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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 57

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The eyes of your true love edition
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hitler doomed white people forever
unironic neo nazis are literal pondscum
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fuck the UK
to me, that is superior, and I doubt you can make an argument to the contrary
am soon 21, too late to fix my life :(
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miss the ex gf
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Do you guys enjoy your jobs?
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having serious trouble typing at the moment. making constant mistakes and cant type as fast as i could before

feel like my brain is breaking. this comes in tandem with a feeling of near constant light-headedness, disassociation and general lack of coordination
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i don't live off mummy's money
went to uni while living at home, so i saved up all my loan money lel
still, gotta get a job
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utter normoid runts who apparently make up 80% of the population
More like the JewK
post with the semen on the aimne
oioi Tommy Robinson putting it straight
Lads why are cargo shorts so in style with american men?
You can recognise Hitler from just his eyes, very interesting

*Scribbles on notepad*
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you arrive in the UK (north)
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*blocks your path*
kissing the bf :3
seems mental that it would exist
love it when other people die in terror attacks and fire accidents
love cats
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>having serious trouble typing at the moment. making constant mistakes and cant type as fast as i could before
Members clubs are an Imperial style tradition that is now only an upper/middle class thing

Its a social club + bar, usually with a fantastically old and luxurious premises.

>networking - youll be introduced to people who might give you a leg up in life later down the line
>social - youll make new friends
>entertainment - taking someone as a guest to the Members Bar is always impressive

They all have different requirements to join, but usually theres a system where you have to be elected to join by 2 existing members and approved by a majority of the rest

Travellers Club: you used to have to make one intercontinental journey before being allowed to become members (which in the 1800s was a big deal)

House of St Barnabus: must have personally tutored and helped a homeless person

Hong Kong Club: must be English
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really find these girls cute lads

it's very easy and i don't work long hours
why not just open these houses if there is a crisis

don't even need any new towns
>I wish this was my house
doing a think
hate when people deny they like seeing terror attacks and riots and chaos
it's just cowardly and dishonest
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BIG apartments kbh.jpg
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apartment tetris haha
anime watching idea: kill la kill
where did you get this picture of the /brit/ meetup?
I've gotta say, that graffiti is quite funny.
they're not fit for habitation
fucking nonce
dont care
>Hong Kong Club: must be English

I think I might join the Freemasons
could requisition them for the grenfell tower survivors
imagine being the one friend at a sleepover not wearing underwear
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it's pretty obvious mate.
no, i'm constantly paranoid someone's out to kill me
Quick lads

Which movie should I watch? The Social Network or Iron Man?
overrated meme show

watch something better imo
oh, is that so?

*filters you*
iron man is the 2nd best capeshit ever made
watch that
don't wanna be that guy but thats a pretty common trait of generally declining mental health, maybe talk to your geep?
hate this gimmick architect
how dear you >:^(
comic book movies are utter gash so social network
what do you work as?
what's the best? batman?
if it was just that then they would be repaired so they could start charging rent on them.

the area must be shitty
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tommy alludes to wales being a hotbed for far-right groups

is there truth to this?
Unbreakable, by M Night Smhamjajsjajanalan
he makes nice spaces at a fairly strong density. one trick pony (angles and everyone gets a balcony) and he's a cunt but his good buildings are really good
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so what, he can give me useless advice and prescribe me meme medication? no thanks

plus my mental health feels fine despite being a lonely, broke loser stuck in a dead end job
it's rorke version of the afghan caves
Subject is so enamoured and/or obsessed with Hitler that he thinks knowing his eyes must be common. Subject may be delusional in this matter.

it makes more money if they knock them down and build some new builds which are barely any better and charge people stupid amounts of money for them
if i told you where i worked or what i did id have to kill you
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what the fuck
dont then
do you seriously think you know how to deal with mental health better than a qualified professional?
back from work lads
same. totally pointless because i have to ask everyone's name again the next time i meet them, and vice versa
My dad has apparently been in it for 40 odd years and never mentioned it to me once.

One of the guys that invited me mentioned and my mum just told me not to ask him about it
would unironically detonate a 1 megaton nuclear explosive device in london killing millions if i were given the choice

dont even care if i were killing wogs or white people id just want normies to die
if i told you where i worked or what i did id have to kill myself

just put salt on peanut butter and now i am a new man oh jesus its so good
do you have to say your name whilst meeting them
several of the prominent members of National Action and other splinter groups from the BNP were Welsh
Good lad

You're not supposed to tell people
usually your boss does it for you
also have you seen his proposal for two WTC?
>guy i know goes on a bender last night
>drives home drunk and smashes up a few cars including the company car he was driving
>vomits on the car

ESFJs need to be rounded up and flayed alive
going to sleep goodnight
got a big old willy 'twixt my legs
demolition and build cost though.

they're probably waiting for markets which will shoot up when the council declares the area a regeneration zone and pumps in millions.

should just requisition it from the start
If you're too poor, they accuse you of envy; too rich, of hypocrisy; too young, of being naive; too old, of being a dinosaur
just start recording audio on your phone and write the names down afterwards if you're that autistic
no one cares and everyone knows you'll forget anyway
doctors are useless a good deal of the time when it comes to mental health
quite nice actually
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yes exactly, which is why it's pointless.
Hail Satan 2bqh
nah the quote is

When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality
people say that but ill never forget my psychiatrist, Matthew Evans

he saved my life, 100%
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>don't need some tramp up a mountain to know I'm primed
these nonce hunting videos on youtube are fun to watch but id have thought theyd constitute entrapment
GAGGING to have a plane flown into it
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it was the best of times

it was the worst of times
if you kidnap and rape children suddenly they want to label you a 'nonce'
asked my mates to go interrailing and they said theyre fine with sleeping in the park lol
Doing my MSc thesis on Rape lads.

(agricultural science)
bit grim that there's now right wing runts (likely english) running around wales, given how it sent more people to the international brigades in spain than any other part of britain
they do sometimes, and probably 60% of the time the nonce gets off scotfree because of the way the show handles it
slavs aren't human
*blocks shift*
*plane crashes into the sea*
heh, nothin personnel
imagine being a male isfp
must be pretty pathetic
>majority of the rest

usually has to be unanimous I thought?

Aren't clubs where "black balling" comes from?
entrapment is only a thing if the police do it afaik
wouldn't make much sense otherwise, as you could just claim someone gave you the gun and told you to kill
*places a magnifying glass over "they"*
is this that romanian deadlift I've been hearing about?

I thought entrapment is only for genuine law enforcement officers like the police or bailiffs etc.
dont think any prosecution comes from it

they just get the police to take them down the station on suspicion and release
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the /r9k/ /britfeel/ OP images are works of art

really hope a cyber-historian comes across them in the future and collects them in an archive to study
looks pretty fun to be honest
Would a major howl if this happened
Got an ulcer on my tongue

Fucking hurts
it varies
but youre right, now i think about it
i can only think of 2 clubs that do a majority, the rest are unanimous like you say
imagine NOT being ENTP
imagine not being good at literally everything
What an utter waste of time
imajun moi shock does it again
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>Women have it harder
Literally me

I'm still a bit weird but interviews and things are great.
russia is a terrifying place
right wingers
Probably not hard to pass anyway as long as you toe the line and are reasonably popular. Not hard to do.
how much more crowded can these images possibly get?
am an ENTP and if I didn't have procrastination ruining my productivity I would be a god-king among men
brilliant. whyd they take pakipoo off?
imagine NOT being a Sagittarius
lucky, good with women and always kind
wow such a rough life so tragic
i dont really know the rools

some of them were saying they have "100% conviction rate"
>replying to it
I see you're new around here
Not really their fault desu

There's a massive shortage of psychiatrists in the UK atm and treatment of mental health requires a lot of repeated follow-ups with the same doctor and good rapport (which is hard nowadays when most people see a different GP every time they go in).
I'd trade my life for having to hear those things occasionally in a second
really fires the neurons why rorkes stick to him and molyneux like flies on shit
yes, procrastination is our only curse really
I'm ENTP and have recently worked past my procrastination.

The result has been the best year of my life in terms of personal success.
got another 2MB
the calendar on the bottom right corner is always the real kicker for me

fuck, how has half a year gone past already
Why do you think ENTP is so good?
because he's right?
tbf the guys that've invited me are both alcoholics who get loose lipped at around 12 pints of Export
чтo ты гoвopишь o poccии cyкa
I know you're the same person. You might as well trip up too
>You're formula feeding? That's not good for the baby.
That *is* not good for the baby, though.
Sound like true masons then
Any Jane Jacobs man in?
i literally disregard every single yank comment because youre a bunch of dumb inferior rorkes who elected a moron
why do normies love edgar wright and think he's a genius when he can only do 1 comic style in all movies
i got ENTP but I'm afraid if I take another test I'll get a different result
Seem to go between ENTP and INTP

Think I switch between introverted and extraverted and I'm not sure if it's slight bipolar or something
>I disregard any information that doesn't fit my agenda
huh... that's atypical for a very intelligent lefty like yourself
natural improvisers, excellent at reading people, the most Promethean of all the types, highly ambitious

is an extrovert but not in the normie sense, just in that they're very good at studying people and being around them. Autists very good at acting like normies.
ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to waggle your willy like a willy wanking bishop;;')) ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to waggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wanking star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywanking game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to wank our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))
GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wanking your willy!!!
step #2
move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))
you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be goy wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by waggling THEIR willies;)))
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>130 iq
>7" penis
>7/10 face
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>i literally disregard every single yank comment because youre a bunch of dumb inferior rorkes who elected a moron
>Mummy May isn't a moron
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is this haram
I'm a Leo, the best personality type and i've got a great week coming up
shes so fucking gorgeous it makes me sad
ENTPs are the least extroverted of all the extroverts so that makes sense
I used to consistently get INTP when I was younger and still a bit of a spergoid but now I consistently get E's across the board
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Why yes, I do think Myers-Briggs "test" is more than just a crock of shite
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are riley part 1

part 2 incoming
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making a stir fry
gonna have a cheeky 3 pints before bed tbqh
esfj detected
Does sound a bit like me. I'm probably normie by 4chan standards but I don't necessarily feel like it.

True on the improvisation particularly. The best rush is getting put in front of people and having to think on your feet to do a presentation or something.

I did a debate in uni of the top of my head and won it with 100% of the vote.
mummy may wasnt elected, she got in on a technicality that being david cameron resigning
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>i literally disregard every single yank comment because youre a bunch of dumb inferior rorkes who elected a moron
t. begins with an I and includes and F

you just don't ike it because it exposes your betaness
>study the types
>can identify what type someone is if you know them
>they do the test
>they get the result you thought they were

it's honestly decent
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are riley part 2
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basking smugly in my ENTP aura
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are you me
There was an election two weeks ago brainbox
Not sure if I'm just naturally growing out of the old 'pression or if spanking a few pills has somehow changed how I think

Which is odd, 'cause they're more associated with causing depression
>ivy educated literal billionaire with a hot wife and a fuckload of white children

fuck off rasheed
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did you mean to post this
hope they got burned at the stake for this
It's a good feeling know we'll be a success if we try.
imagine having drumpf as your leader. just imagine it.
>ENTPs may have a perverse sense of humor and sometimes play devil's advocate, which can create misunderstandings with friends, coworkers, and family.
anyone else raised by a narcassistic single mother?
think id quite like to be a policeman but apparently its well hard
ENTP is literally "heh nothin personnel...kidd": the type though
Having white children makes you smart?
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voted hillary unironically
PJW is a ponce but he's correct in what he says the majority of the time. The only video i can recall where he made an utter knob of himself was when he said depression is a made up illness. I watched the video you linked and he was totally right about the double standards employed now that it was a white terrorist.
got a weekend/summer job as a whitewater raft guide. am spending virtually no time on 4chan. hanging out with friends everyday. getting drunk and smoking reef everyday. no longer a khv just a kv.

i think i'm going to make it.
mite b cool
always enjoyed incognito paul scholes above the man having a stroke
That's more the INTP/J though
all I have to do is switch on and the world is literally mine

but i'll do that later
I don't have to imagine it. I get to live the liberal butthurt every single day. Trump's plan is to eventually have enough that we can harvest it as a natural energy source.
ISTP here lads
Good lad

Just eventually get around to it though.
>donald trumps press team have banned cameras and microphones from their pressconferences
ahahahaha wtf
how on earth are they going to spin this i wonder
watching a film then going to bed
will be waking up at 1pm tomorrow whilst you runtoids are at work
>you know hitler single handedly fixed the german economy? he also united the country in desperate times. also there's no real evidence for the holocaust.
Better call saul is better than breaking bad
better then a substitute snowboard instructor
Boyhood must've completely missed the mark with brits. They can't relate
really, really do not get along with S types

feel like they're all unintelligent
have you cut contact?
i'm going to cut contact when I finish university. I'm worried that I'll feel guilty about it because she's lonely and has literally no one else in her life.
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the gf
no, and you're me
Same with Fs
got called a cuck on /r/socialism
Yeah and we still don't have a government, mong.
Was that the film about the lad and his da and his ma? Filmed over 15 years or something. I enjoyed it, it was relatable. It's relatable for anuone who has parents that had marriage troubles during childhood
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le texas face.png
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in texas, they pledge allegiance to the state of texas AND then to the country every morning at school
Howling at you
Stupid boy got a gun for his 13th birthday? What the fuck?
can't stand virgos or geminis
Love improv me
also this

fuck em
Can't stand you
whats wrong with that exactly?

the gf is a virgo and she's a sweetheart
>white terrorist - free recruitment drive for isis
>muslim terrorist - a few rorkes in the daily mail comments section or /pol/ or facebook

see the difference
What's an S type?

What's an F type?
You're a virgo

INFPs were made for fucking though
Cannot understand what trump's playing at
like I could understand parts of his campaign and the playing the media stuff but I can't see a way to spin what he's doing now as anything but egotistical and retarded
I'd like to understand why so that I can know yankistan is in good hands but I just can't it's so confusing
Yeah thats weird. 13 is pretty late to get a gun for your bday in america.
shadilay my brothers

i trust you've all gotten your daily dose of sargon and molyneux?
I would be interested to know the types of the people I interact with most actually

I think i probably hang around with lots of I's, F's and S's despite being a superior ENTP
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it'll all be ok lad
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But Hillary
on my 5th beer now, starting to feel the effects
>Sensing people focus on the present, they are "here and now" people, who are factual and process information through the five senses. They see things as they are, they are concrete thinkers.

>Feeling refers to how people make decisions. Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values. They are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others based on feelings and extenuating circumstances.
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have you train-hopped /brit/?
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Shadilay fellow Kekistani!
always laugh at them
/r9k/ file size limit is 2mb
did i did good?
nobody ever said he wasn't egotistical
you can vote with out your polling card.
you just go to the station tell them your name and address, they'll cross it off the list and give you a ballot. this means you can say anyone's name an address and when they turn up to vote they'll have a whole hassle to explain that they're not trying to vote twice.

they won't make it compulsory to bring your polling card until this becomes a significant issue.

Gives me an idea
time to take 50mg of oxycodone and drive to subway
Yanks are an embarrassment to the world
i'll always root for the underdog whether i agree them it or not
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all intp reply to this post
ENTP here
I lie to everyone I meet about even mundane things
I get that feeling are emotional retards, but I don't get the sensing thing. Doesn't everyone do that?
whats the s/n for?
can barely feel anything until my 4th beer these days

remember the time one bottle of corona used to get me buzzed
I'm honest but I often embellish
Weird how ENTPs are notorious liars but also notorious for being brutally honest

My mother used to work in a school and one of the kids died because he tried to hop across the top of the trains to get to the other platform but one train started to move, he fell down the gap between the carriages and got torn to pieces
I used to lie loads but now im extra truthful, even about moderately embarassing things so when I need to drop a big one its more effective
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used to be one of those, evolved to INTP though
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Who /infp/ here
lie about themselves and honest about others I reckon
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no heater and window is broken due to unrelated circumstances,I shan't survive the night x
No, the opposite of Sensing is Intuition, which is the Master Race tendency

>Intuition refers to how people process data. Intuitive people focus on the future and the possibilities. They process information through patterns and impressions. They read between the lines, they are abstract thinkers.

every worthwhile intellectual has been an N type
not really possible with passenger trains
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adults are writing their fetishes into kids shows
when im exercising I still wear shorts and a t-shirt if its 4 degrees out

got heat exhaustion after spending all day in 27-ish degree heat yesterday though
New thread when
Stop fucking responding to it you stupid twats.
she was so cute
Wu Lyf are the best one album band ever
Yep thats me
I tell people I have hobbies Ive never tried lmao
fuck sake
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alri lad
were you spousified?
Alri gayboy
let's be honest NTs were destined to rule over the masses
Being an intellectual isn't everything
Hmmmm so this is how Aussies feel about us complaining about the heat
you'll be fine mate
reminder that if you can't fit both hands around your cock then you'll NEVER satisfy a woman
Imagine doing one of those tests and having it say at the end "You are like 20% of the population" or something.
Not true
>window is broken due to unrelated circumstances

You wouldnt come on 4chan as one of those types though
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how would you know?
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check em
got a long cock but it's thin

feel insecure about it but the gf usually orgasms every time we have sex and occasionally cums twice in one shag so i don't fret
he touched her booby LOL
Yeah, I know. Someone must have done it and seen that though.

Being unique is one of the things that I couldn't live without really. I know it sounds snowflakey, but I can't really imagine just being the same as some of the people you meet where they have nothing of interest in their lives at all.

I believe that every man is judged on the strength of his anecdotes.
girls can't come exclusively from vaginal


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you're in the club and this bint slaps your gfs arse
what do
yup didn't even realise she was a narcissist until a few months ago. Thought all the subtle emotional abuse and projection was normal
File: American_wars.jpg (379KB, 1000x823px) Image search: [Google]
379KB, 1000x823px
Nope. That was you allying with the (((Bolsheviks))) and enabling the tribe, their global financial capitalism and liberalism.
daredivel the movie
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