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Is it possible for Vietnam to be as advanced as Japan or

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Is it possible for Vietnam to be as advanced as Japan or South Korea some day?
People in Southeast Asia have too much a vision to Korea by Korean drama.
Probably not soon, but possible, they're the same people, the racial potential are there
>they're the same people
and now... we wait
No. Southeast Asians are brown while East Asians are yellow. Brown can never be yellow.
No fuck off Viet jungle scum
t. Mr. Hyunh
East Asians are White Asian
Southeast Asians are Black Asian
Different people, different culture
yes, all of asia will catch up eventually
Nah, most of SEA will just be like South America: not African-tier but could never be developed.

What make you butthurt?
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It turns out that ASEAN is pretty meme association.

But at least we have an association.
Adopt capitalism then we'll talk
yeah, we're too different desu, at least it staves away foreign meddling.
Already done ín 1986.
Is there no hope for Malaysia as well? Other than Singapore and oil-blessed Brunei, I thought Malaysia was doing the best in SEA
there is, but like Argentina, it's currently having trouble jumping the hurdle to being a developed country
They are a most well-off but have the lowest growth at well. In short, when our standard of living hits Colombia-tier, our economy starts to fall.
Started, not done
That poster wrote "adopt", we adopted it.
Mean to reply to
Tbqh, it seems that most countries at GDP per capita around $10,000 (Malaysia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Brazil, etc) are suffering from jumping that hurdle to become a full developed country
Vietnam will ride The Chinese Wave to become a Bespoke Culture in the 21st Asian Century!
This pleases global capital.
if US wasn't a pussy and nuked Hanoi back in the day, Vietnam would be a democratic economic powerhouse
Because the ladder to jump has been pulled up ages ago.
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You are all rice niggers don't be mean to then
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nice try kimchi, there is no such thing as east asian to begin with.
korea had been no better than SEA until merciful japanese developed it.
They should do emphasize the Korean war criminal of rape and massacre in Vietnam as like Korea is bitching to japs.
And get more real compensation money and tech support from Korea, and make technology company by imitateing Korea as like Korea did to Japan.
and build a statue of raped Vietnamese girl in USA and get more compensate and money from Korea as like Korea did to Japan just Nowadays.

If Vietnamese really did this then they will be develop as like what Korea did desu.
This is why my hope is global collapse of ciovilization to give my people another chance.
vietnamese are subhumans
What do you mean?
idk about other SEA, but about Vietnam.. maybe yes.

maybe they will be 2nd Singapore in the future.
They can't. If they could, they would've already been as developed as the developed Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, Singapore and HongKong. They ain't got no technology to underlie their industries to begin with
>could never be developed

I just don't see why not. If economic growth continues, most people in the world will be at 1st world standards by 2100.
you're underestimating too much, you were once in the same place :^)
>all 1st world standards
if all are 1st world, then no one is.
Korea was lucky becouse Japan invest and made them industrial country from the total barbarian which as the same level of Africa. We treated korea as the part of Japan and Japanese civilians. not slave or a colony like British did to India.
Who build a seal university? Who build a modern hospital and modern factory and city in Korea at first?
It's Japan and Japanese investment to Korea.
Korea just took them and use for free after ww2.

And Korea could get huge amount of money, its two times bigger than The national budget and support of technology from Japan after ww2 as an part of compensation of ww2.
It was continued untill recently.

Even Taiwan also. That is why you two (the places where Japan was invested) was became developed nation of Asia except Japan and hongkong(hongkong was invested by British.)

Who will not be developed? Since we Japanese trained and invested gook barbarian to be real nation.
I mean soul university desu
did japan invest in manchuria? or was mainland china too barbaric?
Manchuria was most developed place of Chinese land at that time. Actually even noth Korea.
But chink and noth Korea became communist. So they can't get support from Japan after ww2. They used up what japan invest them especially noth Korea.
South Korea and Taiwan was supported and developed as an part of democracy.

I am your former master. 倭君

Google Kaya and Mimana in Korea desu ne.
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Why do the Japanese always lie? lol
In Japan, the primary industry was terrible
So, Japan made the first land survey after making Korea colony
Because It was to measure the land of Korea and to take away rice production and rice.
it was the limit in the 1920s and 1930s, and 40% of the Korean rice was lost to Japan.
In the end, the Korean rural economy was ruined by Japanese colonialism.
And the factory was built in North Korea and used as a base for Chinese aggression. With discrimination in education, three-quarters of the graduates of the only university in Korea were Japanese

In the 1930~40s, Japan began to suppress Korean culture and Japan banned Korean and Hangul
And every day koreans dragged to a forced to go to a shrine
This is called an 內鮮一體

After all, when we were liberated from Japan, we became the poorest country in the world, like Africa.

What Japan wanted in colonizing Korea
1. Food (rice)
2. Workforce
3. Bridge of continental invasion

that's all
I'm really sick of this jap spammer.
This fucker ruins every one of threads he entered.
*how much we paied
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>>In Japan, the primary industry was terrible
What the fuck? Are you crazy?
Compere Korea and Japan before ww2 then.
This is tokyo before ww2.

Even video
That video is Tokyo capital of empire of Japan before ww2 started and America did carpet bombing and totally destroyed desu.
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Brainwashing? No, it's all true

Korea's economy became equivalent to Africa after liberation, thank you japan ^^

Also have you forgotten to restore the collapsed economy after the Second World War thanks to the Korean War?

And of course it is not the reward you should give us? Do you think that you are proud to beat people and pay for treatment?

The Japanese are all delusions and fools

Are you an idiot? Japan was always short of food.
So Japan made Korea a colony and Japan overcame it in the way I pulled it from Korea

So what?.. The lower classes existed in every country
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jap rangeban when?
I don't think Vietnamese are really jealous to the two countries.

it's about to fail again tho.
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Soul capital of Korea before ww2.
Can you see this archtecture? Its existed even now.
Korea was poor as hell without Japanese invest desu. There is no any doubt. What the fuck.

And this is Tokyo before ww2 desu ne.

Compere soul and Tokyo desu. You think Korean could develop from this without invest of Japan?

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Too occupied with building transportation network and water supply facilities to invest too much in human resources and new technologies.
Our east coast rail alone cost the price of selling our soul to China and recently multinational companies are steamrolling local industries.
Within the last decade in my state German conglomerates are swallowing our small-medium industries before they even have any chance to grow.
Its a dog eat dog world and the unlucky ones who are too late to grow up becomes food.
they had a chance with TPP, but now USA isnt going to be in it, so they wont take all of china's manufacturing jobs.
Maybe if you embrace the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and devote yourself to His cause. Also make Christianity into the official state religious.
Philippines already do that and its a worse shithole than Vietnam
So from that table it looks like Japan got South Korea to be in better shape than China even though they lost the war. If I was Japanese I'd demand compensation for services provided and an apology.
t. Ahmed
But its shows negative value for South Korea
Might want to take a look at the murder count and firearm crimes in the Philippines.
Do you have any hope that malaysia will be a developed country one day?
Maybe but not anytime soon, we tend to have massive up and down as well as random incidents.
For example in the 70's the Bongs pulled a perfidious albion by accusing us of being the leader of tin cartel and crashed our market hard then 1997 Soros crashed the entire SEA on top of new virus emerging in Malaysia turning people away and we never recovered to pre-1997 and EU problems since 2010 hit our export.
Then in 2013 Borneo tourism was hit by pirate invasion, 2014 with a missing plane and SAM'd which wrecked out tourism that makes up 10% of the GDP.
Fate is not kind to us so its hard to predict anything but at least within this last decade we have improved flood control,fibre optic coverage, better public transport and double tracked railways with higher speed electric trains connecting major cities.
Too bad crimes have also risen and we have trouble handling the entry of refugees and illegal immigrants from indochina.
If you reached middle-income status, you have all foundations to become a high-income economy one day.

And the presence of German multinationals isn't a bad sign, btw, it's a good sign.

Talk about Vietnam you retarded fucks
your gdp per capita is double that of brazil's

When you think about it the kek republic is actually one of the best places in the world to be born in.

Sure it's not as rich as Austria but it doesn't have the muslim immigrants and it's safer.
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Ha.... you motherfucker i told you, they are all lower classes
That's house of ruler class Seonbi right?
They are Almost like being rural king of at that korea.
And how poor hell house it is.
The same age of Japan was this >>76650277
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Still kinda wished we had something to specialize in other than palm oil related science. The 4 Asian tiger have their own such as Taiwan's electronics, South Korea's shipbuilding and Singapore's banking.
Even in palm oil sector our misfortune continues when operations in Liberia got ebola'd.
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Your patterns are always the same

you always post pictures of the lower classes and tell me that Korea is poor.
Korea's population has always been on the top 10 in the world

In Korea, in the early 19th century, misguided leaders took control of the regime, They broke Korea's economy and confused society.

The Joseon Dynasty has been around for 500 years, but you always see the last 50 years and evaluate the whole history of Korea and lie
Why do not you even know that per capita income was higher than that of Japan?
South Korea also has consumer electronics and cars; Singapore biotechnology and whatnot.

I believe that development isn't as much about R&D, as it's about active democratization and elimination of corruption. Every single non-corrupt, highly democratic country is a high-income country.
Vietnamese are the best asians here.

They are great people. It just happens that their country is a commie dictature.
>sharing land boarders with PRC

sympathy to Vietnam
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>being this delusional
To be honest I don't think corruption is everything since its not something that can be measured easily and depends on perception as well as how the law defines corruption.
Singapore is barely a democracy and South Korea have their own scandals.
In a country like Malaysia that perception can be distorted easily since the best way to describe us is several major race in charge and everyone is a nazi against each other while spending their money and energy to blame each other for political gain while the population falls for it every single time. Any politician that put priority on his job over political gains are eliminated pretty quickly in both ruling and opposition party.
On the plus side since adopting Australian methods the anti corruption agency have been deploying spies around and uncovered multiple billion dollar scandals last year.
Got to go to sleep now, good night guys.
>it's about active democratization

Do you think Singapore is democratic you dumb faggot?
Maybe the situation in East Asia isn't comparable to that in Europe for some reasons ...
What I mean by "democratization" isn't simply democracy in name. I mean the very real process of deciding your fate through political participation. In South Korea, young people work 60h weeks because the corporate elite defines these customs and no one challenges them. That's the exact opposite of deciding your fate. (In Denmark or Switzerland, there would be strikes/petitions to counter this stuff.)
Never said that. What I said is that no truly democratic country is poor.
>People's Communist Republic of Vietnam

Hmmmmmmm I do wonder...
>the racial potential are there
>>76644380 Kim Jyung-hung

No true Scotsman argument.

India is a democracy and is relatively poor.
Eh, no, I've seen democracy as a spectrum, not a category from my first post. That's why I suggested (further) democratization for Malaysia, even if it's a democracy already.

The citizen of India can influence very little politically. Recently, peasant protests were shot down.
>Hong Kong

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