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>america has never lost a war Are they right?

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>america has never lost a war

Are they right?
No but they've lost very few which is still pretty impressive.
America gained the world but lost her soul.
Which ones did we lose?
Bay of Pigs Invasion, Red Cloud's War and arguably Vietnam.
When did it all go wrong?
Two of those aren't even real wars .
>t-those don't count
Didn't you lose a war to some kind of birds or something?
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Wow never heard that one before so funny
They also got shot up on a beach by Turks and had to be rescued from Japan by Americans, after which at least 25,000 estimated Australian women married American servicemen, but...
>t-those don't count, look at this unrelated bullshit
Then again, Mexico has never really won a war either unless maybe the war of independence against Spain.
You jelly Mexico? Wall's coming soon
Here we go:

>Revolutionary War
>War of 1812
Win or stalemate depending on how you look at it
>Indian Wars
>Mexican War
>Civil War
>Spanish-American War
>Korean War
Won or stalemate depending on how you look at it
>Vietnam War
>Gulf War
>Afghanistan War
>Iraq War
that's because we've mostly been at war with third-world shitholes
Big deal, half of Britain's wars were also against brown and black people.
War of 1812
USA has the clear advantage of being 6000 miles away from any other relevant country
idk desu

>It should not have been surprising that young women would fall for the charms of these foreigners, but it wasn't too long before the sentiment in some quarters echoed that of the British cry that GIs were ''overpaid, oversexed and over here''.
>A new book, however, challenges the popular perception that when the Yanks came to town, it was only the easy and fast-living local girls who succumbed to those charms. Arrowsmith, who conducted her research for the book as part of a doctorate at Macquarie University, says the figures indicate that marriages between Australian women and American servicemen were not generally made in haste and challenged stereotypes which categorised these women as ''good time girls'' and ''one-night stands''.
>She writes that the women's backgrounds crossed all class boundaries, that most brides loyally waited two to four years to sail to the US at the end of the war during ''Operation War Bride'' and that few returned to live in Australia.
what i'm saying is that "wars won" isn't necessarily a good measure of military strength
lyl look at us we're taking your women so ebic XD
If we lost that the British would be in control of the united states

Try again
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i bet if we won they would be
War of 1812
Vietnam War
>won the war
>lost the occupation
It's not hard
pyrrhic victories
the goal of that war was American annexation of Canada, which failed.
yes I agree they were pyrrhic
Just because you continue existing as a country doesn't mean you didn't still lose you fucking moron.

I guess Germany didn't lose WWI either because they weren't annexed by anyone.
I wish it had succeeded...

Please do it again.
>Just because you continue existing as a country doesn't mean you didn't still lose you fucking moron.
Also wrong. It's like both you and >>76311470 are both retarded.

There are existential wars and there are non-existential wars. Typically, existential wars involve being invaded and possibly annexed, so if you lose... you really lose. Game over, you're Vichy France or worse, a partitioned Poland.

The USA has lost quite a few of its non-existential wars. We lost in Vietnam, we failed Iraq's occupation, and Korea was a half-success. Despite losing or half-losing many of those, our country was never threatened. Losing Vietnam didn't destroy the USA. We were, and are, fine.

>I guess Germany didn't lose WWI either because they weren't annexed by anyone.
They were completely at France and the UK's mercy, which came in the form of reparations. Their industry was puppeted and for the most part, they weren't a sovereign state. Their entire economic structure was put into a chastity belt, which caused hyperinflation and allowed Hitler to rise up based on the savage cucking.

Germany was puppeted about as hard after WW1 as the USA did to Japan after WW2, but in the latter case we opened up our economy, traded with them, and restructured their form of government in a positive way, not a punitive way. But it could have gone just like Germany did, if we were half as retarded as Britain and France.

Losing an existential war puts your entire country in the hands of foreigners. Just because it doesn't turn out badly doesn't mean that it couldn't have.
>America fought in ww1 and ww2
lol is there's any proof?
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looks like somethin jewish
that's our specialty, my bolshevik friend
We (technically) have never lost a war.
If you look at >>76311210 all the conflicts after WWII technically aren't wars as Congress approved troops but did not officially declare war.
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>Anglo siblings fighting
wow cute

>Lards will deny this
Good post desu

I live in Mississippi, and we're expecting a huge tropical cyclone in about a week. Unfortunately I dont have enough melanin in me to survive such a disaster, but these kangs were clearly built to last here.
They lost the Civil War.
They also won the Civil War
couldn't you also say that we lost the civil war
Sweden has never lost a war prove me wrong.
no. the confederacy didn't even fly a US flag.

Nigga we are still dying there
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We have, though. A couple times to Denmark even. But I guess the most significant time Sweden lost was to Russia during the Great Northern War.

We have won a bunch of times as well of course. Vietnam being the first that comes to mind.
The reason we went to war was to stop the british from aiding the anti-american-expansionist Tecumseh Confederacy, which we destroyed. Annexing Canada was almost an afterthought. Sort of a "lets see how far we can take this thing" kind of goal.

In a similar vein, the War in Iraq's goal was to remove Saddam, which was a success. Leaving behind a stable and democratic state was sort of an afterthought, which is part of the reason we fucked up so much on that account.
>we losing

No dude, Russia never reached Stockholm. In face NO ONE HAS. We have won every war.
I'd say we won in Iraq, since Saddam was killed. However, we only removed the Taliban from part of Afghanistan. They were never totally destroyed, so I wouldn't even call Afghanistan a pyrrhic victory.

Iraq was a real victory, since it was never our original war aim to create a stable democratic state. Like, if Japan fell into civil war and chaos after WWII, I wouldn't use that metric to say that we lost the War in the Pacific, even though we tried to stabilize Japan after V-J Day.
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>since it was never our original war aim to create a stable democratic state
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they lost and are still losing the war on terror
Stellar post.

I want to add that Americans were much better at picking their own fights and achieving their objectives in the past. The invasions of Grenada and Panama or the First Gulf War were examples of what a superpower can do in a short time. The world feared the USA. However, after the end of the Cold War, I don't know what happened with American leadership but their wars don't make sense anymore or they don't know what to do with their military power. Like the Somalian screw-up, arming mujahideen in Bosnia, siding with UÇK terrorists in Kosovo (an expensive price for Camp Bondsteel imo), the invasions of the 21st century, siding with Al Qaeda against Syria and so on. It's like the disappearance of the USSR confused them to this day.
Vietnam deff was. Plus half of us lost the Civil War. Jus sayin'
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Lol, once Britain had a war in Malaya but couldn't call it a war for insurance reasons so they called it the Malayan Emergency. It was basically the British vietnam except we just rounded up most the entire population and put them into camps until they decided to stop wanting communism.
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>the War in Iraq's goal was to remove Saddam, which was a success.

Americans are indeed the best for entertainment.
Yes because They don't count third-world shithole as a country.
a few against indians as well
How could you possibly call 1812 a win? You invaded and got ejected, you avoided an outright loss against a country busy fighting it's neighbour but that's about it.
>Be American
>Invade your neighbour for a sandwich
Holy hell, you fat fucks.

On July 12, 1812, General William Hull led an invading American force of about 1,000 untrained, poorly equipped militia across the Detroit River and occupied the Canadian town of Sandwich
Hello darkness my old friend

Another corpse to bury
What about the 'War on Drugs'? How is that going?
Pick up a history book, you ding-dong.
My family fled here from Vietnam in the 70s, I wish Americans had finished the job and killed all commie rats.
The goal of the war was primarily to stop British impressment of American sailors. Ironically, it didn't need to be fought because Parliament voted to stop doing this about three months before war was declared, however in the days of sailing ships it took weeks to cross the Atlantic, so James Madison asked for a declaration of war while having no idea that Britain had ceased impressment.
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>Germany hasn't never win world war.
Oh boy, here we go.
>Like the Somalian screw-up, arming mujahideen in Bosnia, siding with UÇK terrorists in Kosovo (an expensive price for Camp Bondsteel imo), the invasions of the 21st century, siding with Al Qaeda against Syria and so on

It's an interesting coincidence that most of those were carried out by Democrat presidents.
>brits give up on trying to fight a bunch of pissed off American farmer guerillas
Hell yeah, we won the war! USA USA USA
>Americans give up on trying to fight a bunch of pissed off vietamese farmer guerillas
Hell yeah, we won the war! USA USA USA!
You're not in that war, you stupid spic. Your socialism PM pulled all your troops in 2005.
Nobody is saying we won the Vietnam war though.
Except, OP asked if America never lost a war.
Murrika lost Viet Nam.
The OP made an intentional b8 though, so the question should be rendered moot.
>In face NO ONE HAS

Other than a million or so Somalis and Syrians.
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That's a good one.
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>This thread
American media is making Americans mentally ill
We accomplished our mission, dumbass.
lost the war against drugs, the war against terrorism and the war against themselves.
Fuck off. It was a legit queation,because my brother is one of thoes hyper patriot Republicans (Reagan #1, 50s was the best etc)
>Bay of Pigs
not a war
not arguably
yes but britain has also been in wars against european powers for a thousand years
>North Vietnam
>Supported by various communist states
>And Sweden

Oh, and also Canada.

Did you know that North Vietnam was conducting more trade and business with Western Europe than they were the Soviet Union and China?
The Malaya emergency was an exception in counter-insurgency wars. The point is that a large portion of Malayan communists were ethnic Chinese, and Southeast Asians don't complain when they are told it's Chink slaughtering season. So the British counted on the help of ethnic Malays and were totally successful.
>and Southeast Asians don't complain when they are told it's Chink slaughtering season
For example, Indonesia is well known for being a center of extreme McCarthyism and one of the few countries that explicitly bans communist parties and symbols. The 1965 coup resulted in the near-total obliteration of leftists in the country, and for the most part they just consider communism to be a front for Chinese imperialism.
The one exception to the rule is possibly Cambodia who are relatively pro-Beijing, in this case because they hate Vietnam more.
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