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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 64

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Are Kim edition
Why don't you Why don't you just fuck off and die Why can't you just fuck off and die Why can't you just leave here and die Never stick your hand in my face again bitch Fuck you I don't need this shit You stupid sadistic abusive fucking whore How would you like to see how it feels mommy Here it comes, get ready to die
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looks like my fat lesbian aunt
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1MB, 2307x1957px
doing the anime wank
>people listen to a single word that comes from JK Rowling's lips after she cut Rik Mayall from all the films
what's your commute like lads?
they call me peabody
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30KB, 480x479px
>I don't like anime
choon x
30 mins against traffic
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
Fart and small dick jokes may have ruined the immersion for some fans
imagine being this narcissistic
love anime
If You're Reading This was a fantastic album

Really wasn't even rap, just pure brilliance
Deano all-inclusive hotel room in gran canaria
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441KB, 567x536px
even prisoners locked up 23hrs a day shouldn't have the time to be listening to fucking Molyneux
I'm better looking than him

I'm boring though
I just found my old instagram account
5 minute walk. Quality of life improved dramatically since I stopped commuting to London (1.5 hours one way). I'll never commute again if I can help it
dunno though, manny has a jewish community iirc but i don't they're particular well known for owt.
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jk rowling.jpg
109KB, 960x720px
There's reason they were exiled for centuries before that fucking rat Cromwell sold Britain to them.
brand new baretta
cant wait to let it go
I'm jewish and I'm not famous and nobody I'm related to is famous
from this week onwards i'm essentially working from home
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8KB, 183x182px
>work tomorrow

we are now occupying a region of time and space where it is physically impossible not to feel the impending slavery weighing down upon thee
fantastic song, just a fucking brilliant album
You'd look better with a beard
Any guitar men in? Recommend a good learner book
I feel dirty
Why are you repeating lyrics from the album?
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97KB, 647x955px
My housemate watches The Young Turks, I can hear Ana Kasparin shouting on his monitor right now.

He's 40 years old and watches content you're meant to be finished with by 19 if you aren't a brainlet retard.

I need to move out.
Really want to stuff the anime brit full of cock rn
hate rap tbqh all a load of old bollocks but enjoy a good late night drizzy when /faded/ off that grey goose

take care is a+
20 minutes on bycicle or
25-30 minutes on metro. metro is alri sometimes its packed though thats shit
I have a beard now, that pic is 3 year old desu
just found out my dad is gay
classic drizzy
Literally don't want to give my progeny inheritance as such.

The will i write will be such that they can only use my inheritance money for a list of pre-approved expenditures such as university fees, other lessons or training, for buying things like musical instruments, stuff for making art, books, weightlifting or exercise equipment and so on.

certainly not working my arse off so Junior can blow it all on Coke.
Nice. I hear you can make decent money doing wank shows on Web cam. Good luck
lego pirates of the caribbean game is well fun

love the lego games i do
20-25mins usually in the morning. start at 8 too so avoid most of the 9-starting traffic
30 minutes on the subway
not a word
saw Roy Hodgson walking around Richmond Green with his missus earlier
>American music is bad

big tune remind me of the city life i used to lead as a young'un x

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239KB, 820x546px
just came up with a quip about charlie gard dying so utterly insensitive yet hilarious I'm unwilling to post it even on 4chan and am i fact quite ashamed of my ability to have come up with it
big habbening in venezuela lads
>American music is bad

no one with any decent taste thinks this
Once the lawyer transfers the funds afyer you die they can do literally whatever the fuck they like with it
doing a poo
imma pwn that n00b with the ub3r 1337 hax and the pr0n, with the wtg ftw and the roxxorz boxxorz
Yeah I was being hyperbolic but the percentage that are famous or in the VERY successful category is extremely high relative to the amount of Jews here
2 hours unironically
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What's going on

Think I'm going mad
This is the third time this has been posted now
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233KB, 808x805px
>Unlike masturbation, having sex causes a significant increase in testosterone levels
>Testosterone has a masculinizing effect on bone structure, most notably in the facial area
>Virgin face is a real thing and the longer one stays a virgin, the more noticeable it is
hello my name is Will
This is the third time this has been posted now
It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom.
got that strange deja vu feeling lads
Alright will


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56KB, 161x175px
>he doesn't hold season tickets for the flying ducks and visits every game

the absolute fucking state of you lot
got some indians to fill in captchas for me
got that strange deja vu feeling lads
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99KB, 400x388px
Stupid idiot it's the other way around
>Tfw alpha virgin
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39KB, 645x773px
any sad lads in?
reckon all this reposting might be my future self trying to warn me log off and go to bed lest I suffer a much worse faith

why do our train tickets look so povvo
reckon all this reposting might be my future self trying to warn me log off and go to bed lest I suffer a much worse faith
tried a cigarette a few times off friends, nothing fucking happened, not even the slightest of buzzes

do not understand the appeal at all
why are you constantly reposing my posts, with the same picture and all

going mad
depends if you're learning from scratch or not
i'd learn to read sheet music at the same time as learning some simple classical unless you're an actual fucking pleb that just wants to play
in which case just use tabs online
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
why are you constantly reposing my posts, with the same picture and all

going mad
Lol I left a massive poo in the loo earlier that wouldn't flush and I forgot about it. Dads' just went to the loo and now hes SEETHING.
Absolutely creased xDD

I am so incel that even if I tried to love myself it would end in rejection
tried a cigarette a few times off friends, nothing fucking happened, not even the slightest of buzzes

do not understand the appeal at a
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100KB, 314x382px

jealous as fuck of yanks right now
are you legitimately fucking retarded

do you even understand what a cigarette is
reached the end of a duolingo tree for a language.
tried reading a newspaper and only could understand about half of the words and sentences.

also had no idea how to form sentences and just seemed baffled by the rules of the language.

now i'm reading a book on the actual grammar of the language and suddenly its becoming alot clearer to me

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14KB, 300x192px
Tramadol is starting to kick in
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97KB, 762x1048px
Look at you all.

Just pieces on my chessboard.

Ready to do my bidding, without a glimmer of reluctance.

And now..... to make my next move...
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o-ok lads enough of this please stop now
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945KB, 1440x2560px
Ugly girls I've not bothered replying to apart from Laura who I told that I want Rees-Mogg to he PM and she hasn't replied
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
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cregg strikes again.png
564KB, 1261x748px
took 30mg of valium
anyone catch the new Joe Rogan video?
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
I'm surprised there are only 522 episodes 2bh considering it's been on the go since '89
>Venezuelan officials killed as voting starts\

>A candidate in Sunday's assembly elections and an opposition activist have been killed in Venezuela.

>José Felix Pineda, a 39-year-old lawyer running in the election, was shot in his home on Saturday night local time, a senior Venezuelan minister said.

>Ricardo Campos, a youth secretary with the opposition Acción Democrática party, was shot dead during a protest, the head of the national assembly said.

This is the future leftypol wants
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
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338KB, 1038x987px
anyone got that webm of Pee-Jay Watson talking at the camera?
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144KB, 590x590px
>theres a leftypol bot in this thread
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
would absolute destroy rachel mate lass wouldn't walk straight for days x
the casting in this Batman v Superman movie is fucking horrid
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>I'm surprised there are only 522 episodes 2bh considering it's been on the go since '89
Name of movie?
Ask a rorke to recite the lyrics to god save the queen and watch him fold
>he doesn't realise that /brit/ is just bots arguing with each other
how does a man with no photos with friends set up a tinder account. my understanding is i won't get anywhere without said photos.
How do they manage to cook an entire pizza from scratch along with all the sides and get it to your door in 30-45 minutes? Seems a bit suspicious to me.
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
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34KB, 773x645px
pros and cons of drinking alone?
there are countless streams all over the internet playing 24/7 simpsons

used to watch them all the time before circs demanded I revert to using a dongle
*raises you a tenner*
hello i am a bot this has been posted before
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen!

O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish[25] tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!
what's your commute like lads?
if you put ty on the end of bot it makes botty LOL rude word!!!!!!111
Did you know there are over 60 reasons your feminine area could feel itchy? Buy Caniston Duo today
Heard on a rap song they said "in the trap with a press" and not got a clue what they mean.

Is it something to do with a coffee press?
Pretty sad you have to resort to name-calling on the internet. Not to worry, I'll leave you to it, you're blocked! Have a nice day.

bases are premade usually
how does a man with no photos with friends set up a tinder account. my understanding is i won't get anywhere without said photos.
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325KB, 576x566px
Hmmm, yes, protests in Venezuela - regime change needed!!! Not democratic!!! Human rights!!!
helps forget the pain
gives you a buzz

perpetuates the cycle of depression and anxiety
its from the new Twin Peaks
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
the walk to the toilet gets a bit tiresome sometimes
Literally don't want to give my progeny inheritance as such.

The will i write will be such that they can only use my inheritance money for a list of pre-approved expenditures such as university fees, other lessons or training, for buying things like musical instruments, stuff for making art, books, weightlifting or exercise equipment and so on.

certainly not working my arse off so Junior can blow it all on Coke.
its from the new Twin Peaks
wishin' i had a /brit/ bf to do naughty things with
why do commies love human suffering? does it get them off?
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
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128KB, 320x289px
Thanks Seamus, I don't know what twin peaks is
text her on wednesday saying "my life is falling apart without you" and still no reply
they're disgusting filth that loves seeing people killed by their vile ideology
these internet ad algorithms are bordering on supernatural at this point

things are showing up in my youtube homepage that I'm pretty sure I only briefly thought about while taking a shit
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89KB, 647x955px
My housemate watches The Young Turks, I can hear Ana Kasparin shouting on his monitor right now.

He's 40 years old and watches content you're meant to be finished with by 19 if you aren't a brainlet retard.

I need to move out.
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
Baby it's alright now you don't have to PuG around me
Everything's farmed, Maly, Naxx and Sarth 3D
just watched jacobs ladder lads. A kino, most definitely-possibly a top kino. I recommend it.
Ask leftypol to explain what socialism and communism are and watch him fold
text her on wednesday saying "my life is falling apart without you" and still no reply
reached the end of a duolingo tree for a language.
tried reading a newspaper and only could understand about half of the words and sentences.

also had no idea how to form sentences and just seemed baffled by the rules of the language.

now i'm reading a book on the actual grammar of the language and suddenly its becoming alot clearer to me

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85KB, 640x470px
me n the lads
having a crisis lads aha x

We could just be a simulation... the people running that simulation could just be a simulation. what is our point
yeah mate really fascinating listening to you drone on about 'healthcare' or 'housing' or 'geopolitics' really gets the cranium moving yeah

bore off
tried a cigarette a few times off friends, nothing fucking happened, not even the slightest of buzzes

do not understand the appeal at all
Ask leftypol to explain what socialism and communism are and watch him fold
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223KB, 1913x1434px
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alarmed wojak.jpg
44KB, 569x506px
i don't know which posts are originals and which posts are copies aaaaa
quite a busy thread isn't it
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12KB, 250x240px
>bot spamming /brit/
>doesn't even change the typical quality of /brit/
yanks exist for our pleasure
yeah mate really fascinating listening to you drone on about 'healthcare' or 'housing' or 'geopolitics' really gets the cranium moving yeah

bore off
Ask leftypol to explain what socialism and communism are and watch him fold

a trap or 'trap house' is a gaff where illegal tings go down, a press I presume is something Tracey is using to make cocaine, as that's what the song is about
I don't know why you're rolling a priest
Shadow damage can't manage to top me
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13KB, 225x224px
What's going on

Think I'm going mad
arse bandit
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2MB, 268x268px
>this thread

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36KB, 426x434px
what's going on haha
I've been singing in organized groups since babby so I know sheet music https://youtu.be/mpxguPNtP4o And I can play chords that I know seamlessly i just haven't learned the fret board
Yeah, used his stuff before
we're in here lads
reached the end of a duolingo tree for a language.
tried reading a newspaper and only could understand about half of the words and sentences.

also had no idea how to form sentences and just seemed baffled by the rules of the language.

now i'm reading a book on the actual grammar of the language and suddenly its becoming alot clearer to me

arse bandit
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243KB, 808x805px
>Unlike masturbation, having sex causes a significant increase in testosterone levels
>Testosterone has a masculinizing effect on bone structure, most notably in the facial area
>Virgin face is a real thing and the longer one stays a virgin, the more noticeable it is
>none of my posts get reposted
I need you outta business, sunshine
>leftypol creating bots with the sole purpose of spamming /brit/
could they get any more pathetic?
>leftypol creating bots with the sole purpose of spamming /brit/
could they get any more pathetic?
>none of my posts get reposted
I need you outta business, sunshine
just came up with a quip about charlie gard dying so utterly insensitive yet hilarious I'm unwilling to post it even on 4chan and am i fact quite ashamed of my ability to have come up with it
we're in here lads
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41KB, 400x388px
Stupid idiot it's the other way around
>Tfw alpha virgin
theres a leftypol bot in this thread
Where's janny when you actually need him
toil tommorow, nigie?
alright this isnt funny repost something I said you little runt or I'll heem you into oblivion
Communism doesn't and could not work.
are you a virgin customer
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cheap as chips.png
286KB, 1303x555px
You learning guitar?

Best bet would just be to get a guitar chord reference book (pic related - couple of quid), and Google (or buy a book of) the chords to songs you like, and then watch YouTube instructional vids on how to do open and bar chords. Then strum the chords of songs you like until you're semi-familiar with the chords. Then you might learn and practice scales, which is basically just running up and down the notes used in the chords, if you want to do lead guitar or bass guitar stuff, or you might work on finger picking, which is using fingernails instead of a plectrum to play a chord's notes individually (as opposed to strumming). Rhythm guitar is generally just strumming chords with a pick, and is the easiest to do, and also has the highest potential to woo girls since that's what singing guitarists do.
been learning since I was 8, so honestly could not tell you what books I used to learn
if you already know a bit of musical theory and sheet music they wont be any help to you anyway sorry x
if you didn't wear the hat so much back then, your hair wouldn't be as fucked now
Communism doesn't and could not work.
Being alone drunk is more enjoyable than being alone sober and bored

Easy to develop an alcohol habit

>t. 70cl of gin per day
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pros and cons of drinking alone?
doing mad farts
Wow never knew that, Rik mayall was my favorite actor growing up. Was it her fault?
Communism does and could work.
Communism doesn't and could not work.
Being alone drunk is more enjoyable than being alone sober and bored

Easy to develop an alcohol habit

>t. 70cl of gin per day
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56KB, 645x773px
>I hold right wing opinions
Being alone drunk is more enjoyable than being alone sober and bored

Easy to develop an alcohol habit

>t. 70cl of gin per day
sunday bloody sunday
fuck drumpf and fuck drumpf
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56KB, 161x175px
>he doesn't hold season tickets for the flying ducks and visits every game

the absolute fucking state of you lot
sunday bloody sunday
helps forget the pain
gives you a buzz

perpetuates the cycle of depression and anxiety
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason

>since 8

Based. Trying to catch up. Do you write songs?


Old wive's tales
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89KB, 647x955px
My housemate watches The Young Turks, I can hear Ana Kasparin shouting on his monitor right now.

He's 40 years old and watches content you're meant to be finished with by 19 if you aren't a brainlet retard.

I need to move out.
Have to love that one overly paranoid paddy with his finger on the post history site kicked off this entire gimmick
She had final say on everything, essentially. She hand-picked Alan Rickman and demanded all of the cast be British, aside from Richard Harris.
Can get pissed in your pyjamas
Shitpost with the lads whilst pissed
Play video games pissed
Watch whatever you want
Do whatever degenerate shit you like
Confidence to book a slag from adultwork and then regret it the next morning but still go

Alcoholism. Restrict it to Friday and Saturday nights, if not just one of those nights.
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334KB, 2048x1970px
literally me and my gf

we're all in here
*drunkenly stumbles into thread* oiiiiii cutie give usss a kisssssa *kisses you, the stench of whiskey and shame washing over you*
Have to love that one overly paranoid paddy with his finger on the post history site kicked off this entire gimmick
Literally don't want to give my progeny inheritance as such.

The will i write will be such that they can only use my inheritance money for a list of pre-approved expenditures such as university fees, other lessons or training, for buying things like musical instruments, stuff for making art, books, weightlifting or exercise equipment and so on.

certainly not working my arse off so Junior can blow it all on Coke.
*drunkenly stumbles into thread* oiiiiii cutie give usss a kisssssa *kisses you, the stench of whiskey and shame washing over you*
is there something wrong with 4chan tonight?
File: wojak hell.png (296KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
wojak hell.png
296KB, 500x500px
What's going on. What the fuck is going on? Why do I keep seeing the same posts? WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Any spotify man in?

is there something wrong with 4chan tonight?
is there something wrong with 4chan tonight?
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243KB, 808x805px
>Unlike masturbation, having sex causes a significant increase in testosterone levels
>Testosterone has a masculinizing effect on bone structure, most notably in the facial area
>Virgin face is a real thing and the longer one stays a virgin, the more noticeable it is
The baffling part is, he's complimenting them. He's sayin that Jews are too smart to undersell themselves and that's still considered anti-semitic. Goebbels was unironically right about Jews.
100 mics of 1p-lsd was pretty underwhelming until i started dozing off and the trip went south like always
>is there something wrong with 4chan tonight?

No it's stupid mongs who think this shitposting is actually a good gimmick

Le trolled you :L
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212KB, 500x380px
men having sex with women is highly degrading for any men who respects himself and values himself a tiny bit
the woman was created as an untermensch and shouldnt treat any affair with common men. men should only have sex between them and reduce women as 2nd class human beings because they are literally ersatz of men and homosexual sex is pure equality

Nothing wrong with my 4chan desu
Im finn visiting london
How would london deal if the tube was gone one day
alright lads we;ve had our fun now please stop it with this
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17KB, 385x387px

>tfw neet
>government makes me do these meme education courses so my mom can keep her child support
>the courses are always really far away
>had to get on a bus full of muslims for 30 minutes
>then a tram with even more muslims in it for another hour
>during the summer people (muslims) were literally squashed against the windows of the tram, almost no air inside it
>regularly there was screaming muslim youth and really dodgy older muslim men (like literally terrorist looking types) as well as drunk people in the tram
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41KB, 400x388px
Stupid idiot it's the other way around
>Tfw alpha virgin
any gay fag bumholemlicker man in?
bit bent innit
remember the recession? that were mad weren't it

New Raqqa video was just release lads

features white skinned blonde haired europeans fighting
lots of kino SVBIED shots
is there something wrong with 4chan tonight?
any arse bandits in
We often have tube strikes. People just get the bus or taxi or cycle. The buses get busy though.
Either a bot, or a couple of attention starved faggots role-playing as a bot to wind people up.

Either way, I expect it will be back to normal in the morning. Or will have gotten worse.
Rik Mayall was supposed to be peeves
supposedly they filmed a scene with him which exists somewhere
>Highly addictive opiods? Legalize it bro, the government has NO right to tell us what we put in our bodies man
Sissy brit boys were created for my dick!
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44KB, 569x506px
i don't know which posts are originals and which posts are copies aaaaa
Is it socially acceptable to eat on a train with a random sitting next to you?
Either a bot, or a couple of attention starved faggots role-playing as a bot to wind people up.

Either way, I expect it will be back to normal in the morning. Or will have gotten worse.
Fucking bitch
yeah like all the money was gone but the bankers got well big bonuses
a succulent chinese meal?
so many homeless people in london wtf I hate the tories now
based civic nationalism!
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
I swear every Jewish person in Britain is either famous or at the very least has a famous cousin/uncle

There's like 150k of them in the UK but so many are rich and famous. When you take out the orthodox ones that keep themselves to themselves the percentage gets even higher

Really beyond reason
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eating doughnuts and drinking vodka
but morphine is legal
we're in here lads
Okay lads, /brit/ is officially FUBAR right now. Everyone rendezvous at the pre-arranged fallback point. If you don't know where that is, it's because you weren't told, because we don't like you.

See you all there.
They're homeless by choice. Or they're illegal immigrants. Both sets would be better off dead.
>it's another friend in the groupchat asks if people want to do something tomorrow but if I reply and say yes and nobody else does it will just be us two and will be a bit awkward so I pretend not to see it until other people reply episode
eating pringles and drinking cider
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What's going on

Think I'm going mad
not i
almost tempted to start reposting myself for the lulz haha
Literally don't want to give my progeny inheritance as such.

The will i write will be such that they can only use my inheritance money for a list of pre-approved expenditures such as university fees, other lessons or training, for buying things like musical instruments, stuff for making art, books, weightlifting or exercise equipment and so on.

certainly not working my arse off so Junior can blow it all on Coke.
im in the leftypol discord, just lurking for the most part, joined when the link was posted a while back to see if they even talk about /brit/
they do, but its in code, they ARE raiding right now, but this is only the beginning
theyre making a mod that fedoras anything that mentions leftypol, this is a test to see whether or not the bot can copy and paste messages properly, without copying its own message
it got the first part right but not the second, so expect to see it back soon for the second test
Yeah do it! Other people would notice you and everything!
Ask leftypol to explain what socialism and communism are and watch him fold
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>he doesn't hold season tickets for the flying ducks and visits every game

the absolute fucking state of you lot
>Do you write songs?
fuck no, never even occurred to me
parents were ponces so I learned "classical" or "Spanish" for about 10 years, spent the last 3 or 4 trying to transfer it to playing what I actually like listening to. Proceeding slowly
might try and make some money with it at some point but i've ever only played to myself, bit autistic like
haven't left the house in 8 years
the fall back position? oh yes leftypol almost forgot haha
I've had at least ten repost (You)s now. Feeling popular. My posts do well.

This is one of mine
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>im in the leftypol discord, just lurking for the most part, joined when the link was posted a while back to see if they even talk about /brit/
>they do, but its in code, they ARE raiding right now, but this is only the beginning
>theyre making a mod that fedoras anything that mentions leftypol, this is a test to see whether or not the bot can copy and paste messages properly, without copying its own message
>it got the first part right but not the second, so expect to see it back soon for the second test
men having sex with women is highly degrading for any men who respects himself and values himself a tiny bit
the woman was created as an untermensch and shouldnt treat any affair with common men. men should only have sex between them and reduce women as 2nd class human beings because they are literally ersatz of men and homosexual sex is pure equality
>Be a third world country until 1999
>Grow up a huge economy based in oil
>Create a welfare state and healthy social system
>Oil's princes in Arabia lowes the price
>Break up your economy
>Watch everybody blame socialism just because your government was left-wing opposition
ahhh yes
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My housemate watches The Young Turks, I can hear Ana Kasparin shouting on his monitor right now.

He's 40 years old and watches content you're meant to be finished with by 19 if you aren't a brainlet retard.

I need to move out.
need a BLM gf
excessive tattoos are a bit of a turn off though
right lads we've had a good run but let's not continue in the next thread
Nobody will give a shit. Unless you get crumbs on them, then they will definitely tut and or sigh

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i don't know which posts are originals and which posts are copies aaaaa
Unironically believe that bravery has been almost bred out of humanity throughout millenia of armed conflict
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>im in the leftypol discord, just lurking for the most part, joined when the link was posted a while back to see if they even talk about /brit/
>they do, but its in code, they ARE raiding right now, but this is only the beginning
>theyre making a mod that fedoras anything that mentions leftypol, this is a test to see whether or not the bot can copy and paste messages properly, without copying its own message
>it got the first part right but not the second, so expect to see it back soon for the second test
anyone remember the cuckio meme?
Who dares wins. Therefore the winners, the ones who pass on the genes, are the bravest. Humanity is getting braver. Or more ruthless and psychopathic, whatever works.
almost tempted to start reposting myself for the lulz haha
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Thread posts: 307
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