I know the type. I grew up with my local pub being one of those "beer aficionado" places with 20+ rotating beers on tap and over 200 bottles to choose from. Even chosen as pub of the year 2011. So as soon as I turned 18 I got used to the taste of good craft beer. Rarely had to order the same thing twice, unless I really wanted to.

I'm 100% certain some people would've found it "pretentious" but for us it was just a place to go play pool, throw darts and keep tasting new things. Half the fun was browsing the booklet telling a little bit about each beer.
>I'm 100% certain some people would've found it "pretentious"
its only pretentious if you are trying to shove it down people's throats and belittle them. there's nothing wrong with nerding out on beers if thats what you like to do
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Yeah I mean I can't say I've never been guilty. Not shoving it to people's faces but going to random bars and acting shocked they only serve regular lager. But we were dumb kids, these days I just don't go to those places :D

Being a "regular" at a good pub you do see all kinds of faggots though. Complaining to the bar tender that the pour wasn't good enough etc. I was never a dick to the people tending bar.
It really is lads. Shipping is free over $100 I think.
I've been drinking their white whale a lot, which is very well priced compared to other puerhs of that age. You can see the Chinese stuff he sells for a comparison.

You have to bare in mind the chinks all love that traditional stuff, so the price is sky high given we're Westerners (so out of the loop) and Chinese are now rich, too, and it's a fairly scare product anyway.

The stuffed Mandarins (his brand with the star) are awesome, but don't go for the actual Chinese ones. Other than that, go nuts, I doubt you'll be dissapointed.
The sample sets look interesting. I love trying new kinds so it could be pretty fun having a bit of a variety pack.
The chocobar I can vouch for.
Have only tried the puerhs otherwise, so can't talk to specific green / black / oolong / etc, but I can vouch for his quality.
The blacktea in the chocobar samplers was good though.
He ships in these really cool branded darknetmarket-esqe sealable bags which are good for storage. So I wouldn't worry if you're going to order lots of sample sizes of specific teas.
I know very little about puer other than having tasted some one or twice. Is there an advantage to having it age longer? Does the taste mature with time? What's the deal with ripe puer, I read the wiki article but it doesn't really tell anything about their quality.
>he's taking the puerh pill
Sorry I sent you down this rabbithole anon. Shit be expensive yo.
Yeah it's very nice. It mellows with age. The difference between raw and ripe is that ripe tries to speed up the aging process from my understanding. They do have a slightly different taste,but I'm a newbie. Where he's selling raw teas from this year / last etc, the assumption is you're buying it to age yourself I think.
>I like Earl Grey better
Of the ripes when I said avoid the chinese mandarin: I mean avoid that "orange drop" one. The red stars are delicious.

The Gongting Shu is very drinkable.
I use those without issues. Sure, they broke in the long run, but they are cheap as fuck on Tiger or Walmart, so meh.
And white whale from the raw.
Can vouch for these + the red star mandarins + chocobars
But nothing is going to be "bad"
Haha no worries. It's like scotch, it's nice to have that really good bottle in the pantry for the right moment but you're not going to get drunk with it. I'll definitely order some to try them out and see what all fuss is about, but I don't see myself switching to $300 tea on a daily basis.
>ripe tries to speed up the aging process
Yeah I got that, I'm just wondering how successful it is. Generally speaking (and I'm just blowing smoke out of my ass) trickery trying to speed up aging can't really match the real thing whether it's beer or wine or meat or anything.
>the assumption is you're buying it to age yourself I think.
That's probably true, there's still some from the early 2000s left though.
You're right, they are very cheap. Not really about the money for me, I just don't like buying shit I need to replace right away. Rather buy something that lasts years. Maybe I was a little too rough with mine but it didn't take very long for the two halves to stop aligning perfectly.
I'll keep this tab open until I get my order in. Thanks for the suggestions. Now it's time to go to bed.

I wasn't able to find a picture of my local tea shop but it kinda looks like pic related (2/3 of it). Only each tin has a little glass case under it showing what the contents look like. Shit's comfy.
>all this tea autism
I haven't expected these kind of stuff to pop up
I can see the appeal then, anon.
I was also sperging about cigars ITT, and if I had the monies I would def shop round here for them for the experience.


>I'm just wondering how successful it is.
It imparts a different flavour. The ripe is richer. Idk. Order some and see as I said I'm a noob.

Just recommend that webshop in general anyway #noshill
OP here. cheers to a surprisingly good thread
>being passionate about a topic = autism
What are you, a fucking normie?
quite famalam.
there are some quite legitimately awesome international autists here.. just wish the general quality of conversation was this high.

bumping informative autism thread
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Best tea company

Basically studies conducted on it came to two conclusions:
- its the roasting that makes cancer causing substance appear in the tea
- heat stress on cells from drinking it while it is still very hot is beneficial for cancer

So as long as you drink green kind that has not been roasted it will be fine, considering you dont drink it while its too hot.
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Make a coffemachine, where the filter-part is bigger, and have a timer to release the water into the flask/pot after a given time.
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Yeah pretty much. Though to be fair that's how coffee should be made too, just passing the water through the grounds is not ideal for coffee either.
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I like Yorkshire
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>Yet filtering water does have genuine advantages especially if you don't live in a place like Finland

Filtering water here is mainly for hard water areas with a lot of calcium thanks to limestone rocks and chalk. It helps extend the life of things like kettles and reduces build up of limescale.
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My niggas.
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>east india company

Be. Very. Careful. Now.
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Going to fix me a cup of Assam loose leaf tea in few mins.
leave it to brits to steal a thousands-year-old drink from asia and pawn it off as a cultural heritage
>t. ching ching ling dong

It's not like the Brits built the biggest and most relevant empire the world has ever seen off the back of tea and the trade it brought, spreading culture throughout the world.
just know chinks roll their squinty eyes at your cute little tea fixation nigel
>implying dog eaters know anything about quality taste
Yeah a lot of places in Europe have really hard water. I guess the US too. I know my burger cousins had to put in a separate machine in their house to soften the water. Never even knew water could be "hard" before I visited them.

I googled a little and looks like London's water is 16.5 dGh when over 10 is considered "very hard".
Helsinki's water is 2.9 dGh when anything below 3.5 is "very soft".

Definitely noticable in the shower when traveling, makes the skin feel dry and flaky.
It's you who keeps pushing the stereotype, thick yank. It didn't come to us from China anyway.
That's pretty funny coming from someone whose nation's proudest culinary contribution is putting meat between slices of bread.
You steal this from China and spread it to India afaik.
You're a fucking Yank so this doesn't mean much.
Tea came to England from Portugal
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