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Why are Italians so sensitive about their food? Is it because

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Why are Italians so sensitive about their food? Is it because they haven't made many other significant contributions to the world since the Renaissance?

Seriously, I've seen people wrap burgers in a pita instead of a proper bun, but I've never had any problem with that. In fact, I might even praise them for thinking outside the box. Meanwhile, if you order a cappuccino in the afternoon in Italy, people give you death stares for being "uncultured". I'm not making this shit up.
pizza is Greek
pasta is Greek
Just call it whatever you want but destroying recipes is something brits love to do. It's like fucking their own cuisines wasn't enough.
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stupid guiris think they can murder classic recipes without consequences
Pasta is Chinese. If you have to troll do it right.
ironically these dishes were created by peasants using cheap local ingredients and they were pefrected through generations of shabby oral tradition and experimenting
pasta is Greek you shitskin with inferiority complex
Italians are very traditional with their food. They think that the recipes cannot be improved . That is why it is so mediocre nowadays. Even Italian-American food is probably better than Italian food in general at the moment.
Hitler wasn't white
germans are subhumans
so are shitalians
>Seriously, I've seen people wrap burgers in a pita instead of a proper bun, but I've never had any problem with that. In fact, I might even praise them for thinking outside the box.

My nigga.
This is why we used to be allies. What happened to us, Germany?
People on the internet are obviously exaggerating things, many Italians find it funny to overreact like this, it's a meme. And you won't understand anyways because food is not part of your tradition, it's just food to you.
>it's fine being a retard because every opinion is worth the same!!!!!!

the world on murrican steroids, 2017
Fuck that shit, what about Nigella? She lost a bunch of weight? The idea leaves me panic-stricken.
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Peas belong in cabonara and chorizo belongs in paella. Simple as that.
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>Is it because they haven't made many other significant contributions to the world since the Renaissance?

Yes. On one hand, italian food is my absolute favorite and I commend them for being particular with shit like carbonara and bolognese, if only because i fucking HATE getting some fucking britbong/American fuckup when I order my food. Seriously, america, you have the worst fucking """"italian""""" food.

On the other hand, their autistic sperging about new dishes with pasta and cream or penne vodka or whatever is both pathetic and hilarious. You gotta be open to new things. Like this delicious and wholesome kebabpizza!
shitalians are shitskin autists and they have nothing to be proud of so they sperg about their shitty overrated food and tell everybody what to eat or what not to eat.
italy can go to hell
t. Mario "Calzone" Fassina
>a country who's only contribution to the modern world is food and fashion
>gets upset that people ruin its food

atleast with the french who have superior cuisine, they have other things going on for them so aren't triggered by people ruining their food.
I'm conflicted. On one hand, that looks like it would taste alright. On the other, it triggers me that everyone calls döner just kebab
t. Portuguese-amerindian 40 iq sandnigger
>another boring thread full of autistic screeching

hmm, okay
the only autistic subhuman garbage here is you, mr italian.
>I am angery >:(

hmm, interesting
>use 207 grains of salt instead of 206 as it says in the Traditional™ recipe grandma used to make
>mario pops a vein in his eye
>rolls down his pants and starts flinging feces at passersby
you got that the wrong way around buddy
nice reductio ad absurdum turk.

reality is we don't do that, we talk about food a lot and we discuss recipes, people have different ways to make the same dishes and you can bantz people for that, noone gets angry though.

personally I am very proud of my culinary tradition, there's so much variation and hidden regional delicacies, you never run out of new things to try and you have those five star recipes you can eat every time you want to feel good.

the difference between us and say, turkey, is that our mainstream dishes are extremely popular around the world and therefore more prone to get mangled by clueless foreigners, some people find that disgusting, I for one don't care what foreigners eat. it's a bit annoying when americans come yelling about Italian food being this or that though, because I know they are eating some twisted abomination of our food, but I don't want them to change and do it my way, I just wish they called it italian-american food.
shut the hell up subhuman
>bery angery >:((

suit yourself
actually I agree a bit with this. met an american here who thought he could cook anything. goes to a resteraunt "i can make this" and its just some garbage with too much paprika (when trying to make georgian for example).
I mean it would be the same in every field, if somebody came to you and said "check out how good I play this piece of Russian traditional music" and then started farting into a trumpet you would at least think "uhm, that's not how you do it".

some people on social media take it to the extreme criticizing everything foreigners make (who cares?), but considering how much we care about our food I think it's kind of a not so surprising reaction.
He Is Greek
yes italians are more protective of their food than most. even the chinese who have a rich culture of cuisine seem to be some what ok with foreigners destroying their food in many ways.
in the case of the chinese it's them who adapt their cuisine to foreign tastes, just like the italian americans did in the US.

the chinese don't get mad because they consider foreign chinese cuisine something else, just like I was saying for italian american food or foreign italian food in general.

like in this episode of this fantastic show (around the 7th minute) the hosts go eat in a "American Chinese" restaurant in Shanghai where the staff wears baseball caps and the restaurant has a western theme:


something like this doesn't exist for italian cuisine, that's why sometimes we get pissed people make stuff that we have never seen or heard of and just call it "italian!.
>I've seen people wrap burgers in a pita instead of a proper bun, but I've never had any problem with that.

They really spoila your great cuisine.
How fucking new are you? Thats Iki, a Turk subhuman living in Germany
Hes been shitting up the board for months, and hes gonna keep doing so if newfags keep giving him attention
>not a single Thiccgella post
what is your opinion on italian american food culture in new york? it seems like it has good roots and foundations whilst not necessarily trying to be "authentic" italian, whereas other places in usa are generally pretty offensive
Italian food is so legendary precisely because they actually take it seriously and stand up for it.

I have to admit that pizza version is a legit favourite of mine. It's an extremely good combo of flavours.
Though perhaps with a little less dressing.
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Really cannot imagine posting on this board the amount he does, gets so stale after a while.
wait I have to go to work I'll reply l8r
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Podpłomyk is polish. Italians obviously stole it from us.

Because every low-income italian has a better understanding of cusine than any englander
shut up
Or what? What are you going to do?
my friends visited naples and all they found to eat were shit tier sausages, pasta with bland ass tomato sauce on everything
also traditional italian pizza is utter garbage
jesus christ what is this abomination

have some brazilian food
yikes! bleargh, this is really disgusting desu
hello where are the pictures of nigella
it was invented independently by both Italy and China
päästa is Finnish you subhuman
and a britbong I know managed to find probably the only Pizza Hut in all of Italy. Neapolitan food is god-tier, your friends (if they actually exist) are just retarded tourists
>no pizza fritta
>no pizza a portafoglio
>no fish
>no mozzarella
>no mozzarella in carrozza
>no cuoppo
>no panzerotti
>no scarpariello
>no pasta with mussels and beans
>no parmigiana
>no mussels
>no pastiera
>no babà

your friends are dumb sorry
only reason i clicked this shit thread

gravely disappointed now
uèè uèèèè gennariell comm accà ch c sta a mamma tua c prepara lu caffé. maronn cant'è bbono! kittemmuert a la munnezz nu teniam o sole!!! NAPULE wagliò

*gets killed by camorra*
>tfw I'm going to visit my friends from campania this summer and gtfo this polluted shithole mosquito infested swamp called padania

feels gud man
please, remain there
That looks really tasty actually, authentic or not.
ugly turk subhuman
>using same ingredient called pasta and remaking it with his style triggers Italian
such a retarded reason
stai zitto somaro
>ambrogino gets triggered by someone stating the objective fact neapolitan cuisine is god-tier
get out of your house once in a while
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in the north of Italy they make this dish that is basically ravioli with a sweet chocolaty paste inside, they eat it with butter and cheese.

it's pretty bad btw.
why do you roleplay as him? stop
I'm Italian you subhuman
*autistic screeching followed by O caffé O sole praise*

nice 1 reddit ;)
>reddit lol xD
go back to the Filo
haha do that funny napoletano impression again it's so funny XD
why so furente though? are you from Napoli? *washes his hands*
Italians are better than other humans you shitskin
>furente xd

epic really, my friend, do it again
Peas belong in paella and chorizo belongs in carbonara.
>not putting 'cha sauce on roast beef
Plebs, everybdody.
>not putting pasta on a you're pizza paisà mama mia
Plebs, everybdody.
Dis dude understands it.
e v e r y b d o d y
L0l shitalians are niggers.
L0l shitalians are niggers.
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The real "Pizza" is actually German. And of course does not contain any fucking tomatos since they are in Europe just for a few hundret years...
REMINDER: Canadians perfected Italian cuisine
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