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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 68

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Soph edition
But I'm an adult fuck off
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brain of a child
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fucking hate Lineker

shit footballer, shit pundit, shit politics
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average british couple
But I don't I have an adult brain which is why I came to the conclusion I did about politics

bog standard council estate girl
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russia hacked the election because the deep state who hates trump said so! evidence?? what, this guy said so, why do you need evidence?!
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bit of a banter merchant tho
hes such a bellend
oh, well at least it's still a good song
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>bog standard council estate girl
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Talking to this Irish lass
>So do you have a cute Irish accent?
I did but I was teased about it so I got speech therapy

State of my life lads
looks like we have a nigger in the woodpile lads
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>pregnant with a white baby

so called white feminists are not an ally
got called a nigger in the woodpile in kroger
british bullies
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We're hosting the 2024 or 2028 Olympics lads

But fuck off we're full
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who's that la
I was in england 42 years ago
um sweaty the US will not last that long x
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>b-but all this FAKE NEWS says trump is a russian spy

even if it's true nobody would care
boomer scum
tell us what happened lad
Alri great grandad
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why is corbyn such a patronising dickhead

you just can't reason with lefties

all she said was she wanted all parties to be involved in brexit not just trying to fight her on it every step of the way
For a hundred years, there’s been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people
>russia hacked the election because the deep state who hates trump said so! evidence?? what, this guy said so, why do you need evidence?!
>link to all of those declassified reports?
This one is from the FBI CIA and NSA iirc

The ODNI one is seperate.
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You arrive at Earth's capital 2189
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Context: she works for Greggs
The scottish gf has a thick scottish accent. I wonder how she teaches her kindergarten kids. Didn't want to be rude and ask her.
Couldn't give less of a shit about the US
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epic meme bro
I just want a qt Irish gf who lectures me endlessly but I can't be angry because her accent is soothing to my ears
she looks like she spends a lot of time in greggs tbf
the fucking state of alt-right freaks

youtube link? i need to cringe more
Stormzy - Ted Talk 2017
Cas gonna win SL lad
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Cool Black People! Wow!
struggling to work out just what is going on here
you arrive in the post xavier world
they know people wont read past the headline and theyll just believe its some sort of 18dimensional chess move
if there was a picture next to white privilege in the dictionary it would look like this
leftycord fuck off
Is this another /leftypol/ invasion

Please fuck off you irritating 13 year olds
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this is pretty funny tbf
evens wank
odds vidya
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>Is this another /leftypol/ invasion

>Please fuck off you irritating 13 year olds
Is this the famous chimpout?
fuck off child https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticisms_of_the_labour_theory_of_value
they add nothing of value

just moaning about the president of another country which they don't even live in and has no effect on them and has nothing to do with british culture

wish they would fuck off
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no these arent rorkes
theyre kekistanis

similar but distinct
use this kind of image instead next time:
>his argument is linking wikipedia
Based Irish bro redpilling the normies
the far left is going self destruct anyway. nobody sympathises with them outside of their echo chambers. dont know why people still care about them
how old were you then?
>>Is this another /leftypol/ invasion

>>Please fuck off you irritating 13 year olds
surplus value is just a tax on the stupid who didn't try hard enough in school and can't be trusted with a position of authority
>lefties are this mad and deluded

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I dont believe this.webm
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When is /sp/ going to make more fan webms?
Remember back when you could have comfy conversations 24/7 in old /brit/. Loads of good gimmicks and personalities. 99% rorke too

Now it just seems to be filled with 13 year old spotty parasites screaming "fuck off rorke" at everyone
baffling how lefties want trump to be impeached so badly that they're willing to accept his replacement, a staunch christian conservative who hates gays and abortion
which leftypol poster had arse cancer again?
Nice fucking argument by your logic 90% of people are stupid because they work for someone else
What about this guy >>77059653 he mentioned "British culture"
hope he does and theres a civil war
ah yes the fedorapost

the only response leftypol are capable of as they have no other valid arguments
definitely was not 99% rorke haha
the whole website was fairly liberal back in the 2012 days

What the fuck are you talking about?
seven when we moved here
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>Remember back when you could have comfy conversations 24/7 in old /brit/. Loads of good gimmicks and personalities. 99% rorke too

>Now it just seems to be filled with 13 year old spotty parasites screaming "fuck off rorke" at everyone
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>ah yes the fedorapost
>the only response leftypol are capable of as they have no other valid arguments
for anyone wondering I believe this is part of an interview for Epic Records
>the whole website was fairly liberal in 2012
kek fuck off. People trolled christians that was the height of it. Blacks have always been mocked incessantly on 4chan
immediately stop reading any post if it contains any reference to politics, DO NOT care you boring cunts
happened just before the election when they came in here and started spamming corbyn

it's been on a steady decline ever since

if this isn't proof that lefties are irritating humourless cunts I don't know what is
>by your logic 90% of people are stupid because they work for someone else

that's correct
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preseason games start this week for a lot of PL clubs
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reroll cause i feel like wanking
unironically believe the jews ruined the world

not /pol/ just a simple observer of reality

simple as
hating blacks =/= rorke
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>ah yes the fedorapost

>the only response leftypol are capable of as they have no other valid arguments
kys sweetie xx
>work hard on my content
>diligently save every gimmick I make
>capitalitst leftypol shitters just bait all the (You)s for themselves

so called fair distribution
you have arse cancer
so are they saying that trump jr. didn't have a lawyer until 58 minutes ago?
good man
Remember 2010 when the height of it was 'le cancerous feminists'

Now its 'Kill all white people' being accepted and promoted on Twitter

Just been doing some extensive research on the proliferation of Islamic populations throughout history and concluded we have nothing to worry about. Every time their population increases by percentage they take power peacefully.
you're confusing atheist and edgy with liberal

funny considering lefties these days seem to think being a liberal consists of being edgy and atheist haha
ah righto, would like to visit slovenia. looks quite comfy in the mountains and forests.
its the opposite lad
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You got a problem mate?
jews have ruined the world for centuries nothing new there

hate how they think they can just do what they want like staging a whole world war and killing tens of millions
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>Suicidal man doused in gasoline catches fire after Arlington police use Taser on him
america, everybody
ordered some xanax
I read a turbo lefty article earlier about how the rock would be a terrible president because he's (centrist) republican and most people haven't noticed.
is that you tom?
I was in England 19 years ago, saw London, most of Norfolk, and Cambridge where mum (I visiting was with my friend's family) was staying on business with two dashiki-sporting Nigerian BULLS. ALONE.
edgy atheist + communist is alt-left
looking out for minority interests and supporting the free market is the normal left (political and economic cuckolds)
>school of journalism
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>le all the left is SJWs
When will this fedora meme end?
>KFC towel

did you take that from work?
why did they typo jewish studies?
the utter state of marion bartoli
t. jordan
cultural appropriation doesnt exist
if you didn't get a variety meal you can fuck off
What's the blue whale game?
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some to a stronger extent than others but essential yes

all white left wingers actively hate their own race
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hope I dont wake up tomorrow that would be great
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i miss the early days of trump tbqh
june 2015-january 2016 was fucking great on here
fuck off newfag
need an asian girl to give me brain
Anyone know where I can buy some weed
Watching the primaries were super fun
>all white left wingers actively hate their own race
But I don't and man others don't therefore your assertion is incorrect.
>he gets his information from pol memes and cherrypicked dumb people
From your local brown skinned man
funny how /brit/ is so lefty during working hours when all the NEET filth are on
Kanye West Just Dropped The Biggest Hint Yet That He'll Run For President And Twitter Literally Can't
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>University of Preston

have another read sweaty xxx




got it a while ago but yeah
>Kilburn was historically Irish

hmm. says a lot doesnt it
>says the neet on during working hours
Another way for Russians to kill themselves
you're just in denial

it's a common symptom of the mental illness called leftism

if you encourage non-white immigration especially muslim you hate your own race
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>bog baron
Primaries were among the most fun I've ever had on 4chan.
I'm at uclan too, you alright lad?
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what happens in slovenia

they've been kicked out of dozens of countries for 3000 years for a reason
yeah I'm fine mate
>super fun
but yes, watching jeb bush get bullied by trump was hilarious
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>nobody would care
nobody will care
nobody who will count, that is
Is it fun? Some Texas kid killed himself
they complain about workers rights when they don't even work

they just want more free shit from the government so they can sit on their arses all day
>it's a common symptom of the mental illness called leftism

>if you encourage non-white immigration especially muslim you hate your own race
Immigration is a capitalist tool for cheaper labour and the opening up of borders due to globalization due to capitalism
jeb bush was a good lad though
didnt deserve the abuse
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>Immigration is a capitalist tool for cheaper labour and the opening up of borders due to globalization due to capitalism
what should I watch tonight then laddos? last night was runaway train. pretty okay, very 80's. do rate it.
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none of you twats were here for the George Zimmerman trial, figuratively kys

i had a look while i was shitting at work
been here since 2012 sweetie
not an argument
America isn't a true capitalist society
yeah, not a fan
jews when they're enslaving me?
yeah, big fan

reminds me of lauterbrunnen
i was on /pol/ for that. the man is pretty unhinged now haha. he made a lot of money off that entire spectacle
been here since 2006 actually hun :) x
is that why pakis refugees who come here are mostly on the dole and don't really do much except rape kids and shit out little brown babies?

pakis and nogs were never brought in for cheap labour because they're all lazy smelly cunts

you're thinking of hard working eastern-europeans
we have a peaceful life here, it can't get any more comfier

also that picture is mirrored
Been here since Poleaboo started cutting himself
I genuinely dont think there's a single country in the world that they haven't been exiled from at least once.
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The druggie gf
oh but when he murdered a black honours student in cold blood he was totally sane hmm yes
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who is it describing?
Deffo Battleship Potemkin, comrade
where are drugs illegal when fast food and other shite isnt
fight the power (jews)
Might get drunk and post my willy later tbqh
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ever notice how poor people are here

70% seem to be deanos or chavs
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>pakis and nogs were never brought in for cheap labour
what were they brought in for then?
>Taking us back to classic /brit/
Good lad

>racist criminal justice system

blacks are killing each en masse over drugs, turf, tennis shoes and chicken
what gave it away?
Eisenstein is a hack and I'm more intelligent then him

was here for the casey anthony trial mate
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they weren't brought in they either smuggle themselves in illegally or they were part of some agreement to take a certain number of refugees in

if you go to and watch the fruit or veg pickers they're all white eastern-euros

you wouldn't catch a paki or a nog doing manual labour

putin personally hacked my computer lads, obama told me so
To give VIBRANCY to our cities
shat ap blad
Any rightypol lads in

to rub the rights nose in diversity. to vote labour and to fracture society. divide and rule.
small brain: ironic racist
big brain: unironic white nationalist
expanded brain: sincere non-black black supremacist
once came but no cum came out of my willy.
all the experience of the cummies but without the mess. dunno hwat happened
yeah give us a link to the discord
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can't slip anything past you lads
This dickheads in the hood giving out turkeys
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imagine how small this nigger's balls are now
we have to fight the jews to preserve the white race
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up here sunshine
out on the street
you don't survive

now is the time
to be alive
Here's my key philosophy. A freak like me just needs infinity.
>the natural enemy of the Jew is the Muslim
>Jews however wish to flood the western world with Muslims

would any of our resident /pol/ representatives care to explain?
need a VR headset for porn
watching the thing on the beeb about yanks killing each other with guns. mad to think that a verbal argument can escalate so quickly when some pissed off idiot involved has a gun. being as argumentative as I am I'd be dead if I were living in yankland
Jews will go back to Isreal when the muzzies take over
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So much disgusting antisemitism in these threads these days
There's nothing wrong with the Jews, piss off
need a VR headset for gayporn
It's mind blowing
because this is the only way the Jews will get their race war
Is this from Plato's Republic?
yep i will never understand the logic that an islam europe will be good for israel/jews
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Was thinking about this photo as I was out and about today. Genuinely hurts knowing I'll never walk on the beach holding hands with rosy.
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Ah hello our resident Jew is back
Okay let me give you some history. Do you know the reason why Jews were bankers. It's because in both the christian and muslim faiths back when people were more strict about their religion christians in europe weren't allowed to collect interest or usury. This meant that for a long time the only people that could be prominent bankers out in the open were Jews. Some jewish families of course got very wealthy from this and owned a large number of banks, however the majority of jews didn't have anywhere near this level of wealth and power.
Bankers do whatever they think is in their best interest and a lot of that meant giving loans to governments or military groups that wanted to go to war. Jewish bankers funded several different groups often on opposing sides of the wars. In both World Wars there were jewish bankers funding both sides of the war.

Because of humans innate nature that involves tribalism, people treat those outside their tribe as representative of the whole tribe, and usually attribute a bad thing from one member of the tribe to the whole tribe. This is why black people see all whites as evil because of slavery, and many people think there is an international conspiracy by all jews because certain jewish individuals do the same thing many non jewish bankers do today which is fund militaries or wars. Honestly man just try doing some research into the origins of antisemitism.
any man want to go with me?
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>the natural enemy of the Jew is the Muslim
>>Jews however wish to flood the western world with Muslims
>would any of our resident /pol/ representatives care to explain?
Is there a country where Jews are at the head of a country, that is full of muslims they kill off at will, after the muslims killed off everyone else?
s-scuse me
maybe(don't think they are) they are trying to incite a race war between christians/atheists and muslims

looks like a fucking dinner lady
post fucking machines
The natural enemoy of the Jew is Christ and His followers. Pick up a fucking book.
>if you're fun, confident
Couldn't if I wanted to mate.
you know when you're delaying your poo

like holding it in, then out

and it's really enjoyable

is that would getting bummed feels like, just curious actually despise the shirt lifter like
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>the natural enemy of the Jew is the Muslim
>Jews however wish to flood the western world with Muslims
>would any of our resident /pol/ representatives care to explain?
Jesus was a jew
i don't go on /pol/ but i'll take a shot
>on a run
>route takes me into a poor area
>suddenly loads of rubbish along the path
>all the public utilities and stuff have graffiti and look battered up
Why do poor people love to litter and smash thier own neighbourhoods so much?
shut the fuck up you lying kike
go read about how the jews stabbed the Spanish christians in the back when the moors invaded
No need to be nasty.
the natural enemy of the Jew is the Muslim
Jews however wish to flood the western world with Muslims
would any of our resident /pol/ representatives care to explain?
going to have a tennis wank
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>shut the fuck up you lying kike
>go read about how the jews stabbed the Spanish christians in the back when the moors invaded
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>>on a run
>>route takes me into a poor area
>>suddenly loads of rubbish along the path
>>all the public utilities and stuff have graffiti and look battered up
>Why do poor people love to litter and smash thier own neighbourhoods so much?
It's Jesus, not Jewsus.

they aren't conscious
>hat posting incorrectly
First post:

240 posts later:

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how can you fuck up a fedora post

alri discord
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>It's Jesus, not Jewsus.
>how could causing wars in the middle east and forcing all the muzzies to flee to europe be good for the jews?

hmmm dunno
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comfy game
bit sad innit
anyone remember the cuckio meme
Mw2 was comfier
Can we play vocaroo? :3

looks like a numale cuck
Greater Israel perhaps?
gonna kill my sen over balding
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ah yes i always listen to what the yankees tell me

Jews reject Jesus as their saviour AND killed the son of God in the eyes of christians.
Its only some weird protestant evangelical sects that see Jews as friends of christians. Theologically the religions are much more opposed.
Hello cumskins!
is Broken Sky 1 a good game?
Get on the Finasteride lad.
I'd lost half my hair 2 years ago, got a full head now you wouldn't even tell I was losing it.

Saved me from topping myself
>i chased a story that doesn't exist for years and now he just tweeted out literally nothing
Need jews rounded up into camps ngl
bit antisemitic
It's like one those "dont get political when we meet my parents/two pints later" memes haha
cannae stand people who talk like that
so what are the kids into these days?
fuck smumpf
Every time
>trump jr tweeted some emails and here's how you should feel about it
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it's already too late m8. my hair at the back is too thin
not real communism
small pecker
never got the appeal
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more like Wankershite
who should I bet on being the next UK prime minister
England expects every Jan will do his duty.
This fella's not telling you how to feel about Junior's tweet, he's expressing ironic frustration at having spent a good part of his last year doing hard slog journalism when the mark just outed themselves anyway.
Probably for Russians it is.
they didn't out themselves
there's nothing illegal in those emails
Thread posts: 303
Thread images: 68

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