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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 88

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/brit/ the general, can we fix it? Can we fix it? Yes we can! edition
Beautiful edition
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>not speaking french, german, icelandic, mandarin and arabic fluently
fucking brainlets
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we gonna rock down to:
might wank to Sophie Dees chebs tomorrow lads
i'm 5'8 laugh at me
>he wastes his time learning other languages rather than learning actual knowledge
it is YOU who is the brainlet
Why isn't there more sjw outrage at the media portrayl of dwarves? They are commonly portrayed comically and made fun of and nobody seems to care
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Hate Drumpf love minions simple as
Not a facebooker just dont like him
Nick Frost's twitter is cringey with full of muh labour and le fuggg TRUMP XD le fugg MAY XD shite. i liked him before.
>learning another language as an Englishman
>thinking so little of yourself that you view yourself as equal to JFs or less

learning Japanese from anime lads
wtf those lips are so unnatural looking
hate it when that happens
VERY good post
*tells you to fuck off in 19 different languages*
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nth for the coming race war
does anyone want to wathc afilm
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and now he works for an american company making a show for americans becausr the bbc wouldn't let him jus bee urself
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i like them a lot
depends if it's a flick or cinemá
>he can't learn real things whilst picking up a few languages on the side
not only are you a brainlet, you're also lazy

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wasn't born, with a silver spoon in her mouth
she probably had, less than every one of us
but when she knew, how to walk
she knew, how to bring the house down
can't blame her for her beauty, she wins with her hands down
jacob rees cuck
Dumb cringy drunk 19 year old slags are outside again

Think its just 1 person. no idea how she has any friends she is so fucking irritating
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use drugs as a coping mechanism
the irony
thats my favourite feature of hers
Can't get enough of socialism

Keep telling myself to go easy but I can't help it
define 'real things' sweaty
/brit/ the general
Can we fix it?
/brit/ the general
Yes we can!

Thailad and poley, lisicki too
Phimo and turtle join the crew
/brit/ and the lads, have so much fun
Working together, they get the yanks gone

FUCK OFF YANK (fuck of fat twat)
FUCK OFF YANK (no-one likes you)
ah good tim's now angry some car parked outside his house
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i can do this all day everyday la xx
got no social capital so I can't offer people anything
here's my impression of an american
*speaks in incredibly obnoxious nasal tone*
hey, i'm an american
This is terminalogical inexactitude
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fantastic post
love are sade
off to work lads
bit sad desu
seems besides the point but i do chemeng and learn icelandic and arabic on the side
Dr Jordan B Peterson is creating lectures about profound psychological ideas
Reminds of the brit-nigerian exclusive ex-gf. First girl I ever came inside. We used to listen to Sade while swinging in ahammoc in my old flat and we watched Spike Lee's entire filmography over the two months or so we were together. She went to Central St Martin btw and did some modellig too. She was so fucking classy.
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same but I don't even live in nordic elf country
why what is satdy
you could have wathc a film
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oh you inhabitants of the british isles, a thousand curses upon thine ilk. surely those accursed plots of land are part of the devil's kingdom, surely those men are his army, surely those women are his concubines.

may each day of your life be filled with dread, may each night chill your bones, may you choke on the filth you created, oh you destroyers, oh you defilers.
Foreigners literally aren't even human
If I could replace the entire planet with British people I would
anyone else here spend a lot of time at work thinking about /brit/
always think of really good posts and narratives but never remember them by the time I'm at home and on /brit/
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do u want watch film
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>putin has a watch on his right hand
did you make this >>76909717
putin clearly has a slight smile on and is about to reach out and grab his hand though
really made me think
is thailad from oxford? he has a similar accent to timothy james byrne here at the rented flat
wait what so donald trump is Keyser Soze?
i can imagine myself having sex with any cute lady but i can't imagine fucking a girl that i am in love with. does it happen to you too?
he's never posted voice
oi josie remember me hahaha you good yeah?
you shouldn't say this, there might be some people ITT that still haven't seen the usual suspects and you are completely spoiling the film for them by saying kevin spacey is keyser soze
Peter Kay puts on a good show xx
newcunt twat
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doing a post lads
sorry do i know you?
unironically how I type
yeah what film
Nah not me lad
I'm having a good hoot in a yank cops thread though
Other way round xx
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Let's take a trip down memri lane
that wasn't me, but yeah he has
Drumpf is going to jail for treason
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are you talking about the thread livestreams he used to do
I like to think that this girl tastes of butterscotch
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How do I get a Monica wife?
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Who needs Ben Garrison?
>he thinks he will have a profitable career in petrochem with his knowledge of Arabic

wew lad I know where this is going

Take some advice from a lad who actually works as a ChemE and has had many dealing with arabs. You deal with them by being dominant because they by default look down on you because you're not Arabic. Guess what sweaty, you don't show your dominance by speaking Arabic. No, your mediocre knowledge of the language will not help you know what they're talking about, they are wise to westerners trying to do that and it will backfire. If you insist on learning a language learn German or Spanish, those are at least beneficial to know.
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the absolute state of hamburg
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>drink alone almost every night
bet klumpf feels up putler's scrote with his foot and pretends it was an air bubble
you do but can't say haha
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top bants
i'm not trying to learn it for petrochem lad i just like learning languages, if it helps it helps
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me on the right
holy fuck Germany is ugly as shit

London didnt even get it this bad
It's weird how most European towns look so disgusting
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factories still making german steel
That's Germany? It looks like fucking Blyth
hate lefties simple as
disrespecting the entire country (and targetting white men in particular) and vandalizing public property because a british colonist said he would reward people who bring him scalps of aboriginal people 250 years ago is okay
not to mention all sides were scalping each other at that point, or that the leader of the protest is pretending to be an aboriginal chief
simply observing that protest (which is being called a "ceremory" by the msm) with a red ensign without interrupting (the protesters were the ones who started it all, and the counter protesters left after only a few minutes according to the original cbc story) is cause for slander by the msm and resulting national outrage
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why does tim hate the UK so much :(
unironically unattractive

(nice eyes tho if they aren't contacts)
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cities aren't their skylines
bristol has a shit skyline but is unironically the best city in these united kingdoms
too cloudy
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>weed legalised in hamburg
on what? is there not a sync equivalent around these days? personally not a fan of a film sync but I am a fan of a /brit/ crowd sourced youtube video stream
*sends my green card to timmy byrne uk*
you don't have a greencard you kiwi nigger
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What the fuck are you talking about. I made a shit-ton of money in saudi arabia and kuweit specifically because I was western educated and spoke arabic. And I don't even have s degree in petroleum engineering. They would suck your cock and cover you in gold if you are english have studied perroleum and learn arabic.
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Laughed too hard at work at this
he's just being dumb and thinks that moving to america would be better for him
it's like how most trannies think that becoming a woman will magically make everything better for them
alri just thought I'd try and save you some time if you were doing it for career reasons, I know lads who've done it for that and it's been a waste of their time

Also spend time looking into accounting and macroeconomics, VERY useful in the long run as most Chem e lads with half a brain end up in management fairly quickly
christ, the saudis are now even outsourcing their executioners
ye cytube

dont believe i was talking to you
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Sends it back to Buckinghamshire, England, New Zealand
swiping my card like timmy
man bag brown like teddy
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>put down some random bullshit hamlet on a dating profile thing
>get message from qt
>"i'm from (x)!!! where abouts are you?!"
India should annex Pakistan
memri tv is literally an Israeli owned propaganda channel
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I'll say it again:

you don't have a greencard you kiwi nigger
I didn't know this exists
The melancholic reactionary: "Oh, what could have been"
The bitter revolutionary: "This shouldn't be this way."
yuzu poo poo
You're also not white, don't tell me how to conduct business with arabs you nonce
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why yank screming at me
ahh righto. Well I'm suspicious of "dominance" being super important in dealing with arabs, they seem alright to me so far but anyway i'll look into econ and stuff did it for a level so not completely retarded about it but could brush up
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Give her your personal information so she can find you easier lad
never been on eurostar
never been to paris

to poor simple as
Love thicc blonde Irish girls like that sinn fein one
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on one hand I think Britain's gone to shit and want to move elsewhere but then again all of the potential counties I'd move to have different major drawbacks and I doubt I'd end up any happier there
I'll probably just reinvent myself somewhere else on the island of Britain but Ireland is an underlying option incase the brexit fearmongerers were right all along
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Pundits said for years Assad must be removed & the rebels strengthened for progress against ISIS.

Literally, the opposite turned out true.
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spiderman 2 mayeb
there is definitely a case of the grass always being greener
but at the same time I can't see how I wouldn't have a better life in canada
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The /brit/ that is going to be forged in the white heat of this revolution will be no place for restrictive practices or for outdated methods on either side of the screen.
hello, we're the choir, why are you preaching at us?
got a stonker of tim post coming
shes an ogre though

I remember that show, it was terrible.
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I'm shocked, you mean to tell me supplying and strengthening the Syrian branch of al quaeda didn't help to defeat a terrorist organisation?

Well I'll be damned, NOBODY could have seen this coming.
start a cytube youtube sync, don't think anyone wants to watch a film
I'm also up for any other /brit/ extra curricular activities anyone has to suggest
why nova scotia remove flag
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Bob the Builder was kino you fuck
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fuck off reddit
why is lauren southern's twitter cover photo the skyrim launch screen?

she's not one of those GAMURR GIRRLZ X3 is she?
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He said he wanted to try out /brit/ with no redditflags. It was at that time I downloaded redditflags because he's gone.
Doing a swipe down
if this is the fucking west wing i swear to god i will personally spit in every starbucks
i fucking hate american wonks so much. at least our wonks have a realistic political show to talk about, not wankish fantasy about MPs being anything other than literal nonces who disappear to australia and women with borderline autism.
don't like chinky lasses
don't like banter
don't like tims videos
don't like africans that nonce kids in thailand
don't like communist girls
don't like gimmicks
don't like pints
don't like current /brit/
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anyone else absolutely sweltering?

>23 degrees
>60% humidity
ouch lol
16 degrees here
i can go for that
You're talking absolute rubbish. Me not being white (which I am btw, white<> northern european eww) has nothing to do with this. You are giving this young the exact opposite of what a good advice is to work in the gulf.
>that rorke at the start


bizzaro rasheed
really now
really then
really how
really when
JAV when!?
Anime idea: redub Shin Chan with those 80s actors that did Gerry Adams' voice etc. and call it Sinn Chan
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She is whatever she needs to be to get the attention and affection of younger lads. She's a contrarian and female which makes her wanted by thirsty virgins. There's a reason why over 50% of the youtube political people /pol/ follows are female while well over 50% of actual content creators are male.
awful post
Waiting for a thunderstorm to return us to normality
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putin did the same thing for obama though

23c in my bedroom
it's from House of Cards mate
37C here
ah yes
mistranslations by jewish propagandists tv
thank you
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Fantastic post. Please add

don't like early news
little bit yes, 27 degrees 70% humidity apparently
the sun is down, there is no wind, opening the window barely changed anything
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Hello Abdul
was 30c in my room today
I'm going to split the difference and continue fuming at American wonks. There's nothing in Britain that can make me so angry.

Say what you want about jews, they're funny guys. That guy who did Spaceballs was a jew.
they're so poor in the uk that they don't have air conditioning then complain they are hot
Like communist girls
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Main thing with arabs is knowing how to deal with people talking over you and constantly butting in, manners in the west aren't the same as manners there.

A good understand of business is important for any engineer, not just chem e mind you
don't much like the current assortment of gimmicks
>>76915373 is right
rude btw
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Not him but its a literal channel FOR propaganda purposes owned by an Israeli
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Hate isra*l propaganda but these translations are accurate.
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slightly miffed i'm not a jew and will never be part of their in-group but then i remember my cock ain't mutilated.
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>There's nothing in Britain that can make me so angry.

you realise the US House of Cards is based off of the UK version right?
phonelad here 12% now aha
ummm no yankee xx
>they don't wear a sweater inside cuz it's too chilly
i'm circumcised AND a goy
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they're so poor in the us that they don't have free healthcare then complain they are ill
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think myself a bit weird for shitposting on 4chan all day but then i realise that normies and celebrities just shitpost on twitter all day
OwO *snips your eyelids and glues them to my foreskin*
enjoy never sleeping again friend
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>selling bike on ebay
>guy makes an offer and agrees to meet
>accept the offer, taking it off ebay automatically
>never turns up
>send a message
>"oh lol I bought a different bike"

This has happened twice now
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for film or just youtube vids
probably haha but would be fun as fuck to hang out with the mossad lads coming up with the lulzy misquotes/translations though
fuck israel
*gets blown up*
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stop posting these terrible muslim gimmicks
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imagine my shock upon discovering that women are indeed capable of banter
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NEED to stop wanking
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irish "motorways"
Just learned my 33 year old cousin proposed to a 20 year old lass he met in some fucking prayer group like three months ago and they're getting married in September.

Bit mental tbqh.
do you guys find it cringe that I say lads and minge sometimes with my friends here? I really love saying it, and 2bh think that it should be more common here lmao.
This is true though.
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I felt on the big fat fanny, pulled out the jammy and killed the punani

5 have joined come on you boys
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listening to the so called jungle
shadilay my dudes
Bit cringe but whatevs lad I don't mind x
business idea: dogs but with the mouths tidied up a bit so you can kiss them
ah yes another episode of the last leg where the majority of time is spent talking about trump ah yes very much worth my time
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Ice cube is a blimp
>PNL dropped their latest music video
>brits will never get to appreciate this 29 minutes masterpiece
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rise against the machine.jpg
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But really, this is a serious issue.
someone else post, don't want my posts next to him
Is 500 quid a month rent good for a city centre flat?
trump ran for president in 2000 you retard
it's fucking criminal but you're probably stuck with it at least if Edinburgh is representative.

depends on the city
pretty sure that's glasgow, seen it myself
most cretinous post I've seen here in months
me timothy joint burn
nice reddit image
Why is /pol/ so obsessed with Mohammed and Tyrone's cock?
Anime?! Shall certainly be joining now!

'ck off nonces
what u on tonight boy
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would knock the shite out of you if you said that to my face
Would you suck your dad's dick if your mum asked you to?

Serious answers ONLY
any fresh bollock posts? best gimmick by far
After a decent watch for under £100 suggestions???
very goood yes very good

have u joined yet
pretty confident that climate change is a load of bullshit
might do another line of 2c-b and push myself into the realms of visual hallucinations
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disgusting roastie.jpg
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only ovaries
need 2c-i and dipt
fukken saved as they say my lad
a really disastrous fanny
dude even a £3 watch tells time lol just get any lol
when will i be free from the nightmare of benzos
yeah im yuzudoingapoo
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airline pilot protest.png
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frankie boyle is the least funny person on telly right now
that's what they all look like after you open em up
Your phone has the time on it
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So I've been going over the highlights of my life and to be perfectly honest I haven't done anything particularly remarkable.
a heet spastics n retards like harvey price

how deer the tories support austerity
cannot WAIT for her JAV debut
Is that the edgy guy who laughs at people who have cancer but then shits on any sign of racism?
new thread pls
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You have pay the troll toll lad. It's a steep fare, but it only raises in interest the longer you ignore it
Charlie gards mother looks like 70 years old wtf
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Hope this is true

8 esteemed britposters have joined
come on laddos
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>Working for niggers

Ah yes, what a great idea
we did it reddit!
his show is muh tories muh nhs for half an hour
this gimmick is so random but full of epic win

you win the internet for today sir, take your cookie and leave n_n
have recently taken to grabbing random people by the collars when I need to sneeze and blowing it right in their face and completely exaggerating the choo vocalisation
i can c u
u can c me
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Bear's got the swiper. I'm r--I'm really upset these people keep attacking my piano videos this way. Just before I filmed my piano video this Asian guy parked his car right across, as--across my car for no apparent reason when there's plenty of space in the car park.
Where did everyone go?
File: 1483027919708.gif (425KB, 512x512px) Image search: [Google]
425KB, 512x512px
"For a politician with a liking for consensus he [Ted Heath] had a striking ability to enrage."
do a new
it's not the bump limit you stupid fucking mick cunt
kil lyourself
fuck off reddit fucking paddy micky mouse fuckhead
>8 esteemed britposters have joined
>come on laddos

yh but what is it
fuck off facebook yanky nigger twat
>le make a new before the bump limitxDDDD
genuinely would not give a fuck if I saw you die in a fire in front of me
willies poo arse haha wew
because id have taken your head straight from your shoulders you brainlet nigger
feeling not so great, comrades
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