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I am a greek edition
Krieg, no trap porn pls
first for diasporas raus
Is that Köksal Baba?
Ein Wind fährt durch den Hain schlank gewachs'ner junger Bäume
Kommend von dem Friedhof hinter dem brachliegenden Feld
Wispert, was die Gräber ihm von bittersüßen Tod erzählten
Ein off'nes Grab, ein Grabeswind, als schwarz der Vorhang fällt
Todgebund'ne Liebe haucht den Judaskuß auf warme Lippen
Verrät den Born des Lebens an des Todes ew'ge Gunst
Romantik trägt die Trauer voller Würde wie ein stolzes Banner
Ein Todgeweihter Poet der Liebe gibt sich hin der schwarzen Kunst

Willkommen im bizarren Theater morbider Romantik
Ein Skript aus der Gruft

Wir trieben durch verbotene Meere
Jenseits der Vernunft...zu sündigen Gestaden
Wir labten uns an verbotenen Früchten
Und die Einsamkeit...starb in unseren Armen

...ein Rosenstrauch...
...ein gift'ger Dorn...
Ihr Blut unsagbar lieblich sprang
Von wo der Dorn ins Fleische drang
Benetzte süß ihr Hochzeitskleide
Prachtvoll rot auf weißer Seide
Als dieser Körper, der so zart
So schwer in meinen Armen ward
Und dumpf auf schmutz'ge Erde sank
Als ich schon längst mich abgewandt

Melpomere führte mich - schwermüt'ger Tanz in trübem Takt
Ein Totengräber wachte schreiend auf und sah den letzten Akt
Ich taumelte, dem Tanz entrissen zum Grabesschmuck am Bühnenrand
Melpomere hob zum Abschied eine blutverzierte Hand

Euterpe spielte leise den alt geword'nen Tag zu Grabe
Ich lächelte ob der Schönheit des Hefts, das aus der Brust mir ragte


Verehrtes Publikum
Andächtig senkt die verwirrten Häupter
Gedenket derer, die verstorben, denn sie sollen eure Gefährten sein...
Unter nachtblauer Himmelskuppel
Auf höchstem Gipfel
Liegen Täler mir zu Füßen
Liegen bar vor meinen Augen
Und was euch verborgen bleibt, offenbart sich meinem wachen Blick
Auf meiner sturmgepeitschten Warte
Höret nun meine Worte...

An den Wällen heiler Welten
Kreischen schwarzgefiedert Raben
Öffnen sich pechschwarze Schlünde
Todgeweihtes zu begraben

Und als ich wissend über die Länder sehe
- Endzeit sehe -
Ist mein Lächeln der Ruin aller Heiligen
Hoffnung würgt ein letztes Gebet hervor
...doch es verhallt ungehört in Grabesdimensionen

Schatten aus Sphären des Jenseit'gen reiten
Ein Sturm ist geboren im Mahlstrom der Himmel
Jenseits der schroffen Gebirgshorizonte
Und wütet vernichtend in ächzenden Welten

Fernab steigen Fluten aus tosendem Meer
Nokturne Gewitter reißen mit Blitzen
Klafter in tiefschwarzes Firmament
Himmel stürzen aschenschwer

Die Quellen speien nun Eislavinen
Flüsse tosen die Ufer zerreißend
Und fließen in Tälern, die einst voller Leben
Durch die geschmolzenen Steinbauruinen

Das ihr anvertraute setzt Klio in Flammen
Im Schattental brennender Berghanggiganten
Fauchend vernichten die Gluten ein Damals
Als endlose Buchseiten Feuer fangen

Die apokalyptischen Reiter, sie tränken
Die durstigen Rappen am Unterweltstrome
Im Atem der Endzeit versiegt das Gewässer
Ein Flußbett von Staub und Totengedenken
3. Begräbnisvermählung

Der Nebel weicht, der Schleier reißt
Gibt mein Gesicht den Augen frei
Mein Abbild im Gesicht der Erde
Verschwommen aus den Schwaden steigt

Eine Landschaft...
Ein Spiegelbild der Landschaft meiner Seele
Täler schwelend in Haß
Doch voller Schönheit all die Schatten
Undurchdringbar der Wald, in dem die Nacht gefangen

Ein Rinnsal meines Blutes gleich
Wie ein düst'rer, träger Strom
Der lange Narben in die Landschaft reißt
Der Ufer teilt
Ein dunkler Pfad in dunklem Reich
Ein Wanderer, gebeugt, von Leid

Ein Weg...
Ein Spiegelbild des Weges meines Lebens
Gestrüpp zerkratzt den Pfad
Er trägt die Bürde des Verstehens
Unbegehbar, wenn nicht meine Hand dich führt

Wir stolpern durch die Welt der Toten
Erschöpfung singt in hohlen Chören
Weisen einer Gegenwart
Die ehern uns're Fesseln hält

Stimmen schrillen grell und grausam
Wecken die Erinnerung
An Zeiten, die wir nie gesehen
...und taumeln bis die Ketten bersten

Deine bleiche Haut, weiß wie Elfenbein
Noch weich, doch kalt wie Eis
Bei Grabesgesang hinter gefrorener
Und starrer Sonne steigen wir...

In verzweifelter Hoffnung krallen sie sich
Erblindend an leere Glaubensruinen
Wir, ihrer sterbenden Kerker entfliehend
Eng umschlungen
Abseits der gehetzten Blicke
Fleischgewordene Finsternis

Trauernde Marionetten, Leichenzug schluchzenden Elends
Doch ihre Tränen um dich erreichen mich nicht

Es falle Schönheit nie zum Raub
Würmern, Maden, faul, verdorrt
Doch im Marsch der Zeit ist Schönheit Staub
Und Liebe nur ein Wort

Möge dein Kuß
Meine Lungen füllen mit Blut
Grabgebund'nes Aufgebot
Blutgetaufte Verlobung

- Begräbnisvermählung
Tempel prachtvoll finster
Im Spiegel aufgewühlter Himmel
Lästerlich entweiht sakralen Boden Opferblut
Verdunkelt die Gestirne in geronnener Begierde
Rausch, Ekstase, Sündenfall
Epos einer bittersüßen Nacht
Ein Weltbild stöhnt in Flammen
Scheiterhaufen fiebriger Unversöhnlichkeit

Unter den steinernen Augen erhabener Skulpturen
Die starren aus Äonen in die Finsternis der Nacht
Die thronen auf verzierten Sockeln voll grotesker Grazie
Ornamentalen Wahnsinns widernatürlicher Pracht
Abstruses Schattenspiel, Abbild des Verruchten
Fackeln bannen flackernd uns're Orgien auf den kalten Stein
Haßgetränkte Liebe glüht in schweren Kohlenschalen
Treibt den Zorn, die Lust, die Laster lieblich in den schweren Wein

Entziehe dich dem Blick der Gestirne
Labe dich in Horror an verbotenem Wein
Lausche den Verheißungen der Schlange
Aus Aschen der Verbannung steigt ein Paradies
Tropft zäh aus ungeahnten Weiten
Süßer als der Kuß der jungen Nacht
Säuselt sanft von längst vergess'nen Zeiten
Schmecke lustvoll schaudernd den Honig der Finsternis

Reißet schmutzige, klaffende Wunden
In die Träume derer, die blind und verkümmert
Daß Eiter sich in ihre Seelen ergieße
Die Herzen vergiftend, zerfressend den Kern

Schweiß auf bebender Haut
Schweiß auf meinen Lippen
Unter den steinernen Augen erhabener Skulpturen
In stiller Zustimmung eisig lächelnd
Unter ledrigen Schwingen der schützenden Nacht

Und unter den Qualen vernichtender Wahrheit
Bersten die Pfeiler des Weltengefüges
Wo hohles Gestein krankhafter Verblendung
In nichtswürdiger Dummheit zusammengefügt
Es walte die Kraft unserer Träume
Jenseits und diesseits des prunkvollen Tempelmauerwerks
Als Manifest in die Unvergeßlichkeit gemeißelt

Lasset diesen Kelch nicht an mir vorübergehen

Wir grüßen schwindende Gestirne
Blaß, erschöpft, doch ohne Schmerzen
Kurz bevor der Morgen graut
Tanz der Flammen schlanker Kerzen
Besiegele den Pakt im Zwielicht
Bade dich im Kerzenschein
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the lads
In die Umarmung der Nacht; der Kuß der schwarzen Muse
Die Nacht zerreißt mit zarten Händen mir die Brust
Hält mir mein warmes Herz vor Augen, heißes Blut auf meinen Lippen
Die Augen geöffnet, die Fesseln gesprengt, geheilt
Lethe, wasch die Wunden rein

Folgend dem purpurnen Rinnsal, der den Weg mir gezeigt
Euer Blut soll mein sein...

Sanfter Tod
Zärtlich wiegt in meinen Armen
Das Dunkel deine Süße ein Grab von purpurrot
Wollust schreit nach Blut, dem warmen
Mein Herz schlägt ruhig in dunkler Liebe, warm von deinem Blut

...und bittersüß schlägt Finsternis über deiner Seele zusammen
Noch während du zitterst
Noch während bleich die Farbe von deinen edlen Zügen weicht
...und doch lächeln die blutleeren Lippen

Solange euer Fleisch noch warm ist
Wird die Liebe nie vergeh'n...

Fleischeslust/ Nacht in meinen Venen
Einsam wandelnd unter kaltem Mond
Kein Schatten an meiner Seite
Kein Schatten schneidet das neblige Licht
Das Leben war nichts weiter als ein Grab
Verzweifelt kratzten wunde Finger voller Sehnsucht und Verlangen
An den morschen Grenzen eines kerkergleichen Lebens
Bis die Verzweiflung in den Armen der Muse erstarb
Befreit von auferlegten Zwängen
Mich gelüstet nach warmem Fleisch
Mein kaltes Grab zu wärmen...

Geleite Blutgeruch mich
Windlicht in Stürmen der Vergänglichkeit
Auf Schwingen der lieblichen, grausamen Nacht
Die (sündigen) Engel ihrer Flügen beraubt
Zürnend ihren falschen Glanz im Blute gelöscht
Euch zu befreien
In eurer schönsten - in eurer letzten Nacht

Ich werde euch heimsuchen
Solange euer Fleisch noch warm ist
Und als wir schließlich in der gottverreckten Finsternis der Berge angelangt
waren, da hielten wir inne und blickten zurück auf die Täler Lethes, um noch
einmal das zu schauen, was unter unseren Händen dort entstanden. Wir, sechs
dunkle Schemen im wabernden Dunst, von den Mühen des ungnädigen Schicksals
gezeichnet, senkten unsere Blicke und fragten uns, ob es gut sei, was wir da
geschaffen, denn bisweilen klang das ferne Rauschen des Wassers nicht wohl in
unseren Ohren. Hier und da sahen wir scharfkantige Felsen, die vereinzelt die
Oberfläche des Flusses durchstießen, und sie schienen uns wie Knochen, die
aus zarter Haut stakten. So regte sich mit einem Mal der Wunsch in unseren
Herzen, noch einmal Hand zu legen an unsere Schöpfung. Doch als wir nur einen
Schritt getan zurück in die Richtung, aus der wir gekommen, da ergossen sich die
Nebel Sturzbächen gleich in die Täler und entzogen alles unseren zweifelnden
Blicken. Zu lange schon hatten wir am Strome des Vergessens geweilt. Wir
verstanden, befanden, daß es gut sei und wandten uns um, die Wanderung zu
ferneren Gefilden fortzusetzen, wohin die Herbststürme uns nun riefen.
Sollten die Unwürdigen taumeln in den Nebeln und in die Fluten Lethes
stürzen. Sollten sie ersaufen und in Vergessenheit versinken, oder sich festkrallen
an den schneidend scharfen Felsen, Lethe würde sie doch noch mit sich reißen
in kalter Umarmung...
mudada haha
mudada haha
mudada haha
do you understand
Die dunstschwadenschwangeren, nebelverhangenen
Landen Lethes lagen längst hinter uns
Und wir hörten sein tröstendes Rauschen nicht mehr
Nachdem abermals die Nicht herabgesunken
Hatten wir die Fluten des Vergessens verlassen
Doch Vergessen hatten sie uns nicht gebracht
Und die Erinnerung an Herbststürme lastete immer noch schwer

... und so kamen wir von den entlegensten Gefilden
Gottlos, weil keinen Gott braucht, wer erschafft und in den
Künsten wirkt
Es steht geschrieben, daß wir aus der Wiege stehlen
Doch wer stiehlt schon eine Totgeburt, wenn er die Kraft des
Schöpfers birgt ...
Gib uns die Kraft der schwarzen Muse, gottverreckte Finsternis
Wir sind verflucht, doch kriechen niemals auf den Knien
Sie bedenken uns mit Blicken, die nur sehen, was sie sehen wollen
Möge Lethe sie ersäufen und dann sei ihnen verziehen

Wir wühlen ungefragt
In fremder Damen frisch bezogenen Himmelbetten
Tränken die Seidenkissen
Im roten Wein ihrer Verehrer
Wir sind die Traumverheerer
Dem süßen Schlaf der Unschuld leis' ins Ohr gewispert
Einen Traum, der das Erwachen auch nicht süßer macht
Wir zerstäuben ihr Parfum wie Nieselregen in die kranke Nacht
Schaben mit den Scherben ihrer Duftwasserflacons
Die Gemälde ihrer Ahnen
Jenseits der Berge
Weit hinter dem Horizont der Sterblichen
Gärten der ewigen Eklipse
Gärten der Nacht

Das Wissen um die Wahrheit formt wie Träume
Die Gärten der Nacht
Sie formen Wege, die verworren und voller Schönheit
In dunkle Blütenpracht getaucht
Durch die nächtlichen Haine
Über Brücken von pechschwarzem Marmor
Mit filigranen Mustern in Form gebannter Dunkelheit verziert
Wo der schwarzen Rosen Duft mich führte
Den Weg mir offenbarte
Vorbei an denen, die sich verhängnisvoll verirrt in den Gärten
Im Labyrinth der Erkenntnis
Gebeine derer, die die Wahrheit nicht kannten
Rosen umklammernd
Von Rosen umklammert
Ich roch die Süße der schwarzen Tulpen
Unter Akazien der Nacht
In dunkles Efeu geflochten ...

Bis mich des Tempels kalter Schlund verschlingt
In bizarren Symphonien
In weiten Treppenfluchten
Bis glatt und schwer das Ebenholz beiseite schwingt
"Willkommen in den Armen des Schattenreichgemachs"
Wo ein einsames Fenster in Efeu nahezu erblindet
Wo all das klare in vagen Schatten nahezu verschwindet

Schwarz verhängt an blinden Wänden
Hingen Spiegel im Gemach
Unser Abbild nicht zu rauben
Preiszugeben nicht der Nacht
Um mit niemandem zu teilen
Was die Dunkelheit gebracht
Verloren ...

Die Leere meiner Seele hallt wieder in Haß
Von Seuchen und Fäulnis der Gegenwart genährt
Hallt wieder in Schwarz

... und erstickend in Ekel vor diesem Dasein
Welches mich so grauenvoll gefangen hält
Rieche ich wieder der Nachtschattenblüten Duft
Lustwandelnd in den Gärten der Nacht
... frei ...

Ich greife nach den schwarzen Rosen
Als die Erinnerung zu schwinden droht
Das Bild entgleitet quälend langsam
... und wieder zitternd in der verhaßten Gegenwart
... schwarze Rosen in den blutig zerkratzten Händen

Herrin der Gärten jenseits der Berge
Prinzessin der Reiche, gebettet in Nacht
Wo sind deine verwunschenen Länder?
Die mich verbannten, als die Tücher fielen
Die Spiegel enthüllend
Welche mich erzürnt verschlangen
File: gorguts_wojak.jpg (206KB, 1093x1189px) Image search: [Google]
206KB, 1093x1189px
i miss old school Gorguts
Tempel prachtvoll finster
Im Spiegel aufgewühlter Himmel
Lästerlich entweiht sakralen Boden Opferblut
Verdunkelt die Gestirne in geronnener Begierde
Rausch, Ekstase, Sündenfall
Epos einer bittersüßen Nacht
Ein Weltbild stöhnt in Flammen
Scheiterhaufen fiebriger Unversöhnlichkeit

Unter den steinernen Augen erhabener Skulpturen
Die starren aus Äonen in die Finsternis der Nacht
Die thronen auf verzierten Sockeln voll grotesker Grazie
Ornamentalen Wahnsinns widernatürlicher Pracht
Abstruses Schattenspiel, Abbild des Verruchten
Fackeln bannen flackernd uns're Orgien auf den kalten Stein
Haßgetränkte Liebe glüht in schweren Kohlenschalen
Treibt den Zorn, die Lust, die Laster lieblich in den schweren Wein

Entziehe dich dem Blick der Gestirne
Labe dich in Horror an verbotenem Wein
Lausche den Verheißungen der Schlange
Aus Aschen der Verbannung steigt ein Paradies
Tropft zäh aus ungeahnten Weiten
Süßer als der Kuß der jungen Nacht
Säuselt sanft von längst vergess'nen Zeiten
Schmecke lustvoll schaudernd den Honig der Finsternis

Reißet schmutzige, klaffende Wunden
In die Träume derer, die blind und verkümmert
Daß Eiter sich in ihre Seelen ergieße
Die Herzen vergiftend, zerfressend den Kern

Schweiß auf bebender Haut
Schweiß auf meinen Lippen
Unter den steinernen Augen erhabener Skulpturen
In stiller Zustimmung eisig lächelnd
Unter ledrigen Schwingen der schützenden Nacht

Und unter den Qualen vernichtender Wahrheit
Bersten die Pfeiler des Weltengefüges
Wo hohles Gestein krankhafter Verblendung
In nichtswürdiger Dummheit zusammengefügt
Es walte die Kraft unserer Träume
Jenseits und diesseits des prunkvollen Tempelmauerwerks
Als Manifest in die Unvergeßlichkeit gemeißelt

Lasset diesen Kelch nicht an mir vorübergehen

Wir grüßen schwindende Gestirne
Blaß, erschöpft, doch ohne Schmerzen
Kurz bevor der Morgen graut
Tanz der Flammen schlanker Kerzen
Besiegele den Pakt im Zwielicht
Hinter dir auf
einer toten Lichtung
Im schneebedeckten Wald
Einst Häuser von Stein
Verlassene Ruinen - Lasse die kahlen Gerippe hinter dir
Wenn auch Schwermut und des Zweifels Klauen
Nach deinem Geiste greifen
Begrabe die Trümmer der Totenstadt
Unter den Werten einer neuen Zeit
Der wolkenschwere Himmel rollt bedrohlich und erdrückend
Über schneegebeugte Wipfel
Im frostigen Atem eines Wintersturms
Eines gefrorenen Herbststurms
Der den Sommer in herbstlichen Verfall taumeln ließ
Der totes Laub von Lebensbäumen blies
In dein schmerzendes Gesicht

In Erinnerung an Herbststürme
Rufen Winterwälder nun den Namen, den man dir gegeben
Totes Laub, bedeckt von Schnee
Stumme Zeugen deines Niedergangs

Weithin erstreckt sich erschwerlich der Pfad
Kälter und tiefer und weiter hinein
Folge der Spur, die selber du formst
Und vertreibe die dich heimsuchenden wirren Träume
Die nach den Rändern des Pfades streben
Wo das Scheitern an den Grenzen des Möglichen lauert
Deine Ziele zu verschlingen

In Erinnerung an Herbststürme
Rufen Winterwälder nun den Namen, den man dir gegeben
Totes Laub, bedeckt von Schnee
Stummes Zeugen deines Niedergangs

Nebel ...
Wage einen Blick
Ein Schleier kleidet nun das Nichts
Welches einst verschwand
Im Dunst der trüben Zeit
Der einst all das enthielt
Was unbewußt du dir ersehntest
Was dir verloren ging ...

Ein allerletztes mal ...
Do you really listen to this?
oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd bnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnxoijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnxvdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx
oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd bnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnxoijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnxvdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx oijsfisdjgodsgjdsvd vdibhdivhdikhdiubhdivhsdiuvhidvhidhviudbhckjvnjcxiuhbxuibjndibnibnckbncbnxcbjcnbkjcnbkcnbcibnfcxibhnxcjkbhndxiobnxdibjnicjnbixbnckbncxkbjcnxbikxcnbikdjnbiubhndknvdijnbuidsnbdkxhbnxdickbnxckbnxciobncxlkbncxiobknxcbkjnxcbioxcnbifkn,b diofbjnxdkbnxcibncxbndxkcnbxcjknbxckbndkxnbkxnbckbcnx
He does. What music do you listen to?
fucking this
why did Lemmy have to go full 'dude dissonant tech wank lol xD' autism
I dunno. Currently whatever's on my recommend page, which is movie soundtracks, ancient greek music and some funk. I used to be into grunge back in highschool so I'll just say that.

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even their logo/artwork is shit now
the Besieged demo was cancer to the ears (in a pejorative way)
yeah it's good shit
atleast they're still D.M, for better or worse
other bands did much more JUST decisions with their music and theatrics
how do you go from this
to this

or from
(they even had to disable comments and ratings lmao)

Good shit mate. Sounds like old school Metallica
jesus fucking christ i did not need to see this lol
thankfully there are new decent bands emerging
this better be bait
you are the curly hair? the atheist ? or hishem?
thanks for reminding me that my library is seriously lacking in the OSDM and Blackened DM departments
have some actually good Melodeath instead
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Why do the Japs make everything so sexual?
i lost the jew fro gradually
this pic is a bit old
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it's always you uwu
>King Abdullah of Jordan has unveiled plans that Jordan will have a new flag before 2019. The flag seeks to celebrate the diversity within Jordan as well as pay tribute to discriminated groups that seek refuge within the country. "Jordan is a proud, tolerant country that accepts all people. This new flag will represent that." Jordan remains the most progressive country on LGBT rights in comparison to other gulf nations.

Well done Jordan.

>thinking you're too high brow for metallica

Confirmed for not knowing anything about musix
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underage b&

bost proofs

there's like 3 other fags
Are you feeling ok anon?
this should keep me busy for the night
my passion flows like rivers through the sky
it's not the music that's bad
it's just that they're entry entry level shit
the poor man's taste in metal
i'm not 12 anymore
plus they're greedy corporate sellout kikes
Wew, I used to love pearl jam as well.
As for me I love to listen to relaxing music such as https://youtu.be/Ykk2VKaZhQc
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>Tfw you realize you share a general in another board with a mena regular
>tfw you post less in said general to not attract his attention
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As long if you don't post trap porn in that metal general l*had wont recognize you dont worry.
>implying it's lahad
you're getting warmer though
Is it...*z*m?
dont be a faggot and let normies dictate what you do and do not listen to.
ride the lightening is a classic thrash album. as is kill em all. just because they wrote enter sandman 8 years after this, doesnt invalidate what they did in the early 80s

tip : diaspo
ringa ding ringa ding ringa ding
choose your reward :
-fem dom
Femdom for a change
you don't have to worry about me though, i've taken a bit of a break from mu
i'm too tired to keep evading bans so l8r
this desu senpai
does anyone here ironically follow far-right/anti-muslim groups on Twitter to watch the islamization of the west and cheer up his day?
i'm starting to like you reza boy
Their butthurt literally cheered me through my worst moments.
Gib some good twitters.
what does mena think of kurdish nasheed
>Oasis de Citations
This bitch is even more insufferable than Aldo's zealous self-hate and butthurt towards anything remotely Sunni. Nigger's whole channel revolves around "le Bible contradicts itself xD le checkm8 christkeks". He could be so much more useful and have a much better quality content
He's not even producing counter-arguments against Aldo, just making fun of it. That's just low and useless.

But the West isn't undergoing any "islamization"; it's just a mess of cultural appropriation, virtue signaling and identity politics that's going on. Very few people actually try to implement Islam - but if THIS is what you're referring to as islamization, than no, this shit leaves me sickened and hopeless
Did you find the nasheeds your were looking for ?
Weirdest person i found on Twitter is Tarek Fateh, a Balochi living in Canada.

He is a '''''muslim''''' that hates Islam, the Koran and all other Muslims.
He supports India and thinks Hinduism is the best thing in the world and hates that the continent was Islamized
He thinks Muslims being lynched is justified because eating beef is wrong.

He also thinks muslims in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, should convert back to Hinduism and Buddhism, because ''Islam is a cancer''

He also supported the Rohingya genocide, saying ''they deserve it.''
Voice of Europe
Save the West
Tarek Fateh

>Did you find the nasheeds your were looking for ?

not with that tempo and rhythm no.
My favourites are converts who get gyped
and how is a muslim then
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Not bad, but this shounds mashreqi af. They should tone

Reminds me of /pol/'s new """"muslim""" hero Mohammad "Islam needs to be revised, burkas banned and mosques destroyed" Tawhidi. He's quite active on Twatter too
why are converts so fanatical most of the times?
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stop right there
he calls himself so.

>Reminds me of /pol/'s new """"muslim""" hero Mohammad "Islam needs to be revised, burkas banned and mosques destroyed" Tawhidi.

no way is he not a troll, no way.
Because they actually choose to be part of a religion, rather than just being born with it. Same with militant atheists, the most fanatical ones generally are the ones who were raised (fairly heavily) religiously.
nah that has nothing to do with the psychological process, in fact it isn't an answer

it has to do with compensation most of the time. john abu bilal feels like he has to compensate since he is the "new guy" in the "gang" that has to prove himself much more.

with regards to it being a choice, it is relevant in that most humans aren't that spiritually curious. as long as it doesn't serve as a psychological or physical problem to you to be a part of a congregation, most people would rather just stay instead of exploring other, alien ideologies.

why the necessity for the "truth" arrives here for most westerners i'd assume is the general lack of purpose most westerners have - especially from the proletariat
there is that shiite aussie dude as well
Holy shit it's him
>why the necessity for the "truth" arrives here for most westerners i'd assume is the general lack of purpose most westerners have

i think this is the truth.
Even the Cold War gave them a ''purpose'' to fight the evil commies, and a belief, that their system/way of life was much better.

after 89 it kinda crumbled. there was no more purpose to anything, no higher goal, no greater reason for your existance.
they ''won'', but victory felt empty.
>ffw your dad was an agnostic
>tfw he tells me its a phase
>mfw can't tell him I have no intention to come back
I have no hate for Islam nor do I hate Muslims I just hate reverts and fanatical ones
nah islam has replaced communism and the attempts at doing so was evident already in the early 90s

the west is thriving, with or without whiteys changing side. a lot of US citizens worked as spies for the soviets too, for ex
>nah islam has replaced communism and the attempts at doing so was evident already in the early 90s
Wonder what the outcome will be.

will we see all out race-wars. God defend us them, because besides Iranian and the Turks, and perhaps Pakis, the rest of the Muslims are dwarf chinks, retarded Arabs and fucking niggers who can't fight for shit.
>the rest of the Muslims are dwarf chinks, retarded Arabs and fucking niggers who can't fight for shit.
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btw the french niggers and marocs are actually brutes
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him >>76588057 ?

nobody gives a shit about race, it's just a good excuse to manipulate small fry
but the ones who hold decisive power have other interests in mind cf. Qatar switching sides, Turkey switching sides, etc.

Metallica is pure metal kino. If they didn't make it as big as they did you faggots would be pining about how much you love them
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>tariq ramadan
i like that guy tbqfhwy
he is a real academic and therefore his words are worth listening to unlike 99% of muslim """""""""""""""""scholars""""""""""""""""""""
eh, he has his moments but he fucks it up, for me, quite a lot

He does what he can with the source material.. he tries his best at making Islam out to be this philosophical deep spiritual experience but in reality there's only so much you can philosophize about a bunch of desert warlord slaver pedophiles making arbitrary rules as they go along.
he is a human
بسيطة ماتستبستهاش
What you lads think of Mustafa Akyol?. I read his books and quite liked them.
Don't fully agree with him, but he is worth following i think.

>making arbitrary rules as they go along.

heh. I know in many places this is heresy. And i do disagree with you.

but i kinda agree with the ''making things up as they go''
It's clear that Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Created ''theological'' concepts that would help their political situations.

No doubt Ali would have done the same, but his rule was far to focused on the civil war, so he didn't had the time to do it.
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i don't even listen to metal mr fortune teller
never have never will
There's a growing trend of highly educated imams like Adnan Ibrahim who studied medicine and now teachers philosophy/theology at uni, Imam Hawasli who's a cardiologist, Mohammad Bajrafil who's a linguist and others. I hope it picks up enough to become a strong tendency because we need intelligent and knowledgeable imams. Sure bookworms who memorize thousands of hadith aren't the most well suited to advise a man about his life or take important decision for the Umma. These people should be consulted when it comes to their specialty, hadeeth, but imo muslims are mistaken when they turn to these people for advice about their life or political/strategic questions.

Every one fucks up, nobody is perfect. Even Companions and the eminent Imams messed up at some point, Imam malik drank alcohol because he believed only wine was haram. I don't think one should make a meal of it, Islam is just wide enough for so many opinions
true. him ''defending'' FGM was silly. Especially since it has no religious purpose.

his ''cultural'' comment is ridiculous, especially when Islam should stand above individual cultures in theory.

>Islam is just wide enough for so many opinions
this is what i like honestly. the diversity in opinions.
It would be a tragedy if this tradition would pass away.
let's be honest mate
the ghettos here and also in france all have their self-"educated" basement-imams who literally and i mean literally make decisions about peoples lives. these are rats with 0 life experience, often in their twenties and often dropouts on social benefits.

it's not a """problem"""" it's a fucking disgrace
and all who pertain to this system deserves ridicule and mockery until they cease or are shunned by society entirely
this is a pretty redundant topic but there's quite a lot of underground metallica and general NWBHM worship that still gets shat on but med and high level mealfags
>the ghettos here and also in france all have their self-"educated" basement-imams who literally and i mean literally make decisions about peoples lives. these are rats with 0 life experience, often in their twenties and often dropouts on social benefits.


Heard the Indos and Malays have the same problem.
Some random dude goes to Mecca once and returns giving everyone orders and telling them what ''true'' Islam is.
Don't you shia's have like a hierarchial Imam system kinda like the Catholic Church
keep in mind that people are simple
and when simple people ask academics about their opinion on petty cultural shit, of which they are knowledgeable but not personally invested (as should be in academia) the answers you'll get will always be ambivalent, unless he is your friend and you're talking over a cup of coffee, which isn't the case here.

in other words people will interpret everything he, and any other academic/philosopher says in absolutes so that their undeveloped brains can process it; without ever reading his work and the legitimate criticism of such through other pieces written by other, relevant academics.

this is why i dislike when you bring in super intelligent people to talk about shit like its a political debate or a kids TV program. even though some of them clearly enjoy the attention (richard dawkins comes to mind)
we do. Depends on the sect though.

Zayidis-In Yemen
Twelver or Jafari- in Iran
Ismailis- in Tajikistan/pakistan...etc

All have different Imams
Aren't you twelver?
>this is why i dislike when you bring in super intelligent people to talk about shit like its a political debate or a kids TV program.

yeah agree with you, especially this.
I am
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Daily reminder /MeNa/ is a Sunni Arab general. All else FUCK OFF
who gave you permission to say he truth
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The mayor here understood this more than a decade ago; when my town was ravaged by crime and trafficking some people turned to Islam but there were no imams, 1st generation migrants didn't know shit and could barely read Arabic, the authority vacuum had catastrophic consequences because everyone became an "imam", the basement imams you mentioned. When the communist mayor was elected here he went to incredible lengths to help the association that was trying to build a mosque, and when it was built criminality took a nosedive. As long as muslims had a place to worship and gather, as long as they stopped doing their thing in secrecy, all the shittiest aspects of it vanished. And not to mention, the association that manages the mosque now has close ties with the local council and they often work together to keep radicalism at bay, stimulate education, fight misdemeanor etc.
It's basically the same thing that happened during the prohibition: ban something people really want, and they'll clandestinely get it which will often involve crime. That's why I'm against banning prostitution, alcohol and drugs even in muslim countries because if people do it anyway, you might as well help them do it in a legal and monitored way.

>Mustafa Akyol
>his TED talk
based, too bad he'll get beheaded next time he steps on Saudi soil
it is good to agree with reason
what happened to the gypsy jailbait?
similar things happened here but the story has no good ending
don't worry he'll rebuild the Ottoman Caliphate and retake the holy lands and butcher the Wahabists like his ancestors did.

she's at her place. Studying.

has some tests this weak.
somali kuwaiti malaysian?
>butcher the wahabbists
while forcing them to listen to the flute inshallah
do you still bang her?
>while forcing them to listen to the flute inshallah
how based the Turks where....

>do you still bang her?
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>Some random dude goes to Mecca once and returns giving everyone orders and telling them what ''true'' Islam is.
Seriously they fucking deserve it. That's what being backwater inbred illiterates gets you. If they don't want to see their daughters being mutilated then maybe they should learn to read and actually follow Islam by the book for once.

>in other words people will interpret everything he, and any other academic/philosopher says in absolutes so that their undeveloped brains can process it
This is why Qiyas is necessary

kys fitna faggot, everyone is welcome here
do you come? does she enjoy it now?
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so they had their mosques eventually or kept praying in basements ?

>retake the holy lands
I seriously hope Iran takes them from the Sauds
She likes it better than before. She even rode me one night.
she's getting more comfortable with it.
I wish I was iranian (not iranboo here)
basically isis funders and supporters had and still have their own mosque

it's not a real mosque, there are barely any in denmark.
>I seriously hope Iran takes them from the Sauds

>wanting Wahhabi, brainwashed lands

Nah, will give it to the Turks. In return will get Karbala and Najef.
نجفنا نجفنا نجفنا وكربلاء انصار
>provide no trained Imams and Mosques
>ISIS or some other idiots build them
>retards go there
>complain the mosques are radicalizng people

The Turks have literally created a great system with the Diyanet. more should copy it.
As much as I prefer Iran over Saudi-Arabia, I don't think that's a realistic thing without some very bloody and deadly wars.
can't read the Arabic script, mate sorry.


Where is the disagree option ya Hassan?
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wahhabi shits not welcome
The Israelis are.

The Syrian people they butcher for Assad aren't
>i must be wahabi because I'm not on the side of hezbollah
Black and white world here.
its just najaf and karbala appraisal in some shitty iraqi song
also shouldnt you be able to at least read some of it? are you illiterate in farsi?
yes that's actually what i advocate for in denmark
institutionalization of religion and by having your own state approved facilities to teach imams, making it hard or impossible for every 2nd mahmoud to teach about stoning and whipping
sounds like you got yourself a pgood deal
wish i had a fuckbuddy sometimes
Wouldn't say they are the only ones who butcher but they are a part. That's why I'm not 100% for hezbollah.
>Everyone is welcome
Le epic reddit maymay haha sunni-shia are brothers i dont see sects only muslims xDdddd
Fucking neck yourself
>Giving the lands of the prophet from one kafr to another
See my post above
As much as there's something to say for that, the west has reached a scare of that somewhat, with the whole seperation of church and state.
lol no
the institutionalization of religion exists in all countries, "the church" is directly under the state especially in denmark, and you need to study theology if you wish to become a priest (which is a long, hard education)

do the same for islam and you'll see shit get better after 1-2 generations
it just needs to not be packaged as "whiteys version of islam to emasculate muslims", for ex by having non-lunatic muslims themselves teach in the institutes etc.
Which Syrian people specifically?

Ahrar al Sham consider shia "the enemy" and the peaceful moderate rebels fight alongside them like brothers.

If the ideology of the FSA becomes the new Syrian constitution then people will be praying for President Nasrallah, let alone Assad.
>also shouldnt you be able to at least read some of it? are you illiterate in farsi?

i speak Farsi decently. But have problems reading it.
Sadly my mother never thought me, so i'm learning on my own in my free time.

i started studying farsi much more last month to watch the debates during the elections in Iran.

>institutionalization of religion and by having your own state approved facilities to teach imams,
Here in Romania all priests study 4 years to become official priests and to be allowed to hold sermons.
i was fucking shocked when i heard this isn't happening in the West.

>sounds like you got yourself a pgood deal
yeah. she's really nice. don't regret doing it.
i just worry on how i will tell mom....so far i didn't tell her.

of course they aren't the only ones, but they still took part in many fights there.

their Khamenei's dogs that's why i hate them.
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Sunnis and Jews are BROTHERS.
We will fight together to destroy the shia menace.

THIS desu.
Sunnis and Jews forever <3
salafi/wahabbi bedouins and ultraorthodox kikes are brothers, yes, its ma3rof. and the crematoriums hunger. move along now.
>i speak Farsi decently. But have problems reading it.
start now, you have a gift but by neglecting it you become a fool. farsi literature is a cultural hub among mena nations.

>study 4 years to become official priests
which should be the case in all other nations. the moment you let religious people operate autonomously, they will inevitably promote disloyalty for the state. as such, non-state religious institutions will turn malign and parasitic.
>telling mom
>"hey mom im banging an underaged gypsy"
i cant even picture any mena household where that convo would go smoothly
Is the church directly under the state's control there? Over here you do indeed need a study of theology, but after that you'll still need to do an "internship" in the denomination where you wish to preach. The state itself has no control over the message of the church as far as I know, except perhaps indirectly by determination of what is required of a theology study.

You get good at something by doing it a lot. I mean reading. Read more in farsi. Also, you don't have to tell her you're banging her (yet), you can start slowly with "I'm seeing a gyppo"
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one can dream ;_;

>shitty iraqi song
i confirm: it's shitty
fucking ear rape

>institutionalization of religion and by having your own state approved facilities to teach imams, making it hard or impossible for every 2nd mahmoud to teach about stoning and whipping
you'll end up with imams marrying gays, saying parents should let their kids be trans and make it ok for mosques to borrow money from banks to be built
Religion is the most powerful political tool, you simply can't let governments have any authority over religion it's completely suicidal.

the fuck does this have to do with Reddit ? hating Shia IS a hipster trend, it was never a thing among scholars
>start now, you have a gift but by neglecting it you become a fool. farsi literature is a cultural hub among mena nations.
i'm learning it right now, won't drop it now. I got into iranian politics this summer more than usual.
i want to be able to understand it better.

>which should be the case in all other nations.
true. idiots are those who let ''''''''''''''charity'''''''''''''''''' organizations take care of these things.

>i cant even picture any mena household where that convo would go smoothly
she did marry young with father. though i'll doubt she'll like it.

i won't tell her yet.
>The state itself has no control over the message of the church as far as I know, except perhaps indirectly by determination of what is required of a theology study.

because for the moment it does not preach anything the state considers problematic. should it begin doing so, you'll see a rapid shift in attitude.

the truth is that most western nations are extremely tolerant and liberal as long as certain limits aren't pushed. the moment the elite starts suffering is the moment people will get deported and slaughtered, etc.
>Religion is the most powerful political tool, you simply can't let governments have any authority over religion it's completely suicidal.
do you think that all the religious institutions operated autonomously in all the caliphates of old? take the sheih-ul-islam in the ottoman empire, if they started being a thorn at the side of the sublime porte, do you think they would last another day? read history and you will find your answer
I was just reading a story about how the Saudi king allegedly killed his own son because he was half nigger.

Do sandniggers hate niggers?

I know Maghrebis do but I don't know about gulf arabs.
If I lived next to Somalia I probably would too tbqh.
>you'll end up with imams marrying gays, saying parents should let their kids be trans and make it ok for mosques to borrow money from banks to be built

not really.

Orthodox priests here are fucking hardcore most of the time. Very anti-gay, abortion...etc and their still under the states authority.

just make sure they don't teach ''kill the christians''...etc

But i doubt it, the West is degenerated as hell, they think every religious person should be a hippie progressive.
if they would hear the Orthodox priests here, they would brand them as ''extremists''

i think what they should do, is find room for peaceful, non-violent, conservatism.
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Hating Shia isn't hipster, it's unfortunate ISIS hijacked the anti Shia movement, I don't even mind them just as long as they stop calling themselves Muslim and become a separate religion.
we observe the 5 pillars of islam, and declare ''that there is no God but God and Mohammed is the messenger of God''

we are muslims. Following Abu Bakr and Umar is not a pillar of Islam.
Fair enough, but it still shouldn't come from the state I think, or at least not a western one. I think there'd be some backlash if suddenly a country, for example Denmark goes
>Hey muslims we think some of your imams are pretty shit so here's our new set of guidelines before you can call yourself an imam™
It'd probably be more accepted if the country's muslim community instead goes to the state with a request of
>While there's good imams it's an unprotected term meaning every shithead who thinks he knows stuff can call himself one. Maybe we can set up a set of legal requirements together like how not everyone can just become a priest
>just make sure they don't teach ''kill the christians''...etc
Yeah, political powers are all about doing JUST what they're supposed to to do. Nothing more.

>i think what they should do, is find room for peaceful, non-violent, conservatism
They don't give a shit about peace and non-violence, the government here is just a mafia that built its legitimacy on violence and chaos. Have you heard any political speech in France in the last 5 years ? They need Islam to be or at least seem violent and aggressive

don't feed shitty baits
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The best thing would be doing something in collaboration with islamic faculties and famous muslim intellectuals and prolific writers. But as I said, they wouldn't that.
Shia are muslim as much as I hate them in syria and iraq
Speaking of shia why do people assume every middle eastern hijabless girl is a shia? So annoying
Come on lad, at least they're not ahmadiya
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برى لكل إلي بحب الانمي ريييييييييييييييييييييي
Ahmadiyya are lovely people.
Aside from believing in an extra prophet I don't know why you goatfuckers hate them so much.

They hurt nobody.
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Do you Love me?
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>people think majoosi's are muslims
still butthurt you got your ass kicked by superior Aryan football players?
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>Aside from believing in an extra prophet
Literally because that's pretty much heresy for every form of islam before that.
but I don't believe in Muhammad full stop.
Muslims hatred for kafir really comes to light when ahamdiyya are mentioned.

Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Kikes, Shintos, Buddhists all get along reasonably well.
I don't know why muslims hate everyone who isn't one of them.
You asked why muslims get so butthurt, not why you should get butthurt. The closest I can think of would be if say 1000 years after christ someone declared himself christ's time-delayed twin-brother, and his new form of christianity is totally real christianity and just listen to me guys.
Ahmadiyyas say the shahada too but you'll be pressed to find an imam in MENA that recognizes them as real muslims. Shia's are the same, they'll say the shahada but believe something else entirely different from islam
They're not, simply put they worship ali and ahlul bayt. They're a cult
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>What are Mormons

I'm Catholic and mormons do not offend me at all.
In fact I think they're really nice.

They believe Jesus was a fucking American.
Doesn't get more heretic than that.
I don't give a shit though because I don't have autism.

i'm moving to the capital.
check this cute Tatar girl during eid in Bucharest
>ignoring me
That's true buddy.

Islam now is equal to Catholicism 500 years ago.
I mean, I dislike Ahmadiyyas and Shias, I don't think they're muslims but I wish them no harm they can believe what they want I just want them to detach their cults from Islam
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Do you think muslim countries will ever be as chillout about religion as everyone else is?

I doubt it tbqh.

That's far more reasonable than what I'm used to.
Well done lad.

That Ahmadiyya from up north that got killed by a sunni for wishing Christians a Happy Easter pissed me off to no end.
Tired of seeing them being treated like shit even in a western country.
>Do you think muslim countries will ever be as chillout about religion as everyone else is?

(I'm actually memeing as a salafist anyway)

Just if you know...you didn't recognise the bait
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Is islam allowed this?
salafists are retards.
It's hard to know when someone is mocking them.
in Hanafism i think
No, fucking loser.
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Abu Haleema.jpg
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*blocks your path*
" 'erd you been talkin shit mate"
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Are you happy ? By emulating him you've now summoned him
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Hey Uzbek get your own fad you niglet
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So now there's two genrich
They should meet up and have sex


>tfw no qt kuffar hating, Aisha aspiring, Al Arabiya watching, Allah fearing, adhan answering, araby typing, astaghfirullah muttering, airport security check derandomizing, badawi scoffing, camel riding, Daesh denouncing, date eating, deen having, diglossia knowing, Fairouz listening, familial honour bestowing, fatwa obeying, fusha speaking, habibi endearing, halal consuming, haram avoiding, hijab donning, imam listening, inshallah willing, Intifada supporting, Zionist Entity hating, IDF soldier stoning, Islam submitting, jizya receiving, khaybar khaybar ya yahud'ing, li beirut singing, Mecca facing, mascara overusing, modesty embodying, Mohammed(pbuh) admiring, mensif preparing, naqba mourning, nasheed chanting, Occidentiphiling, oudh spraying, Ottoman revolting, Panarabist aspiring, Quran memorizing, Ramadan fasting, salafi hating, shahada reciting, Sharia law implementing, rock throwing, shisha smoking, Turkish drama watching, virginity minding, ummah uniting, yallah exclaiming, zina committing Arab gf
we are not muslim
>imam listening
do you happen to have a cuck fetish ?
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but she is nigger too
I feel flattered
mmmm keep 'em coming Gluglu mmmmmmmmm
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хyй нa пидpилa
you're gay if you wouldn't smash rihanna
really makes ya think huh
>Schweizer pass
Can you speak german?
f-fuck you too
read the file name idiots . i got this from the fb of an old friend tho im almost like him but i dont have the Swiss passport
only normal, it's well made and funny
that wasn't necessary
never ever EVER reply to me or my posts ever again
I wouldn't

Tunisian is the only one worth having desu
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really makes you think.png
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>it's well made
>Tunisian is the only one worth having desu
i agree it allows you to enjoy 5 bonus minutes of security checking in the Frankfurt airport
apology accepted
>not wanting 5 minutes of one on one time with a sexy german airport security guard
No screens

Are these really yours? I thought you were 100% Tunisian and was born and raised in the US
no they arent . But yeah I have the american nationality because i was born in the us , the Canadian because both my parents managed to get Canadian nationality when they were students in Canada so i automatically became a Canadian , Tunisian because my parents are born in Tunisia.
you know from that file name i can know he is your friend
and then i try guess try to find you
are you aware baka
By knowing he's getting a train of Western guys sloppy seconds.
You never answered me btw. Was that tinder screenshot you?
He looks like an alien and a bald chimp had a baby.
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Why does Fairuz make me cry? ;_;
because you're a sensitive philistine
cue the seinfeld bass
>implying i care
Never used tinder
why are moroccan riffians so assblasted
>She will never be your mommy gf
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>Berbers are white
riffians were supposed to be the whitest moroccan
i see how a light skinned moroccan looks now

Take note ye bastards
>inb4 Memery tv
>hurt my right hand fixing the kitchen sink
>now i can't masturbate
why can't i fap with either hand like DaVinci ?
how's everyone doing this warm night?
i met a qt redhead at work today. she likes my hair.
just thought i would tell you for no specific reason
What is your hair like? I'm creepy sorry for asking
Practice with your left hand
like a big curly afro-ish but you can run your hand through it.
also did you get the redheads number?
this unironically

diyanet is like caliph without sharia
you fucking Muslims are subhumans. the sister of one of the Jesidis (how are they called in English) got raped and killed by a Muslim fighting for IS, and she was 11 years old

And this shit is going on for several hundred years already
I agree

also please can you post pictures of the aftermath
i just her. and no i won't send you nudes if i get any.
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>Ignores me
>Answers the ugly jew
the whole point is to antagonize him man
i did get her number.
no pics sorry

>not fapping with your feet
fuck fakestine. you called me a quq.
I saw your pic on discord, nice pube beard shlomo
>i did get her number
Fucking chad
pls teach me redheads are so perfect

just don't be a total cunt. men here are absolute trash.
i'm not a casanova. i hardly ever actually get to close the deal.
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Me and the lads
>men are total trash
What are they like?
The riff protests are good for the country, they're a wake up call to the corrupt sobs who rule this shithole reminding them that one day the average Moroccan's patience will end and then Morocco will turn into a new Syria for real and honestly that would be a like an upgrade, more regions should take a hint and join in imo
>new syria
Thats not a good thing. But which country after morocco do you think will join?
if it wasn't for tribalisme nothing would have happened in tunisia after bouazizi suicide
What do other countries have to do with this? I'm talking about regions within Morocco fucking shit up so the government pulls its shit together and sack the gazillion corrupt motherfuckers
I read that wrong my bad I thought that you wrote countries
fucking great
It happens
Honestly these protests are making me feel good about the future of the country, more and more people are openly talking about the government's institutionalized corruption hopefully in the future we won't be a new Syria but a new Canada :DDD
Reminder that you'll fuck it up by yourselves accusing and killing each other for being witches
>men here
There's still able-bodied men left?
Witches are welcome here, we're not wizardophobes like you algerians
>Reminder that you'll fuck it up by yourselves accusing and killing each other for being [common trait in morocco]
...okay ?
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the entirety of a conversation with an average man here:
>sickening polarized political opinions often advocating genocide of "them"
>pseudo-intelectual memes he found on facebook
>homoerrotic "jokes"
>whatsapp bullshitery or whatever meme app is hit at the time
ما شاء الله شعب واحد لا شعبين
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> Mfw I steal 20 billion dh and almost get away with it
>of "them"
What do you mean? Pro assad?
Also were they always shit? I mean were they better before the war?
>implying you don't do mobs against witches
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me whenever your posts grace my eyes
what the fuck do you even spend 20 billion on
je suis une philosophie
etre accepter comme je suis
malgré tout ce que me dit
je reste le point levé
visez la lune ça ne me ferrai pas peur
baka how i'm supposed to reply to you if you are blocking me
>He thinks protests will get his country anywhere

It worked in Tunisia barely but no where else and even then corruption is still present. There needs to be a genuine cultural shift away from nepotism and corruption in the MENA, peaceful protests haven't achieved much since most MENA politicians have been open to ruining their countries for the sake of staying on top
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I've never witnessed one desu
plus most witches are either imams or live in remote villages where people live and die without ever leaving their village

You put 3 in the bank and keep the remaining 17 in cash around in your house apparently
> There needs to be a genuine cultural shift away from nepotism and corruption
So we agree on this
But how exactly do you think this cultural shift is going to take place if everyone sticks their head in the sand and stops talking about and protesting against it?
Have a you for destroying the lyrics.

>He believes in witches
>What do you mean? Pro assad?
pro assad want to genocide everyone else.
anti assad want to genocide alawis, and everyone who isn't sunni . and probably a few sunnis for the fun of it.
it wasn't always this bad. but syrians were never interesting to talk to. people here never read anything. ever. never watch movies that aren't made for 12 yearolds. they never have unique taste in music. Art and theater are not a thing here. science is always intermixed with conspiracies about "the west" and jews.
a few days ago a met a dean in damas uni who informed me that programming languages were invented by the americans in 1800s and hidden from the rest of the world. and that we should be good friends since he's a Capricorn too.
You're a great person! Bless you! You might be right...I suppose it's bad to generalize but for the most part it's true. Also lol at the last part...
i think moroccans are forever doomed to be a backwards people
how do you fix that ?
massive radical social reformation
how do we achieve that ? competent leadership, basically a 404 since anything higher than a 9ayed rank ultimately collapses in personal interest hell, basically faux-feudalism, another reason why we were doing fine in the middle ages but just collapsed on our own weight with the introduction of centralized bureaucracy post-colonialism
so we're stuck in progress limbo where we need to improve the lower strata to create a promising higher strata for tomorrow but the current higher strata is rotten so the future higher strata will be shit and so on so on
/directionless ramblings
that's what i remember from it
y-you too
If you were able to speak correct French you'd realise
i never use it neither watch anything in french ofc it won't be correct my french didn't improve a bit for 13 years now
where do you live ''reza''?
o sa te omor, curva, unde locuiti?????
>I never use it
I understand why you dropped out of uni now.
i don't use it to communicate
the french we use while studying has nothing to do with the french used for cimmunication
voi ucide ''reza'', o promisiune
>thinking "ma philosophie" is from Alizee

did i say that?
I didnt say stick your head in the sand, it's just that the arab spring showed us that the protests alone wont get us anywhere, especially as the US, Saudi Arabia and other interfering countries exist.
It's just bad leadership for the time being, south Koreans were nigger tier before the US showed up. I have more faith in the youth than our boomers.
haha, boy, why are you scared of me ? you ban when i join seconds after. kill yourself.
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This is last server we will advertise, it's cool unlike the other ones
im not
Nigger what did i do
Mena should just die
Do you feel the same way about all the terrorist attacks white people carry out against innocent muslims and other minorities?
I'd rather die in a meat grind and be served as tacos that join the discord
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lmao a literal liberal humanities studying feminist gluten-free vegan found his way to /mena/

unacceptable. we should expulse this cretin with fire.
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>joining a voice chat program with a bunch of turboautists discussing anime pornography and using j*panese lingo
what could go wrong
شو في ما في
Oddly it's better in the chat than here tbhtbhtbhtbhtbhtbh
not when i'm here
Going a little mad.
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like usual
how's that presentation coming along ?
Ah, it was very underwhelming. Went on rambling and bombarded everyone with so much info they didn't know what questions to ask by the end of it. I think I'll just have to conduct the experiment to verify my hypothesis, then maybe I'll have some ears.
I'd be interested to know the results if you do, it's always nice to learn something new
It's two experiments. The first one is to screen what our target protein is, and the second is to see whether inhibiting it or activating it has therapeutic effects.

I think inhibiting, citing a new theory.
My professor, the man who hired me, thinks activating is the way.

I love the competition and I love my summer work, and perhaps if I'm lucky I will have things my way - and possibly cure a disease in the process, but the way up Mount Parnassus is long and windy. I didn't think I would be fighting the world like I am right now.
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