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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 269
Thread images: 81

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Edisi Water Gun
what was the context of this
Filipino dramas - ah yes the pinnacle of television entertainment

(Skip to 2:20)

no I'm your hat mijn vrietenvriend

At least rain cools you down

Slightly rude.
>thread edition goes even more insane each every passing day

Is this the sign that MKL has completely lost it?
Dunno, I'm not a Kapuso. Apparently two characters from some GMA show got into fights, and they used ludicrous "weapons" like water guns.
What happens outside there?

Also I remember I once ate some green malaysian balls. What are they called?
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I'd rather have loli threads than flip centric thread

Heck even about Malaysian airports

Do your part
Report this thread pls
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More illegals/immigrants = more crime and dangers
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>western shitter
>come to thailand for hookers
>gets aids
do tv producers even try anymore?
>western shitter
>come to thailand for loli
>got a cock inside his butt instead
guys i want to eat some malaysian balls
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>literally a shitter
>poos outside
A bit gay.
Did she die tho
>every thai male youngsters need to grow their bobier to get a job
You got to give them props for taking it very seriously.

Literally pandering to the leddit audience.

Good thing my purest wife Liza won't stoop this low.
Question, how many ladyboys are there in Thailand in reality? Like what percentage of men would you say goes that way?

I really have no clue and feels like it's blown way out of proportion.
That's the masa maid, provincial audience as usual
They only know facebook
no no the green ones
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Pic is Thai conscription
She's going to be Darna

She's sabotaging her career whatever that is
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You mean this one?
but what are the real statistics, that seems pretty cherrypicked
Ewww, what STD that makes a ball goes green?
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>be indo
>no job

its a meme, we dont have that many ladyboys. most of them are just high-profile.
if you're a tranny or gay and visit the rurals expect to be beaten up or killed.
yeah that one
whats it called
What do you call it over there? In here it's klepon.
Can you help me translate this? I'd be very grateful desu
Klepon is Indon OC btw.
I don't think its that much just they gravitate towards tourist spots since the demand is there.
Kuih buah melaka
Kuih is general term for all snacks.
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Which /asean/ country has the most crime?
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Just read the title desu, I need it urgently pls
>Liza boobs
>Liza thighs
>Liza armpits
Muh dick.
>be american
>be morbidly obese
>go to mcdonalds
>buy 5 burgers, 2 extra large fries and a 2-liter diet coke, you are on a diet after all
>go home
>keep shoes on
>decide to watch a movie
>movie ends
>go outside for a 100m walk
>get shot
>you get into a hospital
>you need surgery
>"sorry, but you are too obese for us to perform a surgery"
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according to numbeo it's malaysia
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I don't know where to find the crime rate but here's the homicide rate
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>be discount uk
>cant own guns
>tfw takde gf melayu
>25 page limit
Fuck off.
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Numbeo is self reported and often this kind of sites are manipulated by the opposition (read about Red Bean Army) to spread anger and fear.
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gf melayu sume dah barai
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hello afiqah, nk gi tengok movie tk?
I thought Red Bean Army has been dead for a few years now since these days they just spam muh sub muh 1MDB endlessly.
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i dont know if you're memeing me or not anon but i can only make out a few words in that picture
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I was too late
Oh yeah ECRL too lately, I recall something like 'ECRL no benefits' or something recently.
Pretty surprising too that EC725 was no longer brought up despite all those 2009-2010 muh helicopter.
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Too late for what, anon?
in here thailand means shit
Lol even when PLUS was built they had a problem with it
Not just complaining, I mean suggesting that in order to benefit the people we should start a train building industry for a single rail line.
They must be thinking that building freakin trains is the same as a sampan.
that's Taeland
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Does your country have an underground music scene (shoegaze, alt rock, death metal and stuffs)?
Its Indonesian balls
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Is that the food with coconut milk inside? I remember trying something like that when I went to Tanah Lot.
Indon OC
It's coconut sugar to be precise
Makes me want to open up a business selling only Indon/malay sweets.
Please gibe more examples so I can pirate them in my lab.
I fell into an escalator twice in my life and those moving railings are easy to hold unless your hands are wet af
>tired due to working for Mr lim
>stuck in cheras infamous traffic jam
>indo girl WhatsApp me to pick her up at her private uni
>she gave me bj in traffic jam
Flip snacks are similar too. We share similar foods.
>bj in traffic jam
Tried it in a Protong. Very uncomfortable due to low steering wheel. 5/10 will reconsider.
better than berukdua
>myvi hit suprima s (tbone mid sect)
>kids behind dont wear seatbelts
> 3 dead (myvi) 5 survive (protong)
protong car after 2015 are made for survivability while berukdua prefer profit
well decent job as an accountant
at leats i am not whoring myself as a dickgirl
>indopoo 5.5% unemployment rate
>thailand 1% unemployment rate

>indopoo cant afford loo
Just google translate the description.
>Globe IP is rangebanned
>the subhuman bisaya/tagalog poster disappears
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>50% of that employed thais are actually dickgirls
Please don't fight, have a glass of Milo instead
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>50% of indos dont know how to poo in the loo
cam buat sendiri je milo tabur *-*
meh kat abang sikit!
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goodnight malay-chan
you should suck his Big Keling Dick
Why is thai poster so rude?
Hey Mary are u here??
will the malaysia dude post his dick again?
im kinda curious desu
I'm here dude, no dick tonight I'm not horny enough. What are you curious about?
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in my dreams
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Sometimes I wish there is no internet and Mahathir didn't sack Anwar

>Patriotism at all time high
>Everyone is being proud of the country
>Malaysia Boleh
>Malaysia Book of Record introduced - everyone try to be the first Malaysian to break a record (Everest etc)
>Everyone drive Proton
>Megaproject everywhere
>Host Commonwealth game
>Build Petronas Tower - tallest building in the world
>Because of no internet you can't even feel the racial tension

I still remember when Pak Lah took over from Mahathir and started being liberal (at least compared to Mahathir). I almost didn't believe my eyes when I saw books criticising the government being sold at major bookstores. I was like isn't this illegal?

Staying bluepilled makes you happy and content.

Those days sound comfy, anon. Seeing photos of my parents, the times looked peaceful and serene.
>kids born in 2010 are old enough to post on 4chan now
Born in '98 la, parents met in the u.k. while under mara-sponsorship.
Too bad mara is poor now.
I have a friend who scored straight A's, got Mara scholarship and supposed to do Medic overseas but somehow Mara couldn't afford it and just placed him in a uni in Perak.
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I just did a 5 second long fart. I didnt even knew that was possible.
why do your countries tolerate pervy sexpats?
It's a sad state of affair.
Time for student revolution, anon :^)

[spoiler] ywn experiance a turbulent time in your country because no one cares anymore [/spoiler]

Go to sleep, bobo.
Why I can't have a gf? ;_;

you guys going through the same shit? lots of young fellers marry early now lah.

my kawan punya kawan, married at 18 cibai. tak tahan dah nak main.
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Cant sleep when im busy compiling yet another sfm collection in 1 single file to fap to. Ive done the whole fetish cycle thing, only horribly animated gangbang/dp get me barely hard anymore. This is torture man, been trying to get off for 5 days now. Everynight i dedicate 3-4 hours in finding content and another hour stroking my flaccid dick. Someone please just kill me fuck.
you should just go cold turkey and try and find something else to do lah. right now just say your prayers, and go to sleep. we'll figure it out in the morning, okay?
tu la siapa suruh tak hensem
lain kali jadi la hensem
Unironically try no fap + no porn. Few years ago I can't fap for more than a month because of the environment, I'm literally having wet dreams again and again it's crazy.
Talk I went to earlier this morning
"No one is ugly, just lazy"
Speaker was referring to guys/girl who couldn't take care of themselves, how they look, how they style, etc.

Gave me a hope as a 5/10.
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I really cant man, im very close to crying now. And i have major exams in 6 hours...
Its now or never. i cant take this anymore. I want to cum i need to cum pr i might dk something i shouldnt

The last time i came was 3 weeks ago. Going longer will break my mind. Its very hard to concentrate on anything right now
Hmmm, sleep or joining Caeser's legion?

wow i bet your lecturers would be happy to receive you for another sem :)
I bet everyone can smell the virgin desperation when i attend classes. I mean i always bath myself with cologne and use expensive fabric conditioner but still.

Sorry for blogshit.
But you asked for thist. None of tis is my fault, Its society's. Their fault for denying me carnal pleasures. Fuck you world putang ina mo gago mamatay ka na
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When I feel the same feeling as you, I always remember what Batman says to Superman

I know that feel bro
Be like Batman
WHICH one of you did this i want names
Despacito is rubbish
Just stop man. Go for a run tomorrow, get some sun and shed sweats. Then take a cold bath.
More like, "no one is ugly, just poor".
>christmas tinner

Reminds me of one of my professors, he knows how to play the gamelan and even demonstrated it once.
udah lewat nih gan
eh kok balas ke diri sendiri?
orang lain udah tidur mas
oh iya

in OP's pic, someone replace the ika-6na utos with: DELETE THIS
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my cum is smellier than usual today
someone already did it la >>77897677

you've been eating a lot of garlic huh friend?
dah pukul 4 ni babi
alhamdulillah sejuk perut ibu mengandung
So many polis watdafak
Surrender your shabu now, kuya.
>student revolution
But its happening, look at all the LGBT activists now and political party puppets.
I like it when underclasss girls call me kuya
How long before we export domestic workers to Philippines?
Remember to vote Pakatan in GE14, Sarawak Report says Jibby took your monies.
I like it when they dont call me kuya I am NOT that old you whores
I would like to hire you to be my friend
But I already work 6 days a week.
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How do we stop Vietnam?
>not i am greek
Ikebey would be disappoint.
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But we're strong, kawan. We won't be toppled by Soros (jew) money!

Do Kedahans like little boys too?

>tfw Viet wants to drink from my skull
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>But we're strong
Tell that to the millions who cite Sarawak Report and Dailymail as honest western media. Nevermind the fake papers just looking at the site
>latest alleged salvo comes from France, where newspapers today reported the indictment of a further two former senior French executives on suspicion of “active bribery” over the sale of three lousy and over-priced Scorpene submarines
Somehow being called to assist investigation becomes 'charged' and we magically got another submarine for free. Wtf I love France now!
Never heard of little boys only some rape cases occasionally.
M-Maybe. But as the writer said, the Greek take refuge to the south, to Palembang, Indonesia.
>Alexander the Great's blood lives within the ancient Malayan Kings
- Malay Annals
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Where can I buy a decent onahole in flipland? And no, I'm still a collegefag and don't have a credit card yet so online stores doesn't count.
Wow our navy looks chill with their number of ships. Guess since we fought a velvet revolution, and have been diplomats ever since we don't need much firepower.

>having the blood of Iskandar flow within
I can see how the commoners would go wow over that
please don't procreate and just die off you inferior asians
were they the first we wuz alexander's then?
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Its not just the numbers but logistics and age, the average is already 40+yrs. They told Mahathir they need 40+ to cover the country in the 90's but instead he gave his crony who ran with the money resulting in the kedah class being so few, insufficient heli and no missile. Sabah and Sarawak can blame him for not getting ships named after them and the 6 we got was thanks to armed forces using their pension fund to buy a Singaporean shipbuilder to save the 6 hulls.
Take Borneo with 4000+km of shore.
18 ships,no missiles, 6 ship per shift.
6 ship to cover all that assuming 100% reliability which is simply impossible on top of faster and more advanced chink ships wandering around.
Still I can't help but feel the choice of chink ships for littoral mission ship (LMS) was a mistake, they are clearly overcharging us for a slightly big boat with puny 30mm gun. Such is the price of chink investment and favours.
Didn't know our navy was this bad. Any books or journals to read up on our state right now? You seem to know a lot, man.

I don't think so, Alexander was what? 300BC? Probably a lot of rulers claim to be his rightful successor.
iirc, he had a son but didn't the son got assasinated?

What I learn comes from family members and friends who work in the military including navy intelligence. Don't even get me started on troubles faced by the coast guard, there are good reasons why they are on perma angry mode like this guy.
But you can check malaysian defence which use reliable sources and Dzirhan Mahadzir, the guy is writer for jane's and other publications. You can also visit Lumut base during anniversary open day in April and ask the sailors about their experience.
Well, I guess we'll see the flip version of eliott rodger on the news in a few days.
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i was thinking more along the lines of hiring someone instead of shooting them you know, more economical that way.
Gonna need to publish manifesto to become supreme gentleman.
>hire prostitute to suck your dick
>designated fucking place
>cops raid first floor for drugs
>they decide to shoot everybody while they're at it
Better publish that manifesto and be a supreme gentleman instead.
When will the Aussie transcend?

They tag along with PRC.
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Hey guys I just shat out a tapeworm again
Don't you have online store that sells imported items or something?
What have you been eating?
tapeworm eggs
I feel upset. I stayed up all night downloading MAME, then making it try to run Casio Loopy games. I know that console isn't officially supported, but I read elsewhere that others made it work, so I got frustrated until I fell asleep.
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>This guy stops your bike and demand you give him 10% of your tobacco harvest.
How do you respond?
saya masih anak kuliah pak
bukunya pun masih ada yang belum dibeli
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That is one hell of a blunderbuss.
But you sold all your book voucher for cigs and pirated the books to your ipad.
Pic related
What are these photos about, Indobro?
From the Dutch men and what seems to be Lee Einfield rifles its most likely to be Dutch re occupation after WW2.
My source is telling me a clash happened between IS and MILF in Pusau, Southern Maguindanao. 7 MILF fighters dead, 2 of them officers. 11 others were injured.
Not him but it must be some digitally colored version of photos taken during the Netherlands military aggression in post-independence Indonesia. Though some of them seem to be taken long before that, like that Aceh guy.
Why would they kill MILF?

Are they gay?
So Duts warning about 3 hotspots in Mindanao few days ago was true.
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>not killing used goods
What's wrong with you?
I bet you are thiccfag too.
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>be with gf
>some lonely 3/10 looking guy next table
>he looks at me
>it looks so fucking sad he is alone
>his gf comes
>9/10 boobs face ass qt
>see him in the corner of my eye grining
Fuuuuck i sweat as fast as a malay steals their neighbours culture
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are they back?
What do you think lads??
ayy lmao
>have effigies of Abe and Uncle Sam
>no effigies of Xi or Putin
Why is this allowed?
Uncle Xi will be paying your state college tuition fees now
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are malaysian boys good lovers?
Pleasure Shop along Timog corner
We'll turn good for you, bby ;3
Your obsession with Malaysian boys makes me feel uneasy.
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asking for a friend who isn't me
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my god it feels great wrecking ultra hard custom bots with just a suppressed m45 and 2 extra mags

s-someone play insurgency with me ;_;
sure what's your steam?
>hostel doesn't have a/c
Just kill me now
still waiting :(>>77932045
nvm it does, they just turned it on
I'm hungry. Anything to recommend to me that is not Indomie or other types of instant foods?
a sandwhich?
boiled eggs
nasi goreng cili padi + telur goreng + bergedil
teh botol
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I hope marawi siege will have in game operators like r6 siege or something like cod
Too hungry for just a PB&J and I lack the ingredients to make a proper, filling sandwich
Ewww.... Boiled eggs are the worst kind of eggs.
Udah muak makan nasi goreng. Something else please?
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Eat ostia you filthy hajji
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>Millions of wood armor customization
>See that door, you can armor up with it!
>It just works!
Our greatest achievement is Flappy Bird.
>worst kind of eggs
Fuck off you know NOTHING. Boiled eggs are very high speed low drag food. It's the ultimate breakfast. You wake up, boil water put 2 eggs, take a shower poop while you're at it then your boiled eggs are ready by the time you finish. you just cut 15 mins of preparing breakfast
Martabak mesir? Do you have that in your place? Or try some kind of roti that you have over there
Do you guys have mee kari? Go for mee kari :)

Unrelated, "Clever girl? More like... Stupid Girl!" - dad
Well you managed to get front page today >>77921013
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Paper > Wood
>And no, I'm still a collegefag and don't have a credit card yet
Here, it's semi-required to present a valid credit card ID before proceeding to the final year of college
kubis jeruk letak sambal
nasi gulung dengan rumpai laut tambah ikan mentah

apa yang sedap sangat?
All lmao.

Anyway, Malaysians read English newspapers? WTF
Try looking outside your window, anon. Does it look like morning to you? Plus boiled eggs doesn't taste delicious at all.
Fuck that looks fucking delicious. There's nothing like that near my area but I've been here for just a few weeks so I'll try to find that shit.
Eh good enough. BRB eating out
Not the same anon but during my days in boarding school (13-17 years old), all I know about outside world is from an English newspaper delivered everyday to our classroom. That's all.
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>Cash on delivery available
2 out of 5 of the top newspaper in Malaysia is in English. At least that's what googling Malaysia newspaper list unearthed.
morning po, here's your masturbasyon toys po.
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gib tourist money
Just go to FEU

Much cheaper

If you're lucky you'll get someone fresh
should wear undies
my balls had trouser rash
English newspaper > Makkah newspaper
buy anti-fungal cream to treat it
>bored at night, garu kote, get rash
You'll still have a rash if you keep banging cheap sloots in kajang
>that feels when it implodes inside your mouth
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wear undies
so your penis doesn't get stuck in the zipper
Do the indo OC version have pieces of caramelized sugar bits in them?
who /gegirl/ here?
I think it has brown sugar inside it. The caramelized sugar isn't very thick, too.
a-are you still here? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198381669703/ i am on my way home im sorry i did not see your post earlier. give me 30 mins
sorry I'm sleepy. I will add you and we can play tomorrow,I play with ~2 other people,you can join us
haha what a cuck
haha forever alone ex dee!!

[spoiler] until tomorrow, at least ^-^ [/spoiler]
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okay just hit me with a message
How was your mee kari, indon?
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>want to ask some genuine question about tranny
>thai anon already gone
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I'm feeling kinda shy,could you add me instead?
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sure just link your profile.
I loved DomDomSoft too.
Lucky you. There's no sex toys in our lazada here.
You sure? seem to be plenty in the Malaysian Lazada
new friend :)
Eh pretty decent overall. The broth is thinner than what I would have preferred but is still delicious. Would eat again/10
Yeah, there are only lubes and condoms in our Lazada.

>by lazada guest
He's not brave enough to put his name there, is he?

Where do you buy mee kari?
Aren't Muslims not allowed to buy sex toys or something like that?
>not using superior Free Manga Downloader
What's for the broth?
It's called Martabak telur here, but we east it with acar
Christians are allowed to?
Here we just called it Martabak but apparently in Indonesia that's another thing (we called your Martabak, Apam Balik). Yes here we eat it with acar or sometimes curry but when I visited Padang they eat it with soy sauce and chilli.
Besides right now I don't use those downloaders anymore. Mostly I read it using tachiyomi on my phone.
How would I know? I'm not into those things...
Selamat Tidur, teman-teman
Fuck you
Have a nice fuck, bruh.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
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