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Do Germans get mad about how many times Jewish movies portrait

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Do Germans get mad about how many times Jewish movies portrait you as evil?

Every year you see a new Hollywood movie about WWII showing how evil fascists are.

No one gives a shit to communists desu.
>No one gives a shit to communists desu.
cuz they didnt start ww2 despite killing just as many innocents if not more. the winners write history (^:
I definitely get mad. War movies always only show one side but what do you want to do? History is written by the victors.
>cuz they didnt start ww2

>No one gives a shit to communists desu.

Jewlywood will mever make a movie about Holodomor.
germans started it first and then went on to conquer other countries. Russia conquered other countries as well but no one cares as much because they helped beat Germany and they are less relevant
I used to get mad about that. But i don't watch movies or tv anymore (and that's one of the reasons why)
Brainwashed: the post
Because the Communists did not kill so many innocent people (well-to-do corrupt people and religious fanatics do not count). The Communists did not raise the theory of superiority and enslavement. Many people were saved from genocide, and they now say "thank you" (irony)
>Do Germans get mad about how many times Jewish movies portrait you as evil?
That doesn't stop them from being evil though.
They just show the truth
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They did do it very recently actually
It was bretty good
r u from pol
>Bitter Harvest received generally negative reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 10% approval rating, based on 52 reviews.

Ukraine BTFO
the holocaust was a blatant overexaggeration imo, but the nazis did destroy a lot of cities for no reason, invade many peaceful countries and did try to enslave slavs and jews and put them in labor camps

the thing they didn't do was try to outright exterminate jews. but they did try to kill off a huge chunk of them, also homos, gypsies and poles
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You'll see the truth soon enough.

This is a Canadian movie

>Because the Communists did not kill so many innocent people

How many Pepes do you want, Ivan?
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>No one gives shit to communists
(except losing the war because Hitler thinks he is a military genius)
>despite killing just as many innocents
During the war?
Hang yourself, senpai.

No one will get punched for wear Guevara or Stalin's t-shirts.
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This polish movie about ukrainian nazis killing polish qts was better. Very sad.
Banderaphiles weren't innocent and deserved to be hanged.
Muh "хoлoдoмop was genocide"

I'm not so sure about the Stalin shirt, but it's funny to compare Guevara to hitler

Nigga, only in Ukraine and Poland commies are seen as evil.
You've clearly never been to the us
Russia gets really good at making movies. I cant wait for them to make warmovies.

I watched 'Admiral' from 2008 was pretty good.

Add Venezuela to your list.


America even has Lenin statues
Americans don't really know what communism is
This is a FAKE movie
Polish women aren't qt, they are whores
They don't even have any ukrainians in their shitty movie because everyone knew how untrue the made up ukrainian characters are
Seattle doesn't count as the us
>Russia gets really good at making movies. I cant wait for them to make warmovies.
I hope that was an irony. If you really want to vomit that hard watch "Утoмлeнныe coлнцeм 2" or "Cтaлингpaд". Can't imagine shittier movies about WWII.
Fuck off commie
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neither have you
we love communism now
both the leftists and on the right
>cuz they didnt start ww2
Finland, the Balts and Poland would disagree.
>t. Ukrainian diaspora
>Wolyn massacre never happened
>Ukrainian Insurgent Army did nothing wrong
Punch yourself in the face, really hard. Please.
Admiral was about WW1 and the Bolshevik uprising. Its the more interesting part about russias history anyways.
Watch Fortress of War

And for actual kino, Come and See and The Star (2002)
Stalingrad was really good
I cheered when that traitor whore got killed
Russia makes some gems like Brest Fortress. I liked that one. That recent Stalingrad movie was absolute shit though, worse than Hollywood.
t. Bandera

I'm pretty sure average Venezuelans want to execute every communist now. They destroyed every hope for Venezuela.
>germans started it first and then went on to conquer other countries.
Where do you get your information?



I know, I watched it. Back in 2008 I liked it too. Still it's a bit controversial movie because of how Kolchak's personality was depicted. And also this fight in the beginning of the movie never happened in reality.
>m not so sure about the Stalin shirt, but it's funny to compare Guevara to hitler
He was arguably a nastier han being in person he just like arguably the most developed nation in the world at that time.

Do you know what it's worse? Seeing lot of retards with communists flags in West, I want to kick their faces. I will die and I will never see a movie about how communists were cruel and evil in China.
Fuck off Kremlinbot
Do you have proof of this so called ""massacre""??
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was only defending themselves against the COMMUNIST Polish Army. If they were just left alone, there would be no fights.
We aren't big fans of commies desu.
Well if you want to go for precision and events that actually happend then you shouldnt see a single american warmovie ever.
so? fully aware of all of that. germany started world war 2. russia did not start world war 2. they started smaller wars

Venezuela is literally collapsing man. Their people are literally eating trash in our borders. Mainstream media will boycott everything.
Only complete retards and losers with no purpose in life who want to feel themselves important get assmad about war which happened over 72 years ago.
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>UPA apologist
disgusting, go back to >>>/pol/
Nigger I'm from florida
How do we save venezuela? ;_;
>Armia Krajowa was communist
>germans were good guys
>I didn't read the articles I've send to you but still they are my "proves"
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People don't make many movies, books or even games portraying the german side of the story because they 'think' if they do that they will be acknowledging that Hitler was somewhat right. Which is not entirely true.
>Der Untergang
>Unsere muetter, unsere vaeter
it's actually pretty good gore
Also Das Boot and the original Stalingrad
The fuck are those paintings?
>don't make many
I didn't say none at all. Learn how to read, faggot.
Fuck off Czslaw, go clean toilets in your own country
You act Poles didn't commit atrocities far worse than that of even Nazis

Whatever, the point is they were defending territories, not invading like the Poles who should've just minded their own fucking business
Torture porn by up by a sick group of sadists known as "P*les"
>implying poles weren't genociding germans so Hitler (pbuh) had to intervene
>Divide up Central/Eastern Europe before the war
>Plan and carryout joint invasion of Poland
>It doesn't count because we followed 15 days after the Nazis.

Steiner Das eiserne Kreuz
All quiet on the western front (ww1)
>It doesn't count because we followed 15 days after the Nazis.
yulp, that's right. germany beat russia to it by several days, making germany the one to start ww2
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>movies showing how evil fascists are
Ah i see the population is retarded, youve never met a fascist and neither did they, I am a Fascist, I want world peace, world disarmament, social justice, 1 state 1 people, economic unity.
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>implying poles were genociding germans
You are really desperate, don't you?
So what's your point, Hitler dindu nuffin and Soviet efforts to destroy the Nazis should be forgotten?
Trust me, I'm a /pol/ historian. Good job with the jews btw
If my neighbors do not disarm then I mst arm myself, the soviets didnt sign geneva convention nor were disarming themselves but arming themselves while Germany was disarmed and so Germany has disarmed but the rest did not want to.

And so Germany had no guarantees for tgeir soveriegnty while the others asked of Germany fir such while giving no reason for safety to Germany or any means of cooperation.
The worst war-related film I saw recently was Passchendale to be honest.
and only idiots think that war didn't have consequences that can still be felt to this day
Canadians can't do anything right
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Poles were more barbaric than Nazis ever were
They slaughtered millions of innocent Germans
Oh how the mighty have fallen...

true, russia mass-murdered innocents during peacetime
I used to be angry and sad that this (in combination with our incompetent selfish government) actually helps making people hate us even more .
But at some point I stopped giving a fuck.
No it's that the Soviets and Hitler jointly started the war. The Soviets being part of MR and joining in the invasion of Poland (planned before the Germans started into Poland). It makes them no different than the second robber through the door during a bank robbery. They are equally at fault.
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>the Soviets and Hitler jointly started the war.
american education.
why do you deny the facts?
Why Americans can't into strategy? Is it because you never fought any war on your own territory?

We wouldn't win war against Germany without annexing these territories and preventing our early participation in globar war by Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. It is widely know that Westernies tried to prevent their own participation in the war and make Hitler to fight only with USSR though. That's why your propaganda was fedding you this bullshit for the last 70 years.
How exactly do Russians defend Molotov-Ribbentrop? It does seem a little hypocritical given your invective about the Germans.
blyat it was only to gain a defensive edge

t. russian
There are more movies shitting on Russians than on Germans, you useless Germanboo.
Major examples?
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Rambo 2
Rambo 3
Rocky IV
Enemy at the Gates - Russians are all fat, Asians or Arabs and fight bare handed against tall blonde haired Germans who never miss a single shot
Black Sea - Brits are all attractive, skilled and intelligent while Russians are brown, drunk and crazy, after the they find the gold, the Brits want to share the gold equally while Russians want to kill the crew and keep all the gold. Then the submarine gets damaged and dooms the entire crew, because of who? the Russians of course.
Eastern Promises - Russians traffic women and sell children all over London, they're also always drunk and if you mess with them they will rip your uterus off, chop all your fingers and dump your body in the river.
Gravity - Junk Russian satellite damages cutting edge technology American satellite and nearly kills Americans.

Not to mention all minor Russian characters in Marvel movies or Netflix series who are always drunks or mafia guys. Germans are always portrayed as noble supersoldiers in movies.

>Brits are all attractive, skilled and intelligent while Russians are brown, drunk and crazy

Accurate as fuck. Russians are ugly asian mongrels. Western Euro men are way more attractive.

And Russia is 1000 times more evil than Germany. Accurate again.

This. Russian men are fugly and British men tend to be atractive, especially from Wales. Nothing wrong about that.
I could think of double as many more where they shit on us.
And no, just because they show us as "le cool intelligent blonde blue eyed" supersoldiers doesn't mean they don't shit on us.
They just want to make their victory more impressive for the audience.
You can try watching "Чиcтилищe" by Nevzorov. It is about Chechen war and, despite having an ameteurish air, it is actually a good movie and fun to watch at that.
I think Stalin knew the USSR wasn't ready to go to war against Germany, that's why he tried to prevent a direct confrontation for as long as possible

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Dindu nuffin!
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