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/eire/ /éire//

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 95

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You know who edition again lads
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I hope the Persona sound bomb turns out to be good.
>daily Tomoyo editions

I can get behind this
>repeating an OP picture
truly the worst of all generals
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Watching it, liking their 3 stage approach.
>just got taken down due to copyright

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Got this one too just in case

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Listen to some real Shin Megaman Chensay music
Whats cheaper, Tesco or Lidl?
Everything Meguro touches turns to gold but SMT is never going to have its own concerts unfortunately. They're a fun little novelty
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I'm ashamed to say I haven't yet played a core SMT game, I really must do.

They're both at the cheap end of supermarkets, it depends what you're looking for in there.
Food mostly
also apart from food I'll probably want some condoms. meeting a cute guy tonight
Tesco have a website if you want to check their prices. https://www.tesco.ie/groceries/
Do they have a good selection of condoms? im not too familiar with their brand.

im hoping he fucks me btw
Any good brands for micro food?
You are not me
>being a bender

get out of this general you fucking faggot
Any good brands for micro dicks?

This isn't me.
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>being a hetero normie
Maybe I can be your gf (male) for tonight.

You should get a tripcode so we can know when it's you.
Microwavable food? That's the worst kind of food you can eat
You are not me.
Am I me?
none of these are me, fucking hell. I thought this was a nice general lads
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>Bullying Spanny
anon pls
This is the spammer. Attention seeking queer.

Practically all food is microwaveable.
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Lidl by a fucking country mile, Tesco is a rip
Good la, hope ya ride him so hard up the hole, he coughs up yer spunk. Also, don't use Tesco jonnys unless you want to get yer new GF pregnant
How do i obtain one? I might just take off my namefag anyway
It can be quite good sometimes
If you ever visit Spain try El Litoral
>How do i obtain one?

this your first month on 4chan faggot?
To use a normal tripcode, place a hash mark ("#") followed by a word or short phrase after what you've entered into the [Name] field (ex. "User#password"). Upon submission, the server will generate the hash unique to that particular word or phrase.
lol how do i tripfag
>spoonfeeding the bender
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>How do I Google
Ive never been interested in obtaining ome before.
Thanks imma test it now
Btw the only post i did with irish flag was this>>77858096
Dreamt I tried to kill myself but failed.
>manipulated the faggot into using a trip by pretending to be him so I can now filter him from every thread

good day lads
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Ok seems to work
bought this three brands ive never tried in lidl, imma try the beans for lunch
It sounds like he meant quick meal micro food like rustlers or micro chips.
I thought we were bullying him like we did with swooce :(
Guarantee all those brands are disgusting. You don't get cheap nice good in Lidl unless its chocolate or something.
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>Bacon rashers
>Energy drink
All the components of a healthy diet
it was that too but I knew some faggot would tell him to start using a trip to keep him here
Bullying isn't very nice, Juniper.
I couldnt recognize any brands outside of drinks..
Was hoping to find instant noodles or some easy micro dish like those in spain. The catalog was very limited in that supermarket

>Meanwhile, the Polish government in exile had maintained its existence, but France on 29 June 1945,[6] then the United States and United Kingdom on 5 July 1945[6][30] withdrew their recognition.
>The Republic of Ireland, Francoist Spain and the Vatican City (until 1979) were the last countries to recognize the government in exile

Is this why Polish women want to suck the dick of every Irishman on the planet?
You'll find noodles in any supermarket, I think Tesco sell packs as cheap as 20c, they're often in the aisle with Asian foods.
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>Rivers in the desert
Any cute guys here want to meet up?

*looks at frogweeb*

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Shouldve gone to tesco i guess, or maybe i just didnt notice the noodles
This beans look good anyway, like the sweet ones that i only see here and in UK
>Persona 3 and 5 Dancing All Night games for PS4/Vita and PQ2 featuring P5 cast also confirmed for 3DS
Will buy them all, I'm yet to play a Persona spinoff I haven't enjoyed yet.
Should've gone to specsavers I guess.
Martin & Matthew. Fucking watch yourselves.
I've had P4D sitting there for like a year not played. I played a bit of it before then when my mate imported it from Japan before the Western release but it didn't blow me away, I thought the Miku games were better Didn't have nearly enough songs in it either, but I'm stoked as fuck to have P3 tracks remixed. I loved its soundtrack the most
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>repeating editions
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>They had a shout out for gaijins
apparently the chinese illegal is really mad at my roomate because he thought the gardai came on saturday because my roomate reported him
he ranted on chinese or some of that asian gibberish for like 3 minutes from outside the room, what a disgusting person and disgusting language
>last image panel
>what you just said
yeah would much rather run into a gaggle of your country's scummy students screaming JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA and shoving past old people trying to get off the bus
disliking mean people isn't being mean
my roomate was complaining about the chinese person and his son being noisy today and they ignored him so my roomate told him "you should go back to fucking mongolia"
the son of the chink runs around on the first floor all the time wich is really noisy with this paper thin ceiling.
>brands a language spoken by over a billion people disgusting and calls Chinese people 'chinks' because one lad was an arsehole
>there's nothing wrong with disliking mean people!

fucking retard
>being this triggered just for "chink"
time to go back to Tumblr Li Chong Pun
Changed my mind, we should all bully the Spanny.
I'm not triggered, you're just a fucking retard if you think you're this lovely and kind guy who isn't mean to people while spouting the shit you have in this thread so far about people being chinks because you met one Chinese lad who's a dickhead

off yourself, nobody wants you posting here
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actually you're all r/ireland tier rats dont come to our board
Guess I'm not getting that haircut. I'm already intoxicated so can't drive now.
its 2pm on a wednesday
Thanks for the update, clock. I didn't think it through. Forgot I had to drive until it was already too late.
>I'm already intoxicated
Top lad.
thank you for standing in solidarity, Ahmed

My name is Mohammed, whos ahmed?
Reckon he's more of a bottom.
Why are you drinking so early? And why is getting a haircut so stressful for you, you've been posting about it for weeks now.
Starting to believe more and more in the communist system of equal rights for all. Think comrade Poi's getting to me.
Defect to North Korea then, free university
As long as you stick with that system and don't become a liberal. Because you know what commies do with liberals? That's right, gulag.
America needs to stop meddling with NK and persecuting them.
Sure any /r/ireland user would be horrified at the lack of political correctness and abundance of anime on /éire/.
>America needs to stop meddling with NK and persecuting them.
The only thing persecuting the North Koreans is their regime.
>horrified of anime
why would they?
>lack of political correctness
but this is the PC general, spamming and doing childish insults isnt anti-PC at all
Think I have lung cancer lads.
>this is the PC general
I'm glad you agree Macfags are cancer.
This is good shit.
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>but this is the PC general
Sure thing, anon.
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Do you have mold in yer bedroom
Nope but I smoke a lot.
Mam is making chips and burgers today lads. Gonna make a chip butty.
>chip butty.
Brits out.
i saw a woman bigger than me today
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That's becoming an increasingly common sight in Ireland lately.

Also, why the hell do you have a trip now?
one of the anons that got triggered by an inoffensive post i made yesterday started fakenicking as me
That's just a common thing done to namefags around here, only banter.
>one of the anons that got triggered
You're the one that got triggered by someone imitating you.
I was using your name and I wasn't even online yesterday, youre just a faggot
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Just use your namefag, I think the bullies will figure out that trip without too much trouble and people will actually believe it's you when they imitate with a trip.
i didnt care much, it was too obvious it wasnt me and the kind of posts made were just kiddy stuff
isnt a trip undecipheralable? who would go through that much effort to fakenick as me?
>isnt a trip undecipheralable?
Oh you.

>who would go through that much effort to fakenick as me?
It starts off as just for fun, then the more you get annoyed at it the more enjoyment they receive.
meh, ill just stop namefagging altogether, my identity isnt relevant anyway im just another person in dublin
Probably for the best really. We know it's you when you're talking about your life and opinions for the most part.
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>tripfagging anois
Patience has finally run out.

>daily Tomoyo editions
Holy shit, stop. It's clearly attracting undesirables.
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Why is Touhou so popular lads?
Calling it a chip butty isn't exactly a brit thing anon. I've been calling it that for as long as I can remember.
Will absolutely HEEM any brits if I see them.
>Holy shit, stop. It's clearly attracting undesirables.
Nah it's the same as it's always been desu.
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>Holy shit, stop. It's clearly attracting undesirables.
Well said.
I don't think there's been anyone new here lately, the threads have just been a bit shit.
>Calling it a chip butty isn't exactly a brit thing anon
It's actually a very British term, look it up.
Yeah, but it's encouraging shitposting of unattractive 90's anime by some of our existing users.
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>same as it's always been desu
>now have a grand total of TWO tripfags, for the first time in eons
Thread has been more active today than normal, not sure why people who haven't even participated in it up to now are complaining about that.
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>unattractive 90's anime
Cease this meme immediately.
See >>77865217 for the Spaniard.
As for Roorah, I don't want to ask him to stop in case he goes on another spastic rant.

Speed =/= quality, we've been over this.
Who cares. Roorah was always bound to be here, and so was spanny. Makes no difference.
Spanny was forced to trip by one of the current members anyway so it's not his fault.
Dumb cunt.
>unattractive 90's anime
Would you fuck off. 90's anime is probably one of the only acceptable forms of anime. It's the best anime. Do you want us posting cutesy moe garbage from 2017 anime?

Newfags complaining about the thread. The utter state.
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ibuki best gurl
((can i fit in with the anime folks now? what other retarded shit should i say
>Spanny was forced to trip
No one is forced to trip. He did it himself.

>Dumb cunt.
Why are you so aggressively defensive over him?

>90's anime is probably one of the only acceptable forms of anime
That's stupid, besides 80's anime is superior.
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>defending tripfagging
The absolute state of this post.

>Would you fuck off. 90's anime is probably one of the only acceptable forms of anime.
Where did I say that 90's anime was bad? I was referring specifically to the characters being posted from 90's anime.
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>who cares
>dumb cunt
>would you fuck off
>90's anime is probably one of the only acceptable forms of anime
>it's the best anime
>cutesy moe garbage from 2017
>utter state
Bet you would love anime by Studio Trigger(ed).
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Is it time for the second death of /éire/?
Everything out of your mouth is retarded you stupid spanish cunt, fuck off home
>Speed =/= quality, we've been over this.
The quality has been fine though. Maybe not a stellar thread but it's certainly not a terrible one. Topics that don't personally interest you doesn't make a thread bad. Spamming, memes and repetitive arguments make a thread bad.

You'll probably see those soon, around 6-7 is when the thread normally turns to shit.
>The quality has been fine though
No it hasn't.
>around 6-7 is when the thread normally turns to shit
You mean when the thread actually starts.
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>around 6-7 is when the thread normally turns to shit.
Distinctively untrue. /éire/'s quality doesn't vary based on time of day, only its speed does. The quality depends on the day of the week and whether we are being invaded.
>You mean when the thread actually starts.
In recent weeks the spammer has been showing up at that time, probably you.
The spammer hasn't been a problem in nearly a week now.
>probably you
Okay spammer.
The only spastic rants were from the people depleting their furious autism reserves and directing it at me unprovoked. It's not going to go away so what's the point in moaning when you could just post Tomoyo instead?
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*blocks your path*
"you're not being racist towards this wonderful tourists are you sir?"
Nico poster is here every day at that time, he sometimes just manages to channel his autism into banal shitposting instead of full on spamming.
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why wont you die.png
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>death of /éire/
>nobody actually has the decency to die
I fucking hate this shit in anime and I hate it here. If you going to death flag then impale yourself with it
>The only spastic rants were from the people depleting their furious autism reserves
I don't think you could deplete your autism reserves.
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>flag in the background
Delet now.
You can't deplete that which doesn't exist
>directing it at me unprovoked
Using a trip is provocation enough.
>i'm not autistic and i'm a normalfag
>still posts here
Munster confirmed for gay vikings.
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Send help.jpg
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>le anonymous imageboard culture in a general with the same 20 IPs posting everyday
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I'm not denying that he's here, but unless he's spamming, then he's not much of a problem. I remember a time when Nicoposter wasn't disruptively autistic.

He claims to be interchangeably autistic and a normalfag depending on which suits what he is saying at the time.
Nothing about him is normal.
Explains their shit accents
Remembering threads from 4 months ago or there abouts and it was just non stop meta arguing and fighting.
The threads were going great there up until literally now when this spastic decides to give his opinion.
im glad there are a decent amount of gay flags in the center of dublin, not because im pro-gay or anything but because it keeps the pol spergs from coming
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Wish you'd all stop fighting and complaining.
I feel the same, hope this blows over soon without another explosion of shitposting.
Even though I've literally never claimed to be autistic once. Why would I?
It's boring
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You do realise that's actually an argument against using the tripfag moreso than one in favour it? If the population is so small that everybody is recognisable, using a trip just highlights your desire to be special.

Where exactly are Ireland's "/pol/ spergs" known to live?
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/éire/'s current state is caused by the absence of Luxlad.
i don't know im not irish
probably in the countryside complaining about how dangerous dublin is because of that one time a hobo asked them for change
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Need to get photoshop on my new pc to creat some éire OC.
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Didn't you read the PSA? This is faction warfare hour.
Why do you love that kip so much? Did you live in a literal slum in Spain?
Post reeks a dub, a spanish one.
It's not an argument against anything. I've posted using it for 3 years in this general and the same autists still screech about it and derail the thread every couple of days.
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Kev working at the cinema.jpg
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You'll never beat me.
Oh so is this why there are people posting aggressively towards him? Because he said Dublin isn't bad? AHAHA
Fucking State of you insecure boggers Holy shit AHAHA
Yes the countryside is secure in that aspect. Even if an Irish person moves to some other rural parish, he will be seen as a blown in, never mind if he is a foreigner altogether. Living room racism is also alive and well there too. It's the countryside's trump card against urban living. Dublin's main fault is the cosmopolitanism being accommodating to ethnics. The junkies aren't even that bad
tell me about the harp
what does it mean to you?
wouldnt the pipe be more symbolic of dublin? i didnt see anyone playing an harp in Ireland so far
i live in a small city in Spain where nothing ever happens, around 20k citizens like Kilkenny but median age is some of the oldest in the country and streets are empty for most of the day
i like the feel of being just "another guy in the crowd" in a city
i would permanently move to a city if i could afford it
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It doesn't make any sense at all. We've seen in this thread people who are fully aware the Spaniard posts here every day, are able to identify all of his posts, accept his use of a namefag but lose their shit entirely the moment he dares to use a trip as a response to someone imitating him.
How can someone be so favourable and accepting towards psuedo personality behaviour and yet so sternly opposed to a hard username. It would seemingly be fine if you posted as anon and everyone was 99% certain it was you posting due to image, content and posting style, but abhorrent without that slight doubt.
>I've posted using it for 3 years
Correction: you using it 3 years ago. Then you left and now you come back looking for attention. Don't pretend like you were her all along when the most you returned to the general in the previous months was making one post usually consisting of "J A G G Y" and leaving. You're a blowback.
Jaggy also tripped back then but doesn't now because no one else does. And yet everyone here can recognise his posts with relative ease. We can recognise your's as well when you don't trip, which makes it more confusing as to why you sometimes do and sometimes don't.

>the same autists still screech about it and derail the thread every couple of days
You mean when you enter the thread every couple of days and autistically screech whenever someone doesn't suck your dick.
Honestly I think the Spaniard is causing most of the problems here. Every so often he asks something or says something and kickstarts some massive debate. I don't think he does it on purpose but he's definitely contributing to the /shtate/ of these threads of late.
Jesus Christ lad. Calm down. This topic hardly warrants all this indepth discussion.
The chicken nuggets thing seemed to cause a lot of triggering last night, I think he's unintentionally a master shitposter.
what topics should i avoid? as long as you ignore spergs the discussion is decent mostly
like if i point out something like "hey this is different from the rest of europe" and someone gets really angry about me pointing it out just ignore the retard
>Calm down
Ah yes, the "u mad" argument.

>This topic hardly warrants all this indepth discussion
That wasn't in-depth at all, if you think it is then you might be retarded.
I think people misinterpret your tone since you've clearly honed your English in the depths of the internet. Adding "retard" to that post makes it appear far more confrontational and insulting than you probably intended.
People are just hardwired to screech about trips as soon as they see them from their experience browsing other boards. I don't trip anywhere but this general
I'm not asking for your attention and I definitely don't ask for complete sperglords to go off on one and start typing out novellas about how much they hate me posting here in an incoherent autistic rage when I'm just engaging in regular discussion, as is prone to happen.

I haven't browsed this general non-stop for the past 3 years because I've had stuff going on in real life, and other times I'd just lurk because the generals were ten times more awful than they are now with nothing but American flags posting, Also feel free to drag up some posts from me in the archive 'screeching' about someone not paying attention to me. You'll be searching there a while, fucko. Because you won't find anything.
fucking this, jesus lads get it together.
sorry, yeah, most of my english conversations are with other people that arent native speakers either, so "strong" english words doesnt seem that strong i guess
or maybe irish people are just more polite than the rest of english speakers? in the iberian peninsula portuguese people barely ever swear while spaniards do it quite often...
If Dublin was free of ethnics, it'd be pretty good. Gombeen Ireland is laughably insecure
>People are just hardwired to screech about trips as soon as they see them from their experience browsing other boards
Seems that way, I thought people here would be smarter than that. There has never been a rational justification outside of "these are the cultural rules we must adhere to".
whats wrong with ethnics? dont you love seeing qt indians, qt blacks, qt asians... ? honestly the "bad" people and hobos ive seen in dublin were all white and probably locals btw...
I wasn't insinuating that you were mad but you obviously put an awful lot of effort into thinking about this. You're obviously upset. Relax.
He wrote 5 lines, anon. The phoneposting generation has really got out of control if that equates to "an awful lot of effort".
I just think Ireland should be for Irish people. No problem with tourists but I don't like seeing my gene pool invaded. Nothing major against any other cultures specifically but when I want to experience them, I will travel abroad. I shouldn't have to see my country's culture and genes eroded. Hence I'd rather a native Dublin junkie to an Indian doctor
>People are just hardwired to screech about trips as soon as they see them from their experience browsing other boards
Because they are completely unnecessary. If you just explained your reasoning for using one it might go a long way. Otherwise you just come across as a massive attention whore.
My reasoning behind it is that it's just a force of habit. And as >>77866817 already pointed out, we've had the Spanish lad posting here for weeks using a name with no autistic blowback, but as soon as he switches over to a hard trip to stop people impersonating him the screeching turns up to 11. I don't give a fuck whether you give me attention or not.
Just an awful lot of time to be thinking about another user on a Rhodesian sheep rearing farm.

Which one of YIZZER was this lads?
>My reasoning behind it is that it's just a force of habit
Rather poor excuse.

>Spanish lad posting here for weeks using a name with no autistic blowback
I had plenty of problems with it and to a degree his presence, and I made it heard.

>I don't give a fuck whether you give me attention or not
But you do and so does everyone else, just to varying levels. Nobody would post here if they never got replies.
i saw interracial couples a few times and they were SOO cute man
white man + black woman marriages have the lowest rate of divorce of every possible race combination in a marriage
whats wrong with bleaching some qts? this also strengthens the genetic pool by getting the best of both races
no offense but half of white women on tinder are 6/10 or bellow while in blacks and asians only a tiny fraction is even slightly ugly
>Rather poor excuse.
I don't really care if the excuse is good enough for you or not, I'm not trying to justify myself, I'm just telling you how it is.
>I had plenty of problems with it and to a degree his presence, and I made it heard.
Okay but you're not every single poster in the thread
>But you do and so does everyone else, just to varying levels. Nobody would post here if they never got replies.
Wanting discussion =/= desperately wanting personal attention
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Even if this is bait, get out with this reddit-tier shit.
Also has the bonus of enraging bigots at the mere sight of you. Imagine being able to do something as simple as going to the shop or to see a movie together and triggering so many gobshites.
>these posts
What the fuck is going on?
i got a voicemail today from the Gardai telling me to call her to give details about the time i got scammed 22€ by a little girl.
im looking at the archive to find the details because i dont remember the exact place and i want to be as precise as possible. is there any way of searching for "post content" in desuarchive? for example "scammed" or "22€" ?
nvm found it, it was in a supermacs while i was waiting for my order.
The Trip Curse.
I remember everyone getting so triggered at people saying you should go to the gardai about it. Good thing you did afterall.
how is it bait? only in /pol/ would this even be considered weak bait
love is love !
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You were scammed by a little girl in Supermacs?
which cunt
>sitting at supermacs waiting for my food
>girl appears out of nowhere
>thick irish accent i can barely understand
>asking for funds for some school shit
>offer her 2€, she starts saying 20€ is the minimum because thatz how it works but that she can give me my change back
>hand her 20€ bill like an idiot
>gets out of supermacs to never appear again
We've explained the state of the Spanish economy with this post.

You know you won't be getting your money back?
The fishiest part that should have made me react was
>she had a paper with names on them and amounts of money (big ones like 20-30€ to encourage big donations)
>she didnt at any point write anything in that paper or ask me to sign
She pretty much had that paper to appear more legit and so people see the sums of money donated.
>get ready to go for walk
>it starts raining
>saw a lad going out for a walk
>asked God to make it rain
Where are you from?
>browsing /soc/ at all

confirmed mentally ill
you deserved to have that money taken from you if you're that dense, fucking hell
i thought i was helping a little girl not being scammed.
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>5 Dubs already
That's far too many.
I believe you mean Baile Átha Cliath.

>Asked Jul 13, 2017
I was posted before.
I've donated to charity before but I still wouldn't hand a stranger a €20 note if I had no intention of letting them keep it
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>I was posted before.
It's still too many.
Dublin in 10 years time
Heuston station is looking well.
Fucking fart fetishists.
>bogwarriors spend more time moaning about Dublin than breathing


absolute state of this general
>make a strawpoll
>shows people from dublin post here
>insecure bogger yet again has to bring up dublin in a insulting way because he feels threatened

This isn't the first item either.
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Success breeds jealousy
What, not I'm not the same person. I wasn't even trying to start anything. Just posting a random video.
Christ you jumped the gun with being offended.
You fix those polls deliberately to rustle people, you do the same with age polls which show a surprisingly high number of teenagers.
We all know there aren't 5 dubs here.
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>all these dubs
>they don't have a single decent anime poster
The state of the "capital".

Good post, my fellow bog laoch.
>you do the same with age polls which show a surprisingly high number of teenagers.
Based on a poll conducted here recently, /éire/'s average age is surprisingly high.
>I'm not trying to start anything
>clearly posts a video of tons of paki's boarding a train
>"Dublin in 10 years time"
>"I'm not trying to start anything"

The cow shit must be getting to you.
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Who be that?
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The poll is got double votes from being posted twice now.

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>Dubs are afraid of cow shit
They are the ultimate townie.
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Ahos of ahos.png
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>he hasn't seen ahonime of the season
its spanny's poll, i remember him posting it.
There's a lad who likes to post fixed polls in an attempt to make everyone believe half the general are children, he seems to be trying to do the same now with Dubs.
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>dislike = afraid in the land of the bogs

Not to far from the Norths education system I see.
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>Who be that?
Don't know actually and I was wondering the same thing. Tried reverse search but no luck.
Got it from a thread on /a/ discussing thigh gaps an hour or so ago.
>a good poster
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Cailín Amadánach.
You're really paranoid.
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Who said I was talking about myself? There are plenty of quality posters besides myself.

>upset at old anime
I think I understand this girl.
I want to add Frogweeb on steam and confess my love to him.
>besides myself
you're implying that you're one of the good posters when you're just another autistic animecunt that should be gassed
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>I think I understand this girl.
>Code Geass is "old anime"
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Angry Colander.png
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Your standards of youth are too high. Or rather your standards of old are too low.

He did call me ancient for owning a Game Boy as a child, and I'm pretty sure I'm younger than him.
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He has some very strange reactions to media over 15 years old.
why do we tolerate literal 15 year old children on this general again?
But the anime-posters are among the oldest and most gainfully employed of everybody here.
He's in his mid-twenties, which makes his standards of age even stranger.

>why do we tolerate
You don't tolerate anyone, not even those that were on your side.
I know that, I'm referring specifically to the autistic cumstain that thinks anything that came before 2005 is 'old'
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I don't know anon, that seems pretty old. Pre economic crash and all.

It mainly that I only watch anime that is airing or has recently aired, so anything from before I started watching anime in the first place I consider old.
Nothing wrong with old anime, I'm just meme-ing.

Why do we accept autistic man babies like *****, foreigners and Dubs?
Now that I think about it, anything that came before 2005 is pretty old. It was over 12 years ago, people have been born and died in that time.
>*****, foreigners and Dubs?
All are one and the same.
>(you) calling anyone else autistic
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>***** is a Dub
I never knew. Explains a lot I suppose.
Haven't had a shite in 5 days lads. Think I'm going to expload from being bloated.
>calling anyone an autistic man baby on here of all places

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>heavy Dublin-bashing throughout
Thread is confusing.
Thread quality has gone down drastically since 6pm as predicted.
But the thread has been shit all day.
It's still shit. If anything it's improved.
Take some pills lad or stick an enema up your arse. You can buy all that shit in the chemist.

Alternatively eat loads of plums and drink prune juice.
>stick an enema up your arse
Beaganín níos homogneásach.
>You can buy all that shit in the chemist.
>asking for an enema at the chemist
That would be fun.
Only another week until the rugby world cup!
>medical enemas are gay.
I'm sure pharmacists aren't going to burst out laughing at you for requesting a product they sell.
It's fairly gay though.
not everyone has enemas for fun like you darling
Wait until you have your first prostate exam.
does it hurt? do doctors use lube for that ?
Think I'll take the cancer.

Nothing wrong with using an enema to ensure you have a healthy stool
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>implying I ever plan on having one
>does it hurt?
No. It's just cold and uncomfortable.
>do doctors use lube for that ?
Of course, a good bit of it.
That's fairly sad. Anyway chances are when you get to that age you will have one done anyway. They generally suggest these things or have to do them for screening of other medical stuff. Nobody really plans to have them. But you should really when you get to that age.
Giving myself a prostrate exam lads.
>That's fairly sad
I suppose. Can't risk living several more years by accident.

>>do doctors use lube for that ?
>Of course, a good bit of it.
Huh, I thought they'd only wear a surgical glove. How deep does he go in?
Got 79%.
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>Anyway chances are when you get to that age you will have one done anyway
They can't force you to have one, anon.
That's a decent prostate right there.
What did you lose the marks on?
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Maybe not in this country.
Left my watch behind.
any jobs going lads
Did you pass?
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>How deep does he go in?
Length of an index finger, about 2 inches I suppose
Might be a woman either mind you.
Unless you're hurt or sick in anyway they will just persuade you it needs to be done and you wont resist at the time. I haven't seen one resist yet.
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>tfw Luxembourgian doctors anally violate you when you least expect it

>and you wont resist at the time
You underestimate my autism.
>Length of an index finger
>about 2 inches
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>I haven't seen one resist yet.
That's somewhat sinister
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>Howth Beach shut down due to bacteria in the water
What's he up to, lads?
Every beach around Dublin is polluted due to the amount of shit being pumped into the sea.
Same around any big city.
>Every beach around Dublin is polluted due to the amount of shit being pumped into the sea
Hey I don't like dubs either but comparing them to actual fecal matter is a bit harsh.
>Same around any big city.
Dublin isn't really a big city and I wouldn't think it's normal for the waters of most moderate 1-2m sized cities to be filled with fecal matter.
It's actually the same for most sewage plants in Ireland. We don't actually treat our raw sewage very well.
It's just the face that dublin has such a large population in a small bay/sea is why it's more prevalent there.
Really it's the same all over Ireland.
As far as I'm aware it's only chopped up and filtered through a screen before being fucked out into the sea. As opposed to going through every process of sewage treatment.
>poo in the water
Fucking Varadkar.
Why is everything in Ireland done in such a half-arsed way?
My mam was adopted and recently found out her biological father is Irishman.

Am I a plastic paddy now, guy comes from Dublin?
Will get conor mcgregor to HEEM your ass with his fist if you'd prefer that?
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Because a good number of people don't give a shit which is both a blessing and a curse.
Let's not make the act of penetration even gayer than it has to be.
Parish pump political system probably. Folks are more concerned about the pothole on their road or a lack of streetlights than any sort of transformative vision to our infrastructure.
that's why we put the shopping trolleys in the liffey, catches all the shit safely for the rats the nibble on
the circle of liffey
What are the traffic cones there for?
junkie corpses, wouldn't want to clog a good trolley and scare the rats off
CS:GO on BT Sports. e-Sports were a mistake
eSports are the future. It just so happens that the most retarded simplistic ones have the biggest audience.
I don't want to live to see this future.

I don't understand how people get enjoyment from watching others play a highly interactive medium/activity.
I don't undesrtand how people that dont touch a ball in years enjoy watching football. Well actually I do, its kinda entertaining and its fun to support your team and be part of something.
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>finish a great game
>now can't get enjoyment from anything else, other games or other forms of media
Read a book.

e:sports won't be any good until it becomes less of a question of integration with an external interface. VR Matrix pod e-sports will probably make regular sports increasingly obsolete, if they exist as direct competition in the first place.
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>51k Irish attended a meaningless pre-season Man Utd game in the Aviva today
>12k Irish combined support their local team in the league of Ireland on average each week
Had an ultrasound on my balls lads. She had to grab my balls and stick this lubed up joystick thing all over them and it was really uncomfortable.
>Had an ultrasound on my balls lads
Had to get surgery on my testicles because it was twisted.



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