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Melayu edition
Reminder that Filipinas belongs in /lat/
Encik tau tak kalau kite orang ni bangge menjadi bangse Melayu?
Why do leftists almost never say anything about China? China is taking away our land, bullying our fishermen, and building bases and military installations on our territory. And yet the best they do is a half-hearted and hollow criticism, if they even bother to say anything at all. Most of the time they are so silent that it's deafening.
tell me about melayu culture
Peninsular or Sumatran?
why do you keep asking questions you already know the answer too?
The Melayu identity can be traced back into the Buddhist Srivijaya times, they were the inhabitants of Melayu river in Jambi, Sumatra. Though, the Melayu nowadays are heavily influenced by the Malacca sultanate and other Islamic sultanates in Malaya peninsula and Sumatra. Apparently the term "malay" can also refer to the whole Austronesian people, thanks to those damned Anglo anthropologists.
As for the real ethnic Malay, they predominantly exist on the peninsula itself, eastern part of Sumatra, and Northern Borneo. Now describing the detail of a large culture can be tedious and time consuming so it's better for you to point the specific part of Malayan culture.
why did the malays abandon buddism
Hindu and Bhuddist coexist during that time, but before the Sultanate times the major religion was Hindu because of the Javanese Hindu Majapahit empire toppled the hegemony of Malaya Buddhist Srivijaya empire. In case of Islamization, it happen because of the Arab and Gujarat merchants brought Islamic influence into the Hindu region, which at that time was starting to lose their influence. The transition was done peacefully by assimilating the local culture with Islamic way of life. So not Inquisition shit.
Its a broad term ranging from folks who live by the sea to austronesian mixed with negritos. General colonial terms here is coast dwelling austronesian who are subjects of the local sultanate.
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As well as locals tired of their buddhist neighbors demanding men and golden flower for endless Siam vs Burma wars as well as raiding for slaves when payment could nor be done.
I know about Bunga Mas tribute but why does it have to be a literal golden flower? Coins or ingots are more practical.
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For example the current PM Jibby and also the leader of the malay nationalist is actually a Bugis.
Beats me, ask Siam that question. If pay is not done on time thousands end up worked to death building the Bangkok canals and the southern kingdoms like Pattani got extra fucked when they got ANGLO'D just a century ago and still bitter.
Also the king and the govt erased the gory parts of history for the most part, most records of that time can only be learned from bong travellers and captains.
Pretty much all the horrible things and treachery are summed as 'and there was a fight' in the local books.
Why are Bugis people so prominent in Malaysia? Here they are just one of many ethnic groups nothing so special about them. But I can understand about Minang people having a colony in Negeri Sembilan because they are "perantau."
When a king dies the bugis would come offering support and playing kingmaker.
Never trust the perfidious bugis, we build forts specifically to deter them.
Really? Build fortifications and dig moats just to deter some Bugis? Here the Bugis people aren't nationally labeled with that trait, but it maybe because there just not much of them and they mainly stay in Sulawesi.
aesthetic and as a symbol of wealth.
They are an actual concern when at the same time there is rival kingdom Aceh just across the strait.
>in 1511 Malacca sultanate fell when it was besieged by the Portuguese
>meanwhile the Aceh sultanate resisted the colonialists until the beginning of 20th century
wasn't they have sort of agreement with Dutch?
and they're annexed by betrayers of J*v*
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>it's another Pinoys and their diaspora thread
The Dutch had and agreement with Britain about separating the colonial ownership of Sumatra and Aceh was under the Britain. Until the agreement was nullified and the Dutch got full ownership of Sumatra in exchange for a patch of land in Africa. The Aceh rebelled and the whole country was besieged by the Dutch in late 19 century, thus the sultan lineage ended in the 1903.

I don't know about Java annexation though.
They got an armored charge at a bridge, fuggen Yurop heavy halberds man normal spears are not effective against that as well as treacherous merchants.
The A famosa fort is also almost invincible, it took the dutch fleet's sacrifice to take down their fleet and Johor skirmish burning down the rice fields before going Allah Akbar+Deus Vult tag team on Portugal and their samurai.
You don't have anything on the Siam-French wars?
We didn't learn much on that part.
I think I've made a grave mistake. Sorry.
I got confuse on the social revolution of Sumatra.
And they burned the grandiose palace of Malacca Sultanate, utterly failed to convert the Malays (unlike a certain spic colony here), ruining the whole economic trade of the region by such a fuck up that undermines the whole point of the war.
>Pinoy thread
>dominated by Malays and Indons
good evening
Are you a real Polynesian? Do you like spam? Want to join ASEAN?
Because based Ming BTFO them so hard they went to Japan which is why there are missionaries during warring states era.
Also comically Alfonso got greedy he overloaded his Flor de la mar with loot from Malacca and gifts from Javanese sultans who are happy a rival is down then hit a reef around Sumatera and sank his ship along with at least 2.6billion burger points worth of treasures.
Iberians and their greed, top kek.
Last I heard about the wreck was 2014.
Supposedly during the fall the sultan also hid treasures in a hidden cave on an island offshore from Malacca but there is ancient magic at work.
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>loot from Malacca and gifts from Javanese sultans
>Flor de la Mar still lies undiscovered in the seabed
We can borrow the high tech submarines and split off the gold!
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The only thing that can do underwater retrieval in the region would be our MV Mega Bakti submarine rescue vessel and the one used by Singapore.
As for ones on land it might be Pulau Nangka but you need 16th century tier dispel magic wizard.
Can you really scour the whole strait with high tech sonar or use aerial drones to detect the visual location of the shipwreck?
Maybe we can rely on Raja Bomoh's coconut magic as usual.
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Scouring can be done by navy hydrography vessel but they have to patrol the Malacca strait all the time to ensure nobody end up taking a mine,stuck on sediment or hit a shipwreck.
Finding and lifting gold from seabed is another thing, its not the same as divers retrieving aircraft black boxes. Only sub rescue vessel carry mini subs and drones and equipped with cable to do that kind of job. Both Mega Bakti at Lumut naval base and Swift Rescue in Singapore are the only ones in the region and on standby to save downed ships, aircraft or submarines in the region since they are registered as civilian ship despite answering to the navy.
You can't have your firetrucks going treasure hunting right?
Those sunken ships are protected by high tier magic, Fairy Sphere.
So what's stopping you from claiming the booty?

But Raja Bomoh wasn't called "Raja" for nothing, right?
Can't we sacrifice some virgins to summon kraken or leviathan?
Because [spoiler]they're funded by the Chinks to destabilize our country and now they have a puppet sitting in the president's seat[/spoiler]
A lot of funds and supplies are needed for such expedition and we can't just waltz into Indonesian waters and start lifting stuff right? What would the Indonesian navy and public say?
With only two such ships they need to be ready to assist, if a Vietnamese sub got stuck the govt can't go 'sorry guys we busy being kangz now' and leave everyone to drown.
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He can't dispel the MH370's veil so no.
We don't have kraken or leviathan. At least a garuda or maybe a sea dragon (pic related) are more possible.
Good morning /asean/
Also >>77777777
Yes, the cost would be exorbitant. Maybe you can ask our gov politely for treasure recovery permission, lest you get mistaken as fish thief and get bombed.Also, other country may want to lend their subs for a portion of the loot.

What is his most notable accomplishment really?
>champa dragon
Wouldn't ancient vietcongs wipe them out during genocide on chams?
Bugis were mercenaries for Sultans (eg in time of civil war or actual war with foreigners). After the war is over they'd demand they payment and if the Sultan can't pay, they'd usually be given land to rule over. They were known as warriors. The biggest and most famous silat organisation in Malaysia is Silat Gayong, a silat introduced by Datuk Meor (a Bugis).
Because there are no brotherhood in Hindu-Buddhist. When Malays were Hindu-Buddhist they were attacked and invaded by Thai (Buddhist) and Chola (Hindu).
We didn't kill all of them, many fleed to Cambodia or displaced. Now we use their stuffs as tourist baits.
The Sultan made a tactical retreat to Johor and established Johor Sultanate which end up having a more flourisihing port than Malacca. Malacca used to be the whole peninsula + east sumatera but Portuguese only manage to gain a small land (today's Malacca state) but in their colonisation map they marked the whole peninsula as theirs lel. Also it all went back to how Malays were very small in numbers back then. When Javanese mercenaries switched to Portuguese side, there goes the bulk of Malaccan forces (plus betrayal from Indian and Chinese traders that gave Portuguese small perahus and secret of the fortification).
He gave the title to himself. No one knows who he is before the incident. He just went to the airport where he knows a lot of reporters were there for publicity and we ended up with "hurr durr malaysia so backward believing in shaman" on world news.
Basically this.
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>mfw it's not raining anymore
what is the most aesthetic asean language?
>tfw will never had a fantaji geimu based on this region because "elo ini maling muh budaya and shiet"
If I'm not mistaken he first appeared during a heli crash in Sarawak's triangle of doom and claimed the helicopter was hidden by fairies.
Special forces search party found the wreck after a sweep since it was buried by fallen trees during the crash.
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>Majapahit can't stop attacking Srivijaya even though both were Hindus
>Srivijaya collapsed
>The heir of Srivijaya establish Malaccan Sulatanate
>Embrace Islam
>Send missionaries to whole Nusantara including Java
>Some Javanese converted to Islam and establish Demak Sultanate
>Demak Sultanate finally cause the collapse of Majapahit
>Former enemy (Majapahit, now become Demak) now become best friends to Malacca (formerly Srivijaya)
how did you know this i thought that malays didnt have writings before the europeans
>i thought that malays didnt have writings before the europeans
then you're quite wrong. quite plenty of them and also in major civilisations like those to the east and those to the west. they're all just waiting to be dig up and translated. europeans are the destroyer and bunch of robbers.
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Almost every tribes have their own writings + adaptation from Indian script. When Islam came to Malacca we switched to Arabic script with a few added alphabet to suit our language.
Look up tanjung tanah code of law.
What do you mean by this
About 1/3 of all historical Malay manuscript is in London.
Melayu mna? Busy otw nk balek dari keje ke?
are vietnam girls cute?
do you have yellow fever, huenigger?
no but show me pics of malaysia,good ones.
at work, if you're white, you already have yellow fever.

seeing one will confirm your affliction, huenigger
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This is me
>i'm white
>so you are huenigger
well nice manners.
if malaysian girls are cute like that,then you guys are lucky.
I'm not of those majority where they are shy and reserved why it comes to socializing with a foreigner.

I had a Brazilian hermano, he's from Sao Paolo, couldn't help whenever he saw a chinese chick walk pass by him.

All he thought was "bundas, bundasas, bundaleiros"
i wont deny,it's common here but brazilian girls are diverse so maybe he wanted to find something more exotic but with brazilian "body"?
maybe he didn't study enough but i don't remember chinese girls having big asses,they are not chun-li.
No, he was especially enraptured by having that piece of yellow meat on his caralho
well,i can't talk much about sao paulo citizens,they come here to throw trash on my beach,their city stinks and the violence is quite high.
it looks like he teached you a lot of brazilian slangs.
hmm /asea/ anons are more social than the /weaboo/ thread made of american otakus and
overworked japaneses.
i'm not surprised.
oye, mano, he was alright tho, smokes Marlboro, likes vodka.

And boy, he sure likes bundas, every week is like going to church, he always bring back some bundasas.
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well they are everywhere here so it's natural.
we were quite shocked when we first saw that,it's not common here.
always wanted to go to Brasil, but not Sao Paolo, even though la praia is beautiful, the crime is a turn off for me
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I've always wanted to go to the city of god.
pastu jadi apa? Max Payne 3?
there is no better city than my city santos,the crime rate is much lower than sao paulo and it's still a good city.
são paulo have a huge ass traffic,but it's the main hub for opportunity and business.
maybe somewhere that has the temperature about 27-30 celsius. Couldn't stand below 16 celsius though
santos is a beach city,25-26 is too cold to us, 36 is ok. but nowadays try spring or autumn,the temperature is more balanced.
oye, bueno, but nada dinheiro, mano
Brazilfag, you still here? What do Brazilians currently think of F1?
Nak jadi cam Lil Z
Formula 1?the moment we lost ayrton senna is the moment we lost interest in F1.
felipe massa is not exactly good enough.
What about Neymar? Do Brazilians like Neymar?
he is busy now with the spanish,the days of normal team and one super player are over,the germans proved it,but it's still common in the national games.
you guys are cool but it's 7am here and it's time for me to go to uma delicia land now.
Oh yeah, what about Temer? I read that he recently avoided being charged but people apparently still want him out.
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dont go out of your favela house (insert name from image here)
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lolinho roll
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hello prostata~
is your prostate ready for insertion?
Is it easy to get a girl there?
I mean brazilian seems to love partying a lot; so I'm wondering if the girls are also as slut as Amerifat.
>order dine in
>say i ordered take out when they give it to me
We call the Gypsies "Digan", couldn't find where did this word come from.
And I assume that Minang people were also mercenaries there? They invented karambit and famous for their silat.
Do you have a whole ethnic associated with gypsy-like culture there? Nomads, poverty, magic, etc.
Nope as far as I know.
>have cold
>doctor won't prescribe antibiotics to me

REEEEEEE! I don't care if I might contribute to antibiotic apocalypse in the future. Just keep me well right now.
How about plain old magic and shamanism exotic to one ethnic and famous for effectivity?
>Fuuka Akitsuki's birthday tomorrow
>tweets about her so far could be counted on one hand
>Meanwhile, the Japanese are getting excited over Chika Takami's birthday tomorrow
Why is this allowed?
No they're pretty much contained in Negeri Sembilan. Unlike in Indonesia, in Malaysia they're not really known for merchantilism (that role is taken by Kelantanese here - merantau & business)
Someone explain to be each Malaysian state in a nutshell. The only ones I'm rather familiar with are Selangor and Penang.
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Perlis - a part of Kedah broken off by Siam a long time ago, sells seasonal mangoes at ripoff prices and some sugarcane.
Kedah - Best state, rice comes from here.Also kratom.
Perak - Tin mining, now gorillion arsenic ponds and retirement state
Selangor - Land of traffic jams, also most posters live in Kajang.
Penang - Chink island, also indian gangstas and home of Tokong
Pahang - Bauxite and tea goes here
Terengganu - Muh petrochemical industry, muh keropok lekor
Kelantan - most conservative
Malacca - tourism state
Negeri Sembilan - pointy roofs
Johor - WE WUZ KANGS N SHEEIT, extremely Johor centric Also Legoland
Sarawak - Everyone's getting CROC'D, also petrochemical and bat shit. I mean actual bat shit for fertiliser.
Sabah - Filipino colony
Labuan - Seat of Borneo federal govt, also smuggle stuff from Iran and North Korea
Putrajaya - Typical office and houses of govt workers
Kuala Lumpur - KILL IT WITH FIRE, its already overrun by foreigners.
Any Indonesian guy could recommend me some children books about the history of his country written in Indonesian? Where could I find stuff like that? Maybe there is some official website with textbooks? Pls, help.
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Why do the regional flag and coat of arm look so commie?
There are only boring textbook afaik.
IPS subject contains history from hindu, budha, islam up to declie of indie and up to 65's g30s pki tragedy .
Forget link
i have had sex with a filipino maid who came to lebanon for work once
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Do you still have problems with Hezbollah?
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Children books here mostly focus on stories such as fables, tales, legends, and myths. While history is specifically reserved for the school textbooks (Kids don't like history that much y'know). Though there are some historical comic books like Komando Rajawali (Rajawali Commando) and Kisah Petualangan Bagas (The Adventure of Bagas) that set during the war of independence. Or during the Hindu-Bhuddist era like Suryaraka (pic related) which you can read online.

Perfect!!! Terima kasih, anon! It's not boring for me.
Thanks, I will check it. I saw some comic books in Indonesian, but I need something with an "active" text (eg. an epub file, because I only know some basic words and I use Google translate to verify meaning).
Are you trying to learn Bahasa Indonesia or just trying to see the Indonesian perspective of our history?
Both. My specialisation is history of historiography and your region is extremely underrepresented (not to say simply absent) in our literature. Plus Indonesian is a very approachable language, so I think that I found a very interesting niche in my profession.
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别人有的爱 我们不可能模仿
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Cannot your authorities play this colonial card and take it back? You should start some international campaign. I fucking hate seeing our artifacts in foreign museums, like pic related is an armour of one of our kings and it's currently in Sweden.
Some of our colonial church bells are still in westpoint after Americans genocided the town it was from.
I see, though I suggest that you also learn about the ethnography from different ethnics and the Indonesian cultures like dances, language, cuisine, crafts, etc. In order to help you understand more about the country of which you gonna study.
An interesting topic of paper is about the differences between Indonesia and Poland culture like values and norms because aside from the meme flag, our country is really different. Also, this approach will help your reader to understand more the Indonesian people and their way of life, though I'm not sure whether this will fit your specific area of interest.
So what's >>77777777 ?
We also have lots of Indonesian artifacts in foreign countries especially in Netherlands. Like these Patakas from Singhasari/Majapahit era.
>Interpretations and retelling of the Balangiga incidents, the Samar pacification campaign and the Philippine–American War have been heavily influenced by the writings of Filipino left-wing polemicist Renato Constantino and also Filipino Marxist historian Teodoro Agoncillo, both strongly anti-America

So do those bells have any cultural significance like are they made from gold that the spics stole or did they came from Mexico? lol
Great artworks
on a sidenote - that relatively new movie General Luna is quite good.
I understand, but it's too complicated at this point. Even Indonesian itself has two distinct registers plus those bahasa gaul versions are different in different regions. Even that website with textbooks is kinda confusing for me, eg. there are two options "download" and "baca", but my textbook says that in an official context the proper form is "berbaca" while "baca" should be reserved for more inofficial situations.
Is the Philippines the most important (and most reviled) member of ASEAN?
Since its our turn to lead ASEAN all eyes are on us.

But no not really
Unless we find Saudi/Iran tier oil wells
Could you explain that Duterte's pro-Chinese twist? I thought that the Philippines have some unresolved conflict with China related to those sea areas claimed by China.
Those are the spearheads of the imperial army where the banner of the empire was hung from them and one for each legion if I'm not mistaken. You can say that they are the symbol of the empire's might, but some are lost though.
We have photographs of the dead and the accounts of the reluctant officers that hid some children. The majority of the town escaped due to some of the soldiers having some sense of decency, the death count was near 2000 give or take though the population wasn't that big. The first count of 50,000 dead was made by an american.

And the bells were antique brass made in the country. We had more gold than spics when the Spanish came here.
Its not that he's pro-china, he just admits that we have nothing to offer against china in terms of military strength and he realizes that UN intervention amounts to a fart in the wind. The best we can hope for is a shared resource agreement.

He also knows china's economic status is doing badly, now china would be doing infrastructure work for cheap here as part of the negotiations.

For decades he's the only president who is actually doing something right in the south china sea dispute.
Without us, ASEAN is NOTHIN'.
It'll just be known as "that region nobody talk about" except for singapore getting mentions here and there.

ASEAN is dull as fuck without us. We're the life of the fucking party (or region that is).
You're the one of two that's brave enough to stand up to china
Oh, you are still learning about Bahasa Indonesia. Don't worry though, just focus on the formal language (bahasa baku) no need to learn colloquialism (bahasa gaul) in the beginning because you'll understand them later.

>my textbook says that in an official context the proper form is "berbaca" while "baca" should be reserved for more inofficial situations
Actually, Bahasa isn't really a strict language, unless you are in academic environment. You can abandon grammar (but not spelling) as long as people understand the meaning that you are trying to convey.
I'm not are about formal form of "baca" is "berbaca," because "baca" is already correct form. And I rarely ever see the word "berbaca," it should be "membaca" which means "reading."

Watching Indonesian kino movie is also a good learning material.
>We're the life of the fucking party
You know that's a lie and you know it, though we are the only ones interested in keeping it together cause it could be a major boom for us. We should really let Nipland and Taiwan in for a boost.
Never let the Spanish anywhere near your gold, kek. The funniest part is that they lost it all during the Spanish civil war buying some old weapon from the USRR.
Yep, I saw similar elaborated spears while reading about the origin of your flag.
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Its just an excuse for being anti american.
And to go back to the status co of curropt politicians that rely on china

He's loyalty lies with his tribe and china helps them

If he's is actually doing something about China that will benefit us in the long run
China would be mad and throwing a fit right now
>let Nipland and Taiwan in
Are they proposing to join us? I'm in favor of them rather than letting East East or New Guinea in.
Because Duterte's so naive he equates "standing up to china" with "full blown war".

China has absolutely no reason to go to war with us and has no interest to. The Chinese foreign policy now is "control others through foreign investment". It's done that from India to Indonesia to Africa, even up to South America.

China KNOWS Duterte thinks this way, that's why it bullies to get it's way because it knows Duterte won't fight, as compared to Aquino.

Basically, Duterte is a cuck when it comes to China. It's Indonesia's Widodo who actually knows how to deal with them: Strongly defending your sovereignty, while keeping close with allies and China's economic advances. Why would China go to war on countries it invested in billions?
>butthurt yellow-tard detected
remove that ribbon up your ass and you'll realize that aside for cooperation we can really do nothing about the situation. They already have missile bases in the shoals. You really wanna provoke them? Do you really think that we are an important enough ally for the US to intervene? No. As long as Japand, Korea and international shipping is untouched they won't do shit.

sorry, I could mistake something, these "mem" "ber" etc. are still difficult for me

thx, I know that he isn't pro-Chinese, I only meant that he seems to play both sides, while the rest of your administration is rather more "one-sided", eg.
>as compared to Aquino
Oh, you mean the bald fuck who escalated the matter in the first place? He's "standing up to china" bullshit amounted to nothing and only worsened relations, he can take his UN papers and wipe his ass with it.

Chinese foreign policy now is aggressive shipping control for easier trade deals. They now have an influence in the Suez Canal, which now gives routes to the Mediterranean trade and the potential African boom market.
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>Do you really think that we are an important enough ally for the US to intervene?
Yes you dipshit because we're literally the only country that has a mutual defense treaty with the Americans.
Even Indonesia doesn't have that, and they're telling the Chinks to fuckoff.

Stop being such a fucking cuck. We're literally the only country with good leverage (strong economic ties with china, good relations with ASEAN, and a strong mutual defense treaty with the US) and we're bowing our heads and kissing their asses.
I heard on the radio this morning that some mayor and his family got wiped out by the police in Philippines because of some issue with du30.

Was it as bad as it sounds?
God, you literally don't know nothing about Chinese foreign policy. China has billions invested in other nations, more than any country in the world. China is building a new silk road with their money. China has the Belt and Road Initiative, where duterte famously told america that he hates them.

Why would they invade countries that they invested billions in?
>I'm not are about

Yeah, affixes are the hardest part of Bahasa. Maybe you can check youtube. Shame that there's no Duolingo for Bahasa.
>Yes you dipshit because we're literally the only country that has a mutual defense treaty with the Americans
That amounts to nothing retard. We removed their military base from the country, they have no stakes in losing the Philippines aside from the economic factor, which the Chinese can easily remedy by offering a heaping serving of Philippine cake.

The US is a not a country of heroes. This are the mongoloid's that arm extremist Islamic terrorist and brings down sovereign states just for a better deal in the oil market.
>yfw first sultan of demak is a chink
islam confirmed as another chink flim-flam
thanks, interesting
I don't get that "yellow" reference. Is yellow a symbol of your nationalists or smth like that? Anyway, it's true that you don't need any conflict, on the other hand I doubt if China would risk it, they managed to antagonise all neighbours, excluding Pakistan and maybe Russia, but even Russians seem worried about the future, link kinda related
To give a concrete example, supposing Duterte gives Chinese the project to build a totally new airport like 5 times the size of NAIA. And he proceeds to build several train systems in Mindanao

Then it turns out, we can't pay the loans provided by China. What the other countries have shown is that China can forego the payment BUT will demand onerous ownership schemes. For example, they might demand management of the new airport and the area surrounding it. Think NAIA plus whole of Manila Bay Area. And then some farm lands in Mindanao - think the size of a province

I think these projects would end up like North Rail by China National Machinery and Engineering Group.

Story time: A colleague was tasked to design for North Rail. He did but was asked to intentionally over design so the payable to the Chinese contractor is bigger. He dropped the project like a hot potato and never worked on public infrastructure again.
Tidurlah sayang si intan payung.
Mimpilah yang indah nyenyak di kelambu.
>We removed their military base from the country

And yet you are naive enough that you equate this to a annulment of a 50 year old treaty.
Please, stop being so ignorant. America is our ally, our strongest one at that. We have one, but Indo has none, and look at that they're fighting the chinks.

You're just a cuckold who wants the chinks to rape this country barren.
USA help or not its in our constitution to upheld our sovereignty

It can lead treason if not meant
You're the is bringing yellow and America into this

>for better deal
So maybe that's why china funded our communist party
I do that "reversed" Duo course, actually it's much better, because it forces you to write more Indonesian, while their "normal" courses mostly require translating from, let's say Portuguese, to English. Also, they work on the proper Indonesian course. There are many courses on Memrise, there is also some other stuff, like The Indonesian Way (a free textbook with Anki decks) from the University of Hawaii, there are some Australian resources too, etc.
>China has billions invested in other nations, more than any country in the world
China economy is now heading for an implosion, that is why it is in their best interest to have as many foreign deals as they can. The bases in the South china sea acts both as a deterrent for western Influence. Right now they have a straight trade routes and dealings from the Pacific, Africa and with the oncoming new Silk Road agreement, they are poised to have one of the strongest economies on earth.

Now we could either keep the sand shoals, or get in on that agreement.
And we are poised to be under control of them like what you claim America is doing

I guess your fine with that
That's the thing. No fucking idiot would declare war against a country that they invested billions on, and a risk of America joining against them.

They are literally risking everything for the shittiest gain. They've invested billions around the world and plan to start a new economic order with them at the center. And to waste all of that in a meaningless war is so stupid even a Civ 6 player (most casual of Civ players) knows this.
Agree, there are lots of online Bahasa learning materials and textbooks. But the most essential part of language learning is the actual usage of language production, like writing in Indonesian and conversing with native speaker.
Who's the naive one? You're the one that thinks that a country like the US with their current track records in foreign relations. 3 countries dead with their "help" and you think they'd do better.

And? Do you really think they'd fully commit their military in a war that could prove to be economically disastrous just because some backwater country has something written about it in their constitution? Do you really think that their congress and senate who's corporate members are engaged in deals with the Chinese would risk such a thing?

Chinese trade is one of the major factors that are propping up the US economy at the moment. They would rather see the country occupied that risk their economy going down further.
>You're the one that thinks that a country like the US with their current track records in foreign relations
They don't have a treaty like we do. Are you pretending to be dumb? Their interests coincide with ours. That's Diplomacy 101 ya dingus.

China is making the shittiest gamble by declaring war with us.
This is not a game of Hearts of Iron you twit. No one would be asking you to wear a collar.
Our economy is largely controlled by foreign factors as is.
Us entering an economic deal with them would be better than we had with the US in decades. We can have cheaper oil to buy and be independent of the Saudi market and finally export products other than OFW's big time. We would finally trade dealings with untapped markets in the world that could give us a boost so we can finally be a big player in our region.

Put your misplaced nationalism where it is needed, this isn't the 20th century.
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Good. It means purging season again soon.
Retard, in the conflict the US is the one with the most to lose.
Financially China has them on a leash, the US is $6.2 trillion in debt.
I understand that you have an infantile understanding of "diplomacy" but try to look at the all the possible angles before you come to a conclusion.
Mostly a local despute.
So many amateur pron now in twitter.
Is it the new xtube?
That would be included in the deal beforehand. We can't walk away with all the cards and Infrastructure is sorely needed and has been lagging in decades.
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I'm not even bring up going to war

Why do you really think their economic successes will also be our those thing they give are debts we have to pay for
Exporting those bananas are not enough

We are more than capable of getting our gas and resources ourselves to stop relying on saudi or USA and this billions of loans from china
That's the problem.tho why do we have to rely in them or the USA for that in the first place.
Its like we a being forced so they can have the upper hand
The yellow ribbon is the symbol of the liberal party that is political group consisting of the richest corporate politicians and oligarchs in the country. This people hide behind the veneer of the good guys image given the one of their founders is Cory Aquino. They are basically the biggest group of corrupt profiteers in the country.

They deal with any criticism with "muh martial law".
>not trusting China
Why does oldies still sucking on USA dicks? Or they must missed getting fucked over again by them?
Those were actually the original symbols and members of PDP laban
Even the L sign it actually means laban

I guess those who are against them are the commie "muh duterte" and china now lol
With what? Magical construction firms and imaginary funds?

We would also get investors with the deal, we can't do everything ourselves. Either exploit the potential market or go back as we were.
Cause it would be more expensive not to hire contractor firms. If we can do it on our own it would already have been done.
Bescue we are going to and getting fucked by china like you claim america is doing

You think we would be pro USA if they were the ones bulding those illegal islands in our shore?
More like china got is fucked with the construction materials
Investing is different from building it ourselves tho
Pfft. No ones using those islands anyway.
maybe Viets but they're on our concern.
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My life is a misery.

halp me anon
Yes we are using them wtf?>>77793886
Isn't that bridge in cebu going to be build and invested by a milionare from Manila
We gave away our territory years ago when GMA signed into law the Archipelagic Baselines Law in 2009. That was 7 years ago.
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Everybody has misery in their life, people just learn to ignore it for the most part
aha, thanks
Are a neet? If yes then um, kys.
Shabu should be legal desu
>Investing is different from building it ourselves tho
Exactly. If we hire construction firms they could also be investors upping up our potential net profit. If economics was simple we'd be bajillionaires by now.
Well i hope she got some money out of it. Goddamned mole faced hobbit.
Malaysians are fortunate in a sense that there is no forced assimilation agenda by the state, at least not yet.

So why can't we just proudly embrace our diverse backgrounds and move on? Don't we often shamelessly pronounce to the world that diversity is our strength and Malaysia Truly Asia?

Personally, I don't believe in the idea of a pure race. Human history is also a history of migration and inter-marriages, making mixed parentage highly possible.

Instead of shunning the issue, one must talk openly about it, and feel no guilt. It's the diversity that makes our society as among the unique in the world, and we know it's quite unlikely that we would go to war to change that.

After all, my citizenship is humanity and I am not ashamed to admit I, being fully Chinese educated, am not a pure Chinese.
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I keep remembering every shameful thing I have done in my life every time I try to sleep.

I really fail to be a person in society.
you should preach that to forums that are unequivocally biased to one side or the other, like kopitiam or cari gold.

The problem with the Malaysian mentality is that it always has to be on one extreme end or the other, anybody who stands on the middle ground is considered fodder for any strongly opinionated side.
Is xenophobia in Malaysia really that severe?
MPTDC I don't know how chineses they are
Its basically a debt if we outsource construction firm its like a
Trap we will build you this meh tier train only if you hire our workers and we get double the earnings.

The only thing we got is the 9dash line and illegall islands
During thhe JSMU exploration with China and Vietnam there was only one flip crew member.

We may never get the data of that "shared" exploration and by the look of their aggressive stance of preventing us to explore it on our own they probably find oil
>in the conflict the US is the one with the most to lose
Coming from a person who says "The US profits from war", you contradict yourself.
The US is our ally because we are their loyal sphere of influence in Asia.
>Financially China has them on a leash, the US is $6.2 trillion in debt.
Oh wow, SEVEN PERCENT of all US debt is tied to China. How will the Americans EVER recover?

What's your point exactly? How about the fact that this country is one of their most relied on trading partners? The amount of OFWs living in the states? The fact that China is negatively viewed upon by the West?

That we have a mutual defense treaty the US has said to honor time and time again? How about EDCA which is based on that treaty?

Look, I know you suck Duterte's dick and all but let's be honest, his foreign policy is shit.

>I understand that you have an infantile understanding of "diplomacy"
>says the guy who is ignorant he can't get his facts straight
HAHAHAHA. Go back to facebook, I'm sure they'll accept your facts.
So does it have any cultural value
Does it have ancient inscriptions on it
Or made from our gold that spics stole?
One more time great thanks for this website, anon.

BTW, it's strange that there are only 7 "sejarah" textbooks and over 70 textbooks for "ilmu pengetahuan sosial". In our schools we have many history textbooks/classes, while the "social science" is treated as something additional. It seems that in Indonesia it's the other way round.
Glad to help.
In elementary school all the history and the social science and geography and even basic economy are bundled together as ips.
On midschool and up they have their own classes/books.
>Coming from a person who says "The US profits from war", you contradict yourself
The US goes to war if there is profit to be had idiot. They would gain nothing from fighting for us, retard.
>Oh wow, SEVEN PERCENT of all US debt is tied to China. How will the Americans EVER recover?
If it was so easy to pay the amount it would it would have been paid by now. Aside from the debt a lot of major US corporations make their profit in China.

The point is that cooperation with China could prove to be very profitable for us. And our adherence to US foreign policy when there is no reason to, hobbles us. The mutual defense agreement is not an assurance of US intervention. Even if it does hold, the proposition still needs to go through their congress and the senate.

If your done being a goal moving mongoloid maybe you can study the issue more and stop making yourself look like an idiot.
I think they are interested. Don't know why no one is pushing for it.
>In elementary school all the history and the social science and geography and even basic economy are bundled together as ips.
>On midschool and up they have their own classes/books.
Aha, this explains everything, I was surprised that history textbooks were only for classes 10 and 11.

You really helped me a lot today, I would never find this resource on my own.
>The US goes to war if there is profit to be had idiot
Then you contradict yourself by saying the US wouldn't go to war with us, ya dingus.

>If it was so easy to pay the amount it would it would have been paid by now.
Do you know how debts and treasury bills work? Jesus Christ. Educate yourself.

>Aside from the debt a lot of major US corporations make their profit in China.
Which the US hates.

>The point is that cooperation with China could prove to be very profitable for us.
>implying we can't both defend the territory and profit with China like Indonesia
Who said it isn't possible? Oh right, naive Duterte and his fanatic crew (aka (you) )

>goal moving
>says the guy who moves the goal post from "defending our territory" to "you want us to declare war with china"

Here's your last (You) since your arguments are that of a Dutertard.
Funny world we live in...

The US has no territorial ambitions in the Philippines. If anything, it's applying diplomatic pressure for China to keep out. Yet Duterte sees America as evil.

At the same time, China is gobbling up Philippine territory and chasing away Filipino fisherman, yet Duterte wants to be China's best friend.
>The point is that cooperation with China could prove to be very profitable for us. And our adherence to US foreign policy when there is no reason to,

At what cause
Worse case senario at 5%, which is nearest the lending rate of interest published by the IMF and World Bank for the Philippines, the effect of such a large sum would be an increase in debt (in addition to existing debt) of $275 billion after 10 years. That would bring the Philippines’ debt:GDP ratio to approximately 136%.

What's more profitable for us is we can get and exploit our own resources without relying on them
>Then you contradict yourself by saying the US wouldn't go to war with us, ya dingus
I said that the US goes to war for profit, there is no profit to be had for fighting for the Philippines and China is too big of an economic crutch for them to lose. Get it in your thick skull.

>Do you know how debts and treasury bills work? Jesus Christ.
The US is $18.96 trillion in debt and rising. Its not even an issue of billing you idiot.

>implying we can't both defend the territory and profit with China like Indonesia
We can't. We can't even have patrol our territorial waters. Indonesia have at least a functioning 21st century armed forces and is not in any immediate threat. We are just begging to modernize and that isn't even enough, we have to invest in billions upon billions on missile defense, modernize our air force and build up a fleet. But i guess your snark and and retardation is enough to stave off a potential invasion.

>says the guy who moves the goal post from "defending our territory" to "you want us to declare war with china"
Where in my post did i say that we should go to war with China. Are you fucking illiterate, or do you just have the reading comprehension of a five year old?
Well we can't. Not in the immediate future at least.
Plus the infrastructure projects would be a donation.
I browsed these comic books for a while and it looks like some high-quality stuff. Is it all domestic Indonesian production? I didn't know that you have so well developed comic book industry.
When will Japan opens its Floodgates on immigration?
Im practicing my nihonggo now.
Never ever, though there are a large number of smuggled south east asians, flips like us included.

If you want to get in just work as a farm hand, they're very low on a lot of rural workers.
Yeah, made by Indonesian talents. Lately the local comic/manga industry is booming, supported by many Indonesians who are buying those high quality books even though that those comics can be read online for free. You can see that most of those comics incorporate Indonesian elements within the story, creating a new blend in the medium.

We also have an animation movie about the historical battle of Surabaya.
We might never have if we keep relying on china

So far only the bridge for the Pasig river is an alleged "grant" and it was already negotiated with during arroyos time

Even the infra we will get from Japan are laons
>We also have an animation movie about the historical battle of Surabaya.
Thanks, I mostly know some action movies like the Raid 1/2. The only history related Indonesian film I have is Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka.

The propaganda mills, especially in Beijing, have been trumpeting the FTA as bringing “mutual benefits” to China and Asean. A positive spin on Cafta has also come from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who hailed the emergence of a "formidable regional grouping" that would rival the United States and the European Union.

The reality, however, is that most of the advantages will probably flow to China.


Communist China is worse than the US. It really is. It will never recognize the Philippines as an equal partner in a relationship. Hell, even the Filipino think tanks recognize that:

It is thus indispensable for the Philippines and China as neighbors to engage each other despite having diverging geopolitical and security concerns.



The Philippines could extract far greater ownership rights and royalty payments on the international market by keeping Chinese corruption and military threats at bay. The latter strategy requires political fortitude and strengthened alliance cooperation with the United States, Japan, and Asean. The Philippines can become a leading partner in a developing Asian alliance system geared to contain China and safeguard an UNCLOS determination on the East and South China Seas, but to do this requires safeguards against Chinese influence in Philippine politics.

This is what it means to have a truly independent foreign policy, a la Polish Miedzymorze (HoI4 forever!) This is what the President and Secretary Yasay should be pursuing, and this is what the likes of Satur Ocampo should be fighting for.
These are some of the historical movies based on the Indonesian struggle of independence.

Or about historical figures such as R. A. Kartini, the hero of women's emancipation during the Dutch colonial era.
Wasn't EDCA already cancelled by duts
In terms of capability we actually can
We are just blocked by china
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also kek
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we could use our movie posters with reversed colors
>We can't. We can't even have patrol our territorial waters.

There's a way to patrol it but he just doesn't want to


BTW we are doing this with Malaysia and Indonesia but for ISIS prevention.
we have less chads than USA but most cute girls will date the richboys or at least guys with GAINS.
Yellow is the color of the party the opposes duterte and China

Paid shills will always bring them up if they can't defend themselves from logic anymore
What's the name of this party?
> upside down indo
>tfw no more neeting
not sure how should i feel
You make me remember about that japs right wing website which support pan-austronesian and proclaim that they're not east asians but pan-autronesian.
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Red -prosperity
Yellow- Royal colour
Paddy - Rice fields
Shield - Duty of the ruler to protect his subjects
Green crescent - state religion
Now that you mention it moving the logo to the center makes a nice commie look.
Why no love for Brunei and Malaysia, Poland kun?
i love you malay-kun
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Thoughts about them /asean/?
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Thoughts about them /asean/?
EDCA's not yet over, Duts was probably just rambling bullshit. Our military's more friendly with the Americans and they don't like Dut's shift to China that much. Notice how he's always giving speeches in military camps and promising to up their salary? He's trying to gain all their support, but luckily, our officer corps are skeptical of his policies.
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Thailand internet was too expensive and slow
Besides, he can't just cancel the EDCA straight away. It's effective for ten years (so until 2024) then either the US or the Philippines can terminate the agreement.
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But all are great. It's just this flag thing. Imagine growing up knowing that there is some reversed version of your country in the South.

why are you awake so early
I just had this dream where i was best friends with the crown prince of a comically powerful kingdom and he made me his prime minister and i had full control on that time's most powerful intelligence agency.
Anf we both fucked the castle's beautiful maids together. Man what a dream
He's the Sulu Sultan (The real one) heir. So, you still have the chance to make it a reality.
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This cunt is fucking huge.
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Yurop ain't got shit on us.
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what is your land area
slums are ugly and beautiful at the same time for some reason.
Closed, small, vacated spaces are kinda comfy for me in general
why does myanmar, laos, or cambodia never post on /asean/
1. Lack of English skills
2. Non-widespread use of the internet
Maybe an American or Liberian will somehow be interested in your flag and learn more about Malaysia.

Never seen those flags, yet another testimony of our diversity.

Wikipedia gave me 1,904,569[7] km2.
Not even total electricity coverage much less internet and english proficiency to find and post in a Borneo basket weaving forum.
this is just sad

but look at least the traditional house still in use lol
they probably dont think this is a sum tho
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Actually we have been in Liberia for a few years but just started to came back after ebola outbreak.
Pic related, also
Musa = Moses
Hitam = black

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Does this picture I colored look good or does it look like shit?
kebelet eek
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I can't take this anymore guys.
I'll just end it right now.
At least kill other people first
Malaysia has plantation companies in Africa? So that is why there's plenty of BBC in KL.

Maksudnya pecah perawan ya? wkwkwkwkwk
It just started though but coloni... development assistance for only 63 years.
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aq mau k-kon...to...trol nya doank.
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Good, we are also trying to make Nigerian people be addicted to Indomie.

A-aku juga mau susu... eh maksudnya suaramu.
which board would be the best place to ask about airport baggages? im going to US to pick up milsurps and airshit gears i bought and im wondring if it can pass security. im especially worried about the 2 gp-5 gas masks i bought, i might get into some shit if i find out late that stuff like that are not allowed
Try /k/, I think there might be a few filipino officers who probably know more.
Maafkan aku andainya warkahku mengganggumu
Dunno about international baggages but in domestic flights my uncle in the army deposited and claimed his pistol(some kind of 1911) in airport's security office.
Anyone else has this video in their recommended list?

i get it too
> Botnet know we all frequent to 4chink.
> Botnet suggest miserable video of being a NEET
Reeeeeeee, botnet want us to be a normie.
Work is love, work is life.
Why don't you work on my behalf?
You need to fill the workpapers with your own hands to gain satisfaction from it.
I saw a group of vietnamese millenials here in Philippines on a starbucks cafe. Very disappointed tb.h because the only men in their group was an effeminate gay faggot. West faggotry is extending towards chink asia; muslims and africans are the last bastion of masculinity
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Vietnamese transfer students are never not thin fragile faggots.
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Bugis Mercenaries went everywhere m8. Even this man is descendant of Bugis merc.
the fact that they exist is what disappoints me anon
We're taking the most immediate potential market on this one. We could exploit more of the crumbling Chinese market than the west, with its big deeply rooted corporate entities that would be hesitant to give leeway in the market.
Go to Vietnam and go find the sons of Vietcong if want your Vietdick so much. Try to hang out with the girls they're a good lay.
Then that would only cover the southern part of the country and the southernmost tip of the South China Sea. More likely a step to avoid future provocation. Our biggest concern is our northwestern territorial waters and we have to contend with the big leaguers and i doubt malaysia and indonesia would risk venturing stretching military assets that far.
terrible as a photo
>pic is slightly tilted
>incredibly distracting grey horizontal line in the top of the photo; detracts the eyes from the focus
>nothing really pops out at all; where are you trying to lead our eyes? in the centerstage? there is nothing interesting happening there

terrible in itself
>being a student

1/10, the best i can do; the most interesting part of the photo is the girl directly in front of you
Nice reading comprehension skills, faggot. You completely missed the point of my post. Don't reply to me ever again you illiterate fuck
The one with the usa could have already extended by now if it was properly implemented
To even the Philippines sea with our new reef

The one with Malaysia and Indonesia are in the Celebes and Sulu sea
Didn't you read with the the loans and be ture Chinese is offering
We are the ones being exploited by them
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r8 my squad
a thread full of clinically retarded cretins and mouth-breathing boneheads. how you morons are able to enjoy circlejerking ITT is beyond me
me on the right
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whats wrong anon does your tummy hurt?
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That guy on the middle must be a spenish.
hi asean columbine here, have I missed anything good in the past 2 weeks?
Where are the pointy hats?
>Create a political organisation exclusively for the upper class Javanese elite and aristocrats, and has always only care for Javanese cause
>His organisation and history is now appropriated by Indonesian nationalists and other ethnics to suit their political ideology
I wonder how he felt in his grave
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Is there anything this drink can't cure?
Aquarius is better. Shame they don't sell it here.
more like butthurt, haha!
Budi Utomo?

Just in case
Dudes I just realised how bad I screwed up a few years ago
>Be on interpals
>Korean qt actually contacts me (instead of the other way around as it usually goes)
>She's coming to my city in a few months
>Make friends with her and exchange fb
>Organise to meet up not long after she's arrived
>When we finally meet I sperg out
>We have to go to a different cafe because she can't hear me speak in the one we're at
>after awkward conversation in an empty cafe she says she's tired and has to go home now
>say goodbye, nice to meet you etc
>never see her again and exchange pleasantries once a year
Now to think of it Budi Utomo is Javanese for "Exalted Virtue." Even during its early periods most of its renowned members are Javanese "ningrat" and "priyayi."
Thread posts: 308
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