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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 78

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dog edition
First for that's not a dog you silly leaf.

a cute mestiza gf
Can some of you kind souls of /cum/ please help me understand what she's singing:


I have difficulty understanding some of the lyrics, and unfortunately I haven't been able to find them anywhere :c. This is all I could figure out by myself:

Just another day like the other day
Such a slow decaying -----
Just like ---- gum till the flavor's gone
---- that bubble gum

----- yeah
Protect myself at any cost
But you know better
Cause I'm gonna need my baby soft

You pick me up when I'm down
You turn it all around, I know I'm gonna see you
Yeah, when you show up on the scene, you know just what I mean
No longer will I be blue

You pick me up when I'm down
You turn it all around, I know I'm gonna see you
Yeah, when you show up on the scene, a ---- jelly bean
I know I'm gonna make it through

Feel my heart drop, in the candy shop ---diamonds
Sweet like a ----

Tired of the scene on the mezzanine, --- your sunscreen
Boy, you know just what I need

Protect myself at any cost, I need you in my life
Cause ---- soft

Can't let it all go wrong
Got to find my way back to the feeling
I need to hear your song in my life

Don't walk away
I don't think that you know, just how much you mean to me

Can some of you please help me fill in the blanks?
Dave mustaine really let himself go
otto warmbier was a dipshit and he deserves to be dead
cute doggo
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>tfw I spilled a drink on my modem in a drunken stupour and it took 3 days to get my internet back
currently watching anime
really NEED a French gf ASAP
ya dingus
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Did you see my gift to you?

no i was busy all day.
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tried this at the store and loved it.

love the pen.
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shills OUT
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Thank god, finally it'll start cooling down again
sunlight can kiss my ass
Well at least henrico got some, you will miss out on all the future gainz though. So have you resolved to ask out that girl or no?

Well thanks but im not really interested in cryptocurrencies.
>Well thanks but im not really interested in cryptocurrencies
How to make a girl drier than the Sahara in a microsecond
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I think it's safe to assume now that canadians are not smart

and btw the girl is busy this weekend staying with her aunt who doesnt let her go out.

Her mom is also super protective and called her upset while we were at the movies.mmmm
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>Mexican intellectuals
Professor asked me why I came 30 min late. I couldn't tell him I was watching bitbean go up and down
Even though I think of myself as an asocial retard I don't actually struggle talking to people after I've seen them a couple of times.
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Saw an asian girl with powerful ass legs doing tai-chi and ballerina shit on my way back from the track, she was in spot you're technically not allowed to be in and it was obvious she was trying to stay hidden while she did her thing, I thought it was very cute

I found this and the first stanza is accurate. These lyrics have spelling errors though (Obi-Wun should be spelt Obi-Wan, for example). Sorry I can't be bothered to listen to the whole song; I hope this still helps you.

If it's any consolation, this song was hard for even me to understand -- and I'm a native English speaker
I Hate Asian women and men
wave yo flag
Professors who ask students why they're late or why they skipped a class are literally the worst
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You could say your modem had a
That would have been great if she wasn't asian
So you're just going to make artificial excuses to not ask her out? She needs to find a man someday, the mom can't be that protective. My suggestion would be to meet the parents before asking her out and telling your intentions but I know you'd never do that
>her aunt who doesnt let her go out.

jajaja how old is this girl?
Bored in the USA

i asked her if she was free for the weekend.

and yeah no id never do that, also is only one parent, no dad.
18 and im 22
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TRUE American patriot. Deport the heathen chinee.
>no dad
Tell him to go back to mexico, he isnt welcome here, also you didnt say you asked good for you :3
get educated
please refrain from using such vulgar language
my son browses this general
I want to racemix with a Mexican girl
your son is a gay
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What's that sport with the stick called ?
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>tfw big-booty CHI gf
your wifes son? hahaha
Having a south indian breakfast
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How thicc is too thicc /cum/?

No idea what happened to him desu, i dont think dude is even the father of her sisters.
Maybe you should give him lessons on how to evolve into a humongous faggot like yourself
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Whats all this racemixing shit? Other races have attractive people yes but brown haired white girls are unmatched in prettiness
clicked on a random image in my downloads folder haha let's see what it is x
Not a fan of race mixing at all buds
they're also psychopaths
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daily reminder
The only way the white race can save itself in America is by breeding with the Mestizos and become a country of Castizos.
Moronic post
All Canadians are named Ling Ping
you ever noticed in this song how they say "thinks its not kosher" when talking about the muslim shah


i thing this is a tacit hit against Israel

the shah was a US and UK puppet and had no right to rule Iran anyway because his father had briefly fled Iran and no Shah had ever fled the country and been considered a legitimate ruler before
>in the future everyone will be mixed XDDD
Quite possibly the worst meme of all time.
Oh shit Montana it's you. I thought you joined the ever-growing list of people who've abandoned /cum/.
I like thin girls
Babies are so fucking ugly I don't know what people see in them, just toss em in the bin with their pudgy retarded faces I don't want to look at it
>muhh racemixing

'Why yes, i am 1/32 irish, 1/4 german, 1/19 czech'

Typical mutts
There will always be people who choose not to but the vast majority will and they will be a low iq easily controlled population
eurasians (female) are the future

shame you have a 50/50 chance of producing elliot rodger though
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Any girls ITC? haha :D
no i still come here, i've just been busy lately
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>Shareef, King, Sheik, Casbah
There is something very attractive when you see a girl with body control and movement like that. Maybe it just shows she is patient and dedicated
We've lost two more posters, Montana.
I don't think /cum/ can keep up like this.
Maybe you should take a page out of his book and suck my cock
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0- me, sinaloa, caraposter
1-henrico, virginia
2-oyster gay
3- huntsville alabama
5-center county penisvana
6-whatcom county canada
10- paha sapa
90002-“Cara is bald” poster
90000000000000000001-montgomery county pensylvania
9000000000000000000001- anon who reported my thread
90000000000000000000001- spic who keep posting that stupid cara cartoon pic
Asians are not attractive
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It's 12:00am! Let's pretend to be anime girls!!
not even worried about it
Portland said he's going to stop posting and I'm pretty sure Centre County is gone too.
Thinking of buying another monitor
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thank you

have used this to SHUT DOWN canadians
hate this son of a bitch and how his family says "brudda" like they're native hawaiians
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Except the mixed people will always be heavily outweighed by the 99% Asian Asia, the 99% African Africa. It's just the white people being replaced or subsumed by the others, those mutts won't ever be the race of the future but a small percent who will most likely get absorbed by the other groups.
Wew lad I'm a dubs machine
(Most of the time anyway)
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>just imagined what is must feel like to learn as a kid in mexico about the whole "losing half your country to the burgers" thing and how there is nothing they can do about it
How do I have a hands free orgasm?
should be reading edition
years of practice
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So only whites will be breeded out ? Don't think that once White's are mongrelized that they won't move on to Asians
Thank you so much, anon! ^.^
Ask your gf (male or female) to ride your dick until you cum
>America belongs to the Injuns
>But Mexico belongs to the Mexicans
Globalists pls explain
America is going to be a Castizo country
How about I take after your dad and fuck you(We know you'd like that faggot) and leave you
I can proudly say that I have never had yellow fever
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America is going to be abo one day believe me.
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greater united states.jpg
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They should've lost 2/3rds of their country desu
No it isn't. Even if it does I refuse to race mixing with Hispanics
It's not even bred out, it's mostly straight up replacement. Just look at California, the Hispanics there aren't all being absorbed but growing because of their higher birth rates and immigration rates.

In the UK the number of Whites is decreasing in real numbers not just percentage. Replacement will always outweigh mixing.
these guys are so insane
even for 2nd or 3rd generation ones with a dumb valley girl accent?
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>he wouldn't racemix with this qt who was born in 1997
spilled very hot coffee over foot through shoes. rip
>No LA

Maybe I need to make a trip down to Mexico again and fuck your women.
>and leave you
No, anything but that
I was a Mexican kid once ama
a girl tried talking to me in class today and i didn't try to hold the conversation at all when i found our her major is something retarded
there's just no point after knowing she isn't into vidya
just purchased 50 USD of bitcoin
Do you live in LA itself or just LA County?
Not a fan of zipperheads
pipe down grandpa
You can't take cheesy popcorn and turn it into cracker jack?
That's right boy, you raise your voice at me again and I wont let you swallow next time
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I have an ingrown hair or something on my penis.
I don't have yellow fever but wouldn't reject a girl for being Asian
Would probably marry an Asian if I loved one
Good thing I don't live in commiefornia
>plucking/shaving hairs on your dick
You deserve it
County but my house is 2 mins away from the city

There's 2 of us posters and neither of us lives in LA
Russians are white skinned but not Caucasian, Indians are Caucasian but not white skinned. So if I racemix with a Russian qt, I'll be saving the white race?
how young were you when you found out that Mexico is a shitty country?
Three actually (but hopefully not for very long)
Nigga...where at?
>Only dated out of my race once

>With a poo
*raises paw*
nothing wrong with yellow fever

i can't imagine being with a white girl

they are just so vastly inferior to asians

my asian gf is
more beautiful
and smarter than about 95% of the gene pool in any western country
Long Beach but I might move to Irvine soon
Use a pillow
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We're on opposite ends then but the other poster is in Torrance
oysterbay, im in the mood to purchase memes

guide me to lamboland
>footkrauts never here the same time as taiwan
7 or 8
What a stupid kid
I literally have never shaved.
What's wrong, anon?
>Betraying your own blood

The brainwashing is sinking in.
Both of those places sound insanely boring
Well long beach not so much
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Stop plucking then
I think I'm dumb
Square up nigga
I literally have never plucked.
intelligence is a skill
train it
just bought some LTC too
Meet up how
Alameda and Alondra bring backup
I'll be there nigga
Better duck when ya see me nigga I'm finna pop ya ass bitch nigga aint no one talk shit bout mah hood nigga
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did redditflags stop working
You got beef? Meet me on franklin and highland
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Unironically made me think
For real though where in LB are you from?
I just took a handsome shit
No you will just create a mongrel child
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You know what will fix this? Multiculturalism and loads of immigrants.
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i bought one (1) litecoin
I don't know if men can do it. I'm a girl (and no not a girl (male)) and I make myself orgasm just by thinking, but I only seem to be able to when I'm sleepy. I guess it's kind of like the female version of a wet dream but I'm semi-awake
I just nicked $10 from my mom's wallet
Im gonna go buy weed
The word portfolio pisses me off so much.
>t. 15 years old
Will you by my gf?
>a gram
I'm not actually really from Long Beach. My family moved here from the Bay Area when I was 16 and I went to UC Irvine when I graduated high school. I live near downtown right now though.
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>tfw shitalian shartmerican

women are really weeeeird.

Now i remembered once i had sex on the phone with my ex because i played 2 guitar licks and she got turned on.

shit was weird.
Also I'm going to bed now. See you later buds.
Weed shrinks your brain mass.

Just know what you're getting into
did you play stairway to heaven
no really my extraflagsa rent working i need help.
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>The terrorist who stabbed a Michigan police officer was from Quebec
I warned you Americans about Quebec but do you ever listen?

dont remember

>tfw she will never respond and we will never have a nice family together
h-her loss
Actually never mind, I don't want to go to sleep yet
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just built a new beast
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>tfw have 2 sons
>tfw no daughter to give away to her Black bull on the day of her wedding
you forgot the clown horn
Turn it off and on.
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pepe hoedown.jpg
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Based kekistani
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sargon's voice is like screeching chalk against a board
If I don't get a gf by Monday I'm going to try to get back with my ex.
sargon isn't nearly as fat as i thought he was

uninstalled and installed and nada :(
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Hey leaves.

Where do people get prostitutes in Vancouver and how legal is it?
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im gonna post one random anime reaction image
>Amor Ftouhi
ah yes a very pure laine name
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Asian women btfo.jpg
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>Walk into Asian massage parlour
>"one ching chong pussy please"
lower east side i'd assume considering it's the main shitty part of the city
Straight outta St. Michel
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download (2).jpg
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Download the flag and attach the image everytime you post
I doubt he wants to fuck an HIV-riddled homeless Native woman though.
That depends. Are you a black bull?
>I doubt he wants to fuck an HIV-riddled homeless Native woman though.
why not

live a little
Nope I'm a vehement racist and dislike niggers
But pot coin instead. Thank me in August
Alright, let's assume I have the budget to go above just fucking a chinese hag.
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i need a friend.
Let's roll
Then look for a nice Asian massage parlour
>I would like one (1) happy ending please
>"Aright hord stirr"
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This shit shouldn't make me laugh so much
what is lain about

i wanna watch it
Do you think Daddy Trump ever watches you in your room through the NSA?
i dont like how i see japanese people and sometimes i feel that i look like em.
I want to watch korean dramas, but I also don't want to hate myself.
I've lived in a farm/rural area my whole life and my parents just sold their house. They're moving to some nice condo in Downtown Toronto and want me to visit for a week and check it out. I don't think i'll like it though tbqh. Can't stand the noise, traffic, the smell and all.
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I wish I lived in a rural area desu. It seems comfy.
Let me live inside your world
I want a Mestiza gf
awful thread so far
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Can't say that you're helping make it good.
Mestiza gf is the best /cum/ meme of the season

your welcome.
I've had a Mestiza gf before desu. It's why my dad doesn't want to talk to me.
Never had a gf
lOVE eVeryone here
I like that /int/ is small enough that when I post new images I later see others post them.
VERY good posts
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Cute girls are usually very nice to me, even if they have a bf, and even if I sperg out a little bit they just roll with it
Is this a sign that I'm good looking or am I just too autistic to have a good baseline to go off of?
Won't be having children
Then watch Japanese ones instead.
Start with nobunaga concerto
Shall be having children (I hope)
Are you white?
Shall be having half Mexican children
2 of my cousins did that, the Mexican Father/mother left them and they raise the mongrel alone
I dated the mother of these theoretical children for over six years before I broke up with her. Also this is assuming that I get back together with her.

hate women now
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne is an English fashion model and actress.
i really want my redditflags back
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Cara babby.jpg
32KB, 306x529px
more like an ayy lmao
Try reinstalling GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey
Love is hard for a ____
ice cube
took a 4-hour nap earlier; despite this, will probably head to sleep soon
>tfw 5'5
tell PK in /flag/

there was a problem with the Atlanta server a few months ago and I couldn't use flags for a whole day two months ago

t. Virginia, Henrico County
My mom could stomp on you.
My mom is shorter than me
redditflags were a bad idea
respond to me
new person, same ol' mistakes
idk where the mexican curves meme come from

women here are incredibly petite or build like a bulldozer.
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Good shit
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Thoughts on dissolving illinois?
Kansas is the absolute worst state by any metric

Prove me wrong (you can't)
Give Missouri more land
They are statistically right in the middle, the worst state by any metric is Mississippi
Nice :3
Ugly borders, why do memes make such ugly border?
eating some 'bites (bagel bites)
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hung out with the buds again and went to wally world after
tired of life, buds
nothing makes sense anymore
>tfw you come to the realization that you actually say aboot
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Well then, how about you SMASH THAT MF LIKE BUTTON IT'S RNH
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if you met me IRL would you be my friend
here, have a (you) cara


I know some cool mexicans, and some that are absolute cunts
lmao no

i really don't need a (You) desu, here have it back.

if anything im in need of some warmth at 1 am that only /cum/ can give me.
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Poos for Trump.jpg
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I have never seen someone wearing a 4chan related article of clothing irl before tbqhwyfamalam
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What should we call this style?
Smelly shitskin Indian bastard
Based lad who hates gloablist cuckolds
now I want In n out

thanks clackmyass
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Poos praying for Trump 3.jpg
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The poos got Vishnu to make Trump win though
Don't care still hate em
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>when you click the picture and it starts fading
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swollen poo.jpg
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But they produce the most lovely human beings
reply to me
>tfw too smart
Wow I would totally let them Immigrate here on h1b visas
never knew why people mock those with less luck than them.
henrico, what's up with you nowadays
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2 poos stuck together.webm
3MB, 640x360px
Quite the people these poos
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will NOT be falling for steam's shitty deals this year
i have the house to the self until friday and i found my underage brother's beer stash so i've been drinking it
he had several cases of really shitty beers in his closet

also i just got turned down fron the only internship ii applied to at the local news station so lmao
that's kind of cute desu

I wonder if it's still alive.
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Poo fingers.jpg
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>a mexican sympathizes with poor brown people
Fascinating... :^)
videogames are reaching to a point of such image quality that they look really ugly, idk how to explain, not polished, look like ugly renders.
Watching Elsa Jean get BLACKED buds
heartwarming, but they'll probably be dead from medical complications in 20 years

we're all in the same boat, bud
this is my only source of human contact outside of work a couple days a week
Hindus actually like having these deformed kids because they make money showing the children off as Hindu god avatars or something iirc
the first time i watched toy story in HD i was surprised of how ugly it was.

thats how videogames are starting to look like.
A dream fortress
what game would you use as an example?

pt barnum would enjoy india
samurai metropolis
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>tfw still rank 6
wonder how he trims those nails

the new assasins creed

i watched the new digital foundry video on a friend 4k screen and even if it was 4K™ there are parts that i felt it looked really ugly like the owl or the grass.
in what?

Try not to cringe.
i have no human contact outisde of my father bitching about me not leaving the house and my mother saying i'm mentally ill

my little brother is alright though
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>tfw political parties try to appeal to young people
you're such a faggot

when redditflags stop acting funny ill make a new list.
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24KB, 288x499px
You mean like the Far Cry 2 look? Where the textures are really really bland? Like monochrome gradient bland?
booker is easily unlikable
Did you reinstall GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey like I said?

Yes, thank you man.

The IQ make that shit look super awful.
Yes i did, probably what Henrico said, their servers acting funny.
I liked it better when cara was roleplaying as a divorcee
I want to bully you more, but I'm too nice.

He really comes off as an ass. I don't like any of the democratic "rising star" meme senators desu.
They work fine for me.

That literally never happened, he is a different person from me, he lives in the same city as me though.
I feel the same way. My little brother is the only person who empathizes with me. I love my mom and dad but I don't have the best relationship with them. They're very neurotic and make my life needlessly difficult.
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