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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 58

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white genocide edition
it means something different in the UK even though we haven't used that word for decades
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WTF Bros! How are we supposed to compete?
The Black Panther group was a terrorist organization by any modern definition of the word. They openly called for cop killings, as well as participated in vandalism, intimidation, and violence to try and achieve their goals.

Can you fuck off to lefypol already?
wish the internet had never been invented

or perhaps just that i was born about 25 years earlier than i was
By actually using your dick, instead of just jerking it.
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mummy wants me to get a job
the so-called yank definition of liberal is the correct one
>There's Black Panther members who've held positions in US congress. Of course they'd let former terrorists hold positions of power like that in the US, right?

Can't tell if your post is laced with irony or you really are this thick



>The Black Panther Party (BPP) is a black extremist organization founded in Oakland, California in 1966. It advocated the use of violence and guerilla tactics to overthrow the U.S. government. In 1969, the FBI’s Charlotte Field Office opened an investigative file on the BPP to track its militant activities, income, and expenses. This release consists of Charlotte's file on BPP activities from 1969 to 1976.

Seriously mate, just fuck off back to /co/ or tumblr or whatever left wing dump you crawled out from. Why do you virgin spastics think you're welcome here?
born in le wrong generation :(
Going to jerk it rn
sure you don't mean 50?
HATE Oasis.
HATE Blur.
LOVE Take That.
Simple as.
Ah yes, the US government LITERALLY has had Black Panther domestic terrorists infiltrate their ranks uncontested.

Fuck off mong. And your leftypol boogeyman.
not so much that, i think the internet presents a serious problem to my quality of life and probably yours too
no because then i'd be a baby boomer and fuck that
tell her you'd rather kill yourself
>Germany telling other nations what is correct
I think History played that episode before today.

>for that type of work it's not about the money really
what IS it about?
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Why is the British left-wing so problematic?
forest gump taught me black panthers were meanies :(
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>this one leftypol twat defending the black panther party
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she'd be sad
all panthers are black, panthers aren't their own species, they're simply tigers or other big cats that happen to be black
rorkes want bennies but rorkes need someone to attack
Please read up about what the BP organization actually was and did before spouting your retarded canuck brainlet arguments.
it's more of a passion

Woah, so you're telling me a country which employed massive slavery and that had segregation until the 60's has had white nationalists in positions of power?

There's no way this could be true!!!!

She already is sad and disappoint.

this /r/socialism blogpost taught me the black panthers are really the good guys
>ermmmm no sweetie i want DOOF DOOF music about eating each others anal refuse
>whats that? non-hedonism? erm bit racist sweetie

>DUP leader says she'll do anything to keep Corbyn out of power because he's an IRA cheerleader
are these chucklefucks serious
>Jeremy Corbyn lost out on being PM (in a coalition government) by 2,227 votes
Dodged a serious bullet there
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brilliant retort, really shows your level of critical thinking rasheed
they don't need to be black they're just big cats
You are very, VERY dim. Probably young, and should save your opinions until you have a clue what you're talking about
>smells a virgin about a block of way
>evolutionary honed hunters instincts take over
>stalk him from the darkened alleyways as he plods along the well lit game trail
>jump him as he stops to adjust his hoodie so it better hides his belly
>carve out his steaming innards as he screams airlessly, then take his pineal gland as a snack for later
Heh, rules of nature kiddo
is it gay to do weight training to specifically get a bigger bum
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*exposes my belly*
you should've action posted rather than greentexted there
otherwise above average post
There will be another GE in a year so he's gotr a good chance
i do this atleast 3 times a month
teches those pathetic losers to stop gawking at my potential mates
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You mean all big cats are panthers.

Like the Panthera Tigris.
>gets BTFO
>n-nice retort kiddo. H-heres some news article that discredits you, despite being completely irrelevant.

Bet you're sitting in your chair seething right now, having the "libtard" folder locked and loaded
Client sent me an email saying they need help but it's the long weekend so fuck it I'm just going to pretend I didn't see it
Would you look at that. I've seen barely ANY corbyn posting since the elction. The most hilarious thing about all of this is a hung parliement with an even further right party. All because lefties could not stop cimping out defending terrorists, totally ruined the labour party, their only hope at having any level of influence in decision making.

I bet you all wish you weren't so fucking stupid. Or, probably not, you probably don't have the capacity. Remember, though, if Corbyn wasn;t in charge, you might be looking at a hung parliement tory/labour split. Now what have you got? NOTHING
telling your client right now you said this
tell her that work is exploitation and that you never asked to be born
>potential males
mind if I check your non-virgin credentials sir?
is the holiday on monday or friday?

t. neet who hasn't concerned himself with such things for a few years now
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screeching at the sate of this leaf
>if Corbyn wasn;t in charge, you might be looking at a hung parliement
but it is a hung parliament
are you calling me gay mate?
>Potential mates
*starts sniffing the air and salivating uncontrollably*
The hunt....
With the DUP. A far cry from Labour
May on pooicide watch

you didn't BTFO anyone you're literally plugging your ears. our government has labelled them an extremist organization. you're the ultimate left wing brainlet.
>given the amount of trump/alt-right terror attacks of late.

what did he mean by this?
>further right party

Doubt it. May wouldn't dare upsetting the lezzer Tory (who kept may in power) in Scotland with anti-gay marriage DUP
Sorry to disturb your safe space. Your echo chamber was getting a little too confident for my liking.
lmaoing at the lefty/liberal upset
sorry sir meant to say mates
"potential" is one of the indicators I'm trained to pick up on, just doing my job
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How do we stop the positivist menace?
supports a literal terrorist organisation, but its ok because they don't like white people

I can't tell whether his posts are satire or not
You're massively delusional you mentally stunted twat.
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might skip this chicken shop
saw some runt virgin walking outside my house for the 12th time
on his way home from work, no doubt
gets dark around these times these days
tonight is the night
not sure
i wanted to reply but I'm banned on /r/europe
can only think of one where only one or two people died
even then it's a thin link
holy shit /pol/ BTFO based leaf
how fast is your heart beating buddy
Is there a a more squalid company than Uber
What a mess of a post. What is your point?
black panthers did nothing wrong
britain out of ireland
free palestine
refugees welcome
>When lefties try to turn words like safe space around then proceed to get amazingly asspained when they have to interact with people outside their own
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I want to fuck May sexually lads
imagine hating trump so much you make up stories about him on reddit with the monikor "tronald_dump"
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wtf just let me get laid
>conflating atheism with opposition to trannies when atheist spergs will be far more likely to support trannies than religious people

i think violating his safe space is considered a terror attack
May has less than 8 months
lads will our newspapers ever go back to not being absolute shit
Try learning to read rorke
>britain out of ireland
>free palestine
completely legit causes
brits are not white
imagine being the person who made up the story about him pissing on hookers in a russian hotel. how assmad can one person be?
I give her 3 t.bh
>extremist group is so violent, cynical, and dangerous that they allow high ranking members to pursue careers in politics

ah yes, bet the US is keen on having al-qaeda and ISIS join the republicans soon
but that was funny
>gym closed because of flooding

fucks sake how am I going to fill my Saturday now
>KKK members in US government
>Black panthers in US government
>violent idpol hate groups (by contemporary standards) are let in the US government

Huh, guess that freedom of speech thing really applies to everyone.
>anti-Muslim racial slurs

ah yes muslims are a race, almost forgot
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>tfw only 1 gf
if nobody responds to the leaf maybe he'll go away
May needs to keep Scottish Tory Party happy which just so happens to be lead by a lesbian.

Davidson has already posted anti DUP stuff on her twitter. She could denounce May at anytime and she would have lots of Remianers to back her.

That's my point
So? If she does go (she probably wont) she'll just be replaced by another tory leader. Labour got shit on. If corbyn and his retarded public support base didn't try to push that useless commie cretin into 10 downing street, labour might have had a hung parliement with the tories, and the left would have still had some sway. But you're all so off the wall mental with your ludicrous ideals, you forced labour out of any decision making, and in turn, made the tories split parliement with a far right party.
recovering from the heeming i am about to give you
would literally kill a man for a cute shark-girl gf
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>feel too guilty to enjoy movies or games as a neet
>just sit and refresh webpages until i feel sleepy
they are. uniquely fucked up genetics due to inbreeding
She would be quickly replaced, and probably will be before she starts making any real issues.
might do a stalk of the ol' ex gf, that ought to get her loving me again
guilty bout what
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REALLY need a yank gf
Love when you take someone's argument and throw it back at them, and then all they can do is try to discredit you by insulting you and drowning out any further debate with "hurr ur dumb lol u dont make sense hurr"

Fucking state of you all
europeans are infinitely more inbred than pakis
it's why racemixing will always produce a child that looks more like them than us
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When will the PTSD shell shocked snowflake commies understand that even IF May gets her leadership overturned, it will just be by another Tory leader. Nothing will change. Some fucking lezzer from Scotland is not about to dismantle parliement. She'll either get in line, or be replaced.
Interesting how every white on black crime is considered a white crime yet literal mobs of niggers rampaging through american cities attacking every white person they see isnt

Sounds like the US but with niggers and spics
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Am I the only one who thinks that people who tend to focus on identity tend to be violent cunts or just retarded faggots?

Honest to god, getting pretty sick and tired of people doing it in the name of their """culture"""" or """"race""""
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Yes and I don't think they will put another Hard Brexiteer at the helm. So that is why I doubt it'll be the "most right wing" government ever.

10 DUP in parliament is not enough to make us go Northern Ireland tier
get your white/red card (thats the card that lets you work in construction) and become a lollipop man
legit, its only a six hour test or something and then you can just stand there going 'slow/stop/slow/stop/slow/stop' and it's decent money too
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don't think so lad
about being a leech
not guilty enough to work mind you
tbf people should just be required to commit suicide when they get too old to work

i will

Always been a fan of accelerationsim desu.
Incest isn't even that bad desu. Like if you have 200 IQ and perfectly sculpted features having sex with anyone who isn't your sister is almost guaranteed to degrade your lineage.
Media hates average white Americans
low IQ runt you are
It's a million times more right wing than parliement would have been should you not have supported an unironic communist for the labour party :^)
mental that pakistanis are that inbred given there's 200 million of them
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they're more likely to marry cousins but we already have a very limited gene pool from our ancestors diddling their close relations
most european features like blonde hair and blue eyes come from recessive traits you can only consistently get from inbreeding
business idea: get extremely drunk, listen to mario lanza, and message the ex, thus making an absolute cunt of myself
>Interesting how every white on black crime is considered a white crime

Interesting and completely factual statement in it's entirety
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look at this down here mate
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one love
gook cunt
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Good thing this parliament isn't going to last more than a few months, and the Conservatives will be fatally damaged by the coalition then :^)
>London Bridge terrorists had a copy of the Koran opened at a page describing martyrdom.

Leftypol WILL defend this
if you punch me and it registers in my brain as painful, I will punch you back, and I can't be held accountable if it lands on your face

always said this to people when they tried this shit with me. this and the yellow car
There is nothing stopping someone from an organization like that from running for public office unless they've directly been charged with a felony or conspiracy to commit a felony. Your argument is based on a false premise because you don't understand how the world works.
I know what you're trying to do here mate and I am not convinced. The Tories are not a right wing party and 10 nutters from NI will not change that.

Corbyn did well and once and for all got knob-heads like Woodcock and Umunna off his back
Love the lads
Love right Libertarians
Love left anarchists
Love a pint
Love friendly bantz
Hate the state
Hate the rorkes
Hate idpol
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wahey lads.jpg
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*brings one of these home after a night out*

you sound like a right laugh to be around
Good thing you're still delusional so I can continue to laugh at your tears even after Labour lost the election. You useless anime posting nonce commie twat hahaha state of you
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why would we

>leftypol will defend this

How exactly? Man was a terrorist cunt who was spooked AF. Might have supported him if he had the green book instead.
The Koran isn't Muslim it's just a book, real muslims don't need to care about it
Real muslims are chill modern liberals
Fucking losing the rugby
If I had a missus I'd have put her through the wall by now
You can be as unconcvinced as you like, it does not alter the reality in which you are living. The one where Corbyn is a dangerous communist and has been shut out of parliement in favour of a far right party.
>wake up on saturday morning
>NOT crippled by a hangover

interesting times
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>rorkes hate anime
Back to the mines, you don't belong here
plans for the weekend?
avoid looking for a job
You believe the Tories are far right? So all the fascist accusations are correct then?

Give your head a wobble mate
I don't mind punching for banter, just don't expect not to be punched back.. for banter.
last night a dj saved my life
isn't that what you did all week?
wank, have a bacon sandwich, read a bit, wank again
>they're a dangerous, violent terrorist group
>but it's okay for them to hold powerful positions in the government they wanted to overthrow

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Burn a church
hang the blessed dj
want to stay alone in my room
No. I believe the DUP are far right. At no point did I say the tories are.
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*wakes up with it in my room*
*writes in the group chat*
lads... what on earth happened last night *crying laughing emoji*
>the KKK are violent
what does that make niggers then? ultra violent?
Half of the DUP are closeted benders tbf.
business idea: genocide every non-white country and populated them with white people

voila, world peace and prosperity forever
the first two yeah
instant opinion binner is an anime picture attached to the post. never met someone who enjoys anime that wasn't visibly, noticably mentally or even physically disabled in one way or another.
Work work work work work work work.
Did I tell you I'm gonna be working? Because I'm doing that.

Not even nice pubs or blonde qts in the Swedish shithole.
Was talking about the black panthers you idiot
Yes that's how our government works. We are the land of the free canuck. If they were democratically elected, they were democratically elected.
swedish shithole?
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they named a country after me
Graduating, lads! So happy
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How'd that go last time for you?
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what's for breakfast boys?
Suspicious van in Newcastle city centre, lads.

Could be 'owt, could be nowt.

You heard it here first.
defeated by other white people

imagine what we could accomplish if we worked together
Yeah no. The Black Panthers were not what you're trying to make them out to be. Terrorism is a whole other league from what they did.
business idea: everyone be nice and peaceful to each other
Yeah, my flag says something different, but I'm currently in south Sweden.
Some tiny city with mostly immigrants and old people.
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a leaf drifts in the wind, floating on both sides of the street, only needing to be burnt
incase it does indeed turn out to be a happening, include me in the screenshot
making alterations to a wikipedia article
had a 2000 word essay due six days ago and I still haven't started it aha
what am I like

>nazis literally declare war based on feels over reals

Nah, I'd rather not. You'd just kill more whites.
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why would glorious non white slavs want to side with krauts
malmö is lovely

>uhh w-well actually you're still wrong because!

yes, brilliant argument. you can leave now.
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>mfw I will never sack Alexandria and claim a beautiful Egyptian woman as my wife
wish i was charismatic enough to be a cult leader

ah but alas, i am an INTP (the tortured genius)
Was merging with DUP literally just a middle finger gesture to Labour and their rabid supporters? I highly approve, anyway.
Three officers are just walking circles around it, trying to get a clear look through the windows. Looks like an eastern European plate.

All plonkers.
me on the left
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>sons calling me a cuck again even through she got pregnant after we divorced
you just KNOW
and so on
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>isn't black
slavs are capable of becoming white if they adopt a white culture, you'll find that slavs raised in anglo countries are head and shoulders above their ancestral kin
How? If some sheed politcian in the US openly declared they were a member of ISIS despite not having any charges against them, do you really fucking believe they'd be able to run for office?

Fuck off
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moving house in 4 hours.
I'm not in Malmö, sadly.
About 30 minutes away, or an hour by public transport.
Is there a point when you run out of spunk and nothing comes out if you do it enough in a single day?
just heard a yank saying "macaroonz" for "macarons"
want to go jihad on their arse
stormnigger irl

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who did pepe and wojak vote for in the election lads?

they're cartoons lad
nah, you just start jizzing dust. Then blood. Then dust again. Then your cock falls off.
pepe = tories
wojak = ukip
just heard a yank saying "macaroonz" for "macron"
want to go jihad on their arse
rate my vid lads
Pepe = Lib Dem
Wojak = Labour
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Wojak probably voted Tories. Pepe wanted lulz so he voted labour to cuck Wojak into a hung parliament
also good is the byrds sweetheart of the rofeo and gram parsons solo
Isn't the former head of the KKK a senator or something? Lots of politicians come from extremist routes. As far as I can tell, your arguement boils down to "the black panthers technically werent terrorists". I mean sure, they might not have been described as such, but they wrre an extremist organisation that engaged in many practises that are engaged in by terrorists and are now called terrorism.

Does your need to class yourself as victorious in this arguement rest on something so subjective? And if so, maybe you should question how far you have come to, how much effort you have put in to convince yourself (and only yourself, no one else is convinced) you won an arguement on the internet. Then to continue to post about how proud of yourself you are.

Maybe it's time to start aking yourself some more personal questions.

t. a concerened well wisher
pepe tactical voter
wojack lib dem
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the female acquaintance

Danny Phantom
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well it's time for me to sleep lads
good morning

will not be reading that.
wait is the black panther marvel hero related to the black panther political group
according to wikipedia they both were created in 66
do we know who tim voted for?
lib dems imo

can't stand supplement marketing though
sudden urge to buy some Protein World: Pre Workout Blend
gram is my fave desu

have a look at the pictures x
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The face of hate.
shall not be doing as you suggested, for largely the same reasons I wasn't going to read
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Looks like something out of Alien covenant
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Jesus lads
and if a paki bus crashes into us...
Already addressed the KKK notion. Don't know why you would think politicians having ties to the KKK is surprising in America where there was segregation not too long ago.

As well, the entire premise of the argument was that the Black Panthers were some violent and racist black fascist group. Me proving otherwise is not a mere debate on word usage.

Ah yes, the ol' discredit them with personal insults. Excellent.
in that it's full of shit?
what's the prospect on the level of bants at then next pmq's?
Going out tonight but idk what we'll do, maybe go get sushi even though I did that a few nights ago
Kind of wish I lived in a proper big city
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Muhammad. It's a healthy baby boy.

Not really. Ones a superhero the other is a political group.

Because civil rights were on the rise, Marvel probably wanted to expand its user base, so they probably created black panther. They did the same with Luke Cage.
listening to she rn senpai

love to see another gram fan holding down these skreets
what are you doing in vietnam not in a big city?
Where do you live? You should move to HCM

literal song kino

and why are the dumb leaf and the dumb brit arguing about then
Me after eating too much chicken the other day
Had to use some ancient secret medicine of my people to cleanse it
have seen neither the first nor the second trainspotting films and have no intention of doing so in the near future
please stop responding to him. the FBI has literally labeled the BP an extremist organization. he's like a 19 year old in his first year of humanities studies or something. doubtful he's even read a single book on the BP.
maple syrup?
I never insulted you. The fact you suggested I did after I asked you to ask some personal questions might suggest some self hatred projection. Try to watch that.

>the Black Panthers were some violent and racist black fascist group

They were fronted as a black civil rights movement, but don't try to deny they didn't incite violence on a large scale. Many of them were very racist and fascist. There's plenty of instances which would show you as such. Are they ISIS terrorists? No. Could you liken them to someone like the KKK? Yes. Of course.
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I live in Binh Duong province outside saigon
It's comfy but a bit provincial
the first is good
haven't seen the second
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did a bit of shopping for breakfast
same couldn't give two fucks
what do you do for a living
You stopped replying to me because you retarded "MUH LAND OF THE FREE" argument held no weight. People with ties to actual terrorist groups like how you described the Black Panthers are not walking around publicly announcing their affiliations.

Howling at you.
Expresso and dried prunes

How does it feel being 12?
at a gay bar lids
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Some stupid shit. It's a dumb rorke and a leaf. Should spend less time arguing and more time burning churches
Hello POC :)
Whats with the brown filter?
who'd have ever thought they'd build such a deadly den for men?
Teaching like every westerner
Been on summer break or something for the last two weeks so I've been doing fuck all since there have been no classes

We're lids, we're lads you runt. Also don't forget to wear protection
willy is sore
No, I stopped responding to you because I can tell you're very young and constantly use half-baked circular logic that hinges on "well uhh no actually they weren't bad cuz some of them ran for public office afterwards!" when there's nothing in US law stopping them from. You are the definition of a brainlet.
how have been the locals treating you?

Now that's some quality chocolate ;^)
iraq war

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that jawline.jpg
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did it get in the way of your routine ballbusting?

We were right about it and deserve an anglo apology.
Likened to the KKK? Really? Please show me an instance where the Black Panthers hung white people for the public or actively terrorized whites who lived in predominantly black areas.

Maybe you should ask yourself why you're trying to psychologically assess me.

You should take this time to reflect on why you want to be correct so badly. What is it in your life that causes this? I'm worried for you anon. You're exhibiting odd behaviour.
Fucking hate Britain and Ireland
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shant be rooting any strangers tonight

Unnecessary. American government is fucking retarded
>another shooting in America

the absolute United States of them
The people are nice and the girls are very friendly
Other westerners I've met have mostly been way older than me and sort of weird
My language skills are very limited though
Fuck off
wish i lived in a comfy forest town in cascadia
not good like all wars
hate thailand
skeptical of vietnam
like cambodia
love laos
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>Likened to the KKK? Really? Please show me an instance where the Black Panthers hung white people for the public or actively terrorized whites who lived in predominantly black areas.

>Maybe you should ask yourself why you're trying to psychologically assess me.

>You should take this time to reflect on why you want to be correct so badly. What is it in your life that causes this? I'm worried for you anon. You're exhibiting odd behaviour.
Wished I lived in Seychelles.
Even Blair said it was a mistake
that's what you get for being america's lap dog
it's easy to take potshots at the man in charge, isn't it?
>when you lose an argument
Read a book and save yourself from this embarrassment next time
do you need a diploma to go to asia and teach english? what ages do you teach english to?
would like to do this but idk going from my home country to a complete different one on the other side of the world for a non defined time span would be weird to me

Pol pot is that you?
Why do you keep avoiding the very relevant parallel of the ISIS example i gave you?

Someone who publicly declares their membership of an actual terrorist group is not running for office.

You just keep saying the same shit over and over while saying i'm underage or a brainlet without actually addressing my arguments.
>america's lap dog
State of you
They're OUR lap dog, frog
Wish I sold shells by the sea shore

New Thread
tbf shitskins murder alot more whites than whites murder shitskins, so at the end of the day, niggers are still subhuman and should be gassed
anyway, lets have some music in here boiler
sure thing
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selling sea shells by the sea shore?
I know this feel.
I haven't engaged you till two posts ago, chap. I honestly don't care what you assume to be correct, you've already proven you'll view yourself as objectively correct and victorious regardless of what is said, i've observed this much.

>Maybe you should ask yourself why you're trying to psychologically assess me.

I'm not trying, you're making it almost impossible not to draw various psyco-analyses, that's why I decided to engage you, really out of interest more than anything.

Also, the KKK hasn't engaged in any lynchings for quite some time now, 1981 I think was the last recorded one, and they were sparse. However, they do call for violence against blacks, and preach hatred of the black man, much like the black panthers. They are similar, the only difference is the KKK is much older. If you don't think the black panthers would have advocated lynching white men if they thought they could get away with it, you're just delusional. In modern times, they are certainly very similar in practise
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